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Choose the correct option.

1) Mary is ________ than Kate

a) naughty b) more naughty c) naughtier

2) Mona’s dress is ____________than Pam’s dress.

a) cheaper b) cheapest c) more cheap

3) Shakespeare’s plays are ________________than Beckett’s plays.

a) more generous b) more interesting c) lazier

4) July is the _______________ month of the year.

a) more hot b) most hot c) hottest

5) My sister is the ____________ of all!

a) laziest b) most lazy c) lazier

6) She gave him her last candy. She’s the ______________person!

a) generousest b) most generous c) more generous than

Correct the mistakes

1) I have the more heavy bag.

2) Tom is best in the group

3) Helen is kind than Pam

4) Mara is happier as Liz

5) Tony is the older than Pete

6) This apple is the most cheapest.

7) My house is the more expensive than yours.

8) I’m the more confident of all the class.

9) He isn’t shy! Tim is the shier than Tom.

10) My mom is the most best hard-working person I know.

11) I love going to the cinema. It is my more favourite


12) My Chemistry teacher is worst than my Biology teacher.

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