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Module 5 – Unit 2: Language Focus

Talking About Past and Present Beliefs

1. Brainstorm types of healing practices that have been used since the beginning
of time to the present.

2. Using the list above, decide on the three healing practices that were the most
common in the past.

3. Decide which three healing practices are most commonly used around the
world today.

Think about how healing practices have changed through history. How do the statements
below represent common beliefs about health in that time period? Write at least one
statement for each period, for example, completing the following ideas:

 People believed that…

 People used to believe that…
 People now believe that…

2000 BC “Here, eat this root.”

1000 AD “That root is against our religion. Here, say this prayer.”

1850 AD “That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.”

1940 AD ”That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.”

1985 AD “That pill is ineffective. Here take this antibiotic.”

2000 AD “That antibiotic doesn’t work. Here, eat this root.”

English Health Train: Module 5 – Unit 2
Copyright  2006 San Francisco Welcome Back Center
Adapted from: Mutha, S. et al. 2002. Toward Culturally Competent Care: A Toolbox for Teaching
Communication Strategies, Center for Health Professionals, University of California, San Francisco.
Source unknown.

Now write several statements summarizing how beliefs about health have changed in
your native country. Use both past tense and present tense verbs.


English Health Train: Module 5 – Unit 2

Copyright  2006 San Francisco Welcome Back Center

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