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To calculate the heat and moisture added to the air and the sensible heat factor, we can use

following steps:

1. Find the initial and final states of the air.

The initial state of the air is 16°C and 25% RH. The final state of the air is 30°C and 50% RH.

2. Find the enthalpy of the air at the initial and final states.

The enthalpy of the air at the initial and final states can be found from the psychrometric chart.
The enthalpy of the air at 16°C and 25% RH is 23 kJ/kg of dry air. The enthalpy of the air at
30°C and 50% RH is 64 kJ/kg of dry air.

3. Calculate the heat added to the air.

The heat added to the air is equal to the difference in enthalpy between the final and initial

Heat added to the air = Final enthalpy - Initial enthalpy

Heat added to the air = 64 kJ/kg of dry air - 23 kJ/kg of dry air

Heat added to the air = 41 kJ/kg of dry air

4. Calculate the moisture added to the air.

The moisture added to the air can be calculated using the following equation:

Moisture added to the air = Final specific humidity - Initial specific


The specific humidity of the air at the initial and final states can be found from the psychrometric
chart. The specific humidity of the air at 16°C and 25% RH is 0.0026 kg/kg of dry air. The
specific humidity of the air at 30°C and 50% RH is 0.0132 kg/kg of dry air.

Moisture added to the air = 0.0132 kg/kg of dry air - 0.0026 kg/kg of
dry air
Moisture added to the air = 0.0106 kg/kg of dry air

5. Calculate the sensible heat factor.

The sensible heat factor is the ratio of the sensible heat added to the air to the total heat added
to the air.

Sensible heat factor = Sensible heat added to the air / Total heat
added to the air

Sensible heat factor = (41 kJ/kg of dry air) / (41 kJ/kg of dry air + 0.0106 kg/kg of dry air * 2501

Sensible heat factor = 0.339

Therefore, the heat added to the air is 41 kJ/kg of dry air, the moisture added to the air is 0.0106
kg/kg of dry air, and the sensible heat factor is 0.339.

Note that the sensible heat factor is a dimensionless number. It is always between 0 and 1. A
sensible heat factor of 1 indicates that all of the heat added to the air is sensible heat. A
sensible heat factor of 0 indicates that all of the heat added to the air is latent heat.

The sensible heat factor is important in many applications, such as air conditioning and
refrigeration. It can be used to determine the size of the equipment required and to calculate the
energy consumption.

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