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A: My friends and I are getting together for lunch. Do you want to come
with us?

B: I’m sorry but I don’t like eating out.

A: So you like to eat at home, right?

B: Yeah, I like to eat at home.

A: Oh, why?

B: I think it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home. You can cook your favorite
dishes with fresh ingredients.

A: But when you eat out, you can experience many delicious and strange dishes
that are prepared by restaurant chefs. Everone has different favorite dishes and
restaurants may satisfy all tastes of their customers.

B: At home, you can learn how to cook foods that you and your family love,
and you can even cook dishes from around the world. All recipes are available
online. Eating at home is both nutritious and cheap.

A: It’s not much cheaper.

B: Why not? When we eat at home, we do the preparation, cooking, and

serving of the food ourselves and therefore, do not need to pay the labor costs
of cook, waiter, and other restaurant staff. Meal at restaurants cost 2 or 4 times
more than meals prepared at home.

A: Hmm… But I find eating at home troublesome. You will waste a lot of time
cooking them. I think eating out will be more convenient, I needn’t prepare and
wash up afterward.

B: I think I spend that time with my family and my loved ones are really worth
it. Family mealtimes are the perfect opportunity for the family to connect. After
eating, everyone will help each other clean up.

A: Aaha, sounds great.

B: Food stand or fast food is very harmful to your health. Some ready-to-eat
foods have more oil, salt, and sugar than home-cooked food. When you eat out,
you will eat more than usual because you tend to order more. That will lead to

A: I think I should manage my time to prepare meals.

B: You should.

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