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Multiple Choice
True or False? *
8 points

1. Your online identity is usually a collection and combination of your partial identities from the
different sites you use. true
2. It is common for users of the internet and social media to use Impression Management when it
comes to the posts, pictures, tweets, and stories that they share online. true
3. Since social media is a platform that can be used to answer our need to belong, it makes good
sense to accept friend requests from anyone. false
4. Your online identity is built from information you share online; this includes the “friends” and
“followers” you have on the social media platforms you use. true
Choose the concept that BEST describes each scenario. *
8 points

Co-construction of the self
Distributed Memory
5. Ross was very much affected by Rachel’s comment on his profile picture which talks about
how much he has gained weight. As a result, Ross signed up for a gym membership. Ross’s
situation is a reflection of ______ . co-contruction of the self
6. Joey is so happy because he already has 200,000 subscribers in his Youtube channel. This
makes Joey believe that he is a very likable kind of guy. co-contruction of the self
7. Phoebe wanted to change her hairstyle but was unsure with what style to try. To find out, she
uploaded her picture and edited her hair in the picture to see what hairstyle would look good on
her. Re-embodiment
8. Gunther is relieved that he can now do online payment for his purchases for his coffee shop
business, and doesn’t have to personally go to the bank to pay over-the-counter.
9. According to research by Kraut, within the first 2 years after people accessed the
internet, their levels of happiness decreased. What was the cause of this decrease? *
2 points

A. The internet made people feel dumb.

B. Using the internet was too complicated to learn.
C. Limited physical face-to-face interactions led to less meaningful social interactions.
D. Individuals became aware of bad things happening around the world, and this created a sense of despair.

10. Who among the following people DOES NOT show responsible internet use? *
2 points

A. When his antivirus warns him about a particular site, Barney does not proceed to that site anymore.
B. After Robin and Ted broke up, Robin immediately changed her passwords that she gave to Ted.
C. Lily accepts the friend requests of people whose names she recognizes.
D. Marshall uploaded a story containing his itinerary for the day.

11. According to Viktor Frankl, the experience of meaninglessness, aimlessness, and

purposelessness is called *
2 points

A. no self
B. black hole
C. emptiness
D. existential vacuum

Choose the best answer. *

8 points

A. Attitudinal Values
B. Creative Values
C. Experiential Values
D. Ego
E. Personal Unconscious
F. Collective Unconscious
G. Individuation
H. Religion
I. Spirituality
12. Dr. H has dedicated her life to finding the cure for cancer. According to Frankl, Dr. H’s way of
finding meaning is one of _________________Creative values
13. The process of restoring wholeness to the psyche in adult development; this is our ultimate
goal according to Carl Jung. Individuation
14. Perry never lets her friends get bullied. She always tries her best protect them and to be kind
to others. What is Perry’s way of finding meaning? Attitudinal Values
15. “Being happy is the best cure for all diseases.” – Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams’. What is Patch
Adams advocating as a way of finding meaning? Spirituality
Which archetype best fits the descriptions below? *
10 points

A. shadow
B. wise old man
C. anima
D. animus
E. hero
F. bad mother
G. persona
H. self
16. Represents qualities that we do not wish to acknowledge Shadow
17. One’s public image Persona
18. Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, Obi wan Kenobi in Star Wars, and Mr. Miyagi in Karate Kid
Wise old man
19. Katniss Everdeen, Harry Potter, Offred, Simba, Neo. Hero
20. Dustin loves singing the song “Never Ending Story” in the shower. He is easily scared and
can be emotional at times. Anima
21. Who would most likely display a good work ethic? *
2 points

A. A student who has a high need for achievement

B. A student who has reached self-actualization
C. One who scores high in a psychosocial – collectivism test
D. One who has an integrated sense of self

22. “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Thus says Socrates. Such self-
examination is: *
2 points

A. spiritual only
B. an integration of all the material, physical, social and personal aspects of meaning in life
C. concerned with one’s connection with the Divine or greater being
D. applicable to the soul not the body.

23. Having connections with something bigger than what you are simply doing right
now is a good barrier against stress, depression, and anxiety. *
2 points

A. Positive emotions
B. Engagement and Flow
C. Relationships
D. Meaning
E. Accomplishments
24. Finding what fits you like sports, reading a book, or doing your GSelf journal leads
you to this state: *
2 points

A. Positive emotions
B. Engagement and Flow
C. Relationships
D. Meaning
E. Accomplishments

25. When Berlin was able to put a video presentation for his final requirement, which
requires concentration and careful figuring out, smiles of contentment and enjoyment
spread over his beaming face. *
2 points

A. Positive emotions
B. Engagement and Flow
C. Relationships
D. Meaning
E. Accomplishments

26. One’s body is the site for the articulation of one’s identifications of all of the
following except: *
2 points

A. Sex
B. Religion
C. Intelligence
D. Ethnicity

Choose what is being illustrated. *

6 points

A. Body image
B. Self-esteem
C. Culture
D. Media
27. 9-year old Mae wanted to color her hair brown and wear a dress because she wanted to look
like the beautiful princess she saw on television. Media
28. Gerald is hesitating to attend the senior’s ball because of the wound on his face due to an
accident 2 days ago. He thinks that his date might think that he is ugly, and might laugh at him.
29. Terry wanted to lose weight and decided to try the “Magic Slimming Juice” he saw. The
product claims that it can help burn fat faster than exercising, so he decided to give it a try. Body
30. Rina has long, wavy hair and fair skin. She is tall, slim, and wears fashionable
clothes all the time. Whenever she goes to the mall, restaurant, bank, or even when
she parks her car, men seem to rush to open doors for her or help her find a parking
spot. What does Rina possess? *
2 points

A. Physical beauty
B. Self-esteem
C. Aesthetic capital
D. Body shaming

31. Statement I: The fact that we spend so much on whitening products, dieting, nice
clothes, and salons indicates that our experience and expression of the physical self is
not only biological but also cultural. Statement II: Distinctive facial features are
considered more attractive compared to the “average” face. *
2 points

A. Both statements are true

B. Neither statement is true
C. Only statement I is true
D. Only statement II is true

32. Both personal and social, it refers to a person’s perception of the level of
attractiveness of his/her body *
2 points

A. Self-concept
B. Body image
C. Self-esteem
D. Beauty

33. The following are TRUE about beauty and self-esteem ECXEPT for: *
2 points

A. A negative body image is usually related to lower self-esteem

B. Boys tend to have an increased self-esteem when they experience puberty earlier than their peers.
C. The lesser one is exposed to beauty standards through the media, the more they are likely to conform to
beauty standards.
D. Negative body image is a strong predictor of eating disorders.

Identify which aspect of gender is described given the following case. Kate has an
hourglass figure with very defined hips. Despite her female physical qualities, Kate
has very much identified more with men and often describes herself as strong-willed,
logical, and athletic. Kate likes dressing up in form-fitting and colorful clothes and
walks in a feminine fashion. Kate finds Lyka very attractive and charming and enjoys
her company. They have been dating for 5 months now. *
6 points

A. Gender expression
B. Biological Sex
C. Sexual Orientation
D. Gender identity
34. Kate has an hourglass figure with very defined hips. Biological Sex
35. Despite her female physical qualities, Kate has very much identified more with men. Gender
36. Kate likes dressing up in form-fitting and colorful clothes and walks in a feminine fashion.
Gender Expression
Read and analyze the case below and identify what aspect of a relationship is being
described. *
4 points

A. Lust
B. Attraction
C. Attachment
37. Dào Míng Sì and Shān Cài enjoy the company of each other. They exchange sweet
messages and enjoy cuddling under the stars. Attraction
38. They can’t imagine themselves happier over the long-term with anyone else. Attachment

Choose the correct option. *

4 points

Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is incorrect

Statement 1is incorrect, but statement 2 is correct
Both statements are CORRECT
Both statements are INCORRECT
39. Statement 1: The human sexual response is both a biological and psychological experience.
Statement 2: When a woman has unprotected sex during her period, she has no reason to worry
about pregnancy. Statement 1 is correct, but statement 2 is incorrect
40. Statement 1: Biological factors such as the presence of androgens, estrogen, and
progesterone prime people for sex. Statement 2: Gina’s feelings of attachment toward her sexual
partner will lead to the secretion of estrogen. Both statements are INCORRECT

41. Considering all scientific studies by far, which of the following is most true about
the sexual self and identity? *
2 points

A. Sexuality remains an enigma

B. Sexuality is just a state of the mind; not biological nor physical
C. Sexuality is a rainbow of diversity in expression, orientation, physical identity and biology
D. Sexuality remains binary due to lack of evidences that can explain the cause of homosexuality

Choose the concept that closely applies. *

10 points

A. Social value
B. Class essentialism
C. Self-sufficiency
D. Business value
E. Self-interest maximization
F. Process addiction
42. Wealth may not buy happiness, but it surely can get rid of a lot of sources of unhappiness.
Social Value
43. Rich people often do not have to deal with the sorts of annoyances that plague and stress the
rest of us — they simply hire minions to do it. Self-interest maximazation
44. Buying a lot of items then eventually forgetting them because the need is not necessarily the
item but the good feeling of acquiring something. This is an example of: Process addiction
45. “Why would I want 10 Ferraris, 20 watches or 2 planes? I survived hard times, played football
barefooted, did not have an education. Today I can help people build schools, stadiums, and buy
clothes and food. I prefer my people to receive some of what life has given to me.” – Sadio Mane,
Senegalese striker, football player for Liverpool, talking about what he will do with his “hefty
income” from football. Social Value
46. “I don’t want to wait in line and waste my time. I might as well pay the clerk so I can be
accommodated ASAP. Anyway, he looks like he doesn’t earn much.” Class essentialism
47. Analyze the following statements and choose from among the choices below: I.
Losing an item with sentimental value is similar to grieving. II. Cathexis is when you
spend a lot of money on the cathected body part. *
2 points

A. Statement I is correct and statement II is incorrect

B.Statement II is correct and statement I is incorrect
C. Both statements are correct.
D. None of the statements are correct.

48. Which is true about the material self? *

2 points

A. Collections are heavily influenced by media and culture

B. Material Possessions says very little about our personality
C. Once lost/broken, a person can let go of a material object so easily
D. Material possessions represents the “me” and the “not me” at the same time
48. A week after Mandy lost her grandmother’s ring, she went to Church and kept
praying that the ring will be returned or found. She would rather lose her phone in
exchange of the ring which was very important to her. What stage in the grieving
process is Mandy most likely experiencing? *
2 points

A. Denial
B. Bargain
C. Depression
D. Anger

50. Who among the following exercises his fundamental right of citizenship? *
2 points

A. Melo, who donates to the needy members of his community

B. Vico, who ran for office in order to hold a powerful and strategic position for decision-making in his
C. Maressa who actively involves herself in the societal issues and governance
D. none of the three because the fundamental right is the right to vote only.
E. all of the three are exercing their fundamental right of citizenship

51. Analyze the following statements: I. The Political Self goes beyond what is
personal. To be truly operative it should encompass one’s communal orientation. II.
One’s Political Self is personal because it reflects one’s values, and choices. *
2 points

A. Only statement I is correct

B. Only statement II is correct
C. Both statements are correct
D. Neither of these statements is correct

52. “I am apolitical! Why should I concern myself with a useless endeavor in a country
such as ours. Corruption is rampant, my electoral vote will become useless also
because of fraudulent election system.” says Rani, a college student. In light of what
you heard from Rani, which of the following statements would be most helpful for you
in fully understanding your self. *
2 points

A. As part of this social system, in one way or the other, my social needs will draw out from me some kind
of political involvement
B. Power is not only for the politicians, it is shared by all citizens in a democracy
C. I hold a certain degree of power in this nation regardless of all its social ills and nature of governance
D. I owe to myself and the future generation to get involved, no matter if sometimes my inputs seem futile.
E. All of these statements are true of the self
F. These statements, no matter if true, still does not have an effect on my integrated sense of self
53. As an essential part of the self, political self organizes self-relevant information
about politics. Which of the following would be most helpful? *
2 points

A. be knowledgeable about the Constitution

B. make government and governance part of your education and lifelong awareness
C. be a responsible and active member of the socialization units and local government units where you
D. all of the above are helpful
E. only C is most helpful

54. Considering all the socio-political issues bothering us today, what is most in
influential in our awareness, values and strong viewpoints surrounding those issues? *
2 points

A. family
B. church
C. media
D. peer groups

55. One of the integral aspects of political identity is citizenship, hence, one’s beliefs
and values on governance. In order for governance to work which of the following
would be MOST helpful? *
2 points

A. there should be no governance, just allow people to do as their conscience dictates

B. be discerning in electing officials
C. mutual trust and respect should exist among the agencies and people of a nation
D. the family should start the political awareness education of their children early

56. In an integrated understanding the political self topics in class, Roby realized that
_____ is needed in the development of his political self. *
2 points

A. authority
B. power
C. privelege
D. culture and beliefs

57. A stronger sense of community is far better than concerning oneself with the
national political landscape.” *
2 points

A. Such statement undermines one’s political self

B. This is only true for the youth of today
C. National issues are beyond the capacity of individual citizens to change
D. National political landscapes can still influence communities, henceforth, the self
This might just be your luckiest day ever. You have been reviewing for your lessons
on a nightly schedule this short term. At last you have done exceedingly well in time
management. As you answer items in your exams, you realize that your efforts are
paying off. The test questions seems to be talking to you straight from the memory
regions of your brain. Oh but wait, there seems to be a concept you have missed. Was
it in the lecture? In your notes? You take a deep breath and analyze the choices
again. You do the process of elimination and arrive at a confident guess, such test
taking technique you have learned from your guidance counsellor in one of her
homeroom visits in elementary school. You move on to other items and realize that
your luck is thinning out. Items are getting more difficult. You look around and your
classmates seem to be making it good and you tell yourself “Kaya ko rin ito.” (I can do
it also). You finish your exam a few minutes before the time. You take another deep
breath, stretch a bit and thank God for making you realize that monitoring your time,
pleasure-gain instances, and self-control has paid off. *
6 points

A. Engagement
B. Flow
C. accomplishment (through vicarious experience)
D. Grit: practice
E. Grit: Hope
F. Grit; Interest and Passion
G. Positive emotion
58. You take a deep breath and analyze the choices again Engagement
59. You look around and your classmates seem to be making it good and you tell yourself “Kaya
ko rin ito.” (I can do it also) Grit: Hope
60. You take another deep breath, stretch a bit and thank God for making you realize that
monitoring your time, pleasure-gain instances, and self-control has paid off. Accomplishment
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