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Lead sb/th to = propel sb/sth to

Result in = culminate in

Hỏi tên
Ex: Can you tell me your name?
à My name is Nguyen Ngoc Khai, but it is easier to just call me Khai.

Speaking ielts
1. Hook – line – sinker
2. Sử dụng phương pháp swtich: dùng để xử lý các dạng đề tương tự với chủ đề khác
• Dạng yes/no question
ð Một cách trả lời cả yes lẫn no.
ð Theo cấu trúc hook1 (yes) + line1(why) + linking phrase +
hook2(no)+line2(why( + sinker (ending phrase)
Linking phrase: However, you also have to understand that …..
Ex: Do you like taking photos yourself?
à Well, Yes, I do. This is probably because I want to record all of the beautiful
memories of my life. However, you also have to understand that I’m not really
confident being in a photo because I’m not a photogenic. Ultimately, my answer
would be both yes and no
Ex2 (áp dụng switch): Are emails popular in your country?
à Well, definitely yes. And this is due to the fact that email is a formal means of
communication which can connect people internationally. However, you also have
to understand that email is now replaced by a lot of messaging applications, such as
Telegram, Twitter, Messenger thanks to their convenience. So ultimately, my
answer would be both yes and no
Hook: trả lời đúng trọng tâm câu hỏi
Line: Đưa ra lý giải cho câu trả lời của mình
Sinker: Đưa cảm nhận bằng một ví dụ/câu chuyện minh hoạ
• Dạng Wh

Hook Trả lời đúng câu hỏi, đó là cái gì

Line Giải thích à This is probably because = this is due to the fact that = let me
explain that
Sinker I feel that (đưa ra cảm nhận)/ Case in point (đưa ra ví dụ)

Ex: What is the most popular social media in your country?

à To be honest, the most recognizable social media in Vietnam is Tiktok which is a
platform for content creator to share their short videos. This platform is famous due to the Commented [NK1]: Hook

fact that the contents in those shortclips are very much approachable to the internet users. Commented [NK2]: Line

I think it is interesting because tiktok have the viewers, especially a lot of viewers in the
world to consume a lot of videos in a short time Commented [NK3]: Sinker

• Dạng types of
Liệt kê ít nhất 2 đặc điểm khác nhau của con người, sự vật, hiện tượng
Cấu trúc để trả lời
Hook 1 There’s an extensive range of … but I guess the most + adj + would
probably be type 1
Line 2 It’s due to the fact that ….
Hook 2 In addition to type 1, I also have to mention type 2
Line 2 And this is exceptional because
Sinker I feel that ……..

Ex: what types of sports are popular in your country?

à There’s an extensive range of sport in Vietnam but I guess the most popular would
probably be football. This is due to the fact that its rules are very simple to get used to. In
addition to football, I also have to mention badminton because it is widely taught in high
school of Vietnam. I feel that I can play those sports all day.

Ex2: What’s your favorite kind of music?

à Well, there’s an extensive range of music, but I guess the best genre for me would be
and this is due to the fact that whenever I listen to it, I always feel energetic. In addition to
Rock, I also have to mention Rhythm and Blues because of its catchy tunes. I feel that my
life would be tedious without those types of music.

Ex3: what kind of public holiday do you like best?

à Well, there’s an extensive range of holiday in Vietnam but I guess the most enjoyable
would be Christmas. And this is due to the fact that Christmas is perfect occasion for family
reunion. In addition to Christmas, I also have to mention Lunar New Year. And this
exceptional because I can receive lucky money from my parents. I feel that those kinds of
holidays are warm and meaningful to me.
• Dạng tell me about
o Ko trả lời ngắn gọn 2-3 câu
o Theo phương pháp Hook – Line – sinker
Hook 1 I could start off by saying that + (idea 1)
Line 1 Explain idea 1à this is probably because ….
Hook 2 Another point which I could add is that + (idea 2)
Line 2 Explain idea 2 à this due to the fact that …
Sinker I feel

Ex: tell me about your future plan

à I could start off by saying that I am going to be a university lecturer as
it has always been my passion since I started high school. Another point
which I could add is that I will establish my own English center when I gain
enough. I feel that I can succeed in this carrer path
Ex: tell me about your favorite TV show
à I could start off by saying that I’m really fond of MasterChef since this
program provides audiences with many recipes for home-cooked food lovers
like. Another which I should add is that I’m also a huge fan of Godon Ramsay
who is the show host

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