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,(cn.U-J n x r~ ru o o1 11,i'eor1on..

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D I, rp...(CJQl-,QQ._ con.a,'st-
,. ~
pv ·
, , '
· , I t)
1\-au,.,_a •
~._.~ Xl.
1, 1~-~ie~,,,
a. a nd I
_, P L-_'T . _ < IJ_jo:ted- t.1-d-0 \ . 'fl\# _ . -·
v Q uiow O()..l-( ,.,· I ~ e.J I+, OH· ClJ..U " EU ol HJ cp. Hr, Q.J.t. JNG -- ~...O.E_OE§AS&.<,C l_._ .9.f.Q.l __ l id'> • ~• ~ • , i
fl..Le.(I..UJ tl. Q(l (!, L Pt R NY)( I
.._;- I . c. .S u. Oit f-ho'-! '
-t h IJ µ_o , al• l
cJ ~~Ole,.. .
o_, l
R!UH., n oi'ci..
aa..t.H l°"B e
,1 Human Respiratory system \
ave a pair o extemaJ nostr1Js ope
a (\
~c.7< 1 0 e ~bone.J
':' ( .\
aa..u-i I a:..q e C a..LH I Q.~ (j l5 Q:l'n r-()LU l
Ca.ti-ii GJ.qe.
( .f. a g.,i q e.Jt- ca.>,.t-ira_qeJ .d s to a nasal chamber through th ,'::-.:7--+...,......:~ w
( i; rq " e1:- ~· " <; ( PY !l-loru.i&. (f- 10.fHc ber opens Into th h e § al passage.) The nasal Na ~ l O
CKl/ o...u ·n e Q.O.J.U-i rO!J ~J h\Ji e · lhape a ~ dood and S a, ortlo; , of which ls the common ffl p• ,-u,j 1-4-W- ,,
trachea/@nx] J!;;,: :;=~ e~arynx region
CQ..Lt-i1~) Q.(U.H l ~ p ,
Cc - s h ap e) aru.H1a.~ e IS A Iv c ct.u c.v
!(!_!]Ce called thr llhms\ .o L--· - _ J~~__l_riJsound not" fl f V '1 () .I.Cl C. •
• -l. a ~ " ~- A n t-e. ~ i o p -+ ta.u Q v oca..t. e.oµ d.
, - zT"? uam a.uea teotgiotus/ I -pr,. VoClU, ~ff-~
Po.n -eu.roµ p~~-+ 1- o..t.Ue voeo.1 C2'09J..O.· ent the entry of food Into !he 1~rvnv Trach
· · • - , ·"':· e/1 1s a straight tube
8 u o { o,tltaf n,-1~
-' vai: ,

.• ~'11n <1 ,m In th .. mid-thoracic -~ h
,. w lch dlv!des at the level of
Jnto a right_ann 1~" - • Gu.o"c' , ,ci,r,
o :Jn
+-IL{oer,~a. au.ouncJ..
C - ihape µ1n1~
CIIAPl'ER 17 !visions to
c11Joles endJng. up
li'J.IPOC° Clll t i l ~
P u ; f\l. QJ..LJd- a fl d-
aut thet..U .
BREATHING AND ExcHANGE oF GASES , prl~ary, seconp
,Jes .are supported l, e. c.o n d b9-t1on ·
b r ~e gives rise to a numbec of very thin. lrregular-wajled
- Q.hfU ~
arl.sed. bag-like structures called alveoli.
(§e branching duppoµted. b(J., brOI\
1 7.1 Resp{ralory As you have read earlier. oxygen (02) ls utlllsed by the organisms .to ronchlol~s ~ d alve.oll g>mg rise the lungs (Figure !I n co /\.I p l ere. c.a>-1. tt ta.
Organs Indirectly break down slnlple molecules like glucose, amino acids, fatty ngs which are covered by a double 12YCF.W Plrna µ.i'n_g' p
acids, etc.. to derive energy to perform various activities. Carbon dioxide ·e~n t!1,em. It ~educes ~ on the Jung-surfa!!e, T
17.2 Mechnnlsmoj embrane Is In close corftact with the thoracic .,
(CO2 ) which Is harmful Is also released during the above catabolic L
reactions. It Is, therefore, evident that 0 2 has to be continuously provided ' bJ..<.01\c.htOleJ d.o (lOthav e'c7hap'l ,-ti/'\.~ , h O.Y-'ll\X
1 7.3 &a:hange of to the cells and CO2 produced by the cells have to be released out. This
·:J.° + ·;i° +.'!,° i°rH-iaJ bl-l.O
Gases process of exchange of 0 2 from the atmosphere with CO2 produced by the taY-14 nx
J7.4 Transport. of
cells Is called breathing, commonly lrnown as respiration.
Place your j,
hands on your chest; you can feel the chest moving up and down. You
lrnow that It Is due to breathing. How do we breathe? The respiratory
'Cit • ---.._, ....._ Trachea
tyQ/"O~~ -
,.:. .
J7.5 RL,gulatton of organs and the mechanism of breathing are described In the following t,-,0p10.uua..t p.uu,uQ.Lt.
ResplraJ1on sections of this chapter. 1UJ ,t,c111 TntJJD - '.'1
Bronchus u,rvona.u,_, pU.: l.J. ml l
J7.6 Dtsor'rlers of
q.e,LC1lltJOI tOOfAII\.
~ptratory 17. 1 ffEsPIRAT0RY ORGANS
Mech\ID15my of ~ y-ugg__..Ys~,;.!J~ g!tfu!]mt:=gicau~...of~rllm~s membranes
Cut end of rib I(
dep ending i:na1nly on
Invertebrates ~e ~po_ , . . . _ e 02
with · !1 over tpelr entire body surfac(t! Earthworms
u se the r_..:.------- ' . ~tw~rk '9f,fubes
an. ua i-ic tubes) to ':.1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1/body. Special vascularlsed
A 11 '"'1 s c called _,a.ii,iiiiiiiiiio,i,iii••illMI are used by most of the
E' q :- p J.I.. o..w f\ uatJc · ularlsed~ call !5 tan 1<-
terrestrial forms7'iir the
- -- • Dlagramm c view of human respiratory system [sectional view of
, [fishes use glllsjvhereas amphlb Figure 17.1
the left lu Is also shown)
birds a n d ~ respire thro~ 1 ~. Amphlblans like
t;hrou~ thefpio1st skm'',1 nslrnUefil
t-1or w 11cro- Ri:\Mr,f'tlar-n"""-~
i \ I
l;ir~:o.t~SH.u l--+ ve.,~lot.t1 e - t , /JoJaJ. cMMbe>-l 9nt'e.Q.tro.J n
-· doe-' Abcton. u
it.«~ pe..,U-qr,Qf\'t- ~O'\A.O.f)
' '""" u ~ - - ·"· ,L.4 Di V f:C.T•
~bdot\. ttna.1 bµ_ta.H,in~ r, '
y;;;J ~ 4-tOl:tit +- l pkQW;( l\j, I\Jo..&opko!tt.Jnx c,.i~d~~~ 1:~~~'c,c, wa1K.:fWH8'o/ bWO.df-h,'nq. f 271
Z! Iii 270_ • - - ' ,, · b 21LJ • (.L) e hov Q a. a.b i) f-Y ~o t e.t ~M
B ().I.On ctu ru t - . Q-LUp i curu-o -t-Q.LQ..A. ---" vi ' c esi..oJ pt€.u'r~ UJJI causing an Increase In thevolum f \ ,H w n I+> o; ex p' u.a.f ,o n b cJ,
,,,- 5terfl -- eo
~ - ~ - - - , --'-------:--- -, c r In the - l Air entertng lungs
lining whereas the!lnner pleural membranq Is In coqtact w!th the = (bC- O all iq In th · OO fl t- U O.C
Z 1'nQ r' te,,/ /1 a..l C.lla.H Q..L
surface. [he eart starting with the external no~trils up to' the term1na1 111e over. ere~ e thoraclc...YQ!~e 1
,u..UJ c.tl1-- a. n ot
rL Afl.V/..lll ~ pies consti~te the.conducting p&} whereas the alveoli and their c;iiises aJ'siniiiarl Increase In pulmonary 'D ,· o p hr o. qf\t ,
I ducts form the respiratory or exchange,part of the respiratory system. ~ e. An Increase In pulmonary volume
J; t. . Toe conducting part tran rt.s ~e atmospliertc air to the alveoli, cl~ d~es the ln_!ra-pulmqnary press~~
An +eu,iou po!;t-e.11...1.10 µ_ It from fore! · articles um1'@les and .also brtngs the air to.llTuiy t11antheatmosphertcpressurewhlchforces
( Fa..u. e . c_ t-e.u.LJ.. vooi t !eJnperature Exchan e art ts the site of f o, ~ 02 t]le air from outside to move Into the lungs,
vocaJ l!D 9-,ul.) between bloo an atmosphertc air. t t , J.e., 1nsplra (Figure l 7.2a)[Relaxatlon of 'f. f , }, , L-1
c..o~) _The lungs.are situated In the thoracic charnber which..Is anatomtijjjl)t tbe dla hra and the tnter-costal m~c!e<' ~b cage "(..
fl an air-tight charnbep The thoracic charp,ber Is formed dorsally by th,1 returns the dJaphragm and stem
g n pl@ U IJ.. Ol l\illlf-l::i ~ bra! cplumn, ven~y-by the sternumUaterally_by the libs.and on
;c;;:;;a1 posttlons and reduce the(thorac~
9-lCil i;'IUid... ,:s
the Jq_~rstde by.the dome- taphra Tl:J,e anatomical setup of ;iume and there~ volum .
. ,l lun s In ~orax Is sue that an ch In the vqlume of the thoracl~ l~s to an Increase In Intra- ulmon -
p u.U ent 0./;- [i5 N.!:J.
cavl will be reflected In tl)e lung ulmonaryl caYlt.¥• Such an t b th p ary
• • rr ent l ~sentlalforbreath,lng,'inotdlrectlyalterthe pressurt; o ~ a ove e atmosphertc · ~ . u n.10.l b llel. UQ't-1'.1~ · •
and. 1(\te.~ ofl 1
t-0 O
g ; vo1ii{ej"itlr1r ' . ___,_ _____ pressurecausll)gthe expulslonofalrfromthe ~~<J~(UJ·n cu £µ.i..ocHh ,'nw )I
I-hi S' ~ p ~ onty in momrn(l.L.I , lung§,_l.e., explratlon(Ftgure 17.2b) ...Wehave . pµ, cc.e,.U
':~ _ ·.
Respiration Involves the following steps: A:tso P_ b ,-er, ,·c fY1 l-<1~] f the abllltyto!ncrease the s t r e ~~ Q.J.& 1 v e. Air cxpelle~ from lungs '
·~ thing or[iulmonary ventllatlonlby which atmosphertc air ~ plratlon and expiration ~th the help of ~ 1/. (! c ; ,
l,Ji£L . Is drawn 1n and co rich alveolar air Is released out. . additional muajes lo 1be aMwrn:;;:-ou att v:»., f'Y\ ' n,
R i Cr/-H ---· .L • average, a heafthy human breathes 12-16 Rib d
CoiTii ~ ~slon of gases/{o2 and Co.Jrcross alveolar membrane. §es?mtnu\e. The volume of air Involved In ste:n'::1m 'a "hi
~ b(!) -=" ~ 1 sportofgasesbytheblood. · l ~~thlng mo~ ents can be estimated by returned to Volume of
'V"'"'~ ·
lffuslon of o and CO2 between blood aod ttssJJes.
'"'l!slnl! a s lrom e which helps In cltnlcal
original 'a
position , ----,_ _,___ _ - thorax
• assessment of p onary functions. decreased
~ ttonofO, bythecells forcataboHcreactlons andresultant :---- - ca.nno1-- <'\..UtCU1.p·QJ R.• v, -...,.
->;, ,1. ec.t'f-h ( 11 oohtch pl-t.R.V e nt re!easeofCOg !~:!lularresplratlonas dealt In the ~hapter 14). 17 ,2 .1 Respiratory Volumes and ~ ' g
co11 o.pAi
6 e cw t-e.d-
/Poeu/\lof-Yt:€ :t;1'
b ?!',r(
Di eoLi b <J w.ctucinqfH s u.,..t1, ,--etW1on ,.s
17.2 MEciwasM or@REATHINO/~
. - >'"-.:
ec. t-t> t-a.f\
. Capacities
expired durtng ·a norm

:r" co"cWct-!Nt clDlaphragm

Tidal \TolUD>;e (TV): Volume of air Inspired 05 l,ro
, . s
t;Q,5 gpa:u,,wards
rn .
i~o~Ott ; ·1
. · a,t Breathing Involves two stage/ : m1plratlon durtng }Vhich atmospheric • mL e. a · ealthy man can l dUl I nq . no
air Is 11 ....wn In and ~ttciJ.by_whibQU\e ruveolar Is,rel~ sesi o~t. e:teir O t"I 00•
(Up 1.€ c.u b odJ approx. Ir xlmately 6000 to
) _ ,,,__
---r.~ . . -.,----. . t :J tnsplre or exp e appro _,iii,i_.,,__. a.c+u QJ Q .,e1,a 0 q,
a.eJJ Them(!Vement?falr~ doutqfthel~ gslscaJ'!:!~dou 9Yf_creatlnga_ mLofalr permlnute.-K Flame 17.2 Mechanism of breathing showing :
nt ,between the lu,ng.s and the atmosphere. _!!Splr,ation ::::;:..,,_;;,._i,iii,_,,.,_. , Inspiration (bl expiration
iressure within theJungsJlntra·p~~~ssure) Is Jniplratory Volume (IRV): . c;i.OeJf'l'-t- ~a/(~ ·1
· ,sphertc i:!r.e~sure I.e.,,~ a megatlve pre~~ure In Adaffional voluµie of air, a person_sanlnsplre -) Vow 11.,U. 0 t- OJ 12-l
CO(I./-O( r
tH-ln o.ext ·
D j', u.c.oCU t-oJ (\ill.JC.I e,
spect to atin~ sphe~ressure. Slmllarly.~ lration tak~
by l'lW cibleJnsplratl-04 This averages s p O...Ut ifl q OJ e.. 0UJ e_)(. Ch a.n c.L
·~ ~ ~d ~~ stlre !s !iJ8!!ed hantheal:mos~ c mLto3000mL. i!: d,J.od- votu(I.U O_(r :L5otul
ioc..oe 4.J,r J,llJ..ib.t t J.teg,.1 nc..tru uf · iphi:~ an1 f!-spect~sed se\ofmus~es.,- exten'lal ~d, Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV): F
1J.c.e. rJ. e,-,op; t..ta.Hc n
between the ribs, help In generation o( such gradleirts. _- e of air a P,erson can.~
. &:lditi n o1um • , /,nM ;z,
ht vo, , ln "' c,1 , ,I, l!ated,byth ' co no a hichln7reases b- . !ratio . This averages a ,uj r,().l
1'0 ~ . chambi:r,ln ,the
,., - o tertor axis. The Y· ~ e )..1. n o.J... b oLO w...t
up the rtbs and the ijij.lill,,oli,.l,IW,,iiMlifj...., -i:~ a ) i r
.c ,
___ .c - .--------·~-ruocr, ruo vu otu--
e<»is a ,-11 -p~ -~ 0~ ~ ~9-~ r___,
" .. !'
, Pou pA...o pe-l +J-io.'n!.l
&hf>WrJ... bll Ollit;Jhf-½j Qtlla.tlne
I'< (2..l I d..U Q..l v O I • 1 S Q,Ul.Q_.
atueot i ObteLt .so~u!J-<-l-1. e>cp1'uaHon .
1< O Q O.P. space. lf.WIUUIILl,,l'.!!O~lum:J!!!~e~V): Volume of air remaining Ln the lungs even after a
\/OtU N\..t : /~OM'-. o clble explratlo . This average{ijoo mL to 1200_~ ]
• ,.o\ By adding up a few respiratory volumes described above, one can
.ve various pulmonary capacities, which ·can be used ln clinical
~IQ/" osls. '
c.or" i,
(IC): i:otal volume of air a pers~n c;an inspire, after
This Includes tidal volume 'and Lnsplratory reserve
000 tO 9600 fV1 -l. .
---- n O,t :qr \1,
Expiratory Capacity (EC): Total volume of air a person can~ after
'-,) CO,::i =LIO '•
a normal lnsplratlollr This Includes tidal volume and expiratory reserve
vol1f1~ 0V+ERV) J 1500 l'Vl.l to 1600 rvti l.
-1( thel
"#(~ _
t i
ln ISystemic vein~
/tV 1"10~
a 'd gLd.
<"- ,@:~-dJ@ciq>1rat10BJrius~~ ERV-:'1V ~d IRV or th~ m ~ 1cany1n;iieoxvgenateg wwil
, ~ c a n b r e a t h e o u t ~ r forcedlns !ratio. l.fOoo -~
~40mmHg ~ =95 .mm Hg
Total Lung acit : Total e of air acco ~ ~ dN ie I ~ at
RV ic ad dt~4- the ~ cludes ~ < : r : 0 m d ~ or
~ =4~ mmHg ~ , = 40 mmHg
vital c . -o 5100 l-0 5JOO M j..
t. f>9-te.£SU~ /cone. *
~eoll are the prtmary sites of exchange of gru;,es]Exchange of gases also
Figure 17 .3 D l ~ t i c representation of exchange of gases at the alveolus and
the body tissues with blood and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
~is occur betwe-iP blood ap.d ssu . 0 2 and ~ _are exchan ed ln theser.\
sites e s aln bas ed Qn ressure concentrat V
N tl J- 0 9-1 fOC t-0 9-(.. die . well as th thickness of the membranes ;© a gradient is present for CO 2 ln the opposite ;. &otubrtfKJ DJ ~0 1°s .:2 DO tt> 3 00 i-irn Q..l'
" n are also some Important actors that can affect the direction, i.e., from tissues to blood and and t02 ,'1; o1 0 - d. ,; ti"m e.J tho n 0/J.'
'" µa~e O 1, rate of diffusion. - ,· r, p t CI.J f\A. a - - blood to alveoli. As the solubility of CO 2 ls 1•
di1 1,u..,giofl. " x. I
t C~,_.. ,..o'J-.
[fr:es sure _c ontrlbut~ y a1J. lndMdual gas In a miJcture of gases is 20-25 times h igher than that of 0 2,
called partial pr~ssur'"il and Is represented as J?02 for oxygen and pC02 for amount of CO 2 that can diffuse
carbon dioxide. Partra't
pressures of these two gases In the atmospheric diffusion membrane . Basement/5'\
subst 'ceCJ
air and the two sites of diffusion are given In Table 17 . 1 and In p,irtial pres sure
Figure 17 .3. The data given In the table clearly Indicates a concentration to that 0 1Ac uu:u 5
gradient for oxygen from alveoli to blood and blood to tissues. Similarly, made up h:, eu N.D~ ! r-y ·
TABJ.& 17.1 Putia1 Preuure• (In mm Hg) of <>zygen and Carbon diozide at Different n~ely . .1t
au I
Involved In
In to In Atmosphere
a nd the basement s osi:anct:. u1 u~,,. •
them How~ e~~ ckness _ls much
-1, '
Ll T tOI t,t-0.n r"
J •
= L
...__ :~ zy1enated) less 1han a . i:riillln1e e. Therefore, all the Figure 17 .4 A Diagram of a section of an R l!.d.U-e,e..
alveolus with a pulmonary .!lc.Ut-o.CL
s in our body are favourable for capillary. ' f- ~11.1 Io I'\.
lc. .§!gn c@from _,.. 11 fn ttssues and that \ 1
CO:, [ of C0 from UssueL. ·--1-
iqo. l\,l.Ou..l Of\'-4
CJ!l~th ~d.o d.l.1-ll\.L_a..L
J ~.!th{~h:~:~•,~~- tr•-~~B~~
'""' "O<atu.btn : - ON .'-' one F€°t 41 Feot-<U I-lb '--

1-ti. - i:: H.1gho.1-.1 atti'n,. •, c.v 1. j l C. Oa -t H,20 C. A·

I- PIQJ f\.,lo.
Hco 3 t No... 2711

l ei

- ·~ - -------~-- bamlno-haemogJobm tak
es place I e CO hi
e tissues ls r1 ..1,.... · • · ·• · 2W ch ls bound
-.v- "J,, Blood Is the medium of transport for 0 2 and CO • Alfol( 97 per cent of <1:Js redatth.. 0 1••• _ , , - - ~ 1! • th o'£ exc.hQ nge Or
ll,t c.o< 2
transported by RBC,s In the blood. The remalnlng 3 per cept of 0 Is can-tc;s1 _,dmmute 1r H CO - a. n d C.1 -
3 •1~ -<<... "'I-'/. In a dissolved state throu th lll!j
Nearly ,20~25 _per cent of CO Is
---· ~•~11:!!asma too ffhl
qwing reaction in both dlrectlo
- 'Ir
s enzyme facJ1Jtates or ,-it,.gu.e ,·~ ca.u t ....
.,J transPQrted b RB whe
7Q per cent of It 1s carnet. as blcarb,onate.
AJ,v~WtQc <:: i't:.R. - ns. i ,(
0 u..t., HJ l'\.LO 1-U
.$0W.bitiK.J Abou 7 r cent of CO2 Is carrt_ In a dlssolve<!-state thrQugh plasma. T anhydrase
Carbonic 4- l H "
. l.i,ssu. e s,t-e\
. Chtou i d.L .th r",t- , ?, r
tOONl-+ 5N..I ' : : / ~ ~hro uQ h. CO, +H, O~ .::::tH,co, i==anhydmse~Hcd- +H• " 1.go m u 11 cL cu
Dt,- Oa_.
17.4 .1 TransportofOxygen pcetH'll a.. .,,
At the tissue site where Partial
I ' •
Hol\.lbu.t..(.9 e.M.t :,, _,
lliaemoglobln ,ls !{red coloure@rori}.o nt ~ plgme~tJ>resent In tl!e
i;.atabolls m , CO2 diffuses into 00 Cressure
· of CO Is hi h .. 1.1..,_
~ - 0 2 can bind with haemoglob/n In reversib@ mann_!!rc to form == ·
61,·ql''-;-1 a.dd.
o, n
t Q~ t

t_ ..-
ozyhaemo,iobln~ ch haemoglobin molecule can cany a maximum of
Suilnolecules, of O?, Binding of oxygen wlth,haemoglobln Is pr!martfy

,nd W- . At the alveolar site h
we opposi e
c s an las d forms HC "'
•t dlr ti ' · 'Y _e r~ P, o,, Is low,,the reaction proceeds In
ec on leading to the formation of £Q and H o. Thus, •
€.l ·

'<.., 9-t- N s u t!l ('1
- ~::
l C
.......:telated to R._ai:11~~~P~al Pressu ~e of 1co2 : hydrogen Ion trapped H<: hlM~"---' . - -• the 1",u CSM 1uo.r1•~ l
ture are the other factors wbiph can~
f AL-DAN'f; 11.N rru 01 Cleo ena~d CJ:Jfthft'l RG.Z:. d-UL
_. EfFEC.T • H obta,lned when percentage sat~ratlon, ··- -u•~
" of CO to the ve I . *• _ft! ~! .li OO g.·
5 '°1ld{ilt*-!.i.a
~ oglobln With 0 2 ls plotted ~ e
r • Tn t3 lood.
Ok- t00/\A -l ' oi
."':;v,1P'2 -C· ---
p0 2 • Thi s cu rve Is calle d t h e ~ Ne ura rL..;, pon.l.
dissociation crj(Ftgure17 .5) and Is highly 'IRATION ' ,,r,r--- > 1s~
- - ' I . C.h Qn'>O .l.EOS l'tl~
a ~a a.
TernP-lt :i 'i oo f'l:,. V useful In studying the effect of factors like
c~t ability to maintain and moderat~ the .'.I. Of:' 1 OJ- + /\ll 01,-
pCO2 , ff+ concentratlon~tc. , on binding of 0
r _of.1
8P<:r .L, _j :-,--r- 2 the demands of the body tissues. Is done :l e) C.O;.
with haemo obln. I the alveoli, where there
PC..O,,l 1o
V r-
,.,Vi IB IQ~ R St IF_]/ O low CO • concentratl~
µ .op; rh~
ciallsed centre present In th medulla eglop
centre 1 rtmarlI es onslble for S"M r
c.on t-$-l O.C. ~' Dll •
E , ._,,;
H.+ .L, _g . I t- . and l,ower temperature, the factors ;.a,E;e
all favourable for the formation. _O'f
~ r _cen~e,present In the J?.0ns rel!lon o e braijl
4oneumhbvi~~ -
· 'f) -v
PK t •C
I .I
ht " "' Q"= to oxyhaemoglob_ln, whereas In the tissues rJo rmo.1 ou.r-, "8 ,
o e:g--~-~uuc c,4'.t~~ ~~ ~ ~~of c.ond n e.x e.rai se..
v i,- ,
_ . -
PO~-t ] o 1 , ,- , e, p ·wher e low pO 2 , ~ 0 2,
1~PJr3itlon and thereb e res lra'.to !¥e. l"f) t. d cl W ct
concentration and ~er temperature exist, 15 slµiated atl'acent to the rh centre en
1' iM."~ 1!'"11~'1!,
JCu 20 '/
- cofl t the conditions are fa7urable for dissociation
J.. ~H ,, I _ pf-oxygen -fro~ the oxyhaemoglobln. This
'and hydI:og. en lons.Hncrease in these su~b -tances. can activate this ceotr • · ,-.I U.a.l.. .1 1'q- n Cl) e.u.
DUYO.ti t> I"\ -v~+Q./r
!:! -
I# ... v ""' O,1 ,I,- clearly Indicates that 0 2 gets bou nd to
,J@JfmiumcansignaittJ,irhythmcen ~ efi'~ ~ adjustments
111 the respiratory procf ss-by which ~ ese substances can be eliminated.
· , t' p IR ATOR v R'I•l"\SPIV'
nN f\l.•
10 60 80 !OOt , cc haemoglobin In the lung surface and gets Receptors ~sociated w1utwrt1fWRj} ~-nc@rgt1d artecy_tiJso can recognise ' ' ~:,__6 _ _ _ __
ro 'f. ca H.U • - ~ r • •• .. r• nf n-~ Ii!: €;_, e ct!is~oclated at the tlssu es.~~ecy 100 ml of i.
,m1Y14 oxygenated blo,od can deliver ar.ound[5.nilbf l ,paggesin.CO andH• ~ . nandsendnecessaryslgnals tothe ' -'? ~y I\Udt.illo
centrgror remedial ctlons. The r e of o en In (!le regulation of
½ -2 17.5 Oxygen dissociation curve 0 the
8 'to tissues under
conditions. an d dtt't< 1 11

0 ~
eK e.<u ct &~
too.rv-rr~bvthmythmiiss uite· sl · cant. ** ~euf\la.He c ent.LU 1'n<1..1'1-1ec:i •r .
1" AMt-iQ..l brood. pua.vQnt.1 c orup,o.H
1°1- o's
IOON I. 4 ru. l 4-- 17 .4.2 Transport of Carbon dioxide
15M L . .
U:"<l- b
17.6 DISORDERSQF!w,~~lQRY8TsT~r.t • i-'_ 11 ' 11 't 0 t ='. '-I _ . , :J
D;.., ,
~PeM .£ tn£11\/1f\.l 0~ bu.Dnc..h•CU. I\.UJJ ~,, ,.,~ CWU.Q.t-10() Oj. ins p,ra ttDtt ti
CO2 , s carried by haem~glo,b ln .iiS carbamJno-haemogtoblnt about
'Asthma Is a difficulty jn b[l'atbing ".aus~heez!ijl! due to lnflamrm,uvu . ____J
co d!rig Is related t.o the partial r ssu re of CO •
J • - <HfO (I.. O:f- p1 QIJ't:l , ·
-1,- .~ --- ----,: - ______ .•....:~ul__cl affect th!§ binging. en pCO Is high
.~ · . ~ t ,H • C4- -
. ~ M-l~~m
"~uro o coc.,o t~ 1s. • 9 n hOtoH·o n c:>• o cil r p Q rHCll ·•
wansare dam-
' \
1£..~bO)( 'J - K-b} 0
LP 2 was e tlss_u es, more binding of car on old e occu rs Emph~sema is
'due t owhic h_ re s
ro C sor . 'W ch alveolar
deer · Dne
of. the major causes of,
-+ c,._, H + , c. 0.1. con -~ereas, when"'athe
5r nct c.o/H, H b n ot-
pCO2 Is low and p0 Is high as In the alveoli, dissociation
USJ"Yl 0/0r•-<-<t ,."
HC.03 -'·
Rtl (.
. . (
to II OW 1'f'Lq e a., e

Occupational Respiratory Disorders: In certain industries, especially

those involving ~rindin$ o[stone-breakingl so much dust is produced
that the defense mechanism of the body cannot fully cope with· the
situation. Long exposure can ·ve rtse to fiiflammation leading tob
-'¥- ( roliferation of fibrous and thus causing sertous lung damage.
th Workers in such indus_trtes should wear protective ~ s.
W<llJ -tDU. ~U...lO.t-lOi'"I Of- J.-UJpr'P-tO.!-t'Or,
ct-.e ""-o&'e.n .i,·H·vQ w...u.a..
• • I

QJ Ch.R.MO 9-U ~p t-o W

l ' ,
· ~s utilise o~gen for m~tabolism and produce energy along with substances
Icarbon dioxide which 1s harmful. ~als have evolved different mechanisms
µte transport of oxygen to the c;ells and fpr the removal of carbon dioxide from
' ' = re. We have a well developed respfratory system comprtsing two lungs and
associated air passages to perform this function.~
e first step in respiration is breathing by which atmosphertc air is taken in
atlon) and the alveolar air is released out (expiration). Exchange of 0 2 and
etween deoxygenated blood and alveoli, transport of these gases throughout
dy by blood, CO between the oxygenated blood and
s and utilisation of O by the cells cellular res iration are e other steps
ed. - ---
7!!!.s~ n iration are carried out by .ere · pressure gradients
the alveoli with the hel ecialised muscles -
(D inter Volumes of air involved in these activities can be
estimated with the help' of soirometer and.are of clinical significance.
Exchange of 0 and CO 2 at the alveoli and tissues os,c~ r by diffusion. Rate of
2 and. dµfusion is de e ent on~ artial ressure adi~nts )i 6 2 (p0 2) and CO 2 (pC0 2),
(\.L O.J O u.
the s5lubili well as ff1 · f the diffusion surface}These factors in
our body facilitate diffusion of 0 2 from ~e alveoli to the deoxygenated blood as
well as froni the oxygenated blood to the tissues. The factors are favourable for the
diffusion of CO in the orposite direction, !j·Jrom tissues to alveoli.
oxygen is transported mainly as oxyhaemoglobin. In the alveoli where p02 is
higher, 0 gets bound to haemoglobin which is easily dissociated at the tissues
where pO2 is low and pC0 and H+ concentration are high.{Nearly 70 per cent of
carbon di~xide is transported as bicarbonate (HC03) with the help of the enzyme
carbonic anhydr~ ~0-25 per cent ~f carbon dioxide is _c~ed ~y haemoglobin
as carbWUWp-haemogtobin. In the tissu~s where pC0 2 1~ hi~h, 1~ gets bound to
blood whereas in the alveoli where pC0 2 1s low and p0 2 1s high, 1t gets removed
from the blood. _ __ .....:::©~ ----==-- ~~
es · maintained b centre in the medulla
ntre in f the brain an a
@ can alter respiratory mec antsm.

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