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Let's design a unique simple fuel management program (with Microsoft Excel)

Preprint · September 2022

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27502.48963

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1 author:

Nasser Alishahi


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Let’s design a unique simple fuel management
program (with Microsoft Excel)

Nasser Alishahi
September 2022

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Table of content

Subject Page No.

Preamble 5
Definition 7
The concept of this paper 9
A- The main sheet 9
1- General information input 9
2- SITA input 10
3- Actual input 13
B- The conversion sheet 16
C- The calculation sheet 17
The SITA section of calculation sheet 16
The actual section of calculation sheet 19
The payload section of calculation sheet 20
The difference section of calculation sheet 21
The summary 23
References 27

Intentionally left blank

Airlines statistic shows almost 35% of every mission (trip) expanses goes for fuel. Since the
price of fuel is increasing as well as the number of active airlines in all over the world, causes
airlines profit share getting smaller, this cause the airlines competition gets very tough , they
advertise more on passenger comfort, punctual takeoff, less delay, better catering (which all
these cost more and more money) so that to get more passenger and or cargo demand. They
also demanding the aircraft manufacturer for more efficient new aircraft, therefore giant aircraft
manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus are making huge study to make more and more efficient
In order to reduces the weight which have a direct effect on fuel consumption, with the help of IT
technology, airliners stop providing newspaper, magazine to passenger, again with help of IT
technology which introduced Electronic Flight Bag (EFB), which provide all flight information,
than all flight crew need to downloaded all required and also extra information into their IPAD
and upgraded according to airline policy, that means getting read of all those heavy weight
manual. It is obvious, these weight reductions means lower un-necessary payload, and at last
payload reduction means saving fuel.
Since a great chunk of every mission (trip) goes for fuel, as well as fuel price is increasing, it
make every airliners to look for managing their airline fuel.
Let’s explore the reality of one flight and how we can change the assumption into reality like:
 If the captain does not thrust the fuel calculation in flight planning, he request more fuel than
require. This means extra weight which need to look for
 Every airliner consider and announce XXX Kg O(generally 20 Kilogram) free of charge
baggage per passenger allowed to have, now we need to realize “Does every passenger’s
baggage is XXX Kg (if it is more than XXX announced Kg, then airliners charge for
additional XXX Kg baggage), what about if not. This need to go with monthly report for
modification of passenger’s baggage
 It is obvious that, there exist what is called “Costly flight crew” in every airlines, that is costly
crew make the flight which consume more fuel than average with the same aircraft in the
same route

It is true that airlines IT department able to make a fuel management program to answer above
ambiguities, or the airliner might outsource it,
This paper explains to design a simple fuel management program with the help of Microsoft
Excel application
Fuel management program divide fuel management program into three Microsoft Excel spread
sheets which are linked together, one for data entry of calculated flight plan and actual data
reported by crew, and demonstrate the summary, it called “Main sheet”, then the next spread
sheet called “Calculation sheet” to formulate all require calculation and finally the last
“Conversion sheet” to convert and make all weights in one unit either in Kilogram (Kg) or Pound

Nasser Alishahi


 Payload
Total weight of passenger, deadweight
 Passenger
Passenger is categorized as:
Adult aging from twelve years and older
The airlines internal policy then set weight for passenger like
Adult mail 80 Kg each
Adult female 70 Kg each
Or adult passenger as a whole (male and female) 75 Kg each

Note: Based on airliners policy every adult passenger allowed to have a carryon with
maximum of XXX Kg weight (depend on airliners internal policy) to have in main cabin

Child aging between two to twelve years old

Child 35 Kg (depend of airliners internal policy)
Infant aging from birth to two years old
Infant consider no weight (depend of airliners internal policy), because the parent of
the infants are unable to have a carryon while carrying the baby
 Deadweight
Deadweight is categorized as:
Passenger baggage(s) and called “Bag”
Cargo, to transport to destination and called (C)
Mail, a possible order from post office to transport to destination and called (M)
 Takeoff fuel
Takeoff fuel is the summation of:
 Trip fuel: Fuel consumed to complete the mission (from departure airport to destination)
 Alternate fuel: Fuel consideration to fly to alternate airport in case of not able to land at
destination airport for so many reason such as, occupied runway, weather hazard, …
 Holding fuel: Fuel consideration to make maximum of 30 minutes flight in holding for ….
 Reserve fuel: Fuel consideration of deviating from flight plan route due to weather
condition, or ATC request, ….
 Contingency fuel: a fixed percentage and modifiable for every individual aircraft of trip
fuel consideration due Air Traffic Controller (ATC) advice to deviate from flight planning,
aircraft aging,…
 Ramp fuel: The summation of takeoff fuel and taxi fuel
 Actual trip fuel: The difference between actual takeoff fuel and remaining onboard fuel at
 Planned or calculated trip fuel: The fuel calculated based on payload. Planned or calculated
trip fuel employ aircraft fuel consumption provided by aircraft manufacturer. Planned or
calculated trip fuel is a part of flight plan calculation which is generally made and provided to

airlines by what is called “SITA or Société Internationale de Télécommunications
 Dry Operating Weight (DOW): The summation of aircraft, flight crew and catering weight
 Operating weight: Is the summation of DOW and takeoff fuel
 Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW): The summation of DOW and payload
 LanDing Weight (LDW): The difference between takeoff weight and trip fuel
 Actual traffic load: The summation passengers weight and deadweight
 Allowed traffic load: Is the difference between maximum operational takeoff weight and
operating weight
 Underload: The difference weight between allowed traffic load and actual traffic load
 Fuel density: The weight of one liter of fuel. It is defined and set as standard as:
 During summer and hot weather fuel is thinner and fuel density lowers to 0.78, that is a
liter of aviation fuel is 780 gram in one liter
 During winter and cold weather fuel is dencer and density is 0.82, that is a liter of
aviation fuel is 820 gram in one liter
 Standard condition: Fuel density may consider as standard of 0.80 or 800 gram in one
 Top Of Climb (TOC): Aircraft position at end of climbing state and initiating cruise phase
toward destination airport
 Top Of Descend (TOD): Aircraft positioning at end of cruising state and initiating descent
phase toward destination airport
 Flying pilot (FP): The flight crew responsible to fly the aircraft
 None Flying Pilot (NFP): The flight crew responsible to make all communication and logging
all required information onto proper document(s) during flight
 Load and Trim Sheet (LTS): Official weight and balance form exclusively filled for a flight to
describes the number of passenger, amount of actual payload, actual takeoff weight …

The concept of this paper
This paper briefly describes the concept of fuel management with the help of Microsoft Excel
application (the reason selecting Microsoft Excel application is the simplicity and capability of
formulation of each cell mathematically and exclusively and enable to detailing in term of flight
operation point of view.
The other option in Microsoft Excel is the filtering option which enables to filter the column
(columns) for a specific matter

A- THE MAINSHEET or Data entry into fuel management form

Note: The Main sheet (or input spread sheet) of fuel management program is divided into three
parts as:

1. General information input

Selected Cell
address The content of selected cell

Selected cell
(Fig. 1)

Note: Every cell in Microsoft Excel has an unique address like matrix; the address describes the
column by letter following the row by number.
Selected cell border is highlighted with bold, heavy line, the selected column and row
identifier is highlighted in color for selected sell
Cell “E6” is selected (shows in address box) and the content E6 described in content
section which could be date or whatever the content is like formula, numbers, text,…

Column “A”
Assigned for unit weight. It is possible that the weight unit of some aircrafts in an airlines are
in Kilogram (Kg) and some in Pound (Lb), therefore whatever the weight unit of the aircraft is
must be entered in column “A” as (Kg) or (Lb), the conversion spread sheet of this program
will unify the weight units in KG, that is if the unit weight is in (Kg), no calculation will be
made on the weight entry, but if the weight is in (Lb), the it will convert into (Kg)

Column “B”
Describes the status (position) of each flight crew whether he is the captain (Cap.) or the
first officer (F/O) of the flight.
Column C”
Since there could be similarity in flight crew names or misspelling may happen or lengthy
first, middle, or last name may cause spacing problem in logging crew name form, every
airliners generally assign a unique four letters identifier for every and each flight crew
member to introduce in operations forms rather than their lengthy,…. name
Column “D”
Describes who was flying (controlling) the aircraft and who was doing communication,
reading flight instrument and filling the required flight forms for further operation
Column “E”
The date of flight
Column “F”
Aircraft register for performance calculation, weight limitation, and capacity of main cabin for
passenger, capacity of cargo in cargo compartments and , ….
Column “G”
Flight number to identify the departure and destination airport for further route study
Column “H”
Departure and destination airport via International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) four
letters code

SITA company as described earlier provide all IT flight services and on top they also
provides the flight planning (upon request) to airliners of all over the world.
With airline permission, the aircraft manufacturers provide the aircraft specification to SITA
company, therefore by inputting aircraft registration, departure and destination airport with
ICAO code, and pre-assumption payload, by respected airline operator(s), SITA company
provide a unique flight plan in that regard. All SITA data input are the calculated result of
that flight plan

(Fig. 2)

Column “I”
In the calculated takeoff weight, which include aircraft weight, takeoff fuel, passenger,
catering , baggage weight and possible cargo weight,

Note: SITA consider 0.80 (standard figure ) for fuel density unless otherwise specified

Column “J”
Cruise degradation or sometimes called “Performance factor or P-factor” is calculated figure
by flight operation engineering department of the airline every often (monthly, seasonal,…)
and inform the SITA company in that regard to apply onto calculated fuel consumption. For
example, cruise degradation of “5%” mean the aircraft consumes 5.0% additional fuel
because of aircraft aging, …
Column “K”
Trip fuel, is the required fuel the aircraft consume to depart from departure airport and land
at destination airport
Column “L” and “M”
Describes the trip time, that is the duration of the flight calculated by SITA company to
depart from departure airport and land at destination n airport. The reason it assigned with
two columns is first column for number of hour(s) and second one for number of minutes.
With the help of following, formula, trip time could be converted into minutes,

Destination cell formula in formula sheet = cell “L” * 60 + cell “M”

Cell “L” indicate 2 hours and cell “M” shows 2 minute, therefore
Trip time = 2 * 60 + 2 = 122 minutes
Formula used to unify the time into minutes in
cell “C6” of formula sheet

(Fig. 3)

Column “N”
Taxi fuel which is the amount of fuel consumed by aircraft for moving from ramp area to
runway for takeoff
Column “O”
FOB is the abbreviation of “Fuel OnBoard” that is the total fuel the aircraft have before
starting the engines in ramp area. It is the summation of
 Trip fuel
 Taxi fuel
 Alternate fuel
 Reserve fuel
 Holding fuel
 Possible additional fuel (for round trip fuel)
 Extra fuel. It is the extra uplifting fuel by captain request
Column “P”
The pilot request known as “EXTRA FUEL”. Pilots commonly request extra fuel when they
are not satisfied with calculated takeoff fuel (by his/her experience) or by weather report
(possible enroute weather condition).
Column “Q”
Pre-estimated payload the operator made which include passenger, cargo, for input entry to
SITA flight plan calculation
Column “R”
Top Of Climb (TOC) time, the calculated time rerquire the aircraft to reach to assigned
altitude to initiate cruising
Column “S”
TOC fuel, is the remaining total onboard fuel when reaches TOC and initiating cruise
Column “T” and “U”
Top Of Descend (TOD) time, it is the time aircraft ends the cruising and initiation the
descend toward destination airport

Note: As described earlier, the time assigned in tow columns which will be convert into the
hour(s) and minutes into minutes

Column “V”
Available onboard fuel weight when the aircraft reaches TOD and initiating the descend
toward the destination airport
Column “W” and “X”
Landing time at destination airport,
Column “Y”
Onboard available fuel when the aircraft land on destination airport runway
Column “Z”
Landing weight, it is the estimated landing weight calculated and estimated by SITA

3- Actual input
Actual input data is the reported reading data reading made by none flying pilot from
respected aircraft instruments who is responsible for all in-flight communication, monitoring
and reporting data

Note: Every aircraft clock is set to United Time Coordinate (UTC) or is commonly called “ZULU”
time, therefore all actual reported time are in UTC time zone

(Fig. 4)

Column “AA”
Takeoff weight extracted from Load and Trim Sheet (LST) form of the flight
Column “AB” and “AC”
Initiation of takeoff time “Zulu” at departure airport,
Column “AD”
Available inboard fuel at the time of departure
Column “AE” and “AF”
UTC time when aircraft reaches the TOC to initiate cruising
Column “AG”
Available onboard fuel at TOC
Column “AH” and “AI”
UTC time when aircraft reaches TOD to initiate descend toward destination airport
Column “AJ”
Onboard fuel at TOD
Column “AK” and “AL”
The UTC time when aircraft land at destination airport
Column “AM”
Available onboard fuel when aircraft is landing at destination airport
Column “AN”
Aircraft weight at destination airport, it is extracted from respected LTS form

The payload
All payload data are extracted from respected LTS form of the flight

Column “AO”
Number of onboard adult passenger. In calculation sheet,

Note: If airlines separate male and female passenger (mainly for weight calculation concern),
then another column need to be added as adult male “AM” and adult female “AF”,
otherwise one column will be for onboard adult passengers with average weight

(Fig. 5)

Column “AO”
Number of onboard adult
Column “AP”
Number of onboard child
Column “AQ”
Number of onboard infant
Column “AR”
Amount of passenger baggage weight
Column “AS”
Amount of onboard cargo and or mail weight
Column “AT”
Number of onboard Additional Crew Member (ACM). ACM generally refer to onboard official
crew (other than flight crew) like air marshal (for security) and flight mechanic (for the route
at which there would be no maintenance facility available at destination airport and aircraft
might need a very minor maintenance consideration)
Column “AU”

Allowed traffic load which extracted from flight LTS form. Allowed traffic load shows the
maximum possible payload for the flight which include passenger weight, passenger
baggage, possible cargo or mail

Note: If actual traffic load exceed allowed traffic load, some load must be offloaded and it will
start with cargo or mail


Each cell of conversion sheet is formulated so that to convert the respected weight into
Kilogram if cell “A” of main sheet input was (Lb).
The “IF” statement

(Fig. 6)

The formula of each cell in conversion sheer was formulated as:

For example, if the content of cell “A6” of main sheet is “Kg”, then take no action and place the
content of that cell in cell “I6” of main sheet into cell :B6” of conversion sheet without any
If the content of cell “A6” of main sheet is “Lb”, then divide the content cell “I6” of the main sheet
by the content of cell “A3” of the converted sheet (which is 2.20462) and place in cell “B6” of
converted sheet

Input unit in
column “A6” of
main sheet

(Fig. 7)

Which would be 124,714 (Lb) / 2.20463 = 56,569 (Kg)

Since same formula and procedure is used for all cells in conversion sheet, therefore describing
every cell is only the repeating and it is omitted

(Fig. 8)


Calculation sheet is designed to calculated the flight plan parameters with the help of main
sheet data and conversion sheet

The SITA section of calculation sheet

(Fig. 8)

Column “A”
takeoff fuel which is the difference of FOB column “E “ and taxi fuel column “D” of
conversion sheet
Column “B”
Takeoff weight is taken directly from B6 of conversion sheet

Column “C”
Is trip time collected from column “L” and “M” of the main sheet
Column “D”
Is the trip fuel in column “C” of conversion sheet
Column “E”
The climb time, that is the time spent for aircraft to reach TOC to initiate cruising from
column “R” of main sheet
Column “F”
Climb fuel used the following formula

Climb fuel in column “F” = takeoff fuel in column “A” of calculation sheet – TOC fuel in
column “H” of conversion sheet

Column “G”
TOC weight is the difference between takeoff weight in column “B” and defined climb fuel in
column “F” of the calculation sheet
Column “H”
Cruise time defined as the difference TOD time in column “T” and “U” and TOC time column
“R” of the main sheet
Column “I”
Cruise fuel is the difference between TOC onboard fuel of column “H” and TOD onboard fuel
“I” of conversion sheet
Column “J”
TOD weight is the difference between TOC weight cell “G” and the fuel consumed during
cruise cell “I” of calculation sheet
Column “K”
Descend time Is the difference between trip time in column “C”, of calculation sheet and
TOD time in column “T” and “U” of main sheet
Column “L”
Descend fuel is the difference between TOD fuel in column “I” and landing fuel in column “J”
of conversion sheet
Column “M”
Aircraft landing weight is the difference between takeoff weight in column B of conversion
sheet and the sum of (climb fuel in column “F”, cruise fuel in column “I” and descenf fuel
weight in column “L”) of calculation sheet

The actual section of calculation sheet

(Fig. 9)

Column “N”
Takeoff fuel is extracted from column “L” of conversion sheet
Column “O”
Takeoff weight was extracted from LTS form, it is in column “K” of conversion sheet
Column “P”
Trip time the difference between landing time in column “AK” and “AL” and takeoff time in
column “AB” and “AC” of main sheet
Column “Q”
Trip fuel is the difference between takeoff fuel in column “L” and landing fuel in column “O”
in conversion sheet
Column “R”
Climb time is the difference between TOC time in column “AE” and “AF” and takeoff time in
column “AB” and “AC of main sheet
Column “S”
Climb fuel is the difference between takeoff fuel in column “L” and TOC fuel in column “M” of
conversion sheet
Column “T”
Aircraft TOC weight is the difference between takeoff weight in column “K” of conversion
sheet and climb fuel in column “S” of calculation paper
Column “U”
Cruise time is the difference between TOD time in column “AH” and “AI” and TOC time in
column “AE” and “AF” of main sheet
Column “V”
Cruise fuel is the difference between TOC fuel in column “M” and TOD fuel in column “N” in
conversion sheet
Column “W”
TOD weight is the difference between TOC weight in column “T” and cruise fuel in column
“V” of calculation sheet
Column “X”
Descend time is the difference between landing time in column “AK” and “AL” and TOD time
in column “AH” and “AI” of main sheet

Column “Y”
Descend fuel
Descend fuel is the difference between TOD fuel in column “N” and landing fuel in column
“O” of conversion sheet
Column “Z”
Landing weight is the difference between aircraft TOD weight in column “W” and descend
furl in column “Y”

The payload section of calculation sheet

Payload section is consisting of passenger, baggage, cargo and mail weight. Passenger
weight consideration is part of airline policy which describes the weight of adult, child and

(Fig. 10)

Note: The figure 84 in cell “AA3” (84 Kg per adult passenger), the figure “35” in cell “AB3” (35
Kg per child passenger), the figure “0” in cell “AC3” are extracted from airline internal

Column “AA”
Adult weight is the multiplication of number of onboard adult in column “AO” of main sheet
and each adult weight in column “AA3” of calculation sheet
Column “AB”
Child weight is the multiplication of number of onboard child in column “AP” of main sheet
and each child weight in column “AB3” of calculation sheet
Column “AC”
Infant weight is the multiplication of number of onboard infant in column “AQ” of main sheet
and each infant weight in column “AC3” of calculation sheet

Column “AD”
ACM weight is the multiplication of number of onboard ACM in column “AT” of mainsheet
and each ACM weight in “AD3” of calculation sheet
Column “AE”
Total payload is the summation of column “AA” through “AD” of calculation sheet, baggage
weight in column “P” and cargo and mail weight in column “Q” of the conversion sheet
Column “AF”
Under load weight is the difference between allowed traffic load in column “R” of conversion
sheet and total payload in column “AE” of calculation sheet

The difference section of calculation sheet

Since calculated time for different stage of flight is not the same as respected calculated flight
plan time and so does the takeoff weight, it is tried to find the difference between two respected
time and weight, the calculate the average fuel rate in respect to time and weight of SITA
parameters, tried to modify the fuel consumed of SITA calculation with adjustmernt anf finally
compare with actual, therefore:
Average fuel rate of SITA with respect to time in:
 Climb fuel is climb fuel / climb time (Kg/Min)
 Cruise fuel is cruise fuel / cruise time (Kg/Min)
 Descend fuel is descend / descend time (Kg/Min)

Average fuel rate of SITA with respected weight in:

 Climb fuel is climb fuel / takeoff weight (Kg/Kg)
 Cruise fuel is cruise fuel / TOC weight (Kg/Kg)
 Descend fuel is descend fuel / TOD weight (Kg/Kg)

The difference section

(Fig. 11)

As Fig. 11 indicates, the defined difference is between SITA flight plan data and respected
actual reported reading by flight crew.

It should be noted that if:
 The result of calculation is positive, the SITA vale is greater than respected actual value
and vice versa
 It is too early to discuss about conclusion, instead, the discussion must be made on
summary table which would be final section of fuel management
Column “AG”
Is the difference between SITA takeoff weight of column “B” and respected Actual takeoff weight
of column “O” of calculation sheet
Column “AH”
Is the difference between trip time of SITA in column “C” and trip time of Actual in column “P”.
The difference is so minor to discuss
Column “AI”
Is the difference between trip fuel of SITA in column “D” and trip fuel of Actual in column “Q” the
Column “AJ”
Is the difference between climb time of SITA in column “E” and climb time of actual in column
“R” of calculation sheet
Column “AK”
Is the difference between takeoff fuel on column “F” and TOC fuel on column “S” of calculation
Column “AL”
Is the difference between TOC time on column “H” and TOD time on column “U” of calculation
Column “AM”
Is the difference of SITA cruise fuel calculation on column “I” and actual reported fuel on column
“V” of calculation sheet
Column “AN”
Is the difference between SITA descend time on column “K” and column “X” on calculation
sheet .
Column “AO”
Is the difference between SITA TOD fuel on column “L:” and actual descend fuel on cell “Y” of
calculation sheet
Column “AP”
Is the difference between SITA assumption payload made by operator on column “G” of
conversion sheet and Actual total payload of column “AE” of calculation sheet

The summary
It is advisable to complete and end the fuel consumption file for fix period such as:
 Season break
Seasonal break enable to study and make require or advisable modification on pre-
estimation of passenger (they wear light closing in summer, and heavy closing in winter),
baggage, seasonal passenger (their baggage) , …
 Month break
Month break and finalizing at the end of the month, enable to study and determine fuel
 Week break
Weak break is useful to study named crew activities like costly pilot, ….

Note: To begin the summary section, it is worth to note that “Subtotal” function need to be
selected instead of “Total” function so that any or every column could be filtered for a specific
subject or matter


(Fig. 12)

Since the last row “Row 1007) formulated with “subtotal” instead of “total”, filtering can be
activated on any column for study or monitoring
For example, if column “C” of main sheet is filtered. The filtering option allow to filter for “N” for
none flying pilot, “Y” for flying pilot, or blank cell (the filtering option is what the content of cell is)
Since we need to study the flight, the option “Y” is selected

The row of column “D” of main sheet is filled with “Y” for flying pilot and “N” for none flying pilot
for all if there was a flight

Indication of

Cells with “N” and “No

Cells with “Y” content content” content is
is selected deselected

(Fig 13)

The summary table enables to show the data to operation department or any other respected
department for study
Thanks to capability option of filtering column in Microsoft Excel has for enabling the summary
table to filter:
 To see the individual flight crew by filtering crew code on column “C” along with flying pilot
in column “D”. the summary table then shows the number of flight the selected pilot flown
and other activities
 The date he was on duty
 The aircraft he flown
 His flying outcome in regard of SITA outcome
 Any extra fuel he requested
 …..

The other provided information in summary table is the average actual baggage per passenger.

If the column “H” of main sheet is selected for any specific route then average passenger
baggage can be seen. Therefore it is possible for an airline to modify the internal policy for
passenger baggage weight for every specific route (an additional percentage should be
consider if a passenger has more baggage)
For example with considering the two data inserted into fuel management program, the average
passenger baggage per passenger is only 4.52 Kg as indicated in cell “O 1028”, (which in cell
“P 1028” of the main sheet shows 4.52 Kg/passenger). The airline may consider 10 Kg
baggage weight (5 Kg additional), still saving 10 Kg per passenger as advertised on airfare

(Fig. 14)
Actual average passenger baggage weight

Another example needs to be discussed and considered is the average amount of extra fuel
request by pilotsas shown on cell “P 1007”. A study on this regard must be made by flight
operations department authorities with the help of fleet managers and… for determination of the
reason of flight crew about asking for extra fuel and find a way for reducing to minimum,
because extra fuel means extra takeoff weight and conclude in extra fuel consumption

The under load also could also be added into summary table to inform the commercial
department to work on for cargo advertizing which would be a great income for airline

On “Discrepancy section” of summary table a detail study could be made by airline flight
operations engineering department about the percentage of “Extra(s)” or “Saved” fuel
consumption for each phase of flight with every exclusive aircraft
First try to find a way to minimize the discrepancies (without jeopardizing the safety of flight), but
if average flight have almost the same cases, then inform the SITA company for modification of
performance factor which must be calculated by flight operations engineering department for
any phase of flight and inform SITA company in that regard(s)

All gathered data are confidential


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