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Daily Conversation Script For Community Services

Team : 1. Nurin Aqmarina – 23111019

2. Retno Novalia Putri – 2311118

Conversation of Family Members

Nurin :Hello Lia!

Lia :Hello Nurin, what are you doing here?

Nurin :Owh, I just scrolling my phone.

Lia :How are you?

Nurin :I'm fine, how about you?

Lia :I'm fine too, What are your plans on Sunday?

Nurin :I already have plans with my family, we will go to the beach on Sunday. How about you
Lia? Do you have any plans on Sunday?

Lia : Ohh woww beach so calming, I don't have a plans i just have family time at home, how
many siblings do you have Nurin?

Nurin : I just have one siblings it’s my little brother. How about you Lia do you have brother or

Lia : I have two older brother and one sister, how old is your little brother?

Nurin : Wow, that’s great! My little brother is 13 years old. Owh by the way, earlier you
mentioned that you would do family time, what do you do with your family usually ?

Lia : Usually, we are talking about how's your day and sharing jokes together. When you're at the
beach, what are you going to do Nurin?

Nurin : Actually we’re just have fun, deep talks, and sharing about our daily life to each other.
Do you close enough with your siblings?

Lia : Yes, I'm very close to them, and sometimes we support each other.

Nurin : Awh it’s very heart warming. How about your moms? What type of moms is she?

Lia : Hm my moms, she isn’t type of mother who is really strict with her children but she is the
type who has to choose every single thing about me. What about your mom?
Nurin : My mom is the type who is very liberating the children. So, I can do whatever I want but
it must be in a good way.What does your mom do?

Lia : My mom works is selling laptops. What about your mom Nurin?

Nurin : My mom is a civil servant. Do you close enough with your mom?

Lia : Yes, we do. We always sharing about our life to each other. How about you Nurin? Are
there any activities that you often do together with your mom?

Nurin : Well, the activities that I often do together are when we play with our cats in our house
or we just like to cook together.

Lia : Wow, sounds so fun!

Nurin : Yeah, it makes me look forward to Sunday.

Lia : I hope you had so much fun with your family on Sunday!

Nurin : Yeah I hope you also had a lot of fun with your family on Sunday!

Lia : Yes, may our week be full of happiness!

Nurin : Oops, it’s already evening, I must go home.

Lia : Yeah me too Nurin, I will go home after this.

Nurin : Okay Lia, it’s nice to talk with you. See you on next Monday Lia!

Lia : See you on Monday Nurin, bye!

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