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Project title: Water PLSSSS (Water Prediction: Level and Sufficiency for
students’ Sanitation in School
Name of Proponent/s: Keizer Miranda, Kriezel Louise Miranda and Marie Claire Gajo
Region:VI Division: Guimaras
School: Desiderio C. Gange National High School Grade level: 12
Project Duration (number of months):
Email: Contact no.


Physical science food safety

Life science water conservation
Robotics and intelligent machines renewable energy
Mathematics and computational sciences cyber security
Traffic/road congestion
(3) Health
Individual Disaster mitigation
Team Agriculture and environment
Others (please specify)

Water is one of many important compounds that we need in our daily living. We

use it to wash our dishes, cook our food, drink water and most especially sanitize our

body. This means that the water consumption is increasing and water shortage is being

issued. In addition, toilets use 1.6 gallons per flush, bath faucets use about 1 gallon per

minute and 1 gallon used for hands/face washing ( Based on the

data shown, this must be the reason why the Philippines is experiencing a water


The DepEd crafted the Wash in Schools Policy (DepEd Order No. 10 s. 2016), as

a holistic program for personal health care and environmental sanitation through a set

of standards for proper and correct health practices in schools. It goes beyond hand

washing, tooth brushing, and deworming – which are the key programs of the EHCP –

to cover water, sanitation including food handling and preparation, hygiene including

Menstrual Hygiene Management, deworming, health education, and capacity building.

In crafting this set of guidelines, thus, the Department, in partnership with agencies

and stakeholders, hopes to address the gaps in the areas of hygiene and sanitation and

keep more children healthy and in school (DepEd, 2016).

Sanitizing is important to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria, but how

could we sanitize if our water is not enough. With this problem in the school, the

Desiderian Likha researchers studied the water insufficiency in school using the data

gathered from students of Desiderio C. Gange National High School .the research on
“Water PLSSSS (Water Prediction: Level and Sufficiency for Students’ Sanitation in

School” was conducted in the campus of the said institution would carefully evaluate

the statistics involved and formulate the equations needed.

(7) Framework

Research questions

In general, this research was conducted to predict the amount of water level and its

sufficiency for students’ sanitation in school through equation.

Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the average number of toilet usage of every students per day?

2. What is the percentage of students practicing hand washing in school?

3. What equation is needed to predict the amount of water to practice proper

sanitation in school?

4. What is the amount of water needed for the students to practice proper

sanitation in school?

5. Is there sufficient water supply needed to sustain the proper sanitation in

Independent Variable
Dependent Variable

 Enrollment
 Average number
of toilet usage Water Consumption
 Percentage of
hand washing

(7.1)Definition of terms:

To promote the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein.

Water. Is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers,

and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms (Oxford languages 2023).

As used in this study, this refers to odorless liquid used for students’ sanitation in


Prediction. Forecast; something that is predicted. (Merriam Webster, 2023)

As used in this study, this refers to an equation that can be used to

determine the water level needed and its sufficiency.

Level. A position on a real or imaginary. Scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality

In this study, it refers to the amount of water needed for students’ sanitation in


Sufficiency. The condition or quality of being adequate or sufficient (Oxford

languages 2023).
As used in this study, it refers to the adequacy of water level for students’


Student. It is the one who studies: an attentive and systematic observer (Merriam

Webster, 2023).

In this study, it refers to the learners of Desiderio C. Gange National High


Sanitation. Is the promotion of hygiene and prevention of disease by maintenance of

sanitary conditions (as by removal of sewage and trash) often used attributively

(Merriam Webster, 2023).

As used in this study, it refers to proper toilet usage and handwashing.

School. An organization that provides instruction. (Merriam Webster, 2023)

As used in this study, this refers to Desiderio C. Gange National High School.

(8) Findings

Due to the increasing of the population of the students of Desederio C. Gange

National High School. The researchers found out that the water level is not sufficient to

supply the population of 1,376 students of Desederio C. Gange National High School.
(8.1) Methods

Data gathering procedures

After randomly selecting the respondents to be surveyed. The researchers asked

permission to the teacher or adviser to conduct a survey in the selected sections per

grade level. After the teacher approved the conduct of the survey, the researcher

explained the purpose and the procedure on how to answer the survey form. The

survey form includes two item questions on how many times do the students go to the

comfort room and wash their hands. The questions are; (1) How many time do you go

to the comfort room? (2) Do you wash your hands after using the comfort room? After

the respondents answered the survey forms, they were collected by the researchers for

data analysis

Data Analysis Procedure

The gathered data was tallied for better analysis of the researchers.

The refined data was analyzed using Microsoft Excel. After that, the researchers

computed the mean and the percentage. Then, the researchers solved the total amount

of water used by the students for the whole day. Lastly, the researchers subtracted the

total amount of water to the water collected for a day.

(8.2) Proof

To prove if the formula is correct, the researchers solved the research questions.

X =Average number of toilet usage N = Total population

c1 = Water consumed when flushing the CR n = Sample size

c2 = Water consumed when washing hands v = percentage of learner participating in

K =Sample
school handwashing
i = Total times a students go to the CR

W = Total amount of water in school daily

y = Total number students who said yes

z = Total water consumption


∑i y
Z=[ ( N ∙ x ) ∙c 1 ] + [ ( K ) c 2 ] K = ∙100 W −Z
n n
1. What is the average number of toilet usage of every learner per day?







Thee the mean average of every students go to the CR is 2.24

2. What is the percentage of learners practicing hand washing in school?


K= x 100


K= x 100

K= x 100

K=83 %

Therefore the percentage of learners participating in school hand washing is 83%

3. What equation is needed to predict the amount of water to practice proper

sanitation in school?

Equation: Z=[ ( N ∙ x ) c 1 ]+[ ( N ∙ K ) c 2 ]


Z=Nx ( 7.27 ) + NK (0.83)

Z=7.27 ( 2.24 ) N + 4.55 ( 0.83 ) N

Z=16.2848 N +3.7765 N

Z=20.0613 N

Z=20.06 N

Hence, the equation needed to predict the amount of water to practice proper

Sanitation in school is Z=20.06 N .

4. What is the amount of water needed for the students to practice proper

sanitation in school?

Formula: Z=20.06 N

Solution: Z=20.06 N



Therefore the total water consumption in school is 27,602.56L

5. Is there sufficient water supply needed to sustain the proper sanitation in school?






Therefore the water is not sfficient to sustain the school sanitation

(8.3) Numerical/StasisTical Results

Table 1

Grade level of the respondents


Grade 12 9 16.67%

Grade 11 9 16.67%

Grade 10 9 16.67%

Grade 9 9 16.67%

Grade 8 9 16.67%

Grade 7 9 16.67%

TOTAL 54 100%

According to

Table 1, all of the grade levels have equal percentage respondents

Table 2

How often the student goes to the CR per grade level


Grade 12 32 3.56

Grade 11 16 1.78

Grade 10 15 1.67

Grade 9 16 1.78

Grade 8 13 1.44

Grade 7 29 3.22


According to Table 2, 3.56 times a day a Grade 12 students goes to the comfort

room, 3.22 times a day a Grade 7 students, 1.78 times a day a grade 9 and 11

students, 1.67 times a day a Grade 10 students, and 1.44 times a day a Grade 8

student goes to the bathroom.

Table 3

Did the students wash their hands after using CR


YES 45 83.33%

NO 9 16.67%

TOTAL 54 100%

According to Table 3, 83.33% or 45 students wash their hands after using the

CR and 16.67% of them or 9 students did not wash their hands after using the CR.

(9) Conclusion

This research aims to provide valuable information on how much water is

needed to sanitize every student of Desiderio C. Gange National High School. In

conclusion the water is insufficient to sustain the needs of student in terms of proper

sanitation, the researchers formulated an equation and substitute by the data gathered,

and the result was level of water supply for the whole population of Desiderio C. Gange

National High School is not enough.

During the conduct of this study various problems arise such as; after

gathering the responses from the respondents, the researchers found out various

limitations such as ways on how to gather data of the school’s water supply, sources of

information, questions to use in the survey form, method for data analysis and

formulation of equation on the given data.

There were also several challenges that the researchers encountered such as

persons or institutions who or that will provide the water needed.

This study was beneficial for the school in terms of its preparation for sufficient

water supply especially during the times of water shortage.


Water is important in daily life. Without water, we'll die. It is used for

sanitation especially in washing of hands and in flushing of toilets. It is necessary

substance to avoid diseases and illnesses cause by unseen particles.

The researchers gathered the data using a survey form, distributed to 54 out

of 1376 students of Desiderio C. Gange National High School. The researchers also

asked the personnel in charge who controls the amount of water supply in the school.

The data was analyzed and a formula was formulated. This study is a descriptive

research design, as it describes the amount of water that is needed for sanitation, and

if the amount of water is enough to supply the needs of the whole school.

The formula “ Z=Nx ( 7.27 ) + NK (0.83) which we find out if the water is enough to

supply the whole population of the school.

Therefore, we conclude that the water level supply in school is not sufficient to

sustain proper sanitation of the students in school.


1WHO, (2019). Water, sanitation, hygiene and health: A primer for health professionals.

Retrieve from https://www


Reinhart, RJ (2021). How Often Do People Wash Their Hands During a Pandemic?

Retrieved from


Merriam Webster, 2023. Retrieved on November, 9 2023.

Oxford languages 2023. Retrieved on November, 9 2023.

US department of the interior, (2019). How Much Water Do You Use at Home?

Retrieved from



DepEd,( 2016). DepEd WASH in Schools (WinS) Retrieved from

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