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SCENE 1: (Maria and Roberto meet for the first time in a coffee shop)

Roberto: (He is drinking te in the coffee shop)

María: Good morning, em…Can I sit here?
Roberto: Oh yes, don´t worry, please take a seat.
María: Sorry if I interrupt, the place is full.
Roberto: yeah, It has something special.
María: Someone told me about it and I wanted meet it. Now I understand why is so popular.
Roberto: ¿Sorry for my recklessness, but... what it´s your name?
María: My name is Maria, It´s a pleasure meet you
Roberto: The pleasure is mine, It seems that there are still nice people
María: (She laugh blushing)
(The waiter brings the cookies)
Roberto: Do you mind if we share?
María: I don´t mind sharing a bit, also I can taste them(She take a cookie). Wow, they really are
Roberto: (Roberto's smartphone rings) Really! I can´t believe it, I´m already on my way . María, I
beg your perdón, but I have to go, It was a pleasure.
María: ¡Alright, but…wait! ¿Shall we go out one day? Only If you want, of course.
Roberto: Yes, why not? You´re friendly, How about we meet at thursday at 2 o´clock on the
Westview dance center?
María: I don´t have any problem, so I´ll be there.
Roberto: Bye! Enjoy the snack.

SCENE 2: (Maria looks forward the arrive of Roberto)

María: Until you finally arrive.
Roberto: Sorry, I was late, wasn´t I?
( Some music Plays)
María: It doesn't matter. Can you give me this dance?
Roberto: OH, lady gaga? I Love it! It's time to dance!
*They have a good time *
María: Oh, what a dance, I feel exhausted and that wasn't too much, I'll go get a bottle of water.
Roberto: I feel the same, I'll be waiting here.
(Roberto´s smarthpone rings)
Roberto: Hello, Paul?
Paul: How are you my dear friend Roberto, so long without talking to you, what about your life?
Roberto: I´m with a person which I met a few days ago, her name is Maria and we were dancing.
Paul: Until you finally go out with someone, I thought that you had different preferences.
Roberto: Like you seem to be an expert in the topic, Why you don´t give me some of your "greats"
Paul: First of all, you should be sure of how you feel about her. Then if you are falling for Maria,
let her know what you feel and think of her and you can also invite her to dinner so that you can
express your feelings.
Roberto: It´s Okay, I have to end the call, she already come.
Paul: ¡¡¡Keep that it mind Roberto!!!
Roberto: Bye… (says goodbye with displeasure)
María: Sorry If I delayed, I remembered that I have to do some things and I don´t finished them
yet, thank you for invite me it´s was pretty cool and we can talk other day, you already have my
Roberto: I undestand you, I´ll call you.
(They say goodbye in the distance)

SCENE 3: (María is thinking about her feelings about Roberto)

María: I really have fun and I feel good when I'm with Roberto, he's someone nice, wait, what am I
saying? I can't fall in love with him, we hardly know each other, it would be strange to say this to
(Roberto Calls to Maria)
Roberto: Hi María! I wanted to invite you to virtually see something that we like and if you have
time we can talk a little.
María: Um ... Sure, send me the link to join your video call. ¡Oh, here it is!
(They join to the video call)
María: How are you Roberto?

Roberto: I´m fine and some nervous…

María: Why are you nervous, what do you have?
Roberto: It's that since the day we were dancing I wanted to tell you something ...
María: About what?
Roberto: Eh ... mmm... I can't find the words, I'd better tell you: Maria, I like you a lot and ... I
would like you to be my girlfriend, ¿do you agree?
María: Yo…sabes, está bien, nos daremos una oportunidad.
Roberto: Oh God, you don't know how scared I was.
( Maria laugh a little nervous)
María: So ... Do you want to see some serie?
Harry: It wouldn´t be bad.

SCENE 4: (Maria´s Mom call her)

María: Mom! Oh, you can´t imagine how much I miss you.
Maria´s Mom: I miss you too, but life here is much better, don't worry about me, I'm working and
things are moving at their own pace, I wish I could be with you, you don't know how it hurts to
have left you alone there, but hey, let's leave the sad things and tell me what's new with your life,
have you been go out someone?
María: Yes! Yestarday Roberto asked me if I would like to be his girlfriend and I said YES, he is a
good boy mom.
Maria´s Mom: Oh, his name is Roberto…How lovely Darling, but there is only one thing that
worries me…
María: What thing?...
Maria´s Mom: I don´t think you are very clear about what could happen in a relationship, it is
something that we should have talked about a long time ago, but now is the best time, we still on
time for you aren´t going to make mistakes in your life.
María: Are you talking about having sex?

Maria´s Mom: Yes, darling, or do you don´t have questions about it?
María: Honestly…yes, I'm feeling insecure, oh mom, I really need help.
Maria´s Mom: I wouldn´t know how to explain everything to you with many details and how those
things work, that is why I waited this day for us to talk about this with a Doctor that I know, let me
write to him and schedule an appointment with him, so that you and your boyfriend are together to
listen, and don't worry about where it is, it will be through a video call, it will be easier for both of
Maria: Thanks mom, and of course I accept. I'll tell Roberto, I don't think he will oppose.
Maria´s Mom: The doctor already answered me, this will be on Sunday at 8:00 am. I hope it helps
María: He Will, bye mommy, I love you.
Maria´s Mom: Me too.
Roberto: Hello Paul, it seems that your advice did work, I just wanted to thank you.
Paul: It always works, now you have to convince her to sleep with you is a very pleasant
experience, seduce her to do what you want, take control of the relationship and show who is in
charge, make your life a very good experience.
Roberto: Isn't that something a bit aggressive?
Paul: Of course not, didn't you say that my advice did work?
Roberto: Not everything you say should always be good, you are rude and it seems that you have
no respect for others, I would never do that to Maria, she and I have our limits, and you… you are a
fool! (Hang up the call)
Paul: ( Paul puzzled thinks the situation ) (out loud he thinks) silly? And I thought I was helping
my Friends

SCENE 5: (Virtual meeting)

Doctor Sepúlveda: Good morning guys, my name is Oskar Sepúlveda and I´m a specialist in sex
education, how can I help you?
María: We are here because we want to clarify doubts to prevent unwanted pregnancies and protect
ourselves from sexual diseases.
Doctor Sepúlveda: First of all, the consent of both people is very important. When a couple wants
to avoid pregnancy, they use a condom, they can also use the morning after pill, but it is not very
effective because it is only an emergency pill and also does not protect against sexually transmitted
diseases. Then the most recommended is the Condom that prevents pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases. Its effectiveness as a contraceptive method is 85 to 95%. If used correctly the
chance of failure decreases. Finally, remember to ignore the myths and always go to a professional.
Roberto: Thank you very much Doctor Sepúlveda, we really needed professional help, didn't we?
María: yes, It is.
Doctor Sepúlveda: Do you know of someone else who also needs professional information?
Roberto: Yes, I know a friend who would be it useful.
María: My mother wants more information too.
Doctor Sepúlveda: We can make a meeting debunking myths and clarifying doubts, if you like.

SCENE 6: (Virtual meeting)

Doctor Sepúlveda: It is a pleasure to have you all here. Let's start with the myths that each of us
have to tell me.
María: Is it true that I don't get pregnant the first time I have sex?
Doctor Sepúlveda: This is false, you can get pregnant anytime you have sex.
Paul: Hello Doctor, a woman cannot get pregnant if she has sex in the shower or bath.
Doctor Sepúlveda: False, water is not a protection.
Mamá: You can't get pregnant if you have sex when the woman is on her period.
Doctor Sepúlveda: False, women can sometimes get pregnant when they have their period.
Mamá: You can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up.
Doctor Sepúlveda: False, if you have sex in any position, you can get pregnant.
Roberto: Is it true that I can use a condom many times?
Doctor Sepúlveda: Totally false, you can only use the condom once, or it will break.
Doctor Sepúlveda: Are there more questions about sex? Were all your doubts clear?
(Each one says something affirmative)
Doctor Sepúlveda: Not all things should seem strange, this topic is natural to the human being,
however, we must keep in mind that it is very important to always be forewarned.
Everyone: THANK YOU. BYE.

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