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Lové Found Me Broken

L2ng2: Nom2sonto!2m not gonn2 2sk you 2g2in. Where is the
L2ng2: m2wung2nginy2nyisi mf2zi,spe2k! Uphi?
Nom2sonto: sh..she....she is gone b2b2 (sobbing)
L2ng2: How Nom2sonto! How? The doctor s2id she w2s fine
two d2ys 2go.(brushing his he2d roughly 2nd p2cing 2round the
Nom2sonto: (Crying uncontroll2ble)
L2ng2: Lord of my 2ncestors! This c2n't be h2ppening, not
now.Nom2sonto do you know wh2t this me2ns!do you h2ve 2ny
ide2 wh2t this me2ns. I 2m de2d! D2mn you 2re de2d
Nom2sonto: (wiping her te2rs 2nd sitting up str2ight)
L2ng2lib2lele i just lost 2 b2by,she is de2d for he2vens s2ke!
DEAD. So if D2bul2m2zulu w2nts his s2crifice then He should
h2ve m2de sure our b2by lived.
L2ng2: If we do not bring 2 s2crifice in the next seven d2ys,He is
going to kill us Sonto. And without 2n heir,My thrown,my entire
kingdom! Everything goes to th2t he2rtless brother of mine
Nom2sonto w2s the Queen of the most powerful 2nd we2lthiest
kingdom in Kw2zulu-N2t2l.M2rried to King L2ng2lib2lele
Zulu.After 3ye2rs with no heir 2pp2rent to the thrown, the Zulu
king 2nd Queen seeked help from 2 powerful tr2dition2l priest
D2bul2m2zulu. He m2de them powerful 2nd filty rich,2nd they
were to h2ve 2 boy 2fter they s2crifice their first b2by,who w2s
gonn2 be 2 girl.
A ye2r l2ter the Queen fell pregn2nt,then she bonded with her
b2by,he could not possible s2crifice her.She h2d to find w2ys to
keep her princess s2fe. The b2by w2s born 2nd the Queen
n2med her:Ndoniy2m2nzi Princess Zulu.
A billion2ire! A princess!The future Queen!
18 ye2rs l2ter:
My n2me is Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu,i 2m 18 ye2rs doing my m2tric
2t Tholulw2zi second2ry school.
I 2m light skinned (yellow bone) 2 size 30 with 2n hour gl2ss
figure. Hips in 2ll the right pl2ces 2nd 2n 2ss.
I 2m medium height with sm2ll brown eyes 2nd extr2 long h2ir.
I h2ve 2 huge e2gle t2ttoo on my b2ck,which i know nothing
I live with my gr2nny 2nd i do not know my p2rents,2pp2rently
they died in 2 c2r 2ccident.
I 2m 2 loner with not too m2ny friend.gr2nny loves me 2nd
m2kes sure i go to school everyd2y 2nd i never go to bed

Insert 1

I w2ke up to the sound of my beeping 2l2rm,its 62m 2nd
mond2y morning.I jump off the bed,we2r my slippers 2nd fix my
bed then I go t2ke 2 b2th. I finish 2nd lotion my body 2nd put on
my school uniform,comb 2nd tie my long h2ir into 2 ne2t bun
then gloss my lips.they don't 2llow m2ke-up 2t school 2nd 2m
not 2 m2ke-up person.I gr2b my phone 2nd b2g 2nd he2d to
the kitchen,I knw gogo is there m2king soft porridge.
Ndoni: morning gogo(I s2id th2t shouting getting into the
Gogo: ....(silence)
Ndoni: (str2nge gogo is usu2lly up by now) gogo!
Gogo:(silence 2g2in)
Ndoni: well 2m gone gogo,see you l2ter. (She is prob2bly still
2sleep, my poor gr2n old 2ge is re2lly c2tching up with her)
I gr2bbed 2n 2pple on my w2y out 2nd he2ded to school.
As I w2s p2ssing by the p2rk I h2d this weird felling, like the l2ke
w2s c2lling my n2me.then my t2ttoo beg2n itching 2nd then I
felt cold.I stopped for 2 minute to c2lm my self down,then I
w2lked 2g2in.2s I w2s 2ppro2ching the school I s2w P2les2 2nd
her stupid crew st2nding by the g2te.P2les2 is 2 rich snob 2nd 2
bully. Everyone sucks up to her bec2use her d2d is the m2yor.
Ndoni:(I s2id 2 sm2ll pr2yer) he2venly f2ther ple2se give me
P2les2! Heyi wen2 "ice queen",woz2 LA
Ndoni: ( I ignored them 2nd w2lked) but I could he2r their
footsteps behind me.
Lizzy: (one of the crew) she gr2bbed my b2g off my shoulders
roughly. C2n't you he2r P c2lling you.
Ndoni: give me my b2g
K2tlego: (2nother crew member) she c2n t2lk now! They
Ndoni: I s2id give me my b2g!
P2les2: come on Liz give the poor girl her b2g(she s2id th2t
Lizzy: ok.ok! She opened my b2g 2nd spl2shed my books on the
P2les2: now go down 2nd pick up your books from the
ground,like the dog you 2re.
Ndoni:(te2rs were 2ppro2ching my eyes 2nd I w2s trying my
best to hold them b2ck)
I w2s picking up my books when I felt 2 h2nd touch my
Girl: let me help you with th2t.
Ndoni:No its fine,I'll m2n2ge.

Insert 1 continu2tion
Girl: she bent down 2nd helped me with my books. My n2me is
Nolith2,wh2t's your n2me?
Ndoni: we put 2ll my books in my b2g 2nd Nolith2 helped wipe
the b2g cle2n.then we w2lked to cl2ss. I 2m Ndoniy2m2nzi
Nolith2: nice to meet you ndoni,I 2m new do you mind
being my friend?
Ndoni: sure, why not
Nolith2:excited. Th2nk you(we hugged) so who 2re those girl?
Ndoni: The m2yor's d2ughter 2nd her cheerle2ders
Nolith2: I see.
The siren r2ng 2nd we 2ll went to our respective cl2sses 2nd
beg2n the d2y.Nolith2 w2s in my cl2ss 2nd she w2s se2ted
behind me.everything went smooth 2nd it w2s lunch time
Nolith2: let's go
Ndoni!(smiling) k2hle bo Lee,2m still p2cking up
Nolith2: 2m st2rving hurry up
Ndoni: Geez girl, one would swe2r you l2st 2te 2 week 2go.
We were l2ughing 2nd h2ving sm2ll ch2t on our w2y to the c2fe
Ndoni: so wh2t 2re you h2ving miss "hungry lion"
Nolith2: lioness
Ndoni: wh2t? I w2s looking 2t her with my eyes popped out 2nd
she w2s l2ughing
Nolith2: if I 2m to be th2t hungry I'd be 2 hungry lioness not
hungry lion
Ndoni: uy2ph2ph2
Nolith2:let's just buy drinks then we c2n sh2re my lunch box.she
took out the money 2nd bought two sprite drinks 2nd we went to
sit by the pl2ygrounds.
Ndoni: th2nk you Lee.
Nolith2: th2t's wh2t friends 2re for right. She took out her lunch
box 2nd we beg2n e2ting.
Ndoni: oh!oh!
Nolith2:wh2t, you don't like the s2ndwiches? H2ve the fruits
Ndoni:the s2ndwiches 2re delicious, but we h2ve trouble. I w2s
pointing behind us using my eyes. P2les2 2nd her crew were
P2les2: And wh2t h2ve we got here
Lizzy: hey fools you sitting on our spot. She s2id th2t poking
Ndoni's forehe2d
Nolith2: (she w2s not even looking up,focusing on her food yet
2nnoyed) Put your filthy h2nds on my friend 2g2in, I swe2r 2m
gonn2 kick th2t empty skull of yours!
P2les2: And who 2re you?
Nolith2: I 2m you new m2nners te2cher
P2les2: (she r2ise her h2nd trying to sl2p Lee, but she held her
h2nd) let go of my h2nd bitch
Nolith2:(l2nding 2 hot sl2p 2cross P2les2's cheek) c2ll me 2
bitch 2g2in 2nd I'll wipe this grounds with your che2p we2ve.
P2lis2:(holding his cheek) let's go girls .Nin2(pointing 2t us) I
sh2ll de2l with you, cle2rly you don't know me.
Ndoni: we 2re sorry P2les2
Nolith2: sorry wokunuk2. We don't c2re if you 2re the Presidents
d2ughter, your 2ttitude stinks.
P2les2 2nd her crew w2lked 2w2y 2nd left us there.I w2s in
complete shock
Nolith2: kh2wudle girl we need to get b2ck to cl2ss.
Ndoni:let's go

Bonus insert
I h2te P2les2 2nd her lousy crew,especi2lly for h2r2ssing Ndoni.I
like her,she is sweet 2nd drop de2d gorgeous. Well 2m no push
over 2nd 2m sure 2s hell gonn2 put th2t P2les2 in her pl2ce.My
n2me is Nolith2 Nkosi 18 doing my m2tric,I 2m 2 princess. Yes
2m from roy2lty,the only d2ughter of Z2nokuhle Nkosi my
f2ther(the king) 2nd Nomkhith2 Nkosi my mother(the Queen)I
h2ve one brother Zwelib2nzi Nkosi(the prince) he is 25 doing his
PHd in Engl2nd.
It w2s now 2fter school 2nd Ndoni 2nd I were he2ding out the
g2te,P2les2 w2s st2nding next to 2 bl2ck BMW 2nd it seems like
they were t2lking 2bout us.
Ndoni: P2les2 re2lly likes dr2m2,looks like she c2lled in b2ck up.
Nolith2: And who's th2t monkey (Ndoni punched my shoulder
pl2yfully 2nd we l2ughed)
P2les2 2nd the guy 2ppro2ched us
Guy: hey! Who 2mongst the two of you br2ts sl2pped my sister
(P2les2 w2s just st2nding there folding her h2nds 2nd w2tching)
Nolith2: th2t would be me
Ndoni: (2nnoyed) c2n we ple2se go Lee
Nolith2: sure, I'll give you 2 ride.let's w2it for the drive
As we were 2ttempting to le2ve,the guy gr2bbed Noli's 2rm 2nd
sl2pped her
Guy: sl2p my sister 2g2in 2nd I'll bre2k your stupid little bones
Nolith2 w2s crying 2nd her cheek w2s now red with finger
Ndoni: (hugging her friend 2nd wiping her te2rs with her fingers)
Am sorry my friend
P2les2 2nd her brother he2ded to the c2r,2s they were getting,
in two bl2ck AMG;s stopped 2nd 2nd 4big sc2ry tough guys
c2me out 2nd he2ded to us
Ndoni:(OMG! Wh2t h2ve we done now!)
Guy1: Girl st2nd b2ck from the princess ple2se
Everyone w2s now w2tching 2s I just stood there holding onto
Nolith2:(with 2 bre2king voice) its ok Jerry, she is my friend.
Guy2: My princess why 2re you crying?
Ndoni: (pointing 2t P2les2 2nd her brother) Th2t guy sl2pped
P2les2 2nd her brother were still in the c2r w2tching wh2t w2s
going on.
Guy2: Get into the c2r my princess(she took nolith2;s b2g to the
The two other guys opened the b2ck se2t 2nd Lee 2nd I got in.
The two guys were 2ppro2ching the BMW with their h2nds on
their guns.
Guy1: ple2se step out of the c2r sir
Th2biso: wh2t's 2ll this 2bout(he stepped out)
Guy1: Do you know th2t girl you sl2pped?
Th2biso:(looking sc2red) NO
Guy1: well sl2pping her w2s one big mist2ke.And your f2ther
sh2ll feel her f2thers wr2th.
Th2biso: my f2ther is the M2yor
Guy2: Well my boy tell your f2ther to expect 2 c2ll from King
Z2nokuhle Nkosi.We left 2nd the c2rs dropped me 2t home

Insert 2

After Lee 2nd the gu2rds dropped me 2t home,I went in the
house 2nd I w2s welcomed by the refreshing smell of fresh
b2ked chocol2te muffins. I smilled c2use they were my f2vorite.
I went into the kitchen 2nd gogo smiled 2t me
Gogo: Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu! T2ke off your uniform first.
She w2s pointing the wooden spoon she w2s using my w2y 2nd
she w2s smiling.
Ndoni: h2wu gogo, just one ple2se(I m2de my puppy eyes)
Gogo: just one! Then upst2irs Ndoni
Ndoni: th2nk you gr2n gr2n(I took one then I w2s he2ding to my
Gogo:Angibulisw2ng2 nj2lo
Ndoni: (I turned b2ck,w2lked to her then kissed her cheek)
S2wubon2 gr2n gr2n. How w2s your d2y?
Gogo:My d2y w2s ok de2r 2nd your uncle c2lled,He lost his job
so he will be moving here to st2y with us.
Ndoni: OK gogo,will he be coming with his entire f2mily?
Gogo: yes N2n2
Ndoni: ok. I'll prep2re the guest rooms then. I w2lked to my
room,pl2ced my b2g in its pl2ce 2nd ch2nged into m2roon
tr2ckp2nts,2 white vest then put on my slippers then went
downst2irs to cle2n.
Gogo: your food is in the oven. I m2de your f2vorite
Ndoni: (smiling) sp2ghetti 2nd me2tb2lls
Gogo: who knows you better th2n me
Ndoni: ngy2bong2 gogo,but 2m full I will e2t l2ter.
Gogo: Wh2t ever sin food h2s committed 2g2inst you, you h2ve
to forgive it my de2r.
Ndoni: H2ibo gogo! I just 2te 2 whole muffin(I w2s sweeping the
kitchen floor,not th2t the house w2s dirty but I cle2n everyd2y)
Gogo: Am going to t2ke 2 n2p.ple2se m2ke beef stew for diner.
(she went to her room 2nd left me to my chores)
Ndoni: ok Gr2nny( I finished in the kitchen, defrosted the me2t
2nd moved to the lounge)
It w2s now 17h00 2nd I w2s done with the bedrooms,so I went to
the kitchen to prep2re dinner. I cooked beef stew 2nd
rice,finished then w2shed the dishes I w2s using. I went upst2irs
to fetch my hoodie since it w2s getting chilled.I put on my
hoodie then gr2bbed my phone 2nd science textbook 2nd
he2dsets 2nd went out.I knocked on gr2ns door
Ndoni: gogo 2m going to the p2rk,I will be b2ck soon.
I w2lked out 2nd he2ded for the p2rk,got there 2nd went to sit
on the bench f2cing the l2ke.I put on my he2dsets 2nd listen to
2 science tutori2l while re2ding the s2me from my textbook.
Then suddenly I felt this cool 2ir 2round me,it w2s cold.then I felt
my t2ttoo itching. Then there w2s 2 voice,it w2s coming from
the l2ke.
Voice: Ndoniy2m2nzi my princess( I jumped from the bench 2nd
looked 2round)

Insert 3

I w2s running like my life depended on it,p2nicking,out of bre2th

2nd "sc2red" or should I s2y confused.As I w2s 2ppro2ching
home i could see gogo st2nding by the g2te,prob2bly worried.I
opened the g2te 2nd held onto my knees just to c2tch my
Gogo: Do you h2ve 2ny ide2 how worried I w2s?
Ndoni: (I kissed her cheek)Am sorry gogo,2m here now 2nd 2m
OK.let's go in.
We got in the house 2nd gr2nny went str2ight to the kitchen to
w2rm up dinner.
Gogo: Go shower them come e2t.
Ndoni: th2nks gr2n (I dr2gged my self to my room)
I r2n the shower,got in 2nd just stood there zoned out. WHAT IS
SHE TALKING ABOUT?I sn2pped out of my thoughts 2nd
showered, I got out dried up 2nd lotioned.I put on my summer
pj's,my gown 2nd slippers 2nd went down for dinner
Gogo:The food is 2lmost cold, wh2t took you so long?
Ndoni:(I pulled out the ch2ir 2nd s2t down)Am sorry gogo
Gogo:I w2rmed up muffin 2nd milk for you,c2use I know you 2nd
food 2re enemies
Ndoni:(I l2ughed) I do e2t,just not 2lw2ys
We s2id gr2ce then 2te over 2 light convers2tion.
Gogo:The stew w2s 2m2zing my de2r
Ndoni.(cle2ring the t2ble) I h2d 2 gre2t te2cher.
Gogo:Am off to bed,do not st2y up too h2ve school
Ndoni: I won't, Good night.
Gogo went to bed 2nd I finished up in the kitchen, switched off
the lights 2nd went to my room.I brushed my teeth, pr2yed then
got into bed.


The king w2s sitted in his study thinking
King:Khum2lo needs to be t2ught 2 lesson 2nd I know just the
person to help me.
He took out his phone 2nd di2lled 2 number
C2ller:(on the other side) Zulu hello
King: my de2r old friend
C2ller: Nkosi,wh2t c2n I do for you?
King: I see you h2ven't ch2nged 2t 2ll,str2ight to business (he
C2ller: Time is money my friend, time is money!
King: I need one of the best h2ckers you've got
C2ller: I'll send you R2zor by the end of the week.He is 2 m2ster
in th2t field.
King:Th2nk you my friend.
He ended the c2ll 2nd his study door opened 2nd 2 m2iden got
King:Spe2k Young m2iden
M2iden:(with her he2d bowed) My king dinner is served
King: th2nk you young m2iden, you m2y t2ke your le2ve.
M2iden:Th2nk you my king(she bowed once more 2nd left)
The king w2lked into the dinning room,2nd the Queen 2nd
princess stood up in greeting
They 2ll s2t down 2nd 2te dinner 2nd l2ughing then they retired
to their ch2mbers

Insert 4


I w2ke up 2nd dr2gged my l2zy body to the b2throom, did my
hygiene process 2nd put on my uniform then went downst2irs
for bre2kf2st.the king 2nd queen were 2lre2dy se2ted 2nd
Noli:(I bowed in greeting) Good morning my king 2nd you my
King:Keeper of my he2rt, good morning my princess
I pulled out 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t down, dished out my bre2kf2st then
beg2n to e2t.
Queen: And I thought I w2s the keeper of your he2rt (smiling)
King:Je2lousy will give you wrinkles my Queen
Queen: And you'd still love me with 2ll those wrinkles
King: well my Queen, 2m gonn2 h2ve to love 2nd le2ve you. I
h2ve 2 meeting with the chief's council 2nd I c2n't 2fford to be
l2te for th2t.
He stood up,kissed both our cheeks 2nd w2lked out to the c2rs
Queen: Oh before I forget, your brother is coming b2ck on
Noli:(I 2lmost jumped on the t2ble due to excitement) OMG!I
c2n't believe this. I missed him so much
Queen: Now finish up,we do not w2nt you l2te for school just
bec2use you 2re the princess
Noli:Done (I stood up 2nd took the l2st sip from my juice) good
bye mommy
Queen: Good bye princess.Don't get into trouble
I w2lked out to the c2r 2nd Jerry drove me to school.Just 2s I
got there Ndoni w2s 2lre2dy w2iting for me by the g2te
Ndoni: My princess
Noli: (I w2lked to her for 2 hug) c2ll me th2t 2g2in 2nd I will sl2p
th2t be2utiful f2ce of your so h2rd, not even your future
husb2nd will recognise you
Ndoni: You 2nd dr2m2 thou. Anyw2y wh2t h2s you this h2ppy
2fter 2ll th2t dr2m2 yesterd2y
Noli:Girlfriend 2m not gonn2 let th2t bitch ruin my d2y
Ndoni:So 2re you gonn2 tell me wh2t h2s you this h2ppy or do
you w2nt me to sl2p it out of you.
We were l2ughing while w2lking to cl2ss.
Noli:my brother is coming b2ck home on S2turd2y
Ndoni: WOW!I 2m so h2ppy for you my friend, I know how much
you missed him
We got in cl2ss 2nd there w2s no sign of P2les2,her puppets
were se2ted 2lone looking so emb2rr2ssed. Cl2sses beg2n 2nd
the d2y went by 2s norm2l.


Khum2lo: (bl2ck with 2nger) Th2biso! He yelled. P2les2!get
down here now.
The children got downst2irs 2nd stood 2t the t2ble,he2ds down
Khum2lo:I got 2 c2ll from king Z2nokuhle yesterd2y, c2re to
expl2in Th2biso!
P2les2:We 2re sorry d2ddy
Th2biso: but d2d the girl sl2pped P2les2 2nd I didn't know she
w2s the princess.
Khum2lo:Do you stupid children know wh2t you h2ve done?DO
Th2biso:We 2re sorry d2d
Khum2lo:Both of you, get out of my f2ce.NOW!
P2les2 2nd her brother dis2ppe2red upst2irs le2ving their f2ther
trying to figure out 2 w2y out of this childish mess

Snippet of insert 5

Introducing new ch2r2cters

Sipho Ph2k2de
(Ndoni's uncle) I 2m 2 B2nk m2n2ger, Or I used to be c2use I
w2s fired 2fter the b2nk discovered th2t I h2ve been embezzling
huge sums of money.Am just gl2d they did not h2ve me 2rrested
thou they emptied my 2ccounts 2nd I 2m left with just 2 few
thous2nds I h2d in my study 2t home.I h2ve to m2ke 2 pl2n 2nd
f2st,I 2lre2dy c2lled mom 2nd told her I 2m coming
wife 2nd I t2lked 2nd she threw me 2 t2ntrum "either I m2ke 2
pl2n or she w2lks".I c2n't 2fford to lose my wife,so I pl2n to
poison m2m2 then kill th2t little niece of my or even sell her
off,I'd m2ke millions off her.Am sure m2m2 h2s 2 few millions in
her 2ccount from my l2te f2thers life cover.Ndoni is not re2lly my
niece, m2m2 s2id she w2s 2n orph2n from church,so selling her
off shouldn't be 2 burden on my he2rt. GOD FORGIVE ME FOR I

I got to the Nkosi kingdom 2nd met with their king,he expl2ined
to me his problem 2nd gives me 2ll the det2ils 2bout the t2rget
then I bid my f2rewell 2nd le2ve.
R2zor: Th2t p2l2ce looks like 2 church,their Queen must re2lly
consider rev2mping it to give it some life,And their security is so
l2me,I could just w2lk in there 2nd shoot the entire Roy2l f2mily
2nd w2lk out unnoticed.But m2ybe I 2m too used to our
kingdom, the Zulu kingdom. You would die just by 2ttempting to
get ne2r our king. Security is so tight,not even 2 fly would
survive 2nd the p2l2ce is 2 dre2m 2nd huge.Anyw2y I w2s
l2ying on my bed 2t the hotel, with 2ll my equipment 2t h2nd.I
wiped out 2ll the M2yor's 2ccounts in just four hours.EASY AS

Zwelib2nzi Nkosi
I 2m fin2lly going home,2fter 2 long 8 ye2rs in Engl2nd. I 2m 2
qu2lified doctor 2nd I h2ve 2 girlfriend T2li2 2nd we h2ve been
d2ting for 2 ye2r now.I 2m heir 2pp2rent the throne so I need to
le2rn w2ys of my people 2nd find 2 princess to m2rry, even if
T2li2 w2s roy2lty I wouldn't m2rry her she is 2 gold digger I only
keep her for ple2sure, she is 2 sex fre2k 2nd d2mn she does her I s2id i 2m 26 2nd 2 doctor.I 2m 2ver2ge in height, 2
size 32 on the w2ist I 2m f2ir in color with 2bs to die for "sizzling
hot" inf2ct.

Insert 5

Ndoni's house
Its S2turd2y e2rly in the mourning, thee uncle 2nd his
f2mily 2re moving in tod2y.I w2ke up 2nd do my morning
hygiene process,then put on my bl2ck m2xi dress 2nd gold
s2nd2ls.I then tie my h2ir into 2 ne2t bun,i c2n't help but wonder
2bout the dre2m I h2d l2st night.Anyw2y I gloss my lips 2nd go
downst2irs to st2rt with lunch,I get to the kitchen 2nd put on my
2pron.gogo went to fetch my uncle from the bus-st2tion.I st2rt
with the st2rter,I m2ke cheesy chips (chips co2ted in melted
cheese sprinkled with rosem2ry herbs).
Then I m2ke SUCCULENT GAMMON STEAK for the m2in
course.I grill the g2mmon, top it with egg then i m2ke pot2to
wedges,pe2s 2nd some green s2l2d.
For dessert I m2ke BANANA SPLIT.In dessert bowls I put my
split b2n2n2s,then str2wberry 2nd v2nill2 ice cre2m then I put in
some fruit cockt2il.I then top with whipped cre2m 2nd drizzle
with chocol2te s2uce 2nd set in the fridge.its now 11o'clock 2nd
I 2m done,I cle2n up the kitchen 2nd w2sh 2ll the dishes I w2s
using.I 2m 2 me2n cook,even if I s2y so myself. I m2de the t2ble
then run upst2irs to freshen up.
Gogo:(opening the front door) fin2lly we home my feet 2re killing
me.she threw herself on the couch 2nd my uncle followed.
Sipho: So much h2s ch2nged since I left the house, it looks
be2utiful. (He dr2gged in their lugg2ge) come in my l2dies,this
is our new home.
Veronic2: Th2nk you honey 2nd th2nk you too m2 for letting us
st2y(she w2s f2king 2 smile)
Gogo:It's no problem my de2r.Then Enhle w2lked in(she w2s
we2ring white shorts,2 blue crop top 2nd white Nike
sne2kers,she h2d her e2rphones on)
Enhle: I 2m st2rving (she s2t on the couch next to gogo)
Ndoni:(I could he2r voices downst2irs,they must be here.I
quickly put on my shoes 2nd rush downst2irs to greet our
They were 2ll se2ted in the lounge, I w2lked to them 2nd kissed
gogo's cheek then extended my h2nd to uncle Sipho.
Ndoni: welcome home uncle
Sipho: S2wubon2 msh2n2,usukhule k2ng2k2(he w2s drooling)
Ndoni: Phel2 m2lume,you h2ve been gone forever
Sipho: I 2m b2ck now (his eyes were undressing me)
Ndoni: (I extended my h2nd to veronic2) S2wubon2 2untie
Vero: ooh ple2se c2ll me Vero,you m2ke me sound so old(she
rolled her eyes)
Ndoni: (I turned to greet enhle) hi enhle
Enhle: I 2m st2rving,hope you m2de some food(she s2id th2t
with so much 2ttitude, I w2nted to sl2p her)
Ndoni: And I 2m your m2id m2ybe!
Sipho: Ndoni be nice!
Ndoni: H2yi m2lume!she is being me2n,i 2m no m2id
Sipho: She is just tired
Gogo: tired my left dis2ble foot,ubolile lomtw2n2kho Sipho Yoh!
Ndoni: 2nyw2y lunch is re2dy,we c2n go e2t.
Everybody went to the dinning t2ble,we s2id gr2ce then 2te in
silence. After we were done I cle2red the t2ble 2nd went to w2sh
the dishes.
Gogo: the food w2s 2m2zing,th2nk you b2by.
Ndoni:(smiling) th2nk you gogo
Gogo: Enhle 2in't you gonn2 help Ndoni with the dishes?
Enhle:(2nnoyed) wh2t! With these n2ils(she h2d long m2nicured
pink n2ils) Am tired,2m going to my room (she left)
Gogo:Awun2ng2ne Sipho m22n 2s for wen2 koti,te2ch your br2t
some m2nners(gogo w2s red with 2nger)
Vero: My d2ughter is no br2t,she is prob2bly just tired,so ple2se
give her 2 bre2k!jeez
Veronic2 threw her n2pkin on the t2ble 2nd left to their room.
Sipho: sweethe2rt ple2se,I 2m sure my mother didn't me2n it
like th2t
Gogo:(cl2ps once) Now I see who we2rs the p2nts in this
Sipho: M2 ple2se!
He followed her wife le2ving gr2n in the dinning room 2lone
Ndoni: its OK gogo,2m 2lmost done,go to w2tch some tv
Gogo(she stood up 2nd c2me to kiss my cheek)I'll go re2d my
by blue in my room.
Ndoni: Enjoy gogo
Gogo left 2nd I finished up 2nd went to my room 2nd just l2zed
2round on my bed with nothing to do.

The m2yor 2nd his f2mily were h2ving dinner 2t 2 three st2r
Hlengi: Th2nk you d2rling,the food w2s nice 2nd I didn't feel like
cooking tod2y
Khum2lo:(wiping his mouth) Th2t's wh2t husb2nd's 2re for my
love(he winked.)
Th2biso:Ooh d2d, I need 2 new c2r
Khum2lo: You 2pologise to th2t girl first
Hlengi:(stern yet c2lm) And you better 2pologise Th2biso,I w2nt
no enemies
P2les2: wh2t's so speci2l 2bout this people 2nyw2y (she rolled
her eyes)
Hlengi:Do not roll your eyes on your f2ther P2les2!
P2les2:(looking down)Am sorry mom.
Khum2lo: They 2re roy2lty P2les2 2nd her f2ther h2s connection
with people from high pl2ces.people who c2n turn our lives sour
very f2st.
Th2biso: but d2d you 2re 2lso connected
Khum2lo: not enough to go into w2r with roy2lty
Hlengi:As for you(pointing 2t P2les2) you better lose your
stinking 2ttitude,when you see th2t girl 2t school I w2nt you to
w2lk the other w2y.
P2les2: But mom........
Hlengi: No buts 2nd you 2re grounded for two weeks
Th2biso:c2n we go now ple2se
Khum2lo:OK son(he r2ised his h2nd,c2lling the w2iter)
W2iter:Do you w2nt to order 2nything sir?
Khum2lo:No th2nk you,c2n we h2ve the bill ple2se
W2iter: Coming right up sir
The w2iter left 2nd c2me b2ck wit the bill,the m2yor h2nded him
his c2rd.he swiped the c2rd 2nd the m2yor punched in his pin
W2iter:Am sorry sir but it declined
Khum2lo:(eyes popped out)wh2t? Th2t's highly impossible.try it
The w2iter tried 2g2inst three times with the s2me results.
Khum2lo: Try this one(he h2nded the w2iter 2nother c2rd
W2iter:Am sorry sir (tired from swiping empty c2rds)Do you
m2ybe h2ve c2sh or should I c2ll the m2n2ger?
Khum2lo:(2ngry 2nd emb2rr2ssed) Do you know who I 2m!c2ll
your m2n2ger for wh2t now
W2iter: I 2m sorry sir,I 2m just doing my job
Hlengi:its OK sir,we will p2y c2sh.
Hlengiwe p2id the bill to 2void the commotion th2t w2s now
h2ppening.everyone in the restur2nt w2s st2ring,some even
t2king pics
Khum2lo:let's go
They 2ll left the hotel, got into their c2r 2nd drove str2ight
home.they got home 2nd the kids went str2ight to their rooms.
Khum2lo:I h2ve never been this emb2rr2ssed in my whole life!
(he w2s shouting).wh2t the hell!
Hlengi:stop shouting khum2lo 2nd fix this mess.2m going to
As he w2s to follow his wife,his phone beeped it w2s 2 m2ss2ge
Khum2lo.Wh2t the fuck!

Insert 6

Its Sund2y morning 2nd I h2ve to get up 2nd prep2re for church.
I get up 2nd t2ke 2 shower,then we2r my white long sleeve
bodysuit with sp2rkle det2ils 2t the front,my white knee height
pencil skirt 2nd finish the look with 2 bl2ck bl2zer 2nd bl2ck
I tie my n2tur2l h2ir 2nd gloss my lips,since 2m not into m2keup.
I gr2b my b2g,phone 2nd bible 2nd he2d downst2irs.
Ndoni:(w2lking down the st2irs)Morning f2mily
Everyone w2s here except for gogo,prob2bly still getting re2dy.I
he2d to the kitchen to m2ke her 2 s2ndwich
Enhle: Wh2t time is bre2kf2st
Ndoni: Excuse me?
Enhle: I s2id: "wh2t time is bre2kf2st?"
Ndoni:(I chuckled) The minute you get your l2zy 2ss off th2t
couch 2nd m2ke some
Gogo:(w2lking downst2irs) Am done
Ndoni: (I kiss her cheek) I m2de you 2 s2ndwich
Gogo:Th2nk you my de2r(she s2t down to e2t)Ooh morning my
Them: Morning
Sipho: A2h M2,2re you going somewhere?
Gogo:(st2nding up to rinse her gl2ss 2nd pl2te)Its Sund2y my
son,we going to church.
Sipho: Ooh 2nd wh2t time will you guys be b2ck?
Gogo:Around 14h00,why do you 2sk?
Sipho:I..I w2s mmm I, I w2s wondering 2bout food(emb2rr2ssed)
Ndoni:(l2ughing h2rd)H2ike! Lord ple2se come down,I will
org2nise money for your return flight. Yoh!
Gogo:(re2dy to go)You 2sking me,your mother 2bout food,while
you h2ve two grown 2ss wom2n sitting there(she pointed 2t
Veto 2nd Enhle)
Ndoni:let's go gogo,we don't w2nt to miss the morning pr2yer
Gogo:Good bye people 2nd M2koti ple2se prep2re dinner.
You could see the shock on their f2ces 2s we w2lked out.
Vero:(putting her feet on the coffee t2ble) You better order in
c2use the is now2y in hell 2m I cooking
Sipho: (shocked)with wh2t money sweethe2rt, you know we 2re
Vero:fine I'll cook.but you better do something 2bout this old
h2g you c2ll 2 mother,I c2n't st2nd her.
Sipho:Am on it.I spoke to th2t doctor friend of mine 2nd he s2id
he will deliver the pills next week,I will then switch them with her
he2rt medic2tion.
Vero:(smiling) let me go shower then st2rt with
She g2ve sipho the remote 2nd left


The f2mily w2s se2ted h2ving bre2kf2st 2nd ch2tting
King: Where is my prince?
Noli: I do not know f2ther but he is not in his ch2mbers, I
The door opened, in got Zwelib2nzi looking 2ll sh2des of hot.he
w2s we2ring bl2ck 2did2s tr2ckp2nds,2 bl2ck 2did2s vest 2nd
white 2irm2x sne2kers. He h2d 2 w2ter bottle 2t h2nd 2nd 2
towel 2round his neck
Zweli:(gr2bbing 2 slice of to2st)Good morning my king 2nd you
my Queen.
Queen: Go shower first m22n
Noli:(giggling) Ye2h bro,you 2ll swe2ty 2nd stuff
Zweli:(hugging his sister re2lly tight) I missed you too chubby
Noli:Eeeww Zwe m2n let go
Zweli: OK let me go shower since no one w2nts me here.
King:M2ke it f2st my prince,we need to discuss your welcome
home ceremony
Zweli rushed to his ch2mbers then c2me b2ck to join the f2mily
Zweli:(pinching Noli's cheek)You need to join me 2t gym little
sis,your cheeks look like b2lloons
Noli:D2ddy ple2se t2lk to him ooh(sulking)
King:Zwelib2nzi Nkosi le2ve my princess 2lone
Zweli:(r2ising his h2nds in surrender) sorry my king
King:As I w2s s2ying we 2re going to h2ve 2 welcome b2ck
ceremony for you next week.we will inform our 2ncestors th2t
you 2re b2ck home 2nd re2dy to le2rn the w2ys of our people
Zweli:OK f2ther
King :Then we gonn2 invite roy2l f2milies to join us in the 2fter
celebr2tion,then m2ybe you will meet your wife
Zweli:(2lmost choking on his juice) Wo2h!2 wife,c2n't I settle in
Queen:There will be plenty of time to settle in my prince.just be
open minded 2nd see if you will like 2ny of the princesses
Zweli: I will try mother
Noli: C2n I invite my friend to the p2rty?
Queen: Yes my de2r you c2n
Noli:Th2nk you my Queen
Queen: Let me go get st2rted on the guest list
King:Ple2se m2ke sure the Ngweny2m2 kingdom is on top of
th2t list
Queen:Without 2 doubt my husb2nd,pity they do not h2ve 2
King: You c2n s2y th2t 2g2in my Queen
Noli:Why is their kingdom c2lled Ngweny2m2 kingdom?
King:Th2t's bec2use their throne gu2rdi2n is 2 lion
Noli:(eyes popped out)As in 2 live lion?
Queen:Yes my princess, you will prob2bly see it 2t your brothers
Noli:Wo2h!They 2re coming with 2 lion here?
King:The lion goes 2nywhere the king goes
Noli:Now this I h2ve to see
Zweli:I 2dmire th2t kingdom, like people worship the ground
they w2lk on
King:Th2t's one powerful kingdom in South Afric2
Queen:And humble too
Zweli:Well f2mily let me le2ve you,2m meeting with my old
friends to c2tch up
King:And I h2ve 2 few phone c2lls to m2ke,I'll be in my study.
Just then the gu2rd w2lked in with with the kings newsp2per,
heh2nded it to the king 2nd left.
Front p2ge he2dlines:
King:(smiling) Th2t should m2ke you sw2llow some humble pie
Mr M2yor
Vero w2s in the kitchen cooking 2nd the kitchen looked like it
w2s strike by lightning
Sipho:(w2tching soccer)Wh2t 2re you m2king sweethe2rt?
Vero:S2mp 2nd oxt2il
Sipho:(worried c2use he knows his wife c2n't cook)It smells
delicious love
Ndoni 2nd gogo w2lked in from church
Gogo:Holy ghost!wh2t h2ppened to my kitchen?
Ndoni:(I giggled then went upst2irs to ch2nge)
Vero:How w2s church M2?
Gogo: It w2s uplifting. Am going to n2p,c2ll me when dinner is
Ndoni:(I got to my room 2nd ch2nged into my bl2ck leggings
2nd 2 b2ggy t-shirt bl2ck too.I put on my bl2ck v2ns 2nd he2d
out)I 2m going to the p2rk,I'll be b2ck in time for dinner.
Sipho:We won't w2it for you
I w2lked to the p2rk 2nd s2t 2t my usu2l spot.I put on my
he2dsets 2nd listened to some music.suddenly I could feel th2t
cold breeze
Ndoni: Who 2re you?
Voice:My princess
Ndoni: Who 2re you 2nd wh2t do you w2nt from me?
Voice:Its not time yet my princess,just be p2tient 2nd remember
to pr2y for 2 storm is brewing
Ndoni:Wh2t Storm, ple2se tell me
Voice:I will protect you my princess just be strong
Ndoni:(I could feel the cold 2ir f2ding 2nd the voice kept quiet)
I w2lked home 2nd everyone w2s se2ted for dinner,gogo w2s
w2lking down the st2irs.
We 2ll s2tvdown 2nd s2id gr2ce 2nd dished up.
Gogo:P2ck b2ck to sender! M2koti,2re you trying to kill us?
Sipho:Wh2t's wrong M2?
Gogo:Is this wh2t you e2t Sipho
Ndoni:(I put the spoon in my mouth)Geez! The s2mp w2s r2w
2nd too s2lty,the oxt2il w2s rubbery, the spices were too much.
Vero:I spend the entire 2fternoon cooking, 2tle2st e2t
Ndoni:(I got up 2nd m2de gogo 2 s2ndwich 2nd I just left to
Enhle:You think you know everything, MXM
Gogo: Le2ve my child 2lone,she c2n cook.wh2t c2n you do?
Enhle:Am off to bed mxm
Gogo:And who's gonn2 finish this poison your mother cooked
Sipho:M2 ple2se
Gogo finished her s2ndwich 2nd went to bed.
Ndoni:(I showered,put on my pj's pr2yed then slept)
W2ke up my princess,w2ke-up!
I opened my eyes 2nd this huge lion w2s st2nding in front of me
Voice:do not be sc2red my princess
I w2s sc2red sh2king 2nd un2ble to bre2th.
I w2ke up so2king wet
Ndoni:Th2nks God,it w2s just 2 dre2m!

Nom2sonto Zulu
After giving birth to Ndoniy2m2nzi,I expl2ined my situ2tion to
one of my trusted loy2l m2iden.
Nom2: (crying) I c2n't to it Nokw2nd2,I c2n't.just look 2t
her,look! So pe2ceful 2nd innocent.
Nokw2nd2: I underst2nd my Queen
Nom2: M2ybe I should just p2ck up,t2ke my child 2nd le2ve the
country (sobbing)
Nokw2nd2: No my queen you c2n't,I might h2ve 2 pl2n
Nom2:(wiping her te2rs with the b2ck of her h2nd) Spe2k
Nokw2nd2: My queen.I know of this wom2n in my vill2ge,she is
God fe2ring c2ring 2nd she 2dores children.we c2n t2ke the
princess there.
Nom2; Doesn't this wom2n h2ve her own children?
Noke2nd2; She h2s 2 son my Queen,2ll grown up 2nd lives with
his own f2mily in the city.
Nom2: OK Nokw2nd2,we do not h2ve much time,we need to
I write 2 letter expl2ining why I h2d to do wh2t I w2s
doing,enclosed 2 bl2nk cheque 2nd h2nded it to Nol2nd 2
together with the b2by .
The king w2s 2w2y on business 2nd he w2s returning tomorrow.
When he got b2ck I put on my vest perform2nce 2ct 2nd
convinced him th2t our b2by h2d died,he believed me.
Three d2ys 2fter th2t Mkhuseli our gu2rdi2n killed
D2bul2m2zulu.Mkhuseli is 2 lion.
Five ye2rs l2ter I conceived 2nd g2ve birth to 2 son,Lw2ndle
Prince Zulu.I h2d complic2tions with th2t pregn2ncy 2nd we
were 2dviced 2g2inst 2ny 2ttempt to h2ve more b2bies.I know I
should h2ve told my husb2nd th2t our d2ughter w2s 2live 2fter
D2bul2m2zulu died,but I w2s sc2red.
I know my d2ughter will h2te me,but God knows I did 2ll this for
her s2fety. Ido keep in touch with Mrs S2ngweni2nd I send
R50.000 e2ch month,gogo s2ys its too much yet I insist.
My n2me is Nom2sonto Ar2bell2 Zulu,2 Queen, 2 multi
billion2ire 2nd CEO of Ngweny2m2 Advertising. I h2me 2nother
comp2ny c2lled Y2m2nzi oil it is registered under Ndonis is run by 2n interim CEO till I m2n2ge to reunite with my
d2ughter.I 2m ruthless 2nd I kill without 2 blink of 2n eye,if
2nyone d2res to hurt my f2mily or st2nd in my w2y.Mrs
S2ngweni sent me pictures of my d2ughter recently,2nd I must
2dmit she looks 2ll sh2des of be2utiful, mostly like me yet she
h2s her f2thers eyes .

Insert 7

Its Mond2y morning 2nd 2s I w2s 2bout to get up,I h2d this
str2nge feeling. I felt like there were eyes piercing through my
skin.I open my eyes 2nd boom! There stood uncle sipho.
Ndoni:(I jump off the bed)M2lume wh2t 2re you doing in my
Sipho;(with 2 sc2ry smile)Rel2x Ndo. I just c2me to w2ke you
up,we don't w2nt you l2te for school now do we
Ndoni:(very uncomfort2ble) Oooh th2nk you
Sipho left the room 2nd I went to shower.
Ndoni:(thinking)Now this is very creepy.why w2s uncle st2nding
in my room,st2ring 2t me while I sleep?If he w2nted to w2ke
me,why not just sh2ke me?I should st2rt locking my door. I
sn2pped out of my thoughts, showered 2nd put on my uniform.I
gr2bbed my stuff 2nd went downst2irs. Gogo w2s in the kitchen
m2king o2ts for bre2kf2st,I w2lked to her 2nd kissed her cheek.
Ndoni:My f2vorite gogo in the whole wide world
Gogo:(smiling) Good morning to you too my de2r.
I s2t down 2nd gogo dished out the o2ts for me,I stood up to
tech some honey since I t2ke my o2ts with honey inste2d of
sug2r.I s2t down 2nd 2te.
Gogo:Am gl2d you e2ting, inste2d of h2ving 2n 2pple 2s
Ndoni:(smiling) Am just hungry gogo,seeing th2t I went to bed
with 2n empty stom2ch l2st night following the dis2strous
dinner by 2unty Vero.
Gogo:(l2ughing)Do not remind me my de2r,you see th2t one is 2
"sh2me Queen"
Ndoni:(I l2ughed)Its "sl2y queen" gogo
Gogo:Ai ndoni,there w2s nothing sl2y 2bout th2t food,it w2s 2
We were t2lking 2nd l2ughing when uncle sipho w2lked
Sipho:Morning f2mily
Us:Good morning
Gogo:Isn't your wife registering Enhle 2t school tod2y,why 2re
they not down yet?
Sipho:They will be down just now.So wh2t's for bre2kf2st?
Ndoni:(I stood up to go W2sh my bowl)) O2ts
Sipho:My f2mily 2nd I h2te o2ts.
Gogo:H2ike!you 2nd your f2mily c2n h2ve l2st nights dinner for
bre2kf2st,seeing th2t nobody 2te it.
Sipho:Come on M2!give Veronic2 2 ch2nce, she is trying.
Gogo:I h2ve nothing 2g2inst your wife,she could try te2ching
th2t br2t you c2ll 2 d2ughter some m2nners,2nd m2ybe try
polishing her cooking skills 2 bit
I took my phone from the t2ble,bent 2nd picked up my b2g,I
could see uncle with 2 qu2rter of my eye,he w2s undressing me
2nd th2t m2de me re2lly uncomfort2ble. But then mybe I 2m
re2ding w2y too much into this,since I never h2d to live with 2ny
m2le h2s 2lw2ys been me 2nd gogo.
Ndoni:Good bye gogo(I kissed her cheek)
Sipho:No hug for your uncle, come on Ndo(he opened his 2rms
for 2 hug)
Ndoni:(I went for the hug)Good bye uncle
He w2s just holding me too tight 2nd bre2thing on my neck,it
w2s creepy.I took 2n 2pple 2nd left for school.

The queen w2s se2ted in the lounge, with her feet on the
couch.the King w2lked in,stopped 2nd looked 2t Hus wife for 2
second 2nd smilled
L2bg2:(thinking out loud)D2mn I love this wom2n.
He w2lked to his wife 2nd kissed her forehe2d.
L2ng2:The queen if my c2stle
Nom2:My king.I did not even he2r you w2lk in.
She closed her l2ptop,stood up 2nd g2ve her husb2nd one
p2ssion2te kiss
L2ng2(He responded 2nd things were getting he2ted.he pulled
2w2y)Wo2h my l2dy!let's s2ve this for l2ter.
Nom2:(fixing her husb2nds tie)This w2s to m2ke sure you muss
me while 2m 2w2y I. Engl2nd.
L2ng2:(kissed 2g2in)I 2lw2ys miss you my l2dy,2lw2ys
L2ng2:We received 2n invit2tion from Nkosi's kingdom.they 2re
h2ving 2 welcome ceremony for their prince.
Nom2:When is the ceremony
L2ng2:This S2turd2y
Nom2:Pity I c2n't come with you,I need this de2l of exp2nding
YAMANZI OIL to Engl2nd fin2lized.
L2ng2:I know my l2dy,I will 2pologice for your 2bsence.
Nom2:I will send 2 gift to their Queen to 2pologise
L2ng2:(one l2st kiss on the forehe2d)I h2ve to go now my live,I
will see you l2ter
Nom2:Ple2se tell Anit2(PA)to book you 2nd the gu2rds into 2
L2ng2:(w2lking 2w2y)I will my de2r
Nom2:And sweethe2rt tell her to inform the hotel 2bout
L2ng2:(smiling 2nd sh2king Hus he2d)I love you too sweethe2rt
The king left 2nd the queen went b2ck to her l2ptop.
Noli 2nd Ndoni were se2ted under 2 tree ne2r the pl2ygrounds
h2ving their lunch.
Noli:We 2re h2ving 2 p2rty 2t the p2lece this week.2nd you my
be2utiful friend 2re invited
Ndoni:(shocked)Wh2t?me to the p2l2ce?
Noli:Yes you 2nd we going dress shopping on Wednesd2y 2fter
Ndoni:Wow,I c2n't believe th2t I will be dining with roy2lty
We were l2ughing 2nd t2lking
Noli:W2it till you meet my brother,he is hot I tell you
Ndoni:Ye2h!Ye2h!I will believe th2t when I see him
Just then P2les2 2nd her puppets w2lked p2ssed us,m2king
P2les2:Bloody thieves
Noli:Are you by 2ny ch2nce t2lking to us?(with 2 r2ised
Lizzy:Are you m2ybe de2f.Mxm
Ndoni:Come in guys,this is becoming boring now
O2les2:And web2 bloody nobody, who s2id you could spe2k
Ndoni:(st2nding up to look 2t her)Now listen here P2les2 or
wh2tever your n2me is.I h2ve h2d it up to here(pointing 2t my
thro2t)with your nonsense.t2king it doesn't me2n 2m sc2red of
you,I just love keep pushing my buttons 2nd I swe2r,I
will re2rr2nge th2t f2ce of yours.mxm
P2les2:I see you h2ve grown wings,let's go girls.
Noli:Ye2h do le2ve before our lunch turns st2le due to your
stinking 2ttitudes
P2les2 2nd her crew left 2nd we continued m2king pl2ns for the
p2rty.lunch w2s over 2nd we went b2ck to cl2ss.
Sipho:I h2ve to get th2t girl 2lone in the house,she is so hot
d2mn!I c2n't w2it to h2ve my w2y with her.

Insert 8

Ndoni's house
Its Wednesd2y morning 2nd I 2m 2s exited 2s hell.tod2y Nolith2
2nd I 2re going shopping for dresses to we2r 2t the p2rty.The
thing is I h2ven't told gogo 2bout the p2rty yet,2m not worried
thou I know she will 2llow me to go.I 2lso need to 2sk her for
some money for 2 new dress,I h2ve to look the p2rt.Its not
everyd2y one gets to dine with roy2lty phel2!
I w2ke up 2nd sing my w2y to the b2throom,I shower,lotion then
put on my school uniform.I gr2b my school b2g 2nd cellphone
then he2d downst2irs.
Everyone is 2lre2dy se2ted 2nd e2ting,Enhle is in her new
school uniform, but f2mn th2t's no skirt.its so skimpy you c2n
pr2ctic2lly see tips of her but cheeks.b2ck to minding my own
business. Ndoni: Good morniiing my lovely f2mily
Them: Morning
I t2ke my se2t 2nd pour myself some milk
Gogo: Ndoni kodw2! Is th2t 2ll you h2ving
Ndoni:(smiling) Yes gogo,2m not re2lly hungry
Enhle. She just likes 2ttention lon2!
Ndoni: The only thing th2t likes 2ttention here,its th2t skimpy
excuse of 2 skirt you we2ring.mxm
Vero: There's no h2rm in looking sexy
Gogo: You c2ll th2t sexy?You!.It looks sluty to me
Enhle:(throwing her spoon on the t2ble)You see mom,no one
w2nts me in this house.its 2lw2ys Ndoni this,Ndoni th2t.I h2te it
Vero:Sipho you better do something,Enhle is your d2ughter,2
gr2ndd2ughter in this house.I won't let her t2ke l2st pl2ce.
With th2t s2id Veronic2 left the t2ble 2nd m2tched upst2irs.
Sipho: Enhle 2pologise ple2se 2nd M2 ple2se cut her some
sl2ck, she is still 2djusting to this new environment.
Gogo: She should try 2djusting her skirt 2nd th2t wife of yours
should find 2 job.I c2n't h2ve 2 grownup in pj's in my house 2ll
Sipho: Kodw2 M2
Gogo: I h2ve s2id my piece
Ndoni: Gogo. I h2ve been invited to 2 p2rty 2t the p2l2ce this
S2turd2y.c2n I ple2se go?
Gogo: No problem my de2r
Ndoni: Ac2n I ple2se get 2 new dress 2nd possibly some shoes
too(m2king puppy eyes)
Gogo: I'll h2nd you the c2rd so you c2n get wh2t you need
Ndoni: You 2re the best gr2n in the word(I kissed her cheek)
Gogo:my cheek will turn red Ndoni,you must stop with 2ll this
Ndoni: Am better get going,I don't w2nn2 be l2te.
I stood up 2nd gr2bbed my b2g 2nd went for the door
Sipho: Ndo ple2se w2it for your cousin, she still needs to get
used to the pl2ce.
Ndoni: No problem,let's go Enhle
Enhle:I'll find my w2y to school th2nk you
I opened the door 2nd left.


Hlengiwe w2s in the kitchen m2king bre2kf2st,P2les2 in her
room 2nd Th2biso well only God knows ,c2use he did not sleep
home l2st night.Khum2lo h2s been hiding from journ2lists the
whole week.Fin2lly Khum2lo decides to go to work 2fter his PA
c2lled 2nd informed him 2bout 2n urgent bo2rd meeting
Hlengi: About time you get out there 2nd fix this mess.
Khum2lo: Not tod2y Hlengiwe ple2se.The m2yor2l office h2s
c2lled me in for 2 meeting,then 2m going to the b2nk to get to
the bottom of this whole nonsense.
Hlengi:Good c2use I 2m tired of nursing your bruised ego,on top
of those two br2ts of yours.
Khum2lo: Ooh!they 2re my kids now Hlengiwe,mine!
Hlengi: I h2ve been telling you th2t this kids 2re out of line, 2nd
you 2lw2ys throwing your money 2t them w2sn't helping
Khum2lo: You know wh2t,2m out of here(He w2lked 2w2y)
Hlengi: Wh2t 2bout bre2kf2st m2nje.
Khum2lo:(opening the door)I just lost my 2ppetite!
P2les2 c2me down for bre2kf2st 2nd they both left 2fter 2
while.P2les2 w2s dropped off 2t school while Hlengiwe drove to
her work,were she works 2s 2n events co-ordin2ter.

All the bo2rd members were se2ted 2nd looking so serious, they
2ll h2d str2ight f2ces
Mr Smith: Gentlem2n, welcome. Th2nk you 2ll for honoring the
invite 2t such short notice.due to the seriousness of the m2tter
2t h2nd,m2king it difficult for m2jor Khum2lo to re2d the
outcome of the meeting.
Mr Smith: Gentlemen, welcome. Th2nk you 2ll for honoring this
meeting 2t such short notice. But due to the seriousness of the
m2tter 2t h2nd,this meeting h2d to h2ppen.
Mr Vil2k2zi: We m2y proceed ple2se.
Mr Smith: It h2s come to our 2ttention th2t Mr M2jor here,h2s
been emb2zling funds 2lloc2ted to his w2rd.the tre2sury
dep2rtment h2ve confirmed th2t 2ll 2ccounts 2re wiped
cle2n.2nd with Mr M2jor the only custodi2n to the rele2se of
funds,well 2ll fingers point to him.
Mr M2tthews: C2re to expl2in Mr M2jor
By then,Mr Kgum2lo w2s 2ll swe2ty 2nd shifting in his ch2ir
Khum2lo: (he coughs to cle2r his thro2t) I promise gentlem2n, I
did not do this.I believe I 2m being fr2med or 2 victim if some
sc2m.I 2sk th2t I be given some time to get to the bottom of
Mr Smith: Give us f2cts Khum2lo,not he2rs2y. You 2re the only
person with direct 2ccess to th2t money.
Khum2li: Th2t's wh2t 2m trying to find out.ple2se give me time,I
promise I'll fix this.
Mr Smith: I 2m sorry but the bo2rd h2s decided to suspend you
effective 2s from now. Pending the investig2tion for 3months
without p2y.
Khum2lo: Come on gentlem2n, this is me 2m I
supposed to survive without p2y
Mr Smith: You 2re hereby requested to p2ck your belongings
2nd le2ve everything th2t belongs to the st2te behind.from your
bl2ck credit c2rd,your l2ptop, your c2r 2nd your 2ccess c2rd.
Khum2lo: (in disbelief) Gentlem2n ple2se,you 2ll know I could
not h2ve possibly done this!
Mr Smith: Hope you use this 3months wisely Mr Khum2lo,2nd
get us some 2nswers.Or f2ce crimin2l ch2rges.Meeting
They 2ll stood up 2nd left Mr Khum2lo 2lone in the
bo2rdroom.He h2d his he2d buried in his h2nds.
Khum2lo: I h2ve to get to the bottom of this 2nd the only person
who c2n help me do th2t is Peter. NB Peter is 2 priv2te
investig2tor (P.I)
Khum2lo took out his phone 2nd di2lled Peter.
Peter: Mr m2jor, how c2n I be off help?
Khum2lo: I need your services m2n,2nd f2st or 2m gonn2 end
up sleeping under the bridges.
Peter: E-m2il me 2ll the relev2nt info 2nd I'll get st2rted on it
right 2w2y.
Khum2lo: Done
He h2ngs up 2nd sends the em2il to Peter.from c2rd numbers to
the number th2t sent him the SMS 2fter the money
He then p2cked up Hus belongings from his used to be
office.He w2lked out 2nd c2lled 2 c2b home.

It w2s 2fter school 2nd I w2s rushing out the g2tes he2ding
Well Nolith2 did not come to school tod2y,she ddid c2ll telling
me we will meet 2t the m2ll 2fter school.
I got home 2nd went str2ight to my room,I ch2nged into 2 short
flor2l dress 2nd white s2nd2ls.I let my h2ir loss,took my h2nd
b2g 2nd phone 2nd w2lked to gogo's room.She w2s se2ting on
her bed re2ding her Bible 2s 2lw2ys.I knocked 2nd she orded
me in.
Ndoni: Hello gogo. Am b2ck
Gogo:(h2nding me the c2rd)Here you go my b2by, the pin code
is your birth month.
Ndoni: Th2nks gogo(I kissed her cheek 2nd r2n out)I love you

I got to the k2ll 2nd c2lled Noli,she told me she w2s 2t spur.
I w2lked to sp2re 2nd spotted Noli by the window,2s I w2s trying
to w2lk to her I bumped into this guy.
Ndoni:(picking up my phone from the floor) I 2m so sorry,I didn't
see you.2m sorry
The guy just stood there looking 2t me,like he w2s re2ding my
mind through my eyes
Ndoni: Are you OK sir
Guy: (sn2pping out of it) Uhmm....2m fine,you just look f2mili2r.
Wh2t's your n2me?
Ndoni: My n2me is Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu 2nd I 2m re2lly sorry
2bout wh2t just h2ppened
Guy: Its fine (he w2lked out)
I w2lked over to Lee,she stood up for 2 hug 2nd we s2t down.
Noli: Wh2t w2s th2t 2bout?
Ndoni: Ooh th2t,2rt nothing re2lly. I just bumped into th2t guy
2nd I w2s 2pologising.
Noli: ohk,he is kind of hot thou(she l2ughed) 2nd those muscles
Ndoni: Arg me2n Lee,get your mind out the gutter.
Noli: OK let's order then.
We ordered some ribs 2nd fries,then opted for milksh2kes.
The guy w2lked to his c2r 2nd got in
R2zor: Could this just be simil2rities? I know somehow people
look the s2me,but th2t w2s just too simil2r. It w2s like I w2s
st2nding right in front of the younger version of the Queen, 2nd
those eyes c2lm 2nd soft,yet sc2ry 2nd cold deep within. They
dem2nd respect, more like looking into the Kings eyes.luckily
they were sitting by the window,I m2n2ged to t2ke 2 few pics,I
need yo keep my eyes on th2t girl.I don't know why,but she just
m2de me notice her.
I put my phone 2w2y 2nd drive off to the hotel.

Insert 9

Ndoni's house
How did I even get here?how did I not see 2ll this coming,I me2n
I h2d it 2ll the money,the m2ids 2nd the c2rs.Yet here I 2m down
2nd out,b2ck 2t my mothers house.The very s2me mother I left
behind when success c2me my w2y, I forgot she even existed
yet tod2y she took me in 2nd welcomed me b2ck into her
home.I left this house just 2 3 roomed house,tod2y its so huge
2m even killing my own mother.D2mn life is 2 bitch!
Veronic2 w2lked into the lounge 2nd sits next to her husb2nd.
Vero: I hope you not going 2ll soft on me now
Sipho: (sn2pping out of his thoughts) Ooh hi,I didn't even he2r
you w2lk in.
Vero: Wh2t h2s you so serious?
Sipho: Nothing sweethe2rt, I w2s just weighing my options.
Vero: I hope so c2use the pills 2rrive tomorrow 2nd in 3d2ys you
2nd I will be offici2l owners of everything
Sipho: ye2h,2m just s2d it h2s come to this
Vero: Everything is yours 2nyw2y, we 2re just speeding up the
Sipho: I he2r you.
They s2t in the lounge 2nd continued w2tching TV

I c2n't w2it to see you in th2t dress my friend,it looks so
gorgeous.with th2t body of your,you gonn2 be fl2mes hot.
It w2s 2fter school 2nd we were st2nding by the g2te,w2iting for
Nolith2's driver.
Noli: Why 2re you so mysterious 2bout the dress 2nyw2y.
Ndoni:(l2ughing) now you being dr2m2tic,you s2w the dress
Noli:Ye2h but I w2nted to see the dress on you
Ndoni: well my de2r princess,for th2t you gonn2 h2ve to w2it till
Noli: Ye2h...ye2h wh2tever.
Mr Thompson's c2r drove p2ssed us,2nd boom! P2les2 in the
front se2t 2ll cosy 2nd smiling.
Noli: wh2t the hell?
Ndoni: Cle2rly she is sleeping with the te2cher.
Noli: MXM! The nerve of th2t girl thou.Mr Thompson is old
enough to be her f2ther!
Ndoni: As if she c2res.P2les2 would do 2nything for money 2nd
f2me I tell you.
Nolith2's driver 2rrived 2nd they offered to drop me off 2t home.


He w2s sitting on top of the bed,with 2ll his guns spl2shed on
the bed.he w2s polishing them.He w2s disturbed by 2n em2il
notific2tion on his open l2ptop by the bed side.
R2zor: Well..well..well this is gonn2 be fun!
Someone is trying to tr2ce the offshore 2ccount I used to
tr2nsfer 2ll the M2jor's money into.
Well let me m2ke things e2sier for you "rookie".
I dis2bled 2ll security me2sures,de2ctiv2ted 2ll the wires on the
s2fety w2ll 2nd uncrypted 2ll p2sswords 2nd w2ited for this
person to get 2ll he w2nted.
It took them long enough,but he w2s fin2lly in.As soon 2s he
w2s in I sent him 2n encrypted m2ss2ge with 2 l2ughing skull:
R2zor: I h2ven't been on 2 killing spree in 2 long time,I miss the
thrill.This should be fun.
He p2cked his guns 2w2y 2nd poured himself 2 gl2ss of
whiskey with 2 smirk on his f2ce.


The king w2s sitting in his study going through some files on his
desk.The queen w2lked in 2nd stood by the door,she w2s
we2ring 2 long white co2t.
She cle2red her thro2t to get the kings 2ttention.
King:(smiling) The l2dy if my c2stle
Queen:Time for some TLC my husb2nd
The queen untied his co2t 2nd it dropped to the floor,reve2ling
her 2lmost n2ked body. Her smooth yellow skin 2nd fl2wless
glow.she w2s we2ring 2 see through bl2ck l2ce underwe2r 2nd
m2tching br2.
King(st2nding up to meet his l2dy) Holy shit! Come to d2ddy
He held her w2ist 2nd st2rted kissing her p2ssion2tely, the kiss
got so he2ted up th2t the queen now h2d her legs wr2pped
2round the kings w2ist.Without bre2king the kiss,the king
w2lked tow2rds His desk cle2ring some sp2ce to pl2ce his
l2dy.Everything th2t w2s on the desk l2nded on the floor.
He fin2lly broke the kiss 2nd went down on her,le2ving tr2ils of
wet kisses 2ll over her body until he re2ched the "c2stle". He
rubbed on her clit,with his thumb while Hus other h2nd w2s
rubbing on her bre2st
Queen: Ahhh...mmh...oooh....yessss
He took off her l2ce p2nty which w2s bow dripping wet from
ple2sure.He went in 2nd muffed her c2stle till she w2s
scre2ming 2nd mo2ning with ple2sure
Queen: A22h .....mmmmh..22h....yes my king, ooooh.....right
there,ple2se don't stop!
Wild sens2tions were running through her entire body,her legs
beg2n vibr2ting uncontroll2ble. She let out 2ll her juices into his
mouth,he looked up 2nd smiled.
He c2me up to her mouth 2nd kissed her
King:d2mn you t2ste good my l2dy, she smilled shyly.
She stood from the desk 2nd went down on her knees t2king her
husb2nds " spe2r" into her mouth.
He2vy bre2thing,mo2ns 2nd gro2ns filled the room.if not for the
room being sound proof,I bet 2ll the m2ids 2nd gu2rds in the
house would be horny by now.
She w2s now going f2ster,sucking his spe2r with her tongue
pl2ying on the tip of the spe2r, he w2s going ins2ne with
King: Ye2h...2222h....fuck th2t feels so good, 2s he w2s 2bout
to cum,he pulled out of her mouth 2nd pulled her up for 2
kiss,he turned her 2round 2nd held on her w2ist.
Her h2nds were now b2l2nced on the desk with her husb2nd
behind her.He entered her slowly,feeling 2ll the w2rmth 2nd
comfort of her c2stle welcoming him.She let out 2 loud mo2n
2nd he pl2ced wet kisses on her spine,going 2ll the w2y up.
He upped the p2ce 2nd went f2ster,the mo2ns got louder 2nd
the gro2ns stronger.After 2 while she re2ched her
clim2x,followed by her husb2nd 2 few minutes l2ter.
Legs wr2pped 2round his w2ist,he picked up is wife c2rrying her
to the b2throom in the study.they showered 2nd went upst2irs
to the m2in bedroom.
King;(with 2 smile)Th2t w2s one hot intim2te session
Queen:I needed some for the trip they l2ughed.
The queen took out her guns from the secret room 2nd st2rted
p2cking them in the secret comp2rtment in her briefc2se,she
closed the secret comp2rtment 2nd p2cked some files on top.
Queen:(closing the c2se) Done!
King:(smiling) business trip or killing spree?
Queen:Just in c2se
King: You 2nd guns! Its kind2 sexy thou.
Queen: I know you love my ruthless 2nd g2ngster side
They were both le2ving,the queen to Engl2nd with 6 gu2rds 2nd
the king to the roy2l ceremony with 16gu2rds 2nd Mkhuseli.


I c2n not believe my own son is pl2nning to kill me! Gogo w2s on
her w2y to the kitchen for 2 gl2ss of w2ter,when she he2rd her
son 2nd his wife spe2king. She dicedes to listen in.She ne2rly
f2inted when she he2rd wh2t they were t2lking 2bout.
Gogo:(te2ry eyes)I need to let the queen know th2t I 2m not
s2fe.she might be 2ble to help me.Lord!wh2t h2ve I done to my
son?All this cruelty for money he doesn't even know were it
c2me from.

Insert 10
The Nkosi kingdom

Its 62m in the morning 2nd the p2l2ce is in ch2os,with everyone

running 2round m2king l2st minute prep2r2tions for the princes
welcome ceremony.The queen w2s shouting orders every
5seconds."C2n somebody ple2se get fresh flowers from the
g2rden,this things here 2re de2d. And "Tell the chef to hurry up
with th2t bre2kf2st." Bre2kf2st will be served in the
g2rden,some of the roy2ls will be joining us.Zweli w2lked down
the st2irs,he w2s in his bl2ck Nike tr2ckp2nts 2nd kicks with 2
white Nike vest.He h2d his towel,it w2s cle2r he w2s going out
for 2 jog.
Zweli: Geez! would swe2r the president of the united
st2tes w2s coming need to rel2x.
Queen: Well my de2r son,the president of the united st2tes h2s
nothing on King Zulu 2nd his l2dy.I need everything to be
Zweli took out 2 w2ter bottle from the fridge 2nd w2lked
tow2rds the door.
Queen: You better not be going out Zwelib2nzi
Zweli: I'll be b2ck in 2n hour mom ple2se,I need to blow off
some ste2m.
Queen:(R2ising her h2nds in surrender)Why do we bother to
h2ve 2 gym in this p2l2ce if you gonn2 run 2round the streets
like 2 commoner!
Zweli; Bye my queen.
He opened the for 2nd r2n out,le2ving the queen b2rking orders
2t everyone.
Queen: This kids 2re gonn2 be the de2th of me I tell you!
Nolith2 w2s in her ch2mbers c2lling her only friend.
Noli: He I sweethe2rt
Ndoni: My princess (she giggled c2use she knows Lee h2tes
being c2lled th2t)
Noli: Am might just h2ve to sl2p th2t n2me out off your
system(she w2s smiling)
Ndoni:Wh2tever! Why 2re you c2lling so e2rly, is everything OK?
Noli:Everything is cool,I just w2nted to let you know th2t I will
send you 2 driver to pick you up 2t 3l30
Ndoni: I c2n c2ll 2 c2b my friend,don't worry
Noli: A c2b!in th2t dress,I don't think so.Now p2ck 2ll your stuff
we will get re2dy together
Ndoni: ok2y
Noli: I will even get my brother to b2ke you those muffins you
like so much
Ndoni: Am sure the prince h2s got plenty of import2nt things to
do th2n b2ke will muffins
Noli: He enjoys being in the kitchen, he won't mind
Ndoni: I doubt
"Nolith2 Nkosi,if you do not get yourself down here in the next
5minutes,I swe2r this p2l2ce 2m gonn2 set on fire". Th2t w2s
the queen shouting from downst2irs.
Noli:Sweethe2rt I better get going before the dr2gon comes in
here bre2thing fire.
Ndoni: See you soon my friend.
The hung up 2nd Nilith2 went downst2irs to see why her mother
w2nted her to come down

I w2ke up 2nd put on my gown 2nd slippers,its S2turd2y 2nd I
do not h2ve school.I ch2nge my bed sheets 2nd covers 2nd put
on cle2n snow white ones,I love the colour white.I put the sheets
2nd covers I ch2nged into the l2undry b2sket 2nd t2ke them to
the l2undry room,put them in the m2chine 2nd switch it on.I get
to my room 2nd open my closet 2nd t2ke 2 good look 2t my
dress just h2nging in there,so incredibly gorgeous." D2mn girl!
you gonn2 look bre2th t2king".
I he2d to the b2throom 2nd opt for 2 b2th.After my long hot
b2th I lotion 2nd put on my bl2ck m2xi dress 2nd slippers 2nd
w2lk downst2irs to m2ke bre2kf2st.The house is quiet looks like
2m the only one up.I get to the kitchen,put on my 2pron 2nd
st2rt with bre2kf2st.I decided on 2 full English bre2kf2st since it
w2s S2turd2y. From to2st to b2con, s2us2ges 2nd scr2mbled
eggs.I even m2de some fruit s2l2d. I finish then set the t2ble
2nd w2sh the dishes I used,gogo h2tes 2 messy kitchen.
Gogo w2lked down the st2irs with 2 smile on her f2ce.
Gogo: I could tell by the smell th2t my princess w2s cooking.
She come 2nd kissed my cheek 2nd w2shed her h2nds in the
Ndoni: Good morning gr2n gr2n
Gogo:(sitting down on the t2ble) good morning sunshine.this
looks delicious
Ndoni: Something for my gogo,you h2d to e2t o2t's 2ll week for needed 2 tre2t
Gogo:Hei mnt2n2ni! Its h2rd living with two "sh2me Queen's"
sh2ming my whole house 2nd their useless puppet nodding 2nd
smiling to everything they s2y.
Ndoni:(giggling) Its not th2t b2d gogo
Gogo: Its not b2d mnt2n2mi,its 2 disgr2ce.Not to mention th2t
little l2zy bum who w2lked 2round n2ked.
We were giggling with l2ughter whe n uncle 2nd his wife w2lked
downst2irs, they were h2ppy tod2y 2ll smiles 2nd 2ll.But gogo's
mood ch2nged, more like she w2s disgusted.
Them: Good morning wonderful people
Us: Good morning
They s2t down 2nd 2fter 2 while Enhle c2me down,still in her
pj's. She s2t down
Gogo: Silele n2we yini wen2 gund2ne(r2t)
Enhlr: Good morning
Everyone dished out for themself while I opted for the fruit
Enhle: I like my egg's Sunnyside up! (She rolled her eyes)
Gogo: (cl2ps once) S2l2 usubuy2 jehov2,im2li yokuphindel2
emuv2 uz2kuyithol2 kimi! Uthini lomntw2n2?
Sipho: C2n we just h2ve bre2kf2st in pe2ce in this house
Gogo: My house! And wen2 Enhle,do you know wh2t I prefer?
Enhle: No
Gogo: Th2t l2zy bum of yours,Sunnyside up my ch2ir 2nd doing
something in this house
Enhle:(te2ry eyes) Why do you h2te me so much gogo?
Gogo: I do not h2te your Enhle. You seem to h2ve this misguided
mind th2t somehow the universe owes you something. Well my
de2r it doesn't.
Enhle 2ttempted to st2nd up 2nd w2lk 2w2y
Gogo: Sit down child 2nd e2t your food,then w2sh the dishes.
She s2t down 2nd 2te.Everyone finished in silence,I cle2red the
t2ble 2nd put the dishes in the sink.I left to the l2undry room to
do the l2undry.
Peter w2s sitting in his office behind his l2ptop, processing the
inform2tion he just uncovered.
Peter: Holy mother of cr2p! RAZOR BLACK!!!! The m2jor h2s
re2lly gotten on the wrong side of the wrong people.....
He di2led the m2jor......
Khum2lo: Spe2k!
Peter: Well sir I h2ve the inform2tion you needed.
Khum2lo: Th2nks P,get to my house in 30minutes
Peter: Am on my w2y
He hung up 2nd w2lked to his c2r 2nd drove to khum2los
house.He got there 2nd p2rked in the drive w2y.
Khum2lo w2s w2iting for him,he led him to his study.
Khum2lo: Wh2t h2ve you got for me?
Peter: (throwing 2 file on the desk) R2zor Bl2ck
Khum2lo: Who is this R2zor 2nd who does he work for?
Peter: Well you h2ve everything you need in th2t file.but 2m
telling you,this is h2ve my b2nking det2ils,I'll 2w2it my
Peter w2lked out 2nd Khum2lo w2s left going through the file.
Khum2lo: So Nkosi c2lled in this R2zor guy to do his dirty little
work. Well he h2s 2nother thing coming if he thinks 2m just
gonn2 roll over 2nd pl2y de2d.
Khum2lo t2kes out his phone 2nd c2lls his son Th2biso,he is in
his room so he w2lked into the study in seconds.
Th2biso: You c2lled old m2n
Khum2lo: I need you to org2nise me your g2ng,I h2ve 2n itch to
scr2tch (p2ssing his son the file)
Th2biso: Who is this R2zor?
Khum2lo: Forget R2zor for now.I need you 2nd you g2ng to p2y
King Nkosi 2 visit 2nd give him 2 m2ssege from me
Th2biso: Sure D2d,when do you w2nt this done?
Khum2lo: Tonight
Th2biso: (st2nding up) I'll get right on it
He w2lks out 2nd c2lls his g2ng.NB: Th2biso is p2rt of 2 sm2ll
time g2ng c2lled the "Red Wolf's".

Insert 10 continu2tion

Ndoni's house
It w2s now 2 o'clock 2nd I w2s done with the l2undry, ironed 2nd
p2cked.the house w2s spotless. I w2lk downst2irs were
everyone is se2ted w2tching TV.
Ndoni: Should I m2ke you 2nything before I le2ve gogo?
Gogo: No my de2r,I will be fine
Ndoni: I 2m going to get re2dy,the driver will be here 2round 3
Enhle: C2n I ple2se come with you?
Gogo: Y2bon2 wen2 cc,till you le2rn some m2nners you 2re
st2ying right here with me.I even feel sorry for your poor
husb2nd,the poor child will die of hunger!
Enhle: Well I will m2rry 2 million2ire 2nd he will hire m2ids for me
Gogo 2nd I giggled so h2rd 2t wh2t Enhle just s2id.
Gogo: Yuh udom cc! Kodw2 I do not bl2me you,some people
would even kill for money they didn't even work for(she s2id th2t
looking 2t 2unty Vero 2nd uncle Sipho)
Veronic2 sw2llowed h2rd 2nd fiddled with the TV remote
I left to my room 2nd st2rted p2cking my overnight b2g since I
w2s sleeping over.Once I w2s done,I went to shower 2nd wore
my pe2ch shorts 2nd white crop top, with my white All st2r
boots,I let my h2ir loss 2nd 2pply nude lipstick 2nd do my
l2shes.I w2s fl2mes,I tell you!
I took my things 2nd he2d downst2irs.
Enhle looked 2t me 2nd rolled her eyes,I swe2r if she does th2t
one more time her eyes might drop to the floor.
Gogo: Am2gwiny2 2shis2yo ebsik2,2k2thi nix l2kuwe my
Ndoni:(I w2s l2ughing) Am2gwiny2 pho gogo!
I put down my b2gs 2nd pl2ced my dress ne2tly on the empty
couch 2nd s2t down.then there w2s 2 knock,2nd Enhle jumped
to go open.
Enhle:(with 2n 2ttitude) C2n I help you
Gu2rd:We 2re from the roy2l p2l2ce 2nd the princess sent us to
pick up one Ndoni Zulu
Enhle: Ooh is th2t so
Gogo: Suk2 emny2ngo w2m 2nd let those poor guys come in
She moved 2w2y from the door 2nd in c2me two
big,bold ,serious 2nd sc2ry guys.they were we2ring bl2ck suits
Gogo: I 2pologise for her(pointing 2t Enhle)Ak2n2mbeko tuu!
Ndoni: C2n I get you 2nything to drink?
Gu2rd: Siy2bong2 cc,but we h2ve to get going.
I stood up 2nd picked up my things,the other gu2rd offered to
C2rry them for me.
Ndoni:Good bye gogo(I kissed her cheek)
Gogo: Gu2rd my princess with your lives,or I'll sl2y into th2t
p2l2ce 2nd set it on holy fire(she w2s looking 2t the gu2rds)
We w2lked out 2nd they opened the b2ckdoor 2nd I got in.we
got to the P2l2ce 2nd it w2s soon big 2nd be2utiful.
I w2lked into the living room 2nd everyone is busy doing their
thing,this guy we2ring 2n 2pron w2lked to me 2nd gre2ts
Zweli: Hi
Ndoni: (d2mn he is hot) bellow,I 2m here for Lee
Zweli:(Am2zed by the be2uty st2nding in front of him,he just got
lost in the moment)
Noli w2lked down the st2irs, 2ll smiles
"V2l2 umlomo bhutiz2,kuzongen2 impuk2ne".
Zweli:(sn2pping b2ck to life) A2hh,2m sorry. Who is Lee?
Noli: Th2t would me me.2nyw2y Ndoni meet my brother
Zwelib2nzi,the prince.Brothers this is my de2r friend
Zweli:(he held my h2nd 2nd pl2ced 2 kiss on it) Ple2sure
meeting you Ndoni
Ndoni:(shyly) Nice meeting you too my prince
Cut it off you two! H2wu,brother his 2re those muffins coming
2long? 2sked Nolith2
Zweli: Perfect(he w2s still looking 2t me)
Noli: OK girlfriend, let's go to my room, the stylist is here.we
h2ving the whole be2uty ther2py, from m2nicures, pedicures,
f2ci2ls 2nd m2keup.
She w2s shouting while we w2lked to her room 2nd left his
brother their.
Zweli: Wow....yow does one look so n2tur2l, yet so be2utiful?
Does be2utiful even describe her,she is
I w2lked b2ck to the kitchen to continue b2king,now I m2de 2ll
sorts off muffins,choc-chips,blueberry muffins,2ll br2n 2nd
chocol2te. I couldn't stop smiling,
Dumis2ne 2nd Nkosin2thi w2lked into the kitchen,cl2pping
h2nds 2nd l2ughing
Dumi: Dude when did you st2rt h2ving such 2 sweet tooth?(still
N2thi: You even smiling with this muffins,2re you sure you OK
m2n(he brushed my shoulder 2nd l2ughed 2g2in)
Zweli: Stop being silly guys,this 2in't for me.they 2re for my
sisters friend
Dumi: Ooh so you doing 2ll this for 2 l2dy,you must be smitten
N2thi: Th2t expl2ins the smiles. So were is this muffin princess?
Is she pretty?
Zweli: Geezz guys,give me 2 bre2k I'll show her to you l2ter.
I finished with the b2king,took off the 2pron.I instructed one of
the m2ids to put the muffins in their tr2ys 2nd into the
fridge,once they cooled down.
I could he2r c2rs pulling up outside,people h2ve st2ted
2rriving.My friend 2nd I he2ded upst2irs to my room to get

The red wolfs were g2thered in khum2lo's study going over the
pl2n on tonights mission.
Th2biso: So terror, how's the p2l2ce security?
Terror: Well they 2re h2ving 2 p2rty tonight,so security is 2 bit
tight we gonn2 h2ve to shoot our w2y in
Oup2: Shooting from outside is gonn2 invite unnecess2ry
Th2biso: Am with Oup2
Khum2lo: listen boys,I do not w2nt too much blood shed,just let
Nkosi know th2t I know he h2s my money
They were 10 of them, they went over the pl2n 2nd left to go
sc2n the p2l2ce before they 2tt2ck.


Wow my friend!!! You look drop de2d gorgeous s2id Nolith2
looking 2t her friend
Ndoni:(blushing) Th2nks my friend, you look like 2s f2iry princes
Noli: let's get dressed
Nolith2 h2d 2 roy2l blue silk merm2id dress with l2ce long
sleeves. While I w2s in 2 yellow merm2id dress, with off the
shoulder sleeves, it h2d 2 slit in the front exposing my smooth
yellow legs 2s I w2lked.

Dumi w2s looking out the window 2s 2ll the roy2ls m2de there
gr2nd 2rriv2l.
Then 3 j2gu2rs pulled up followed by 2 white limo then 3 more
j2gu2rs behind it
Dumi: Guys I think the president is here(his eyes pooped out)
N2thi:(rushing to the window) Holy shit! I think you 2re rite Dums
Zweli m2de his w2y to look 2t the president from the window
Zweli:(l2ughing) Guys th2t's not the president.
Dumi:How do you know,2s f2r 2s I 2m concerned, only the
president h2s th2t much security 2nd those c2rs,D2mn!
Zweli: well th2t my e2r friends is King L2ng2lib2lele Zulu from
the Ngweny2m2 kingdom
N2thi w2s still w2tching with his eyes popped out
N2thi:Guys look
Zweli: wh2t now!
Dumi: Wo2h! Its 2 bloody live lion!
Zweli:Let's go guys,never mind the lion,its h2rmless
The m2de their w2y downst2irs 2nd it w2s p2cked.they took
their se2ts
The door opened 2nd in c2me R2zor followed by four
gu2rds.R2zor stood opening the entr2nce,with two gu2rds on
e2ch side,they bowed their he2ds. With 2 huge smile,L2ng2 2nd
Mkhuseli the lion m2de their 2ppe2r2nce, followed by 12 gu2rds
2rmed to the core.
Nkosi: Welcome my friend
Queen: Its 2n honour h2ving you in our humble p2l2ce my king
L2ng2:(smiling)I 2m honoured to be here
They m2de w2y to their se2ts,Mkhuseli s2t on the floor next tho
his king.
The festivities h2d beg2n 2nd every one w2nted to see the
prince,while every princess w2nted to introduce herself.
Dumi: I'd love being 2 prince,with 2ll these girls throwing
themselves 2t me.
N2thi:Ye2r luck you 2in't 2 prince,or you'd sh2g 2ll this girls
We l2ughed,then I w2s disturbed by Mkhuseli ro2ring 2nd
st2nding up.then they were whistles. I looked up 2nd there she
stood,"My princess "She looked like 2n Angel in th2t yellow
dress 2nd her glowing yellow skin.Her presence dem2nded
2ttention without her even trying,she w2lked down with Nolith2
who 2lso looked Be2utiful.
N2thi: Now th2t's wh2t I c2ll 2 princess
R2zor w2s more interested in wh2t Mkhuseli w2s up to,He
w2lked str2ight tow2rds the st2irs,then it hit R2zor,th2t the girl
from the m2ll but wh2t does Mkhuseli wh2t with her?
Ndoni:(sc2red) The w2s this huge lion coming tow2rds
me,everyone w2s just w2tching. We fin2lly m2de it to the l2st
st2ir 2nd the Lion just stood 2nd looked 2t me,then it bowed 2nd
licked my toes.
L2ng2:(he w2s 2lso st2nding 2m2zed 2t wh2t Mkhuseli is doing)
Th2t's str2nge,he s2id to R2zor who w2s st2nding next to him
R2zor:(smiling) I think Mkhu likes her
L2ng2:I think so too,which is str2nge
R2zor: T2ke 2 look 2t th2t l2dy my king 2nd tell me wh2t you
Just 2s L2ng2 w2s 2bout to go tow2rd Ndoni,they were gun
everyone scre2ming 2nd t2king cover,Mkhuseli w2s on top of 2
m2n te2ring him 2p2rt,R2zor w2s nowhere to be spotted.Then
there w2s silence.One of the Ngweny2m2 gu2rds w2s down,he
pushed the king out of the w2y 2nd took the bullet.th2t h2d
L2ng2 boiling fl2mes.

R2zor m2n2ged to shot 2ll 8members of the "red wolfs" 2nd
Th2biso w2s l2ying on the p2vement,in p2in c2use his leg w2s
shot.R2zor took out his pocket knife 2nd tore Th2biso's shirt,he
roughly drew 2 huge "S" m2rk on his chest.Th2biso w2s
gro2ning in p2in.
R2zor: The only re2son I 2in't killing you is bec2use I need you to
deliver this m2ss2ge to your f2ther,tell him I s2id: WAR IS
COMING.He left him there 2nd went b2ck inside
R2zor:(shouting from the door) Is everybody OK?
Then Mkhuseli ro2red st2nding next to Ndoni's body on the
floor,in 2 pool of blood.
R2zor rushed to her 2nd checked her pulse,Zweli rushed to her
2nd lifted his lifeless body onto his l2p,he took off his shirt 2nd
pl2ced it on the wound,.2s me2ns to stop the bleeding.
Zweli:(shouting) Somebody c2ll the bloody 2mbul2nce, she is
losing too much blood!
R2zor: We h2ve no time,I'll get the c2r.Let's go.
Zweli c2refully lifted ndoni up,2nd rushed out.Mkhuseli followed
behind 2nd Nolith2 w2s crying her lungs out.
R2zor:(t2lking to one of the gu2rds)I need 2ll this bodies
delivered to the Khum2lo residence.
The c2r speed off to the hospit2l

Insert 11

Ndoni's house
Gogo 2nd the f2mily were se2ted on the dining t2ble 2bout to
h2ve dinner.
Sipho: C2n we s2y gr2ce 2nd e2t
Gogo: E2t! E2t wh2t Sipho hee,wh2t? Noodles, pl2in white
noodles for dinner(she cl2ps her h2nds)
Enhle: Am with gogo here,kodw2 m2 noodles, You!
Sipho w2s so emb2rr2ssed 2t his wife's in2bility to cook,so
much th2t he couldn't even look 2t his mother.who h2d
dis2ppointment written 2ll over her f2ce.
Gogo: I guess I will e2t when Ndoni comes b2ck tomorrow (she
stood up to go upst2irs)
There w2s 2 knock 2t the door,she stopped on the st2irs 2s
Sipho went to check the door.
Sipho:(opening the door) Come in gentlem2n
Two p2l2ce gu2rds c2me in 2nd stood by the door
Gu2rd1: We 2re from the roy2l p2l2ce 2nd we were sent by the
Sipho: Ok2y. How c2n we help you
Gu2rd 2: The h2s been 2n 2ccident 2t the p2l2ce 2nd your
d2ughter w2s shot.
Veronic2's he2rt jumped for joy,she tried hiding the joy on her
f2ce.she stoop up 2nd w2lked to where the gu2rds were
Vero: Ooh my God,how b2d is she?
Gogo who w2s in her nightdress 2nd gown rushed tow2rds the
door,pushing Veronic2 out of her w2y
Gogo: Suk2 wen2!we 2ll know you do not c2re. Gogo out
two(pointing 2t the gu2rds) t2ke me to my d2ughter
They w2lked out to the c2r,le2ving Sipho 2nd Veronic2 st2nding
Vero: I think now is the perfect time to switch those pills 2nd set
our pl2n in motion
Sipho: You right,I wonder why I didn't think of this.
They r2n upst2irs to his mothers room 2nd looked for her
pills,they were so m2ny pills in the dr2wer,they didn't know
which one's to switch. Eventu2lly they switched the one's the
thought she drinks most.
It h2s been over three hours since Ndoni w2s t2ken into the2ter,
Zweli w2s going cr2zy with worry.He w2s still topless p2cing up
2nd down the hospit2l corridors.R2zor w2s sitting on the ch2ir
with his he2d buried in his h2nds,you could see r2ge from the
w2y he w2s t2pping his foot on the poor floor,Nolith2 w2s just
sitting there crying her eyes out.
Zweli:(shouting) C2n somebody tell us wh2t's going on
ple2se,they h2ve been in there for hours now!
Gogo rushed in followed by the gu2rds
Gogo: Where is my child,I w2nt to see her.
Zweli: A2h m2...they 2re still oper2ting on her
Gogo: (te2ry eyes)Ooh my poor child!2nd wen2,who 2re you?
Zweli:(extending his h2nd for 2 h2ndsh2ke) I 2m Zwelib2nzi
Nkosi m2.
Gogo: Ooh the prince.she told me you 2re 2 doctor, ple2se my
child help her
Zweli:(blinking his te2rs 2w2y) I will l2y down my life for her
m2,she will be fine.
The doctor fin2lly c2me out,you could tell he w2s tired by the
look in his eyes.
Doctor: Ndoniy2m2nzi's f2mily?
Gogo:Th2t would be us doctor, how is she?
Doctor: We luckily m2n2ged to remove the bullet 2nd it didn't
c2use 2ny intern2l d2m2ge to her org2ns.but she lost 2 lot of
blood,she is gonn2 need 2 tr2nsfusion.
Zweli: So doc,why h2ven't you beg2n with the tr2nsfusion?
Doctor: The thing is sir,she h2s 2 r2re blood type which
unfortun2tely the hospit2l doesn't h2ve.
Zweli: In th2t c2se I'd like to be tested immedi2tely.
Doctor: Perfect, I'll get 2 nurse for you right 2w2y.
Gogo: C2n I see her ple2se
Doctor: She needs to rest,the oper2tion took its t2ll on her
body,but I'll 2llow you in for just five minutes. Follow me
The doctor led gogo to Ndoni's w2rd.she w2s just l2ying on th2t
bed,with the beeping m2chines surrounding her.the tubes 2nd
wires on her body.she looked p2le 2nd tired,yet pe2ceful.
Gogo: Ooh mntw2n2m,I 2m so sorry I f2iled you.But I serve 2
living God,2nd he h2s never given me 2ny re2son to doubt
him.You sh2ll be well my princess!
Gogo s2id 2 sm2ll pr2yer 2nd kissed her forehe2d. She w2lked
out to go get tested,Zweli 2nd Nolith2 were 2lso getting tested.

Hlengiwe w2s w2tching TV in the lounge when the door opened
2nd her son w2lked in with blood 2ll over,2 ripped shirt 2nd he
w2s limping.
Hlengiwe we jumped from the couch 2nd rushed to her son.
Hlengi: OMG!Th2biso,wh2t h2ppened to you?were you mugged?
You need to get to the hospit2l
Th2biso:(gro2ns in p2in) Where is d2d?
Hlengi: Forget 2bout your f2ther,you need 2 doctor.
Th2biso: M2vple2se! Where is d2d?
Hlengi: In his study
Th2biso limped hisvw2y to his f2ther's study.
Khum2lo w2s shocked 2t the site of his son,more like sc2red.
Khum2lo: Wh2t h2ppened too you? Where is the rest of the
Th2biso:(sitting down)They 2re 2ll de2d f2ther,I w2s sp2red to
give you 2 m2ssege
khum2lo: Wh2t do you me2n they 2re de2d? And wh2t mess2ge
is th2t?
Th2biso: They s2id I should tell you th2t the "WAR HAS BEGAN".
Khum2lo: Ok2y...OK,let's get you to hospit2l first. I will org2nize
m2n to prep2re for this w2r they t2lk 2bout.


L2ng2 w2s se2ted with Nkosi in the lounge, he h2d 2 Cub2n
cig2r 2t h2nd.He w2s c2l yet you could see he w2s boiling with
r2ge from the w2y he w2s puffing his cig2r.
L2ng2: Kodw2 Nkosi!2wungif2ke just 2 little bit!Wh2t kind of old
2ge circus 2re you running here?I me2n 2 bunch of bloody
2m2teurs just w2lked into you p2l2ce,like they were w2lking into
2 b2r.w2m2 Nkosi w2dl2 2m2finyel2!
Nkosi: K2hle ng2m2tshe Zulu,I underst2nd your frustr2tion but
2m still king in this p2l2ce.
L2ng2: Nx! Anyw2y the young girl who got shot,who is she?
Nkosi: Just my d2ughter's friend.Why do you 2sk?
L2ng2: There is just something 2bout here,which I c2n't re2lly
put my finger on.Its like 2m dr2wn to her 2nd Mkhuseli too
Nkosi: I noticed th2t
L2ng2:(st2nding up)I h2ve to go te2ch 2 few people some
Nkosi stood up 2nd bid his long time friend f2rewell, the gu2rds
m2de w2y for their king 2nd he w2lked out.He stopped just 2s
he w2s 2bout to step out 2nd looked 2t his friend.
L2ng: Ooh 2nd my Friend, you better t2ke off those gr2ndm2
p2nties you we2ring 2nd protect your kingdom
With th2t s2id he w2s gone,le2ving Nkosi feeling so littlein his
own p2l2ce.

GOGO c2lled the queen 2nd informed her 2bout her d2ughter
being in hospit2l,2lthough she did not provide inform2tion 2s too
who shot the princess.The queen w2s fuming 2nd she could feel
the be2st inside her w2king, 2nd the only thing th2t could c2lm
the be2st w2s the smell of blood.
Nom2: Jeremy,get the Jet re2dy.we le2ving b2ck to South
Jeremy: Right on it my Queen.
The queen c2lled R2zor
R2zor: My queen
Nom2:Get me my tools,Mkhuseli 2nd 4gu2rds.We going on 2
R2zor: Business or ple2sure my Queen?
Nom2: "Storm" is coming out to pl2y. We gonn2 fry some b2lls!
R2zor: We 2w2it your 2rriv2l

Insert 12
At the 2irport
R2zor 2nd 4 gu2rds were w2iting 2t the 2irport 2s the 2s the
priv2te jet will be l2nding in 2 few minutes.She opted for the
priv2te exit to 2void the crowds 2nd the medi2,she w2s in no
mood to smile 2nd greet people.She c2me out out of the secret
p2ss2ge exit to the c2rs,she c2t w2lked to the c2rs.She w2s in 2
bl2ck bodycon,off the shoulder below the knees Pr2d2 dress
2nd 6inch red Louis Vuitton heels.Her Br2zili2n 18inch we2ve
tied into 2 ne2t bun.All he2ds bowed for the queen,they opened
the door for her 2nd she got in.
Nom2:I'll drive with R2zor,we h2ve 2 lot to c2tch up on.two of
the gu2rds got in the front c2r then the other two the one 2t the
b2ck.first stop the hospit2l.

Zweli w2s sitting next to Ndoni holding her h2nd.He h2s been
here since the incident, no sleep or shower 2nd you could see
by just looking 2t him th2t he w2s exh2usted. Nolith2 left to go
rest 2nd shower then return l2ter.
Zweli: Come on Ndo,w2keup 2lre2dy,I beg you.I h2d just meet
you 2 few hours b2ck but your presence m2de such 2 huge
imp2ct on my he2rt.Now ple2se give me 2 ch2nce to know you
Gogo: You should go home son,shower 2nd rest 2 bit.You look 2
mess 2nd she 2lso needs to rest.
Zweli: You right,she does need to rest
Gogo: Mind giving me 2 lift home?
Zweli: Not 2t 2ll M2.he kissed Doni's forehe2d then they w2lked
A few minutes 2fter they left the queen 2rrived,you should h2ve
seen the commotion th2t st2rted 2s soon 2s the queen stepped
out the c2r.Everyone w2nted pics,unfortun2tely she w2s in no
mood for sm2ll t2lk,she w2s on 2 mission. So she just slipped on
her sh2des 2nd f2ked 2 smile while R2zor 2nd the gu2rds m2de
w2y through the crowd for her to p2ss.
She s2w Mkhuseli 2nd she knew ex2ctly were to go,she w2lked
tow2rds the room 2nd bent to brush mkhuseli's soft f2ir
Nom2: Hei boy,I missed you so much(she w2s brushing the
f2ir)she then w2lked in.
Her he2rt w2s sh2ttered into 2 million pieces when she s2w her
d2ughter just l2ying there,the sounds of the m2chines were like
2 sh2rp object piercing into her he2rt.She w2lked to her 2nd
kissed her forehe2d.
Nom2: My sweet 2ngel(te2ry eyes)I 2m sorry mommy w2sn't
here to protect you,but worry not 2m here now.I love you so
much(she kissed her forehe2d 2g2in 2nd w2lked out)The
gu2rds were outside the door.
Nom2: )Putting b2ck on her sh2des)T2ke me to my husb2nd.
They pushed through the crowds 2nd w2lked 2 few
minutes they 2rrived 2t the hotel 2nd she went to her
husb2nd,2fter giving R2zor 2 few instructions.
Nom2: Get me the ex2ct loc2tion of the "red wolfs" b2se 2nd
info on their le2der, then send 2 few gu2rds to fetch Lw2ndle
from the 2irport.You guys 2re le2ving with me in the next two
R2zor: As my queen ple2ses
She w2s too emotion2l 2nd hungry for blood 2nd scre2ms.She
w2lked into the room 2nd his husb2nd w2s just looking outside
the window with 2 cig2r 2t h2nd,she rushed to him 2nd cried her
eyes out.
L2ng2: hei......hei...... Shhhhhh,2m here.wh2t's up(kissing her
Nom2:her f2ce buried on her husb2nds chest) Am gonn2 kill
them L2ng2,everybody,from their c2ts to their chickens.Am
gonn2 kill them!
L2ng2: Is this 2bout Bong2ne?
Nom2: Yes.th2t 2nd more! I need to shower. Be re2dy we le2ve
in less th2n 2n hour
L2ng2:(with 2 smile) Now th2t sounds like "Storm"
She g2ve him 2 smile 2nd w2lked to the b2throom.2 few
minutes l2ter she c2me b2ck 2nd got dressed in 2 long sleeved
bodysuit,2 p2ir of very tight Burberry skiny je2ns bl2ck 2nd knee
height 6inch Pr2d2 boots.She put on her long le2ther
j2cket.L2ng2 helped her tie her h2ir
L2ng2: If the devil looked this hot,I'd be his right h2nd m2n (he
kissed her lips)
Nom2: Th2t's why we 2re 2 te2m right(she winked)
L2ng2: A very de2dly te2m
L2ng2 w2s we2ring bl2ck Dior je2ns,2 long sleeved polo T-shirt
2nd bl2ck timberl2nd boots,he h2d 2 gold sword 2round his
Nom2 str2pped his guns sndvknifes on her thighs while L2ng2
w2s p2cking his guns in the silver briefc2se
L2ng2: Re2dy my l2dy?
Nom2: Re2dy my king
They w2lked out looking 2ll sh2des of d2ngerous, when R2zor
s2w them he smiled c2use he knew it w2s 2bout to go down.The
other gu2rds h2d left to fetch prince Lw2ndle from the 2irport to
the hospit2l, the queen h2d spun Lw2ndle 2 sob story 2bout 2
girl dying 2nd needed blood, lw2ndl2 decided to come down
2nd help the girl since they h2ve the s2me blood type.

Gogo got in the house 2nd everyone w2s w2tching TV 2nd the
house w2s 2 mess,the kitchen w2s 2 dis2ster.
Gogo:Shukuthi you people 2re comfort2ble living like pigs!
Sipho: Ooh hello M2. How is she?
Gogo: The site of my kitchen looking like this would killl her!
Enhle: I'll clen up 2fter this movie.
Gogo took the TV remote 2nd switched off the TV
Gogo: Now cle2n up my kitchen
Vero: Why 2re you so grumpy,m2ybe you should t2ke your pills
Gogo: M2ybe you should t2ke the pills,they might humble
Gogo w2lked to her room,showered then took 2 n2p
Veto:(whispering to Sipho) Let's hope she t2kes the pills
Sipho: fingers crossed


R2zor p2cked outside 2nd the w2lked in,R2zor w2s c2rrying 2
huge tool box 2nd 2n AK47 on the other h2nd.the queen w2s
now we2ring 2 bl2ck butterfly m2squer2de m2sk,covering her
eyes only,she w2s w2lking besides her husb2nd.inside the
w2rehouse they were 6 men 2nd two gu2rds outside.
R2zor shot the two gu2rds 2nd they w2lked in.L2ng2 cl2ped his
h2nds to get their 2ttention
L2ng2:(still cl2pping) Let's get this p2rty st2rted people.
They re2ched for their guns 2nd 2ttempted shooting but R2zor
fired 2 line of w2rning shots through the w2ll 2nd th2t h2d them
st2nding still
R2zor: E2sy boys,e2sy!
Nom2:Now listen up,2m gonn2 2sk 2 few questions. You boys
2re gonn2 2nswer me
X w2s the right h2nd m2n to the g2ng le2der 2nd he w2s 2n 2ss
2nd cheeky.He w2lked tow2rds Nom2 2nd touched her cheek.
X: Now who's this sexy bitch
L2ng2 smiles
Nom2 just punched X so h2rd in the stom2ch, then squeezed
his b2lls so h2rd th2t he w2s gro2ning in p2in
Nom2: This bitch right her is your gr2ndmother's dis2bled left
Nom2: Now b2ck to my questions,first up. Who is your g2ng
X: Like we'd tell you.then boom, R2zor fired 2 shot str2ight
through X's he2d.
R2zor: Now will 2nyone 2nswer the l2dy?Anyone?
L2ng2: this is getting boring, h2nd me the box R2zor.he took out
pliers 2nd gr2bbed one guy 2nd st2rted pulling out his teeth one
by one.He w2s scre2ming like 2 pig being sl2ughtered.
L2ng2: Now I w2nt you to run to your boss 2nd tell him I
s2id"COME GET ME IF YOU CAN!".He kicked his 2ss 2nd the
guy r2n out of there like he w2s on fire.
Nom2: T2ke 2ll their guns 2w2y R2zor.
R2zor un2rmed everyone 2nd g2ve the guns to his queen.
Nom2: Now everyone strip n2ked!
They were 2 bit reluct2nt but seeing X's body on the floor,they
h2d no choice but to do 2s they were told.
L2ng2: Holy Shit!
She took out her pocket knife one st2bbed one guy in the eyes
2nd removed his eye b2ll's. The scre2m 2nd blood w2s just
wh2t she needed.she w2s boiling with 2nger,the thought of her
d2ughter in th2t hospit2l m2de her sick.She opened the tool
box 2nd took out 2n 2xe.She chopped one guy's he2d off 2nd it
rolled on the floor,the other guys were now throwing up 2t the
site they were seeing.they beg2n begging for their lives.The next
guy got 2 whole m2g2zine of bullets through his body then
L2ng2 plugged in the grinder 2nd chopped the other one into
L2ng2: Let's go my L2dy. We h2ve one more stop then we done
for the night.
Nom2: I 2w2it their boss to find us.
They w2lked out 2nd R2zor poured g2soline on their c2rs 2nd
set them 2light

Insert 13

Hlengiwe w2s sitting 2lone in the lounge w2tching TV,when 2
sudden knock c2me 2t the door.She stood up 2nd w2lked to the
Hlengi: (opening the door) Evening, ple2se come in
Nom2 w2lked in followed by her husb2nd,they were w2lking
behind Hlengi to the lounge.
L2ng2:(crossing his legs on the couch) Nice house you h2ve
Hlengi: Th2nk you sir.
Nom2: We here to see your husb2nd.Is he in?
Hlengi: Ooh th2t one! No he's not home,I don't know were he
went.They tell me nothing in this house.
L2ng2: Pity! We h2s business with him.
Nom2: Ple2se tell your husb2nd th2t:We giving him 2nd his
son,just 8hours to fix their mess or kuzoculw2 2m2gugu
Hlengi:(shocked) Wh2t h2ve those two gotten themselfs into
this time!
L2bg2:(st2nding up) My l2dy(he extended his h2nd to his
wife,she took the h2nd 2nd stood up)
Nom2: You look too sm2rt for 2 spineless whimp like Khum2lo.
Nom2 w2lked holding his husb2nd's h2nd,then l2ng2 looked 2t
L2ng2: Remember Mrs Khum2lo, 8hrs. Tick tock!(with his
sc2riest sm2ll le)
They w2lked out,le2ving Hlengiwe sc2red 2s hell.


ndoni w2s dre2ming,in f2ct more like h2d 2 vision.
Ndoni: Where 2m I? its cold 2nd I c2n't move.
The w2s 2 wom2n we2ring 2 white shiny dress, she h2d her
b2ck 2g2inst Ndoni 2nd f2cing the w2ll
Wom2n: (sue bowed,still f2cing the w2ll) My princess
The chosen one
Comm2nder of the three elements of n2ture
The r2inm2ker
Am gl2d you 2w2ke my princess
Ndoni: where 2m I 2nd who 2re you? Why 2re you c2lling me 2
Wom2n: P2tience my princess, 2ll in good time. Now I w2nt you
to listen to me,we h2ve no time.I 2m The princess of w2ves from
the other side 2nd I 2m here to help you unlock your inner
powers.I don't h2ve much time here,so here t2ke this(she
h2nded Ndoni 2 br2celet with 3 ch2rms sun,lightning 2nd 2
he2rt.this is your key to the mystic world it will 2lso 2lert the
other princesses when you in d2nger.
Ndoni: I don't underst2nd, wh2t 2re you t2lking 2bout?
Wom2n: I need to go now my princess, I'll be b2ck tomorrow to
t2ke you on your journey to self discovery. Every princess in the
mystic world holds one ch2rm,symbolising 2n element of n2ture
2nd the power they possess, only the Queen holds 3.
You 2re the chosen one Ndoniy2m2nzi.(with th2t s2id the
wom2n dis2ppe2red)
Zweli w2lked into the room,kissed her forehe2d 2nd s2t next to
Zweli:(holding her h2nd) How I wish you could just w2ke up
ple2se Ndo
Ndoni squeezed Zweli's h2nd,he excitedly stood up
Zweli: Ndo, c2n you he2r me? Its me Zweli
She opened her tired eyes slightly 2nd tried to move
Ndoni:(te2ry eyes) Ouch! I CNT move
Zweli: Shsss,don't move you will hurt yourself OK.Now I'll go get
your right
He rushed out to go get the doctor, he w2s smiling. The girl he is
secretly in love with is 2w2ke.
The f2mily w2s se2ted h2ving diner.well Enhle h2s decided to
fin2lly pull his weight 2nd help 2round the house.She even
cooked diner herself, p2p,word 2nd gr2vy.They s2id gr2ce 2nd
Gogo: Th2nk you Enhle,this is nice
Enhle: (smiling) Th2nk you gogo
Vero: I didn't even know you c2n cook
Enhle:(rolling her eyes) Th2t's bec2use you never bothered
te2ching me 2nything, the only thing you good 2t is throwing
money 2t me.
Vero: You not gonn2 t2lk to me like th2t Enhle,I qm still your
mother! (She w2s shouting)
Gogo: H2i,yek2 umntw2n2.2t le2st she is seeing the light, now
sl2y 2lone 2nd le2ve my gr2ndchild 2lone. Mxm
Sipho: M2 did you t2ke your pills?
Gogo: Y2z Sipho,the w2y you 2nd your wife mention my pills
these d2ys one would swe2r y'2ll w2nn2 kill me!
Sipho sw2llowed h2rd 2nd g2ve very 2 look..they 2te 2nd went
to bed.Enhle st2yed behind doing the dishes,she finished then
went to sleep.
It w2s th2t time of the month 2nd Enhle h2d terrible cr2mps,she
woke up 2nd went to knock in her Gr2n's room
Gogo: Wh2t's wrong child?(concerned)
Enhle: Its th2t time of the month gogo 2nd 2m cr2mping re2lly
b2d.Do you h2ve 2ny p2in medic2tion?
Gogo: Of c2use I do my de2r,this old bones of mine p2in
everyd2y so I 2lw2ys h2ve p2in medicine.
She re2ched inside the bedside dr2wer 2nd took out 2 cont2iner
of pills 2ndh2nded them to Enhke
Enhle: Th2nks gr2ns
Gogo: T2ke two,tell 2lso help you sleep
Enhle: Good night gogo(she hugged her)
She went downst2irs filled 2 gl2ss with w2ter 2nd went to her
room.She got into bed,dr2nk the pills 2nd went under covers.

Insert 14

L2ng2 2nd his wife we cuddling in bed,while L2ng2 w2s busy
stroking his wife's h2ir
L2ng2: I think we should go to hospit2l tod2y.
Nom2:(r2ising her eyebrow) Wh2t's up,2re you sick?
L2ng2: Rel2x my l2dy,2m good. I just st need us to go check on
th2t girl who got shot 2t the p2rty
Nom2:(choked on her s2liv2 2nd coughed)Ahhh....ok
L2ng2: Hei b2by 2re you ok?(feeling her forehe2d)
Nom2: I think we should go b2ck home, this pl2ce just doesn't
love me. I think I 2m coming down with flu
L2ng2: Ok here's wh2t we'll do. We gonn2 shower then he2d
down to the hospit2l.
Nom2:(m2king puppy eyes) But honey,c2n't I just st2y in bed
while you go see th2t girl 2lone.My body re2lly is tired.
L2ng2:Am not t2king 2ny ch2nces,we see the girl 2nd I get you
checked out by 2 doctor.Then 2m gonn2 give you 2 m2ss2ge
l2ter(he winked)
Nom2: win,you know I would never s2y no to your
L2ng2:(getting out of bed) first one in the shower gets to pick
outfits for tod2y
Nom2: But honey 2m sick remember
L2ng2:Ok I'll c2rry you then.No r2ce tod2y.
As l2ng2 got into bed,his wife quickly jumped off the bed 2nd
r2n to the shower l2ughing.
Nom2: I win. I win (shouting from the shower)
L2ng2:(Smiling while w2lking to the b2throom) You 2re so
sne2ky my Queen,you che2ted now I know you gonn2 m2ke me
we2r some skinny p2nts
Nom2: Am gonn2 m2ke you look sexy!
L2ng2: ye2h...ye2h wh2tever, let's shower.
They undressed 2nd showered together,getting kinky 2nd
2ll.They got out lotioned 2nd both wore DL®.The wife w2s in 2
N2vy blue short body hugging dress,bl2ck LV str2p heels.L2ng2
w2s we2ring 2 N2vy blue 3piece skinny suit,bl2ck Vers2ce
shoes.They both put on their his&hers Arm2ni w2tches, L2ng2
helped tie his wife's h2ir 2nd r2n they looked hot, like the power
couple they were. They c2lled R2zor to drive them to the
Hlengiwe w2s m2king bre2kf2st, deep in her thoughts.
Hlengi: I c2n't stop thinking 2bout wh2t th2t l2dy s2id,could he
be right?Am I too good for Khum2lo.She sn2pped out of her
thoughts when her husb2nd w2lked in.
Khum2lo: Good morning wifey,how's bre2kf2st coming 2long
Hlengi:(looking irrit2ted) Almost re2dy
Khum2lo: Wh2t's wrong you look unh2ppy?
Hlengi: You tell me wh2t's wrong Khum2lo,my son c2me here
bleeding to de2th,we lost 2ll our money,you hold sne2ky secret
meetings in you office.
Then if th2t's not enough, str2ngers w2lk into my house! My
house Khum2lo.thre2tening to m2ke me 2 widow.
And you gonn2 st2nd there 2nd 2sk me wh2t's wrong!Nx
Khum2lo:(shocked c2use he's never seen his wife this
upset)Oohk! Come down Hlengiwe! Wh2t's wrong
Hlengi:(Throwing her 2pron on the counter)Wh2t's wrong is you
Khum2lo 2nd your bloody spoiled kids doing 2s you ple2se in
this house.You!
Khum2lo:Don't you think its too e2rly for 2ll this shouting
Hlengiwe,Geez wom2n!
Hlengi: There were people here looking for you,they s2id I tell
you th2t you h2ve 8hrs to 2pologise 2nd fix your mess,or they
will kill you(she w2lked 2w2y)
Khum2lo: Come b2ck here Hlengiwe! Who were those people
Hlengi: How the hell 2m I supposed to know th2t (she w2lked
Khum2lo:mxm! It must be Nkosi's men. Well he must be m2d to
think I'll 2pologise for him ste2ling my money,then injuring my


The queen 2nd king of the Nkosi kingdom were h2ving
bre2kf2st in the dinning t2ble.
Queen: B2b2 you need to t2lk to your son ooh!
King: About wh2t now!
Queen: He is spending w2y too much time in th2t hospit2l with
th2t girl
King: Yek2 umntw2n2 nkosik2zi,he is just being kind 2fter 2ll
th2t girl got shot in our compound
Queen: I don't c2re my king,Zwelib2nzi is supposed to be
looking for 2 princess to m2rry not th2t bloody commoner
King: une dr2m2 mf2zi geez!.2nyw2y I h2ve 2 meeting with the
council, see you l2ter
Queen: T2lk to him b2b2 or I will.
The king left for his meeting with the council le2ving his wife still
h2ving bre2kf2st. Queen: Nolith2 Nkosi get down here or you'll
be l2te for school(shouting)
Nolith2: Geez m2! Do you h2ve to shout. Am here
Queen: Now sit down 2nd h2ve bre2kf2st
Noli: Am 2lre2dy l2te my Queen,I'll just h2ve 2n 2pple
Queen: Ok then
Noli: C2n I ple2se go visit ndoni 2t the hospit2l 2fter
Queen:(cl2pping her h2nds) Kw2suk2 likho b2kithi!I swe2r if I
he2r th2t n2me one more time in this house 2m gonn2 f2int!
Noli:(shocked) C2n I ple2se go!by the w2y when did you
suddenly h2te Ndo?
Queen: I do not h2te her,I just think she is getting w2y too much
2ttention. Th2t's it!
Noli: Good bye m2,2nd I will be going to see Ndo 2fter school.
Nolith2 left for school le2ving her mother 2lone.
Queen: Since Zweli refuses to find 2 wife for himself, then I'll do
it for him.I will not let th2t commoner wormvher w2y into my
son's he2rt. Asoze tu!

It w2s 62m 2nd gogo w2s in the kitchen b2king chocol2te
muffins for Ndoni.She w2s h2ppy bec2use Zweli c2lled her l2st
night informing her th2t Ndoni w2s 2w2ke.
Hero 2nd Sipho w2lked down the st2irs h2nd in h2nd.
Them: Good morning M2
Gogo:Morning b2nt2b2m
Sipho: Smells nice,wh2t 2re you m2king?
Gogo: Muffins for Ndoni,but I m2de enough for everyone.
Vero: Is she 2w2ke?(looking r2ther dis2ppointed)
Gogo: Yes she woke up l2st night,the prince c2lled me
Vero:(f2king 2 smile) th2t's nice
Gogo: Um2 uJesu evul2 umny2ngo mnt2n2mi,2kekho
ong2v2l2.God is gre2t.
Now I h2ve to hurry to the hospit2l. Check on Enhle l2ter,2m
sure she is still sleeping okw2m2nje.she w2s feeling under the
we2ther l2st night
Gogo went upst2irs to shower,she finished 2nd p2cked the
muffins in 2 2irtight cont2iner.
Gogo: See you l2ter everyone, m2ke sure Enhle e2ts ple2se
m2koti.(she rushed out)
Sipho: This pills 2re sure t2king their precious time working, she
looks 2s he2lthy 2s 2n ox(stuffing his mouth with 2 muffin)
Vero: Am getting imp2tient now,but the guy did s2y 2to3 d2ys.
Enhle w2lked downst2irs 2nd w2lked to the kitchen, filled 2
gl2ss with w2ter then dr2nk two pills she h2d in h2nd.
Enhle: Morning
Them: Morning
Enhle: Am feeling kind of dizzy, 2m going b2ck to bed.
Vero:Ain't you h2ving bre2kf2st N2n2,gogo m2de muffins
Enhle: Am fine,I just w2nn2 sleep,I e2t l2ter(she went b2ck
upst2irs,she w2s thou looking r2ther tired for someone who just
woke up)
Sipho:We'll check up on you l2ter sweethe2rt.
Sipho 2nd his wife stuffed themselves with muffins, then went
on to w2tch TV

Ndoni h2d just been moved out of ICU 2nd into 2 priv2te room
2t the hospit2l,Zweli h2s been by her side ever since.
Zweli: You h2ve no ide2 his worried 2bout you
Ndoni: Am fine my prince
Thou Ndoni w2s out of ICU,she w2s still we2k 2nd in p2in.
L2ng2 2nd his queen w2lked in 2nd Mkhuseli r2n to the queen.
Nom2:(brushing mkhuselis he2d) Hello big boy
They w2lked tow2rds Ndoni's bed,Zweli stood up 2nd bowed
Zweli: Greetings my Queen 2nd King.I'll be outside 2nd give you
some sp2ce (he w2lked out)
L2ng2: Ndoniy2m2nzi right?
Ndoni: Yes my King
L2ng2: We just c2me to check how you doing
Nom2: And to tell you th2t we le2ving (Nom2 w2s nervous 2t the
w2y his husb2nd w2s looking 2t Ndoni)
L2ng2: You look tired,yet there is something 2bout your eyes.
(Nom2 coughed to get his husb2nd's 2ttention)
Nom2: She does look tired honey,m2ybe we should let her rest.
L2ng2: Ok d2rling,let's we need to get you to the doctor.
Nom2 kissed Ndoni's forehe2d 2nd whispered into her e2r "I
love you Angel"
L2ng2: I promise to come b2ck 2nd check on you soon (he
kissed her forehe2d)
Ndoni: Th2nk you for coming ,2m honoured.
L2ng2 took his wife's h2nds 2nd they w2lked out,Mkhuselu
r2nvb2ck to the bed,got on 2nd licked ndoni's forehe2d with his
touch tongue.then he r2n 2fter his keepers.
Zweli w2s in the c2feteri2 getting coffee,when his phone
beeped.It w2s T2li2 his girlfriend from Engl2nd, Zweli h2s been
ignoring her c2lls since he c2me b2ck to South Afric2. The
mess2ge re2d:"I 2m pregn2nt Zweli 2nd I 2m coming to South
Zweli: Shit! Now this is gonn2 be s problem. God why,why now? I
don't even love T2li2 she w2s just good to sh2g.
The doctor got into Ndoni's room to check on her,2nd she w2s
sleeping pe2cefully.
He just looked 2t her 2nd smiled.
Doc kissed ndoni's h2nd 2nd w2lked out.
My n2me is Skhumbuzo Zungu,the youngest billion2ire this
country h2s ever h2d.Owner of imvelo 2dvertising 2nd multiple
hotels 2round the country. I 2m 2lso 2 g2ngster de2ling with
di2monds 2nd 2rm's de2lership, I work 2s 2 doctor 2s 2 cover.I
h2ve 2 twin brother by the n2me of Sthembiso,2 profession2l
l2wyer 2nd 2 sniper by night.We 2re Princes from the Uny2zi
kingdom .I h2ve been eyeing this girl since she got 2dmitted
here,she is drop de2d gorgeous, eyes of 2 queen 2nd 2 body to
die for.I went beyond the c2ll of duty to m2ke sure she is ok.
Skhu:I 2m wifing th2t girl,come hell or high w2ters.
Our smitten doctor w2s smiling 2lone while he continues with
his work

Insert 15

Sometimes in life,the e2siest route le2ds to fulfilled desires.Yet

the consequences 2re 2lw2ys everl2sting 2nd t2ke you b2ck to
the very s2me situ2tion you try running 2w2y from...........Th2t
w2s T2li2 in her thoughts while p2cking her b2gs 2nd flying to
South Afric2 to cl2im wh2t she l2bels 2s her golden ticket to
we2lth 2nd power.
T2li2: Yes I lied 2bout being pregn2nt, I'll de2l with th2t
h2d to be done c2use the is no w2y in hell 2m going to let Zweli
slip through my fingers.
GOGO w2s in Ndoni's room exited th2t she w2s 2w2ke.She
pl2ced the cont2iner with muffins on the side t2ble next to the
Gogo: Ooh mnt2n2mi,you h2ve no ide2 how relieved when they
told me you 2re 2w2ke
Ndoni: (trying to smile through the p2in) Are those muffins 2m
Gogo: Freshly b2ked this morning
Ndoni: C2n I h2ve one ple2se (m2king puppy eyes)
Gogo: You c2n h2ve them 2ll my de2r,but 2m gonn2 h2ve to
check with your doctor first
Ndoni: Ok2y gogo
The doctor w2lked in to check on his p2tient
Skhu: Good morning good people
Us: Morning doc
Skhu: (2ll smiles) How's my p2tient, 2ny p2in or discomfort
Ndoni: Am comfort2ble doc,I just feel this unbe2r2ble p2in when
I spe2k or try to l2ugh
Skhu: B2by steps my 2ngel,you body h2s been through 2
need to 2llow your body to rest so th2t the process of he2ling
t2kes pl2ce
Gogo: Doc c2n she h2ve muffins,I b2ked them myself
Doc: Unfortun2tely not m2.she c2n only consume liquid
subst2nces for this week
Ndoni: Ple2se doc,just one(m2king her puppy eyes 2nd Skhu
Doc: Am 2fr2id you c2n't Missy,And you need to rest now
Gogo: Th2t's my hint to le2ve, I'll see you tomorrow my princess
(she kissed her forehe2d)
Skhu fluffed ndonis pillows 2nd fixed her sheets.
Gogo w2lked out 2nd s2id good by to Zweli who h2d his he2d
buried in his h2nds.
Skhu: I'll get you some extr2 pillows just so you comfort2ble.
Ndoni: Th2nks doc
Skhu: Are you hungry N2n2?
Ndoni: Yes 2nd 2m tired of the jelly they feeding me.its t2steless
Skhu:(smiling, showing his dimples) Ok I'll d2sh home 2nd m2ke
you 2 smoothie
Ndoni: No need doc,jelly won't kill
Skhu: Its no trouble n2n2,try 2nd h2ve some sleep. I won't be
Skhu w2lked out 2nd meet Zweli w2lking to Ndoni's room,Skhu
suddenly h2d this 2nnoyed look
Skhu: Visiting hours 2re over(he stopped 2nd lined 2g2inst the
door,with one h2nd in his pocket
Zweli: I just w2nn2 s2y goodbye, I won't be long
Skhu: Come b2ck tomorrow
Zweli:(getting 2nnoyed) Do you even know who I 2m her!
Skhu: b2l2nce me re2lly f2st, Who 2re you konje?
Zweli: You 2re st2nding in front of the Prince 2nd I could m2ke
your life miser2ble if you don't move out of my w2y
Skhu: Auth'y2m you not in my le2gue! I suggest you go home
2nd come b2ck tomorrow. And when you come b2ck,le2ve your
roy2l 2ttitude 2t your little pl2ce,ung2zokukel2 iyiguli z2m LA!
Zweli 2ngry 2s hell turned to w2lk 2w2y 2nd Shku 2lso left to his
office 2nd gr2bbed his c2r keys 2nd went out to his house to
m2ke Ndo 2 smoothie

At the Nkosi kingdom

The Queen h2d org2nised speci2l lunch 2nd invited Zevile 2
princess from 2 neighbouring kingdom.They were l2ughing
when Zweli w2lked in,2nd like he didn't even see them he
w2lked upst2irs
Queen: Zweli come b2ck here this very moment
Zweli turned 2nd w2lked b2ck to the dining 2re2.
Zweli: My queen Good d2y
Queen: Nghleli ngedw2 Zwelib2nzi! Where 2re your m2nners
Zweli: ooh hi
Zevi:(smiling) My prince nice meeting you,the queen h2s s2id 2
lot 2bout you
Zweli:(sitting down) I bet she did
They 2te in silence the queen h2d to force words out of their
mouths here 2nd there
Queen: Zweli I think.k you should t2ke Zevi on 2 tour in the
Zweli: Ye2h sure,follow me
The both w2lked to the g2rden le2ving the queen smiling in
Zevi: Wow your g2rden is 2m2zing
Zweli: ye2h sure
Zweli w2s in his iwn world of thoughts thinking 2bout how to
de2l with the T2li2 issue 2nd how to get Ndoni
Zevi: The queen tells me you 2re 2 doctor
Zweli: A2h you know wh2t Zodw2 or wh2tever your n2me is,2m
not re2lly in my right sp2ce of mind tod2y c2n we m2ybe do this
2nother d2y
Zevi: Ok my prince,I c2n give you 2 m2ss2ge if you like
Zweli: No. I just need some sleep
Zweli left Zevile in the g2rden 2nd went to his room

Nom2 w2s on the couch with her feet pl2ced on her husb2nds
l2p,L2ng2 w2s giving his wife 2 foot m2ss2ge.
L2ng2: D2rling
Nom2: Mmh
L2ng2: Do you think my brother Senzo h2s 2 child we don't
know of?
Nom2: Not th2t I know of. Why do you 2sk?
L2ng2: Its th2t girl Ndoniy2m2nzi
Nom2 quickly moved her feet 2nd s2t up str2ight.
Nom2: Wh2t 2bout th2t girl my love
L2ng2: I feel so 2tt2ched to her,like there is something pulling
me to her
Nom2: (cle2ring her thro2t) My love,you prob2bly just feel sorry
for her bec2use you couldn't help her during the shooting
L2ng2: Its more th2n th2t my l2dy,its more th2n th2t
Nom2:(ch2nging the subject) Am m2king some te2,w2nt some?
L2ng2: You sick remember 2nd the doctor s2id you exh2usted,
so sit down 2nd I'll m2ke the te2
L2ng2 left to m2ke his wife some te2 le2ving Nom2 to her

The site of my w2rehouse in th2t st2te,blood everywhere, de2d
he2dless bodies.My entire g2ng wiped out like they never
Someone will p2y de2rly for this I swe2r.
I just c2lled my g2ng from C2petown we gonn2 find this sob
who did this 2nd 2m gonn2 feed them to my dogs.
I 2m not c2lled d2nger for nothing

Insert 16

Skhumbuzo's house
Skhu verified his fingerprint on the security g2te 2s she drove
into the y2rd,he s2w the Audi A8 p2rked in his drive w2y 2nd he
knew his brother w2s here.He got out of the c2r 2nd opened the
front door 2nd he s2w his brother m2king 2 s2ndwich in the
kitchen.The kitchen,lounge 2nd dinning room were 2n open
pl2n,grey with 2 touch of red.the house w2s mostly gl2ss.
Skhu:(smiling) Y2hluph2 lentw2n2
Sthe stuffing his mouth with his s2ndwich
Sthe: My other h2lf,ubekw2 yintoni 2ph2 this e2rly
Skhu: Kh2wugwinye m22n Sthembiso!
Sthe: No need to bite my he2d off geez
He took his s2ndwich in 2 pl2te 2nd w2lked to the lounge,s2t
down in front of the TV
Sthe: So wh2t brings you here this e2rly. Don't you h2ve dying
people to s2ve
Skhu: I should be 2sking you th2t Sthe,Wh2t brings you to my
house,don't you h2ve crimin2ls you should be getting out of j2il?
Sthe:(t2king 2 bite from his huge s2ndwich)Well 2p2rt from the
food,2m here to inform you 2bout the shipment from Russi2 its
2rriving tod2y
Skhu:(putting some b2n2n2s,str2wberries 2nd yoghurt into the
blender) H2ndle th2t,2m on c2ll tod2y
Sthe: Th2t's 2 first, you usu2lly w2nn2 h2ndle 2ll shipments
Skhu: Well you my brother 2nd I trust you
Sthe: And since when 2re you 2 smoothie person
Skhu: K2hle wen2,I 2in't one of your clients stop it with your 21
Sthe: Wow! Th2t looks delicious, c2n I h2ve some
Skhu: No this 2in't mine,its for 2 p2tient
Sthe: Mhhh 2 p2tient you s2y(he l2ughed)
Skhu poured the smoothie into his gl2ss w2ter bottle,took his
keys 2nd he2ded out
Skhu: No mist2kes on th2t shipment brother,h2ndle it
Sthe: Rel2x doc,2m not c2lled termin2tor for nothing.if 2nything
goes wrong I'll pop br2ins
Skhu: Good
Shu w2lked out 2nd left his twin brother w2tching some TV

L2ng2 2nd his wife were p2cked 2nd re2dy to go
L2ng2: Khum2lo seems to h2s t2ken our mess2ge for 2 bluff
Nom2: And 2m too tired to go on 2 mission tod2y
L2ng2: Rel2x my l2dy,I'll send R2zor
L2ng2 c2lled R2zor 2nd g2ve him instructions on wh2t needs to
be done.They were to meet 2t the 2irport 2fter the mission w2s

Khum2lo w2s just stepping out of his c2r when he felt 2 gun
pointed on his b2ck
Khum2lo: Who 2re you 2nd wh2t do you w2nt
R2zor: A mess2ge from STORM
Khum2lo:Who is this storm 2nd why does he w2nn2 kill me
R2zor: Your 8hours is up
As Khum2lo w2s 2bout tho turn 2nd f2ce his 2tt2cker BAM!
BAM! BAM! three bullets fired str2ight into his spine,he w2s
down 2nd R2zor drove off.P2les2 w2s in his room t2king 2
pregn2ncy test when she he2rd gunshots, she rushed
downst2irs were she meet her mother who w2s 2lso rushing to
find out wh2t w2s going on.
They opened the front door 2nd w2lked out .
Right next to his c2r,there w2s Khum2lo in his own pool of
blood,Hlengiwe 2nd P2les2 just dropped down besides him 2nd
cried their eyes out,Hlengiwe c2lled the 2mbul2nce 2nd he w2s
rushed to hospit2l

Ndoni's house
Gogo w2s coming from hospit2l,she w2lked into the lounge only
to be meet by Sipho 2nd his wife on the couch w2tching tv 2nd
Gogo: Kw2mn2ndi l2yekh2y2!Pl2ying Ridge 2nd Brooke on my
couch. did you even check on Enhle?
Sipho: Ye2h she's good m2m2
Vero: She's prob2bly still sleeping
Gogo: Let me check on her,c2use cle2rly the poor girl is 2n
Gogo went upst2irs 2nd knocked on Enhle's door but there w2s
no 2nswer she opened the door 2nd w2lked in.She w2s not on
her bed
Gogo: Enhle....were 2re you
She w2lked out,but 2s she w2s 2ppro2ching the doorshe could
he2r the shower running. She w2lked tow2rds the shower 2nd
BOOM!Enhle w2s on the floor with the w2ter running on top of
her n2ked body,she w2s freezing cold. Gogo scre2med for help
2s she turned her lifeless body 2round, she h2d white fo2m
coming out of her mouth.
Gogo: Help!....Sipho! siz2ni no uy2f2 umntw2n2!(Shouting)
Sipho: Did you he2r th2t honey
Vero: (turning down the t. Volume) Wh2t?
Sipho: Sounds Luke m2m2 is ste2ming
Vero: Ooh m2ybe the pills 2re fin2lly working 2nd she is 2bout to
meet her m2ker soon
The voice from upst2irs c2me 2g2in,louder this time
Gogo: Help...Sipho ple2se kh2nisheshe y2f2 umtw2n2
Sipho: Am going to see just to be sure
He rushed upst2irs "where 2re you m2m2"?
Gogo: Enhle's room in the shower,hurry! Bring towels 2nd her
gown she is freezing
Sipho: Oooh ..not my only d2ughter no!(he w2s
Gogo: Sheshis2 wen2 slim2 2nd tell m2kiti to c2ll the 2mbul2nce
Sipho h2nded gogo the towels 2nd the gown.she dried her 2nd
covered her with the gown
Sipho:(shouting) Vero c2ll the 2mbul2nce NOW
Vero: Wh2t's wrong honey(ch2nging the TV ch2nnel)
Sipho: C2ll the bloody 2mbul2nce Vero its Enhle,she's
Veto:(throwing the remote down 2nd rushing uupst2irs) No....
Not my b2by Jesu no....
Gogo: Stop with your dr2m2 wen2 m2n,Sipho get Enhle on her
bed I'll c2ll the 2mbul2nce.
Sipho picked up Enhle 2nd got her on the bed while gogo c2lled
the 2mbul2nce. Veronic2 w2s crying uncontroll2bly next to her
Vero: Enhle ple2se don't do this to me,ple2se w2ke up ple2se
The p2r2medics 2rrived 2nd Enhle w2s t2ken to hospit2l
Veronic2 w2s crying so h2rd like 2 wh2le giving births while
Sipho w2s just in shock

Insert 17

Skhu gets b2ck to the hospit2l with the pillows 2nd the
smoothie.He h2d p2ssed by sheet street 2nd bought the pillows
2nd pillowc2ses,when he got into Ndoni's room he found her
pe2cefully sleeping. He shook her gentle 2nd she opened her
eyes 2nd smiled f2intly.
Skhu:(smiling) N2n2 you h2ve to w2keup, I bought you the
smoothie 2nd some extr2 pillows.
Ndoni: Th2nks doc,you didn't h2ve to go through 2ll the trouble
(she took 2 sip of the smoothie 2nd smiled) T2stes 2m2zing.
Skhu:Ok Missy,finish up so you c2n h2ve your meds,then b2ck
to sleep for you
Ndoni: Wh2tever you s2y doc(she s2id th2t te2singly)
Skhu: C2ll me doc one more time,2nd I'll keep you here for the
whole month. My n2me is Skhumbuzo, you c2n c2ll me Skhu
Ndoni:(m2king puppy dog eyes) Am sorry Doc
They both l2ughed 2t ndoni's silliness. She finished her
smoothie,then Skhu g2ve her the p2in meds.
Skhu: Good night n2n2(he w2s holding her h2nd )
Ndoni: Good night Skhumbuzo
Skhumbuzo's shift w2s over,he signed out 2nd went home

Red Cross hospit2l

Hlengiwe 2nd P2les2 were crying uncontroll2bly in the w2iting
room,khum2lo w2s t2ken to the2tre 2bout 5hrs 2go.Hlengiwe
w2s p2nicking 2nd sc2red.L2ng2's words kept her
Just by looking 2t P2les2,you could tell she w2s broken 2nd
exh2usted. She h2s been crying for over 6hours now,suddenly
she coll2psed
Hlengi: Ooh nkulunkulu w2m,yini k2ng2k2 kodw2. P2les2 ple2se
don't do this to me,not now. Nurse (shouting) nurse ple2se help
Two nurses c2me in running
Nurse: wh2t's wrong m2m,wh2t h2ppened here,(she w2s on her
knees feeling p2les2's pulse)Get the bed,now! (She s2id to the
other nurse)
Hlengi: I do not know nurse,she just coll2psed
The other nurse c2me b2ck with the bed,P2les2 w2s wheeled
Hlengi: Will she be ok nurse?ple2se help her ple2se!
Nurse: Rel2x m2m,your d2ughter will be fine.They rushed out
2nd Hlengiwe w2s left there, No more te2rs to cry,she just
zoned out 2nd 2nger filled her entire body,she could he2r
Nom2's words pl2ying in his mind like 2 broken record, over 2nd
BETTER THAN KHUMALO"Th2biso w2lked in 2nd went to hug
his mom,who looked so broken.
Th2biso: M2 wh2t h2ppened? Liright it2im2?
Hlengi: Sukundibuz2 inyongo Min2! You 2re the one who's
supposed to know wh2t h2ppened to your f2ther.Angithi yini
eniyizi gebengu m2silele thin2.Nx
Hlengiwe w2lked out 2nd went to the ch2pel in the hospit2l to
light c2ndles for her husb2nd 2nd d2ughter. Two house l2ter the
doctor c2me out
Doc: Mrs Khum2lo
Hlengiwe 2nd Th2biso stood up
Hlengi: Yes doctor (she took 2 deep bre2th)
Doctor: Kindly follow me to my office ple2se.
They silently w2lked to the doctors office 2nd s2t down
Hlengi: How is he doctor,how's my husb2nd?
Doc: Well Mrs Khum2lo I h2ve good news 2nd h2d news
Th2biso: Wh2t's the good news doc
Doc: We m2n2ged to remove 2ll three bullets 2nd Mr Khum2lo is
st2ble,not out of the woods yet but he will be fine
Hlengi: Lord you gre2t,th2nk you
Th2biso: And the b2d news?
Doc: A22h well the thing is,the bullets d2m2ged his spine so
b2d 2nd 2m 2fr2id he won't be 2ble to use his legs 2nymore
Th2biso: Wh2t 2re you s2ying doc
Doc: Mr Khum2lo your f2ther is dis2bled
Everyone just went silent,you could even here 2 needle
drop.Another doctor c2me in
Doc2: Mrs Khum2lo
Hlengi: 2m here doc
Doc2: Congr2tul2tions Mrs Khum2lo,you 2re gonn2 be 2
gr2ndmother soon
Hlengi:(eyes popped out)Wh2t?
Doc2: Your d2ughter is 14weeks pregn2nt
Doc1: Something to celebr2te, congr2tul2tions Mrs Khum2lo
Hlengi: Amen! S2l2 usungith2th2 Jesu! C2n I see my d2ughter
Doc2lOf c2use. Follow me.
Th2biso 2nd Hlengiwe followed the doctor to P2les2's room,she
h2d just finished getting dressed when her mother w2lked
in.The dis2ppointment in her mothers eyes w2s like 2 st2b in her
he2rt,te2rs esc2ped her eyes Th2biso went to hug her sister
Hlengi: Ukh2lisw2 yintoni P2li?You were 2ble to commit such 2
sh2meful 2ct,yet now you here crying. I bet you weren't crying
when you were spre2ding those skinny leg's of yours! NX
PALESA: Am sorry m2m2
Hlengi: Sorry my left dis2bled foot
Hlengiwe w2lked out crying 2nd left P2les2 2nd her brother in
the room

Skhu got into the house 2 house 2nd threw himself in the
couch,2nd just zoned out into his own thoughts; Just then Hus
duplic2te w2lked in c2using 2 scene 2s 2lw2ys
Sthe: Honey 2m home(he w2s whistling)
Skhu: Will you ever grow up kodw2 Sthe
Sthe: And who will 2nnoy you,little brother(he smirked)
Sthe threw himself next to his brother 2nd pl2ced 2 silver
briefc2se on the coffee t2ble.
Sthe: Signed,se2led 2nd delivered! 7M in c2sh.There were no
hiccups with the shipment 2nd the merch2ndise w2s s2fely
delivered to Mr Y2ng.
Skhu: And the guys?
Sthe: Alre2dy p2id 10k e2ch.
Sthe went 2nd poured two gl2sses of whiskey 2nd g2ve one to
his brother
Sthe: You seem miles 2w2y,wh2t's up 2re you in some kind of
Skhu:(t2king 2 deep bre2th) M2tters of the he2rt ntw2n2.
Sthe:(sipping in his gl2ss)Wo2h,hold up bro! I didn't even know
you h2d 2 girl in your life,2p2rt from those once in 2 while one
Skhu: uy2ph2ph2 S2n! But let's just s2y, 2m growing up ntw2n2
2nd I need st2bility 2nd 2 purpose. Someone to le2ve 2ll this
fleshy lifestyle to.A f2mily Sthe
Sthe: I feel you my nigg2
Skhu: And I think I found her(he smiled 2s she r2ised his gl2ss)
Sthe: Dude 2re you blushing right now
Skhu: futsek!(punching his brothers shoulder)
Sthe: A2och!
They both l2ughed
Sthe: Ok..ok I c2n see you serious, I h2ve one question thou
Skhu: Wh2ts th2t?
Sthe: Is She roy2lty
Skhu: In my p2l2ce,my he2rt yes she's 2 queen
Sthe: My boy is smitten, kodw2 wh2t if she is t2ken ntw2n2?
Skhu: Gold is 2lw2ys buried in the bottom of the e2rth 2nd
covered in rocks,to get it you need to be p2tient 2nd work h2rd
Sthe: Y2bo m2nje,I h2ve to see this gold th2t h2s my brother 2ll
g2g2 goo goo!

Ndoni w2s f2st 2sleep 2nd the wom2n in the white dress c2me
b2ck 2g2in
Wom2n: Its time my princess, we need to go
Ndoni: Won't people be worried if 2m gone 2nd were 2re we
Wom2n: No need to worry my princess, no one will know you
gone.We 2re going on 2 spiritu2l journey, your body will be here
sleeping pe2cefully, Now come t2ke my h2nd let's go
The pl2ce w2s so be2utiful, c2lm 2nd so pe2ceful. The gr2ss so
green 2nd the w2ter so blue it w2s like 2m in 2 dr2wing.
Wom2n: Welcome to the mystic l2nd my princess, I know you
h2ve 2 lot of questions 2nd I 2ssure you th2t they will be
2nswered in good time.For now we need to work.
Ndoni: Wh2t do I need to do?
Wom2n: You 2re 2 princess from 2 kingdom protected by one of
the 2nim2ls from this l2nd
Ndoni: Am listening
Wom2n: You h2ve your own 2nim2l,th2t's gonn2 be your keeper
Ndoni: So how do I find this keeper of mine?
Wom2n: You don't h2ve to,it h2s 2lre2dy found you.2ll you h2ve
to do is to le2rn how to unle2sh its powers 2nd control it
Ndoni: Wow seems too much
Wom2n: Your keeper is 2n e2gle 2nd it resides in the bottom of
th2t blue l2ke in front of us
Ndoni: So 2m gonn2 h2ve to go into th2t l2ke
Wom2n: No my princess.Here's wh2t you h2ve to do.You gonn2
go st2nd in front of th2t l2ke 2nd look deep inside your
soul,forget everything 2nd just focus.T2lk to the l2ke 2nd 2sk the
l2ke to connect to your soul,then comm2nd the e2gle to
resurf2ce. Its not gonn2 be e2sy my princess,but it must be
Ndoni w2lked tow2rds the l2ke to begin her journey.
Wom2n: I will be b2ck to t2ke you b2ck in
the morning my princess. Good luck

Gogo,Sipho 2nd Veronic2 were in the w2iting room ,they h2ve
been here for 2n hour now.Gogo w2s pr2ying 2nd Vero w2s
crying his eyes out.2s for Sipho he w2s like 2 w2lking zombie
just le2ning on the door the took his d2ughter into.
A few minutes l2ter the doctor c2me out,Sipho looked 2t him
2nd he sh2kes his he2d
Doctor: Am sorry!
Sipho just dropped to the floor 2nd cried
Vero:(crying 2t the top of her lungs) NO! NO! NO!

Insert 18

L2st night w2s emotion2lly exh2usting, I w2s dr2ined 2nd it w2s
just my first night.
Its 2 good thing my body slept 2ll night,c2use 2m gonn2 need
its energy to c2rry me through this journey. I 2m not 2llowed to
discuss my journey with 2nyone,not under 2ny circumst2nces.
I h2ven't seen Zweli since yesterd2y 2nd I kind of miss seeing
his big round eyes.
My door opened 2nd the doctor w2lked in,he h2d this cute smile
on his f2ce,prob2bly just being friendly I guess.He h2s been so
good to me,I should do something to th2nk him
Skhu: Guess who's going home tod2y?
Ndoni:Wow th2nks Skhumbuzo, I c2n't w2it to get home.
Skhu: Th2t hurts,w2s seeing me everyd2y th2t b2d(he smiled)
Ndoni: The opposite 2ctu2lly, you h2ve been re2lly gre2t to me.I
just miss my bed.
Skhu: I underst2nd, just t2ke good c2re of yourself ok
Ndoni: I owe you one doc,for going beyond the c2ll of duty to
m2ke my st2y here comfort2ble
Skhu:And 2m definitely c2shing in on th2t debt soon(he winked
his eye)
Ndoni: Ohk doc,just don't 2mbush me ok.
Skhu: As soon 2s you feeling better,2m t2king you out to lunch
Ndoni: Th2t I c2n do
Skhu: Ok2y then let me go get your disch2rge forms re2dy,your
bed is c2lling.
Skhu w2lked out 2nd he's nice yen2 sh2me,just 2s he w2lked
out in c2me Nolith2 followed by her brother. Nolith2 jumped on
my bed hugging me for de2r life
Ndoni: Lee! You hurting me
Noli: Am sorry girlfriend, I just missed you so much.
Ndoni: I missed you too.Good news is I just got disch2rged
tod2y so I c2n go home.
Noli: Fin2lly. You g2ve me such 2 sc2re
Ndoni: I 2m gonn2 need 2 ch2nge of clothes then
Zweli: Ahh its no problem, I'll drop Chubby cheeks 2t school
then go p2ssed your house I get you your clothes.
Ndoni: (smiling) Th2t would be gre2t my prince,th2nk you
Zweli:(he smiled b2ck)Let's go bubble gum,we don't w2nt you
l2te for school.
Noli: He2ike! you worse th2n your mother,the dr2gon l2dy geez
Zweli: Wh2tever so let's go
Noli: I'll see you 2fter school, I'll come to the house
She kissed my cheek 2nd followed her brother out.The smell of
his cologne just gilled the room 2nd I couldn't stop smiling.

The tension in the house w2s so thick,you could cut it with 2
knife.They were in the dining room h2ving bre2kf2st.
Hlengi: Who is responsible for this sh2me?(she w2s looking 2t
P2les2: Wh2t mom(she h2d her eyes on the pl2te)
Hlengi: Don't pl2y dumb with me missy
Th2biso: Geez people! C2n we de2l with import2nt m2tters first,
2fter 2ll P2le is not the first girl to f2ll pregn2nt in m2trix
Hlengi:(Furiously) Ooh re2lly now B2b'Khum2lo! well then since
your the m2n of this house now,de2l with everything. C2use
fr2nkly 2m tired of you stupid kids 2nd your rotten 2ttitudes 2nd
2m tired of your stupid f2ther.Am done!
Hlengiwe threw her fork on the t2ble 2nd dis2ppe2red upst2irs.
Th2biso: Yoh! women 2nd dr2m2 thou.And wen2 who is the
f2ther of th2t thing you c2rrying?
P2les2: Mr Johnson. Now t2ke me to school(rolling her eyes)
Th2biso: Amen! Just when I thou the w2s still 2 ch2nce for you
P2les2: Ple2se it w2s 2 mist2ke ok
Th2biso: Come on,let's go.I need to st2rt with the pl2n to
2venge d2d
They left for school,dropped P2les2 off then drove to D2nger's
house for the scheduled meeting

The mood w2s re2lly s2d 2t the house,Veronic2 h2s looked
herself in Enhle's room since they c2me b2ck from the hospit2l.
Gogo 2nd Sipho were downst2irs.
Sipho: Why me m2,wh2t h2ve I done to deserve such cruelty?
First it w2s my job,then 2ll my 2ccounts were wiped cle2n.Now
my only d2ughter is no more(he h2d his he2d hurried in his
h2nds,his bre2king voice w2s 2 cle2r indic2tion th2t he w2s
Gogo: We c2n not question God my son,we just h2ve to believe
he h2s better pl2ns in store for the future.
There w2s 2 knocked on the door 2nd gogo went to open.
Gogo: My prince,you welcome ple2se come in
Zweli got in 2nd went to sit by the couch
Zweli: Greetings everyone
Gogo: Wh2t do we owe the ple2sure of your visit my prince
Zweli: A2h Ndoni got disch2rged tod2y,so 2m here to get her
some ch2nge of clothes.
Gogo: Ooh Glory be to the 2lmighty, my Ndo is coming home
Sipho:(2ngrily str2nding up) Gre2t! Just gre2t.Couldn't she just
die 2nd let my d2ughter live,ying2ni kuphil2 yen2 2nd not
Enhle(he w2lked upst2irs)
Gogo:(shouting behind her son) Akufe wen2 Sipho.....RHA!
Am sorry my prince,he h2s just lost his d2ughter.
Zweli: I didn't know,2m sorry. My condolences to the f2mily.
Gogo: Siy2bong2 ndod2n2,we didn't w2nn2 tell Ndo while she
w2s still in hospit2l.
Zweli: I underst2nd m2,I won't s2y 2nything
Gogo: Let me get you the clothes my prince
Gogo went upst2irs to Ndoni's room 2nd p2cked 2 sm2ll
b2g,went b2ck 2nd g2ve it to Zweli
Zweli: Th2nks m2,I'd better get going
Gogo: Go well my Prince.
Zweli drove b2ck to the hospit2l to fetch Ndoni

The g2ng from C2petown w2s here including Th2biso 2nd,
D2nger: Gentlem2n, welcome
G2ng: Sure boss
D2nger: I'll get str2ight to the point, Someone h2s decl2red w2r
on us 2nd you know wh2t th2t me2ns right
G2ng: Blood boss
D2nger: I need 2ll your e2rs on the ground.I need 2ll the
inform2tion you c2n find on 2 bitch c2lled "STORM" Am w2iting
for the guns to 2rrive tonight,tomorrow I need 2ll the
inform2tion .After tomorrow we kill
Th2biso: Do we need 2ll this men 2nd guns just for 2 bitch boss
D2nger: You h2ve 2 point T,m2ybe I'll just t2ke you 2nd two guys
Th2biso: Ye2h boss,I need to pump bullets into someone's skull
for putting my old m2n in hospit2l.
D2nger: Ok gentlem2n, dis2ppe2r. Tomorrow s2me time s2me
The g2ng went out 2nd left d2nger 2lone
D2nger: You w2nn2 pl2y with the big dogs STORM,then let the
g2mes begin!

Skhumbuzo w2s on the phone t2lking to some one
Skhu: Rex its Fox here,I need 2 f2vor
Rex: T2r Skhu,2nything my m2n just n2me it
Skhu: I need 2 tr2cer
,something sm2ll one th2t I c2n fit into 2 pend2nt
Rex: mind me 2sking wh2t you nerd it for
Skhu: Its for my l2dy,just in c2se of emergencies
Rex: You'll h2ve it by the end of the week.
Skhu: Sure ntw2n2
They hug up 2nd Skhu went on with his work

Insert 19

You c2n im2gine the shock I got when I got home 2nd found out
th2t my cousin h2d p2ssed 2w2y.Yes she w2s 2 br2t 2nd she
got on my l2st nerve,yet I loved her.I w2nted to be 2 big sister to
her,te2ch her how to cook 2nd go to movies with her.
Life is too short 2nd I didn't even get to tell her how much I loved
Well the c2use of de2th w2s poison,2 subst2nti2l 2mount of lice
w2s found in her system which c2used 2ll her org2ns to shut
down,the police c2me to the house to se2rch the house 2nd
they found nothing.
Due to l2ck of evidence of 2ny foul pl2y, Enhle's de2th w2s ruled
out 2s suicide.
L2st night gogo told me something th2t h2d me sc2red of the
monsters we live with in this house,2pp2rently gogo once he2d
uncle 2nd his wife t2lking 2bout killing her so they g2in
ownership of the house,they spoke something 2bout pills.
Gogo 2lso told me th2t 2 d2y before Enhle p2ssed 2w2y,she
w2s h2ving terrible period p2ins so gogo g2ve her some of her
pills to t2ke,weird enough she dies soon 2fter th2t 2nd the
cont2iner cont2ining the pills w2s nowhere to be found.
It w2s S2turd2y morning the d2y of the funer2l,the house w2s
p2cked 2s we were h2ving 2 sm2ll intim2te pr2yer here 2t home
before we go to church for the buri2l.Veronic2 h2s been looking
herself in Enhle's room 2nd uncle Sipho w2s just 2 w2lking
zombie,he looks 2t me with such disgust these d2ys more like
bl2mes me for every thing.Well I to not c2re c2use I will find out
wh2t h2ppened to my cousin 2nd when I do,the world will be 2
better pl2ce.
Zweli 2nd I h2ve been seeing e2ch other,its 3 d2ys now 2nd he
is my strength, just 2s I w2s 2bout to hit the shower,my prince
c2lls 2nd I smile before picking up
Ndoni: Prince b2e
Zweli: Hey sweethe2rt. How you doing
Ndoni: Now th2t 2m t2lking to you,everything is perfect.
Zweli: Ok. E2t something ple2se I'll be there in 2n hour or so
Ndoni: C2n't w2it to see you
Zweli: Love you
Ndoni: Love you too
We hung up 2nd I went to shower,finished then I lotioned.I wore
my below the knees long sleeved m2roon tight dress,bl2ck
str2ps heels 2 bl2ck bl2zer then put 2 bl2ck he2d wr2p on my
he2d.I finished the look with m2roon lipstick 2nd gold e2rings
took my phone 2nd went out

Zweli w2s done getting dressed, he w2s in his bl2ck 3piece suit
with 2 white shirt,bl2ck tie 2nd bl2ck shoe's,He put on his Rolex
w2tch gr2bbed his c2r keys,phone 2nd rushed downst2irs for
bre2kf2st. The f2mily w2s se2ted h2ving bre2kf2st.
Zweli: Good morning f2mily
Them: Morning son
King: Since you refuse to get m2rried, I h2ve decided to get you
2 wife
Zweli: Geez d2d,not th2t 2g2in
Queen: W2tch your tone wen2! Th2t's your f2ther you're t2lking
King: Am giving you one week to find your own princess or you
m2rrying princess Zevile
Zweli: I love Ndoni
King: Well son,you c2n m2rry her 2s your second wife.You 2re
roy2lty Zweli 2nd roy2lty m2rries roy2lty
Zweli: C2n we t2lk 2bout this l2ter,I h2ve 2 funer2l to 2ttend.
Just then 2 gu2rd w2lked in to 2nnounce th2t we h2ve 2 visitor
King: Let her in(the king instructed)
The gu2rd w2lked out 2nd c2me b2ck dr2gging two huge
lugg2ge b2gs,followed by 2 p2ddy.She w2s white with blonde
h2ir 2nd blue eyes.Zweli quickly stood up 2s he s2w her
Zweli:(eyes popped out) T2li2! Wh2t brings you here?
T2li2: Hello to you too Zweli
Nolith2 w2lked down the st2irs we2ring 2 bl2ck high w2ist
pencil skirt 2nd 2 white shirt,tucked in.She h2d bl2ck LV heels.
Noli: Brother 2m re2dy to go
She looked 2t the white girl in the lounge from top to toe
Noli: M2nje umlungu?
King: C2n someone ple2se tell me wh2t's going in in my p2l2ce
T2li2: Since my husb2nd to be here(pointing 2t Zweli) h2s gone
dumb I might 2s well introduce myself.
The house w2s silent with 2ll eyes on T2li2,Zweli w2s f2ced
T2li2: My n2me is T2li2 V2n Rooyen 2m from Engl2nd, Zweli here
is my fi2ncée of 5ye2rs 2nd I 2m 4minths pregn2nt
Everyone: Wh2t?
Zweli c2n we t2lk 2bout this l2ter,ple2se people 2m gonn2 be
l2te for the funer2l
T2li2: Well 2m coming with you(rolling eyes)
Noli: Never
Zweli: Ok2y T2li2, you c2n come just beh2ve.
Noli: You must be kidding Zwe right,you do know th2t we going
to Ndoni's house
Zweli:Ple2se not now,let's just go
Noli: Well big brother,if your intention is to hurt my friend then
2m gonn2 cut off your b2lls 2nd feed them to you
Zweli: W2tch your tone young l2dy,2m still your brother
Noli: Then grow up 2nd st2rt 2cting like one. You'll find me in the
Zweli: I'll get the m2ids to t2ke your stuff to the guest bedroom,
now let's go.
T2li2 w2s we2ring 2 white m2xi dress with gold s2nd2ls,her
blonde h2ir w2s tied up.
She followed Zweli 2nd they w2lked to the c2r
King: God of my 2ncestors! Wh2t h2ve I done to deserve such 2
we2kling of 2 son
Queen: Zweli is such 2 disgr2ce.nx
The queen left the t2ble 2nd went upst2irs.

It w2s 2lre2dy time to go 2nd Zweli isn't here yet,but Noli did
s2y they were on their w2y here.Well Skhumbuzo c2lled 2nd told
me he won't be 2ble to come to the house due to work,but he
will meet us 2t church. Skhumbuzo 2nd I 2re friends,he knows
2bout Zwe 2nd me 2nd he's cool with it.
There w2s 2 sound of 2 c2r pulling up outside 2nd I knew it w2s
my m2n,my he2rt st2rted jumping for joy 2s I excused myself to
go welcome them.And yes I w2s right,it w2s my m2n looking 2ll
sh2des of hot in his bl2ck suit.I w2s st2nding 2t the door 2nd
looking 2t him, he got out of the c2r 2nd went to the p2ssenger
se2t 2nd opened the door:Str2nge! Is the queen here? c2se I
could see Noli 2t the b2ck,then 2 white l2dy stepped out of the
c2r 2nd held onto Zwe's 2rm,he tryed pulling 2w2y but the l2dy
held on.Inste2d of being m2d I w2s shocked 2nd surprised.Who
is she? Then Noli stepped out 2nd c2me to me by the door
Noli: Hey girlfriend (she hugged me)
Ndoni: Welcome my friend. So?(I pointed 2t Zwe with my eyes)
Noli: Th2t my friend is your stew to sw2llow, for now let's get
through the funer2l
Zweli 2nd the girl c2me to us
Zweli: Hi NFO
Ndoni: (Wow th2t w2s str2nge! I 2m Ndo tod2y) Hi Zweli you
Noli: Mxm
Noli held my h2nd 2nd we went to were the pr2yer w2s t2king
pl2ce,which w2s Enhle's room Zweli 2nd the girl followed behind
us.We got to the room 2nd gogo welcomed them
Gogo: Th2nks for coming my Prince
Zweli: Th2nk you gogo
T2li2: Ooh my n2me is T2li2 by the w2y,Zweli's fi2ncée (she
extended her h2nd for 2 h2ndsh2ke)
Gogo:(sh2king h2nds with T2li2) Nice meeting you too my
d2ughter (she looked 2t Zweli) Am2ny2l2 kodw2 Zweli RHA!
Wow! I didn't see this one coming. So my Prince b2r h2s 2
girlfriend 2nd he decided to bring her here! Just wow.I felt this
sh2rp p2in in my he2rt 2nd I could feel te2rs 2ppro2ching my
eyes.good thing this is 2 funer2l so I just let them f2ll.Noli come
to me 2nd hugs me while brushing my b2ck
Noli: No one is worth your te2rs my friend.
Zweli h2s been 2voiding eye cont2ct with me ever since he got
here,prob2bly bec2use he is guilty.
Anyw2y the pr2yer w2s over 2nd we 2ll went out 2nd drove to
church. I won't lie I w2s hurt but I pulled myself together
We got to church 2nd Veronic2 w2s 2 mess,one would swe2r
she h2sn't e2ten in d2ys,her lips were so dry,eyes puffy 2nd
Just then 2 bl2ck BMW 7series pulled up outside the church,Noli
2nd I were still outside.Skhumbuzo stepped out of the c2r
we2ring A t2ilor m2de designer 3piece m2roon suit 2nd bl2ck
shoes,he h2d 2 bl2ck tie 2nd snow White shirt,W2it! There w2s
2nother Skhumbuzo we2ring the s2me suit just different colour,
His w2s n2vy blue....somebody tell me wh2t's going on here, 2m
I seeing doubles.
Noli:(pinching my shoulder) d2mn girl the w2y th2t guy is
dressed, one would swe2r you t2lked 2bout it.You look like 2
power couple.
Ndoni: Stop being silly Lee,this is just my friend
The Skhu's 2ppro2ched us
Skhu:(hugging me) Sorry 2m l2te
Ndoni: Its ok,2m gl2d you m2de it
Sthe:(kissing my h2nd) The futer queen of the Nk2nyezi
kingdom, I greet you my l2dy
Skhu:(sh2king his he2d) Uy2ph2ph2 ntw2n2 yeses! L2dies this
is my twin brother Sthembiso
Ndoni: You guys look so much 2like,2m gonn2 h2ve trouble
telling you 2p2rt
Noli: I 2gree girlfriend, they 2re like duplic2tes of one 2nother.
Ndoni: Ok guys this is my bestie,her n2me is Nolith2
Them: Nice meeting you Nolith2
Ndoni: Ok guys let's go in,the service h2s 2lre2dy st2rted
Sthe: After you my future queen
Noli: Hey stop it,she is d2ting my brother you know.
Sthe: Well 2m sorry m2 l2dy,but your brother seems like 2n idiot
for letting this l2dy out of his side,ngizomth2th2 2nye!
We 2ll l2ughed 2s we w2lked into the church.we s2t down 2nd
the service w2s be2utiful 2nd the speeches were moving, it w2s
time to move to the cemetery to the 2ctu2l buri2l
We got to the cemetery 2nd it st2rted drizzling, I could feel
something in me r2ising, I don't know wh2t it w2s but it w2s so
powerful, Gogo w2s holding onto Veronic2 who w2s so we2k
from 2ll the crying.Sthe w2s holding my h2nd while Skhu w2s
holding the umbrell2 I w2s slowly bre2king into pieces bit by
bit,How could Zweli do this to me?Why did he even bring her
The buri2l w2s done 2nd we were going home for lunch.
Skhu 2nd his brother c2me to s2y their good byes 2s they were
not coming b2ck to the house with us,Skhu h2d to go b2ck to
Skhu: Hey N2n2,2re you ok?
Ndoni: (I lied) Ye2h 2m fine
Skhu: Ok then(he pulled me in for 2 hug) C2ll me 2nytime
N2n2.d2y or night ok
Ndoni: Th2nk you
Sthe: And if you need 2nyone de2lt with,2m your m2n(he
Skhu 2nd Sthe left str2ight 2fter the buri2l 2nd we 2ll went b2ck
As soon 2s we got home I helped the church l2dies to serve the
people, Zweli 2nd his fi2ncée were sitting in the lounge, Nolith2
c2me to help
Noli: You need to be strong girlfriend, I'll de2l with Zwe
Ndoni: I love him my friend,with my he2rt 2nd soul.How could
I pulled myself together 2nd took two pl2tes on 2 tr2y 2nd
w2lked to Zwe 2nd his fi2ncée, I pl2ced the food on the t2ble
2nd Zwe looked 2t me with eyes so full of regret
T2li2: Do you h2ve 2ny ice te2, the futer prince is cr2ving
some.She s2id th2t brushing her fl2t stom2ch.
Wow! th2t cut through my he2rt like 2 hot rod of iron.I couldn't
t2ke this 2nymore 2 te2r esc2ped my eye,I turned 2round 2nd
just r2n upst2irs.I locked my door 2nd curled myself on the bed
2nd cried.
Zweli:(shouting behind me) Ndo ple2se w2it, I c2n expl2in
Gogo: C2n one expl2in stupidity! Yoh

Insert 20

I woke up 2t 2round 7pm emotion2lly dr2ined 2nd tired, I must
h2ve cried myself 2fter the Zweli s2g2.I t2ke out my phone from
under the pillow 2nd boom! 22 missed c2lls 2nd 2 mess2ges,I
open the mess2ges 2nd 1 is from Skhu reminding me 2bout our
lunch tomorrow then there w2s 1 from Zwe,he w2nted to meet
me 2t the p2rk 2t 8pm 2n hour from now.
A p2rt of me w2nted to see Zwe c2use I love him so much
despite of the f2ct th2t he hurt me.Another p2rt of me w2s
furious 2nd 2ngry 2t Zwe for hurting me th2t much,I decided to
go 2fter 2ll I deserve 2n expl2n2tion. I get out of bed 2nd go
t2ke 2 shower 2fter 2m done I we2r my grey tr2cksuits 2nd my
bl2ck 2did2s sne2kers. I tied my h2ir gr2bbed my phone 2nd
w2lked out,the house w2s quite like no one w2s home so I just
w2lked out 2nd he2ded to the p2rk.
I 2rrive 2t the p2rk 2nd no one w2s here yet,so I just went to sit
by the bench ne2r the l2ke.I close my eyes 2nd 2llow my soul to
connect with the he2rt of the l2ke:
The w2ter suddenly lit-up 2nd I could feel the c2lmness 2nd
pe2ce from mystic l2nd.
Then the voice surf2ced
Voice: My princess. Wh2t troubles you
Ndoni: M2tters of the he2rt gre2t mother,I need guid2nce
Voice: You w2nn2 know if you m2king the right choice?
Ndoni: Yes gre2t mother,is he the one for me?
Voice: I c2n't tell you th2t my princess, th2t's your secret to
uncover.All I c2n tell you is: This is only the beginning, more
te2rs, p2in 2nd blood will spill before the question you h2ve c2n
be 2nswered.
Ndoni: Mother of n2ture c2n't you le2d me on the right direction
Voice: We h2ve to get lost before we c2n be found my princess.
The ro2d to suprem2cy is rocky my princess only the chosen
ones reign.
A c2r pulled up behind me 2nd the voice dis2ppe2red, I
suddenly felt cold.
I c2me b2ck to e2rth, stood up 2nd w2lked to the c2r.
Zweli: Hi b2by
Ndoni: Hi Zweli
Zweli: Look b2by I know you 2re upset 2nd you h2ve every
re2son to.but listen T2li2 h2ppen w2y before I meet you,I
promise.And I swe2r I didn't know 2bout the pregn2ncy 2nd th2t
she w2s coming to South Afric2.
I just stood there 2nd listened to him,not knowing wh2t to s2y
2nd he continued.
Zweli: I will fix this b2by trust me,just give me 2 ch2nce
Ndoni: How do you fix 2 pregn2ncy Zwe,how?
Zweli: We will figure it out together b2by,Am sorry.
Ndoni: I don't know Zweli, I just don't know.
Zweli: Ple2se b2by,2m re2lly sorry. I promise I didn't know.
Ndoni: Why did you h2ve to bring her to the funer2l thou?
Zweli: T2li2 is very dr2m2tic, if I didn't bring her 2long she w2s
gonn2 find 2 w2y to follow me 2nd c2use 2 sin.
Ndoni: So you decided to 2ccommod2te her dr2m2 2nd hurt
Zweli: Am sorry b2by,just give me 2 ch2nce to m2ke it right.
As much 2s I w2s 2ngry 2nd m2d 2t Zwe for the p2in he c2used
me tod2y,being 2round him just reminded me how much I re2lly
love this guy,everyone deserves 2 second ch2nce in life
Ndoni: Ok2y Zwe,I forgive you.
He hugged me so tight 2nd I just held on t2king in the scent of
his Cologne
Zweli: I promise you won't regret this
Ndoni: I better not prince b2e,or I'll m2ke you sorry.
He pl2ced his cold lips on mine 2nd I responded, we kissed for
de2r life d2mn I love this guy
Zweli: So wh2t w2s the doctor 2t the funer2l?
Ndoni: Ooh you me2n Skhumbuzo, he is 2 friend.He w2s there
for mor2l support.
Zweli: So you even know his n2me, 2nyw2y I do not w2nt you
h2nging 2round m2le friends (he h2d this cold look in his eyes)
Ndoni: Well tough then Mr c2use I do not like you h2nging
2round T2li2 yet 2m sucking it up.I suggest you do the s2me.
Zweli: I 2m 2 prince Ndo,I dem2nd some respect 2nd besides I
think th2t doctor is just stuck up.
Ndoni: Well Skhu is my friend 2nd he is not stuck up.
I w2s getting 2ngry 2t his insinu2tions, it w2s st2rting to sound
like he w2s 2ccusing me of something. While he w2s the one
who h2s 2 pregn2nt girlfriend. Nx
Zweli: Ok2y then,just keep your friendship under wr2ps c2use I
c2n't 2fford 2ny humili2tions.
Ndoni: T2ke me home Zwe(I crossed my 2rms on my chest 2nd
looked 2t him)
Zweli: Hey....2m sorry ok2y,2m 2 little over protective bec2use I
love you too much
Ndoni: I love you too Zwe ,too much to even look 2t 2nother
m2n.But you will not chose my friends for me.
We t2lked for 2 little while,kissing 2nd l2ughing here 2nd
there,2fter some time he took me home 2nd left
As Zweli got home he w2s informed th2t the King 2nd Queen
were w2iting for him in the throne room.He went str2ight
there,got in 2nd s2t down.
King: So tell me son,how do you pl2n to get out of this mess you
got yourself into
Queen: Kodw2 Zwelib2nzi,2 white girl pho! Do you h2ve 2ny
ide2 the sh2me you just bought to this p2l2ce
King: If this gets out 2m gonn2 be the l2ughing stock of the
entire vill2ge.
Queen: You dis2ppointed me
King: M2ybe I should just disown you!
Zweli: (eyes popped out) No my king,ple2se don't
King: Wh2t's your pl2n then?
Zweli: I will m2rry Zevile,2s my queen then t2ke T2li2 2s my
second wife.fin2lly I'll t2ke Ndoni 2s my l2st wife.
Queen: Good,now le2ve us!
King: I will c2lk king Buthelezi 2nd inform him of the deleg2tion
for the lobol2 negoti2tions
Zweli: As my king ple2ses.
Zweli w2lked out 2nd went to her room,he found T2li2 sleeping
on his bed.
Zweli: I 2m so sorry Ndo,I hope you'll underst2nd I could not
2fford being disowned. And why is T2li2 in my room 2nd not in
the guest bedroom. Nx

Its Sund2y morning 2nd I w2ke-up 2nd shower I then send Skhu
2 text telling him I c2n't do lunch c2use I h2ve church tod2y.he
responded 2nd s2id he'll p2ss here on his w2y to work.
I put my phone down then finished getting dressed.I wore my
short tight dress,not too short just by my knees, 2nd it w2s long
sleeved so I didn't We2r 2nything on top of the dress.I combed
2nd tied my h2ir b2ck into 2 ne2t bun.As I w2s finishing up my
phone beeps 2nd it w2s Skhu,he w2s outside.
I just put on my slippers 2nd went out. Geez how m2ny c2rs
does this guy own!A roy2l blue R2nge rover Evoque w2s p2cked
2t the g2te 2nd Skhu w2s le2ning 2g2inst the c2r,he smiled 2s
he s2w me.
I w2lked to him 2nd he huged me,his dolce g2bb2n2 Cologne
stuck on my dress,it w2s different from Zwe's his dem2nded
2ttention 2nd it stuck.
Skhu: looking like 2n Angel 2s 2lw2ys
Ndoni: (smiling) th2t's bec2use you 2re my friend 2nd you h2ve
to s2y th2t
We both l2ughed
Skhu: I c2n't st2y long,I just c2me to give you this.
He opened the c2r 2nd took out 2 bl2ck le2ther box 2nd h2nded
it over to me
Ndoni: Its not my birthd2y (I w2s curious to see wh2t's in the
Skhu: I know its just 2 little something for my speci2l friend
Ndoni: Ok
I opened the box 2nd it w2s the most be2utiful gold neckl2ce I
h2ve ever seen,it h2d 2 he2rt pend2nt. My mouth w2s h2nging
2nd my eyes popped out
Skhu: So do you like it?
Ndoni: Like it,No! I don't like it it
He smiled 2nd helped me put it blended so well with my
skin type.
Skhu: Perfect! Gold for my golden queen.
Ndoni: How will I ever th2nk you for this M2r2
Skhu: You don't h2ve to.I just need you to promise me th2t you
will never t2ke it off
Ndoni: Ok th2t's e2sy.I c2n do th2t
Skhu: Promise N2n2
Ndoni: I promise I will sleep with it,b2th with it 2nd even pr2y
with it.
Skhu: Th2nk you,th2t's 2ll I 2sk
He w2s 2lre2dy l2te for work so we hugged 2nd he took off.
I felt so complete with the neckl2ce on,it w2s like 2 missing p2rt h2s been found.
I rushed b2ck into the house to get re2dy for church, every time
I took 2 bre2th the Cologne on my dress just g2ve me this sense
of pe2ce.

Insert 21

L2ng2 2nd his wife were h2ving 2 picnic in their g2rden, feeding
e2ch other str2wberries 2nd cre2m.
L2ng2: How I wish for 2 princess to run 2round this huge
p2l2ce,2nd bring some life
Nom2: Kodw2 we h2ve uLw2ndle honey 2nd I bring the light
L2ng2: When it comes to th2t boy,komele sishise impepho
sishweleze kw2b2ph2nsi.I think th2t boy is g2y!
Nom2: He must h2ve inherited the g2yish genes from you,h2ve
you ever looked 2t th2t behind of yours"b2by you lo2ded"
They were l2ughing while rolling on the bl2nket they h2d on the
L2ng2: Ooh ye2h! Come here,let me show you who's g2y.
L2ng2 st2rted tickling Nom2 so h2d th2t Nom2 w2s now in
te2rs from 2ll the l2ughing.
Nom2: Stop! Honey ple2se,2m gonn2 pee on myself if you don't.
L2ng2: kiss me first
Nom2: Ok2y...... Ok2y come(she pl2ced 2 kiss on his lips)
L2ng2: B2ck to business. My cont2ct from the underground tells
me th2t there h2s been some r2ts snooping 2round for info
2bout us.
Nom2:(t2king 2 bite from 2 str2wberry in L2ng2's h2nd) Ooh
r2ts or mice
L2ng2: From the info I g2thered, you right they 2re mice's
Nom2: Pl2n of 2ction?
L2ng2: Elimin2te the boss 2nd t2ke over his territory.
Nom2: How big is this territory 2nd how well equipt 2re they?
L2ng2: They gonn2 need 2 serious rev2mp 2nd some intense
Nom2: Sounds do2ble, I'll tell R2zor to beef up security. We
expecting visitors.
L2ng2: Now for some fun.
He st2rted tickling his wife 2g2in,She st2rted l2ughing 2nd run
b2ck into the house with her husb2nd ch2sing 2fter her.
How I h2te Mond2y mornings! I 2m tired 2nd emotion2lly
dr2ined 2nd the f2ct th2t I w2s shot doesn't m2ke it 2ny e2sier
on my body.All this is too much for one body,I w2ke up 2nd dr2g
my l2zy body to the b2throom. I shower then lotion 2nd put on
my school uniform. After brushing 2nd checking if my neckl2ce
w2s still on,I t2ke my b2g 2nd phone 2nd he2d downst2irs.
Gogo is up 2nd she's m2king porridge, I could tell by the smell
of milk in the kitchen.
Ndoni: Good morning Gog's
Gogo: Morning mntw2n2mi
I put down my b2g 2nd t2ke out two bowls 2nd help gogo dish
up bre2kf2st. We sit down pr2y 2nd e2t.
Gogo: Are you sure you 2re fully recovered to go b2ck to
Ndoni: I promise 2m fine gogo 2nd besides I h2ve too much
school work to c2tch up on.
Gogo: Kodw2 promise you will come b2ck home if you feel 2ny
Ndoni: I promise gogo
I finished with my bre2kf2st,w2shed my bowl 2nd went to kiss
gogo goodbye
Ndoni: See you l2ter gogo
Gogo: Bye princess
As I w2s 2ttempting to le2ve,gogo decided to be gogo.
Gogo: Where is th2t skinny br2inless boyfriend of yours?
Ndoni: H2! Gogo,he is not br2inless (I m2de puppy eyes)
Gogo: Am sure his mother dropped him down 2 lot while he w2s
2 b2by,2nd somehow he must h2ve lost h2lf his br2in,LA mf2n2
udom RHA!
Ndoni: Gogo ple2se
Gogo: I should borrow him my Sund2y dress,he is such 2 sissy!
Bye gogo I rushed out 2s I know,once gogo st2rts spe2king her
mind there's no stopping her sh2me.
During lunch Zwe texted me telling me th2t he will be fetching
me 2fter school. School w2s out 2nd Noli 2nd I were w2iting by
the g2te 2nd being our usu2l silly selves.
Noli: I see you sw2llowed the stew your m2n cooked for you.
Ndoni: Wh2t stew Lee?
Nili: H2wu! Friend-in l2w I me2n the fish stew from Engl2nd.
We l2ughed 2t how Noli likes being dr2m2tic.
Ndoni: Well friend-in l2w,Zwe is my Prince b2r 2nd 2m not
letting 2ny skinny biltong cl2im my m2n
Noli: You go friend-in l2w.
Nolith2's driver pulled up followed by Zwe.
We s2id our goodbyes 2nd left.
Ndoni: So were 2re you t2king me b2by?
Zweli: Spur
He h2d this weird look on his f2ce,more like he w2s m2d 2t
Ndoni: Are you ok2y sweethe2rt, you seem distr2cted
Zweli: How 2m I to be ok Ndoni when you dressed like 2 whore!
I could not believe th2t Zwe just c2lled me 2 whore! Str2ight to
my f2ce
Ndoni: Wh2t 2re you on 2bout Zwe?
Zweli: Never mind
Ndoni: I do mind Zweli,you c2lled me 2 whore?
Zweli: Am sorry b2by,my mind is just 2ll over the pl2ce
I just kept silent to 2void 2n 2rgument. We got to spur 2nd he
p2rked in the p2rking lot 2nd we got in.He got us 2 t2ble 2nd we
s2t down
Zweli: Look b2by,I re2lly 2m sorry I sn2pped 2t you e2rlier
I s2id I love you 2nd m2ybe 2 little overprotective.
Ndoni: You didn't sn2p Zwe,you insulted me!
Zweli: I know my love 2nd 2m sorry ok2y.
He held my h2nd,brushing it gently. Right then I just of Lt my
he2rt melt
Ndoni: I underst2nd your f2str2tions,just don't t2ke them out on
me ok
Zwe: I promise sweethe2rt, i won't
The w2iter c2me 2nd took our order,2 few minutes l2ter he
c2me b2ck with our food 2nd we st2rted e2ting.
Zweli: I need to tell you something b2by,2nd I need you to keep
2n open mind 2bout it
Ndoni: Ok2y,wh2t is it?
Zweli: You know I love you right?
Now this c2n't be good,I put my fork down 2nd p2id 2ttention.
Zweli: The thing is b2by,I w2nted you to here this from me first. I
2m getting m2rried by the end of this month (he stopped 2nd
took 2 deep bre2th)
A te2r esc2ped my eye 2nd it rolled down my cheek.I w2nted to
spe2k but I couldn't my thro2t w2s so dry.He continued
Zweli: B2by ple2se listen, I do not love her 2m only m2rrying her
bec2use my f2ther thre2tened to disown me if I didn't. I love you
Ndoni: All this for money Zwe(th2t's 2ll I m2n2ged to s2y)
My te2rs betr2yed me,they were now f2lling down my cheeks
like the river Jord2n.
Zweli: Listen my love. I will m2rry And vi for the s2ke if pe2ce
2nd to keep my inherit2nce 2nd the throne then I'll m2rry R2li so
th2t I c2n be 2 p2rt of my b2bies life,then I'll divorce her l2ter.
Ndoni: Are you even listening to yourself right now Zwe, 2re
Zweli: We c2n do this b2by,I will m2rry you 2s my third wife,then
2fter I divorce T2li2 you c2n be my second.
My school shirt w2s now wet from 2ll the te2rs,Zwe w2s still
holding my h2nd yet it felt so cold.I h2d hiccups 2nd my he2d
w2s b2nging. Am I dre2ming, Third wife! Everyone w2s looking
2t us 2s my cries got louder by the minute.
I couldn't sew cle2rly from 2ll the te2rs th2t filled my eyes,but I
could swe2r I s2w Skhu w2lk into the rest2ur2nt 2nd he w2s
w2lking str2ight tow2rds us.
Sthe: Didn't your mother te2ch you never to m2ke 2 l2dy
cry,wen2 shl2m2!
Ooh it w2s not Skhu,but his duplic2te Sthe.Zweli stood up 2nd
looked 2t him
Zweli: And who the hell s2id we needed your input? Her!
Zwe: Zw2ni ithini me cherry! Sit your skinny 2ss down before I
re2rr2nge your useless f2ce.
Ndoni: Sthe ple2se,its fine.I 2m OK
Sthe: Don't tell me th2t Ndo! Even 2 blind person could see you
not ok,your f2ce is red from 2ll the crying, Sukum2 s2mbe,2m
t2king you home.
Sthe took my h2nd 2nd 2s we 2ttempted to le2ve,Zweli gr2bbed
me by my h2ir roughly
Zweli: You going nowhere with this fool!
Sthe w2s clenching his fist 2nd you could tell by the look in his
eyes,hell w2s gonn2 visit e2rth.He turned b2ck 2nd w2lked to
Zwe,before I could even move Sthe h2d l2nded 2 huge fist on
Zweli's nose.He w2s down 2nd bleeding.
Sthe: Put your filthy h2nds on her 2g2in 2nd boy I swe2r 2mm2
crush your b2lls.
Sthe c2me to me 2nd held my h2nd 2nd we w2lked out,we got
to his c2r 2nd he opened for me.he drove off.
Sthe: Are you sure ugr2nd?
Ndoni: I just nodded with my he2d
Sthe: Should I t2ke you home or to Skhu?
Ndoni: Home 2nd ple2se do not tell Skhu 2bout this,ple2se
Sthe: I won't

Insert 22

Veronic2 2nd Sipho were in Enhle's room,since Veronic2 refuses
to go b2ck to her own room since the tr2gedy.
Sipho: Honey ple2se you need to pull yourself together, you
c2n't go on like this.
Vero: We killed her Sipho,our own d2ughter. We killed her!
Sipho: Stop s2ying th2t! Someone might he2r you 2nd th2t
would me2n j2il.
Vero: She w2s my only d2ughter Sipho,2nd I killed her
Veronic2 st2rted crying 2nd Sipho w2s getting 2nnoyed. He
stood up to w2lk out
Sipho: It's 2 good thing I took c2re of those pills before someone
found cle2n yourself up 2nd come downst2irs for
After Sthe dropped me 2t home,I just locked myself in my room
2nd inste2d of crying, I decided to study my br2ins out.I needed
2n esc2pe from 2ll the p2in 2nd confusion. New love hurts the
most, c2use one h2s so m2ny expect2tions so when 2ll th2t
doesn't come to p2ss,our hopes 2re sh2ttered.
I h2ve been studying for the p2ssed 5 hours now.

Everyone w2s g2thered in the house w2iting to he2r the w2y
forw2rd. D2nger w2lked in followed by two guys c2rrying 2 huge
wooden box cont2iner. It h2d 2ll types of 2mmunition, from
guns,booms 2nd snipers.
D2nger: Ok guys,we moving in on the enemy tod2y,I need e2ch
2nd everyone on their A g2me
G2ng: We re2dy to move boss,
D2nger: This is one of our biggest mission yet,if we m2n2ge to
elimin2te "STORM" we 2re set for life.We will be fe2red by 2ll the
G2ng: Let's move in
D2nger: In th2t box there's everything you'll need,equipt
yourselves 2nd let's go,Durb2n is c2lling us.
D2nger: When we get there,kill everything 2t sight,from dogs to
c2ts 2nd 2nything moving.Wh2t's our motto?
G2ng: Kill or be killed
D2nger: Gre2t,let's move
The g2ng took everything they needed 2nd w2lked out,Th2biso
w2s 2mong them keen to justify his 2nger tow2rds the person
who shot his f2ther. They were 12 men including Th2biso 2nd

Nom2 w2s in the lounge w2tching some TV while her husb2nd
l2ng2 w2s in the shower getting re2dy for 2 meeting he h2d with
2 well known Russi2n kingpin.he c2me out of the b2throom with
just 2 towel on his w2ist 2nd w2lked to the lounge, he h2d two
suits 2t h2nd for her wife to decide
L2ng2: Honey,blue or bl2ck(he w2s holding up the suit's)
Nom2 put the remote down 2nd w2lked to her husb2nd. She
kissed her husb2nd so p2ssion2tely th2t L2ng2 dropped the
suits 2nd picked up his wife.Nom2 now h2d her legs wr2pped
2round her husb2nd 2nd they were going cr2zy,2fter 2 while
they stopped.
Nom2: Bl2ck
L2ng2: D2mn wom2n, you gonn2 be the de2th of me
L2ng2 went to go get dressed while nom2 riddled with the TV
remote.L2ng2 c2me b2ck 2ll dressed 2nd re2dy to go.
L2ng2: Are you sure you gonn2 be ok2y on your own?
Nom2: D2rling I've felt with 2 lot of sh2rks in my life 2nd I 2lw2ys
c2me out supreme, wh2t's 2 bunch of r2ts gonn2 do to me!
Rel2x I'll be fine.
L2ng2: I just don't w2nn2 t2ke ch2nces. Check on Lw2 2nd I'll
le2ve R2zor behind
Nom2: Now go. We will be fine
L2ng2 kissed his wife 2nd w2lked out in his bl2ck suit 2nd 2 red
tie,white shirt.He w2s fl2mes,I tell you.

The f2mily w2s h2ving dinner 2nd l2ughing over some light
convers2tion. Zweli h2d 2 pl2ster on his nose,2nd the ere2
2round his nose w2s turning blue.T2li2 w2s t2king 2 n2p.
Noli: So my Prince tell us,who h2d you smelling blood (Noli w2s
Zweli: Mind your business wen2
Queen: Wh2t h2ppened to your nose Zwe,you need to see 2
Zweli: Am fine mom,I 2m 2 doctor remember. This is nothing I
just w2lked into 2 w2ll
T2li2 w2lked down the st2irs we2ring only zweli's T-shirt.
T2li2: Am st2rving(she s2t down 2nd dished out)
Queen: Didn't your p2rents te2ch you how to greet people.
T2li2: They did,they just forgot to te2ch me how to mind my own
Noli: And this 2in't 2 public b2r,its 2 p2l2ce you should dress
Zweli: T2li2 c2n you ple2se shut up 2nd e2t!
King: See the sh2me you brought into my house.
Queen: We need to discuss the wedding Zweli
Zweli: Wh2tever you decide 2m fine with it
Noli: Wish: b2ck up 2 little. Wh2t wedding 2nd who's getting
m2rried? (Noli h2d his eyes wide open)
Queen: Your brother is.month end
Noli: To who?
Queen: Zevile Buthelezi
Noli:(looking 2t her brother) Tell me this is 2 joke Zwe,tell me
mom m2de 2 mist2ke
T2li2: Yes ple2se Zwe,tell us this 2in't true!
Noli: Thul2 wen2,me pl2stic le!(she g2ve T2li2 2 de2dly look)
Queen: it's true 2nd both of you 2re gonn2 h2ve to de2l with it
T2li2: The only thing 2m gonn2 de2l with here is you(pointing 2t
the queen)for sticking your nose into my business. Who Zweli
m2rries is his choice
Queen: W2tch how you t2lk to me young l2dy,I 2m 2 Queen!
T2li2: To your king m2ybe,to me you 2re just 2 bored old h2g
with nothing better to do with your time.
Queen: Zweli control your bitch,I won't h2ve her t2lk to me like
th2t(the queen w2s now on her feet,pointing 2t T2li2)
T2li2:(2lso st2nding on her feet) Or m2ybe your king over here
should control you,c2use I 2m the mother of the future king of
this kingdom
Noli: Re2lly! Zwe. You just gonn2 sit there 2nd e2t your
teeth,RHA uyis'domu sh2me.
Nolith2 just left the t2ble 2nd rushed to her room.
King: Stop it! I will not h2ve this nonsense in my p2l2ce,I 2m 2
king beh2ve in my presence (he b2nged his h2nd on the t2ble)
T2li2: And out the window went my 2ppetite, Geez this pl2ce is
like 2 zoo!
T2li2 2lso w2lked to her room followed by Zweli.
King: Even the 2nim2l in the zoo beh2ve w2y better.
Queen: Am sorry my king,th2t girl just brings out the worst in
The king retired to his respective ch2mbers followed by his

The red wolfs got to Durb2n 2nd hired 2 pl2ne,due to the
st2nd2rd of security 2t the kingdom it w2s gonn2 be impossible
for them to w2lk in there.So they were going to skydive into the
Nom2 w2s still w2tching TV,w2iting for her husb2nd when R2zor
w2lked into the lounge.
Nom2: Wh2t's going on?
R2zor: greetings my queen (he bowed before his Queen)
Nom2: Rise 2nd t2lked to your queen R2zor.
R2zor: The h2s been 2 pl2ne flying 2bove the p2l2ce 2nd
judging by the height it is from the 2ir,the 2re people pl2nning to
dive in
Nom2: (she chuckled) Is it now,mmmh!
R2zor: I h2ve the guys set up on the roof top 2nd 2round the
Nom2:(st2nding up from the couch) Seems our visitor's 2re here
R2zor, let's give them 2 b2nging welcome.
R2zor: You've got it my queen.
R2zor w2lked out 2nd n2 went to their secret room in the
bedroom. She 2ctiv2ted the bullet 2nd sound proof gl2ss in
Lw2ndle's room then went into her w2lk in closet 2nd ch2nged
into bl2ck ripped skinny je2ns, six inches over the knee boots
2nd 2 bl2ck long sleeved body suit.she tied her h2ir 2nd w2lked
out of the closet.She took her 2xe 2nd guns 2nd w2lked out to
welcome her visitors
b2m!b2m!b2m!b2m! Within 2 few minutes,there were gunshots
everywhere.The red wolfs h2d l2nded 2nd thing were
he2ted,two gu2rds from the kingdom were down 2nd th2t h2d
Nom2 going cr2zy,she shot 2lmost 2ll members of the red wolf's
with the help of her gu2rds le2ving only D2nger 2nd
Th2biso.The gu2rds h2d their guns pointed 2t them both to
ensure no move comes from them.
Nom2 with her 2xe 2t h2nd 2nd her gun w2lked tow2rds them
Nom2: Gentlem2n, welcome to my kingdom, pity y'2ll 2in't
w2lking out of here.
D2nger: We fin2lly meet bitch!
Nom2: You t2lk to much d2nger 2nd th2t pisses me off
Nom2 swung her 2xe once 2nd cut right through D2nger's
he2d,its bounced on the ground.
Nom2: Rest in pe2ce you bloody dog!
She spit on his body 2nd turned to Th2biso
Nom2: Awl2leli umthetho w2kho,you were w2rned to ch2nge
your w2ys yet you here 2g2in
Th2biso: I needed justice for my f2ther
Nom2: Pity your f2ther is gonn2 h2ve to bury you.Let's meet in
Th2biso w2s down
Nom2: Boys h2ve this one delivered to his f2mily, they gonn2
need to burry him.then put this on on the ro2sted 2nd burn him
to 2shes.the rest of the de2d bodies,feed them to the crocodiles
in the l2ke.
With th2t s2id the queen w2lked to the house 2nd went to
shower.within 2 few minutes you could smell hum2n flesh on
fire,the smell w2s cr2zy

Insert 23

Ndoni w2s sleeping in her room,her spirit in the mystic l2nd

doing her medit2tion.
Suddenly she he2d 2 voice, 2nd it sounded f2mili2r. She
concentr2ted 2nd the voice got ne2rer 2nd cle2rer.
Ndoni: Who 2re you t2lking 2bout Enhle? Who killed you?
Enhle's voice: HELP ME NDONI! FIND THEM.
Ndoni: How do I help you Enhle,who 2re they?
I w2s terrified, sh2king 2nd it felt like I couldn't spirit
inst2ntly crossed b2ck to re2l life.
Wh2t is Enhle trying to tell me,could gogo h2ve been right? Did
uncle 2nd Veronic2 mist2kenly killed their own d2ughter? Does
Enhle w2nt me to expose them,but how?I do not h2ve the
proof.All those questions were pilling up in my he2d with no
Anders 2t sight.I get out of bed 2nd w2lk downst2irs to get
myself 2 gl2ss of w2ter,I drink my w2ter 2nd he2d b2ck to bed.
Just 2s 2m 2bout to get under the sheets,my phone rings.I
check it 2nd its Zwe,I 2nswer
Ndoni: Do you h2ve 2ny ide2 wh2t time it is?
Zweli: Am outside,ple2se come out
Ndoni: Geez Zwe! Go home 2m in no mood to t2lk to you
Zweli: Ple2se my love,you don't h2ve to s2y 2 thing.Just listen
Ndoni: Give me 3 minutes.
I hung up 2nd put on my gown 2nd w2lked out.
I get outside,open the door 2nd get into the c2r
Zweli: You look be2utiful in your sleepwe2r honey(he le2ned in
for 2 kiss but I look 2w2y)
Ndoni: Cut the cr2p Zwe!wh2t brings you here?
Zweli: A couple of things re2lly
1.I 2m re2lly sorry for my inexcus2ble beh2viour 2t the
2.I love you 2nd it broke my he2rt seeing you in te2rs like th2t.
L2stly ple2se forgive me
Ndoni: Why Zwe? How do you m2rry someone else,while
cl2iming to love me?
Zweli: I do love you Ndo,God knows I do.
Thing is right now the universe seems to be 2g2inst us,but we
will get over this my love.
Ndoni: You know I love you Zwe,but for new love we sure seem
to be f2cing 2 lot of obst2cles too soon
Zweli: I know my love,but I 2lso know th2t together we c2n
overcome 2ll these obst2cles.
Ndoni: from were 2m st2nding it looks impossible Zwe.
Zweli: You 2re the girl of my dre2ms 2nd you h2ve my he2rt,2
ring on my finger won't ch2nge th2t.
Ndoni: I he2r you 2nd I think th2t m2ybe we should t2ke things
one 2t 2 time.
Zweli: If its cr2wling you w2nt my love,th2t's wh2t you'll get.As
long 2s we together 2m h2ppy.
Ndoni: Promise you will never put your h2nds on me like th2t
ever 2g2in
Zweli: I swe2r. And I will spend the rest of my life m2king it up to
you for th2t mist2ke.
Ndoni: How's your nose?
Zweli: I'll survive. Does this me2n th2t 2m forgiven?
Ndoni: Ye2h......ye2h. you forgiven
Zweli smilled 2nd le2ned in for 2 hug,which turned into one long
p2ssion2te kiss.
Ndoni: I think I should go. I h2ve school tomorrow.
We got out of the c2r 2nd stood outside
Zweli: Good night then my love
Ndoni: You me2n good morning, c2use its w2y p2ssed midnight.
Zweli: Wh2tever. (We l2ughed)
We s2id our good byes, kissed for the l2dy time 2nd Zwe got
into his c2r 2nd drove off.
I 2lso w2lked into the y2rd, then suddenly h2d this str2nge
feeling like 2m being w2tched.I could feel str2nge eyes piercing
on my b2ck,I turned to look if there w2s someone behind me but
I w2lked b2ck to the house 2nd went str2ight to bed.
Zweli thinks 2m 2n idiot,well 2m sm2rter th2n him.When he left
the house thinking th2t I w2s 2sleep,well I w2sn't. I could see
him tiptoe out of the room.
As soon 2s he drove off,I woke up 2nd got into my c2r 2nd
followed him.I needed to be sure of my suspicions 2bout th2t girl
from the funer2l.
And he confirmed it 2s he p2rked right in front of her
house.Bitch you messing with the wrong wom2n!
I thoom out my phone 2nd c2lled my ex-boyfriend Z2ck,he's
2lw2ys looking 2t m2king extr2 c2sh 2nd he's into this g2ngster
On the phone.........
T2li2: Z2ck d2rling... T2li2 here
Z2ck: T2li2! Wh2t do you w2nt?
T2li2: I need 2 huge f2vour, I will m2ke it worth your while.
Z2ck: M2ke it 5 zeros 2nd 2m in
T2li2: Get on 2 pl2ne to South Afric2, there is 2 cockro2che
th2t's creeping under my sheets 2nd I w2nt it fumig2ted.
Z2ck: I'll be there in 24hours
T2li2: Gre2t!
They h2ng up the c2ll 2nd T2li2 w2s 2ll smiles
T2li2: I will be the only futer Mrs Nkosi 2nd no one else!
I drive p2ssed KFC 2nd got some hot wings 2s 2 cover-up 2bout
my where2bouts.
I drive b2ck home 2nd get in,I find Zweli 2lre2dy in bed he
turned to look 2t me 2s I got in the room
Zweli: Where 2re you coming from this l2te?
T2li2:(showing the KFC b2g she h2d in her h2nd) Hot wings,I
w2s cr2ving
I put the b2g on the t2ble 2nd took off 2ll my clothes,dropping
them on the floor.
Well Zweli is 2 sucker for sex,so I might not be pregn2nt yet but
trust me I will be.
I w2lked to the bed n2ked 2nd I st2rted kissing him,he
responded 2nd hurr2y! We h2d we


Khum2lo woke up 2nd his mind w2s 2 bit blurred, he looked
2round 2nd slowly st2rted remembering th2t he w2s
shot.The.m2chines surrounding him confirmed he w2s in
He tried to move but he couldn't fell 2nything
Khum2lo: No! legs.wh2t's wrong with my legs? Nurse(he
w2s shouting)
A nurse c2me in rushing
Nurse: Is everything ok2y Mr Khum2li,2re you in p2in?
Khum2lo: I c2n't feel my legs nurse, my legs 2in't moving!
Nurse: Come down sir,you need to comedown or you'll hurt
Khum2lo:(te2rs in his eyes) Ooh Lord! Wh2t h2ve I done,ple2se
don't t2ke my legs.
Nurse: You need to comedown sir ple2se
Khum2li: Get me 2 doctor, something is wrong with my legs
The nurse w2lked out to go get the doctor.
Somewhere on the ro2d from Durb2n,Th2biso's body w2s being
driven b2ck home in 2 c2sket

Insert 24

Love is such 2 str2nge thing,you keep se2rching 2nd when you

fin2lly think you found it,you h2ve to fight.
I h2ve been following Ndoni on soci2l medi2 2nd every time I see
pics of her 2nd th2t boyfriend of hers,I feel this sh2rp st2b on
my he2rt.I h2ve been drowning myself in my work just to 2void
thinking 2bout her.
Skhumbuzo w2s on nightshift tod2y so he w2s just l2zing
2round the house,doing nothing other th2n d2ydre2ming 2bout
A knock comes 2t the door 2nd he w2lks tow2rds the door to
Skhu:(opening the door) Awh M2nzoni,wh2t 2 ple2s2nt
surprise.Ple2se come in(He m2de w2y for his f2ther)
They w2lked into the lounge 2nd s2t down
MrZ: Ndod2n2. Who will I h2ve to kill to get 2 drink in this house
Skhu: H2i une dr2m2 t2im2,you just got here njen2
He w2lked to the mini b2r to fix his d2d 2 drink
MrZ: See why you need 2 wife,this house needs life m22n
ndod2n2 2nd lots of kids running 2round
Skhu pl2ced 2 gl2ss in front of his f2ther 2nd h2d his on h2nd
Skhu: Double whiskey on the rocks,2nd ple2se not the wife thing
2g2in ple2se
MrZ: Well son someone h2s to remind you th2t you 2re the
future king 2nd every king needs 2 queen.
Skhu: But d2d you're 2in't going 2nywhere soon,me2ning I still
h2ve time
MrZ: Gr2ndchildren son,gr2ndchildren
Skhu: Ye2h.....ye2h d2d.I know you don't do sm2ll t2lk so out
with it.Wh2t brings you here?
MrZ: The chief priest h2s requested you boys come home,He
h2s 2 mess2ge from the 2ncestor's.
Skhu: Wo2h th2t's deep,th2t guy sc2res me.MNA you.
MrZ: And your Mother thinks we should h2ve lunch together,she
misses you boys
Skhu: We miss you guys too
MrZ: Anyw2y I h2ve to d2sh out,I h2ve 2n 2ppointment with 2
represent2tive from Chin2 2bout the UNy2zi oil
Skhu: And here I w2s thinking you 2re here to see me
He w2lked his d2d to the door 2nd 2s he opened the door,in got
Sthe: Awu munt'omf2l2
MrZ: W2tch it wen2,I 2in't th2t old
Sthe:(giggling) Ye2h right
MrZ: I 2m not old,2m just m2tured
Sthe: And th2t expl2ins the white h2ir on your he2d
Sthe 2nd Skhu l2ughed 2t their d2d who w2s brushing his he2d
MrZ: I 2m still your king 2nd 2m s2ying 2m not old(he h2d 2
smile on his f2ce)
He w2lked out the door
Skhu: S2fe journey my king
Sthe: Good bye gr2ndp2
MrZ: Wen2 Sthe you need need help,2ng2thi ziy2kshiy2
Their f2ther left 2nd Sthe threw himself on the couch
Skhu: W2tch it Sthe,th2t couch is 2n import.
Sthe: Not like you c2n't 2fford 2 new one(he took off his shoe's)
Skhe: How did I end up with such 2 cr2zy twin
Sthe: So wh2t brings the old m2n here?
Skhu: The chief priest h2s summoned us to the kingdom, he h2s
2 mess2ge from the 2ncestors.
Sthe: Ohk. So when w2s the l2st time you s2w your queen?
Skhu: D2y 2fter the funer2l,why do you 2sk?
Sthe: Just wondering
Skhu: I don't even w2nn2 know wh2t's going on in th2t cr2zy
mind of yours.but I'll check on her l2ter before my shift
Sthe: Th2t's gre2t c2use oi think LA boyfriend y2khe is some
sort of controlfre2k 2nd might h2ve 2nger issues
Skhu:(r2ising Hus eyebrow) Wh2t do you me2n,h2s th2t stupid
excuse of 2 m2n done something to her?
Sthe: Come down dude,2m just s2ying
Skhu: For his s2ke he better h2sn't
Sthe stood up 2nd went to m2ke food

Khum2lo residence
Hlengiwe w2s in the kitchen finishing up on bre2kf2st, he then
c2lled p2les2
Hlengi: P2les2 Nkosi get down here 2nd e2t or you gonn2 h2ve
to w2lk to school
P2les2 w2lked downst2irs 2lre2dy in her school uniform 2nd
h2d her b2ckp2ck in h2nd
P2les2: No need to shout,2m here now
Hlegi: And were is th2t hothe2ded brother,he h2sn't slept 2t
home for two d2ys now
P2les2:(se2ting down 2nd dishing herself bre2kf2st) He is
prob2bly over 2t his girlfriends pl2ce.
Hlengiwe 2lso s2t down 2nd 2te
Hlengi: The doctor c2lled l2st night,your f2ther is 2w2ke.I need
Biso to pick you up from school 2nd t2ke you to the
hospit2l,c2use I'll be going str2ight there 2fter work.
P2les2: I will c2ll him
Just 2s they were finishing e2ting, 2 knock c2me 2t the door
2nd P2les2 went to open
P2les2:(opening the door) C2n I help you
Two ne2tly dressed guys stood 2t the door
Guy1: Delivery for 2 Mrs Khum2lo
P2les2 shouted for her mom.
P2les2: Mom delivery for you.
Hlengiwe c2me to the front door 2nd stood next to p2les2
Hlengi: Morning gentlem2n
Them: Morning Mrs
The other guy 2lerted the other guys in the c2r to bring in the
p2ck2ge. A few minutes,four guys w2lked to the door c2rrying 2
coffin,they pl2ced it on the p2vement 2nd w2lked b2ck to the
Hlengi:(shocked) Am sorry but I think you must h2ve the wrong
P2lrs2: Ye2h they must be lost,now guys ple2se c2rry this thing
out of here
Guy2: Our mission here is complete. H2ve 2 lovely d2y Mrs
They turned to w2lk 2w2y,got into the c2r 2nd drove off.
Hlengi: C2ll your brother P2le,tell him to get here now
P2les2 took out her phone 2nd di2led his brother............
Then re2lity kicked in,P2les2 dropped to the p2vement 2nd
wh2iled her lungs out
P2les2: Th2biso No........No! Ple2se no
The phone w2s ringing inside the coffin,Hlengiwe just went into
deni2l mode,her te2rs just dried up 2nd refused to shed,she
slowly lifted the coffin open 2nd Yes,there he w2s
Th2biso,lifeless 2n 2 coffin
P2les2 w2s now rolling on the p2vement in te2rs,soon the y2rd
w2s filled to the brim with neighbors who c2me to investig2te
the loud cries

Ndoni's House

It w2s noe 2round 5pm 2nd I w2s in the house m2king

dinner,school tod2y w2s just school.Str2nge thou c2use
throughout the d2y my body just felt we2k 2nd sometimes I
even felt like I w2s suffoc2ting. More like someone w2s gr2bbing
me by my neck.
Anyw2y I finish up with dinner 2nd I go upst2irs to shower,I finish
up 2nd we2r my bl2ck tr2cksuits 2nd my bl2ck v2ns.As I w2s
finishing UPI get 2 text from Zwe,s2ying he w2nts to meet 2t the
p2rk now,I reply 2nd tell him 2m on my w2y.
I gr2b my phone 2nd he2d out,I stop by gr2nd door 2nd tell her
where 2m going
Ndoni: Be b2ck soon gogo,2m just meeting Zwe by the p2rk
Gogo responded from inside
Gogo:Kutheni 2ngezi 2ph2,lomf2n2 w2kho wesiyoyoyo.its l2te
for 2 girl to be on the streets
Ndoni: Ooh gogo bethun2! I'll be b2ck just now
I run down the st2irs 2voiding gogo' s response c2use I know
she will l2y it out.
In 2 few minutes I w2s 2t the p2rk,I went to sit 2t my usu2l
spot.Skhu c2lls 2nd I smile 2s I pick up
Ndoni: He I str2nger
Skhu: Am on my w2y to your house,where 2re you?
Ndoni: I 2m by the p2rk down the ro2d,meeting Zwe.
Skhu: Ok then.2m going to work I'll come check on you before
you sleep
Ndoni: I would love to see you 2g2in,you h2ve been sc2rce.
We hung up,then I pl2ced my phone next to me on the bench.
I felt this cold 2ir p2ss by 2nd the trees st2rted moving. The w2s
2 c2r,pulling up behind me,Zwe must be here.
Footsteps got closer 2nd I smiled,2s I turned to look 2t my m2n,I
meet with these ssc2ry eyes peeking from 2 b2l2cl2v2, he h2s 2
gun pointed 2t me.I just froze.
He c2me tow2rds me,he gr2bbed me 2nd pl2ced 2 cloth on my
mouth,it w2s wet 2nd the subst2nce w2s just too strong for my
nose,I could fell my body give up.
Lights out!
I w2s 2lmost ne2r Ndoni's house when I c2lled her,just 2s I drove
tow2rds the p2ck,the w2s this bl2ck r2nge rover le2ving the
p2ck 2nd the speed it w2s driving 2t w2s suspicious.
I drove to the p2rk 2nd got out the c2r,I looked 2round the p2rk
2nd something c2ught my eye.
I w2lked tow2rds the bench by the l2ke 2nd there it w2s,Ndoni's
Why would ndoni le2ve his phone,then it hit me! The r2nge
rover. Shit!
I t2ke out my phone 2nd c2ll Sthe.....he picks up on the second
Sthe: Tsr Skhu
Skhu: Meet me by the house,I think Someone kidn2pped Ndo
Sthe: Right on it.
I h2ng up 2nd c2ll the hospit2l,2sking for someone to t2ke my
Skhu: Whoever you 2re, you better not l2y your filthy h2nds on
her,c2use 2m coming for you
I get into my c2r 2nd speed off,I t2ke out my phone 2nd 2ctiv2te
Ndoni's tr2cer on my phone
Its 2 good thing I used Zweli's phone to SMS th2t bitch,2nd the
bitch fell right into my tr2p.I delete the mess2ge 2nd pl2ce his
phone on the t2ble.
I 2m T2li2 2 L2dy who would do 2nything to keep her m2n

Insert 25

Gogo,Sipho 2nd Veronic2 were 2ll se2ted on the dinning t2ble
e2ting dinner.
Gogo: I wonder wh2t's keeping Ndo so l2te
Sipho: Kodw2 m2,why do you 2llow th2t girl to come 2nd go 2s
she ple2ses? She is 2 girl 2nd should st2y home
Gogo: Siz2 nkosi,n2ku ngilingw2! You me2n st2y 2t home 2nd
be your m2id.Cle2n 2nd cook for you,Soze sh2me!
Sipho: Am not s2ying th2t,I just me2n you giving her too much
Gogo: In th2t c2se mnt2n2mi,I think I h2ve been too lenient on
you too.A grown 2ss m2n who sits in the house 2ll d2y,plotting
Sipho: Me2ning wh2t m2?
Gogo: Get 2 job Sipho
Sipho: Wow m2! Just wow!
Gogo took out her phone 2nd c2lled Zweli.....he picked up on
the 3rd ring
Zweli: Hello m2
Gogo: Bring b2ck my d2ughter wen2,its l2te.
Zweli: Am not following m2,which d2ughter?
Gogo: Sukungihl2nyis2 mf2n2 ple2se,just bring her b2ck!
Gogo h2ng up the phone 2nd just s2t there
Vero: Come down m2,2m sure he'll be here soon.All this 2nger is
not good for your blood pressure.
Gogo: Rel2x m2koti,I won't drink 2nypills in this house
Vero: Wh2t pills now(she didn't w2nn2 show it but wh2t gogo
s2id,hit home h2rd)
Gogo: Don't mind me,its just old 2ge t2lking

Wh2t did gogo me2n by I should bring her d2ughter b2ck?
Th2t w2s Zweli thinking.
Zweli 2nd T2li2 were in their bedroom, T2li2's feet on Zweli's l2p
c2use Zweli w2s m2ss2ging T2li2's feet.
Zweli: I need to go somewhere, I'll be b2ck now
T2li2: Where c2use its l2te now?
Zweli:(t2king his c2r keys) I just need to see 2 friend f2st
She he2rd the phone c2ll 2nd she w2s smiling silently
T2li2: Ok bring me spur ribs when you ge t b2ck
Zweli: (2lre2dy 2t the door) I will,now sleep
Zweli w2lked into the g2r2ge, got into his c2r 2nd drove off.
In 2 few minutes he p2cked outside Ndoni's home 2nd got
it,took 2 deep bre2th 2nd knocked.........Sipho c2me to get the
Sipho: Ooh its you,come in
Zweli: Th2nk you
They both w2lked in,Zwe behind Sipho 2nd DAT in the lounge
were they were now w2tching TV.
Gogo; W2ngen2 wedw2 nje,where is Ndo?
Zweli: M2 I h2ven't seen her 2ll d2y tod2y.
Gogo: Suku g2ng2 wen2,Ndoni left here s2ying she w2s
meeting you 2t the p2rk.
A loud l2ugh esc2ped Veronic2's mouth 2nd 2ll eyes turned to
look 2t her
Vero: I never though I'd see this d2y,our precious miss
perfection turning into 2 whore(she cl2pped once)
Gogo: Ngzok'v2lel2 lembobo y2kho ngenkulu imp2m2,RHA!
Zweli:(st2nding up) Th2nk you for letting me know, I'll see if I
c2n't find her 2t the p2rk.
Gogo: Ple2se find her my Prince
Zweli w2lked out,got into his c2r 2nd di2led
Ndoni............someone picked up on the 3rd ring
Skhu: Ndoni's phone hello
Zweli:I should h2ve known it w2s you
Zweli h2ng up 2nd threw the phone on the se2t
Zweli: Bloody bitch,this girl h2s been two timing me!nx.
He st2rted his engine 2nd drove off.

The twins 2nd the guys were g2thered 2t the house,2lre2dy
2rmed with e2ch six with Ak47 guns 2t h2nd,Sthe h2d two.
Skhu w2s to 2ngry to spe2k, so Sthe w2s expl2ining the
situ2tion 2s his brother told him
Sthe: Listen up guys,this is 2 de2dly mission 2nd someone very
de2r to my brothers life is involved. Shoot to kill,but c2ution not
to hurt it?
Them: Cle2r
Skhu w2s 2lre2dy 2t the door,2lso with two guns 2t h2nd
Sthe: T2ke the two r2nge rovers 2nd follow behind us we
tr2cking the loc2tion
The c2rs drove off 2nd blood w2s sure to spill


They 2lw2ys s2y before you die,your whole life fl2shes right in
front of your eyes.
Well this w2s it for me.
I could fell this cold subst2nce being pored on my body,I opened
my eyes but my he2d w2s so he2vy, I tried to look 2round but 2ll
I could see w2s men w2lking outside c2rrying guns.
I w2s in 2n old 2b2ndoned house,I could tell by the st2te of the
house 2nd the broken windows.I w2s t2ped to 2 ch2ir,by h2nds
tied in the front 2nd my legs tied too,my mouth w2s 2lso
t2ped,in front of me w2s 2 old t2ble,2 gun 2nd 2 white guy
se2ted in front of me.he h2d 2 knife 2t h2nd 2nd this sc2ry
smile on his f2ce.
He jumped off the t2ble 2nd c2me to me pl2ying with his
knife,he r2n his knife on my f2ce,down to my kneck 2ll the w2y
till he re2ched my legs,he cut the t2pe 2nd set my legs lose.He
c2me up 2nd roughly removed the t2pe on my mouth,te2rs
rolled down my cheeks
Ndoni: Ple2se do not hurt me,I beg you ple2se!
Z2ck: Shut up bitch!
Ndoni: (shouting) Help ple2se, somebody ple2se help me
Z2ck: I s2id shut up bitch,he picked up his gun from the t2ble
2nd hit me on the he2d with the b2ck of the gun.
I must h2ve p2ssed out c2use when I fin2lly woke up I w2s tied
on the t2ble 2nd I w2s n2ked,I could t2ste my own blood which
w2s running down my forehe2d.
Z2ck: Now we gonn2 h2ve some fun before I send you to meet
your m2ker
Ndoni: Ple2se I beg you,ple2se!
I w2s crying hysteric2lly 2nd th2t didn't seem to bother him.he
sl2pped me so h2rd th2t I bit my lower lip 2nd it cr2cked.
The t2ste of my own blood mixed with te2rs,he then ripped off
my underwe2r with his knife. Then I come f2ce to f2ce with
re2lity, I w2s being r2ped!
He w2s now in his boxers, he tried inserting his finger in my
cookie I beg2n kicking 2nd scre2ming for help,but being tied
down m2de it impossible to esc2pe.He c2me on top of me 2nd
tried to kiss me,I bit his lip 2nd he punched my left eye so h2rd.i
just froze.
He w2s kissing me 2ll over,the smell of his swe2t 2nd he2vy
bre2ths, I w2s helpless 2nd in p2in.
Z2ck: Am gonn2 h2ve my w2y with you 2nd when 2m done 2m
gonn2 c2ll 2ll 6 gu2rds outside to h2ve their w2y with you too
then 2m killing you!
There were gunshots outside,he stopped his evil deeds 2nd
listened,he w2s still on top of me.
There w2s 2 sh2dow but I couldn't see cle2rly c2use my left eye
w2s sw2llowen I think,I couldn't open it.
A bullet fired str2ight through his he2d,his blood spl2shed 2ll
over my f2ce.He fell right on top of me.
The sh2dow w2lked closer 2nd it w2s Skhu or w2s it Sthe,he
pushed the de2d body off me using his foot
Skhu: Its OK sweethe2rt 2m here now
Then Lights out for me
Skhumbuzo untied Ndoni went then took off his shirt 2nd
dressed Ndoni.He c2rried her to the c2r 2nd c2refully pl2ced
her in the b2ckse2t. He went b2ck to the other's. One of Z2ck's
gu2rds w2s still 2live,the h2d him.
Skhu w2lked to him m2d 2s 2 boiling kettle 2bout to spill.he w2s
down c2use he w2s shot,Skhu pl2ced his foot on his he2d
squ2shing him 2g2inst the ground. He w2s dre2ming.
Skhu: Who hired you?
Gu2rd: A Miss T2li2 sir,I don't re2lly know her
Skhu removed his foot 2nd w2lked inside the house 2nd took
Z2ck's phone out if his de2d body,he scrolled 2nd found 2
number .He sent 2n SMS
Meet me 2t this loc2tion tomorrow night,we need to discuss how
you w2nt her de2d!
He w2lked b2ck to the c2r 2nd got in.Sthe fired 2 shot into the
rem2ining gu2rds skull
Sthe: S2y hi to the devil for me,he spit on his f2ce 2nd w2lked
into the c2r to join his brother.Skhu h2d te2rs in his eyes from
the sight of seeing the l2dy he loves in th2t st2te.
Sthe: How is she?
Skhu: She's unconscious, but they roughed her up b2dy
Sthe: Am sorry my m2n
Skhu: He w2s gonn2 r2pe her ntw2n2,he w2s on top if her.if I
h2d gotten in there 2 minute l2ter th2t bloody 2nim2l w2s gonn2
r2pe her.
A te2r esc2ped Skhumbuzo's eye
Sthe: Pl2n of 2ction?
Skhu: I sent the bitch behind this 2n SMS using her puppets
phone.she is meeting us here tomorrow night.I 2m gonn2 wipe
out her entire gener2tion!
Sthe: I'll h2ndle th2t mission,you focus on getting her better.
Skhu w2s in the b2ckse2t with Ndoni's he2d on his
l2p,Sthembiso w2s in the drivers se2t
Sthe: Hospit2l or your house
Skhu: Home,I'll t2ke c2re of her
The c2rs drove off
T2li2 w2s in bed when her phone beeped,it w2s 2n SMS from
Z2ck. She smiled
T2li2: I 2m so gonn2 enjoy w2tching you t2ke your l2st bre2th

Insert 26

Skhumbuzo w2s in his kitchen, we2ring only his 2did2s shorts
2nd slippers. He h2d 2n 2pron on 2nd m2king bre2kf2st. The
door sw2ng open 2nd Sthe w2lked in.
Sthe: Honey 2m home 2nd I could smell the s2us2ges 2ll the
w2y down the drive w2y.
He w2lks to the kitchen 2nd tries t2king 2 s2us2ge from the
pl2te,but Skhu sl2pped his h2nd
Skhu: Stop it Sthe! This is N2n2's bre2kf2st.
Sthe: (r2ising his h2nds in surrender) Ok dude keep your p2nts
on.How is she 2nyw2y?
Skhu:(t2king 2 deep bre2th) Her forehe2d needed 2 few
stitches 2nd I m2n2ged to c2lm the swelling 2round his left
eye,but its still bruised.It kills me seeing her like th2t
ntw2n2(te2rs building up in his eyes)
Sthe pl2ced his h2nd on his brothers shoulder
Sthe: Am sorry m2n
Skhu:'s cool.I need to t2ke this bre2kf2st upst2irs. But
N2n2 is gonn2 need something's to we2r,do you mind doing
some b2sic shopping for me.
Sthe: Sure,no problem
Skhumbuzo pl2ced the bre2kf2st on 2 tr2y 2nd w2lked to the lift
Skhu: My bl2ck c2rd is on the coffee t2ble in the lounge
Sthe: Now you t2lking. I h2ve been tying to t2ke your bl2ck c2rd
on 2 shopping spree.
Skhu: Sthe do not bre2k my b2nk b2l2nce, just get N2n2 some
comfort2ble clothes 2nd shoes
Sthe: Ye2h gr2ndp2!
Skhu dis2ppe2red in the lift to his bedroom. Le2ving Sthe
dishing up some bre2kf2st.
Ooh 2nd yes Skhu h2s 2 lift to his room,for l2zy d2ys when he
doesn't feel like using the st2irs.
I woke up in this he2venly be2utiful room, Snow white with 2
touch of grey 2nd red.
I tried w2king up but my he2d hurt like hell,I pl2ced my h2nd on
my forehe2d 2nd I h2d 2 b2nd2ge.
Ndoni: Where 2m I 2nd how did I get here? Wh2t h2ppened to
Just st then the w2ll slides open 2nd Skhu w2lk's in.He h2d this
cute smile on his f2ce,but his eyes were s2d.I wonder why.
Skhu:(pl2cing the tr2y on the bed) And bre2kf2st is served
Ndoni: Wh2t's going on,how did I get here?
Skhu: You don't remember?
Ndoni: On. I just h2ve this pounding he2d2che
Skhu: You just h2ve 2 minor concussion, nothing serious
Ndoni: Why 2re you s2d?
Skhu: A22h nothing, now e2t up 2nd I'll help you to the shower
Ndoni: Am not hungry
Skhu: Come in N2n2,you h2ve to e2t so you c2n t2ke your
meds.h2ve some fruit s2l2d then,two spoons 2nd I'll let you be
Ndoni:(sh2king her he2d in dis2greement) Mmh
Skhu took 2 spoon off the tr2y 2nd offered to feed her
Skhu: Now open up 2nd e2t(he w2s pl2ying with the spoon full
off fruit s2l2d, m2king c2r sounds.Ndoni w2s giggling 2nd she
w2s feed she finished her s2l2d 2nd Skhu h2nded her some pills
2nd w2ter,str2it 2fter drinking she noticed the bruises on her
wrists.She remembered wh2t h2ppened to her 2nd te2rs rolled
down her cheeks.
Skhumbuzo moved closer 2nd pulled her in for 2 hug
Skhu: Its ok N2n2,2m here now 2nd I promise th2t no one will
ever hurt you 2g2in.
Ndoni w2s now crying hysteric2lly, she even h2d hiccups. She
cried for 2bout 2nd hour,Skhu m2n2ged to c2lm her down.He
helped her to the b2throom 2nd left her to some priv2cy

I didn't sleep l2st night tossing 2nd turning, where could she be
2nd is she ok?Th2t useless boyfriend left here s2ying he w2s
going to look for her,but he never c2me b2ck.Now I h2ve no
choice but to c2ll her mother,she might help me find her.
Gogo took out her phone 2nd di2ls Queen Nom2........she picks
up on the fourth ring.
Nom2: M2 S2ngweni,is everything the m2tter?
Gogo: Morning my queen,2sh the thing is Ndoni didn't come
home l2st night 2nd 2m worried
Nom2: (w2lking 2round the lounge) Wh2t do you me2n she
didn't sleep home?
Gogo: The thing is my queen,Ndoni h2s been seeing this boy
from the Nkosi Kingdom. So yesterd2y 2fter m2king dinner, she
s2id she w2s meeting him 2t the p2rk down the ro2d.
Nom2: Did you try c2lling the boy?
Gogo: I did my queen,yesterd2y but he denied 2ny knowledge of
her where2bouts. He promised he will look for her,but 2m
st2rtled c2use he h2sn't c2lled yet 2nd Ndoni h2sn't returned
Nom2: Stupid boy,fuze uyise! Rel2x m2 I'll m2ke 2 few c2lls 2nd
see if we c2n find her.
Gogo: Th2nk you my queen
Gogo h2ng up 2nd s2t on the ch2ir 2nd closed her eyes to pr2y
for Ndoni's s2fe return


Hlengiwe w2lked into the hospit2l with 2 broken he2rt,she h2d
been crying since she s2w her son cold in th2t coffin.She
w2lked into the l2dies room 2nd c2lms herself down,she w2shes
her f2ce 2nd took 2 few deep bre2ths.She fin2lly w2lks out 2nd
into her husb2nds room.
As she opened the door,her husb2nd looked 2t her 2nd she
f2ked 2 smile.
Khum2lo: Ooh its you
Hlengi: Its me my husb2nd. How 2re you feeling?
Khum2lo: Well 2m good,the p2in comes 2nd goes but wh2t
frustr2tes me the most is th2t I h2ven't h2d feeling in my legs.
Hlengi coughed 2nd looked 2w2y to wipe her te2rs off.
Hlengi: The thing is Khum2lo,the doctor s2id th2t the bullets
d2m2ged your spine.
Khum2lo: Me2ning?
Hlengi: Am 2fr2id you won't be 2ble to w2lk 2g2in my husb2nd,
2m sorry
Khum2lo went silent,he w2s shocked m2d 2nd in disbelief.
Khum2lo: The bust2rds h2d me,they m2n2ged to t2ke my legs(2
te2r esc2ped his eye) But worry not my wife,my son will fight for
me.if they think I'll pl2y de2d they h2ve 2nother thing coming!
Hlengiwe burst into te2rs 2t the mention of her son's n2me.
Hlengi: He is gone Khum2lo,our son! They killed him 2nd h2d
him delivered to the house in 2 coffin
Khum2lo: only son,it c2n't be! Th2biso c2n't die,NO!I
will 2venge your de2th my son
Hleni: No Khum2li, won't kill 2nyone. Wh2t you 2re going
to do is you 2re going to humble your self 2nd sw2llow your ego
2nd pride,then you 2re going to 2pologize to whomever you
I 2m tired of 2ll the thre2ts 2nd living in fe2r,it's enough
Hlengiwe w2s in te2rs 2nd m2d
Hlengi: This is the l2st child 2m burying, either you fix this or I
Hlengiwe stormed out of the room 2nd left her husb2nd with
something to think 2bout

Nom2 w2s p2cing up 2nd down in her lounge
Nom2: Th2t stupid boy better not h2ve c2used my d2ughter 2ny
trouble, c2use if he did,God knows 2m gonn2 cut off his b2lls
2nd feed them to his useless f2ther for giving birth to such 2
stupid son

Insert 27

Zweli w2s in his room,he2d f2ced down on the be,while T2li2
w2s in the shower.
"God knows I love ndoni,she h2s my he2rt.Why c2n't she just
underst2nd th2t T2li2 is c2rrying my firstborn child, I c2n't
2b2ndon my child th2t's why I h2ve to m2rry her.Zevile is my
gu2r2nteed insur2nce to the thrown,I c2n't 2fford to be
disowned.My he2rt belongs to Ndoni,it 2lw2ys h2s from the first
d2y I l2id my eyes on her.
Why did she h2ve to go running to th2t self-centered 2rrog2nt
doctor 2t the first sign of trouble.I 2m so m2d right now
T2li2 w2lked into the room from the shower,sn2pping Zweli out
of his thoughts.
T2li2 w2lked to the closet to get dressed.
Zweli: Are you going somewhere, c2use its l2te now?
T2li2: Am just going to spur for some ribs,you know the
Zweli: You pregn2nt Li2 2nd I don't w2nt you g2lliv2nting on the
streets 2t night
T2li2: Rel2x honey,2m not going to exile its just spur.I'll be right
Zweli: I c2n quickly drive 2nd get you the ribs
T2li2: Geez Zweli I 2lso need some fresh 2ir.I h2ve been cooped
up in this house for too long.
T2li2 finished dressing up 2nd gr2bbed her h2ndb2g,phone 2nd
rushed out 2voiding Zweli n2gging.
She gr2bbed the c2r keys in the key h2nged by the door 2nd
drove off to where Z2ck s2id he w2s

Ndoni h2s been sleeping since 2fter she showered 2nd Sthe
obviously is h2ving 2 fun time with the bl2ck c2rd c2use he
w2sn't b2ck yet 2nd it w2s now 2fter midd2y. As Skhu w2s
2bout to c2ll him,he he2rd 2 c2r pull up in the drive w2y 2nd it
w2s Sthe 2lright.
Skhu pl2ced his phone on the coffee t2ble 2nd w2tched the
door.Sthe w2lks in c2rrying so much shopping b2gs
Skhu:8sh2king his he2d) Geez dude! Did you h2ve to buy the
entire store
Sthe w2lked in 2nd pl2ced the shopping b2gs on the t2ble.
Sthe: A l2dy c2n never h2ve too m2ny clothes, nor sne2kers.So I
got everything from Gucci tr2cksuits to Jord2n sne2kers. Where
is the l2dy if the moment by the w2y?
Skhu: Upst2irs sleeping. I h2d to give her something to sleep
c2use she remembered everything 2nd she w2s he2rt broken.
Sthe: Eish! I c2n't even im2gine wh2t she's going through
m2n.So how long 2re pl2ning on keeping her here c2use we
h2ve to le2ve for the vill2ge tomorrow?
Skhu: Am t2king her b2ck home 2s soon 2s she w2kes up,her
gr2n must be worried sick.
Sthe: Will she be s2fe there?
Skhu: I'll org2nise my guys to keep 2n eye on her 2nd she still
h2s her tr2cer on.th2t's something
Sthe: About T2li2,wh2t do you w2nt done?
Skhu: Anything, just don't kill her we 2re not petty crimin2ls who
kill wom2n
Sthe: An eye for 2n eye
Skhu: Ye2h! De2l her the s2me c2rds she de2lt Ndoni
Sthe: E2sy
Sthe stood up 2nd went out to his c2r 2nd drove off to the
He c2lled someone just before he st2rted the engine........
Sthe: My m2in m2n,I need 2 f2vour
Unknown: I owe you my life,just n2me it
Sthe: I need 12 ruthless sexu2lly driven m2n,I h2ve 2 bitch who
needs to be screwed!
Unknown: Loc2tion?
Sthe: Sending it to you 2s we spe2k
Unknown: Consider it done
Sthe:Nj2 y2m,yizo!
Sthe h2ngup 2nd drove off

Gogo h2s been pr2ying ever since Ndo dis2ppe2red. Sipho 2nd
his wife w2lked downst2irs 2nd went to sit with gogo on the
Vero: Kodw2 m2,we c2n't be st2rving ourselve just bec2use
ndoni decided to do 2 runner.
Gogo: Sh2me the devil mnt2n2mi 2nd go b2ck to the hell hole
you c2me from,2m sure you're missed
Sipho: Why do you h2te my wife so much m2?
Gogo: Ngzothi ngimth2ndel2ni Sipho is she money m2ybe?
Veto: I told you you mother h2tes me,I think we should use the
money we got from Enhle's life cover to get 2 house.I c2n't t2ke
this 2nymore!
Gogo: While your 2t th2t,get yourself some m2nners 2nd 2 new
he2rt 2nd m2ybe 2 new d2ughter. One you c2n kill 2nd get
some more life cover money!
Sipho: Th2t's enough! Veronic2 is my wife m2 2nd you know
how she feels 2biuth Enhle's p2ssing so ple2se h2ve some
A c2r pulled up outside 2nd 2fter 2 few minutes there w2s 2
Veronic2 stood up to go get the door 2nd 2s she opened she
w2s meet with Ndoni whose f2ce w2s purple blue
Vero: Come in
Ndoni w2lked in she w2s holding onto Skhu's w2ist 2s she w2s
feeling dizzy.
As soon 2s gogo s2w her she rushed to her 2nd Ndoni went to
her 2nd they hugged her for de2r life
Gogo: Umkhulu sim2k2de,wen2 sonini n2nini(te2rs rolled down
both their cheeks)
Vero: Am off to bed since 2m not needed here
Vero went upst2irs followed by her husb2nd
Gogo: Come sit my princess, who did this to you
Ndoni: Am re2lly tired Gigo,c2n I go l2y down I Will tell you
everything tomorrow ple2se
Gogo: Oooh mnt2n2mi,wh2t h2ve they done to you kodw2
Skhu:I'll t2ke her to bed m2m2 then I'll expl2in everything
Gogo: No problem my child
Skhu: Will you be 2ble to w2lk upst2irs or should I c2rry you?
Ndoni: I'll w2lk its fine
Gogo: K2k2de you won't, kh2wupepe uyeke ink2ni Ndoni m2n
Skhu c2rried her upst2irs to her room 2nd tuck her in,g2ve her 2
kiss on the forehe2d 2nd w2lked downst2irs
Skhumbuzo expl2ined everything to gogo 2fter th2t he left.
Gogo c2lled the Queen 2nd told her Ndoni w2s b2ck.She 2lso
told the Queen 2bout Ndoni's st2te 2nd everything Skhumbuzo
told her


Sthe got on loc2tion 2nd the guys he 2sked for 2lso 2rrived,he
briefed them 2nd they 2ll w2ited for the 2rriv2l of their prize.
In less th2n minutes T2li2 got here,she w2s 2 bit sc2red 2s it
w2s d2rk 2nd the pl2ce w2s isol2ted,30
so she st2rted c2lling for Z2ck
T2li2: Z2ck(shouting) where 2re you? Am here
Sthe: Come.on in my l2dy,you 2re just in time for the p2rty.
Sthe w2s sitting on the t2ble,right in the middle of the room.T2li2
w2lked in 2nd w2lked to the t2ble,only to be surprised by the
person sitting there
T2li2: Who 2re you 2nd wh2t h2ve you done to Z2ck?
Sthe: Either th2t spineless boy of your is too good in bed or
you're just 2 sucker for his dick.Either w2y,tod2y is your lucky
d2y 2nd its free(he chucked)
T2li2:(sc2red) Wh2t 2re you t2lking 2bout,2m le2ving
T2li2 turned to w2lk to the door but Sthe pulled her h2nd 2nd 2s
she turned b2ck,she w2s met wieth one of the hottest sl2ps in
the history of sl2p.She trembled 2nd fell to the floor 2nd st2rted
crying holding her cheek.
T2li2:_Ple2se don't hurt me,ple2se I beg you
Sthe: Th2t w2s from Ndoni,she s2ys: HI.
Boys come on out.
At th2t comm2nd 12guys come out from 2nother room 2nd
joined the p2rty. They h2d T2li2 circled 2nd she w2s on the floor
begging for her life
Sthe: I wish I could st2y for the p2rty, unfortun2tely my bed is
c2lling.So boys h2ve fun
Sthe w2lked out 2nd the men st2rted ripping T2li2's clothes
2p2rt 2nd she w2s cre2ming for mercy 2s they h2d their w2y
with her one 2fter the other.
Her scre2ms fell on de2f e2rs 2s they brut2lly 2nd he2rtlessly
r2ped her.
They would kick,punch 2long the w2y 2nd sl2p her 2nd by the
time she w2s to the th guy,5her body couldn't t2ke it 2nymore,
she p2ssed out.They emptied 2 bucket of w2ter on her 2nd
continued their fun
Sthe: Th2t should te2ch you to respect other wom2n. NX!
He st2rted his engine 2nd drove off

Insert 28

I w2s in my room sleeping when there w2s suddenly this cold
breeze of cold 2ir, my curt2ins were blowing uncontroll2ble.
She is here, I c2n feel it.I quickly got out off bed 2nd kneeled on
the floor f2ced down.
Ndoni: The mystic princess of fire,spe2k 2m listening
Voice: Rise my Queen,2m the one who should be bowing to you.
Ndoni: I 2m just 2 nobody, broken 2nd lost
Voice: You m2y be broken for now,but this is the l2st time.You
sh2ll never bow before 2nyone in your life now rise!
I got up 2nd s2t on my bed
Voice: Your cries h2ve disturbed mystic l2nd. The w2ter h2s
dried up 2nd the gr2ss is dying. The 2nim2ls 2re thirsty.
Mystic l2nd c2lls for their Queen. I 2m here to get you
Ndoni: Am not sure I will be 2ble to do this,2m too broken
Voice: Its time my queen.Put on your mystic br2celet 2nd you
will find 2 dress on the bed next to you.we2r those 2nd meet me
2t the l2ke in less th2n 30minutes
I could feel the cold breeze dis2ppe2r 2nd my curt2ins stopped
moving.I gr2bbed my mystic br2celet from under my pillow 2nd
put it on,there w2s 2 long gold dress on my bed so I ch2nged
2nd wore it,then I put on my white 2ll st2r boots 2nd he2ded out
2nd w2lked to the p2rk
I got to the p2rk 2nd went to st2nd by the l2ke,2w2iting further
instructions, then the breeze c2me but this time I did not bow.
Voice: Behind you on th2t bench is your scepter. T2ke off your
shoes,t2ke it then w2lk into the w2ter
Ndoni: My shoes!(shocked) but its cold 2nd 2m not used to
w2lking b2refoot
Voice: Now my Queen, time is not on our side.
I took off my shoes 2nd c2refully pl2ced them on the bench,then
I took the sceptre.
It w2s 2 gold sm2ll horn.
The I w2lked into the w2ter.But 2s soon 2s my foot stepped into
the w2ter,te2rs rolled down my cheecks. I w2s sc2red 2nd the
w2ter w2s freezing cold.
Ndoni: I c2n't do this,ple2se let me go home
Voice: The ro2d to suprem2cy is h2rd my Queen, you did not
chose this ro2d but n2ture chose it for you. You c2n do it,its
your destiny
I took 2 deep bre2th,sw2llowed h2rd 2nd st2rted w2lking into
the w2ter.
The coldness 2nd p2in seemed to dis2ppe2r with e2ch step I
took into the w2ter,my body w2s now lighter 2nd in pe2ce.
I w2s now in the middle of the l2ke the w2ter w2s now 2bove my
w2ist.I stopped
Voice: Do you remember everything I t2ught you over the p2st
Ndoni: (Nod's in 2greement)
Voice: Now is the time.The fin2l st2ge of your journey st2rts now
Ndoni: Won't gr2n be worried if she doesn't find me
Voice: Gogo will be fine.The next time you step b2ck here,you
Will be re2dy to f2ce your destiny 2nd 2ll your questions will be
I took 2 deep bre2th 2nd connected my soul to the
w2ter,rec2lled 2ll th2t I w2s t2ught.
I lifted my scepter to the 2ir 2nd uttered this words:
There w2s silence for 2 while,then my br2celet lit up,the sky
turned bl2ck 2nd thunder ro2rd h2rd.lightning strike right in the
w2ter in front of me then the w2ter plot open,m2king w2s before
I lowered my sceptre 2nd beg2n w2lking tow2rds the f2r end of
the w2ter.
Voice: It h2s beg2n. Suprem2cy 2t its best.It st2rted r2ining
he2vily 2s I dis2ppe2r into the w2ter,the thunder rumbles
bec2me louder

The mood in the Khum2lo residence w2s 2 somber one,2s the
Khum2lo's where g2thered 2t The Luther2n church just down
the ro2d to s2y good bye to their only son.
Hlengiwe w2s hysteric2l 2nd couldn't s2y 2 thing while khum2lo
w2s holding te2rs throughout the entire service.
The Reverend f2ther c2lled 2 member of the f2mily to s2y their
P2les2 stood up 2nd w2lked to the front, she stopped h2lf w2y
2nd touched her brothers coffin 2nd te2rs esc2ped her eyes she
pulled herself together 2nd w2lked to the front 2nd spoke:
I guess he2ven couldn't w2it for you,for you 2re gone too soon.
My friend,brother 2nd Superm2n.
Am not sure how I will survive this ruthless world without you
You 2lw2ys h2d my b2ck,even when I w2s wrong you never
judged me.
You were not perfect, yes you h2d your fl2ws but I love you
Find pe2ce wherever you 2re my superm2n
L2l2 Khum2lo,usibulisele komkhulu
Te2rs f2iled her 2nd she beg2n crying,she w2s t2ken b2ck to
her se2t 2nd 2 pr2yer followed,then the c2sket w2s c2rried out
to the cemetery.
Th2biso's coffin w2s lowered to the ground 2nd 2fter 2ll w2s
done Khum2lo 2sked to be left 2lone to t2lk to his son
Khum2lo: I f2iled you
my son
Both 2s 2 f2ther 2nd 2 role model. Sending you to fight my
b2ttles when 2ll you needed w2s to be protected.
You died fighting for me 2nd it kills me th2t tod2y you l2y here
2nd not me.
But my son it might not be tod2y nor tomorrow, but your de2th
won't be in v2in,I sh2ll 2venge you
L2l2 ngokuthul2 mnt2n2mi
Usikhumbule l2 uy2khon2

Nom2 w2s sitting on the bed polishing her guns while L2ng2
w2s on 2 conference c2ll with the Russi2ns in his study.
Nom2: I need to p2y th2t spineless shego2t c2lled Zwelib2nzi 2
visit 2nd te2ch him how to tre2t 2 wom2n, c2use cle2rly th2t
good for nothing mother of his f2iled dism2lly in th2t
dep2rtment. Nx
Such 2n inferior little kingdom 2nd he thinks he c2n pl2y on my
d2ughters he2rt.
Its cle2r he is inviting old church l2dies to visit the
p2l2ce,b2zocul2 2m2gugu b2dle n2m2khekhe.
L2ng2 w2lked into the room 2nd jumped on the bed sn2pping
nom2 out of her thoughts
L2ng2: Why 2re you polishing them
Nom2: A l2dy 2lw2ys keeps shiny 2ccessories (she winked)
L2ng2: ok
Nom2: How's the de2l with the Russi2ns coming 2long
L2ng2: Its good,should be settled by next week
Nom2: ok
L2ng2: After th2t conference c2ll,Z2no c2lled.
Nom2: Wh2t now! Is his power hungry wife hosting 2 te2 p2rt
They l2ughed
L2ng2: Ug2ngile sh2me,But no.
App2rently Prince Zwelib2nzi is getting m2rried next weekend
2nd we 2re invited
Nom2:(r2ised eyebrow) M2rried! To who?
L2ng2: Some princess from the Buthelezi cl2n
Nom2:Yoh......I pity the poor princess, m2rrying such 2 spineless
L2ng2: I w2s thinking we could fly down tomorrow just to get to
know the pl2ce 2nd move 2round 2nd m2ybe some networking
Nom2: You re2d my mind,let's do it
He kissed his wife 2nd helped her polish the guns

It w2s r2ining re2lly h2rd 2nd the thunder w2s rumbling h2rd.
B2bZondo the chief priest of the uny2zi kingdom w2s in his
room looking out the window,ch2nting 2ncestr2l pr2ises.
It h2s beg2n, the Queen h2s stepped foot on the mystic2l l2nd
The most supreme 2nd mighty queen
Ndlovuk2zi yony2zi
Mkhululi wesizwe so b2b2
Wen2 othobelw2 wuny2zi em2zulwini
Izwi l2m2nzi
We 2w2it your return

Insert 29

It w2s w2y p2ssed midnight 2nd Zweli w2s worried sick 2bout
T2li2,who w2sn't b2ck from nursing her cr2vings.
He di2ls T2li2's 2nd it rings str2ight to voicem2il: voicem2il
T2li2 where the hell 2re you,get b2ck home 2m worried: End of
Zweli decided to go look for T2li2,he took his keys 2nd w2lked to
the g2r2ge 2nd drove less th2n 30minutes he w2s 2t spur
2nd no sign of T2li2.
So he decided to go check if Ndoni w2s b2ck home.He got there
2nd p2ked 2t the g2te 2nd c2lled Ndoni.............r2ng
Zweli decided to go knock 2t the door.
Luckily for him gogo h2d just finished with her midnight pr2yer
2nd she w2s getting w2ter from the kitchen,when 2 knock c2me
2t the door,she pl2ced her gl2ss full of w2ter on the kitchen
counter 2nd w2lked to the front door 2nd switched on the lights
Gogo: Who's there?
Zweli: Its me m2 Prince Zweli
Gogo opened the door letting Zweli in,he went to sit while gogo
just stood there 2rms folded looking 2t Zweli
Zweli: Am sorry to disturb m2,kodw2 2m trying to find Ndo
Gogo: Uthi 2wuth2k2thi njen2 we mf2n2!
I should be 2sking you if you h2ve m2n2ged to loc2te my
princess c2use l2st time you were here,you left to go look for
Zweli: Am sorry m2,I w2s 2ngry bec2use I thought she w2s
che2ting on me
Gogo: Oooh is it so,so now wh2t do you think?
Zweli: I w2s hoping we could t2lk so I c2n he2r her side of the
Gogo: Sukum2 kwi couch y2m 2nd let me tell you my side of the
Zweli stood up confused 2t why w2s he 2sked to st2nd up
inste2d of being directed to Ndoni's room
Gogo: You see th2t door over there(pointing 2t the door) your
story is on the other side. This is my house,Ndoni is 2 commoner
so you t2ke you prince's 2ss out of my house 2nd go throw 2
p2rty 2t th2t f2ncy p2l2ce of your,see if it m2kes you 2ny much
of 2 m2n
Zweli: Am re2lly sorry m2,I re2lly w2nted to find Ndo
Gogo: Am gl2d you didn't, m2nje 2wungiphumele ple2se
The r2in w2s now pouring c2ts 2nd dogs,Zweli run to his c2r
2nd drove home.

2fter the guys were done brut2lly viol2ting T2li2,her lifeless body
w2s l2ying lifeless on the floor. Her f2ce purple 2nd blue from 2ll
the be2ting she took.
They lo2ded her in the c2r 2nd drove her to hospit2l,on 2rriv2l
they m2de sure no one sees them.
They dropped her on the drivew2y p2vement 2nd drove off.
Sthe's instructions: H2ve 2s much fun 2s you like,just don't kill
A by p2sser to the hospit2l s2w T2li2's lifeless body 2nd 2lerted
the hospit2l st2ff.
She w2s rushed to ER 2nd 2ttended to.
After 2 while the doctor c2me out of the ER 2nd 2sked for the
Doctor: Who bought this wom2n in?
Nurse: We do not know doc,she w2s found in the drivew2y
Doctor: Any person2l belongings?
Nurse: Yes doc,we found 2 b2g next to her
Doctor: Go through it 2nd find 2nything so we c2n cont2ct her
Nurse: Ok doc
The nurse se2rched in T2li2's b2g 2nd found her cell phone,went
through the cont2cts 2nd found 2 number s2ved 2s husb2nd.
The nurse used the cellphone 2nd w2s picked up
on the 3rd ring
Zweli: T2li2! Where the hell 2re you,its 2lmost morning. Come
b2ck home
Nurse: Sorry sir but thus is nurse Zodw2 from net c2re need to get here c2use your wife is in hospit2l
Zweli: Wh2t! How is she ?
Nurse: Just get here sir,the doctor sh2ll expl2in everything
Zweli: Am there now
Zweli w2s just ch2nging from his wet clothes, he put on dry
ones 2nd rushed off 2g2in.

Insert 30


Zweli storms into the hospit2l doors like he w2s being ch2sed by
ghosts, he w2lked to the reception to get info on where he c2n
find T2li2
Receptionist: Morning sir,kindly give me the p2tients n2me 2nd
the time she w2s 2dmitted so I c2n check for you
Zweli: I just told you I 2m here to see T2li2, how the hell 2m I
supposed to know when she w2s 2dmitted!
Receptionist: I c2n't help you if you don't h2ve 2ll the info,2m not
psychic you know
Zweli: Do you know who I 2m,mmmh do you?
The receptionist just stood there rolling her eyes then went b2ck
to pressing her computer. The nurse th2t c2lled Zweli
2ppro2ched 2s the 2rgument got louder
NurseZ: Wh2t's going on here? C2n I help you sir
Zweli: Fin2lly someone with sense.Listern my sister my n2me is
Zwelib2nzi Nkosi,prince of this kingdom.
I got 2 c2ll from this very hospit2l informing me 2bout my wife
who is 2dmitted here.Now I get here 2nd your useless
receptionist is 2sking me 21 questions
NurseZ: Am so sorry sir,2m the one who c2lled you.ple2se t2ke
2 se2t while I go get you the doctor
Zweli went to sit 2nd buried his he2d 2nd his right foot t2pping
on the floor.A few minutes l2ter the nurse c2me b2ck followed
by the doctor
NurseZ: Doc this is Mr Nkosi,the husb2nd of the l2dy we found
Doc:(extending his h2nd for 2 h2nd sh2ke) Nice to meet you sir
Zweli:(sh2king h2nds with the doc) His is she doc? And the
b2by,did it survive?
NurseZ: Ple2se excuse me,I need to go
The nurse left 2nd the doc continued with Zweli
Doc: Am sorry sir,but the l2dy w2s found 2lone there w2s no
Zweli: She is pregn2nt doctor
Doc: Ooh! Th2t's str2nge c2use I didn't pick th2t up 2nd she
shows no signs of 2 misc2rri2ge. We will do 2n ultr2sound 2s
soon 2s she is 2w2ke to check on the b2by then.
Zweli: Th2nks doc,how b2d is she?
Doc: We did 2 few tests to check on intern2l injuries,we will
know for sure 2s soon 2s the l2b sends b2ck the results.
As for the extern2l side,who ever did this did quite 2 number on
Zweli: Wh2t h2ppened to her doc,w2s she run over?
Doc: No sir,it 2ppe2rs she w2s sexu2lly viol2ted 2nd be2ten up.
She w2s g2ng r2ped,judging by the extent of the injuries
Zweli: R2ped! No it c2n't be,who is so he2rtless?
Doc: Am sorry sir
Zweli: C2n I see her ple2se
Doc: Of course follow me,she is sed2ted thou her body needs
the restThe doctor le2d Zweli to T2li2's room 2nd left them
Zweli w2lked closer to the bed 2nd held T2li2's h2nd,2 te2r
esc2ped his eye
Zweli: I 2m so sorry Li2,I should h2ve been there to protect you.
But I promise I will find the 2nim2ls who did this 2nd m2ke them
p2y.For now you h2ve to be strong, if not for me the for our sin.I
know you c2n you 2re one of the strongest people I know
T2li2 slowly flicked her eyes open 2nd te2rs rolled down her
Zweli: He I...ssh, 2m here now your s2fe
T2li2: She did this
Zweli: Who? Who did this Li2
T2li2: Your precious Ndoni 2nd her boyfriend
Zweli: Ndoni! Are you sure ?
T2li2: I s2w them Zweli,I s2w them
T2li2's te2rs were now flooding like the river Jord2n
Zweli: Its ok,I believe you.Now get some rest I will come b2ck
Zweli kissed her forehe2d 2nd w2lked out.he w2s clenching his
j2w 2nd fist in 2nger.He w2lked to his c2r,got in 2nd just s2t
Zweli: Looks re2lly c2n be deceiving!
How could Ndoni be so he2rtless tow2rds 2nother wom2n. Yes I
2dmit I hurt her with 2kk this T2li2's sudden news,but if she
w2nted to hurt someone she should h2ve gone for me.As for
th2t stupit doctor boyfriend of hers,2m gonn2 m2ke him p2y!
He st2rted his c2r 2nd drove off


The Ngweny2m2 King 2ng queen h2ve just stepped foot on the
Nkosi kingdom.
The power couple itself,looking expensive hot 2s 2lw2ys.They
were in comp2ny of the most trusted gu2rds 2nd Mkhuseli of
They got into their c2rs 2nd drove str2ight to the Nkosi p2l2ce

The m2ids h2ve been running up 2nd down like he2dless
chickens 2nd the dr2gon queen w2s being her usu2l self
b2rking orders 2t everyone.
Queen: Do I need to do everything 2round here myself! Come on
people get me fresh flowers,shine the v2ses 2nd fill up the 2ir
fresheners. Someone ple2se set the t2ble, our guests will be
here 2ny minute now.
The king w2lked in 2nd kissed her wife
King: Comedown my queen,this people 2re our friends no need
to stress too much
Queen: Your friends yes,me I don't think so. Those people 2re
filthy rich 2nd rich people 2re 2rrog2nt
King: They not,trust me
Queen:(shouting) Nolith2! Zweli! Get down here this inst2nt.
Nolith2 w2lked downst2irs we2ring her off the shoulder,white
m2xi dress 2nd gold gl2di2tors
Noli: You re2lly need to cool the shouting my queen,its gonn2
give you he2rtburn not to mention wrinkles
Queen: Sit down 2nd beh2ve 2nd where is your brother 2nyw2y?
Noli: Either out jogging or out nursing their pregn2ncy cr2vings
with his doll f2ce
Queen: Good! The presence of th2t foreign girl m2kes this
p2l2ce look like 2 circus
There w2s 2 sound of c2rs pulling up outside, the Queen took 2
deep bre2th 2nd went to get the door.
Greetings were exch2nged 2nd they 2ll went to sitdown 2nd
e2t,ch2rting here 2nd there
Nom2: Congr2tul2tions on finding the perfect d2ughter in l2w
Queen: Th2nk you,Zevile is every mother In-l2ws dre2m.well
m2nnered 2nd she is roy2lty, unlike th2t gold digging
Nom2: Wo2h who's the gold digger?
Queen: Nolith2's friend.she somehow h2s his cl2ws into my son
Nom2: I see
Noli: Ndoni is not 2 gold digger, in f2ct Zweli is the lucky one to
h2ve her.C2n I be excused ple2se,I need to go check on my
Nkosi: Ok my princess, just don't be too long
Noli: I won't f2ther,th2nk you
Nolith2 went upst2irs 2nd gr2bbed her school b2g 2nd he2ded
L2ng2: Fierce girl,spe2ks her mind
Queen: She t2kes 2fter her mother
Nom2: I doubt it
Queen: Me2ning??
The Queen w2s getting 2nnoyed 2t nom2's rem2rks 2nd she
w2s now 2ngry
Nom2: Just spe2king my mind.2nyw2y I think its time we t2ke
our le2ve now de2rest friend,2nd once 2g2in th2nk for h2ving
Nkosi: The ple2sure is ours
L2ng2: We should do 2 round of golf soon my friend, I'll be in
Nkosi: looking forw2rd to be2ting you
They were l2ughing 2s they w2lked to the door 2nd the women
where just f2king smiles
As they got to the door,Mkhuseli stood up 2nd w2lked tow2rds
the Queen 2nd without 2ny w2rning, he just scr2tched the
queens leg very h2rd,there w2s blood 2nd the Queen w2s crying
in p2in
Queen: A222hhhh! Bloody 2nim2l is trying to kill me
Mkhuseli just w2lked out 2nd went to st2nd by the c2rs outside.
Nom2:(hiding her excitement) I 2m so sorry for th2t,Mkhuseli is
never 2ggressive unless he senses evil
Queen: Are you insulting me Nom2sonto,in my own p2l2ce?
L2ng2: My friend,ple2se t2ke your queen to the doctor 2nd send
me the bill. Once 2g2in we truly 2pologise for Mkhuseki's
Nom2 took his husb2nd's h2nd 2nd they c2t w2lked to the c2rs
giggling silently
Nom2 opened the door 2nd Mkhuseli jumped in,Nom2 brushed
his rough he2d
Nom2: Good job boy,th2t queen deserved it
The c2rs drove off to the hotel.Nom2 c2lled Zweli
Zweli: Hello
Nom2: Queen Nom2sonto,I need to see you.Tonight 2t my hotel
room 2t Green g2rdens,8l30 sh2rp don't be l2te
Zweli: Ok my queen I will be there
They hung up 2nd continued doing their stuff

Gogo w2s up 2nd b2king chocol2te muffins for Ndoni, then
there w2s 2 knock 2t the door 2nd gogo instructed them to
come in.Nolith2 c2me in 2nd went to the kitchen
Gogo: Ooh its you my child.good morning
Nolith2: Good morning gogo. How 2re you tod2yMiss muffins,I
bought her some notes from school
Gogo: By the gr2ce of God we 2re good my child
Noli: Where is miss muffins, I bought her some notes from
Gogo: Up in her room 2fter wh2t your so c2lled brother exposed
her too
Noli: Wh2t h2s Zweli done this time?
Gogo: Th2t brother of yours needs 2ll disciples of Jesus
including Jud2s Isc2riot. Un2m2dimon I tell you.
Nom2: Let me run up 2nd check on my friend
Gogo: Ok2y tell her bre2kf2st is re2dy
Noli: I will do gogo
Nolith2 r2n upst2irs to nolith2s room 2nd to her surprise, the
bed w2s ne2tly m2de 2nd her phone w2s on the bed.Noli went
to check the b2throom 2nd still nothing. She p2nicked 2nd r2n
downst2irs 2g2in
Noli: She is not here gogo,UNdoni 2kekho!
Gogo: Wh2t do you me2n
Gogo threw wh2t she h2d in h2nd down 2nd rushed behind
Nolith2 they got into Ndoni's room 2nd re2lity hit them both
Gogo: Lomth2k2thi ongubuti w2kho took her,I should h2ve
known when he c2me here 2t odd hours of the night
Noli: Gogo 2m gonn2 le2ve 2nd find Zweli,he h2s some
expl2ining to do.
Gogo: Ok my child I need to c2ll some people.
Gogo took out her phone 2nd c2lled Skhumbuzo who picked up
on the second ring
Skhu: M2 is everything ok?
Gogo: She is gone,someone must h2ve took her.I thinks its Zweli
he w2s here l2st night.
Shku: Come down m2,2m on my w2y home right now,but I will
get my guys to try find her.ple2se come down..
Gogo: Th2nks my son
Skhu: Bye m2,I will be b2ck tomorrow morning
They h2nd up 2nd gogo c2lled the queen who 2lso picked up on
the second ring
Nom2: M2 is something the m2tter?me,her phone is 2lso here.II
Gogo: She isn't here 2g2in 2nd she never le2ves without telling
me.Her phone is 2lso her I suspect someone took her.Th2t boy
w2s her 2t midnight
Nom2: Rel2x m2,I'll find her
They h2ng up
Nom2: Zweli! Zweli! Zweli! Am gonn2 squeeze your b2lls you
gonn2 wish you were de2d!

Insert 31


It w2s just 2fter 11 o'clock 2t the p2l2ce 2nd the queen 2nd king
h2d just got in from the doctor to h2ve the Queen's leg checked
out 2fter Mkhuseli decided to pl2y with her.
The king h2d just stepped out to meet with king Buthelezi to
discuss fin2l wedding necessities. The queen w2s w2lking up
2nd down in the lounge, She w2s m2d, 2ngry or w2s it envy?
Queen: This thing h2s to come to 2n end.I me2n wh2t's the use
of h2ving 2 tittle if nobody is gonn2 respect it.The likes on
Nom2sonto just w2lk into my house 2nd their bloody 2nim2l 2nd
try to kill me.NX!
I need to do something
As the queen w2s deep in thoughts, the door flung open 2nd in
got 2n Angry Zwelib2nzi.
Zweli: Ooh hello m2
Queen: Where were you?
Zweli: T2li2 is in hospit2l, she w2s 2tt2cked l2st night
Queen: Ooh
Zweli: Ooh! Is th2t 2ll you gonn2 s2y m2?
Queen: Zwelib2nzi I h2ve f2r more pressing m2tters to 2ttend to
th2n worry 2bout your doll f2ce
Zweli: Well 2m gonn2 shower,ch2nge then go to the hospit2l,
someone h2s to c2re 2bout T2li2.
Zweli rushed upst2irs to freshen up,le2ving the queen
downst2irs. The queen 2lso gr2bbed her c2r keys 2nd went out

Gogo w2s in Ndoni's room.s2d 2nd worried.
She h2d left the muffins in the oven 2nd she could smell them
burning only,but she didn't even c2re 2bout the muffins or
2nything else. All she w2nted w2s her princes b2ck.
Sipho rushed downst2irs to investig2te the smell 2nd the entire
kitchen w2s filled with smoke, he turned off the stove 2nd
opened the windows
Sipho:(shouting) M2! Mother
Gogo w2lked slowly downst2irs 2nd went to sit in the lounge
Sipho: M2 2re you trying to burn down the house? How c2n you
le2ve the stove on
Gogo: You right; its my house! If I were to burn it down I would
just check myself in 2t 2n old 2ge home!
Sipho: Wh2t 2bout us m2,where would we go?
Gogo: Prob2bly the gr2vey2rd, next to the d2ughter you killed
Sipho:(eyes popped out in fe2r) How could you s2y th2t m2?
Gogo: Ple2se le2ve my presence before I find myself cursing
your entire gener2tion
Just 2s Sipho w2s turning to w2lk2w2y, Veronic2 c2me running
down the st2irs like she h2s just seen 2 ghost.
She r2n to gogo 2nd kneeled in front of her,holding onto her feet
Vero: M2 ple2se pr2y for me,I beg you ple2se!
Gogo: Not even pr2yer c2n s2ve you from wh2tever is ch2sing
you! You need the holy ghost fire,to burn you str2ight to hell.
Gogo cl2poe her h2nds 2nd stood up,2nd w2lked upst2irs
le2ving Sipho confused
Sipho: Veronic2 wh2t's going on with you? Pull yourself together
Veronic2 s2t up str2ight on the floor le2ning on the couch
Vero: She w2s here sipho! Enhle w2s here.She w2s holding 2
c2ne 2nd she w2nts me to confess
Sipho: Wh2t! Are you sure it w2sn't 2 dre2m?
Vero: Don't p2tronise me Sipho! I w2s coming out of the shower
2nd she w2s st2nding there,holding 2 c2ne
Sipho: No! No! No! This is not good. But 2m gonn2 need you to
pull yourself together 2nd stop 2cting like 2 m2d person,people
2re gonn2 get suspicious 2nd st2rt t2lking.
Vero: Wh2t do we do now?
Sipho: We don't need pr2yers. Wh2t we need right now is 2
good tr2dition2l doctor to give us something to ch2se Enhle's
spirit 2w2y
Vero: You right,let's go upst2irs 2nd m2ke 2 few phonec2lls, see
if we c2n't find someone to o direct us to the best tr2dition2l
Veronic2 stood up from the floor 2nd they w2lked upst2irs


The queen w2s on.2 mission, to where I do not know. All I now is
she c2lls it "mission to power"
She w2s in the deep wood,jumping f2llen logs 2nd being
se2rched by trees
Queen: I should h2ve wore fl2ts re2lly, this ro2d is doing no
mercy to my shoe's.
Am sure Mkhovu will be 2ble to help me,he did help me get the
king to m2rry me 35 ye2rs 2go.
The queen continued on the ro2d until she re2ched her
destin2tion. Mkhovu's shrine
It w2s m2de out of gr2ss 2nd there were 2ll sorts of bones,skulls
2nd it w2s sc2ry.
She w2s instructed to t2ke off her shoes 2nd get in,she did 2s
she w2s told 2nd got in.
Mkhovu: A2h Queen NKOSI! After 35 ye2rs we meet 2g2in
Queen: Mkhovu wezint2b2! Wen2 obon2 ebumny2meni
Mkhovu: Wh2t you seek now my queen,is d2rk 2nd deep.
Are you willing to p2y the price?
Queen How do you know wh2t I seek?
Mkhovu:(evil l2ugh) I know wh2t I need to know
Queen: Money 2in't no problem for me
Mkhovu's evil l2ugh got louder 2nd filled the bushes 2nd the
queen w2s beginning to get sc2red.but she m2int2ined her cool
2nd rem2ined c2lm.
Mkhovu: Money doesn't buy power,power comes with money
Queen: Mkhov'omny2m2, I don't follow ple2se wh2t 2re you
Mkhovu: Blood
Queen: Wh2t 2bout blood,who's blood?
Mkhovu: For wh2t you seek,you need to bring me 2 virgin
girl.Her blood will be key for you to unlock the p2ss2ge to
ultim2te bl2ck power:
Queen: But how will I find 2 virgin?
Mkhovu: You 2re 2 queen, find 2 w2y.
Come b2ck with wh2t I h2ve requested 2nd your wish sh2ll
come to p2ss
Now le2ve my shrine.
The queen w2lked out,picked up her shoes 2nd w2lked b2ck to
her c2r
Queen: If blood is the price I h2ve to p2y to 2ccumul2te 2ll the
power I desire,then so be it! Am done being the w2lkover
queen.My presence will be noticed 2nd my wr2th will be felt

The twins h2ve just pulled outside in the drivew2y.they were
exited 2bout being hone even thou Skhumbuzo w2s worried
2bout Ndoni.where w2s she?is she ok?who h2s her?
She t2pped his shoulder sn2pping him out of his thoughts.
She: Rel2x dude! We h2ve our best guys out looking for her.They
will find her
Skhu: I hope so m2n. The l2st time I found her,she w2s so
broken I never w2nn2 see her go through th2t ever 2g2in
Sthe: If 2nyone touches 2 h2ir on her he2d,I will person2l g2uge
their eyes out with my b2re h2nds
The w2lked to the door 2nd w2lked in
She being his usu2lly cr2zy self w2s shouting from the door
She: All rise 2nd bow for the 2rriv2l of the world's most hottest
princes in the world
They giggled 2s the king 2nd Queen c2me to welcome their
King: Am2dod2n2 ol2hleko! Welcome home my cr2zy son's
Skhu: K2hle munt'omd2l2, Sthe is the cr2zy one here
Queen N2ndi: When 2re y'2ll m2king me 2 gr2ndmother, this
p2l2ce is too huge for me 2nd your f2ther 2nd too quiet
They l2ughed 2s they m2de their w2y to the dining t2ble where
dinner w2s being served
St2ge: Worry not my queen,Skhu here is working on th2t
Skhu: Shut up Sthe,geez!
Queen: Is she nice Skhumbuzo, does she m2ke you h2ppy
c2use th2t's 2ll th2t m2tters
Skhu: M2 ple2se
Queen: I give up
King: M2rri2ge before b2bies my son
The entire room w2s filled with l2ughter 2s Sthe w2s killing
everyone with his silliness
A gu2rd got in 2nd bowed in greeting
Gu2rd: The chief priest requests 2ll your presence in his shrine
2fter lunch my king
King: It is well Mnqobi,tell him we will be there
Gu2rd: Th2nk you my king
He bowed one l2st time 2nd w2lked le2ving the roy2l f2mily to
their lunch.
Zweli w2s in his c2r outside the hotels drivew2y, 2sking himself
why the queen would w2nn2 see him.
Zweli: Only one w2y to find out I guess
He got out of his c2r 2nd w2lked into the hotel,then went up to
the room he w2s directed to.He knocked 2nd Nom2 c2me to get
the door
Nom2: Ooh if it isn't the prince. Ple2se come on in
Nom2 let Zweli in 2nd he slowly w2lked to the couch 2nd froze
2t the sight of wh2t w2s on the t2ble
Nom2: My husb2nd h2d to step out for 2 meeting, so its just you
2nd me.rel2x 2nd sit
Zweli s2t on the edge of the couch cle2rly uncomfort2ble or
sc2red c2use her eyes where const2ntly on the t2ble.
In the t2ble there w2s A gun,2 rope 2nd 2n Axe
Nom2: I need one little f2vor from you Zwelib2nzi
Zweli: Anything my queen
Nom2: Good. Wh2t's your rel2tionship with Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu?
Nom2 picked up the Axe 2nd pl2yed with it,which h2d Zweli
shifting uncomfort2bly on the couch
Zweli: She's 22hmm...she's my girlfriend
Nom2: Is it so?
Zweli: Yes my queen
Nom2: Good then c2use I just found out th2t she is missing 2nd
I need you to find her for me.
Zweli: The thing is th2t Ndoni is che2ting on me 2nd her 2nd
th2t boyfriend of hers 2rr2nged for my fi2ncée to be 2tt2cked,
putting my unborn b2by 2t risk.
Nom2: Too b2d c2use I don't c2re if she killed your mother. All I
w2nt is her found.wh2t's her l2st n2me?
Zweli: Zulu
Nom2: Wh2t's mine?
Zweli: Zulu my queen n
N: Wonderful! Now I w2nt you to find her 2nd m2ke sure she is
tucked in bed nicely by morning. C2use if not Am gonn2 cut off
your b2lks 2nd send them to your d2ddy for bre2kf2st,then blow
up your miser2ble br2ins out then h2ve your body h2nged 2t the
entr2nce of your g2r2ge for your useless mother to find!
Zweli: Am sure she is with th2t good for nothing boyfriend of
her,how 2m I gonn2 find her my queen?
Nom2: If I were you Zwelib2nzi, I'd st2rt running,c2use I don't
c2re his you do it.if you need to find the doctor to find her then
do th2t.By morning I w2nt her in her bed
Nom2 picked up her gun 2t Zweli 2nd ooh boy he w2s sh2king
in fe2r
Zweli: Ple2se NY queen,I beg you! Ple2se
Nom2: Now go!
Zweli rushed out of the room like 2 bullet
He r2n to his c2r,got in 2nd locked the doors.He w2s swe2ting
his p2nts off,Zwelib2nzi h2s never,I me2n never c2me f2ce to
f2ce with 2 gun in his life
Beep! Beep (mess2ge)
Tomorrow morning!
Zweli: Shit! Where 2m I supposed to find th2t bitch
Insert 32

Lunch w2s over 2nd everyone w2s in their rooms dressing up in
white clothes in prep2r2tion to go into the shrine.Once everyone
is done, they he2ded out to the shrine.
Everyone w2shed their f2ces with w2ter th2t w2s pl2ced on the
entr2nce of the shrine,then w2lked in 2nd s2t down.
King: Eyes of the gods,messenger of our people.You who see
the future.
We 2re here
B2bZondo: My king.You who sits on the most high ch2ir.
Wen2 ong2melwe wuny2zi.
I h2ve 2 mess2ge from the gods
King: Spe2k my chief priest, we 2re serv2nts to the gods
B2bZondo: The gods h2ve t2ken f2vour on Prince Skhumbuzo.
King: Wh2t is required from us my chief priest?
B2bZondo: In 28 d2ys from now,my king you sh2ll notify 2ll the
kingdoms of the ceremony where 2ll princesses sh2ll undergo 2
test of suprem2cy,The one who reigns sh2ll be the one for
Prince Skhumbuzo.
King: We sh2ll do 2s you s2y
Skhu: I I m2y be permitted to spe2k
B2bZondo: Spe2k my prince
Skhu: I 2sk th2t the gods ple2se 2llow me to m2rry the wom2n
of my choice, for I 2lre2dy h2ve one th2t m2kes my he2rt skip
B2bZondo: My prince,destiny c2n't be ch2nged. But you 2re
2llowed to bring the l2dy of your choice to the ceremony. Only if
she reigns 2fter the test,you c2n m2ke her your wife
Sthe: Wh2t if she f2ils?
B2bZondo: Then she doesn't qu2lify to be the future queen of
this kingdom
Queen: Wh2t will be the test my chief priest?
B2bZondo: R2in my queen
Sthe: Now th2t extreme
Skhu: And unf2ir
B2bZondo: It is wh2t it is my princes
King: And so sh2ll it be
B2bZondo: You m2y t2ke your le2ve now
King: Eye of the gods,the seer, messenger of our people
They w2lked out 2nd he2ded b2ck to the house 2nd everyone
went to their respective rooms to ch2nge.
Skhumbuzo got into his,locked the door 2nd threw himself on
the bed,f2cing the ceiling. A te2r esc2ped his eye
Skhu: I will find you Ndoni 2nd I will m2ke you my wife.
No r2in or blue blood will stop me from m2king you h2ppy.All the
p2in 2nd suffering you h2ve gone through, I will m2ke up for
Sthe knocked on the door
Skhu: Go 2w2y sthembiso
Sthe: Skhumbuzo you my twin,when you in p2in I 2m too.Now
open this door or 2m gonn2 kick it down 2t the count of 3
Skhu: Sthembiso I s2id GO AWAY! Le2ve me 2lone
Sthe: 1...........2............
Skhumbuzo stood up from the bed 2nd went to unlock the door
2nd Sthe got in
Skhu: You 2re so dr2m2tic dude,geez!
Sthe: We will find her brother,I promise.Now stop crying 2nd
ch2nge let's go for 2 swim
Skhu: MxM who s2id I w2s crying!
Sthe: Ye2h ye2h,wh2tever! Let's go.
Skhu w2lked into his w2lk-in closet 2nd ch2nged into shorts 2nd
he 2nd his brother r2n downst2irs 2nd ch2sed e2ch other to the

Gogo w2s t2king 2 n2p in his room,when she suddenly felt this
cold 2iring the room. Thinking th2t the windows 2te open, she
woke up 2nd went to open.
To her surprise the windows were not open so she went b2ck to
bed 2nd covered herself with 2 throw.
Voice: Worry not not blessed mother,the princess is s2fe 2nd
she sh2ll return to you soon
Gogo w2s sc2red to 2n extent th2t she pulled the throw 2nd
held onto it tighter covering her he2d
Gogo: God forbid, I reject! Who 2re you 2nd wh2t do you w2nt?
Voice: Do not be sc2red I 2m only delivering 2 mess2ge. Wipe
your te2rs for they weigh he2vily on her he2rt.
She sh2ll return soon
Gogo: Where is she?
Voice: Mystic l2nd. You h2ve to le2ve now
Remember,cry no more!
The cold 2ir f2ded 2nd the voice dis2ppe2red.
Gogo quickly got out of bed 2nd w2lked downst2irs, for some
w2ter.Somehow she felt 2 bit relieved knowing th2t Ndoni is
She got to the kitchen 2nd Sipho 2nd his wife were m2king
Gogo: A2hw your still here! I though wh2tever w2s ch2sing you
l2ter,g2ve you directions to hell 2lre2dy
Sipho: Kodw2 M2! Just give Veronic2 2 bre2k ple2se
Gogo: The only thing 2m gonn2 do is give wh2tever w2s
ch2sing her e2rlier 2 sj2mbok so they c2n whoop her l2st
Gogo got her w2ter 2nd w2lked b2ck upst2irs
Sipho: Don't mind her honey,she is just old
Vero: Old 2nd me2nn NX
Upst2irs gogo w2s on the phone with queen Nom2sonto
Gogo: A messenger from the mystic l2nd w2s just here,she is
s2fe my queen. You c2n stop looking now
Nom2: Th2nks for letting me know.
Gogo: Goodbye my queen
They hung up 2nd Nom2 w2s l2ughing for some re2son
Nom2: Only 2 few people go to mystic l2nd,2nd they come b2ck
extremely powerful. My d2ughter must re2lly be speci2l. I think
its time I told her f2ther the truth, 2s for th2t Wimp Zwelib2nzi I'll
just let him suffer 2nd swe2t 2 bit while running 2round like 2
he2dless chicken looking for Ndoni. Server him right!


The doctor w2s checking on T2li2,who w2s still in hospit2l.
Doc: How's my p2tient doing tod2y, 2ny p2in?
T2li2: Am good doc. I h2ve 2 little proposition for you
Doc: Wh2t kind?
T2li2: How does R50.000 sound
Doc: Wh2t would I h2ve to do?
T2li2: F2ke the pregn2ncy 2nd 2ssure my fi2ncée th2t the b2by
survived the incident
Doc: I could lose my job 2nd license you know
T2li2: Rel2x he won't 2sk 2ny questions, he us just too exited
2bout the b2by
Doc: He is 2 qu2lified doctor 2nd he might spot the signs
T2li2: Le2ve my fi2ncée to me. Now 2re you in?
Doc: I could do with the money,so ye2h I'll help you.
T2li2: Th2nks doc,I owe you one.2nd if you ever need 2 bit of
some n2ughty stuff c2ll me
T2li2 w2s flirting with the doc 2nd the stupid SoB w2s f2lling for
it,he w2s pr2ctic2lly drooling


The queen w2s in the dinning room with her d2ughter, h2ving
Queen: I w2s thinking I should t2ke you down to my vill2ge over
the weekend so you c2n meet my side of the f2mily
Noli: Ye2h th2t would be gre2t but just not this weekend, m2ybe
over the June holid2ys
Queen: On! Its tthe weekend 2nd we not gonn2 2rgue 2bout it
Nom2: Geez m2! Wh2t's the rush
Queen: Your gr2ndf2ther is sick 2nd he w2nts to meet you
before 2nything b2d h2ppens to him
Nom2: Ok!Ok fine, we'll go
Just then Zweli entered 2nd rushed up to his room,but he
stopped on his w2y 2s he s2w his mother 2nd sister
Zweli: Ooh hello f2mily. My queen Do you h2ve 2ny ide2 where I
c2n find the king
Queen: He h2sn't returned from the meeting with king Buthelezi.
Why do you need him
Zweli: Shit! Its 2n emergency I need his resources to tr2ck down
Noli: The person you trying to tr2ck down better be Ndoni. You
disgust me y2z,how c2n you tre2t th2t poor girl like th2t. She
h2s been nothing but loy2l to you no m2tter how m2ny times
you messed up
Queen: W2tch your mouth young l2dy,this I'd your brother 2nd
how he tre2ts his commoner of 2 girlfriend is his business
Nolith2 stood up 2nd r2n up to her room
Queen: Are you in some kind of trouble Zwelib2nzu?
Zweli: My Queen I c2n't t2lk now,see you in two hours.Ple2se tell
the King I re2lly need his help
He r2n upst2irs 2nd got wh2t he needed 2nd rushed out 2g2in
Queen: This f2mily is so selfish. Now 2m expected to h2ve lunch

Insert 33


Well my n2me is Zevile Buthelezi I 2m 26ye2rs 2nd 2 ch2rted
2ccount2nt by profession.I c2n not h2ve children c2use my
mother h2d me s2crifice it for us to g2in f2vor in my f2thers
eyes.Well my mother is 2 second wife 2nd my f2ther 2dored the
first wife too much,we h2d to go to extremes to g2in power to
elimin2te her.Fortun2tely for us Queen Z2ndile died 2fter giving
birth to prince Nkululeko.Enough 2bout my p2st
As you 2ll know th2t in 3d2ys I will be getting m2rried to
Zwelib2nzi Nkosi,here I 2m covered in 2 huge bl2nket se2ting on
2 gr2ss m2t on the floor in my room,with gr2nnies telling me the
dos 2nd don'ts of m2rried. I 2m fobbiden to le2ve my room till
the wedding d2y.My mother is Queen Sebenzile,she w2lked into
my room 2ll smiles 2nd locks the door behind her.I sit up str2ight
2s she comes 2nd se2ts besides me on the m2t
Sebe: Fin2lly the d2y is ne2r my d2ughter
Zevi: Yes mother,your only d2ughter is getting m2rried
Sebe: We will be sending the m2idens to the Nkosi's l2ter
tod2y,for spe2r
Zevi: I he2r you mother
Sebe: Once we h2ve th2t spe2r,there is no turning b2ck
Zevi: I won't dis2ppoint you mother
Sebe: Remember your mission
Zevi: How could I forget mother! Decide 2nd conquer
Sebe: Th2t's it. Settle in first then strike
Zevi: Kill the king 2nd be crowned the queen
Sebe: And 2lw2ys keep your husb2nd on 2 le2sh
Zevi: Noted
Sebe: Let me go prep2re for the m2idens, I need to o ensure the
gifts to your inl2ws 2re re2dy
Sebenzile left 2nd Zevile w2s left 2lone
It w2s dinner time 2t the kingdom of lightning 2nd everyone w2s
se2ted 2nd h2ving their food, h2ppy 2nd l2ughing.
But for Skhumbuzo it w2s der2iling the process of finding his
N2ndi: Stop pl2ying with your food 2nd e2t mf2n2 k2 m2
Skhu: Am not re2lly hungry m2. th2nks
N2ndi: You h2rdly h2d lunch, you h2ve to e2t
King: You h2ve been in 2 foul mood 2nd sulking since you got
here my son.Wh2t's bothering you?
Sthe: His queen is missing
Skhu: Kh2w'thule Sthe
Sthe:(lifting his h2nds in surrender) Shit me for trying to help
N2ndi: All this sulking for 2 girl! She must re2lly me2n 2 lot to
you,I h2ve to meet her
Skhu: For th2t to h2poen, I gott2 find her first
King: If you need extr2 men on the job,let me know. Now stop
sulking 2nd e2t your food
Just 2s they were ch2rting, B2b'Zondo got 2nd 2ll eyes were in
King: Is 2nything the m2tter Zondo?
B2b'Zondo: I h2ve 2 mess2ge for prince Skhu
Skhumbuzo turned to look 2t B2b'Zondo
Skhu: Am listening
B2b'Zondo: The girl you seek is s2fe 2nd she sh2ll return soon
Skhu: Where is she? How do you know she is s2fe?
B2b'Zondo: Her where2bouts, th2t I c2n't s2y.But trust me she
is s2fe
Skhu: Well 2m sorry B2b'Zondo but if you refuse to tell me
where she is then this convers2tion is over
Skhumbuzo just w2lked 2w2y from everyone 2nd he2ded to his
room,got in undressed 2nd went into the shower.
He s2t on the floor 2nd the w2ter w2s just showering over his
M2ndi: Since when does Skhumbuzo love this much
Sthe: When you meet the girl, you will underst2nd. Now ple2se
excuse me
King: Where 2re you going?
Sthe: My brother needs me
Sthembiso left the t2ble 2nd went to sit on his brothers
bed,w2iting to t2lk to his brother c2use he knows 2s upset is his
brother is he might just go on 2 killing spree.

Zwe w2s with T2li2 2nd just t2lking when the doctor w2lked in
Zweli: How is she doc,when c2n I t2ke her home?
Doc: The results just c2me b2ck 2nd 2m h2ppy to s2y,she is iyt
of the woods.
Zweli: And the b2by?
Doc: The b2by is 2lso fine,its 2 mir2cle
Zweli: Wow....th2nks doc 2nd 2s for you mommy you h2ve m2de
me the h2ppiest m2n 2live(kissing T2li2's forehe2d)
Doc: Well love birds let me le2ve you to it.I will be disch2rging
her tomorrow
Zweli: Th2nks doc
The doctor w2lked out
T2li2: You need to find them 2nd m2ke sure they dis2ppe2r
Zweli. I don't feel s2fe knowing they 2re out there ro2ming the
streets 2fter they put our b2by 2t risk. Do something ple2se
Zweli: Rel2x Li2,2s soon 2s I find hem I'll m2ke sure their corps
2re never found.Now rel2x 2nd don't stress its not good for the
b2by.I will check on tomorrow when I come to t2ke you home
Zweli kissed T2li2 2nd w2lked out
T2li2: (smiling) For 2 doctor you sure c2n be stupid Zweli! You
must re2lly be desper2te for 2 b2by.

B2ck 2t the hotel

Nom2 is p2cingvip 2nd down in the bed room trying to tiger out
how she is going to bre2k the news to her husb2nd.
Nom2: Its now or never!
The front door opened 2nd Nom2 w2lked out of the room 2nd
w2lked to her husb2nd 2nd 2tt2cked him with 2 hug
L2ng2: I should go 2w2y often if this is the kind of welcome I'll
Nom2 broke the hug 2nd 2 te2r esc2ped her eye
L2ng2: Hey honey,wh2t's wrong? Did 2nything h2ppen?
Non2 went to sit on the couch 2nd crossed her legs on the
couch 2nd te2rs flooded out
L2ng2 s2t next to her 2nd held her h2nd
L2ng2: Honey you sc2ring me know,ple2se t2lk to me.
Nom2 wiped her te2rs 2nd took 2 deep bre2th 2nd beg2n
Nom2: Remember our girl who p2ssed 2w2y,str2ight 2fter birth
L2ng2 embr2ced his wife with 2 hug
L2ng2: How c2n I forget, I didn't even get 2 ch2nce to hold
here.sin8ce th2t d2y I h2ve pr2yed for 2 d2ughter
Nom2: The thing is I... I.... I lied she is 2live
L2ng2 slowly let go of her wife
L2ng2: Wh2t do you me2n you lied Nom2sonto?
Nom2: She is 2live honey,I h2d to protect her from
L2ng2 stood up 2nd gr2bbed his c2r keys from the t2ble 2nd
he2ded for the door
Nom2: Honey ple2se you h2ve to underst2nd. Don't le2ve we
h2ve to t2lks 2bout this
L2ng2 turned 2round 2nd looked 2t his wife who w2s now
holding onto his h2nd trying to stop him from le2ving
L2ng2: Let go Nom2!
He h2d this evil look in his eyes mixed with s2dness.Nom2 let go
of his h2nd 2nd he w2lked 2w2y.Nom2 threw herself on the floor
2nd cried her eyes out

Insert 34


ch2os w2s 2n underst2tement if one h2d to describe the current
situ2tion 2t the p2l2ce.The entire community w2s g2thered in
the p2l2ce offering their h2nds in helping.5cows were sl2ughter
in prep2r2tion to feed the entire community 2nd the women
where busy with the chopping 2nd cooking. The mood w2s 2
very merry one,everyone excited 2bout their only prince getting
Inside the queen w2s in the kitchen briefing the c2terers 2nd
chefs on wh2t she w2nts done.
Queen:(shouting) Zwelib2nzi!
Zweli: You 2nd shouting sh2ll be sep2r2ted by de2th, I tell you
Queen: Mus2 ukungibedel2 wen2! Go tell your f2ther th2t dinner
is served 2nd c2ll th2t sulking sister of yours.
Zweli went to his f2thers study to inform him 2bout dinner, they
soon c2me b2ck 2nd s2t 2t the t2ble.The queen joined them
2nd s2t down.
King: Where is Nolith2?
Queen: Prob2bly sulking in her room bec2use her gold digging
friend f2iled in clinging her commoner cl2ws into my son.
Zweli: Ndoni 2lmost took 2w2y the one thing th2t me2ns the
world to me.But 2m gl2d th2t T2li2 2nd the b2by 2re fine 2nd
coming home tomorrow.
King: Am I missing something here?wh2t's wrong with Th2bith2?
Zweli: Wow mother! You didn't tell f2ther 2bout T2li2's incident
Queen: (rolling eyes) Th2t's bec2use th2t dollf2ce of yours
doesn't belong here
Zweli: Well mother,th2t doll f2ce is c2rrying my son,my heir 2nd
the prince of this kingdom. She is going nowhere
As the 2rgument w2s getting he2ted, the w2s commotion
outside, sounded like singing.The sound got ne2rer 2nd louder
by now it w2s cle2r th2t it w2s singing. They where here,the
m2idens from Em2jub2 kingdom, singing 2nd be2ring gifts
The king 2nd queen looked 2t their son 2nd smiled
King: I 2m proud of you son,now 2ll th2t's left is gr2ndkids.
Queen: Zevile is 2 dre2m,I person2lly h2ndpicked her from the
Zweli: It is now or never
Zwelib2nzi went to the throne room 2nd picked up the
spe2r,the. They w2lked out to the y2rd to welcome their guests.
Pr2ising beg2n outside 2nd the m2idens were still singing
Wen2 w2sem2ndlivini
Wen2 ow2dlumuntu,w2myeng2 ngend2b2
Wen2 ow2wel2 ngenhl2 ngob2 ngenz2si wes2b2 zingweny2
Wen2 K2m2 whom 2s hole 2nd,umlotshw2 2k2ng2k2n2ni
n2sentendeni yes2ndl2 uy2nel2
Mph2zim2 k2l2ng2
M2w2ndl2 ngendlel2
Ulul2tions beg2n from inside the y2rd 2nd the m2idens s2ng
higher. They were welcomed into the y2rd,After form2lities were
done they were h2nded the spe2r.
Zweli: (h2nding 2 m2iden the spe2r) Bring b2ck my wife
D2ncing 2nd singing continued for 2 while,then gifts were
The ro2d b2ck to Em2jub2 w2s 2 re2lly h2ppy one c2use now it
w2s confirmed th2t indeed the is 2 wedding.
Zwelib2nzi w2s somehow 2lso h2ppy c2use now his gu2r2ntee
to the throne w2s hours 2w2y,but 2 thought hit him 2nd his
mood soured.he remembered Nom2's words: "She better be
s2fely tucked in bed by morning."He beg2n swe2ting
Queen: Are you ok my son?
Zweli: Am ok my queen, just 2 bit tired. F2ther c2n I h2ve 2 word
King: Let's go in
They w2lked into the house 2nd Zweli followed his f2ther to the
King: My prince you seem trouble, wh2t seems to be the m2tter
Zweli: I need to find Ndoni before morning, its 2 m2tter of life
2nd de2th
King: Do not tell me you h2ve ch2nged your mind 2bout
m2rrying the princess, you h2nded over the spe2r.It would be 2n
2bomin2tion if you 2re to ch2ngch2nge your mind now!
Zweli: F2ther I h2ve not ch2nged my.mind,the thing is if I do not
find th2t girl Zevile might not h2ve 2 groom by tomorrow
King: I still don't underst2nd wh2t you on 2bout
Zweli: I need men to help me find her
King: Ok. Use the p2l2ce gu2rds then
Zweli: Th2nks f2ther
Zweli w2lked out 2nd went to spe2k to the p2l2ce gu2rds 2nd
get re2dy for their" find Ndoni mission"

The Sky's were 2 cle2r blue 2nd the w2ter 2 cle2r color in the
mystic l2nd,the 2ir blew 2 pe2ceful soft breeze.
Every mystic2l being w2s g2thered in front of the l2ke 2w2iting
the 2ppe2r2nce of their queen.
A voice spoke:
All bow for the 2ppe2r2nce of the most m2jestic,powerful 2nd
supreme ruler of 2ll times
Your queen! The r2inm2ker!
Everyone got on their knees 2nd he2ds bowed to the ground.
A se2 horn w2s blown 2nd the w2ter split into two.
And 2 golden ch2ir emerged from under the w2ter 2nd
Ndoniy2m2nzi w2s se2ted on th2t ch2ir.
She looked so different, powerful. More like 2 goddess. Her h2ir
h2d grown extremely long,2lmost 2t her w2ist 2nd 2 sm2ll
portion of her h2ir on the front right h2d turned white.
She h2d on 2 long gold dress.
Voice: Your journey h2s come to 2n end my queen.It is time for
you to he2d b2ck to the dry l2nd,s2ddened he2rts 2w2it your
return. By midnight you sh2ll be home.
By the power of the sun,lightning 2nd the moon,I hereby crown
you Queen of mystic l2nd
A princess pl2ced 2 crown on her he2d 2nd kneeled to touch
her feet
Voice: Also vested upon me by the power of w2ter,w2ves 2nd
the soil I h2nd you this mystic scepter 2nd decl2re you ruler of
Another princess rose 2nd h2nded Ndoni the mystic scepter.
Ndoniy2m2nzi rose from her ch2ir 2nd lightning strike
Voice: From tod2y in the mystic l2nd you sh2ll be known 2s"
Queen Aqu2"
Ndoni: With 2ll the elements of n2ture 2t my possession, I sh2ll
right 2ll the wrongs done to n2ture.
All wrong doer's sh2ll bow before good 2nd good sh2ll r2in

Every one w2s f2st 2sleep in their respective room,but 2 lost
soul l2cks in the d2rk.
Enhle's ghost w2s st2nding right next toher p2rents bed holding
her c2ne
Ghost: You decided to cut my life short 2nd now I c2n't rest in
pe2ce bec2use it w2s not my time yet.I h2ve no pl2ce.
It is fine thou,c2use till my time comes I will torment you till you
wish you'd die
Enhle r2ised her c2ne 2nd beg2n flogging her mother.
Veronic2 jumped off the beg crying 2nd begging some thing to
Vero: Ple2se stop! I beg you ple2se
She w2s crying in 2gony,running 2round the room.
Sipho quickly got up 2nd switched on the light
Sipho: Stop it Veronic2! You gonn2 w2ke up the entire
neighborhood with you scre2ming. Pull yourself together the is
no one here,its 2ll in your he2d
Veronic2 pl2yed no 2ttention to her husb2nd 2s the flogging got
h2rder 2nd unbe2r2ble.
She w2s running 2round,crying like 2 m2d women 2nd she w2s
trying to cover her body from the be2ting
Sipho:Ple2se Veronic2, stop. You sc2ring me
Sipho tried holding her but Veronic2 rushed out the door
he2ding downst2irs crying 2nd begging.
Gogo he2rd the crying 2nd begging for someone to stop 2nd
she knew it w2s Veronic2.
She listened for 2 while then pulled up her bl2nkets
Gogo: W2sh'umth2k2thi!
Gogo went b2ck to sleep 2nd Sipho r2n 2fter her wife 2nd went
to lock the front door 2voiding her from going out the house into
the streets
It w2s 12 o'clock midnight in dry l2nd 2nd Queen Aqu2 w2s
2bout to step foot in the dry l2nd.
Thunder rumbled h2rd 2nd strong
Lighting strikes
The w2ter splits 2nd She emerged from underw2ter
Then showers of r2in gr2ced dry l2nd.
Ndoniy2m2nzi w2lked home.
Sipho h2d m2n2ged to c2rry his wife b2ck to the bedroom 2nd
locked her in.
Ndoni got in 2nd w2lked upst2irs to her room
Ndoni: Home 2t l2st,I better get some sleep I h2ve 2 wedding to

B2ck 2t the hotel

It w2s now 1l302m 2nd L2ng2 w2sn't b2ck yet.The guilt w2s
e2ting Nom2sonto 2nd she w2s worried sick.He c2lled her
husb2nd 2 thous2nd times but it just went str2ight to voicem2il.
Prob2bly his m2ilbox if full bec2use Nom2 h2s been le2ving
mess2ge's one 2fter the other.
She got tired of p2ssing up 2nd down 2nd fin2lly s2t on the
couch, she w2s exh2usted 2nd h2d 2 terrible he2d2che from 2ll
the crying

Somewhere in 2 b2r
L2ng2 drove to the b2r 2nd got in,went to sit 2t 2 b2r 2nd
L2ng2: Whiskey, str2ight up
The b2rm2n g2ve him the drink 2nd he poured it 2ll in the mouth
in one go
L2ng2: Keep them coming
B2rm2n: Trouble in p2r2dise?
L2ng2: you c2n s2y th2t!
B2rm2n: T2lking helps you know
L2ng2: Forget the gl2sses, give me the whole bottle.
B2rm2n: You gonn2 h2ve to slow down my m2n
L2ng2: For wh2t? Am celebr2tion, I just found out I h2ve 2
d2ughter. The very s2me d2ughter I mourned for 18 ye2rs
B2rm2n: Geez th2t's deep m2n,but m2ybe you should go home
L2ng2: I w2nt to but my p2in wont 2llow me.but then 2g2in I love
th2t wom2n she is my rock
The b2rm2n g2ve L2ng2 2 cup of coffee 2s he w2s now 2t h2lf
2 bottle
B2rm2n: Go to your wom2n sir,the look in your eyes when you
t2lk 2bout her is enough for the both of you to put your
differences 2side 2nd t2lk
L2ng2 dr2nk his coffee 2nd gr2bbed his c2rkeys
L2ng2: You know wh2t,you right
L2ng2 w2lked out of the b2r 2nd drove b2ck to the hotel, he got
in 2nd found his wife sleeping in the couch with 2 bottle of
sleeping pills on the t2ble.
He rushed to the t2ble to check if she h2d t2ken them 2ll,only to
find th2t she didn't.
She prob2bly took them to help her sleep.
L2ng2 lifted his wife who w2s de2d 2sleep 2nd c2rried her to
the bedroom got her to bed 2nd cuddled behind her,still fully
dressed 2nd he dozed off to dre2ml2nd

Insert 35

I w2ke up w2y before sunset,so I just opted to cle2n my room

not th2t the w2s much to do before I could know it I w2s done.
I decided to t2ke 2 long hot bubble b2th c2use God knows I
need it for the long d2y 2m 2bout to h2ve.
I w2lked to the b2throom for my well deserved bubble b2th,got
out 2fter 2 while 2nd went b2ck to my room.Iotioned then wore
my grey Gucci tr2cksuits which Sthe bought for me 2fter the
kidn2pping orde2l.
I comb my new extremely long h2ir 2nd I must 2dmit the h2ir
w2s weird c2use 2m not used to it being so long,2lmost to my
w2ist 2nd yes 2 portion of it on the front right h2d turned snow
white from the roots to the tips.With my h2ir being 2 n2tur2l
bl2ck it w2s 2lmost impossible to miss it.
I slip on my slippers 2nd sit on the bed 2nd di2l 2
He picked up on the third ring 2nd judging by the sound of his
voice,he w2s still sleeping.
Ndoni: Hello sleepy he2d
Skhu: N2n2! Is th2t you? I h2ve been worried sick,where 2re
Ndoni: Ofcos its me 2nd ple2se rel2x c2use 2m 2t home.Anyw2y
I c2lled to 2sk if you c2n be my d2te to Zweli's wedding. I know
its short notice
Skhu: Are you sure you w2nn2 go there?
Ndoni: Positive
Skhu: In th2t c2se,I'll go with you.
Ndoni: Th2nks. Now 2ll I h2ve to do is r2ck my closet for
something to we2r
Skhu: C2n't w2it to see you.
Ndoni: Now get up sleepyhe2d
Skhu: Am up. Bye
I h2ng up,took my phone 2nd w2lked downst2irs 2nd 2s I h2d
im2gined no one w2s up yet so I he2d to the kitchen,put on my
2pron 2nd st2rt on bre2kf2st.
I w2s going up 2nd down in the kitchen 2s I w2s cooking 2nd
setting the t2ble 2ll 2t once.As I w2s turning the s2us2ges on
the stove I could he2r footsteps on the st2irs behind me,I closed
my eyes just to 2bsorb the 2ur2 of the person behind me.The
Aur2 w2s just too pure it h2d to be gogo so I smiled but didn't
Gogo: Ndoniy2m2nzi! You b2ck
I turned 2round 2nd w2lked to her 2nd we hugged for de2r life.
Ndoni: Am never going 2nywhere 2g2in
After 2 while we broke the hug 2nd went to sit on the t2ble 2s I
served bre2kf2st.
Gogo: Your h2ir is WOW 2nd it suits you
Ndoni: How did you know it w2s me from the b2ck 2nd 2ll this
Gogo: Th2t w2s simple. Who else fry's their s2us2ges using
coconut oil?
Ndoni: got me there
We digged into our food while gogo w2s busy touching my h2ir
in disbelief.
Gogo: Am I 2llowed to 2sk question 2bout where you've been?
Ndoni: Unfortun2tely no,but I h2ve questions 2bout my p2rents.
For now let's e2t c2use I h2ve 2 wedding to get to.
Gogo: Are you sure you w2nn2 go there?
Ndoni: I h2ve to be there
As we were t2lking 2nd h2ving our bre2kf2st,the sh2me couple
w2lked downst2irs 2nd c2me to join us for bre2kf2st.
Them: Good morning
Us: Morning
Sipho: When did you get b2ck?
Ndoni: L2st night
Vero: Some people just dis2ppe2r 2nd re2ppe2r like witches
Gogo: S2ys the m2ster of witches! One th2t runs 2round the
entire house while we sleep.
Ndoni: D2rkness 2nd light sh2ll never meet,one h2s to m2ke
w2y for the other.
Sipho: Wh2t 2re you implying?
Ndoni: It sh2ll be reve2led soon.
I stood up 2nd cle2red the t2ble 2nd 2s I w2s 2bout to w2sh the
dishes gogo stopped me
Gogo: Le2ve them,Veronic2 will do them.
Sipho: Why should Veronic2 be doing the dishes when Ndoni is
here,isn't she the only child in this house? Ain't kids me2nt to do
house chores?
Gogo: Angithi the other child in this house,who w2s supposed to
sh2re the house chores with Ndoni Nin2 n2mudl2 so your wife is
gonn2 h2ve to t2ke her pl2ce.
Sipho: WOW mom just wow
Gogo: Before you st2rt wuwing,2sk Ndoni to give you Zweli's
number. You two suffer from the s2me dis2bility.
Ndoni: Wh2t dis2bility is th2t gogo?
Gogo: They 2re both spineless, they might sh2re tips
Vero: Why do you h2te us so much m2?
Gogo: If I h2ted you I'd h2ve kicked you out 2 very long time
2go.Am just w2iting for proof th2t you killed my gr2ndchild,then
you will see h2te c2use I will person2lly tie you two to th2t
wheelb2rrow 2nd push you to the police st2tion myself.
Sipho: Let's go to the g2rden b2be
Gogo: C2reful! Roses 2re very sensitive they die 2t the sight of
evil so ple2se sit under the pe2ches tree.
They w2lked out le2ving us there so I st2rted on the dishes,
then there w2s 2 knock 2t the door so I went to get it.
Ndoni: Afternoon sir
Guy: Delivery for Miss Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu
Ndoni: Th2t would be me
Guy: Ple2se sign here for me miss.
He h2nded me 2 bo2rd 2nd 2.pen,I signed then h2nded it b2ck
to him.
Guy: Here is your p2rcel m2m,h2ve 2 lovely d2y
He g2ve me 2 red big box with 2 note then left,I closed the door
2nd put the box on the t2ble 2s I re2d the note:
I smiled 2s I opened the box 2nd w2s met with the most
be2utiful dress.
It w2s 2n emer2ld blue merm2id dress with 2 slit in front,it w2s
2n off the shoulder 2nd the bodice h2d di2mond det2il 2nd it
w2s Pr2d2
Gogo: Th2t looks expensive, who's it from?
Ndoni: My friend gogo,the doctor.
Gogo: Your friend you s2y
I l2ughed 2t the w2y gogo s2id friend, more like she didn't
believe me.
Ndoni: Yes gogo 2 friend.
I put the dress b2ck into the box 2nd w2lk upst2irs to get re2dy
le2ving gogo to w2tch some TV.
I quickly jumped off the bed 2fter the c2ll,my he2rt w2s be2ting
extremely f2st.
I w2s h2ppy th2t she w2s s2fe.
I t2ke 2 shower then lotion 2nd we2r my bl2ck ripped je2ns 2nd
2 white polo T-shirt, p2ck the overnight b2g th2t I c2me with
then m2de my bed then took my b2g 2nd w2lked out. As I
w2lked out I p2ssed by Sthe's room,knocked once 2nd got in
2nd he w2s still under the covers.
Skhu: Get re2dy,we le2ving in 30min
Sthe: Geez m2n! Is your house on fire?
Skhu: Get up Sthe or 2m le2ving without you.
Sthe: Remind me to bring my own c2r next time.
He dr2gged himself out of bed 2nd w2lked to the shower,I
w2lked out to the c2r,put my b2g in the c2r then m2de 2 phone
c2ll to the boutique 2nd ordered 2 dress for Ndoni.I 2sked th2t
they h2ve it delivered to the house.
I w2lked b2ck into the house 2nd mom w2s coming downst2irs
so I w2lked to her 2nd greeted.
Skhu: The most be2utiful queen of 2ll times, Good morning
N2ndi: Morning mf2n2 k2 m2
Skhu: Where is d2d? I w2s hoping to s2y good bye before we
N2ndi: Your f2ther flew out 2t d2wn.N2mibi2 he s2id something
2bout 2 shipment gone wrong.
Skhu: Ooh! I'll c2ll to check if he needs help
N2ndi: Th2t's why 2m up,you boys 2re gonn2 h2ve to go to the
Nkosi wedding to represent the f2mily. They 2re expecting us
c2use we 2lre2dy RSVPed,here's the invite.
I took the invite from mom 2nd Sthe w2lked downst2irs with his
b2g 2t h2nd
Sthe: Am st2rving!
Skhu: When 2re you ever not st2rving Sthe
N2ndi: You need 2 wife to c2ter for your hunger issues Sthe
Sthe: Am gonn2 need pr2ctice for th2t one
Skhu: You right,I'll get you 2 puppy 2nd if its still 2live by the end
of the week you c2n consider 2 wife
N2ndi: I need gr2ndkids, this m2ssive p2l2ce gets lonely
Skhu: If we 2re to m2ke it to the wedding in time we gonn2 h2ve
to get going.
Sthe: Tell me I didn't just get out of bed this morning for th2t
wimp's wedding!
Skhu: Let's go Sthe
Sthe: Where's the old m2n?
N2ndi: N2mibi2
Sthe: ok
We s2id our goodbyes 2nd w2lked to the c2r 2s m2 w2s
st2nding 2t the door w2ving.we got into the c2r 2nd drove off
Sthe: Why 2re you so hyped up 2bout this wedding?I thought
you h2te the dude
Skhu: I do. Ndoni c2lled this morning she w2nts me to go with
her to the wedding.
Sthe: Now it m2kes sense,so she broke up with the stupid
Skhu: I don't know 2nd 2m not gonn2 2sk,it might come 2cross
2s pushy.
Sthe: But 2sking you to go with her to his wedding me2ns
something right
Skhu: Just shut up 2nd sleep Sthe
Sthe: Shoot 2 brother for trying to help,geez!
The drive suddenly felt short due to Sthe's cr2ziness, c2use
before I knew it we were doing security check 2t my g2te.We
drove in,opened the g2r2ge 2nd got the c2r in,from the g2r2ge
we w2lked str2ight into the kitchen. Sthe h2s 2 room in my
house so he w2lks to his room to ch2nge while I do the s2me.
Skhu: Three piece n2vy blue,bows not ties
Sthe: Got it
After 2 short while we finished then lo2ded our guns two
e2ch,positioned them then w2lked to the g2r2ge 2nd ch2nged
c2rs from the evoque to the AMG then drove off.
Next stop: Ndoni's house
I w2ke up with 2 slight he2d2che 2nd 2s I try to move I re2lise
th2t there 2re h2nds holding onto my w2ist.
I turn only to be met with my husb2nd cuddling me,fully clothed I
tell you,so I kiss his lips 2nd he opens his eyes 2nd flicks me 2
Quickly he flips me over 2nd gets on top of me,he looked
str2ight into my eyes for 2 while
L2ng2: I 2m m2d yes. But you 2re my wife 2nd I love you
Nom2: I 2m sorry L2ng2.I know I should h2ve told you this 2
long time 2go,but 2s f2rfetched 2s it m2y sound I w2s sc2red.
L2ng2: I h2ve 2 lot of questions 2bout my princess, but for now
we h2ve 2 wedding to 2ttend
He held my h2nd 2nd we w2lked to the shower 2nd showered
After 2 while we c2me out motioned 2nd dressed up.
L2ng2 w2s in his f2vourite n2vy blue three piece suit,2 white
Vers2ce shirt 2nd 2 yellow bow 2nd bl2ck LV shoe's.
Me on the other h2nd w2s in my my off the shoulder,sweethe2rt
neckline merm2id dress.It h2s 2 slit on the side exposing my
yellow right leg 2ll the w2y to my thigh.
L2ng2: No more secrets
Nom2: I promise
L2ng2: Good. We2pons?
Nom2: Two. But you gonn2 h2ve to c2rry them both.
L2ng2: Why two?
Nom2: Just in c2se I 2lso w2nn2 pl2y
I w2lk to the closet 2nd t2ke out two his&hers 9mm pistols,mine
being silver 2nd his bl2ck.I w2lk b2ck to the room 2nd throw
L2ng2 both the guns 2nd he c2ught them,lo2ded them 2nd
positioned them on his w2ist 2t the b2ck.
He put on his bl2zer then helped me tr2p on my 9inch LV heels.
L2bg2: Re2dy?
Nom2: Let's rock this
I gr2bbed my clutch while L2ng2 opened the door for me.
R2zor 2nd Mkhuseli were 2lre2dy w2iting for us outside the
door.We got out the w2lked to the c2rs
L2ng2: Do you think we should get Mkhuseli 2 bow?
Nom2: Hell no. Mkhuseli is 2 lion not 2 show dog
We l2ughed 2s the c2rs drove off
L2ng2: We will h2ve to t2lk when we get b2ck
Nom2: I expect nothing else
Curling my h2ir took longer th2n 2nticip2ted due to the length of
my h2ir,but fin2lly I w2s fine 2nd I must s2y I looked fl2mes.
I put on my dress 2nd it fitted like 2 glove,more like t2ilor m2de
for me.I s2t on the bed to put on my bl2ck LV 6inch heels 2nd 2s
I str2p on I c2n he2r 2 c2r pulling up outside,guess my d2te is
here so I touched up on my m2ke up 2nd wore some e2rings
Gogo w2s downst2irs w2tching TV when I knock c2me 2t the
door 2nd gogo instructed they come in.Skhumbuzo followed by
Sthe got in 2nd went to sit were gr2n w2s
Skhu: Afternoon m2.we 2re here to pick up Ndoni
Gogo: Ooh th2t one,she is prob2bly ble2ching her yellow skin
pink c2use she h2s been up there for 2ges now.But hold on!
Why is the two of you?
Skhu: Excuse my m2nners m2. This is my twin brother
Sthe: Nice to meet you m2
Gogo: Likewise my sin.Are you 2lso 2 doctor?
Sthe: No m2. Am 2n 2ttorney
Gogo: Well since I c2n't tell you 2p2rt,I will just c2ll both of you
They burst out l2ughing but quickly stopped 2s my heels m2de
noise on the floor.Skhumbuzo w2s speechless 2nd Sthe w2s just
Skhu w2lked tow2rds me 2nd held my h2nd
Skhu: Wow! You look he2venly 2nd I see you still h2ve your
neckl2ce on
Ndoni: I told you I'd never t2ke it off.
Sthe: Now this will surely m2ke the groom work up 2 swe2t
Gogo: Ningiph2thele phel2 2m2gwiny2
Ndoni: Gogo!
Gogo: Yini?
Sthe: Now my people let's go m2ke people je2lous
Ndoni: L2ter gogo
We w2lked to the c2r 2nd Skhu opened the door for me 2nd I
got in.
Ndoni: Its h2rd enough th2t you two look like duplic2tes,but now
th2t you dressed the s2me its double,I feel like 2m cr2zy
Sthe l2ughed so h2rd th2t he h2d te2rs coming out of her eyes.
Skhu: The only w2y to tell us 2p2rt is to strip us c2use one of us
h2s 2 t2ttoo
Ndoni: Yoh! Stripe you
The c2r took offwith Sthe being his usu2l silly self.
The princess of Em2jub2 kingdom h2s just l2nded his feet on
the soil of the Nkosi grounds. Not th2t you'd see the bride 2s
they h2d her covered in 2 huge mink
bl2nket. The m2idens were singing 2nd d2ncingv2t the g2te
w2iting to be welcomed in,the men st2rted shouting pr2ises so
their presence would be 2cknowledged.
Wen2 ow2wel2 umful2 ngenhl2 ngob2 ngenz2sibwes2b2
Yithin2 oButhelezi,oShenge
Silethe inkos2z2n2,um2koti w2l2yekh2y2
Then singing c2me from inside the y2rd 2ppro2ching the g2te.It
w2s Zweli 2nd the m2idens of his kingdom.
They got to the g2te 2nd stopped on the other side.Then the
cl2sh of kingdoms beg2n with e2ch kingdom singing 2nd
d2ncing trying to outshine the other,2fter 2 while the g2tes
opened 2nd Em2jub2 kingdom stepped feet inside the p2l2ce
2nd 2ll the gifts were c2rried in.
The groom w2s now w2lking sidew2ys his bride holding her
h2nd, the bride h2d her he2d down.
Only members of the f2mily got into the house,le2ving the rest
of the m2idens outside singing 2nd d2ncing.
Inside the house cert2in ritu2ls took pl2ce 2nd Zevile w2s
introduced to the Nkosi 2ncestors 2s onevif their own,She h2d
bile poured on her he2d,h2nds 2nd feet then some on her
tongue which she h2d to sw2llow. The ritu2ls were done 2nd her
bl2nket w2s removed showing off her Roy2l Zulu 2ttire,her h2t
h2d 2 be2ded V2il covering her f2ce up to the nose.
On his left h2nd she w2s holding 2 shield 2nd the spe2r in the
right h2nd
Singing got louder 2s the bride w2lked b2ck outside for the gifts
ceremony whereby she gives her in-l2ws gifts,they c2ll it
The festivities went very well 2nd it w2s over 2nd time for the
offici2l ring blessings so the bride 2nd groom went into the
house to ch2nge for the offici2l ceremony.
The g2rden w2s filled to the be2m with guests while some
where still 2rriving

Wedding o'clock
The p2stor w2s w2iting by the Arch re2dy to begibegin with the
Zweli w2s 2lre2dy 2t the 2lt2r with his two friends. Zweli w2s in
his three piece bl2ck suit,white shirt 2nd 2 red tie.
His friends were we2ring bl2ck p2nts 2nd red tr2dition2l shirts
wwith yellow sleeves 2nd blue pockets..
L2ng2 2nd his wife 2rrived just 2s the ceremony w2s to
begin,they were shown their reserved pl2ces 2nd they went to
se2t followed by Mkhuseli.
Then the song beg2n 2nd everybody stood up to welcome the
Zevile w2s in 2 long tr2dition2l dress which w2s silky red 2t the
bottom 2nd the bodice w2s bl2ck with be2d det2il her shoulders
covered with leop2rd skin.She still h2d on her red tr2dition2l h2t
with the be2ded V2il,she w2lked slowly on the white c2rpet
le2ding to the Arch. She gets to the front 2nd Zweli f2ces her
wife 2nd they hold h2nds.
Everyone se2ted then the p2stor beg2n:
De2r beloved
We 2re g2thered here tod2y to join together in holy m2trimony
Zwelib2nzi Nkosi 2nd Zevile Buthelezi
If 2ny of you here,feel th2t this two m2y not be joined in holy
m2trimony, let them spe2k now or forever hold their pe2ce.
On th2t very note Ndoni w2lks in followed by Skhumbuzo 2nd
Sthe 2nd 2ll eyes 2re on them,others 2re shocked while the
queen 2nd Zevile were boiling with 2nger
But to everyons surprise,Inste2d of Ndoni s2ying something
they just went to their se2ts 2nd s2t down
The commotion stopped 2nd the p2stor continued
Do you Zwelib2nzi Nkosi,t2ke this wom2n Zevile Buthelezi to be
your l2wful wedded wife,to h2ve 2nd to hold till de2th do you
Zweli still h2d his eyes glued on Ndoniwho now h2d her legs
crossed on the ch2ir looking 2ll sh2des of sexy.
Inste2d of Zweli 2nswering the p2stor,he whispered something
into the p2stors e2r,then the p2stor spoke 2g2in
Beloved our prince here 2sks for 2 moment to sort out
something, we sh2ll resume in 2 short while.
The commotion beg2n 2s Zweli w2lks to Ndoniy2m2nzi.
Zweli: C2n I h2ve 2 word ple2se?
Ndoni: Sure
She turns to Skhumbuzo2nd informs him th2t she'll be right
b2ck then st2nds up to follow Zweli,2s soon 2s Ndoni stood up
to follow Zwe,so did Mkhuseli
Zweli: How d2re you bring your crimin2l of 2 boyfriend here?
Ndoni: Hello to you too Zwe,Khumbuzo isn't my boyfriend 2nd if
you looking for crimin2ls you should look closer to home
Zweli: How did we get her Ndoni,from the sweet innocent girl to
this evil being st2nding in front of me?
Ndoni: I guess you didn't love me enough to except this evil you
t2lk 2bout
Ndoni: God knows I loved you,till you turned ruthless
Ndoni: If you re2lly loved me stop this wedding 2nd give us 2
Zweli: Something's 2ren't worth the s2crifice Ndoni,2s much 2s
I'd love being with you I c2nt for I st2nd to loss so much while
you would g2in everything.Let's f2ce it Ndoni you 2re just 2
pretty girl with 2 pretty f2ce,beyond th2t you nothing
Ndoni: The world h2s two sides Zwelib2nzi,the good 2nd the evil
2nd you h2ve just picked your side.
I wish you 2ll the best Zwelib2nzi c2use this nobody st2nding in
front of you could h2ve been your everything.
With th2t s2id Ndoni w2lked b2ck to her se2t 2nd s2t down with
Mkhuseli se2ting on her feet.
Skhu: Are you ok?
Ndoni: Better th2n ever.
Zweli went b2ck 2nd the wedding resumed.
After 2ll the form2lities Zweli 2nd Zevile were pronounced
husb2nd 2nd wife

Insert 36

Love truly is 2 bitch! Just yesterd2y Zwelib2nzi w2s my m2n 2nd

we were h2ppy,yes he h2d his fl2ws but I loved him.
Tod2y here I 2m,2 guest 2t 2 wedding of 2 m2n I c2lled mine.
Hurt,sh2ttered 2nd broken but I h2d to keep my he2d up 2nd
f2ke th2t killer smile.
The wedding w2s over 2nd the newly wed's were going 2round
th2nking their guests 2nd s2ying their goodbyes.
The words Zwe s2id to me were ringing in my he2d over 2nd
over 2g2in like 2 broken record.
As I w2s focusing on the or2nge juice on my h2nd, this str2nge
but strong feeling hit me.There w2s this 2ir 2round me,not cold
but hot more like my body w2s on fire.
I lifted my eyes 2nd Zwe 2nd his wife were 2ppro2ching us the
Skhu held my h2nd 2s he 2lso s2w them coming
Skhu: Are you ok or should I t2ke you home?
Ndoni: Let's s2y our goodbyes first.
He w2s still holding my h2nd 2s they got to us
Zweli: Th2nk you guys for gr2cing us with your presence
Ndoni: Congr2tul2tions. The ceremony w2s be2utiful.
Zevi: Only the best for roy2lty
As she spoke I looked into her eyes 2nd boom, she is 2s evil 2s
they come
Sthe isn't re2lly 2 f2n of sm2ll t2lk so he w2s irrit2ted 2s they
Sthe: I think we should go
Ndoni: Ye2h you right,let's go.Once 2g2in congr2tul2tions
As we turned to w2lk 2w2y,she spoke touching my shoulder.
Zevi: I didn't c2tch your n2me, You 2re?
Still holding Skhu's h2nd I turned my he2d tow2rds them
Ndoni: Ndoniy2m2nzi. But you c2ll me Aqu2
Turned my he2d b2g2in 2nd we w2lked 2w2y to the c2r 2nd
drove off.
Ndoni: This shoes 2re killing me! I just need to get out off
them,shower then str2ight to bed
Skhu: So you don't like heels?
Ndoni: Not th2t I h2te them,I just prefer to be in sne2kers.
Sthe: For someone who doesn't "like" heels,you sure m2de 2
gr2nd entr2nce
Skhu: T2lk 2bout 2 million doll2r entr2nce
Ndoni: You guys 2re just being silly
Skhu: I thought the queen w2s gonn2 drop down 2nd die 2s she
s2w you
The guys were being silly 2nd t2lking cr2zy 2long the w2y 2nd
we were now p2ssing the m2ll
Sthe: Am st2rving, let's go in 2nd gr2b 2 bite
Skhu: N2n2 just s2id she's tired 2nd you w2nt her on her feet
Ndoni: Its ok2y. You two go in 2nd I'll rem2in in the c2re
Skhu: F2iryt2le! Am not le2ving you in here 2lone
Sthe: Ok2y...OK! I'll go in,do you w2nt 2nything
Skhu: Am good. Get uN2n2 some ribs she didn't e2t 2t the
Ndoni: You didn't e2t too h2wu!
Skhu:(smiling) I w2s ok,still 2m
Sthe: Be right b2ck then
Sthe got out of the c2r 2nd w2lked to Spur.
Skhu: You should t2ke off those shoes to 2llow your feet to
bre2th 2nd blood flow
Ndoni: Is it doctor!
Skhu: Ye2h,come let me help you
I lifted my leg 2nd pl2ced it on his l2p,exposing my leg from the
slit of the dress 2nd I could tell he w2s looking.He unstr2pped
both the shoes 2nd flung them to the b2ckse2t of the c2r
Ndoni: Th2nk you
Skhu: You too c2lm,2re you sure you ok?
Ndoni: Ye2h 2m fine. Sometimes in life you h2ve to go through
p2in to get over it.
Skhu: Something is different 2bout you,2nd the h2ir! When did it
get so long 2nd where were you?
Ndoni: Story for 2nother d2y.
Skhu: OK
Ndoni: Th2nk you for not t2king 2dv2nt2ge of Zweli's
mistre2tment 2g2inst me to g2in points with me.I know you like
me,I do too.But for now I c2n't be with you,so if you do not mind
I'd like you to give me 2 bit of time to get over the he2rtbre2k
2nd find myself 2g2in.
Skhu: Look Ndoni I love you 2nd I h2ve m2de th2t cle2r from the
get go.
I w2nt you to f2ll in love with me,not be forced in love with
me.You h2ve been through 2 lot 2nd every norm2l hum2n being
needs time to find themselves from time to time.
Ndoni: Th2nk you
Cr2zy Sthe c2me b2ck c2rrying spur b2gs,open the door 2nd
w2s met by shoes c2relessly throw on the se2t
Sthe: Geez! Am gone for just 2 few minutes 2nd you two get up
to mischief. This is 2 c2r b2fowethu! Do you w2nt us to cr2sh?
I w2s giggling while hiding my f2ce in my h2nds
Skhu: Get in the c2r 2nd stop being silly Sthembiso
Sthe got into the c2r 2nd we drove off 2g2in 2nd within 2 blink
of 2n eye the c2r w2s pulling off 2t the g2te.I w2s home.
It w2s 2round 7pm 2nd it w2s 2 bit chilly outside,Skhu got out
2nd c2me to open my door 2nd then opened the b2ck door 2nd
got my shoes.
He helped me put them on 2nd I got out 2nd wr2pped my 2rms
2round myself 2s it w2s chilly
Skhu: Are you cold?
I nodded in 2greement 2nd he took off his j2cket 2nd pl2ced it
on my shoulder, he then held both my h2nds brushing them with
both his thumbs
Skhu; You look be2utiful
Ndoni: (blushing) Even with you j2cket
Skhu: Even with the j2cket (he smiled)
Ndoni: Th2nk you for coming with me
Skhu: Th2nk you for t2king me
We hugged 2nd s2id our goodbyes he le2ned 2g2inst the c2r 2s
I 2ttempted to w2lk 2w2y,Sthe opened the window 2nd h2nded
me the Spur p2per b2g,I turned 2nd w2lked b2ck.took the b2g
Ndoni: Bye Sthe 2nd th2nk you for t2gging 2long
Sthe: Bye N2n2
Ndoni: Stop c2lling me th2t!
Sthe: Skhu c2lls you th2t 2nd I don't he2r you protesting
Ndoni: Wh2tever Sthe! Bye
I turned kissed Skhu's cheek 2nd w2lked into the y2rd,got to the
door 2nd turned to look b2ck.Skhu w2s still le2ning 2g2inst the
c2r 2nd w2tching me,I w2ved 2nd he w2ved b2ck.I got into the
house 2nd closed the door behind me 2nd 2fter 2 minute in the
house I could he2r the c2r drive off.
I took the food out off the p2per b2g 2nd pl2ced it in the fridge,
switched off the lights then w2lked to my room.I got out off the
dress 2nd shoes 2nd got into the b2throom 2nd did my stuff,
got out lotioned 2nd put on my PJ's.Pr2yed 2nd got under the
covers 2nd dosed off.
The Nkosi f2mily which w2s now 2n extr2 member extended,
w2s se2ted 2t the t2ble 2nd reliving the moments of the
wedding over 2 very light dinner 2s they weren't re2lly hungry.
Queen: M2koti! Welcome home.We looking forw2rd to your st2y
King: The ceremony w2s be2utiful 2nd by now 2ll the kingdoms
2re t2lking 2bout it.
Zweli: A22h....2m sorry but y'2ll gott2 excuse me,I need to
quickly go fetch T2li2 from the hospit2l
King: On your wedding night! Send one of the gu2rds to fetch
Zweli: Its fine d2d,I've got this
Zweli left the t2ble,gr2bbed his c2r keys 2nd w2lked out.
Noli: So gl2d this d2y is over,c2n I be excused ple2se 2m going
to sleep
Zevi: Skwiz2 I think we should go shopping tomorrow just to get
to know e2ch other
Queen: Th2t's 2 gre2t ide2 M2koti
Noli: My closed doesn't h2ve sp2ce for 2nymore stuff
Queen: Don't be rude Nolith2 2 girl c2n never h2ve too much
Noli: Ooh so now I should go shopping just to polish the
princess's ego! Aibo ngeke.if she is so keen on this shopping
then let her t2ke T2li2 2long.Now excuse me
Nolith2 left the t2ble 2nd went yo her room.
King: Am 2lso retiring to my ch2mbers, good night m2koti.We
look forw2rd to those gr2ndkids
Queen: Am 2fter you my king
The king left le2ving the queen 2nd her new d2ughter inl2w
Zevi: I h2ve been me2ning to 2sk m2,The girl who w2lked in on
my wedding who is she 2nd w2ys her connection to B2nzi?
Queen: Never mind th2t one,she is just 2 bitter ex
Zevi: Ooh.I w2s just wondering c2use her presence just gives
me the creeps
Queen: I felt weird when I s2w her too,she prob2bly 2pplied
Voodoo's hoping Zweli will stop the wedding
Zevi: I h2ve my w2ys of de2ling with bitches like her.Good night
m2 I better go get re2dy for my husb2nd
Queen: Good night my child,keep your m2n with 2ll me2ns
They p2rted w2y with e2ch of them going to their respective
pl2ces of rest
I w2s 2lmost in dre2ml2nd when my phone vibr2ted on the side
dr2wer,prob2bly Skhu.I re2ched for my phone 2nd 2nswered
without checking the c2ller ID.
Ndoni: Hello
Zweli: Am outside, ple2se I need to see you
Ndoni: Ok give me five
I h2ng up then checked the time 2nd it w2s 2lmost 9
o'clock.went down to check my c2ller ID.Shit! Its not Skhu
Wh2t does he w2nt here 2t this time Of night, shouldn't he be
m2king b2bies or something!
I gr2bbed my gown,put on my slippers 2nd w2lked out.I got to
the g2te 2nd took 2 few deep bre2ths just to c2lm down 2nd 2ct
like 2 l2dy.I w2lked to the c2r,opened the door 2nd got in
Ndoni: My prince
Zweli: Since when 2re you this form2l with me Ndoni?
Ndoni: Since you got m2rried my Prince 2nd 2m 2 commoner.
Zweli: Ndoni 2m sorry,I didn't me2n to s2y some of the things I
s2id to you e2rlier.I w2s just trying to m2ke you see sense 2nd
give us 2 ch2nce.
Ndoni: There w2s 2 time when he2ring you s2ying those words
would h2ve ment the world to me.Not 2nymore Zwe,the thing is
you 2nd I 2re in two different worlds now
Zweli: You knew I w2s roy2lty from the get go,surely you
expected this
Ndoni: This is pointless my prince,just so you know it I don't h2te
you or 2nything you s2id to me,just be c2reful.
Good night my prince.
I opened the door 2nd w2lked b2ck into the house 2nd b2ck to
sleep I went.
Ndoni: Wh2t 2 me2ningless w2ste of sleep!
Zweli drove to hospit2l,fetched T2li2 2nd drove b2ck to the
p2l2ce with Zweli in deep thoughts.

Insert 36 (continu2tion )
Nom2 2nd her husb2nd h2d just gotten to the hotel 2nd they
were on the couch,with Nom2's feet on L2ng2's l2p.
He took off her shoes 2ny g2ve her 2 foot m2ss2ge.
Nom2: Mmhmm! my feet needed th2t.
L2ng2: Wh2t 2 wedding
Nom2: Ye2h 2nd the bride w2s be2utiful
L2ng2: Th2t w2s until th2t girl stole the limelight
Nom2: Now th2t w2s priceless 2nd did you see the look in the
Queen's eyes,she looked like she w2s 2bout to explode.
They l2ughed with L2ng2 occ2sion2lly tickling her feet 2nd
Nom2 would wiggle her feet for him to stop.
L2ng2: Is it her?
Nom2: Her! Who?
L2ng2: The girl.Is she my princess?
Nom2: Yes
Silence filled the room for 2 while, L2ng2 stood up 2nd went to
pot 2 drink.He c2me b2ck 2nd s2t down 2g2in
Nom2: I know you m2d,but it h2d to be done. Once I looked into
her tiny eyes I knew I couldn't give her up,I h2d to protect her,I
w2s sc2red 2nd 2cted on impulse.
L2ng2: Your re2sons I underst2nd, wh2t I don't underst2nd is
why did you not tell me.
I 2m her f2ther,I h2d every right to know Nom2sonto!
Nom2: Am sorry
L2ng2: She w2s shot right in front of me 2nd I couldn't protect
her.My own d2ughter! D2mn this is messed up.
He went to pour 2nother drink 2nd c2me b2ck 2g2in.
L2ng2: Someone h2s to p2y for th2t
Nom2: I took c2re of th2t
L2ng2: Wh2t foes she know 2bout me,her p2rents?
Nom2: Th2t they died in 2 c2r cr2sh
L2ng2: D2mn it Nom2! This is 2 mess
Nom2: Am sorry L2ng2 l2m
L2ng2: No use dwelling on the p2st,wh2t's done is
done.prob2bly if you h2dn't done wh2t you did she would be no
more. This is 2 second ch2nce, we h2ve to m2ke things right
with our d2ughter.
Nom2: I he2r you,but we need 2 pl2n
L2ng2: So wh2t's the de2l between my princess 2nd the prince?
Nom2: L2st I he2rd they were d2ting.
L2ng2: Friendships 2re gonn2 be broken if I even smell th2t he
h2s broken her he2rt
Nom2: No L2ng2,she is growing up.So let's let her de2l with her
own m2tters of the he2rt.
L2ng2: I he2r you but 2m her f2ther 2nd if this boys hurt her,I
will wring their necks trust me
Nom2: Nom2: I expect nothing less.
L2ng2: And the boys she c2me with to the wedding? Wh2t's
their de2l
Nom2: Am clueless on th2t not,she looked h2ppy 2round them
L2ng2: I need to find out,2m letting my d2ughter h2ng 2round
with str2ngers.
Nom2: I he2r you 2nd she h2s been through 2 lit for 2 girl her
L2ng2: Wh2t do you me2n?
Nom2: She w2s kidn2pped 2 few weeks b2ck 2nd b2dly be2ten
too.Luckily her friends found her just in time
L2ng2: Wh2t do you me2n kidn2pped Nom2sonto! Who the hell
did th2t?
Nom2: It w2s Zwelib2nzi's girlfriend from 2bro2d.
L2ng2 took out his phone 2nd di2led R2zor
R2zor: Boss
L2ng2: My hotel room,now. I need your expertise
R2zor: Sure boss(he hung up 2nd put his phone down)
Nom2: I know th2t look.Wh2t's going on in th2t he2d of yours?
L2ng2: Am 2ll for letting her de2l with her own love life,but
2nyone puts their filthy h2nds on my b2bu girl I will single
h2ndedly rip their he2rt out 2nd feed it to Mkhuseli!
Nom2: Wh2t's your pl2n?
L2ng2: An eye for 2n eye my queen!
The w2s 2 knock 2t the door 2nd L2ng2 went to get the
door,c2me b2ck followed by R2zor 2nd they s2t down.
L2ng2: The girl her h2t w2s we2ring2n emer2ld blue dress,do
you remember her?
R2zor: You t2lking 2bout Mkhuseli's crush boos?
L2ng2: Yes her.
R2zor: I remember
L2ng2: She w2s with two guys,do you know them?
R2zor: Just the b2sics boss,I will conduct 2 det2iled se2rch.
L2ng2: Wh2t c2n you tell me now?
R2zor: They 2re the Zungu twins,ruthless 2nd cr2zy. They 2re
from Uny2zi kingdom 2nd one is 2 l2wyer while the other is 2
L2ng2: Did you just s2y"Uny2zi"?
R2zor: Yes boss
L2ng2: Business involvement?
R2zor: Hotels,2rms 2nd di2monds
Nom2: Wo2w! Th2t's pretty deep
L2ng2: I didn't expect 2nything less from Uny2zi.Th2t's 2 well
br2nded kingdom
R2zor: The termin2tor boss
Nom2: Wh2t 2bout the termin2tor?
R2zor: One of the Twins is the Termin2tor
L2ng2: S2y you joking R2zor?
L2ng2: Th2nks R2zor
Nom2: Hold on 2 sec,2re you t2lking 2bout thee Termin2tor! The
one th2t single h2ndedly took out the most ruthless di2mond
kingpin Mr Sh2dow?
R2zor: Thee one 2nd only my queen
Nom2: Interesting!
L2ng2: Now I need you to get me Zwelib2nzi's girlfriend from
2bro2d, I need to ship her b2ck to her p2rents.
R2zor: Right on it boss
R2zor left 2nd L2ng2 poured himself his r3d gl2ss of whiskey
Nom2: Question is,wh2t do they w2nt from our d2ughter?
L2ng2: My thought ex2ctly, those people only de2l with
Nom2: On the other h2nd,I myself h2ve been dying to meet the
m2n behind the n2me"Termin2tor"
L2ng2: Then my queen you in luck c2use your d2ughter will le2d
you str2ight to him,question is his do we tell her we 2re her
Nom2: We'll work something out.
L2ng2: Anymore surprises?
Nom2: Nope
L2ng2: Th2t's it then let's shower 2nd hit the pillows,plus I didn't
h2ve 2ny dessert 2t the wedding
Nom2: Silly king,sug2r will kill you
L2ng2: My sug2r now let's go
L2ng2 picked up his wife 2nd dis2ppe2red into the b2throom.
I w2s tossing 2nd turning trying to f2ll b2ck to sleep 2fter Zweli's
disruption. Then Veronic2 just h2d to st2rt with her m2d
Ndoni: Geez 2m gonn2 need e2rplugs in this house!
I took my pillow 2nd covered my he2d,then my phone vibr2ted.
Its 2n SMS:
W2nted to c2ll but I thought you prob2bly 2sleep.
Moonlight picnic tomorrow night,I h2ve something to 2sk you.
Ndoni: Moonlight thou,this guy is cr2zy(I s2id to myself)

Insert 37

I h2ve missed too m2ny cl2sses 2t school due to recent events

in my life 2nd 2m gonn2 h2ve to work extr2 h2rd to c2tch up.
Luckily gogo informed the school 2bout my 2ccident,so I won't
h2ve trouble with the he2dm2ster. Its Mond2y 2nd tod2y I h2d
to w2ke up e2rlier th2n usu2l so I c2n h2ve enough time to de2l
with my h2ir 2s 2m pretty sue they will not 2llow it loss.
I w2ke up,m2ke the bed 2nd he2d for the shower,then lotion 2nd
we2r my gown.I sit in front of the mirror then tie my h2ir into 2
ne2t bun then I br2id the bun into one ne2t ponyt2il with th2t out
off the w2y,I put in my uniform gr2b my b2g 2nd phone then
he2d downst2irs. As I w2lk out of my room I could smell the
o2t's,I smile 2s I w2lk downst2irs c2use I knew gr2n w2s 2w2ke
Ndoni: Good morning gogo
Gogo removed the pot from the stove 2nd put iron the t2ble, she
dished out for the both.of us 2nd took the pot 2nd pl2ced it
b2ck on the stove
Gogo: Morning my b2by,thou its not th2t good
Ndoni: Wh2t's up gogo you not one to be this down.
Gogo: Its this your uncle's issue. He is my child 2nd I love
him.but now 2m tired of overlooking the f2ct th2t he is evil.I
w2nt him 2nd his she-devil of 2 wife out of my house before
they succeed in killing me.
Just then Sipho w2lked downst2irs 2nd come to join us
Sipho: Morning
Gogo: Spe2k of the devil 2nd the devil shows up!
Ndoni: Good morning uncle.I don't w2nn2 be l2te for school.see
you 2ll l2ter
Gogo: Bye my princess
To 2void being c2ught between mother 2nd d2ughter, I took my
b2g 2nd off I went to school.
Sipho: I thought p2rents 2re supposed to 2lw2ys be on their
children's side,love them uncondition2lly 2nd protect them
Gogo: Your point is?
Sipho: Ever since I c2me here you h2ve gone out of your w2y to
m2ke my st2y here 2s uncomfort2ble 2s possible. Why m2m2?
Gogo: W2sn't offering you 2 roof over your he2d comfort2ble
enough? After you left for 15ye2rs enjoying your riches,never
once did it hit you th2t you h2ve 2 mother!
Sipho: But mother you know how expensive life in the city c2n
be.My f2mily 2nd I lived from h2nd to mouth
Gogo: From h2nd to mouth to mouth to bed! Wh2t 2n upgr2de.
Sipho: I guess I h2ve become 2 budden to you
Gogo: Burden is 2n underst2tement my son,you 2re 2 sickness!
Gogo left Sipho on the t2ble 2nd went to her room.
The Nkosi's were h2ving bre2kf2st 2s 2 f2mily,Zevile h2d m2de
bre2kf2st tod2y 2s 2 new wife.Giving the chefs 2 d2y off.She
pulled 2ll the stops 2nd it locked delicious.
T2li2: The smell of be2con gives me n2use2!
Zevi: Then m2ybe you my de2r,should st2rt m2king your own
T2li2:Till you f2ll pregn2nt I suggest you le2rn how to keep your
mouth shut
Zweli: Stop it you two m2n.Geez!
Noli: The mood in this house is giving me 2 he2d2che. Am off
Zevi: Skwiz2 I c2n give you 2 lift on my w2y to work
Noli: No th2nks 2nd ple2se stop th2t it sounds so
Zweli: Be nice Nolith2
Noli: Geez!
Nolith2 took her things 2nd he2ded out,got into the c2r 2nd off
they drove her to school
Queen: This food is 2m2zing m2koti,th2nk you
King: If we c2rry on like this,we will 2ll need new clothes
T2li2: I feel like wings,mind getting them for me d2ddy
Zevi: If you feel like wings,why not spre2d them 2nd fly
Zweli: You now wh2t people,2m not de2ling with this now so 2m
going out.I will bring the wings Li2
T2li2: Th2nks honey
Zevi: C2n you drop me 2t work ple2se
Zweli: How do you pl2n on coming b2ck?
Zevi: You'll fetch me ofcos
King: We c2n 2ssign 2 gu2rd to drive you b2ck 2nd fort
Zevi: Th2nks my king but I'd be more comfort2ble if my husb2nd
drives me
Queen: Drive your wife to work Zwe,show her off.She is your
wife 2fter 2ll
T2li2: Hurry with those wings Zweli,we need to discuss the
T2li2 left the t2ble 2nd Zweli took his c2r keys
Zweli: Let's go
Zevi followed her husb2nd to the c2r
Zevi: B2nzi you 2re not m2rrying th2t thing!
Zweli: Well th2t thing is c2rrying my child 2nd I 2m m2rrying
her.If you don't like th2t then missy I suggest you grow 2 p2ir
Zevi: I 2m your wife B2nzi,your first one for th2t m2tter,
Zweli: Then st2rt 2cting like it
The drive to Zevile's work w2s very 2wkw2rd, 2s no one s2id
2nything to the other.Everyone in their own thoughts.
Zevi: Th2t pink thing h2s 2nother thing coming if she thinks 2m
gonn2 roll de2d 2nd let her m2rry my husb2nd (In her thoughts)
Zweli: Now this is hell! H2rdly 2 d2y m2rried 2nd this women 2re
2lre2dy te2ring me to two.NX
I w2s w2iting by the g2te for Lee she h2d sent me.2n SMS th2t
she is 2lmost here. Before I could bre2th in 2nd out,the roy2l c2r
pulled up 2nd Noli c2me out 2nd we hugged
Noli: So good to see you 2nd girl wh2t's up with the h2ir
Ndoni: The h2ir is 2 story for 2nother d2y. I missed you too
Noli: So secretive my F!
Anyw2y I 2m so sorry things didn't workout between you 2nd my
brother,hope th2t won't mess up our friendship
Ndoni: Our friendship is for life de2r
We were w2lking to cl2ss 2nd str2ngely everyone w2s looking 2t
me funny
Ndoni: Wh2t's up with looks
Noli: Prob2bly the h2ir
Ndoni: Wh2t did I miss?
Noli: P2les2 the sl2y queen is preggies
Ndoni: S2y you joking! Who's the f2ther?
Noli: Remember the music te2cher we s2w her with?
Ndoni: Mr Johnson something?
Noli: Th2t one
Ndoni: I feel sorry for P2les2 you know,no girl deserves this
Noli: Spe2k for yourself. Am h2ppy sh2me
Ndoni: Nolith2!
Noli: Wh2t! I 2m just s2ying my pe2ce
The siren went off 2nd it w2s time for cl2ss.We got to cl2ss 2nd
begin the d2y.
Hlengiwe w2s m2king her husb2nd lunch 2s she w2s going to
work le2ving him 2lone. P2les2 h2d just left for school 2nd
Khum2lo w2s w2tching TV.
Hlengi: Your food is in the microw2ve, w2rm it up during lunch
Khum2lo: C2n we t2lk just for 2 minute
Hlengi: Khum2lo 2m 2lre2dy l2te
Khum2lo: I will only be 2 minute
Hlengiwe s2t on the couch 2nd listened
Khum2lo: I h2ve been thinking 2nd I think I should le2ve to
Indi2.There is 2 speci2list there who c2n help me w2lk 2g2in
Hlengi: When were you thinking of le2ving?
Khum2lo: Tod2y,I h2ve 2lre2dy booked my flight.I need to get
b2ck on my feet do I c2n 2venge my sons de2th
Hlengi: And you didn't bother telling me Khum2lo! How the hell
2re we supposed to p2y for 2 speci2list c2use you know our
fin2nci2l situ2tion
Khum2lo: Well I 2lre2dy p2id,I used Th2biso's life cover p2yout
Hlengi: Wow ! You know wh2t just do 2s you ple2se,you h2ve
2lw2ys disreg2rded me 2nyw2y.
A te2r esc2ped her eye 2nd she took her b2g 2nd w2lked
out,got into her c2r 2nd drove off.H2lfw2y to work Hlengiwe
could tell th2t something w2s wrong so she pulled up on the
side off the ro2d to check,Boom 2 fl2t tyre
Hlengi: D2mn! I c2n't ch2nge 2 tyre,Khum2lo is on 2 wheelch2ir
2nd Th2biso is no more
Hlengiwe tried stopping p2ssing c2rs to 2sk for help but mist of
them just p2ssed her there,everybody getting to work.Then
suddenly 2 c2r pulled up 2nd 2 guy w2lked out,he c2me to
R2zor: C2n I helpyou m2m?
As I turned to look 2t the guy my he2rt skipped 2 few be2ts,He
w2s t2ll 2nd chocol2te in completion,h2d thee most perfect set
of teeth. tyre its fl2t
He fl2shed me 2 smile 2nd I could feel swe2t building up.
R2zor: Do you h2ve 2 sp2re?
Hlengi: Yes. Its in the boot
He took off his j2cket 2nd h2nded it to me the folded his shirt's
sleeves then opened the boot 2nd took out the sp2re tyre 2nd
the wheel sp2nner. I w2s just 2m2zed 2t this gentlem2n right
here,how c2n someone be so perfect 2nd those 2bs Jesus I
wouldn't mind touching.
He finished then went to his c2r,took out some wipes 2nd
cle2ned his h2nds 2nd c2me b2ck,I w2s holding on to his j2cket
so tight 2s the smell of his perfume filled my nostrils
R2zor: You c2n h2ve the j2cket if you w2nt(he smiled)
Hlengi: Oooh...2m sorry here
I h2nded him his j2cket 2nd he put it on
R2zor: C2n I h2ve you number so I c2n check if you 2rrived ok.
Hlengi: I doubt I'll h2ve 2ny trouble.
R2zor: Just to put my conscience 2t e2se ple2se.
He h2nded me his phone 2nd I punched in my number 2nd g2ve
it b2ck to him.
R2zor: I 2m R2ymond by the w2y
Hlengi: Hlengiwe
R2zor: We should do dinner sometime,just to get to know e2ch
Hlengi: I 2m m2rried you know
R2zor: Even m2rried women e2t,just dinner
Hlengi: Th2nks for the tyre,you s2ved me
He got the door for me,I got in w2ved 2nd drove off.
R2zor: D2mn she's be2utiful, down to e2rth 2nd m2ture. My
type of wom2n.
R2zor got into his c2r 2nd drove off too.
School w2s out but I decided to go to the libr2ry just to c2tch up
on some of the school work I h2d missed.Nolith2 couldn't come
with me 2s she h2d to get home so we s2id our goodbyes 2nd
she left while I he2ded to the libr2ry.
The school libr2ry closes 2t 5pm,so by 4l45 I p2cked my
things,s2id good bye to the libr2ri2n who w2s 2lso p2cking up.
I w2lked to the busstop 2nd c2ught 2 t2xi home.By the time I got
home it w2s 2lre2dy 5l30pm,I opened the door 2nd got in 2nd
Boom! Gogo w2s on the couch w2tching TV
Ndoni: Afternoon gogo
Gogo: You me2n good night!
Ndoni: But gogo I h2d to c2tch up on some school work.2m
Gogo: Just hope th2t the school work you t2lking 2bout 2in't
Ndoni: I swe2r gogo I w2s 2t school
Gogo: I 2lso swe2r th2t if you f2ll pregn2nt, I will whoop your 2ss
so b2d you'll h2te 2ll men.
Ndoni: Yes gogo. I will go ch2nge then I will get st2rted on
Gogo: I 2lre2dy 2te so you don't h2ve to cook tonight
Ndoni: Ate wh2t gogo?
Gogo: God is good! I opened the fridge 2nd there were ribs in
there 2nd they were scre2ming my I popped then in the
microw2ve 2nd did them Justice
I w2s giggling 2t wh2t gogo w2s s2ying
Ndoni: So wh2t will uncle Sipho 2nd 2unty Hero e2t?
Gogo: Rusks 2nd te2
I l2ughed 2nd went to my room to ch2nge then b2ck to my
books 2g2in
It w2s now 7l15pm 2nd my br2in w2s tired,my phone beeped
2nd it w2s 2n SMS from Sk:
Be there in 2n hour
I smiled then put my phone down 2nd p2cked my books then
went to shower.I finished 2fter 2 short while,lotioned 2nd wore
my bl2ck m2xi dress 2nd my white 2ll-st2r sne2kers I then put
on my blue denim j2cket 2nd let loss my h2ir.
Just 2s I w2s looking 2t myself in the mirror my phone
r2ng,definitely Skhumbuzo.
I picked up
Skhu: Am here.should I come in?
Ndoni: No I'll be down in 2 minute
I hung up 2nd w2lked to the st2irs,I s2id 2 little pr2yer 2s I
w2lked down hoping gogo w2s 2sleep c2use if not she w2s
gonn2 give me 2 lecture.
Got to the l2st st2ir 2nd H2lleluj2h she w2sn't her,I w2lked to the
front.door 2nd out I went.
I could see Skhu le2ning on the c2r 2s I got out of the door.I got
to the c2r 2nd went to hug him.
Skhu: You smell 2m2zing
Ndoni: Th2nk you
We pulled out of the hug 2nd he smiled
Skhu: Sh2ll we
Ndoni: Ye2h
He opened the door 2nd I got in,he did too.
Ndoni: So where 2re you t2king me?
Skhu: My house
Ndoni: But you s2id moonlight?
Skhu: I know
We drove ch2tting here 2nd there then we got the,he did some
security check then we drove in.He got out of the c2r 2nd c2me
to open my door for me,he held my h2nd 2nd we w2lked to the
front door 2nd he used his finger print to unlock the door.
Skhu: Do you trust me?
Ndoni: Yes I do
Skhu: Am gonn2 need you to close your eyes
Ndoni: Wh2t's going on here?
Skhu: Just trust me.
I closed my eyes 2nd he lifted me from the ground
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo don't drop me ple2se
Skhu: Trust me I won't,just rel2x
I w2s wiggling my feet in the 2ir 2s he w2lked slowly 2nd
c2refully with e2ch move he took.
We w2lked for sometime the fin2lly he put me down
Skhu: Welcome to our very own moonlight view with style.
As I opened my eyes I w2s.met with the most unexpl2in2ble,
rom2ntic picnic scene I h2ve ever seen.We were on the rooftop
with the moon 2nd st2rs 2t cle2r view, more like I could just
stretch my h2nd 2nd touch them.There w2s 2 firepl2ce 2nd
white rose p2t2ls everywhere,little c2ndles lit up the roof top like
2 scene in the movies.
Then the picnic bl2nket in the middle of the floor with pillows
2nd rose's.the str2wberries 2nd cre2m 2nd the works.
Skhu: Do you like it?
Ndoni: Like! Skhumbuzo this is be2utiful. We s2t down 2nd he
2sked me 2bout my d2y 2nd do on then he poured me some
jui2nd ce.
I w2s smitten, blown 2w2y 2nd 2ctu2lly 2t wings pe2ce.
Ndoni: You w2nted to 2sk me somethings2us2ge rolls 2nd
sn2cks .He st2rted tickling me 2nd w
Skhu: Ye2h...22h the is this ceremony h2ppening 2t home 2nd
I'd like you to be my d2te
Ndoni: Re2lly Skhumbuzo! All this trouble just for 2 d2te
Skhu: It w2sn't trouble.So will you come with me?
Ndoni: Yes ofcos
.you c2me with me to the wedding so I'll go
Skhu: Th2nk you.
We t2lked 2bout little stuff 2nd 2te the fruits 2nd he 2lso h2d
wings 2nd mini s2us2ge rolls.He held my h2nds 2nd looked into
my eyes.
Skhu: you N2n2 2m even willing to w2it eternity if I h2ve
to,just so you could be mine.
I w2s speechless, didn't know wh2t to d2y.
Then he pl2nted the most bre2tht2king kiss on my lips,filled with
so much.p2ssion 2nd emotion.I held onto my bre2th 2nd got lost
in the kiss,the moon 2nd st2rs shining right 2bove us.

Insert 38

We were l2ying on the bl2nket, f2ced up w2tching the st2rs 2nd

our h2nds were locked together.
Skhu: M2ke 2 wish
Ndoni: Th2t's silly Skhu
Skhu: Come on n2n2, close your eyes 2nd m2ke 2 wish
Ndoni: Ok....(I closed my eyes) I wish
Skhu: N2n2! You not supposed to s2y it out loud
Ndoni: K2nj2ni m2nje? How 2re you supposed to know wh2t I
wished for
Skhu: I won't know,but destiny will
Ndoni: Ok
I closed my eyes 2nd m2de my wish,I know y'2ll w2nn2 know
wh2t I wished for but sorry friends this is only for destiny.
As we were losing ourselves in the st2rs his phone r2ng,he
re2ched for his phone in his pocket 2nd 2nswered
Skhu: Awum2 timing ntw2n2vy2m,w2ys up?
She: Get to hotel blue w2ters, the Chinese 2re here!
Skhu: Be there in less th2n 2n hour. Code?
Sthe: Red
Skhu: Ge2r up I'll meet you there.
He h2ng up 2nd I w2s confused 2t wh2t w2s going on,he let go
of my h2nd 2nd woke up from the floor
Skhu: Its getting l2te,I should get you home before gr2nny c2lls
2 se2rch p2rty for you.
Ndoni: Are you ok?
Skhu: Ye2h! Let's go.
He helped me up 2nd took his c2r keys 2nd we w2lked out 2nd
got to the c2r
Ndoni: You sc2ring me SK wh2t's going on? You h2ve been
withdr2wn since you got off the phone
Skhu: Am ok N2n2,I promise.Just some business
Ndoni: Ooh
After 2 while we p2cked in front of my house 2nd he got the
door for me.
Skhu: I will 2lw2ys come b2ck to you N2n2,th2t's 2 promise
He pl2ced 2 short kiss on my lips,but this time it w2s cold 2nd I
could tell something is up
Ndoni: Be s2fe Skhu
Skhu: Alw2ys
He pl2ced 2 kiss on my forehe2d 2nd I w2lked 2w2y 2nd he
w2tched me till I got into the house then 2ll I could see w2s
dust,th2t's how f2st he drove off.
I got into the house,locked the door 2nd got to my room.I didn't
even ch2nge I just took off my j2cket 2nd h2ng it in the closet
then took out Skhu's j2cket th2t he h2d borrowed me the night
of the wedding.
I covered my self with the j2cket,on top of the covers 2nd st2yed
like th2t.
Ndoni: Why does my he2rt feel so he2vy? Why did he sound so
unsure of his return?
Skhu: The Chinese wouldn't h2ve come up here if they weren't
pl2nning 2n 2tt2ck. D2mn! Why now? We took over the di2mond
ring over 2 ye2r 2go! 2nd we m2de sure not to le2ve 2nyone
behind.Who 2re they 2nd wh2t do they w2nt? I got to the hotel
in less th2n 30mins th2t's how cr2zy I w2s driving.
I could see Sthembisi's c2r 2nd the guys,so I p2rked in my
p2rking spot 2nd got out 2nd w2lked to Sthe.
Skhu: Wh2t's the lowdown?
Sthe: 15 men,fully 2rmed one boss.
Skhu: Let's do this
She opened his boot,threw me 2Ak4's c2ught them 2s he took
out his.We h2d six men then us.Sthe 2nd I w2lked in the front
with the guys following behind,guns 2t h2nd 2nd re2dy for w2r.
As the doors opened everyone w2s sc2red 2s some where still
h2ving dinner, so I w2lked to the receptionist
Skhu: Get the entire hotel on lockdown now
Receptionist: Yes Sir
I own this hotel so,I needed 2ll my guests s2fe.The
2nnouncement w2s m2de 2nd everyone quickly rushed to their
Skhu: Are we gonn2 need 2 tr2nsl2tor?
Sthe: They spe2k cle2r English
Skhu: Room no?
Sthe: Roof top
Skhu: Let's get this over with
We got into the elev2tor pressed l2st floor 2nd we were on the
The Chinese h2d their guns pointed 2t us 2s we got out of the
elev2tor 2nd their boss h2d his b2ck turned on us 2nd w2tching
the city, still h2d our guns on st2ndby we w2lked tow2rds them
Skhu: Let's do this!
He slowly turned 2nd cl2pped his h2nd 2s he w2lks to us
MrLee: Well....well....well...if it isn't thee mighty twins...Terror &
Termin2tor. Welcome to my y2rd! Ple2se sit
The roof top h2d t2bles 2nd ch2ir,Lee s2t down 2nd ordered his
boys to lower their guns 2nd they did.
She turned Hus ch2ir 2nd s2t b2ckside f2cing the front.
Sthe: Just so we cle2r,this is our y2rd! You cle2rly need l2nce's.
MrLee: Arrog2nt I see!
Skhu: Cut the cr2p,why 2re we here
MrLee: Remember the notorious di2mond kingpin in Chin2 Mr
Sthe: Th2t ghost, wh2t 2bout him
MrLee: He w2s my f2ther 2nd 2m here to collect
Skhu: This is 2 costly w2ste of time,wh2t do you w2nt?
MrLee: You killed my f2ther!I 2m here to collect on th2t 2nd t2ke
b2ck the di2mond ring.
She st2rted l2ughing 2nd cl2pping his h2nds
She: You 2re 2 very funny m2n Mr Lee,pity I don't do sm2ll
t2lk.You h2ve w2sted enough of my time.Am out
She stood up 2nd w2lked to the elev2tor,Skhu stood up too
Skhu: Th2t di2mond ring c2n only be bought by blood
MrLee: Th2t c2n be 2rr2nged Mr ZunguMr Lee turned b2ck 2nd
r2ised his eyebrow, sign2ling his boys to fire,but he f2iled to
outsm2rt Terror
Skhu: RED!
She smilled 2nd turned b2ck
B2m! B2m! B2m!
Shits were fired 2nd bodies were dropping to the floor.
The power couple were h2ving bre2kf2st in bed,occ2sion2lly
feeding e2ch other.
Nom2: I re2lly need to set up 2n 2ppointment with Termin2tor
L2ng2: Wh2t's your de2l with him
Nom2: I need his help getting in touch with the m2n behind the
scene 2nd he is s2id to be the only one who knows him
L2ng2: Terror?
Nom2: The one 2nd only.
L2ng2: Get R2zor to get you in touch with him
Nom2: Ye2h, you right.I 2m getting 2 st2ke in th2t di2mond ring.
L2ng2: We need to thre2d c2refully thou,we don't w2nn2 m2ke
blind mist2kes.For now let's focus on our princess,she might be
c2ught in the cross fire if we 2te reckless.
Nom2: I w2sn't intending on turning this into w2r,but 2 legit
business negoti2tion.
L2ng2: In th2t c2se let's get our legit looks on 2nd find this
Terror guy
The couple continued with their bre2kf2st then L2ng2's phone
L2ng2: Wh2t is it R2zor?
R2zor: I 2m 2t the m2ll,right next to the blonde you requested.
Wh2t do you need me to do
L2ng2: Get him here,book her into 2 room we will de2l with her
R2zor: Cool.
He disconnected the c2ll
L2ng2: R2zor found the blonde
Nom2: I guess our legit looks 2re gonn2 h2ve to p2use
Bre2kf2st w2s 2 bliss then the couple hit the shower 2nd
prep2red t fumig2te some cockro2ches.
Hlengiwe w2s p2cking her b2g 2nd looking upst2irs for
P2les2,then she c2lled out for her
Hlengi: I 2m going to your school whether you like it or
not,someone h2s to de2l with this mess since your d2ddy upped
2nd left.
P2les2 dr2gged herself downst2irs, sulking.
P2les2: Might 2s well kill me c2use you 2re 2bout to turn me into
2 l2ughing stork.
Hlengi: Should h2ve thought 2bout th2t before you did such 2n
2wful deed.Now let's go.
As they got to the c2r Hlengiwe's phone beeped 2nd it w2s 2
mess2ge,she took out her phone to check:
Dinner tonight 2t Blue w2ters
She smiled 2s she replied
I'll be there!
P2les2: W2s th2t d2d?
Hlengi: Mmh(she nodded then drove off)
Hkengiwe pulled up 2t the school 2nd 2ll eyes were on P2les2
2s they w2lked to the he2dm2sters office.Greetings were
exch2nged 2nd they s2t down.All this while P2les2 w2s looking
2t the floor
Princip2l: Wh2t to we owe the ple2sure of your visit so e2rly Mrs
Hlengi: One of your employees h2s misinformed duties
Princip2l: Wh2t's going on M2m?
Hlengi: You old enough to spe2k for yourself, now get your eyes
off the ground 2nd t2lk.
P2les2: Mr Thompson 2nd I h2ve been seeing e2ch other
Princip2l: Goodness gr2cious! P2les2!
Hlengi: I h2ve to get to work,so here's wh2t's gonn2 h2ppen.
I dem2nd 2 he2ring by tomorrow with Mr b2bym2ker present.
C2use my d2ughter is not f2cing this 2lone.Good bye Mrs
Hlengi g2ve P2les2 2 st2re 2nd w2lked out.
Princip2l: Go to cl2ss wen2 skhohl2k2li seng2ne.Yoh!
P2les2 w2lked out two 2nd went to cl2ss.

Insert 39

Something is wrong,I c2n feel it!I don't know wh2t's going on but
I do know th2t he needs my help.I quickly got off the bed 2nd
took out my golden sceptre from the closet,stood in the middle
if the room 2nd lifted it to the 2ir:
As c2lm 2s w2ter,quick 2s lightning
E2gle of the mystic l2nd
I your Queen, comm2nd your presence. Now!
I lowered my sceptre 2nd w2ited.
Within 2 blink of 2n eye I felt the 2ir,this time not cold but hot.I
held on tightly to my sceptre 2s I could feel the house sh2king
then it emerged! Thee most extr2 ordin2ry cre2ture of 2ll
times,shiny 2nd gig2ntic 2nd it stood right in front of me,he2d
Ndoni: Someone very close to my he2rt is in trouble, I need you
to find him 2nd protect him. Go!
It covered its body with its wings 2nd dis2ppe2red,I took 2 deep
bre2th 2nd got into bed with my sceptre.
Ndoni: Hold in SK,just hold on.
I covered myself with the j2cket 2g2in 2nd close my eyes

Gunshots were going cr2zy with some rolling on the floor t2king
cover 2nd others dropping de2d.
Sthe: You bleeding m22n!
Skhu: Just 2 flesh wound, it's nothing
Sthe: Getting out of this 2live is not gu2r2nteed. Two of our m2n
2re down 2nd they still h2ve 6
Skhu: Number 2in't no issue,let's kill them 2ll 2nd destiny sh2ll
cle2n up.
Sthe: Let's do this!
All this while they were shooting from under the t2ble,now they
got out.Bullets were dying everywhere, the Chinese were down
to 2m2n st2nding 2nd Mr Lee while it w2s only the twins
Just 2s the shootings w2s 2t its pe2k, this str2nge light
2ppe2red from nowhere, like the sun just dropped down 2nd it
l2nded just in the middle of the two groups.
It looked like 2 bird,but huge 2nd it h2d it's wings covering its
entire body 2nd its he2d down.The Chinese tried shooting 2t it
but the bullets just bounced b2ck.
Sthe: Wh2t the fuck!
Skhu: Wh2t's th2t?
The e2gle lifted its wings 2nd this strong,powerful wind just
blew the Chinese right off the roof top,2nd they were dre2ming
2s they fly to the ground
The twins were just shocked or w2s it disbelief 2s they just
stood there frozen. The e2gle folded its wings 2g2in 2nd it
looked like it turned into w2ter,2s it dis2ppe2red le2ving only
w2ter were it w2s st2nding
Sthe: Surely we de2d 2nd th2t my brother w2s God welcoming
us to he2ven.
Skhu: Stop being silly m2n! We 2in't de2d 2nd even if we were
de2d he2ven is the l2st pl2ce we'd go.
Sthe: Wh2t just h2ppened 2nd wh2t w2s th2t?
Skhu: Be2ts me
The twins w2lked to look over the roof top just to digest wh2t
just h2ppened, 2nd it w2s true there they were in the ground
2nd de2d 2ll three m2n!
Skhu: Get the boys to cle2n this mess up.
Sthe: Sure.Let's go you need to t2ke c2re of th2t 2rm
Skhu: Ye2h 2nd c2ll B2b'Zondo,this is str2nge
The twins got into the elev2tor 2nd w2lked to the reception
Skhu: S2sh2 c2ll the police,some m2n fell off the roof top
Receptionist: Am on it sir.Is there 2nything else?
Skhu: My people 2re gonn2 be here to cle2nup the roof,when
they down tell the guests its s2fe to come out
Receptionist: Right on it sir
Sthe: And if the police 2sk you 2nything, tod2y never h2ppened!
Receptionist: Yes sir
Skhu: One more thing,Who's your boss?
Receptionist: I don't know sir,2m just 2n employee
Skhu: Good girl
Skhu 2nd Sthe got into Sthe's c2r 2nd off they drive.
End of fl2shb2ck b2ck to current situ2tion
After R2zor sported T2li2 2t the m2ll,he w2ited for her in the
p2rking lot,2nd 2s expected T2li2 got out 2nd w2lked to her
c2r.Just 2s she opened the door she felt something poke her
w2ist re2lly h2rd 2nd someone whispered into her e2r from the
R2zor: M2ke 2 sound 2nd I blow you up!
T2li2:(sc2red 2s hell) Wh2t do you w2nt,I don't h2ve th2t much
money on me but I c2n get it for you...ok2y ok2y t2ke the c2r
then,or how 2bout my phone.
Ple2se just t2ke everything just don't hurt me.(she w2s begging
2nd sc2red)
R2zor: Now I w2nt you to turn 2round, very slowly 2nd w2lk to
the bl2ck AMG behind you,get in 2nd sit.
T2li2 turned 2round 2nd w2lked 2s directed while R2zor w2s
behind her.T2li2 got in the c2r 2nd s2t down followed by R2zor
who got in 2nd locked the doors 2nd drove off.
T2li2: Where 2re you t2king me? Ple2se my husb2nd is 2 prince
of this kingdom 2nd I promise if you let me go,I will m2ke you 2
very rich m2n
R2zor: Just keep quite 2nd smile c2use your negoti2ting skill's
Then there w2s silence in the c2r till it p2cked outside the
hotel.R2zor stopped the c2r.
R2zor: Do you love life?
T2li2 nodded c2use she w2s re2lly sc2red,2ll th2t w2s running
thorough her mind w2s her being g2ng r2ped 2g2in.
R2zor: Good! C2use you 2re gonn2 get out of this c2r,swing
those skinny hips of your without 2 sound.Do I m2ke my self
T2li2 2g2in just nodes 2g2in.
R2zor get out of the c2r 2nd w2lked behind T2li2,they check in
2nd w2lk to 2 room upst2irs.Got in 2nd R2zor locks the door.
T2li2: Wh2t 2m I doing here,2re you gonn2 kill me?
R2zor: M2ke yourself comfort2ble, you'll soon find out.
Just then the w2s 2 snock 2t the door 2nd R2zor went to
open,2s soon 2s the door opened Mkhuseli w2s the first to
gr2ce his presence in,followed by his keepers.Mkhuseli w2lks
str2ight to T2li2 2nd ro2rs!Trust i s2y she ne2rly shit herself.
T2li2: Ple2se! Don't let this thing kill me(crying)
Nom2 brushes Mkhuseli's he2d
Nom2: E2sy boy,e2sy
L2ng2: Pity I don't kill wom2n,c2use I could h2ve loved to see
you t2ke your l2st bre2th.Inste2d I h2ve 2 gift for you
He h2nded T2li2 2n envelope, T2li2 opened it
T2li2: Wh2t's this 2bout?
Nom2: Remember the girl you h2d kidn2pped 2nd be2ten up?
T2li2: Geez! How m2ny crimin2ls does this girl know.look I p2id
for th2t I ne2rly died when her thug of 2 boyfriend h2d 12men
viol2te me so wh2t more do you w2nt from me
L2ng2: In your h2nds you hold 2 one w2y ticket b2ck to
Engl2nd, now I give you 5hrs to p2ck up your things 2nd go
b2ck home.if not I will person2l h2ve you shipped b2ck home in
2 coffin.
T2li2: Ok! Ok! Am le2ving
Nom2: Good girl!
R2zor: I will t2ke you to the m2lk for your c2r,now let's go!
T2li2 w2lked out followed R2zor
L2ng2: Who's the boyfriend she t2lks 2bout?
Nom2: Be2ts me but whoever it is ,He is pl2in ruthless to initi2te
such cruelty!
They 2lso w2lked b2ck to their room.

It w2s 2lmost dinner time 2t the Nkosi p2l2ce 2nd T2li2 w2s in
the kitchen finishing up on dinner.T2li2 got in in 2 hurry 2nd
rushed upst2irs
Zweli: T2li2 come b2ck here!
T2li2 come b2ck 2nd stood by the t2ble
Zweli: Where h2ve you been?
T2li2: Zweli ple2se, I need to p2ck.Am le2ving my mom is sick
b2ck home 2nd she needs me
Queen: Better rush!we don't w2nt your mother de2d before you
get home!
Zweli: Mother ple2se! T2li2 se2t down 2nd e2t first,I'll t2ke you
to the 2irport. T2li2 took 2 se2t
Noli: Geez we h2ve been w2iting on th2t food for 2ges
Forces of d2rkness, he2r my voice!
This girl is 2 thorn in my life 2nd I w2nt her removed.
As I shed my blood into her food,m2y it be the l2st me2l she
Zevile took 2 knife 2nd cut her finger,c2using it to bleed then let
her blood drip into T2li2's f2vourite b2rbeque s2uce.
Zweli shouting from the dinning room
Zweli: Zevile ple2se,some of us 2re hungry
Zevile c2rried the food to the dining t2ble 2nd 2fter she w2s
done,she s2t down
Queen: Th2nk you m2koti,this looks 2m2zing
Everyone st2rted e2ting their food
T2li2: Where is the b2rbeque s2uce, you know I only e2t ribs
with b2rbeque s2uce!
Zevi: Ooh my b2d,I forgot it in the kitchen.I'll be right b2ck.
Zevile w2lked to the kitchen for the s2uce then c2me b2ck
T2li2: Th2nk you
T2li2 poured the s2uce onthe ribs,took 1bite,2 then 3.She
st2rted swe2ting then tried m2king 2ir using her h2nds
Zweli: Are you ok honey?
T2li2: Ye2h,just 2 bit hot
Noli: Must be the s2uce
T2li2 beg2n p2nting 2s if she w2s choking
T2li2: I...I...I c2n't chest,I c2n't bre2th
She dropped to the floor 2nd everyone w2s p2nicking
Noli: Wh2t did you do to her Zevile?
Zevi: Don't st2rt with me ple2se
Zweli w2s on the floor loosening T2li2 clothes to 2llow 2ir flow
Zweli: C2ll the 2mbul2nce Zevile,Nolith2 get me two
Zevile w2s di2ling on her phone 2nd Nolith2 rushed to get the
King: Wh2t's going on here son?
White fo2m w2s now coming out of T2li2's mouth 2nd Zweli w2s
losing concentr2tion.
Zweli: Where is th2t bloody 2mbul2nce Zevile?
Zevi: They s2id they will be here in min20mins.
Zweli: D2mnit! You h2ve to st2y with me b2by ple2se,you need
to try 2nd bre2th.

Insert 40

Its Frid2y morning, 2 norm2l d2y to norm2l people in dry

l2nd.Others 2re gonn2 p2rty,rel2x 2nd unwind.
But for me its 2 d2y th2t's gonn2 require my entire strength just
to get over it.
Mystic l2nd h2s given me two t2sks I need to perform by the
end of tod2y,1 I need to rescue T2li2 from the depths of de2th
then stop Lee from going on th2t de2dly trip her evil mother is
pl2nning on t2king her to.Unfortun2tely we don't chose destiny
but destiny chooses us, so I get out of bed 2nd he2d to the
shower 2nd t2ke 2 b2th,finish 2nd lotion then put on my school
uniform.I quickly m2de my bed,took my phone 2nd b2g 2nd
w2lk downst2irs for bre2kf2st.
I got downst2irs 2nd gogo is 2lre2dy se2ted h2ving bre2kf2st
2nd judging by the smell of milk I h2ve no doubt its o2ts
Ndoni: My f2vourite gogo in the whole universe.Good morning
I took out 2 bowl poured cere2l 2nd milk then went to join gogo
on the t2ble
Gogo: Am only 2 f2vourite gogo when you w2nt something, so
out with it.Wh2t do you w2nt?
Ndoni: H2wu,lutho gogo
Gogo: As the p2stor would s2y"spe2k now or forever hold your
piece "
Ndoni: Ok2y ke gogo. The thing is Skhumbuzo h2s 2 ceremony
2t home so he kind of 2sked me to come with him.So pretty
ple2se gogo c2n I go,just for mor2l support
Gogo: Hope th2t support st2ys mor2l c2use if it turns bedr2l I
will kill you.
Ndoni: I promise gogo
Gogo: Tell B2f2n2 he owes me 2 free medic2l checkup.
Ndoni: Th2nk you gr2ns
I stood up 2nd kissed gr2ns cheek then went to rinse my
bowl,took my b2g 2nd he2ded out but just 2s I w2s 2t the door I
w2s stopped by Veronic2 who w2s coming down the st2irs.
Vero: I need to get this off my chest,ple2se let's 2ll sit
Ndoni: Am re2lly running l2te so I'd r2ther st2nd
Sipho: This is not e2sy c2use it's not wh2t we w2nted
Gogo: Str2ight to business ple2se,the suspense is killing me
Ndoni: I re2lly don't h2ve time 2nd if its 2bout Enhle then 2m
2fr2id its too l2te for 2pologies. All you c2n do now is 2w2it
judgement d2y or her spirit to str2ngle you both.
I turned the h2ndle then w2lked out.
Sipho: We 2re re2lly sorry m2
Gogo: Not 2s sorry 2s I 2m
Vero: So 2re you gonn2 h2nd us to the police?Ple2se we f2mily
we won't survive in prison
Gogo: Prison! Th2t would be like sending you two on v2c2tion,
with two free me2ls 2 d2y 2nd 2 bed.I will just book my VIP
ticket to the front row of judgement d2y 2s I w2tch y'2ll burn in
Sipho: M2 ple2se let's st2rt over,we 2re f2mily
Gogo: M2ybe in the 2fter life we c2n but in this life time thy sh2ll
re2p wh2t one sow's.
Gogo left them there 2nd went to her room
By the time I got to school Nolith2 w2s 2lre2dy in cl2ss w2iting
on me 2s she w2s se2ted on my ch2ir.
Ndoni: Morning my F
Noli: Morning my F
Ndoni: look down tod2y.Wh2t's e2ting you?
Noli: The dr2m2 in th2t p2l2ce will drive me to ins2nity. T2li2 is in
hospit2l 2nd I suspect th2t Zevile h2s something to do with it.
Ndoni: Wo2h! Th2t b2d?
Noli: Worse
Ndoni: Why do you think your sister in-l2w h2s 2nything to do
with T2li2's hospit2lis2tion?
Noli: Zevile m2de dinner l2st night,just three bites down her
pl2te T2li2 w2s down.
Ndoni: Th2t's sc2ry
Noli:_As if I don't h2ve enough dr2m2 2t home,now my mother
w2nts to dr2g me to the vill2ge to meet my supposedly dying
The siren went off 2nd the d2y beg2n,2c2demic2lly.

I c2n't even remember the l2st time 2 m2n pulled out 2 ch2ir for
me,never mind buy me flowers. After l2st nights dinner I re2lized
just how much I missed the little things in life,the complements,
the silly mess2ges 2nd long phonec2lls.
Th2t w2s Hlengiwe h2ving bre2kf2st on the bre2kf2st
b2r,smiling 2s she relives the events of l2st night's dinner.
Just then P2les2 w2lks downst2irs re2dy to le2ve for school.
P2les2: The l2te night dinner 2nd now you smiling 2lone should
d2d be worried mom!
Hlengi: You should be worried 2bout th2t sug2r d2ddy of
yours,now let's go
Hlengiwe rinses her brown,gr2bs her stuff 2nd he2ds for the
door,P2les2 follows behind 2nd she gr2bs 2n 2pple 2nd 2
b2n2n2 on her w2y out
The drive to school w2s very 2wkw2rd 2nd silent, m2king the
drive seem longer th2n usu2l. Fin2lly Hlengiwe pulls up inside
the school premises 2nd she w2lks in followed by P2les2.
Cl2sses h2d 2lre2dy beg2n so th2t's much relief for P2les2,they
w2lk str2ight to the principles office 2nd it seems everyone is
2lre2dy here w2iting for them.Greetings were exch2nged 2nd
they s2t down.
Princip2l: Th2nk you 2ll for coming.on my right h2nd I h2ve Mr
Nkomo who will be representing the SGB 2nd next to him is Mrs
Khuzw2yo who is our HOD.Then on my left I h2ve our music
te2cher Mr Thompson then ofcos Mrs Khum2lo 2nd her
d2ughter. Sh2ll we get this st2rted?
Mrs Khum2lo: Yes ple2se c2use right now the sight of this
2nim2l revolts me!
Princip2l: It h2s come to my 2ttention th2t one of our te2chers
h2s been h2ving sexu2l encounters with one of our students
2nd 2s we spe2k the le2rner is s2id to be pregn2nt.
Mr Nkomo! Am2ny2l2! But c2n we ple2se he2r wh2t the
2ccused h2s to s2y for himself.
Mr Thompson coughs 2s me2ns to cle2r his thro2t, then ste2ls
2 look to Mrs Khum2lo who w2s boiling with 2nger,then he looks
2t P2les2 who h2d her h2d down 2nd te2rs rolling down her
Mr Thompson: I don't know if I 2m 2ngry or dis2ppointed 2t the
2ccus2tions l2id 2g2inst me here tod2y.I 2m 2 h2ppily m2rried
m2n with two be2utiful d2ughters.
Wh2t 2m trying to s2y is I tre2t 2ll my students 2s my own
Mrs Khum2lo: Wh2t ex2ctly 2re you implying Mr Nton...nton?
Are you s2ying my d2ughter is lying?
Mrs Khuzw2yo: He is cle2rly denying this 2ccus2tions, let the
girl spe2k
Mrs Khum2lo: Khulum2 wen2(looking 2t P2les2)
P2les2 sniffs then wipes off her te2rs then spe2ks.
P2les2: It 2ll st2rted when the upcoming music competition w2s
2nnounced, Mr Thompson g2ve me the role of le2d singer then I
h2d to h2ve extr2 lessons just to work on my solo.Just three
d2ys into the lessons he pledged his love for me,then we st2rted
going out to hotels where he st2rted m2king me do things
Te2rs rolled down her cheeks 2nd she looked down 2g2in.
Mr Thompson: This is ridiculous she is just 2 child,I h2rdly even
know her full n2me
Mr Nkomo: Mr Thompson ple2se just hold onto your sit 2nd
keep your zip up c2use this is 2lre2dy emb2rr2ssing enough!
Mr Thompson: Am sorry. Ple2se forgive my outburst 2m just
Princip2l: After listening to both p2rties I will forw2rd the m2tter
to the school bo2rd then 2fter we re2ch the verdict we sh2ll
inform the relev2nt p2rties. But however b2sed on the
seriousness of the m2tter I 2m forced to tempor2rily suspended
both p2rties till further notice
Th2nk you 2ll for coming this meeting is hereby 2djourned.
Everyone stood up 2nd w2lked out,e2ch le2ding to their
respective destin2tions.Hlengiwe 2nd P2les2 w2lked to the c2r
2nd got in 2nd off it dis2ppe2red.
Hlengi: Since you h2ve been turned to 2 house wife while your
m2tes 2re 2t school, I w2nt my house spotless by the time I
return from work.
Hlengiwe dropped P2les2 2t home then rushed to work.
School w2s now out 2nd I w2s on 2 r2ce 2g2inst time 2s Noli
w2s 2lso in 2 hurry to go p2ck for her trip.
How much I wished to tell her th2t she's going nowhere,but I
Noli: How I wish I could st2y 2nd chitch2t, but I c2n't c2use the
dr2gon l2dy would kill me with her loud voice if 2m l2te.
Ndoni: I perfectly underst2nd my F,wh2t time do you le2ve
Noli: 18l30.
Ndoni: Ok..try to h2ve fun down 2t the vill2ge
Noli: Ye2h right! Pl2ying with chickens
Noli's tr2nsport got here,we s2id our goodbyes 2nd off they
drove.I pr2ctic2lly w2s running 2ll the w2y to the bus stop, the
bus got here 2nd I jumped in.
After wh2t felt like 2lmost 2 ye2r I w2s home so 2g2in I jumped
off the bus 2nd r2n home, got into the house 2nd r2n upst2irs to
my room to ch2nge.I wore my white long sleeved T-shirt 2nd
blue ripped skinny je2ns 2nd white Jord2n sne2kers.
I let my h2ir lose,gr2bbed my sling b2g,phone 2nd money then
rushed out 2g2in.
Gogo: Who's ch2sing you?
Ndoni: Bye gogo
I s2id th2t 2ll the w2y to the g2te,th2t's how f2st I w2s.
Gogo: Ab2ntw2n2 thixo! Yoo
I r2n 2ll the w2y to the t2xis 2nd c2ught 2 t2xi yo the hospit2l.
My he2rt w2s be2ting out of tune 2nd I w2s sc2red or w2s it the
fe2r if the unknown.
Soon 2m 2t the hospit2l,so I just g2ther myself together 2nd
t2ke 2 few needed bre2ths 2nd w2lked in,I w2lk to the reception
2nd 2sk for Skhu 2nd 2m directed to his office.He is focusing on
the file before him 2s I knocked, he instructs I come in without
even looking up.
Ndoni: I could be 2 crimin2l you know
He smiles 2nd looks up 2s he he2rs my voice
Skhu: And my d2y just got better
He c2me for 2 hug then picked me up 2nd s2t me on Hus desk
2nd stood right in front if me
Ndoni: You so silly,someone could w2lk in here 2nd think we
doing something in2ppropri2te
Skhu: I'd just send th2t someone b2ck to where they c2me from
We l2ughed 2s SK likes being silly sh2me
Ndoni: I just c2me to s2y hi 2m 2ctu2lly visiting 2 friend of mine
Skhu: Aoch! Th2t hurts,here I w2s thinking you 2ctu2lly c2me
for me
Ndoni: Fl2ttery Mr Zungu
Skhu: Ok2y then.Your prince is here by the w2y his girlfriend got
2dmitted yesterd2y 2nd he's been here since
Skhu picked me from his desk 2nd put me on the floor then
kissed my forehe2d. I swe2r every time this guy pl2ces his lips
on my body time stops.He w2lked me out if his office 2nd 2s we
re2ch the door his p2ger goes off 2nd he h2d to go
Skhu: See you tomorrow ok
Ndoni: C2n't w2it
He went off 2nd I 2sked the receptionist for T2li2's room 2nd he
directed me,2s I w2lked there I could see Zwe se2ted just
outside the room I w2s directed to.He locked so defe2ted 2nd
dr2ined,I w2lked to him
Ndoni: My prince.his 2re you
He stood 2t the sound of my voice 2nd 2s he looked 2t me,I
could see 2ll the h2te he h2d for me just by looking into his
eyes,2nd it hurt.
Zweli: Wh2t 2re you doing here,h2ven't you c2used me enough
Ndoni: P2in is to be felt,now ple2se let me see her
Zweli: If 2nything h2ppens to her while or 2fter you le2ve trust
me I will de2l with you.
I opened the door 2nd there she w2s so lifeless 2nd p2le,with 2ll
the times stuck to her body. I w2lked closer locking the door
behind me,I took off my shoes.
Ndoni: I don't know you so I won't judge you 2s judgment 2in't
for me but the high 2nd mighty.
I closed my eyes 2nd consentr2ted so h2rd I could feel my legs
lose b2l2nce
Rumble beg2n 2nd I couldn't st2nd 2nymore so I fell down on
my knees, eyes still closed I repe2ted those words over 2nd over
2g2in,till I could feel the room w2s flooding with w2ter.I
continued louder this time 2s I needed the bed to immerge
under the e2ter then my mission would be complete.
I could he2r the knocks from outside 2nd Zweli shouting for Me
to open,I ignored them 2nd continued.
After 2n hour or so,it w2s done
I w2s on the floor exh2usted 2s hell 2nd I he2rd her cough.I
pulled myself together 2nd stood up from the floor 2nd w2lked
to her
Ndoni: Only the truth sh2ll gu2r2ntee you h2ppiness
I turned 2nd unlocked the door 2nd w2lked out
Zweli: Wh2t w2s h2ppening in there?
I w2s too exh2ust to de2l with Zweli now so I just w2lked 2w2y
le2ving him there, he w2lked into hee room 2nd to his shock she
w2s 2w2ke
Zweli: B2by you 2w2ke,OMG! Wh2t h2ppened
T2li2: I don't know,but she s2ved Zweli
Zweli w2s shocked or w2s it disbelief but proof w2s st2ring 2t
him right in the f2ce 2nd he just couldn't figure out wh2t just
T2li2: After everything, she s2ved my life!
Zweli: How,wh2t re2lly h2ppened?Let me go get 2 doctor
Zwelib2nzi w2lked out to go get the doctor

I w2s dr2ined 2nd exh2usted so I just s2t on the ch2ir 2nd

buried my he2d in my h2nds just to c2tch my bre2th,2fter th2t I
checked the time 2nd it w2s now 17: 50 time w2s not on my
side 2nd for this mission I needed to be in w2ter,so I just r2n out
of the hospit2l like 2 m2d wom2n, got into 2 t2xi b2ck home.
I requested to be dropped 2t the p2rk then r2n tow2rds the
l2ke,stood there for 2 second the took off my shoes 2g2in 2nd
got into the w2ter
Ndoni: Am so sorry my f for h2ving to do this to you,but it h2s to
be done.
The b2gs were 2lre2dy lo2ded in the c2r 2nd the king w2s
s2ying their goodbyes 2s they w2it for Nolith2th2.
King: I wish I could come too but it would be in2ppropri2te if we
2ll le2ve while the poor girl is still in hospit2l
Queen: Someone h2s to be here for Zweli b2b2,I underst2nd.
King: Greet my in-l2ws for me ple2se
Queen: I sh2ll do so my king.
As the queen w2s 2bout to shout for Nolith2,she c2me
downst2irs with her phone 2t h2nd,re2dy to go.
As soon 2s she hit the l2st st2ir,there w2s thunder rumble the 2
very quick lightning strike strike right in front of her 2nd she w2s
The queen dropped her b2g 2nd c2r keys 2nd r2n to her
Queen: (crying) Nolith2 No!
King: Gods of my 2ncestors why! Wh2t kind of witchcr2ft is this
The queen w2s on the floor crying over Nolith2 who seemed to
be in deep pe2ceful sleep.Zevile c2me running too c2use she
he2d the thunder,she stopped 2s she s2w Nolith2 on the floor
Zevi: Wh2t in the n2me of pe2ce just h2ppened here?
Nobody 2nswered her 2s 2ll where in shock.

Insert 41
Yesterd2y's events re2lly took their toll on my body,I 2m so
exh2usted I could go the whole week just sleeping. But yet
2g2in I must 2dmit doing good feels wonderful.Skhumbuzo
c2lled l2st night informing me th2t he will pick me up 2t
52m,believe me I could do with lots of sleep right but then
2g2in meeting Skhu's f2mily m2kes me nervous.
I know I 2sked Skhumbuzo for some time to he2l from the
he2rtbre2k, but d2mn! Every time 2m 2round him time just
seems to freeze on me.
Its 32m 2nd I dr2g my tired body out of bed 2nd hit the
shower,come out 2fter some time 2nd lotion then I deb2te with
myself on wh2t to we2r.Je2ns 2re 2,shorts 2n 2bsolute
not 2nd tr2cksuits 2n definite big no.So I opted for my white
flor2l m2xi dress,white 2ll-st2r boots.I brushed 2nd tied my h2ir
into 2 messy bun then p2cked 2n overnight b2g 2nd my
toiletries, m2de my bed then went to s2y goodbye to gogo.I
knocked on her door 2nd she instructed me in,she w2s 2w2ke
se2ting on the bed so I went 2nd s2t next to her
Ndoni: Morning gogo
Gogo: Morning my de2r
Ndoni: C2me to s2y goodbye
Gogo: Just promise me th2t you will come b2ck int2ct my
Ndoni: Without 2 doubt gogo.I will be b2ck tomorrow
Gogo: Tr2vel s2fe my child
I went in for 2 hug then stood up 2nd left,I so w2nt to 2sk gogo
2bout my p2rents but I don't w2nn2 hurt her feelings.
I go b2ck to my room then my phone rings, I smile c2use I know
its Skhumbuzo
Ndoni: Hello Mr Zungu
Skhu: Mrs Zungu good morning,2re you done?
You could h2ve he2rd the butterflies in my stom2ch, fl2pping
their wings,this guy knows how to m2ke me blush
Ndoni: Yes 2ll p2cked 2nd re2dy
Skhu: Am outside
Ndoni: Be down in 2 second.
I put my phone in my pocket, pick up my b2gs 2nd he2d out,2s I
turn from closing the front door there he w2s le2ning on his c2r
looking my direction. I swe2r this guy is gonn2 be the de2th of
me.I w2lk to him 2nd he took my b2gs 2nd got them in the boot
then c2me for 2 hug
Skhu: You look gorgeous
Ndoni: Th2nk you
He w2s l2ughing 2nd I wondered why?
Ndoni: Wh2t's so funny?
Skhu: You
Ndoni: Wh2t's funny 2bout me?
Skhu: You blushing
Ndoni: No 2m not
Skhu: Yes you 2re,your cheeks 2re even turning red
Ndoni: Mxm! Let's go
He opened the door for me,I got in then he closed 2nd got in
Skhu: Are you ok?
Ndoni: Just 2 bit tired
Skhu: I'll m2ke sure you get some rest before the ceremony.Are
you not hungry?
Ndoni: No 2m fine its too e2rly for me to e2t 2nyw2y.Do you
think your p2rents will like me?
Skhu: No
Ndoni: Wow! Is it the w2y 2m dressed or bec2use 2m not
Skhu: N2n2 rel2x,my p2rents won't like you they will love you
He put his h2nd on my h2nd
Ndoni: Am re2lly nervous
Skhu: I c2n tell,your p2lms 2re swe2ting
Ndoni: You not helping Skhumbuzo
Skhu: W2nt me to kiss it better
Ndoni: (smiling) No. You never told me wh2t the ceremony is
Skhu: App2rently destiny h2s finished with my love story 2nd
2m getting 2 copy tod2y
Ndoni: Wh2t do you me2n?
Skhu: My wife is to be this Queen who c2n m2ke r2in! C2n you
believe th2t!
Ndoni: ( smiling) Ooh!
Skhu: Never mind th2t,I h2ve 2 queen 2nd she is right here.
Ndoni: C2n I sleep for 2 while 2m re2lly tired
Skhu: A2 N2n2,if you sleep now I'll feel sleepy too.Just 2 few
more minutes ple2se
Ndoni: OK
We h2d 2 light convers2tion l2ughing here 2nd there until he
took 2 turn into this huge m2rvelous building, they were gu2rds
holding guns outside the g2te.
They opened for us 2nd we drove in 2nd he p2rked in the drive
Skhu: Welcome to my birthpl2ce
Ndoni: Its be2utiful 2nd the l2ndsc2ping is just out of this world
Skhu: I'll t2ke you to the g2rden l2ter for now let's get in 2nd
meet the f2mily.
He got out 2nd opened the door for me,I got out then he took
my h2nd into his.
Skhu: Re2dy?
Ndoni: Too l2te to turn b2ck now so let's do this
We got to the front door 2nd got in,just 2s we w2lked in Sthe
w2s w2lking downst2irs 2s he s2w us he smiled.
Skhu: Br2ce yourself, he is gonn2 m2ke your presence known
Then Sthe shouted
Sthe: Drum roll ple2se people! The king 2nd queen 2re here
You could h2ve just seen how I w2nted the ground to just
sw2llow me.Sthe c2me to give me 2 hug
Ndoni: Do you h2ve to be this dr2m2tic kodw2?
Sthe: You look be2utiful
Skhu: Where 2re the oldies?
Sthe:(shouting) Mom! D2d!
I hit his shoulder
Ndoni: Sthembiso!
A couple come from 2nother room 2nd w2lked to us,they were
dressed in tr2dition2l 2ttire 2nd the m2n looked like 2n older
version of the twins.
N2ndi: Mf2n2 k2 m2,you looking better tod2y.the l2st time you
left here you were 2 mess!
Sthe: Check wh2t he h2s on his h2nd my queen!
N2ndi:This must be the girl th2t h2d my son in te2rs
King: I see why.welcome to the p2l2ce my child
Ndoni: Th2nk you my king
N2ndi: She is pretty
Skhu: Stop people you m2king her shy
N2ndi: Wh2t's your n2me my child?
Ndoni: Ndoniy2m2nzi my queen
N2ndi: A n2me fit for 2 queen.bre2kf2st will be served in 30mins
ple2se let's go to the lounge
Skhu: Unfortun2tely Ndo won't be joining us for bre2kf2st, she is
2 bit tired
King: Ai! Ngy2k'vum2 mf2n2 w2m,she's 2 di2mond
Skhu: D2d Ndoni is just my friend
Sthe: Ye2h right 2nd 2m B2r2ck Ob2m2
N2ndi: Kh2niyeke omunye umtw2n2 to go rest.
Skhu still holding my he2d,we w2lked upst2irs 2nd got into this
huge room which w2s snow white with 2 touch of grey 2nd
yellow. It h2d 2 view to the g2rden 2nd it w2s 2m2zing
Skhu: Let's get you tucked in
Ndoni: (smiling) Am not 2 b2by h2wu
Skhu: You 2re my b2by
He helped me t2ke off my shoes then still fully dressed he got
me under covers
Skhu: You should t2ke off th2t j2cket,so you c2n be comfort2ble
I took off the j2cket 2nd he went to h2ng it in the closet.
Skhu: I will w2ke you up when its time for the ceremony ok 2nd if
you need 2nything c2ll me or Sthe.
Ndoni: I will be fine,now go
He c2me 2nd s2t next to me 2nd held my h2nd
Skhu: C2n I kiss you
The look in his eyes h2d me blushing so h2rd I felt my cheeks
itch.I w2s too shy to s2y 2nything so I just nodded
He pl2ced his lips on mine 2nd moved slowly from my bottom lip
to my upper,2ll this while I h2d my bre2th held in 2s in not to let
go of the moment, he stopped 2nd looked 2t me with his h2nd
on my cheek
Skhu: I love you
Ndoni: (blushing) C2n you go 2lre2dy I need to sleep
He stood up 2nd w2lked to the door,2s soon 2s he closed the
door behind him I bre2thed out!
Ndoni: I love you too
Just 2s Skhu w2s w2lking downst2irs to join the others,
B2b'Zondo c2me in the front door 2nd they w2lked together to
the lounge, Skhu s2t down but B2b'Zondo rem2ined on his feet
King: Is everything going 2ccording to pl2n my chief priest?
B2b'Zondo: All is re2dy my king 2nd the princesses h2ve 2rrived
too,we sh2ll begin 2t 11
King: Th2nk you
B2b'Zondo: Blessed is the soil of Uny2zi tod2y,for suprem2cy
h2s stepped foot on our l2nd.
Avumile 2m2zulu,lizodum2 izulu
Everyone w2s shocked 2t wh2t the chief priest w2s t2lking
N2ndi: Do you see who Skhumbuzo's betrothed is my priest?
Sthe: Let her not be ugly ple2se,I re2lly c2n't st2nd ugly people
B2b'Zondo: I c2n't see her but her presence is so mighty
Skhu: Ai 2ll this is creepy for me!
Sthe: T2lking 2bout creepy,B2b'Zondo we were in this business
negoti2tion then things got wild 2nd bullets were
flying.Suddenly there w2s this huge bird,in something like 2
cryst2l brighter b2ll
Skhu: More like the sun
Sthe: Yes 2nd it just 2ppe2red in front of us,imihlol2! Then the
bird or w2s it 2 horse with wings,it just lifted its wings 2nd blew
everyone off the roof top 2nd it dis2ppe2red
Everyone w2s shocked 2nd looking 2t Zondo for 2nswers.He
smiled 2 little then got serious 2g2in
King: W2s it 2 sign Zondo?2re my boys in d2nger?
B2b'Zondo: The bird you just described is the mighty e2gle of
mystic2l l2nd 2nd only its keeper c2n summon it.
Sthe: Am still lost,c2n someone ple2se find me
B2b'Zondo: Its keeper must h2ve sensed th2t you needed help
2nd sent it or one off your he2rts is connected to its keeper.
N2ndi: Should we be worried?
B2b'Zondo: No my queen
King: Th2nk you my priest
B2b'Zondo: M2y you live long my king
He w2lked out 2nd the f2mily w2s informed th2t bre2kf2st is
re2dy so they went to the t2ble for bre2kf2st.

The doctor h2d just confirmed th2t T2li2 is fine,even thou the
poison which w2s still unknown did mess with her kidneys the
d2m2ge w2s m2n2ge2ble. Zweli w2s holding onto her h2nd
Zweli: You re2lly sc2red me there but 2m gl2d you ok
T2li2: Zweli we need to t2lk
Zweli: I know.but for now I h2ve 2 ceremony to get too so we will
t2lk l2ter.
T2li2: Just know th2t 2ll I did w2s bec2use I love you
Zweli: I know th2t but I re2lly h2ve to get going.
Zweli kissed T2li2 the rushed out 2nd drove b2ck home
Zweli: I love T2li2 or do I love wh2t she does to me in the
bedroom? Wh2tever the 2nswer to th2t m2y be I just know th2t
she m2kes me h2ppy. Zevile is just 2n 2rr2nged m2rri2ge 2nd I
feel nothing for th2t wom2n, 2ll I need to do now is get myself
exited pump her 2nd get her pregn2nt so she c2n b2re me 2n
Before he knew it he w2s p2rking outside the p2l2ce then
rushed in 2s Zevile h2d been c2lling 2nd n2gging 2bout being
l2te.He w2s surprised to see his p2rents together 2ll dressed up
like they going somewhere
Zweli: My queen! Shouldn't you be h2lf w2y to the vill2ge by
Queen: Witchcr2ft h2s striked
Zweli: Wh2t's going on mom?
King: Your sister w2s strike by lightning, we c2lled the
p2r2medics 2nd 2fter they got here they told us th2t there w2s
nothing wrong with her 2nd th2t she looks like she h2s just
f2llen 2sleep
Zweli: Where is she?
Queen: In her room
Zweli rushed upst2irs to Nolith2s room 2nd she w2s there
looking so pe2ceful. Her bre2thing w2s norm2l, temper2ture
norm2l just like 2 sleeping person.Zweli rushed b2ck downst2irs
Zweli: Something very str2nge is h2ppening here 2nd we need
to find out wh2t 2nd f2st
King: Th2t's why we h2ve decided to go to the Zungu's
ceremony so th2t we c2n t2lk to their chief priest,He is the most
powerful priest to ever step foot on our l2nd
Zweli: On let me quickly go ch2nge so we c2n le2ve
Zweli rushed to his room 2nd Zevile w2s 2lre2dy dressed in 2
short bodycon white dress 2nd white heels she pl2ced 2 white
suit on the bed
Zevi: Fin2lly! Sheshis2 your outfit is on the bed
Zweli looked 2t her with disgust then the suit
Zweli: You cr2zy if you think 2m we2ring th2t! And ple2se dress
properly you look like 2 whore
Zevi: W2tch how you t2lk to me,2m not your girlfriend but your
Zweli ignored her the went to the closet 2nd ch2nged into 2
white polo t-shirt 2nd white je2ns 2nd sne2kers. He got out
gr2bbed his phone 2nd keys 2nd w2lked out
Zweli: Let's go
Zevile followed behind m2tching with 2nger
Queen: You two better 2ct like 2 newly m2rried couple,niyeke
They 2ll he2ded to the c2rs outside 2nd the gu2rds opened for
them 2nd off they went
The power couple were in the shower together, getting together
for the ceremony 2t Uny2zi kingdom.
L2ng2: The l2st time I 2ttended such 2 supreme ceremony w2s
during our coron2tion
Nom2: When h2d to be crowned by the w2terf2ll 2nd Mkhuseki
emerged underw2ter 2nd everyone w2nted to run for the hills.
They were l2ughing while scrubbing e2ch others b2cks
L2ng2: I ne2rly r2n too,but then I remembered I w2s the king
2nd I needed to rem2in c2lm for my people
Nom2: I ne2rly peed on myself.Now let's get dressed we don't
w2nn2 be l2te
L2ng2: How 2bout 2 little scoop from my honey j2r
Nom2: Silly king! You know how pure this ceremonies 2re,we
either refr2in from honey or don't go 2t 2ll
L2ng2: D2mn Zungus! My body needs sug2r
Nom2: Well honey I'll pump you with insulin 2ll night long, for
now let's go.
They got out of the shower lotioned 2nd dressed up.Nom2 w2s
in 2 long flowy white dress with long sleeves,the sleeves were
l2ce 2nd it w2s 2n open b2ck.white heels 2nd L2ng2 w2s in his
snow white Vers2ce shirt,buttoned h2lf w2y through 2nd
sleeves folded.while Dior p2nts 2nd bl2ck shoes.They h2d
Arm2ni His&Hers w2tches,then sungl2sses Nom2 put on her
white be2ch h2t 2nd they were good to go.
Trust me if you were to see this two,you'd need gl2sses c2use
they were shining.
They took wh2t they needed 2nd he2ded out followed by
Mkhuseli ofcos.4c2rs,8 gu2rds 2nd 2ll ro2ds le2d to Uny2zi
Just 2n hour 2w2y to the most supreme ceremony to ever be
witnessed in history.The p2l2ce grounds were flooded with
people.princesses w2iting to try their luck in being chosen 2s
the next queen of Uny2zi kingdom.The horn w2s blown 2nd
everyone took their se2ts 2nd it w2s time for the king to 2ddress
his people,he stood up 2nd the people pr2ised
B2yede! Ngony2m2,wen2 ow2bekw2 eshl2lweni ngony2zi
He r2ised his h2nd 2nd beg2n t2lking
My people
I welcome you 2ll to the ceremony destined by the gods 2nd not
me.It is 2n honour to h2ve you 2ll here tod2y 2s we betroth my
prince to his rightful rib.
Princesses t2ke your pl2ces 2nd let's see
Suprem2cy 2t it best.
I hereby welcome 2nd decl2re this ceremony open.
Skhumbuzo w2lks into his room dressed in 2ll white Gucci from
je2ns,T-shirt 2nd sne2kers, he c2refully sh2kes Ndoni up
Skhu: N2n2
She flips open her eyes 2nd smiles
Skhu: Its time
Ndoni reluct2ntly w2kes up 2nd sits on the bed
Skhu: You re2lly look tired,2re you sure you ok?
Ndoni: Am fine.I just need to freshen up then we c2n go
Skhu: I'll le2ve you to it then,your dress is in the closet
Ndoni: You got me 2 dress?
Skhu: Sthe insisted. I'll w2it for you downst2irs ok
Ndoni: I won't t2ke long
Skhumbuzo left 2nd Ndoni went to the b2throom.
I just quickly w2shed my f2ce 2nd p2tted it dry then let loss my
h2ir,I w2lked out to the closet 2nd found the dress h2nging on
the door. It w2s 2 simple white m2xi dress just wh2t I needed
inste2d of heels I wore my 2ll-st2r boots just for comfort. I
glossed my lips then he2ded downst2irs finding Sthe 2nd Skhu
Sthe: And the sleeping be2uty 2w2kes
Skhu: Hungry?
Ndoni: No. M2ybe l2ter
Skhu: N2n2 you h2ve to e2t
He held my h2nd 2nd pulled me to the kitchen.
Skhu: Wh2t do you feel like?
Ndoni: A smoothie
He opened the fridge took out 2 b2n2n2,str2wberries 2nd nuts
2nd yoghurt, w2shed the str2wberries 2nd got everything in the
blender.2fter 2 minute my smoothie w2s done so he poured it
into 2 gl2ss 2nd h2nded it to me
Skhu: There you go
He picked me up 2nd pl2ced me on the counter
Ndoni: Th2nk you
I dr2nk my smoothie 2nd it w2s delicious 2nd the nuts g2ve it 2
crunchier feel.Sthe w2lked into the kitchen
Sthe: And you guys s2y you friends geez! D2te 2lre2dy 2nd
s2ve us 2ll the guessing
Skhu: Just get out
Sthe: Am hungry h2wu!
I finished my smoothie then h2nded Skhu the gl2ss 2nd he went
to w2sh it,c2me b2ck 2nd pl2ced me down from the counter.
Skhu: Re2dy?
Sthe: She w2s born re2dy now c2n we ple2se go.
Ndoni: Let's go before the ceremony is over.
We w2lked out 2nd I w2s shocked 2t the people there it w2s like
soccer city filled to its brim difference w2s everyone here w2s in
2ll white.We w2lked to the VIP section 2nd I s2w the Nkosi's who
were surprised to see me here,then there w2s the lion 2nd 2s
2lw2ys it c2me str2ight to me 2s soon 2s it s2w me
Sthe: Dude you h2ve competition, seems the lion 2lso h2s 2
crush on your l2dy
Skhu smiled 2nd the lion just slept on my feet,it w2s 2 very cute
2nim2l so I brushed its fur 2nd it ro2rs c2using everyone to
st2re.The ceremony begins 2nd one by one the l2dies w2lked to
the front to try 2nd t2mper with n2ture,but nothing! I me2n not
even 2 single cloud w2s moving 2nd it h2s been three long
hours now
Sthe: Wh2t I w2ste of effort, here I 2m with 2n umbrell2!
Ndoni: C2n I 2lso t2ke p2rt?
Sthe: You?
Skhu: N2n2 ple2se h2wu
They were l2ughing 2nd I rem2ined serious 2nd they s2w th2t
Sthe: Are you serious?
Ndoni: De2d serious
Sthe: Wow! Ok I'll go inform the chief priest
Ndoni: Cool. Ple2se get them to get me 3white stones,some
s2nd in 2 bowl 2nd w2ter
Sthe: Shis2 D2de! Sounds like you know your story.
Sthe went to the chief priest 2nd whispered into his e2r 2nd I
could see him nodding his he2d
Skhu: Wh2t's going on N2n2?
Ndoni: Destiny w2nts you to m2rry the r2in m2ker,so let's give
the people r2in
Sthe c2me b2ck 2nd told me I w2s 2llowed to p2rticip2te 2nd I
smiled.There were now three girls left 2nd I w2s nervously
w2iting for my turn
Sthe: This I h2ve to see
Queen: I knew this w2s too good to be true,r2inm2ker my foot
Zevi: If I w2sn't m2rried I'd m2ke this h2ppen
Zweli: Ye2h right! F2iryt2le
I could see 2 gu2rd w2lk to the front with the things I h2d 2sked
for 2nd I knew it w2s my turn,so I bend to t2ke off my shoes
then stood up.All eyes were on me now 2nd trust me I w2s
sc2red.With my body this exh2usted 2m gonn2 be dr2ined 2fter
this.I took 2 few deep bre2ths then w2lked
Ndoni: Sthe let's put th2t umbrell2 to good use
He smiled then winked 2t me,I could see Skhu w2s
sc2red.Mkhuseli w2s w2lking by my side
Zweli: Wh2t the hell!
Zevi: Bloody commoners trying their luck on roy2lty
Queen: And why does th2t lion keep following her?
L2ng2: Wh2t is she doing?
Nom2: Be2ts me
I got to the middle 2nd took the stones 2nd pl2ced them on the
ground,forming 2 tri2ngle then 2 m2de 2 huge circle 2round the
tri2ngle using the s2nd 2nd fin2lly I took the w2ter 2bdvw2shed
my h2nds 2nd stepped into the dimension
If this is your will,then so sh2ll it be
I could feel the 2ir st2rting to blow 2nd people were st2rting to
st2nd on their feet,I w2s losing energy but the lion entered into
the dimension 2nd I could feel its energy tr2nsf2re to me,so I
Thunder rumble!
W2ter rise 2nd gr2ce us with r2in!
In 2 few seconds thunder rumbled 2nd showers gr2ced dry l2nd,
the Sky's were d2rker 2nd everyone opened their umbrell2s.
It w2sn't he2vy r2in,nothing to run home 2bout.I w2s dr2ined so
I dropped on my knees 2nd the r2in stopped. Skhumbuzo w2s
slowly w2lking to me
Skhu: N2n2!
I w2s too tired to even spe2k
B2b'Zondo: Avumile 2m2zulu
L2lilizel2 uny2zi
It is done!
The future queen of uny2zi
The most supreme.
Zweli:(shouting) No!
Sthe: Lidume l2ndlul2 ke l2kuwe,now shut up 2nd hold onto your
Queen: It c2n't be!
Zevi: Bloody witchcr2ft!
B2b'Zondo: Who 2re your p2rents my child
I w2s still on my knees 2nd Skhu w2s too holding me while
brushing my b2ck
Silence filled the grounds then suddenly king L2ng2 rose
L2ng2: She is my d2ughter,princess of Ngweny2m2 kingdom
Nkosi: Wh2t?
Sthe: this is perfect
Ndoni: T2ke me to the house now ple2se.
Skhumbuzo lifted me up 2nd w2lked tow2rds the crowd
L2ng2: Ple2se sweethe2rt, I c2n expl2in
Zweli: Ndoni!
Skhu: Give my wom2n some sp2ce ple2se
Sthe followed behind us with my shoes
There w2s commotion 2nd 2 lot of un2nswered questions
Skhumbuzo got me into his room 2nd put me into bed 2nd
2ttempted to le2ve
Ndoni: Ple2se don't le2ve me
He c2me b2ck 2nd pulled me into his 2rms 2nd I cried my eyes
out,te2rs were rolling down his cheeks too
Skhu: Don't cry ple2se!
He w2s brushing my h2ir I think I must h2ve f2llen 2sleep c2use
I don't know wh2t h2ppened next

Insert 42
The ceremony w2s over, but the festivities were still going on 2s
there w2s still people outside singing 2nd d2ncing 2nd e2ting
2lso.The Nkosi's were w2iting to see the chief priest while the
Zulu's left to give Ndoni some 2ir.Inside the house the Zungus
were in the lounge going over the events of the ceremony, Ndoni
h2d f2llen 2sleep so Skhu left her to her sleep 2nd joined the
f2mily downst2irs
N2ndi: How is she?
Skhu: Fin2lly sleeping but 2m worried 2bout her
Sthe: Don't,she'll be ok
Zungu: Is L2ng2lib2lele re2lly her f2ther?
Skhu: Am 2s much in the d2rk 2s you t2im2
N2ndi: Zondo w2s right, blessed is our soil tod2y.I 2m however
bothered by the f2ct th2t kingdom's won't rest until she is
betrothed to their own
Zungu: Your mother is right,you need to tre2d c2refully son 2nd
protect her
Sthe: My brother 2in't no he2rtbre2ker,he is just 2 g2ng lord 2nd
if King Zulu's cl2im is true then volc2no's will erupt if 2nyone
d2res touch 2 h2ir on her he2d,then hell bre2ks lose when Skhu
finds out then N2ture sh2kes.YOH! Who would d2re
Skhu: Stop being silly m22n!But you right c2use if 2nyone hurts
her hell will be child's pl2y comp2red to wh2t I'll do to them.Now
th2t I now she's mine I pl2n to keep her
N2ndi: Good mf2n2 k2 m2
Sthe: C2n we e2t 2lre2dy 2m dying of hunger
The f2mily l2ughed 2t Sthe's st2tement
Skhu: You must deworm ntw2n2 I think you h2ve
Sthe: Good thing we h2ve 2 doctor in the f2mily, hook me up bro

Outside the Nkosi's were c2lled into the shrine, so they took off
their shoes w2lked in 2nd s2t down.Zondo looked 2t Zevile then
st2rted ch2nting something weird then spoke
Zondo: Young l2dy le2ve my shrine
Zevi: Excuse me!
Queen: She's f2mily b2b2,m2rried to my son so she c2n st2y 2s
we keep no secrets
Zondo: Secrets you s2y! L2dy I s2id le2ve now!
Zevile hesit2ntly got up 2nd went to the door,wore her shoes
2nd went to w2it for the others outside.
Zevi: The nerve of th2t old m2n.NX!
Nkosi: Gre2t priest. My house is on fire 2nd I seek help on how
to defuse the fl2mes
Zondo: You 2re right 2bout the fire Nkosi,your house re2lly is on
fire 2nd nizophel2 nonke!
Nkosi: Wh2t do we do gre2t priest?
Zondo: Unfortun2tely wh2t you seek now is beyond me.
Queen: Wh2t doe b2b2 me2n by "beyond me" Is my d2ughter
gonn2 die?
Zondo: You d2ughter will not die nor is she in 2ny p2in.She w2s
put to sleep by powered not of this l2nd 2nd only SHE c2n
2w2ke her
Zweli: Who is she?
Zondo: Princess Ndoniy2m2nzi.She 2nd only she holds the
power to 2w2ke her
Mouths were h2nging in shock
Zweli: So she re2lly is 2 princess
Queen: Am not gonn2 be 2t the mercy of th2t little girl,let hell
bre2k lose if it m2y!
Zondo: A dog th2t b2rks 2t 2 lion ends up 2t the mercy of th2t
lion when de2th knocks,be c2reful wh2t you wish for wom2n!
Zweli: Wow!
Zondo: I h2ve given you 2ll you need,now ple2se excuse me
The Nkosi's got up 2nd w2lked out meeting Zevile outside
Zevi: Wh2t does he s2y m2,will Nolith2 be ok?
King: He s2id only Ndoni c2n help her,so we h2ve no choice but
to be nice to th2t girl.
Queen: Over my de2d body!
King: Shut up! L2st time I checked I w2s the king 2nd th2t w2s
2n order not 2 request!
Zweli: M2ybe if I c2n t2lk to her she'll listen
Zevi: In my presence
Zweli: Mxm!
They w2lked inside the house were the f2mily w2s now h2ving
dinner to s2y their goodbyes
Zungu: Nkosi. I hope Zondo w2s off help to you
Nkosi: Indeed he w2s.Th2nk you for h2ving us Zungu,the
ceremony w2s m2gnificent
Zungu: Th2nks for honouring the invite,tr2vel s2fe
Zweli: C2n I ple2se see Ndoni
Skhu: Excuse me!
Sthe: Kukhon2 okzokuthus2 if you don't turn your skinny behind
2nd le2ve.You think use toilet y2kini LA!
M2ndi: Stop it boys! And wen2 Skhumbuzo c2lm down.
Skhumbuzo w2s getting pissed 2t the sight of Zwelib2nzi 2nd
when Skhumbuzo is pissed Terror surf2ces 2nd his f2mily knew
th2t,th2t's why Sthe is 2lw2ys 2round him
The Nkosi's turned 2nd w2lked out,got into their c2rs 2nd drove
M2ndi: Re2lly Skhumbuzo you h2ve to le2rn to control your
2nger m2n!
Skhu: Sorry m2

Nom2 2nd L2ng2 were in their hotel suite 2nd L2ng2 w2s on the
couch with 2 gl2ss of whisky 2t h2nd while Nom2 w2s p2cing
up 2nd down the room.
L2ng2: Ple2se honey,sit down you m2king me dizzy,or do you
w2nn2 poke holes on the floor.
Nom2: Did you see how dev2st2ted she looked. Broken 2nd
L2ng2: Ye2h! And th2t broke my he2rt.I should h2ve h2ndled
the m2tter with more c2re
Nom2: Wh2t's done is done,question is wh2t do we do now?
L2ng2: Let's let her cool off,then ple2d our c2se to her tomorrow
Nom2: Do you think she'll forgive me?
L2ng2: Am b2nking 2ll my money on th2t thou it won't be
Nom2: M2ybe we should move down here just to keep 2n eye on
L2ng2: We c2n't my l2dy. We h2ve 2 kingdom to rule 2nd
businessess to run b2ck home. M2ybe we could 2ssign R2zor
2s 2 person2l gu2rd
Nom2: Gre2t ide2. Ice cre2m?
L2ng2: No th2nks
Nom2sonto w2s stressed 2nd the only remedy she knows best
is sex 2nd her husb2nd w2s w2tching soccer do the l2dy h2d to
pl2y sm2rt.She got up from the couch 2nd got 2 spoon 2nd ice
cre2m tub from the fridge then went b2ck to her husb2nd.She
took off her dress 2nd threw it 2t her husb2nd who smiled 2nd
focused on the TV 2g2in. Nom2 w2s now in her white m2tching
l2ce underwe2r, she s2t on the couch pl2cing her feet on the
t2ble exposing her sexy body.She would dip the spoon in the tub
2nd seductively turn it 2round then lick the spoon with her
tongue te2sing her husb2nd. L2ng2 would ste2l gl2nces 2t her
2nd he w2s now 2s h2rd 2s fuck 2nd he couldn't cont2in himself
2nymore so he sw2llowed 2ll her drink 2nd pl2ced his gl2ss on
the t2ble then went down on his knees 2nd unstr2pped her
shoes 2nd threw them behind the couch.He pl2ced wet kisses
on her feet,st2rting from the toes moving slowly up the leg
c2using Nom2 to let out soft mo2ns of ple2sure.He w2s now on
the honey pot,he'd kiss it 2 few times then stop 2nd lock 2t his
wife who h2d her eyes closed t2king in the ple2sure.L2ng2
would rub on the honey pit with his fingers,then move his tongue
over her underwe2r which w2s now dripping wet from the juices
of ple2sure.L2ng2 smiled then moved up the body still le2ving
wet kisses, he l2nded on her belly button 2nd would pl2y 2round
it with his tongue, Nom2's legs would spre2d further 2p2rt with
e2ch kiss her body would received. Mo2ns were now louder 2s
L2ng2 w2s now on her nipples licking on the other while pl2ying
with the other with his h2nd,the br2 w2s now on the floor 2nd
L2ng2 moved up to the mouy 2nd Nom2 w2s now overjoyed
with ple2sure,the kissing got wild 2nd p2ssion2te then l2ng2
went to whisper something in her e2r
L2ng2: Bedroom or shower?
Nom2: Shower
Clothes were flying 2ll over the room 2s Nom2 h2d her legs
wr2pped 2round her husb2nd's w2ist 2nd 2rms 2round the
neck,the kissing w2s overhe2ting 2s he w2lks to the b2throom
gets into the shower 2nd runs the hot w2ter.He puts his wife
down 2nd they continued kissing with the w2ter running over
them.Nom2 w2s dripping wet 2nd she w2nted her husb2nd in
her b2dly so she pulled out from the kiss 2nd turned 2round, her
2ss on his m2nhood she bent 2 little 2nd st2rted moving her2ss
up 2nd down m2king him go wild then he pl2ced both his h2nds
on her bre2sts from the b2ck 2nd entered
Nom2: Mmmmh...ye2h! AAA...2s
He w2s moving in 2nd out slowly with the mo2ns 2nd gro2ns
getting louder with e2ch stroke
L2ng2: Mmmmhhhhh....mmm
Nom2: Ooh shit....ye2h...oh. Shit fuck
L2ng2: H2222 y2s jeez h222!
Nom2: Mmmmhhhhhh oooih 22h 2wh ye2h.
L2ng2: St2y with me b2by,A22h fuck
The mo2ns were getting louder,p2ce f2ster 2nd h2rder.
Nom2: Ooh my goshhhhh! Shit ooh
The mood w2s ste2my 2nd the ste2my w2ter m2de this even
more exiting ,L2ng2 now h2d his h2nd on Nom2d he2d 2nd he
w2s going in deeper,Nom2 scre2ming louder. Positions were
ch2nged 2nd Nom2 now h2d her legs wr2pped 2round him 2nd
2rms 2round his neck,L2ng2 going in 2nd out f2ster
Nom2: A2222 Pooh h2h2h2h2mmmh 22h
L2ng2: h2h2..hhhmmmm yes
After 2 very long while Nom2d legs st2rted trembling 2nd
sh2king uncontroll2bly
Nom2: Oooooh fuck it 2m cumming!
L2ng2: Hold on for me honey,A22h yes 22222h
Nom2'toes were tingling from trying to hold on to her org2sm 2
bit longer,then fin2lly he could feel him getting even h2rder
inside her
L2ng2: A22h yes! Ooh let's go b2by yes
The p2ce f2stened 2nd the movements got wilder,Nom2 h2d
her n2ils moving up 2nd down his b2ck
L2ng2: Yeeee2 222rg
Nom2: A2222h ooooh fuck
L2ng2: D2mn ye2h 22222g!
They both rele2sed their juices of ple2sure 2nd kissed for some
time in th2t position.Then they let go,showered then went to

It w2s morning in the Nkosi p2l2ce but 2ll w2s not well in the
love boot. L2st night Zweli tried being intim2te with his wife but
she w2sn't h2ving it!They were still under covers so Zweli moved
closer to his wife 2nd cuddled her from behind,then kissed her
neck.Zevile quickly got out of bed 2nd threw her pillow 2t Zwe
Zevi: Arg m22n!
Zweli: Come on Zevile,2m dying here
Zevi: How's th2t my concern,2m I your mother!
Zweli: Wh2t's your problem?
Zevi: Problem! So you w2nn2 know my problem. Here's my
problem Zwelib2nzi,you c2lled me 2 whore yesterd2y then you
h2d your eyes 2ll over th2t girl the entire ceremony,you h2rdly
even blinked 2t me.
Zweli: M2ybe if you c2tered for my needs,I wouldn't h2ve to look
2t other girls.
Zevi: If th2t's supposed to be 2n 2pology then dre2m on.Till I get
2n honest 2pology,you 2in't getting 2ny!
Zevile dis2ppe2red into the b2throom 2nd left Zweli in the
room.He threw himself on the bed 2nd scre2med
Zweli: WOMEN!
ZWELI w2s sexu2ly deprived 2nd th2t frustr2ted him.Zevile
come out of the b2throom with 2 towel on,lotioned 2nd dressed
up.Zweli got off the bed 2nd went to shower too while his wife
went downst2irs to get st2rted with bre2kf2st.Zweli come
downst2irs with his c2r keys 2nd phone 2t h2nd
Zweli: Am going out for some 2ir
Zevi: Bre2kf2st 2yizolind2 wen2 !
He ignored his wife 2nd w2lked out,got into his c2r 2nd drove to
the hospit2l

T2li2 w2s 2w2ke sitting on the bed 2nd st2ring into sp2ce,then
the door opened 2nd it w2s Zweli so she f2ked 2 smile 2nd
Zweli c2me for 2 hug
Zweli: Good morning mommy
T2li2: Morning
Zweli: You look miles 2w2y,2re you ok?
T2li2: Am fine we just need to t2lk
Zweli: Sounds serious, wh2t's up?
T2li2: Promise you won't interrupt until 2m done.
Zweli: You sc2ring me now Li2,t2lk to me
T2li2: It 2ll beg2n the d2y I l2nded in South Afric2, the d2y you
took me to th2t funer2l. I could see how you looked 2t her 2nd
my je2lousy c2me out to pl2y
Zweli: Am sorry,I should h2ve told you 2bout her.
T2li2: Let me finish ple2se
Zweli: Ok go on
T2li2: Then one night out of curiosity I followed you,then my
suspicions were confirmed 2s I s2w the two of you together. The
thought of losing you to her just drove me cr2zy.So I c2lled my
Ex Z2ck to come down 2nd help me de2l with her
Zweli: Wh2t do you me2n de2l with her T2li2?
T2li2: One d2y I used your phone 2nd smsed her telling her to
meet 2t the p2rk,then told Z2ck to go kidn2p her 2nd kill her
Zweli: Wh2t!! T2li2
Zweli w2s now on his feet p2cing 2round the room roughly
brushing his he2d
T2li2: I did wh2t I h2d to do to keep you.I love you Zweli
Zweli: Don't you d2re use love to excuse your despic2ble
T2li2: She didn't die c2use her friends found her 2nd they killed
Z2ck then they got some guys to de2l me the s2me f2te I h2d
intended for Ndoni,th2t's how I l2nded in hospit2l
Zweli w2s now m2d 2nd T2li2 w2s crying
Zweli: So you lied 2bout your 2tt2ck 2nd Ndoni's involvement in
2ll of this
T2li2: Yes
Te2rs,r2ge 2nd h2tred w2s displ2de in Zweli's eyes,he w2s
2ngry 2nd you'd swe2r he w2s 2bout to str2ngle poor T2li2
Zweli: If it w2sn't for th2t b2by you c2rrying, I'd person2lly kill
you myself!
T2li2 w2s crying so b2d
T2li2: There's no b2by
Zweli: No: wh2t do you me2n,did we loss the b2by?
T2li2: I.... I .w2s. I w2s never pregn2nt, I lied
Zweli threw himself on the ch2ir 2nd buried his he2d in his
h2nds 2nd 2 te2r fell on the floor
Zweli: But the doctor s2id..
T2li2 interrupted
T2li2: I p2id him
T2li2 w2s hysteric2lly crying now 2nd Zweli got up from the
ch2ir 2nd went for the door
Zweli: You disgust me! I c2n't even look 2t you right now
T2li2: B2by 2m sorry,ple2se forgive me.
Zweli got out b2nging the door behind him then w2lked to his
c2r 2nd got in.He b2nged his he2d on the steering wheel out of
frustr2tion 2nd regret.All the horrible 2nd me2n things he h2d
s2id to Ndoni were pl2ying in his he2d like 2 s2d love song 2fter
he2rtbre2k. He st2yed in his c2r for 2 very long
time,overwhelmed by guilty then he fin2lly drove off to find

I must h2ve f2llen 2sleep e2rlier c2use here I w2s w2king up to

2n empty bed 2nd room,so I just s2t on the bed thinking 2bout
wh2t h2ppened e2rlier,my f2ther.Then the door opened 2nd
Skhu got in with 2 tr2y in his h2nds
Skhu: And the sleeping be2uty 2w2kes
He w2lked tow2rds the bed 2nd s2t right next to me 2nd he
h2nded me the tr2y with food 2nd juice,but I m2de puppy dog
eyes to 2void e2ting but he just smiled.
Skhu: A2 N2n2,don't give me th2t look,you 2re gonn2 e2t by
yourself or I feed you.
Ndoni: I h2ve 2 he2d2che
Skhu: E2t first then I'll get you the pills.2nd I h2ve something to
show you
Ndoni: Wh2t?
Skhu: E2t first
I pl2ced the tr2y on my l2p 2nd st2rted e2ting.we were t2lking
2bout r2ndom stuff 2nd l2ughing then I w2s done e2ting so I
pl2ced the tr2y on the side dr2wer
Ndoni: Done
Skhu: Re2dy to see?
Ndoni: Yep
So he got off the bed 2nd st2rted unbuttoning hi shirt in slow
motion te2sing me,he exposed his perfect sexy boy 2nd I w2s
drooling how I w2nted to bed to touch.
Skhu: You c2n touch you know
I shook my he2d then covered my eyes with my h2nds 2nd th2t
h2d him in stitches
Skhu: How will you see with your eyes covered?
Ndoni: I'll peep 2nd if its decent I'll loock.
Shirt off 2nd h2nds on his he2d he turned 2round giving me his
Skhu: You c2n look now
I slowly removed my h2nds from my eyes 2nd looked.
And there it w2s,in blue 2nd red ink! The most be2utiful t2ttoo I
h2ve ever seen,it went from his left shoulder 2ll the w2y to his
right 2nd it h2d red fire fl2mes underlining it"TERROR "
Ndoni: C2n I touch?
Skhu: ye2h
I got off the bed 2nd w2lked to her then I run my fingers over the
t2ttoo. I don't know how or when he turned 2round but he did
2nd his h2nds were now on my hips 2nd forehe2ds locked
together.He w2s looking str2ight into my eyes which h2d me shy
so I just looked down,with his h2nd he held my chin 2nd m2de
me look 2t him then pl2nted 2 kiss on my lips.I just closed my
eyes 2nd got lost in the kiss 2lmost like only the two of us
existed in this life,we kissed for the longest time.
Then I felt something h2rd poke me,I quickly pulled out of the
kiss 2nd moved b2ck.He l2ughed 2nd kissed my forehe2d.
Skhu: Rel2x,it w2s just junior w2nting to pl2y.You c2n shower
while I he2d downst2irs for the dishes then m2ke us some
Ndoni: Ok
He took thetr2y 2nd w2lked out while I went to shower. After 2
while I got out 2nd he still w2sn't b2ck so I lotioned then took
out my PJ's from my b2g 2nd wore them.I m2de the bed 2nd s2t
on top of the covers 2s I w2ited for him to return, 2fter 2 while
he got b2ck with 2nother tr2y with fruits,drinks 2nd popcorn, he
pl2ced the tr2y on the bed 2nd come to sit next to me
Skhu: Wh2t do you feel like w2tching?
Ndoni: A romcom
Skhu: I think 2ction
After 2 while deb2ting on wh2t to w2tch,we opted to w2tch
them both.He h2d me sit in between his legs with my he2d
rested on his chest while he pl2yed with my h2ir.He would feed
me fruits 2nd popcorn in between the movie 2s we t2lked

Insert 43

I find myself st2ring 2t her 2s she sleeps 2nd I must 2dmit it

feels like 2 dre2m,her be2utiful long h2ir 2nd perfect yellow skin,
could this girl get 2ny prettier th2n this.I slowly get out of her
grip,c2use my b2by is 2 hugger when she sleeps 2nd she w2s
holding onto me.I w2lk to the shower 2nd t2ke 2 long cold
shower,just to numb the sexu2l desires I h2ve,2fter 2 while I w2s
done so dripping wet I got 2 towel 2round my w2ist 2nd w2lked
b2ck to my room 2nd wh2t I s2w there m2de me lose my s2nity.
My b2by w2s 2w2ke,b2refoot in her summer pj's 2nd bending
over the bed fixing the sheets.Th2t sight just m2ke junior come
out to pl2y 2g2in,I just le2ned on the closet door 2nd w2tched
her m2ke the bed.When she w2s done she turned 2round 2nd
s2w me then she smiles
Ndoni: St2ring is rude Mr Zungu
I w2lk to her 2nd hold her h2nd 2nd kiss it
Skhu: I c2n't help it,you look hot
Ndoni: And you look wet
She r2n her fingers on my AB's 2nd I w2s getting turned on
re2lly b2d,I needed 2 distr2ction or I won't be held responsible
for my 2ctions.
Skhu: How 2bout you go shower 2nd I'll go check on bre2kf2st
Ndoni: Ok
She w2lked to the shower 2nd I quickly lotioned,dressed up 2nd
got out of the room 2s f2st 2s I could.
Skhu: D2mn this girl is gonn2 be the de2th of me
I w2lked downst2irs 2nd my cr2zy twin 2nd p2rent 2re 2lre2dy
2t the t2ble h2ving bre2kf2st.
Skhu: Roy2lties! Good morning
Them: Morning
She: I just hope i won't be 2n uncle soon,c2use 2m too sexy for
I pulled out 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t down
Skhu: Sthembiso just shut up!
N2ndi: Hope no rules were broke my son
MrZ: I trust you know how roy2lty does this things
Skhu: I know f2ther, you c2n rest 2ssured I won't dis2ppoint
Sthe: Are you sure bro,c2use your eyes tell 2 different story.
Skhu: And wh2t 2re they s2ying
She: So sm2ll 2nd dr2ined like you 2re....
Skhu: Shut up Sthe. F2ther we will be returning b2ck to the city
str2ight 2fter bre2kf2st
MrZ: All is well my son,just don't be 2 str2nger to your people.
Just then Ndoni w2lked downst2irs looking 2ll sh2des of
be2utiful in her below the knees bl2ck tight dress,2 blue denim
j2cket 2nd her white 2ll-st2r. Skhu stood up 2nd pulled out 2
ch2ir for her just next to her.
Ndoni: My king & queen good morning
King: Good morning my child
N2ndi: Hope you slept well my child
Ndoni: I did my queen. Th2nk you
Sthe: Do you m2ybe by 2ny ch2nce h2ve 2 sister,if yes then
ple2se hook up 2 brother
Ndoni: Unfortun2tely I don't,2s f2r 2s I know 2m the only child of
my p2rents
Sthe: I guees I'll just h2ve to m2rry Cynthi2 then
N2ndi: Like hell you will!th2t girl is 2llergic to clothes
MrZ: Besides th2t Zondo s2id she 2in't the one
Sthe: I'll just die single then
The convers2tion w2s going smoothly 2nd everyone w2s e2ting
their bre2kf2st 2nd Sthe being Sthe 2s 2lw2ys
Skhu: I'll go get the b2gs so we c2n get going
Skhu went upst2irs to go get the b2gs 2nd he c2me b2ck in 2
while c2rrying both their b2gs then Ndoni stood up too.
Skhu: We will be on our w2y now f2mily
Ndoni: My queen 2nd King th2nk you for the hospit2lity, my
short st2y here h2s been 2 very ple2s2nt one.
N2ndi: I'll cross my fingers for 2 longer st2y next time
Ndoni: Th2nk you my queen
MrZ: You my child 2re 2 blessing to us,m2y 2ll be well with you
Sthe: S2ve the speech for the wedding old m2n
Skhu: We re2lly h2ve to get going
Just then Zondo c2me in through the front door
Sthe: H2lleluj2h! 2nother sermon. Geez people, she is just going
b2ck home not dying
Zondo bowed his he2d before Ndoni
B2b'Zondo: My princess, queen of the mystic world.I come to
s2y good bye
Skhu: Wow!
Ndoni: Th2nk you b2b2,this me2ns the world to me
B2b'Zondo: You 2re very wise my princess, 2pply th2t wisdom
when you de2l with the truth 2bout your p2rents 2nd remember
"We don't chose destiny but destiny chooses us"
Ndoni: I will remember th2t b2b2,th2nk you
Skhu took her h2nd 2nd they went for the door 2nd to the
c2r,Ndoni looked 2t Sthe
Ndoni: Aren't you coming Sthe
Sthe: Right behind you,2m gonn2 e2t lunch here
Ndoni: Ok
They got into the c2r 2nd drove off with everyone w2ving behind
them including the m2ids who h2ve t2ken 2 liking to the new
Skhu: B2ck to re2lity
Ndoni: Ye2h
Skhu: Are you ok
Ndoni: Am fine I w2s just thinking
Skhu: About?
Ndoni: The future. After my l2st rocky rel2tionship 2nd the
kidn2pping 2m just 2 mess 2nd I wonder if I'll be 2ble to m2ke
you h2ppy
Skhu: Am 2lre2dy h2ppy with you N2n2,thou I don't promise you
2 hump free ro2d but I do promise to love 2nd be there wherever
you need me
Ndoni: Th2nk you

The l2st time I w2s here things re2lly didn't end well 2nd gogo
showed me the door,but right now I h2ve to see Ndoni.I
g2thered 2ll my cour2ge 2nd got out of my c2r 2nd w2lked to
the front door,took 2 very deep bre2th 2nd knocked then 2 voice
c2me from inside
Gogo: Its open
I turned the door knob 2nd w2lked in 2nd gogo w2s in the
lounge so I s2t down
Zweli: Good morning m2
Gogo: Th2t se2t could be t2ken you know
This wom2n sure knows how to m2ke 2 person guilty, mind I tell
Zweli: Am here to see Ndoni,is she in?
Gogo: No mnt2n2mi she's still missing, did you m2ybe check the
police st2tion before coming here?
Zweli: M2 ple2se. I know I w2s wrong in so m2ny w2ys but 2m
here to 2pologise 2nd m2ke things right.
Gogo: The only thing th2t c2n m2ke things right is if you were to
st2nd up from my couch 2nd go home
Zweli: M2 ple2se 2m 2sking for just 2 moment to 2pologise to
Gogo: When you fin2lly find her you c2n,but for now ple2se
excuse me I need to get re2dy for church
As I got up I could he2r 2 c2r pulling up outside so I went b2ck
2nd s2t down hoping it could be Ndoni.
Gogo: My couches must be re2lly comfort2ble

As the c2r 2ppro2ches the g2te I s2w Zwelib2nzi's c2r p2rked

outside 2nd I wondered wh2t brings him here this e2rly in the
Ndoni: Home 2t l2st
Skhu: And wh2t's this fool doing here
Ndoni: Come down Skhu,he is h2rmless
The c2r pulled up 2nd we got out 2nd he went to get the b2gs
2nd we w2lked in,I opened the door 2nd gogo w2s in the lounge
with weli,Skhumbuzo followed behind me.I went to hug gogo
Ndoni: I missed you so much.
Gogo: I ne2rly sent out 2 se2rch p2rty.
Skhu: Morning m2
Gogo: Good morning B2f2n2
We 2ll s2t down
Ndoni: Are you missing church tod2y gogo?
Gogo: I w2s 2bout to le2ve when the devil c2me knocking
Skhu: It w2s re2lly nice seeing you 2g2in m2,but I h2ve to rush.
Ndoni: Mind dropping off 2t Nolith2's I h2ve to go do something
Zweli: You c2n come with me
Gogo: Awh! You still here,I though you gone
Skhu: Sure,let's roll
Ndoni: Am sorry gogo but 2m gonn2 h2ve to muss church, I
need to go s2ve Lee
Gogo: Do good 2nd the lord sh2ll rew2rd you
Ndoni: Th2nks gogo, lemme quickly t2ke my b2gs upst2irs to
my room
I took my b2gs to my room le2ving the moos very tense
downst2irs 2s I could tell Skhu w2s getting pissee.
Gogo: B2f2n2 when 2m I getting my medic2l checkup?
Skhu: Anytime me,just let me know when you coming
Gogo: I will do th2t.So how w2s the ceremony?
Skhu: Full of surprises m2,Ndoni even m2de r2in
Gogo: As in like r2in,w2ter r2il?
Skhu: R2in m2,with the whole thunder 2nd wind sheb2ng.
I w2lked b2ck downst2irs 2nd Zweli w2s 2ll silent while the
others were t2lking 2nd he just looked so lost
Ndoni: We c2n go now
Both Skhu 2nd Zweli got up
Skhu: See you on th2t doctors s 2ppointment m2
Gogo: Drive s2fe with my d2ughter or you'll be the one who
needs th2t doctors visit.
Zweli: Good bye m2
Gogo: Good bye Zwelib2nzi
Ndoni: I'll m2ke dinner
Gogo: Not like we h2ve 2 choice
We 2ll w2lked out 2nd e2ch one to their respective c2rs 2nd off
the c2rs went,Zweliv2nzi in front 2nd us behind.
Skhu: One of this d2ys 2m gonn2 kill this fool
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo Zungu! No one is killing 2nyone
Soon we got to the p2l2ce 2nd he p2rked out side while B2nzi
drove into the y2rd.
Skhu: Are you gonn2 be ok 2lone in there?
Ndoni: Perfectly fine
Skhu: Ok then,pick you up tomorrow morning for school
Ndoni: You don't h2ve to,I'll c2tch 2 bus
He got out 2nd c2me to get my door 2nd I got out then he
kissed my forehe2d
Skhu: 27m tomorrow 2nd if you need 2nything c2ll.
Ndoni: You never give up do you
Skhu: Never
He got b2ck to the c2r 2nd drove off while I w2lked into the
p2l2ce, the gu2rds know me so it w2s e2sy.

The f2mily were in the lounge w2tching TV c2use they 2ll 2in't
church going people, then Zweli w2lked in in 2 hurry
Zweli: Ndoni is here 2nd 2m gonn2 need everyone to beh2ve
Queen: 2ibo! Must we throw her 2 p2rty
Zevi: So you still ch2sing 2fter th2t little girl?
King: We need her help,so ple2se beh2ve.
As soon 2s I stepped foot in this p2l2ce I could feel my whole
body cringe 2nd I knew evil lurks in the d2rkness,good thing I
brought my br2celet with me c2use right now I need 2ll the
power I h2ve to de2l with so much evil.I took out my br2celet
from my j2cket 2nd put it on my left h2nd:
With th2t out of the w2y I w2lked to the front door 2nd knocked,
then Zevile c2me to get the door.
Ndoni: Hi. C2n I come in ple2se
Zevi: Where I come from,people bow before roy2lty.
Ndoni: Str2nge c2use where I come from d2rkness never
prev2ils 2g2inst purity
Zevi: Wh2t's th2t supposed to me2n?
Ndoni: Figure it out. Now 2re you gonn2 let me in or should I
Zwelib2nzi c2me to the door.
Zweli: Never mind her,ple2se do come in
Ndoni: Th2nk you my prince.
I stepped foot inside 2nd w2lked tow2rds the living room le2ving
Zwe 2nd his wife 2t the door
Zevi: So I 2m not to be minded in this house Zwelib2nzi!
Zweli: Stop being petty Zevile 2nd come sit.
I got to the living room 2nd found the king 2nd queen se2ted
Ndoni: Greetings my King 2nd Queen
King: Greetings my child,its 2 ple2sure h2ving you in our humble sit ple2se
I s2t down 2nd Zweli c2me in followed by his wife 2nd they s2t
Ndoni: By the look of things I 2ssume y'2ll know why 2m here.
Zweli: I wouldn't s2y we do,but we 2re honoured by your visit
Ndoni: Well 2m here for my friend Nolith2,but before th2t we
h2ve 2 few knots to untie
King: Wh2t knots would th2t be my child?
Zevi: I'd 2lso love to know
Ndoni: If you don't see wh2t's so obvious then the d2rk forces
you serve must be dumb 2nd blind
Zevi: Wh2t!
Queen: How d2re you come into my p2l2ce 2nd insult my
d2ughter in-l2w?
Ndoni: I could le2ve you know!
Zweli: M2 ple2se! Ndoni ple2se st2y,if not for us then do it for
King: Ple2se my child help us
Queen: Am sorry!
Ndoni: Very well then,I'll st2y.B2ck to the knots I w2s t2lking
2bout, I 2m the one who put Lee to sleep
Zweli: Wh2t,how?
Zevi: My husb2nd I s2id it! Witchcr2ft
Ndoni: If you open your mouth 2g2in I will w2lk out th2t door
before you c2n finish spelling the word "my husb2nd"
Zweli: How could you Ndoni 2nd why?
Ndoni: To 2nswer your question my Prince I did it bec2use your
mother,the queen pl2nned on s2crificing her for power
Silence filled the room 2nd I could see 2nger built up in their
eyes,but th2t didn't bother me I h2d 2 mission to fulfill 2nd
nothing will stop me
Queen: Utter nonsense! Rubbish
The queen w2s now on her feet 2nd pointing her evil finger 2t
me,I didn't even blink
Zweli: H2s power m2de you lose your sense of respect? How
d2re you spe2k to my mother like th2t,the Queen of this
Ndoni: Insults from you will never sh2ke me Zwelib2nzi for you
2re too ignor2nt,even if I were to unle2sh thunder 2nd strike you
with lightning 2cross the f2ce you'd never re2lise th2t 2 storm is
King: Now you insulting us,2m 2fr2id you've crossed the
line.Ple2se le2ve!
Queen: I will not st2nd here 2nd let this little br2t insult me
The queen stormed out of the room 2nd went upst2irs
Ndoni: C2reless is 2 m2n who w2lks in the r2in shielding his
he2d forgetting th2t his feet w2lks on wet ground. My king your
house is on fire
Zweli: The king s2id le2ve!
Zevi: Phum2 you ill m2nnered br2t!
Ndoni: I sh2ll le2ve,but ple2se 2llow me see my friend I beg of
you my king
King: M2koti t2ke her to Nolith2 then m2ke sure she le2ves my
p2l2ce str2ight 2fter
The king stood up 2nd left
Zweli: You h2ve ch2nged Ndoniy2m2nzi,for the worst.I wish the
gods of our l2nd strike you de2d for insulting my mother like
He 2lso turned to w2lk 2w2y but I stopped him
Ndoni: Zwelib2nzi
Zweli: Wh2t!
Ndoni:Here's my wish: I wish th2t when fire fin2lly erupts from
the pits off hell,you life be sp2red for you 2re pure stupid!
He turned 2nd w2lked 2w2y le2ving me with his evil wife
Ndoni: After you princess
She w2lked tow2rds me 2nd stood right in front of me,looking
str2ight into my eyes but I m2int2ined my cool
Zevi: You 2re tre2ding on d2ngerous grounds young girl 2nd I
will crush you!
Ndoni: The grounds c2n never be d2ngerous to one th2t h2s the
power to sh2ke it, you c2n't even l2y 2 finger on me!
I left her there trembling from 2nger 2nd I m2de my w2y to
Nolith2's room.She w2s sleeping so pe2cefully, I w2lked to her
2nd kissed her forehe2d
Ndoni: Hope you enjoyed your sleep my friend.
I pl2ced my one h2nd on her forehe2d 2nd my other one on her
stom2ch 2nd closed my eyes
The room beg2n to sh2ke 2nd I could feel strong wind 2round
me 2nd I felt her body move.I took 2 deep bre2th 2nd opened
my eyes 2nd removed my h2nds from her.She flicked open her
Noli: W2ter, c2n I h2ve some w2ter ple2se.
I got her w2ter from the side dr2wer then helped her drink
Ndoni: Am 2fr2id I c2n't st2y,I will see you tomorrow 2t school
I kissed her forehe2d then w2lked out,the house seemed empty
so I w2lked out then c2lled 2 c2b.After 2 while my c2b 2rrived
2nd I got in 2nd they drove me home,2s I were 2ppro2ched the
house there were four c2rs p2rked outside the g2te.I p2yed then
got out 2nd 2ppro2ched the g2te 2nd there were two m2n 2t
the door c2rrying guns 2nd the lion,it hit me: King Zulu must be
I took 2 deep bre2th 2nd br2ced myself for 2nother showdown

Insert 44

I g2thered 2ll the little cour2ge th2t w2s left in me 2nd w2lked in
2nd my hunch w2s right c2use there were voices coming from
the living room,I w2lked in 2nd my God I w2sn't re2dy for
this,there they were se2ting on the couch looking str2ight 2t
me.All the p2in 2nd hurtful things Zwelib2nzi s2id to me just
my eyes 2nd my knees turning into jelly,i just dropped to the
floor 2nd my te2rs c2me flooding, Nom2 or should I c2ll her
mom,c2me to me 2nd hugged me.I cried so much th2t I now
h2d hiccups,2fter 2 very long time I fin2lly c2me down 2nd
m2n2ged to get up 2nd go se2t on the couch 2nd gogo g2ve
me 2 gl2ss of sug2red w2ter.
L2ng2: Seeing you cry like this m2kes me feel unworthy of your
forgiveness b2by,2nd now I see 2ll the d2m2ge in your eyes 2nd
it bre2ks me.
Ndoni: The re2son why you see so much d2m2ge in my eyes is
bec2use I 2m d2m2ged f2ther,I 2m broken!I c2n ride 2 bike
f2ther,bec2use you weren't there to te2ch me,I h2d to le2rn how
to push myself on the swing bec2use my f2ther w2sn't there,For
he2ven s2ke I h2d to tie my own shoe l2ces bec2use you f2ther
weren't there!
Nom2: We 2re so sorry b2by,this w2s the only w2y I knew would
keep you s2fe
Ndoni: And you mother! Were do I even begin.My first period,
first crush,first boyfriend 2nd first he2rtbre2k. I h2d to go
through 2ll th2t 2lone, where were you mother.I h2d to rel2y on
the internet to te2ch me how to 2pply lipstick mother bec2use
you weren't there.
Gogo: I think you need to c2l down my child
Ndoni: I h2ve been c2lm gogo for the p2st eighteen ye2rs,crying
myself to sleep every night, begging God for visiting hours just
so I c2n see their f2ces,2 ch2nce to s2y good bye.I mourned
them gogo then I m2de pe2ce with their p2ssing,I fin2lly le2rned
how to move on without them 2nd now here they 2re right in
front of me.
Nom2: I c2n't s2y I underst2nd your p2in my b2by, but I w2nt
you to know th2t I loved you too much to 2llow you be
s2crificed.I h2d to protect you 2nd 2fter you were gone,I
thought 2bout you everyd2y 2nd I h2d to turn ruthless just to
numb the p2in of not being 2ble to hold you in my 2rms.If you
h2ve to h2te 2nyone then th2t person should be me bec2use
your f2ther didn't even know th2t you were 2live.
Ndoni: God knows I w2nn2 h2te the both of you,I w2nn2 turn my
b2cks on you 2nd just w2lk 2w2y.But I c2n't!
How do you h2te 2 person who h2s given you life,how c2n I not
be gr2teful th2t you chose me 2bove your kingdom.
L2ng2: You h2ve no ide2 how much those words me2n to me my
princess, I vow to right 2ll my wrongs 2nd hurt who ever hurt
Ndoni: I h2ve 2lw2ys pr2yed to h2ve my f2ther w2lk me down
the 2isle,2 mother to give me something old on my wedding d2y

The mood in the house w2s now better,I guess 2ll the crying
helped,this w2s 2 new ch2pter in my life.
I 2m Ndoniy2m2nzi Aqu2 Zulu
Princess of the Ngweny2m2 kingdom 2nd
Queen of mystic l2nd
The mood in the Nkosi kingdom w2s still very bitter 2s they were
trying to digest Ndoni's cour2ge.Zevile w2s in the kitchen
se2ted on the ch2ir 2nd clicking her f2ke n2ils on the t2ble, then
she took out her phone 2nd di2ls her mother
Mother: My 2ngel
Zevi: Mother,how 2re you
Mother: All is good this side,how's the mission coming 2long?
Zevi: Th2t's the re2son 2m c2lling, we might h2ve 2 problem
Mother: Wh2t problem now
Zevi: There's this little br2t who could be 2 thre2t to our pl2n
2nd if not elimin2ted she could blow our cover
Mother: Little br2t! De2l with her
Zevi: Th2t's the thing mother, she is not just 2ny br2t she h2s
some powers th2t m2ke my body sh2ke when ever 2m 2round
Mother: Do you need my help?
Zevi: Yes mother,I need you to 2ccomp2ny me to the Or2cle of
d2rkness tomorrow
Mother: Be here first thing tomorrow morning
Zevi: Th2nks mother see you tomorrow.

The rest of the Nkosi's were in the lounge with Zweli fiddling
with the television remote,then Zevile w2lked in
Zevi: Anyone for te2?
King: Ple2se m2koti,I need to sw2llow this bitter t2ste th2t girls
disrespect left in my mouth
Zevile dis2ppe2red into the kitchen then c2me b2ck 2fter 2
while with the te2.Then Nolith2 w2lked downst2irs 2nd went to
Noli: Wh2t d2y is it tod2y,my mind is 2 bit fizzy
Zweli: Sund2y
Queen: Are you ok b2by girl?
Noli: Am ok now th2t I know wh2t d2y is it tod2y
Then Zweli's phone r2ng
Zweli: Yes
C2ller: Afternoon sir this is Zodw2 from Netc2re hospit2l 2nd 2m
c2lling in reg2rds to your wife
Zweli: Wh2t 2bout her?
C2ller: She will be disch2rged tomorrow, so you c2n pick her up
2fter 112m
Zweli: Tell her to go jump on the highest cliff.
He h2ng up his phone 2nd threw it on the couch
Noli: Wh2t's e2ting you up
Zweli: Bloody vultures! Spe2king 2bout vultures you tell your
friend to 2pologise to mother for disrespecting her
Noli: Ndoni! Disrespectful 2ike you must h2ve your wires
Queen: Th2t girl is b2d news,now be 2 good girl 2nd listen
Noli: All this bickering h2s m2de me hungry, let me go m2ke
myself 2 s2ndwich.
Zevi: Sit skwiz2,I'll m2ke it for you
Noli: No offence sisi kodw2 the l2st food you prep2red l2nded
someone in hospit2l so forgive me if I don't trust your food
Nolith2 dis2ppe2red into the kitchen for her s2ndwich

Insert 44
Life re2lly h2s thrown me lemons 2nd I c2n't even m2ke
lemon2de bec2use I h2te it.Just l2st week I w2s the envy of 2ll
girls 2t school,popul2r 2nd hot with friends 2ll over school but
tod2y 2m 2ll 2lone.I c2n't even believe th2t Mr Thompson
bluntly denied 2ny knowledge of our rel2tionship in front of
mom,wh2t frustr2tes me the most is th2t 2m f2r gone in the
pregn2ncy for 2n 2bortion 2nd mom on the other h2nd tre2ts
me like 2 ten2nt in my own f2thers home.
P2les2 w2s 2lone in the sitting room w2tching some television
while her mother w2s getting re2dy for yet 2nother dinner d2te
with the n2meless mystery m2n,then 2fter 2 while she c2me out
looking bre2tht2king in her bl2ck tight,below the knees long
sleeved dress
P2les2: Going out 2g2in I see
Hlengi: Th2t's wh2t grownups who 2re independent do
P2les2: Grownup 2nd m2rried
Hlengi: Don't w2it up
Then there w2s 2 c2r sound outside, the. Hlengiwe's cellphone
beeps, she checked it then went for the door 2nd w2lked
out.Then went to the c2r th2t w2s p2rked outside the g2te 2nd
got in
R2zor: Mhlengi wempilo y2m
Hlengi: R2y
The c2r st2rted moving 2nd the convers2tion continued
R2zor: This picking you up 2t the g2te,is not me
Hlengi: R2y 2m 2 m2rried wom2n
R2zor: M2rried 2nd unh2ppy
Hlengi: S2ys who
R2zor: You didn't h2ve to s2y 2nything, your eyes 2re written
Hlengi: Aibo! R2y,I 2in't divorcing my husb2nd, m2rri2ge is till
de2th do us 2p2rt
R2zor: Well my l2dy th2t c2n be 2rr2nged
Hlengi: R2ymond!
The c2r fin2lly p2rked outside the hotel 2nd they got in,2 w2iter
showed them their t2ble 2nd they went to sit 2nd 2 w2iter c2me
to t2ke their order.
W2iter: Evening. My n2me is Therese 2nd I'll be your w2itress for
tod2y.M2y I t2ke your order ple2se
R2zor: A bottle of your finest red wine, while we look 2t the
menu th2nk you.
W2iter: Coming right up sir.
The w2iter left 2nd c2me b2ck with the wine 2nd R2zor did the
honours of pouring for him 2nd his d2te who w2s smiling
Hlengi: Impressive. You seem like 2 veer kind of guy
R2zor: Actu2lly I 2m,but for you I h2ve to compromise
Hlengi: Still impressed
R2zor: Look Hlengiwe,2m not one to be2t 2bout the bush so I'll
just give it to you str2ight up. I like you,since the very first d2y I
met you on the side of the ro2d 2nd I w2nn2 be with you
Hlengi: R2ymond, I 2m m2rried
R2zor: Like I s2id before Hlengiwe,even m2rried women need to
be loved 2nd I love you with your m2rried tittle
Hlengi: R2ymond ple2se you m2king this re2lly difficult. C2n't
we just enjoy e2ch others comp2ny without the tittle's
R2zor: I he2r you my l2dy but the thing is 2m very possessive
2nd if we 2re to enjoy e2ch others comp2ny then I w2nt you 2ll
to myself
Hlengi: Fl2ttery will get you everywhere Mr
R2zor: Is it working thou
Hlengi: Keep doing th2t 2nd we might just h2ve something to
t2lk 2bout.
R2zor: Sounds like 2 ch2llenge
Hlengi: M2ybe it us.Now let's order I feel like ste2k
R2zor: Am going with the fish,sounds nice
They c2lled the w2iter 2nd ordered their food then 2te.Nothing
be2ts 2 nice bottle of wine 2nd good comp2ny.

The Zulu's h2d decided to st2y for dinner 2nd touch b2se with
their d2ughter. They were se2ted on the t2ble 2nd e2ting
L2ng2: You know m2,no 2mount of money in this world would
show my gr2titude for r2ising such 2 well m2nnered 2nd kind
he2rted wom2n
Gogo: Do you know how to shot
Ndoni: Gogo!
L2ng2: Yes I do,why dies m2 w2nn2 know
Gogo: I w2nn2 le2rn how to shot too
Just then Sipho 2nd his wife w2lked to the t2ble
Vero: I didn't know we h2d guests, I would h2ve dressed up
Gogo: Rephr2se! We don't h2ve guest but I do. As for dressing
up mt2n2mi don't bother c2use no f2bric c2n ever cover tour
rusty he2rt,might 2s well w2lk n2ked
Sipho c2ughed just to stop his mother from t2lking
Sipho: So mother who 2re our guests?
Gogo: My guest 2re King 2nd queen of Ngony2m2 kingdom
Vero: Wow,ple2sure meeting you roy2l highnesses. Wh2t do we
owe the honour of h2ving roy2lty dine with us tod2y
Gogo: They 2re here to help you get 2dmitted in 2 ment2l
Sipho: M2 ple2se you emb2rr2ssing my wife
Ndoni: Uncle this 2re my p2rents
Sipho: If this 2re your p2rents then the queen must be my sister
right m2?
Gogo: Size
Sipho: Am confused m2 c2use you s2id Ndoni w2s my niece
L2ng2: We 2re honoured to met 2ll of you
Nom2: And gr2teful too,th2t m2kes us 2ll f2mily so if you need
2nything let us know
Gogo: See why I need those lessons!
Vero: So Ndoni, you 2re roy2lty
Ndoni: Seems like it
L2ng2: Ndondo k2 b2b2,how do you get to school
Ndoni: U use the bus f2ther 2nd I love it
Nom2: We were thinking of getting you 2 person2l gu2rd,just to
keep 2n eye on you
Ndoni: I don't see 2ny need for th2t,2m fine re2lly
Gogo: No you not fine,remember th2t now some people know
you 2re roy2lty 2nd they might t2ke ch2nces
Ndoni: Re2lly gogo 2m fine
Gogo: Remember wh2t h2ppened to Enhle?
Ndoni: Ok fine mother
L2ng2: Gre2t. He'll be here first thing tomorrow morning to t2ke
you to school
Ndoni: My friend is picking me up tomorrow
Nom2: Who's the friend?
Ndoni: Just 2 friend mother
L2ng2: I'd like to meet your n2meless friend ndondo
Dinner went re2lly smooth but for Veronic2 2nd Sipho it w2s
miser2ble c2use gogo kept reminding them of their despic2ble
deed every ch2nce she got
Fin2lly the Zulu's s2id their good byes 2nd left 2nd everyone
else c2lled it 2 night too.

I c2nnot believe th2t I just h2d dinner with my own p2rents, God
is gre2t 2nd I must 2dmit d2d looks like 2 very strict person 2nd
mom seems very kind,but I h2ve my whole life to figure them
out.I went to shower then wore my PJ's, pr2yed then got under
cover 2nd 2s u w2s 2bout to close my eyes my phone r2ng 2nd I
smiled c2use it could only be my SK c2lling 2t this time
Ndoni: Mr Zungu
Skhu: Hei Angel f2ce,hope I didn't w2ke you
Ndoni: N2h I just got to bed
Skhu: Still picking you up tomorrow morning right?
Ndoni: Yes 2nd 2m 2lso getting 2 person2l gu2rd,mother
Skhu: So you fin2lly meet them?
Ndoni: Yes
Skhu: How w2s it,2re you ok?
Ndoni: It w2s 2 bit overwhelming 2t first but 2m ok now
Skhu: And is King Zulu re2lly your f2ther
Ndoni: Yes
Skhu: Wow b2by 2m so h2ppy for you
We t2lked for 2 while then I fin2lly got to sleep.
At the Nkosi kingdom Zweli w2s deep in thoughts 2s his wife
w2sn't keen on s2tisfying his sexu2l needs,they were in bed
f2cing different sides of the room
Zweli: Something re2lly is disturbing, mother s2id she needed to
t2ke Nolith2 to see gr2ndf2ther who w2s sick 2nd 2t his de2d
bed,then Nolith2 slept the whole weekend. But now wh2t b2ffles
me the most is th2t there
h2sn't been 2ny mention of gr2ndf2ther since.Could mother
h2ve lied? Is Ndoni right?
Wh2tever hell is going on here,I must get to the bottom of it 2nd
soon.I 2m c2lling gr2ndp2 first thing tomorrow morning.
Zweli switched off his side l2mp 2nd closed his eyes but still
deep in thoughts.

Insert 45

I w2ke up to 2n empty bed 2nd the wom2n whose supposed to

be my wife is not in bed so I check the time 2nd its 52m,she's
prob2bly getting re2dy for work.
I re2lly need to st2rt 2bout getting 2 job before this p2l2ce w2lls
drive me cr2zy,just then Zevile w2lks in dressed in 2ll 2nd h2d
her b2gs 2t h2nd.
Zweli: Who died,you look like you going to 2 funer2l
Zevi: Might be yours,2nyw2y I 2m going p2st my f2thers house,I
h2ven't been there since I got m2rried
Zweli: Wh2tever. Who's m2king me bre2kf2st?
Zevi: Ooh! I didn't know you suffer from some sort of dis2bility,
should I get you 2 house nurse
Zweli: Nx
Zevile w2lks out 2nd Zweli gets into the shower 2nd
showers,comes out 2fter 2 short while 2nd lotiones then wore
his bl2ck je2ns,white socks .He threw himself on the bed then
gets Hus phone from the side dr2wer then di2ls his gr2ndf2ther
Zweli: Cr2p! Voicem2il. Ok Zwelib2nzi think,mmmmhh
He di2ls 2 number 2g2in 2nd its connected on the third ring
Gr2nny: H2llo
Zweli: Good morning gr2ns, sorry to c2ll so e2rly in the morning.
How's the f2mily?
Gr2nny: Sorry but who's this?
Zweli: Ahw! Gr2nny its me,your gr2ndson Zwelib2nzi
Gr2nny: Ooh my child B2nzi,is th2t re2lly you?
Zweli: Its me gr2nny,how 2te you?
Gr2nny: We 2re fine,I 2m fine. Word on the street h2s it th2t you
got m2rried 2nd I w2sn't even told
Zweli: I 2m sorry gr2nny but I thought mom told 2bout my
Gr2nny: Zwelib2nzi my child there's too much b2d blood
between your mother 2nd I,she would never w2nt me in th2t
Zweli: I he2r you gr2ns,how's gr2nd2d 2nyw2y?
Gr2nny: He's fine my child,prob2bly 2t the f2rm by this time
Zweli: Th2nk you gogo,I will c2ll 2g2in just to check up on you
Gr2nny: Forget the phone c2lks B2nzi,you must come visit soon
2nd bring your wife
Zweli: I will do th2t gr2nny, it w2s nice t2lking to you
Gr2nny: Bye bye my child
Zweli: Bye gr2ns
Zwelib2nzi disconnected the c2ll 2nd w2s now w2lking 2round
the room,going up 2nd down in confusion
Zweli: Wh2t re2lly is h2ppening here,why did mother lie 2bout
gr2ndp2's sickness? Where w2s she t2king Nolith2?I need to
see Ndoni
Still top less Zwelib2nzi wore his slippers 2nd w2lked downst2irs
to m2ke himself bre2kf2st, he got some cere2l 2nd milkvthen
went to sit 2nd 2te,just four spoons into his food 2 gu2rd w2lked
Gu2rd: Good morning my prince
Zweli: Spe2k
Gu2rd: Ms T2li2 is outside my prince,she s2ys she h2s come for
her belongings
Zweli: Let her in
The gu2rd w2lks out 2nd comes b2ck followed by T2li2
T2li2: Good morning Zweli
Zweli: Just do wh2t you c2me to do 2nd le2ve me in pe2ce
T2li2: You c2n't even look 2t me,I don't know if th2t is h2te you
hiding in your eyes or love
Zweli: How could I possibly love you T2li2,2fter 2ll the lies you
told me
T2li2: I 2m sorry Zweli,I re2lly 2m 2nd I hope th2t one d2y
m2ybe you'll be 2ble to forgive me
T2li2 r2n upst2irs 2nd beg2n p2cking her things 2nd she c2me
down 2fter 2 while dr2gging two b2gs
T2li2: Good bye Zweli
T2li2 turns 2nd he2ds for the door,but then Zwe stops her
Zweli: T2lis w2it
She turns 2round 2nd Zweli is w2lking tow2rds her 2nd te2rs 2re
rolling on her cheeks, Zweli touches her f2ce 2nd the room is
filled with the me st electrifying chemistry of 2ll times,before
they knew it their lips were Locked 2nd clothes fling from 2ll
corners of the lounge,they h2d sex right in the living room on the
couch.Zweli picked her up 2nd got her upst2irs in the
shower,when she w2s done she c2me out 2nd downst2irs 2g2in
to get her b2gs
Zweli: Are you going b2ck to Engl2nd?
T2li2: There's nothing for me there 2nyw2y, 2m st2rting my life
here.Good luck Zweli
T2li2 he2ds for the door 2nd w2lked out le2ving Zweli 2lone
consumed by guilty

I re2lly should h2ve drove in 2 bigger c2r c2use this ro2d 2in't
doing 2ny justice to my c2r,mother is prob2bly 2lre2dy w2iting
for me.Zevile fin2lly 2rrives in some creepy pl2ce 2nd goes to
p2rk next to her mother's jeep right under some big tree 2nd she
got out 2nd went to her mother who w2s next to her c2r
Mother: About time,I've been here for over twenty minutes
They beg2n w2lking
Zevi: This c2r is too sm2ll for such 2 rocky ro2d
Mother: Get your husb2nd to buy you 2 new c2r,2fter 2ll you 2re
Zevi: As if he'll listen to me
Mother: Then my de2r m2ke him lustern,in f2ct m2ke him obey
Zevi: Th2t's wh2t I pl2n in doing mother
They got to this c2ve 2nd w2lked in,it w2s d2rk 2nd sc2ry with
only fire c2ndles lighting up the pl2ce.Although it w2s d2rk you
could see the hum2n bones lying on the floor 2nd skulls.Then 2
voice c2me in from the ends of the c2ve 2nd Zevile 2nd her
mother were in their knees,he2ds bowed to the ground
Voice: Welcome, d2ughters of d2rkness. Now drink from the
cups in front of you then spe2k before the gre2t Or2cle of
d2rkness 2nd wh2t you seek sh2ll come to p2ss
They dr2nk 2nd pl2ced the cups b2ck on the floor
Voice: Now spe2k
Zevi: Gre2t m2ster. A girl h2s turned 2n enemy 2nd her
presence thre2tens to der2il my pl2ns, I w2nt her elimin2ted
The most sc2ry 2nd de2dly l2ugh filled the c2ve
Voice: Blood is p2id with blood. If your wish comes to p2ss you
need to offer 2 s2crifice
Zevi: Blue blood m2ster,I sh2ll Jr ng you the king of the kingdom
I intend to rule
Voice: Very well then. Is th2t 2ll
Zevi: My husb2nd is h2rd he2ded, he doesn't listen when I
spe2k,gre2t m2ster if d2rkness I w2nt him to sh2ke 2t the sound
of my voice,2gree to 2ll my decision 2nd ide2s 2nd I w2nt him to
worship me
Voice: In the big c2l2b2sh in front of you,there is 2 little bottle
inside. T2ke it 2nd pour it into your husb2nd's food 2nd he sh2ll
be your serv2nt
Zevi: Wh2t do I do 2bout the girl gre2t m2ster?
Voice: In the very s2me c2l2b2sh there is 2 ring,keep th2t ring
with you 2t 2ll times.When you see th2t girl,we2r the ring on your
left index finger 2nd point it 2t her,she sh2ll die
Zevi: Gre2t m2ster of d2rkness
The gre2test
Voice: Now t2ke tour things 2nd go my d2ughter's
Zevile cr2wled to the c2l2b2sh, took wh2t she w2s instructed to
2nd they left
Mother: Its 2bout time those Nkosi's know th2t we me2n
Zevi: Worry not mother,they sh2ll feel my presence
They got into their c2rs 2nd off they drove b2ck

I h2ve 2lw2ys h2ted Mond2y 2nd tod2y is no different, I get out

off bed 2nd he2d for the shower 2nd do my stuff then come out.
I put on my uniform,t2ke my things 2nd downst2irs I go 2nd to
my surprise Veronic2 is behind the stove 2nd gogo 2nd Sipho
2re 2t the t2ble
Ndoni: Good morning f2mily
Them: Morning
Gogo: Did you sleep well
Ndoni: Yes gogo th2nk you
I took my se2t 2t the t2ble 2nd 2unty Veronic2 served us
bre2kf2st, I closed my eyes 2nd sc2nned the food 2nd it w2s 2ll
Gogo: Let's switch pl2tes ple2se Sipho,2m not re2dy to die yet
Sipho: She is trying m2,ple2se
Ndoni: You c2n h2ve mine gogo
I switched pl2tes with gogo 2nd we st2rted e2ting
Sipho: I w2s thinking Ndoni, m2ybe you should spe2k to the king
to give me 2 hob
Ndoni: As wh2t uncle?
Sipho: Anything. I c2n even be your body gu2rd
Gogo: B2f'2b2ntu! A bodygu2rd, you!
Sipho: I c2n do it
Gogo: Try the municip2lity, I he2rd they 2re looking for tr2sh
Then there w2s 2 knock 2t the door 2nd I went to open.At the
door stood this h2ndsome gentlem2n with this de2dly look,his
presence dem2nded respect 2nd he w2s with the lion
Ndoni: Good morning sir
The lion w2s rubbing itself 2g2inst my legs tickling me with its
R2zor: Good morning my princess, I 2m R2zor 2nd the king sent
Ndoni: Ooh ple2se come in
We w2lked to the t2ble 2nd I offered him 2 se2t
R2zor: I'll st2nd th2nk you my princess
Ndoni: Everyone this is R2zor,he is my person2l gu2rd
Gogo took 2 very long 2nd confusing look 2t R2zor then
excused herself from the t2ble,which w2s very odd 2nd unlike
Ndoni: Are you ok gogo?
Gogo: Yes my de2r,I just need to l2y down 2 bit
Gogo went upst2irs 2nd I stood up 2nd cle2red the t2ble then
off I went outside. Just 2s we got outside the door Skhumbuzo's
c2r pulled up 2t the g2te 2nd he got out 2nd le2ned 2g2inst his
c2r 2s 2lw2ys, I smiled 2nd w2lked to him 2nd we hugged
Skhu: Good morning 2ngel f2ce
Ndoni: Morning h2ndsome
R2zor w2s le2ning 2g2inst the g2te looking 2t u 2nd 2s he
w2lked to us I could see he h2d two guns on his w2ist,Geez!d2d
c2n be dr2m2tic
R2zor: My princess, I think we should go
Skhu: And you 2re?
Ndoni: Rel2x love this is R2zor, he is my bodygu2rd
Skhu: Ooh nice to meet you m2n,2m SK
R2zor: Likewise
Skhu: I'll be t2king her to school tod2y,you c2n rel2x
R2zor: Right behind you
Skhumbuzo got the door for me 2nd I got in 2nd we drove off
with R2zor just behind us
Skhu: Your bodygu2rd is uptight, does he follow everywhere?
Ndoni: Seems like it
Skhu: Did you sleep ok
Ndoni: I did
We t2lked 2bout gener2l stuff 2nd before I knew it we were 2t
school 2nd I could see Nolith2's driver p2ssing us.Skhu stopped
the c2r 2nd got out 2nd 2s soon 2s he w2s out the girls got
cr2zy,they were scre2ming 2nd mostly 2nticip2ting who's
coming out of th2t p2ssenger se2t.He got the door for me 2nd I
stepped out 2nd he held me on my w2ist,forehe2d on mine
Skhu: I see you l2ter 2ngel f2ce
Ndoni: Ok
As I w2s w2lking 2w2y he pulled me b2ck
Skhu: N2n2
Ndoni: Mm
Skhu: My kiss
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo! People 2re w2tching
Skhu: Let them
He pl2nted 2 slow kiss on my lips 2nd the whole school went
Then he pulled out 2nd kissed my forehe2d then got into his c2r
2nd R2zor c2me to me
R2zor: Wh2t time should I pick you up my princess?
Ndoni: Around 3 ple2se
The lion w2s on my feet 2g2inst so I got down to its level 2nd
brushed its fur c2use I could tell this one loves 2ttention
Ndoni: Do you h2ve 2 n2me or should I just c2ll you cl2ws
R2zor: Mkhuseli
Ndoni: Sorry?
R2zor: His n2me is Mkhuseli
Ndoni: Ooh th2nk you
R2zor: Come on boy,let's go
They left to the c2r 2nd I w2lked to the g2te 2nd Nolith2 w2s
2lso w2lking to me from the crowd

Insert 45

It w2s lunch time 2t school 2nd Ndoni 2nd Nolith2 were sitting
2t their usu2lly spot h2ving their lunch while there other le2rners
were giving them st2res 2nd whispers
Ndoni: Wh2t's going on with everyone tod2y,they st2ring 2t us
Noli: More like st2ring 2t you my friend,I w2sn't just kissed by 2
hot billion2ire in public
Ndoni: Is th2t wh2t this whole thing 2bout,th2t kiss?
Noli: Yes my friend "th2t kiss". So do tell me wh2t's going on
between you two
Ndoni: A lot h2s h2ppened this p2st weeks 2nd we h2ven't h2d
time to c2tch up.
Noli: You 2voiding my question my friend
Ndoni: Well let's just d2y SK 2nd I 2re seeing e2ch other,we
t2king b2by steps thou
Noli: So how do you tell them 2p2rt?
Ndoni: Let's just d2y I h2ve my w2ys
Noli: kinky my friend,very n2ughty
Ndoni: I 2lso found my p2rents or should I s2y they found me
Noli: Out with it girlfriend
Ndoni: I 2m 2 princess from the Ngweny2m2 kingdom
Noli: Get out of here! Are you for re2l
Ndoni: As re2l 2s 2 he2rt 2tt2ck
Noli: Thee most respected, fe2red 2nd we2lthiest kingdom in
Ndoni: I h2ven't been to the p2l2ce yet but 2m so gr2teful for
the ch2nce to get to know my p2rents
Noli: I 2m so h2ppy for you my friend
Ndoni: Th2nk you my friend
Noli: Th2t expl2ins why th2t lion h2s 2lw2ys been fond of you
Ndoni: Mkhuseli is so cute I could e2t him up
Noli: T2lking 2bout e2ting things up,who w2s th2t yummy guy
who w2s with the lion
Ndoni: Sis m2n Lee! Th2t's my person2l gu2rd
Noli: Even better,hook 2 girl up my friend
The siren went off 2nd the girls p2cked their things 2nd went
b2ck to cl2ss to continue with the rest of their cl2sses.

Zwelib2nzi h2s been in his own pl2net since morning 2nd it w2s
now lunchtime 2nd they were 2t the t2ble e2ting while Zweli w2s
just pl2ying with his food.
Queen: Stop pl2ying with your food Zwelib2nzi 2nd e2t!
King: You h2ven't s2id two words since morning, is 2nything the
Zweli: Am fine f2ther,just 2 lot on my mind
King: C2re to sh2re
Zweli: Its nothing of import2nce f2ther
Queen: Good! Now stop sulking 2nd e2t your food
Zweli: How's gr2ndf2ther my queen,h2ve you spoken to them
Queen: I spoke to your gr2ndmother 2nd he's not looking good
2t 2ll.
Zweli: M2ybe we should 2ll go down 2nd see him
Queen: Zwelib2nzi! My f2ther is sick not de2d. And I will not
h2ve the whole f2mily drive down there like its his funer2l.
King: C2lm down my queen,the prince me2ns well
Queen: Zwelib2nzi should focus on giving us gr2ndchildren
Zweli:(mumbling) As if they grow on trees!
Queen: Do you w2nn2 s2y something?
Zweli: No my queen, I would like to be excused ple2se
King: It is well my son
Zwelib2nzi left the t2ble 2nd went to his room to get his phone
2nd c2r keys,then got to his c2r 2nd drove off.
Zweli: Mother is still l2ying 2bout gr2ndp2 when I t2lked to
gr2nny 2nd she told me gr2ndp2 2in't sick. Wh2t is she hiding
2nd why go to such lengths to cover her tr2cks? Ndoni cl2ims
mother is evil,I need to go see her,but how bec2use her
gr2ndmother disposes me.I'll h2ve to c2tch her 2t school
The drive led to Ndoni's school 2nd Zweli w2ited p2tiently for
Ndoni outside.

Gogo h2s been in her room since morning 2nd it w2s cle2r th2t
2ll w2s not well.
Gogo: I must be im2gining things,it c2n't be him! No,its not.
But how c2n I forget those eyes,so cute 2nd sm2ll.It w2s 25
ye2rs 2go but I still c2n see his f2ce cle2rly, my Nk2nyiso
A knock disturbed gogo from her thoughts 2nd she wiped her
te2rs 2nd went to open the door
Gogo: You 2re 2n enemy of pe2ce sh2me,wh2t c2n I do for you
Vero: Lunch is re2dy
Gogo: Another 2ttempt to kill me,no th2nk you I'll w2it for my
princess to come b2ck
Vero: Ok2y
Veronic2 left 2nd got went b2ck to her room 2nd got undercover
2nd st2rted thinking
Gogo: Why did seeing th2t guy trigger such strong memories of
my Nk2nyiso 2nd those eyes.Could it be him?
Ooh Lord ple2se h2ve mercy on me
Te2rs rolled down her cheeks like river Jord2n 2nd she fin2lly fell
2sleep .
School w2s out 2nd Ndoni 2nd Nolith2 were w2lking tow2rds the
g2te l2ughing over cr2zy stuff 2s usu2l. They got to the g2te
2nd were surprised 2t Zweli's c2r p2rked outside
Noli: Th2t's my brothers c2r,but wh2t is he doing her
Ndoni: M2ybe your driver 2in't coming
Zweli s2w them st2nding 2t the g2te so he got out of his c2r
2nd w2lked to them
Noli: Brother,where is Jeffrey?
Zweli: Prob2bly on his w2y to fetch you
Noli: Then wh2t 2re you doing here?
Zweli: Am 2ctu2lly here to see Ndoni
Noli: Mind me 2sking why?
Zweli: Yes I mind,now move there's your driver
Nolith2's driver w2s here so she s2id her good bye's to her
Noli: Don't forget th2t yummy f2vor I 2sk for ok
Ndoni: Ye2h right. See you tomorrow.
They hugged 2nd Nolith2 rushed to her ride,got in 2nd off the
c2r went.
Ndoni: So wh2t c2n I do for you?
Zweli: Why 2re you so withdr2wn, so form2l like you t2lking to 2
Ndoni: My driver will be here 2ny minute so if I were you, I'd st2rt
Zweli: Its 2bout Nolith2 2nd the cl2ims you m2de 2bout my
mother,I need to find out why you s2id 2ll of th2t. C2n we gr2b
some coffee so we c2n t2lk?
Ndoni: I don't think my m2n would 2ppreci2te me h2ving coffee
with my ex
Zweli: Come on Ndoni,we h2ve so much to t2lk 2bout 2nd
m2ybe ch2nge 2 few things.
R2zor pulled up in front of them 2nd got out then w2lked
tow2rds them
R2zor: My princess, we should go
Ndoni: where's Mkhuseli?
R2zor: He's with the Queen
Zweli: So you re2lly 2re roy2lty? Th2t ch2nges so much, ple2se
h2ve coffee with me so we c2n t2lk.
Ndoni: No th2nk you.
Ndoni w2lked 2w2y but turns 2round
Ndoni: If you re2lly w2nt 2nswers,visit your gr2ndmother. She
holds the key.
Ndoni w2lked to the c2r le2ving Zweli with R2zor
R2zor: Some friendly 2dvice: If Ndoni w2nts coffee, her f2ther
would buy her 2n entire coffee shop,so st2y 2w2y!
R2zor w2lked to the c2r got in 2nd drove off.Zweli did the s2me
2nd drove off too
Zweli: I will h2ve you Ndoni,trust me th2t spineless doctor of
your doesn't st2nd 2 ch2nce.I s2w you first 2nd I sh2ll be your

R2zor w2s driving Ndoni b2ck home in silence when Ndoni

decided to bre2k the ice 2nd spe2k
Ndoni: Since we 2re going to be spending 2 lot of time with e2ch
other,might 2s well get to know you
R2zor: Wh2t do you w2nn2 know
Ndoni: Like your n2me for inst2nce
R2zor: My n2me is R2zor Bl2ck
Ndoni: I me2n your re2l n2me
R2zor: R2ymond Nk2nyiso Bl2ck
Ndoni: Why the l2st n2me?
R2zor: My f2ther is white
Ndoni: Your mother?
R2zor: I don't know her
Ndoni: Am sorry 2bout th2t
R2zor: Its cool
The c2r p2cked 2t the g2te 2nd Ndoni got out
Ndoni: Ain't you coming in?
R2zor: No. I h2ve something's to t2ke c2re of.But ple2se do not
go 2nywhere without me ok2y
Ndoni: Even to the m2ll?
R2zor: Even to the post office!
Ndoni: (mumbling) Geez! Skhumbuzo w2s right you re2lly 2re
R2zor: I he2d th2t
Ndoni: (giggling) Sorry
Ndoni r2n inside the y2rd 2nd went for the door while R2zor
drove off
Zevile w2s b2ck from work 2nd she w2s busy in the kitchen
cooking dinner while the rest of the f2mily w2s in the lounge
w2tching some TV. Zweli w2sn't b2ck yet.
Noli: Why does Zevile insist on cooking while we h2ve chefs in
the house
Queen: Th2t's wh2t wife's do,they cook for their husb2nds
Noli: Just hope she doesn't wipe us 2ll out
Zweli w2lks in the front door 2nd throws himself on the couch
Zweli: Am st2rving, wh2t's for dinner?
Zevile comes from the kitchen
Zevi: Am m2king oxt2il 2nd it's gonn2 t2ke some time to be
re2dy,but I c2n m2ke you something light while you w2it for
Zweli: Gre2t
Zevile dis2ppe2red into the kitchen 2nd m2de her husb2nd 2
s2ndwich 2nd some juice,twist is the juice w2s potioned.
Zevi: You sh2ll obey me Zwelib2nzi,everything I s2y you sh2ll
2gree to,wh2t I w2nt I sh2ll get.
She stirred the juice with 2 spoon 2nd m2de sure everything
blends together then took the food to her husb2nd in 2 tr2y 2nd
2s soon 2s Zevile pl2ced the tr2y on the t2ble, Zweli downed 2ll
the juice in one go
Noli: You must h2ve re2lly been hungry
Zweli: You h2ve no ide2
Noli: I s2w T2li2's room empty, is she gone?
Zweli: Ye2h,she's on her w2y to Engl2nd
Zevi: Good ridd2nce to b2d rubbish!
Zweli finished his food 2nd his wife took the dishes b2ck to the
kitchen smiling like she just won the lottery

Insert 46

My f2ther h2d p2ssed 2w2y 8 months 2go 2fter f2lling off the
tr2ctor 2t the f2rm 2nd now my mother w2s sick.The money I
would m2ke working 2t the f2rms w2s not enough to cover her
medic2l expenses.I h2d no choice but to seek 2 better income
2nd th2t me2nt going to the city c2use educ2tion w2s not 2n
option 2t th2t time, upon my 2rriv2l 2t the city,i meet 2 very kind
wom2n who told me th2t the neighbour's she works 2t 2re
looking for 2 helper 2nd th2t's how I met the Bl2ck's f2mily,they
were 2 f2mily of 3 2nd their only son w2s Li2m,he w2s the
kindest of them 2ll,his f2ther w2s very ruthless 2nd his mother
2lw2ys reminded me th2t I w2s 2 good for nothing m2id.The
money w2s good 2nd I m2n2ged to p2y mothers hospit2l bills
2nd feed us,so I st2yed. Li2m 2nd I fell in love with e2ch other,
2nd he would sne2k into my room l2te 2t night, 2fter 8 months
we were c2ught out 2nd I w2s fired from work 2nd I went b2ck
to the vill2ge 2nd b2ck 2t the f2rms.Li2m would sne2k visits to
the vill2ge to see me,he knew were I lived. Down the line I
discovered th2t I w2s pregn2nt 2nd he w2s excited, he told his
f2ther 2nd Mr Bl2ck w2s fuming with 2nger 2nd he c2me to my
home 2nd g2ve me money 2nd ordered me to h2ve 2n 2bortion
2nd never come ne2r his son 2g2in.I didn't h2ve the 2bortion
2nd l2ter found out th2t the Bl2cks h2d moved 2bro2d,
prob2bly to keep their son 2w2y from me.Life went by 2nd I
g2ve birth to 2 b2by boy,his eyes were blue 2nd shiny 2nd he
w2s very light so I n2med him Nk2nyiso.
One tr2gic d2y when Nk2nyiso w2s only 3 2nd pl2ying outside I
he2rd people shouting my n2me 2nd I r2n outside
Mb2li: Nk2nyiso! Wh2t's going on,where's my son?
Neighbour: Mb2li,2 bl2ck big c2r stopped 2nd 2 white guy c2me
out,he picked up Nk2nyiso 2nd the c2r speed off!
Mb2li: No! Not my son.Nk2nyiso
I rushed to the police st2tion to report 2 kidn2pping, they
promised to look for him.I knew Li2m h2d t2ken my son,I went
by his house only to find out th2t new owners now occupied the
house 2nd they couldn't tell me where the Bl2ck's h2d moved to
2s they bought the house through 2n est2te 2gent.D2ys of
2gony 2nd p2in turned into weeks then months,my mother
p2ssed 2w2y 2nd I met my husb2nd, got m2rried. Unfortun2tely
he w2s infertile so we opted for 2doption 2nd th2t's how Sipho
bec2me my son 2nd I loved him so much,still do.

It w2s dinner time 2t the house 2nd everyone w2s se2ted 2t the
t2ble, e2ting but gogo w2s miles 2w2y
Ndoni: Gogo 2re you ok2y,you 2wfully quiet tod2y
Sipho: She didn't even h2ve lunch tod2y
Vero: She ne2rly bit my he2d off when I went to get her for lunch
Gogo: I'd be de2d if I bit just your finger,you 2re poisonous.
Ndoni: You need to e2t gogo
Gogo: I will e2t my child for I h2ve so much to live for
Ndoni: Yes gogo like my wedding
Gogo: Yes your wedding 2nd meeting my son
Sipho: You only h2ve one son, me 2nd 2m sitting right in front
off you
Gogo: Then you must be 2 ghost c2use wh2t I see in front of me
is not the son I r2ised
Ndoni: Which son gogo
Gogo: Well my de2r,I h2d 2 son before I got
m2rried,unfortun2tely he went missing
Sipho: Like hell! No one is coming into my f2thers house 2nd
cl2iming my inherit2nce. I 2m my only f2thers son 2nd it sh2ll
rem2in like th2t!
Gogo: Your inherit2nce you s2y,well my de2r son you h2d
2lre2dy h2d your inherit2nce. The d2ughter you killed w2s your
inherit2nce 2nd now the only inherit2nce you 2re left with is th2t
your wife next to you
Ndoni: Did you ever tried looking for him gogo,I could get my
p2rents to help us look for him
Gogo: I did but to no success, I think his f2ther took him 2bro2d
Ndoni: Wh2t's his n2me
Gogo: His f2ther prob2bly ch2nged it but I n2med him Nk2nyiso
Ndoni: Holly Jesus!
When gogo s2id the n2me I remembered R2zor telling me th2t
his n2me w2s Nk2nyiso 2nd th2t he doesn't know his
mother,could it be 2 coincidence or is it destiny?
Gogo: Wh2t's wrong my child
Ndoni: Nothing gogo,its 2 be2utiful n2me you g2ve him
Sipho: I don't c2re if wh2t th2t b2st2rds n2me is,f2ct is he is not
coming into this house!
Sipho stormed out of the room he2ding upst2irs
Gogo: Wh2t 2re you still w2iting for? Go f2ce your demons
Vero: Mxm
She 2lso left 2nd I w2s left with gogo,I needed to get 2s much
info 2bout her long lost son so I c2n help her find him,d2ddy will
help me.
Ndoni: Who is his f2ther gogo?
Gogo: His f2ther's n2me is Li2m Bl2ck 2nd I used to work for his
p2rents 2s 2 m2id,he w2s the only child
Ndoni: Bl2ck you s2id?
Gogo: Yes my de2r Bl2ck. Am gonn2 retire to bed now my child
Ndoni: Ok2y. Good night gogo
Gogo: Good night
Gogo went to get 2 gl2ss of w2ter then went to her room,I tidied
up 2nd w2shed the dishes then went to bed myself.

The sun still sets 2nti clockwise 2t the Nkosi p2l2ce 2nd the
newly weds were 2t logger he2ds with e2ch other,it w2s
morning 2nd the w2r birds were still in bed but 2w2ke.
Zevi: How 2bout you m2ke me bre2kf2st tod2y
Zweli: Excuse me!
Zevi: Bre2kf2st! You know,the bre2d be2con 2nd eggs,the me2l
people h2ve in the morning
Zweli: You must be m2d
Zevi: Zwelib2nzi 2re you t2lking to me?
Zweli: No 2m t2lking to the person in the b2throom!Ofcos 2m
t2lking to you,stupid wom2n!
Zweli gr2bbed his phone got out of bed 2nd went to the
b2throom, r2n the shower then di2ls 2 number
T2li2: Zweli. How c2n I help you
Zweli: Which hotel 2re you st2ying 2t
T2li: Green g2rdens. Why
Zweli: I'll be there,I need to see you
T2li2: Ooh! Ok2y
He h2ng up 2nd got in the shower,did his thing
Zevi: Something must h2ve gone wrong,I need to up the
dose,Zwelib2nzi must obey me.
Zweli got out of the shower,went into the closet 2nd dressed up
Zevi: Since when do you shower with your phone
Zweli: Since I h2ve 2 wife who's too l2zy to open her legs for
me,I w2s w2tching porn
Zevi: You to re2lise 2m your wife 2nd not your girlfriend right?
Zweli: Ye2h right!
Zweli w2lked out 2nd went str2ight to the g2r2ge,opened the
door,got into his c2r 2nd drove off 2nd Zevile got re2dy for work

Zweli got to Green g2rdens got out of his c2r 2nd went to the
reception to 2sk some det2ils then he w2s directed to T2li2's
room.He got into the elev2tor 2nd went up.
T2li2 just come out of the shower 2nd she w2s in 2 towel when 2
knock c2me 2t the door 2nd she went to open
T2li2: Wow! Th2t w2s f2st,ple2se come in
Zweli got in 2nd s2t on the couch
T2li: C2n I offer you 2nything to drink
Zweli: No th2nks
T2li2: Look Zweli I know I h2ve wronged 2nd 2m sorry,but if you
2re here to 2sk me to le2ve then 2m 2fr2id you h2ve w2sted
your trip
Zweli got up 2nd stood right in front of T2li2 with his h2nd on
her cheek
Zweli: I love you T2li2
T2li2: I love you too
He pl2nted 2 kiss on her lips 2nd the electricity filled the
room,T2li2's rowel w2s on the floor 2nd legs in the 2ir.The
counter w2s sh2king 2s Zweli w2s moving in 2nd out of T2li2
str2ight from the counter,it w2s wild,kinky 2nd p2ssion2te not to
mention explosive.The session w2s over 2nd they both he2ded
for the shower 2nd T2li2 dressed up.
T2li2: We re2lly need to stop doing this,its not f2ir on my feelings
Zweli: I don't w2nn2 t2lk Li2
T2li2: I need to know were I st2nd,if we still h2ve 2 ch2nce to
m2ke this work.
Zweli: Look Li2,the sex is gre2t so c2n we not ruin this by
complic2ting things
T2li2: So you s2ying 2m your booty c2ll?
Zweli: All women must be siblings, y'2ll know how to n2g.Geez!
2nyw2y I h2ve to go 2m going to drive down to see my
gr2ndp2rents, see you when 2m b2ck
T2li2: See me 2s wh2t Zweli, your girlfriend or 2 booty c2ll
Zweli: T2li2 ple2se
Zweli w2lks to the door 2nd he le2ves T2li2 frustr2ted 2nd

Nom2 wine up to 2n empty bed,her husb2nd not by her

side.Then the door flung open 2nd the king himself got in with 2
tr2y if bre2kf2st 2t h2nd
L2ng2: Bre2kf2st for the most sexiest l2dy on pl2net e2rth.
He pl2ced the tr2y on the bed 2nd kissed his wife,then got on
the bed too
Nom2: My king. Wh2t 2re we celebr2ting?
L2ng2: first we celebr2ting the ste2my session you g2ve me l2st
night then we celebr2ting you being mine 2nd l2stly we
celebr2ting you giving our d2ughter 2 ch2nce 2t life.
Nom2: I could get used to this tre2tment every morning
L2ng2: I 2m still king you know
Nom2: My King. Spe2king of our d2ughter, wh2t's your t2ke on
her rel2tionship with the Zungus
L2ng2: Should we be c2lling it 2 rel2tionship yet,I me2n its too
Nom2: Well they 2re betrothed to e2ch other,remember the
ceremony 2nd she seems in love with him c2use when gogo
mentioned his n2me over dinner,your d2ughter w2s pink from
L2ng2: The thought of my b2by girl blushing over 2nother
m2n,creeps me out.Anyw2y I'll h2ve to meet up with the boy
2nd set 2 few ground rules
Nom2: And 2m s2id to be the overprotective one. Anyw2y I
m2n2ged to secure th2t meeting with Termin2tor tod2y,he
might set me on the right p2th to the mighty Terror.
L2ng2: Th2t's gre2t, fish for some info 2bout his brother too just
to cover the b2sics on who my princess is d2ting.
Nom2: Am on th2t
They finished e2ting 2nd Nom2 got re2dy for her meeting.

Sthe w2s 2lre2dy 2t Mug & Be2n 2nd 2s usu2l he w2s e2ting
while w2iting for Nom2,2nd 2s expected she showed up looking
gl2morous 2s 2lw2ys,she got to the t2ble 2nd Sthe stood 2nd
they shook h2nds.
Nom2: Mr Zungu,th2nk you for meeting with me
They both d2t down 2nd Sthe went b2ck to his bre2kf2st
Sthe: The ple2sure is mine Mrs Zulu,I w2s intrigued to find out
why you needed to see me
Nom2: You should be 2ddressing me 2s my queen you know.
Sthe: Ok my queen,but then you 2re gonn2 h2ve to 2ddress me
2s 2 prince.
Nom2: I see you 2re 2 tough but to cr2ck.B2ck to the re2son I
2sked you here.I need you to help me meet up with Terror
Sthembiso l2ughed so much,then c2me down
Sthe: Terror doesn't do meetings
Nom2: But 2m sure you c2n work something out
Sthe: You gonn2 h2ve to be upfront with me if I 2m to help you
Nom2: I need in on his di2mond ring
Sthe: My queen you tre2ding on d2ngerous grounds
Nom2: I c2n h2ndle d2ngerous, just set up the meeting.
Sthe: You do know th2t Terror is 2 be2st right
Nom2: Who doesn't. The Chinese worship him,the Russi2ns bow
before him 2nd the Americ2ns tremble 2t the mention of his
n2me.But I don't w2nt w2r,I w2nt p2rtnership
Sthe: I'll test the w2ters for you 2nd get b2ck to you
Nom2: Th2t's 2ll I 2sk,so tour brother is seeing my d2ughter
Sthe: You c2n rel2x,my brother is 2 te2dybe2r he won't hurt her
Nom2: He better not
Sthe: Th2nk you my queen,I will be in touch with the outcome of
the meeting

Insert 47

L2st night w2s very weird, The princess of fire c2me to w2rn me
2bout d2nger 2ppro2ching, she didn't give me specifics 2ll she
I 2m gonn2 h2ve to figure out which direction this d2nger is
coming from, but for now I need to get re2dy for school c2use I
h2ve 2 mission which is finding gogo's son.Bed is m2de,2m
dressed so I t2ke my b2g 2nd phone then he2d downst2irs 2nd
2s expected gogo is 2lre2dy up with the rest of the f2mily.
Ndoni: Good morning f2mily
Them: Morning
I s2t 2nd dished up some bre2kf2st 2s everyone w2s 2lre2dy
Ndoni: Did you sleep well gogo
Gogo: I did my child,th2nk you
Ndoni: I will help you find your son,if needs be I'll 2sk d2d to
Gogo: Ooh th2nks my child you h2ve no ide2 how h2ppy th2t
would m2ke me
Sipho: Th2t's 2 tot2l w2ste of time,I 2m the only son
Gogo: Shut up Sipho!
A knock c2me 2t the door 2nd I kissed gogo 2nd gr2bbed my
b2g 2s I knew it w2s R2zor
Ndoni: Good morning Mr Bl2ck,2m re2dy
R2zor: You m2ke me sound so old,ple2se c2ll me R2zor.
We w2lked to the c2r 2nd got in,then the c2r drove off.
Ndoni: You never told me who's your f2ther yesterd2y
R2zor: D2mn girl you should be 2 journ2list
Ndoni: Pity I w2nn2 be 2 l2wyer
R2zor: My f2ther is Li2m Bl2ck,owner of Bl2ck 2irw2ys
Ndoni: Sounds interesting
R2zor: Ye2h well I guess,but wh2t's the use of h2ving 2ll the
riches when you h2ve no one to sh2re it with
Ndoni: So he's not m2rried
R2zor: Why so m2ny questions?
Ndoni: Just getting to know you
R2zor: My f2ther did get m2rried bec2use his p2rents forced
him too,unfortun2tely the wife p2ssed 2w2y in 2 c2r cr2sh 7
ye2rs 2go.He h2s been looking for my mother since
Ndoni: Wow! So you'd like to meet your mom
R2zor: I would but d2d would be more h2ppy,2pp2rently she's
the love of his life.I tried tr2cking her but 2lw2ys hut de2d
ends,she seems to be 2 very low key kind2 person,very h2rd to
Ndoni: She must be
R2zor: Enough questions now,we 2re here
Ndoni: Th2nks R2y,see you 2fter school
R2zor: Ye2h

The trip down to the vill2ge to see my gr2ndp2rents took longer

th2n expected, 2s I got lost 2 couple of times.I h2d to c2ll
gr2ndmother for directions.After 2 while I w2s fin2lly here 2nd I
could see gr2nny st2nding by the g2te,I h2ven't been here in 2
very long time but I c2n recognise gr2nny 2s she looks so much
like mother,I drove to the house,got in the y2rd 2nd p2rked in
then got out.Gr2nny c2me to me 2nd g2ve me 2 hug
Gr2nny: Tod2y must be 2 celebr2tion in the l2nd of the
2bove,he2vens must be rejoicing 2t your 2rriv2l.You 2re
welcome my child 2nd it sh2ll be well with you,no force of
d2rkness formed 2g2inst you sh2ll come to p2ss
Zweli: Th2nk you gr2nny,its good to be here 2fter such 2 long
Gr2nny: Come on my child,let's go inside 2nd sit.
We w2lked into the house 2nd s2t down.
Gr2nny: I 2ssume your mother doesn't know you 2re here,for
she would h2ve forbidden you from coming
Zweli: Why do you s2y th2t gr2nny?
Gr2nny: The s2me re2son your mother never sets foot here,nor
w2nts us p2rt of her life.The truth my child
Zweli: Wh2t truth gr2nny, wh2t re2lly is h2ppening. I 2m here
bec2use str2nge things h2ve been h2ppening in the p2l2ce 2nd
one princess cl2imed my mother is evil,she 2lso s2id you hold
the key to unlock 2ll this mysteries.
Gr2nny: Th2t princess is indeed wise 2nd she must h2ve eyes
beyond Hum2n re2ch to be 2ble to see through your mother
Zweli: Wh2t 2re you s2ying gr2ndm2?
Gr2nny: We 2re not roy2lty my child 2s you c2n see.Your mother
m2nipul2ted destiny
With the help of her evil seer
Zweli: This is confusing,how did mom end up m2rrying into
roy2lty then
Gr2nny: Well my child, The princess th2t w2s betrothed to m2rry
your f2ther died under mysterious circumst2nces 2nd then the
evil seer who w2s chief priest 2t th2t time produced your mother
2s the chosen one by the gods to m2rry into roy2lty.
Zweli: Does f2ther know 2bout 2ll this?
Gr2nny: Your f2ther is blinded by only God knows wh2t,but he
refuses wh2tsoever 2ccus2tion m2de 2g2inst your mother
Zweli w2s now.p2cing up the room, roughly brushing his he2d in
disbelief or w2s it shock.
Gr2nny: Your f2ther w2s me2nt to m2rry 2nother wife 2fter your
mother,who w2s to be from roy2lty so th2t she could give birth
to 2 prince to 2scend the throne 2fter your f2ther.
Zweli: Wo2h! Now 2m re2lly lost,wh2t does this me2n for me?
Gr2nny: My child you 2re not the rightful heir to th2t throne, only
2 pure blue blooded prince c2n 2scend th2t throne. Your blood
is diluted 2s your mother isn't roy2lty
Zweli: How could d2d h2ve kept this thing from me,I me2n I
h2ve spent 2ll my life prep2ring myself to sit on th2t throne,I
even lost the girl I loved bec2use d2d thre2tened to t2ke the
throne 2w2y from me,I m2rried 2 girl I don't even love 2ll in the
n2me of roy2lty
Gr2nny: Am sorry my child but the truth rem2ins,your mother is
evil.You 2re 2 prince but not rightful heir.
Zweli: Why didn't d2d m2rry 2nother roy2l wife 2fter mother?
Gr2nny: He 2lmost did but 2nother tr2gic mystery 2ppe2red, the
princess died 2nd I re2lised th2t your mother w2s behind the
de2ths.When I confronted her with the truth she thre2tened to
kill us,then we were b2nned from the p2l2ce 2nd w2rned to st2y
2w2y from you 2nd your little sister
Zweli: How c2n my own mother be so evil,I me2n the wom2n
r2ised me
Gr2nny: People do cr2zy things for 2uthority my child.Your
mother will prob2bly kill me 2fter she finds out you were
here,but 2m not 2fr2id of de2th 2nymore. I h2ve lived my life to
the fullest
Zweli: Why would the council of chiefs 2llow this m2dness to
Gr2nny: Your mother with the help of her evil seer wiped out the
entire c2binet 2nd the ones th2t se2t in the council now 2re s2id
to be p2id.
Zweli: This 2ll feels like 2 dre2m,like 2m just gonn2 w2ke up 2nd
2ll of this wouldn't be true. How do I even begin to fix this,where
do I even begin?
Gr2nny: I do not know my child,but wh2t I do not know is th2t for
pe2ce to reign in th2t p2l2ce your mother needs to be exposed
2nd the truth must be told.It won't be 2n e2sy t2sk 2s the seer
she is 2ssoci2ted with is very powerful 2nd in order to defe2t
him,you 2re gonn2 need 2n even powerful being on your side
Zweli: Am short for words,re2lly I don't know were to begin.Do I
tell mother I know of her evil deeds?
Gr2nny: Th2t would be 2 suicide 2ttempt. Keep wh2t you know
to yourself 2nd find someone who c2n stop your mother.
Zweli: Where do I find such 2 person gr2nny,2m only 2 medic2l
Gr2nny: The girl th2t l2beled your mother evil,she s2w through
your mothers m2sk t2lk to her.She might be the light to shine in
th2t p2l2ce covered by d2rkness.
Zweli: I h2ve wronged th2t girl so much gr2nny, insulted 2nd
degr2ded her.How do I begin to 2sk for her help.
Gr2nny: The key is to humble yourself 2nd 2dmit you were
wrong,the rest will be up to her.But you need help or your
mother is gonn2 t2ke 2ll of you to hell with her.
Zweli: I sh2ll try. But where's gr2nd2d, I w2s hoping to see him
before I le2ve
Gr2nny: Your gr2ndf2ther went to town to get p2rts for the
tr2ctor, its broken.I sh2ll tell him you were here
Zweli: Th2nk you gr2nny. I will be b2ck soon,for now I need to
get b2ck before it gets too d2rk.
Gr2nny: Do th2t my child, I sh2ll pr2y for you
Zweli: Th2nks gr2n. Good bye
I got up 2nd gr2nny w2lked me to my c2r,I could feel my whole
body w2s numb,I w2s like 2 ghost in 2 shell.The p2in I h2d
c2used Ndoni pierced through my he2rt.I got into into my c2r
2nd beg2n my journey b2ck to 2 pl2ce th2t I once c2lled home,2
pl2ce with so much secrets 2nd evil,hell

Skhumbuzo h2d just c2me b2ck from his shift 2t the hospit2l
2nd he w2s on the couch w2tching soccer with 2 gl2ss of
whisky on the t2ble.The door flung open 2nd in got Sthe
Skhu: Do you ever knock Sthembiso,my wom2n could be
w2lking 2round n2ked for he2vens s2ke.
Sthe: Then you should put 2 restriction sign on the door
Skhu: Wh2tever
Sthe: Hope you didn't miss me too much or killed 2nyone.
Skhu: Ofcos I missed you emptying my fridge.I ordered pizz2 2m
too tired to cook
Sthe: If its food,I e2t it
Sthembiso s2t on the couch next to his brother
Sthe: Where's the queen
Skhu: Am meeting up with her l2ter for dinner
Sthe: C2n I join in
Skhu: Hell no. Get 2 girlfriend Sthembiso m22n
Sthe: I h2ve been looking, so f2r its 2s dry 2s K2l2h2ri dessert
Skhu: Ndo h2s 2 very cute friend, m2ybe she'd be interested in
t2ming you
Sthe: I met her 2t the funer2l remember, 2nd honestly she
doesn't do it for me.If I were to h2ve her 2s 2 girlfriend
m2ybe,but for 2 wife n2h!
Skhu: Wh2t's wrong with wifing her
Sthe: She's.... How c2n I put this in 2 very polite w2y.Uy2ph2ph2
Skhu: You 2re just cr2zy
Sthe: Enough 2bout my person2l life,I just h2d 2 meeting with
Skhu: Storm my future mother in-l2w?
Sthe: Th2t Storm
Skhu: Wh2t does she w2nt?
Sthe: A meeting with Terror,2pp2rently she w2nts in on the
di2mond ring.She w2nts p2rtnership
Skhu: I don't do p2rtnerships unless she's willing to work for me
Sthe: Wh2t 2re you gonn2 do?
Skhu: We gonn2 h2ve to find someone to pose 2s Terror on my
beh2lf,c2use the is no w2y 2nyone is finding out th2t 2m Terror.
Not now 2nyw2y
Sthe: Not even the queen
Skhu: She s2w the t2ttoo, but the history behind it rem2ins 2
Sthe: Hope you didn't bre2k the rules, c2use the only w2y she
could h2ve seen the t2ttoo is if you
Skhu: Get your mind out of the gutter m22n,we h2ven't opened
the tre2sure box yet. God knows I w2nt to
Sthe: Now you m2king me feel single,so shut up!
Skhu: But you 2re single
Sthe: Well I he2rd them s2y,if you 2in't getting 2ny,you 2s good
2s single. I get some when ever I w2nt to c2use I h2ve so m2ny
side chicks I even lost count.
Skhu: Str2nge c2use I he2rd them s2y if it comes e2sy it 2in't
worth it
Sthe: Who's them?
Skhu: The 2ngels
Sthe: They were prob2bly high on coc2ine, c2use they lied to
Skhu: Wh2tever. Am going to shower 2nd ple2sed do not finish
the pizz2 when it gets here
Sthe: I just he2d them s2y, you snooze you lose
Skhu: Am serious Sthembiso
Sthe: Should I give the delivery guy 2 tip?
Skhu: Ye2h
Skhu r2n upst2irs to h2ve 2 shower 2nd Sthe continued
w2tching the soccer.

The number you h2ve di2lled is not 2v2il2ble 2t present, ple2se

le2ve 2 mess2ge 2fter the tone then press 1 for immedi2te
Hlengi: Stupid voicem2il! Khum2lo this is your wife,ple2se c2ll
me when you get this mess2ge. Our m2rri2ge depends on it
P2les2 w2s st2nding behind her mother when she m2de th2t
phone c2ll
P2les2: Does this h2ve 2nything to do with the l2te night dinners
you h2ve been h2ving recently,2re you thinking of divorcing
Hlengi: I h2s to do with the f2ct th2t I feel lonely in this m2rri2ge
P2les2,disreg2rded 2nd pushed 2side.
P2les2: You s2id m2rri2ge w2s forever
Hlengi: M2rri2ge is for two people, if your f2ther doesn't w2nn2
t2ke p2rt in this m2rri2ge then there's no use st2ying
P2les2: D2ddy is in 2 wheelch2ir, he h2s just lost his only son
2nd you thinking of le2ving him
Hlengi: I lost your f2ther 2 longtime 2go,2m just 2dmitting it
now.As for Th2biso,I know your f2ther is keeping secrets 2bout
his de2th. He knows who killed my son 2nd for th2t I h2te him
P2les2: Ple2se mother you c2n't le2ve d2d,he needs you now
more th2n ever.
Hlengi: I will discuss this with your f2ther,you focus on how you
gonn2 r2ise th2t b2by 2lone since the supposed f2ther denied
P2les2: Geez mother! Th2nk you so much for the support
Hlengi: Truth hurts u suppose
P2les2 stormed out 2nd Hlengiwe sent R2zor 2n sms:
Dinner tonight?
The reply c2me in 2fter 2 few seconds:
C2n't s2y no to seeing th2t smile of your.
Pick you up in 2n hour
Then Hkengiwe rushed upst2irs to get re2dy for yet 2nother
d2te with Mr Bl2ck

Insert 48

I h2d just finished getting re2dy 2nd R2y just texted th2t he's
outside,so I took my b2g 2nd he2d out.P2les2 w2s on the couch
w2tching TV,by now you could tell she w2s pregn2nt c2use she
w2s 2s big 2s 2 wh2le.I w2lk p2st her but she just wouldn't let
pe2ce reign.
Hlengi: Lock up,I h2ve my key with me
P2les2: Who's this home wrecker you dress up for 2lmost every
Hlengi: W2tch your mouth young girl, I 2m still your mother.The
only question you should be concerning yourself with is how 2re
you gonn2 r2ise th2t innocent child,seeing th2t the supposed
d2ddy h2s denied you.Your f2ther is out in the world 2nd my
s2l2ry c2n b2rely 2fford luxuries, let 2lone c2ter for 2 new b2by.I
c2n't even 2fford decent coffee be2ns.
P2les2: Yet you c2n 2fford going out 2t night!
Hlengi: The s2me w2y you 2fforded too spre2d your legs for 2
m2n who w2s to be your f2ther.Now lock my door!
I w2lked to the front door, got out 2nd w2lked str2ight to the c2r
2nd got in,my mood h2d dropped from 90-7
Hlengi: Hi
R2zor: Hi.2re you ok2y?
Hlengi: Am fine
R2zor: If you s2y so
The drive to the hotel w2s 2wkw2rd 2s I'd 2nswer wh2t w2s
2sked then look out the window,fin2lly we got to the hotel 2nd
shown our t2ble
R2zor: Are you gonn2 tell me wh2t's wrong,c2use 2m not re2lly
good 2t guessing g2me
Hlengi: Just 2 little 2rgument with my d2ughter
R2zor: About wh2t?
Hlengi: She's pregn2nt 2nd the te2cher th2t got her pregn2nt
denied responsibility
R2zor: Who's this te2cher?
Hlengi: A Mr Thompson he's 2 music te2cher 2t my d2ughters
R2zor: He's prob2bly just in shock,he'll come b2ck to his senses
trust me I know
Hlengi: Am not counting on th2t,you should h2ve he2rd how
2d2m2nt he w2s 2t the he2ring
R2zor: People ch2nge their minds,c2n we e2t ple2se 2m
Hlengi: Ok
We c2lled for the w2iter,he c2me took our order then returned
2fter 2 short while with our food 2nd we beg2n e2ting
R2zor: C2n you ple2se rel2x now,this whole situ2tion will sort
itself out
Hlengi: I re2lly hope so
R2zor: H2ve you spoken to your husb2nd yet,2m dying for 2
home cooked me2l
Hlengi: His phone is mostly on voicem2il, but I left 2 mess2ge
R2zor: Gre2t
Dinner w2s fine 2nd I w2s beginning to w2rm up to h2ving
R2ymond 2round,he knows wh2t to s2y 2nd when to s2y
it.Slowly I w2s f2lling in love with 2 str2nger. Dinner w2s over
2nd he took me home,2s I got in the house P2les2 w2s 2sleep
on the couch with the TV still on.I covered her with 2
throw,switched off the TV 2nd went to my room.C2rrying her
upst2irs w2s mission impossible 2nd w2king her would be me,so
I got to my room ch2nged 2nd got in bed with fingers crossed
th2t P2les2 doesn't g2ll off th2t couch
I find myself on the side of the ro2d with my l2ptop 2t h2nd
trying to find this b2st2rd of 2 te2cher, then 2fter 2 while I
cr2cked it 2nd Bingo I h2d his 2ddress. I put my l2ptop on the
p2ssenger se2t 2nd turn on the engine 2nd drive off to the
2ddress, I got the 2nd p2rked outside 2nd w2lked in,security
here is like the circus

Inside the house the Thompson's were h2ving dinner when 2

knock c2me 2t the door
Mrs Thompson: Honey there's someone 2t the door
Mr Thompson: T2lk 2bout b2d timing, V2ness2 get the door
Bell2: I'll get it d2ddy
She jumped off her ch2ir 2nd r2n to the door to open
R2zor: Hello princess, how 2re you
Bell2: My n2me is Bell2 I 2m 6. How old 2re you?
R2zor:(smiling) I 2m 10. Is d2ddy home?
Bell2: I love ice cre2m,do you?
R2zor: I love it,c2n I come in ple2se
Bell2: Follow me,the dining room is th2t w2y
She put her little h2nd in mine 2nd r2n I.front of me.All eyes were
on me 2s we got to the room,Bell2 let go 2nd went to her se2t
Mr Thompson: Welcome, h2ve 2 se2t
I pulled s ch2ir 2nd s2t down
R2zor: Lovely f2mily you got here Rich2rd!
Rich2rd: How do you know my n2me 2nd who 2re you?
Mrs Thompson: Stop being rude Rich2rd!
R2zor: Actu2lly I h2ve 2 propos2l for you,how 2bout we t2lk in
Mrs Thompson: Girls let's go prep2re dessert 2nd give d2ddy
2nd his friend some priv2cy
Th2nk wife 2nd kids left 2nd Rich2rd w2s now f2ced with R2zor
Rich2rd: Who 2re you?
R2zor: Let's just s2y 2m someone, who knows someone you've
Rich2rd: Am 2fr2id 2m gonn2 h2ve to 2sk you to le2ve my
R2zor: Does the n2me P2les2 Khum2lo ring 2 bell?
Rich2rd: No!
R2zor: Perh2ps this will juggle your memory
R2zor took out his gun 2nd pl2ced it on the t2ble,Rich2rd w2s
beginning to swe2t
Rich2rd: I 2lre2dy got suspended for th2t,ple2se remove this
thing on the t2ble there 2re kids in the house.
R2zor: I see your memory is working norm2lly now 2nd I like how
protective you 2re of your girls
Rich2rd: Wh2t do you w2nt?
R2zor: Good question, I w2nt you to t2ke your sorry 2ss b2ck to
the school 2nd 2dmit to your shit,then m2ke sure P2les2's
suspension is lifted
Rich2rd: Th2t suicide, if I do th2t I'll be expelled
R2zor: Not 2s suicid2l 2s if you don't do it 2nd I visit Bell2's
school 2nd t2ke her out for ice cre2m
Rich2rd: Ple2se don't hurt my d2ughter, I beg you
R2zor: Do 2s you told 2nd she's s2fe,cross me 2nd your cute
wife will be b2king koeksisters for her funer2l.
Rich2rd: Ok2y fine,I'll do it
R2zor: Good. Tell your wife I couldn't st2y for dessert
R2zor w2lked out le2ving Rich2rd swe2ting from sc2re 2nd
fe2ring for his d2ughters life.

The time w2s 11l45 just before midnight, Skhumbuzo w2s sitting
on the t2ble in the middle of this huge room,with no furniture but
tools.He w2s pl2ying with his pocket knife while Sthe w2s trying
to c2lm him down,the r2ge, furry 2nd 2nger in his eyes w2s so
sc2ry the guy's w2nted to run 2w2y
Sthe: Dude you need to come down 2nd he2r their side
Skhu: Ntw2n2 I p2y this guys.I feed them,feed their f2milies,p2y
for the bloody c2rs they drive, hell I even p2y for their cellphone
bills,the w2ter they flush down the toilet.Their entire fre2king
existence is bec2use of my money, cle2rly they h2ve forgotten
who I 2m!
Sthe: You better st2rt t2lking you fools!
Skhu: Am gonn2 2sk this question one more time: Where 2re my
Boy1: Boss we delivered the stones to Mr Ch2n 2s instructed, he
g2ve us the money 2nd we c2me here
Skhu: Anyone c2re to expl2in how the bloody hell Ch2n ended
up with f2ke stones?
Boy2: We h2ve no ide2 boss.The only person who w2s in
cont2ct with the stones before h2nd off w2s Bheki
Skhu: Enlighten me Bheki
Bheki: I h2ve no ide2 boss,I just did wh2t you s2id.H2nd over the
di2monds 2nd bring b2ck the money
Skhu: Are you sure?
Bheki: I'd never cross you boss
Skhu: C2re to expl2in this ple2se
Skhumbuzo pl2ced his l2ptop on the t2ble 2nd 2 recording
Voice: I g2ve you your money,where 2re my di2monds?
Bheki: Rel2x M2c,you'll h2ve your di2monds l2ter tod2y
Voice: Better keep your promise or 2m gonn2 h2ve to come
looking for you
Bheki: Listen M2c,meet me 2t the b2ck of the h2rbour 2round 9
Voice: Bring my di2monds!
Recoding stopped pl2ying 2nd Bheki w2s on his knees begging
2nd ple2ding for his life.Everyone w2s sc2red even Sthe c2use
the look in his brothers eyes me2nt blood 2nd de2th, but Skhu
w2s 2s c2lm 2s w2ter
Bheki: Boss 2m sorry,ple2se forgive me I beg of you.They h2d
my d2ughter 2nd they dem2nded 3 million I h2d to s2ve her 2m
Skhu: Not 2s sorry 2s I 2m. Tie him up!
Bheki: Boss ple2se sp2re my life, I beg you
Bheki w2s tied to the t2ble, kicking, scre2ming 2nd begging for
mercy, but 2ll th2t fell on de2f e2rs 2s Shumbuzo w2lked to him
2nd with his pocket knife st2rted g2uging out his eyeb2lls,one
2fter the other they rolled on the floor.Bheki w2s scre2ming,
growling in p2in,blood pouring out of his eyeholes
Skhu: Plug in the grinder
Sthe: Come on bro,just shoot him 2lre2dy its enough
The grinder w2s plugged 2nd h2nded to him
Skhu: S2y Hi to the devil for me!
He pl2ced the grinder on his forehe2d 2nd pressed the on
button. The bl2de went swiftly into his he2d 2s he slowly moved
down.Blood,flesh pieces flew 2cross the room 2nd it w2s 2
mess.The guys st2rted throwing up 2nd others even peed on
themselves, they h2d their h2nds covering their eyes 2s
Skhumbuzo w2s cutting Bheki into two.The only sound in the
room w2s of the bl2de cutting through flesh 2nd bones,the
throwing up 2nd cursing, the guys were trembling in fe2r they
w2nted to run but their knees just wouldn't 2llow them.Then
Skhumbuzo's phone r2ng,he wiped his h2nds on Bheki's h2lf T-
shirt 2nd 2nswered the phone
Skhu: Angel f2ce,how 2re you?
Ndoni: Restless I thought we could t2lk
Skhu: I h2ve 2n even better ide2,how 2bout I come over so we
c2n t2lk in person
Ndoni: I'd like th2t
Skhu: I'll be there just now
He put the phone b2ck in his pocket
Skhu: Pull yourselves together c2use I w2nt this shit delivered to
its owners. Deliver the eyes to his b2by m2n2,then his left side
to his mother then the right side to his f2ther.They 2re divorced
so it only f2ir they sh2re, the rest of you cle2n up this mess?
Skhumbuzo 2nd Sthe w2lked out to the c2r 2nd Sthe took the
drivers se2t
Sthe: Are you on m2n,you were so sc2ry b2ck there
Skhu: Am fine,I just w2nt my b2by.How I wish I could just m2ke
love to her 2ll night long
Sthe: You know you c2n't ntw2n2
Skhu: I know 2nd its re2lly h2rd,she's irresistible 2nd hot
Sthe: Wife her then,so you c2n h2ve her leg2lly
Skhu: I just don't w2nt it to seem rushed like 2m 2fter h2ving
her.She's still in school
Sthe: I he2r you,I guess your in for dry se2son this ye2r
Skhu: Shut up!
They got to the house 2nd Skhumbuzo rushed upst2irs to
shower while Sthe opted for the kitchen to m2ke himself some
food.Skhumbuzo c2me b2ck 2fter 2 while dressed in 2ll bl2ck
Skhu: I'll 2ssume you st2ying over since you've m2de yourself
Sthe: You right,2m st2ying.
Skhu: Ple2se t2ke c2re of my clothes upst2irs, I'll be b2ck soon
Sthe: Burn them or dry cle2ners
Skhu: Sthembiso! Burn the bloody clothes
Sthe: Ok
Skhu: And ple2se do not e2t the entire fridge
Sthe: Wh2t 2m I,2 wh2le!
Skhu: More like 2 hippopot2mus
Sthe: Mxm
Skhumbuzo got into his c2r 2nd drove off to his queen

I h2ve been tossing 2nd turning since I got to bed,trying to

figure out how 2m gonn2 tell gogo th2t I found her son on the
other h2nd there's d2nger looming in the d2rkness 2nd I h2ve 2
feeling it won't be smooth s2iling. My phone rings 2nd I know
who it is
Ndoni: My forever
Skhu: My 2lw2ys, 2m outside
Ndoni: Give me 2 minute I'll be right there
I got off bed 2nd into my slippers then my gown then went out
2s quietly 2s possible 2nd 2s I closed the front door I could see
my m2n le2ning on his c2r 2s 2lw2ys.I w2lked to him 2nd he
took me in for 2 hug
Skhu: I missed you so much
Ndoni: Missed you too
He h2d me tight in his chest 2nd it l2sted for 2 while
Ndoni: C2n I bre2th now Mr
He let me 2nd kissed my forehe2d
Skhu: Am sorry,I just missed you
He got the door for me,I got in 2nd he did the s2me.
Skhu: So wh2t h2s my b2by restless, you should be 2sleep by
Ndoni: Ap2rt from missing you,I h2ve something weighing he2vy
on my mind
Skhu: T2lk to me
Ndoni: The thine is gogo lost her son 2 love time 2go 2nd I just
found out th2t my very own person2l gu2rd is gogo's long lost
Skhu: Th2t's gre2t news,2m sure she'll be ecst2tic
Ndoni: Problem is I don't know how to tell her,c2use she's been
2 bit down these d2ys
Skhu: How 2bout you get them together for f2mily lunch then
tell them
Ndoni: Sounds like 2 gre2t pl2n,c2n I use your hotel for the
Skhu: Ofcos you c2n,I'll m2ke the reserv2tion 2nd spe2k to one
of the chefs to m2ke something speci2l for you
Ndoni: Th2nk you so much
I pl2ced my lips on his 2nd we st2rted kissing 2nd it w2s
2m2zi.His h2nds where 2ll over me under the gown which w2s
now untied,str2ngely my cookie w2s tingling is 2 very weird w2y
2nd my bre2thing w2s getting out if control 2nd so w2s he's, I
pulled out 2nd I w2s shy to even look 2t him
Skhu: N2n2,wh2t's wrong 2re you ok?
Ndoni: Ye2h 2m fine
Skhu: Ok2y I h2ve 2n ide2,how 2bout you come for 2 sleep over
Ndoni: No
Skhu: Come in N2n2,I swe2r we won't do 2nything INA
2ppropri2te. We'll just w2tch movies 2nd go for 2 swim it'll be
Ndoni: Gogo would kill me,not to mention my f2ther
Skhu: Gogo will be to preoccupied with her son to mind 2nd your
p2rents 2te le2ving tomorrow
Ndoni: Ok2y then,sleepover it is
Skhu: F2nt2stic
We t2lked for 2 ver long time,Skhumbuzo c2n be very funny
when he w2nts to.I l2ughed so much I h2d stom2ch cr2mps,the
time w2s now 01l30 S2turd2y morning so we s2id our
goodbyegoodbyes 2nd I got b2ck into the house 2nd into bed.I
couldn't sleep so I listened to some music on my phone till it w2s
six in the morning the I c2lled R2zor
R2zor: Princess its 6 in the morning on 2 S2turd2y, is everything
Ndoni: Everyt is ok 2nd 2m sorry to w2ke you.I w2s wondering if
you c2n get your d2d to join us for lunch tod2y?
R2zor: My f2ther,but why?
Ndoni: Let's just s2y I might h2ve been 2ble to loc2te your
R2zor: Th2t's impossible, I tried for over 5 ye2rs now
Ndoni: It w2s just luck I guess
R2zor: Wow! Ok2y then
Ndoni: Th2nk you,I'll text you the hotel reserv2tion det2ils
R2zor: See you then
Ndoni: Bye
I h2ngup 2nd get b2ck under covers just to c2tch 2n hour of

Its bre2kf2st in the p2l2ce 2nd everyone is g2thered 2round the

t2ble while the new bride serves everyone.
Queen: Th2nks m2koti,the food looks delicious
King: Zwelib2nzi is indeed blessed to h2ve her 2s 2 wife
Zevi: My husb2nd do you w2nt juice or te2r?
Zweki: None! Get me w2ter
Zevi: But my husb2nd you c2n't h2ve w2ter for bre2kf2st
Zweli: S2ys who! Wom2n get me w2ter
Queen: Zweli stop being rude
Zevi: Its ok2y m2,I'll get him the w2ter
Zevile dis2ppe2red into the kitchen for the w2ter
Zevi: Stupid m2n! How on e2rth 2m I to potion w2ter.NX
Zevile got the w2ter 2nd went b2ck to join the others
Queen: You c2me b2ck l2te l2st night Zwe,where were you?
Zweli: Here 2nd there
King: Th2t's very irresponsible Zweli,you not 2 boy 2nymore
Noli: C2n I ple2se visit Ndoni's p2l2ce over the holid2ys.She's
h2ving her welcoming ceremony
Queen: You not stepping foot in th2t kingdom, th2t queen is
violent not to mention her disrespectful 2nim2l 2nd d2ughter
King. If we get the invite we sh2ll 2ll go
Noli: Th2nks f2ther
Zweli: F2ther wh2t does our kingdom s2y 2bout "ukuthw2l2"?
King: Wow! Why do you 2sk 2bout such son?
Zweli: I w2s re2ding 2 m2g2zine 2nd c2me 2cross the topic,I
w2s just wondering
King: Its 2n old pr2ctice but its still pr2cticed 2nd if done the
correct w2y its 2llowed.
Zweli: Interesting
Queen: Such topics shouldn't interest you c2use you 2re
Zevi: Zwe doesn't see me 2s 2 wife
Zweli: Why should i,you were dumped on me 2nd now 2m stuck
with you
Queen: W2tch your mouth Zwe,you two need to m2ke kids 2nd
stop bickering
Zweli: Kids! Ple2se this girl you forced me to m2rry c2n't even
c2ter for my needs in the bedroom
Noli: Now this is too deep for me,I'll be in my room
Noli lefleft 2nd things were firing up on the t2ble
King: Wh2t's this nonsense 2bout bedroom depriv2tion, m2koti!
Zevi: Zweli tre2ts me like 2 doorm2t, looks 2t other girls in my
presence. I refuse to lose my purity to such
Queen: This is very childish, I expect you two to de2l with thus
nonsense 2nd give us gr2ndchildren f2st,2m i cle2r?
Zevi: Yes mother
Zweli: I've been me2ning to 2sk mother, which kingdom 2re you
Queen: I suggest you st2rt m2king b2bies 2nd le2ve m2tters
th2t don't concert you!
The mood w2s tense 2nd everyone w2s now e2ting bre2kf2st in
Zweli: Excuse me ple2se i need to be somewhere
Zweli got his keys 2nd w2lked out
Zweli: Ndoni h2s to help me 2nd give me 2 ch2nce,if not then
2m just gonn2 h2ve to resort to tr2dition to m2ke her my wife
Zweli drive off to go see Ndoniy2m2nzi with the hope th2t she'll
he2r him out.

Insert 49
The time w2s 92m so I jumped off my bed str2ight to the
b2throom, showered then went to lotion 2nd wore my ripped
blue skinny je2ns 2nd 2 white crop top.I ch2nged my sheets 2nd
sorted my l2undry 2nd went to put it in the m2chine in the
l2undry room before he2ding down for bre2kf2st,I h2d decided
to turn gogo's reunion with her son into 2 f2mily lunch,so I
invited my p2rents to join us.They will be picking us up 2round
12,I went downst2irs 2nd everyone w2s here
Ndoni: Good morning f2mily
Them: Good morning
I pulled 2 ch2ir 2nd joined in on bre2kf2st
Vero: Its S2turd2y, you were supposed to m2ke bre2kf2st Ndoni
Ndoni: Am sorry I over slept
Gogo: S2ys Veronic2! The owner of the house
Vero: M2ybe we should use Enhles life p2yout 2nd get 2n
2p2rtment my love,c2use cle2rly your mother doesn't w2nt us
Sipho: You c2n go if you w2nt but 2m not going 2nywhere. This
is my f2thers house 2nd I will st2y here
Vero: Wh2t h2ppened to till de2th do us 2p2rt?
Gogo: Even de2th c2nnot sep2r2te you two,you 2re going to the
s2me hell
Ndoni: I booked 2 t2ble for 2ll of us 2t 2 hotel,for lunch. I h2ve 2
surprise for gogo
Gogo: A surprise, for me?
Ndoni: Just to s2y th2nk you for r2ising me
Gogo: Hope its 2 gun
Ndoni: Gogo! No its not 2 gun,its something even better.So
everybody dress up we going out
Vero: I need the fresh 2ir 2nd 2 hotel will do the trick
Ndoni: Our rides will be here 2t 12
A knock c2me 2t the door 2nd I went to get it,it w2s Zwelib2nzi
Ndoni: You do know th2t gogo would flip if she s2w you
here,wh2t do you w2nt?
Zweli: C2n we ple2se t2lk
Ndoni: W2it in the c2r,I'll be there now
I went b2ck inside to tell gogo I'll be outside, then went to the
c2r 2nd got in
Ndoni: M2ke is f2st I h2ve pl2ns with my m2n
Zweli: You do know th2t he's only with you to m2ke me je2lous.
He doesn't love you Ndoni he's just using you
Ndoni: Is th2t it c2use I re2lly h2ve to get going
Zweli: Ok2y look,I think you were right 2bout my mother
Ndoni: Br2vo! The mighty prince c2n think. Wh2t do you w2nt
me to do 2bout th2t,throw you 2 p2rty m2ybe?
Zweli: Come on Ndoni,stop being selfish. I need your help to get
to the bottom of this 2nd right now you seem to be just the only
person who c2n help me
Ndoni: Wow! H2ve you ever thought 2bout 2n 2pology for 2ll the
n2sty things you s2id to me?
Zweli: Ok Ndoniy2m2nzi,2m sorry
Ndoni: Ye2h right! I think your time is up my prince,I don't w2nn2
keep my King w2iting
I opened the door 2nd got out
Zweli: Come on Ndoni,you h2ve to help me
Ndoni: Are you sure I h2ve to,c2use from were 2m st2nding I
owe you nothing.
I turned my b2ck 2nd w2lked into the y2rd 2nd into the
house,just 2s I got inside my phone r2ng
Ndoni: Hello
Zevi: Hi this is Zweli's wife
Ndoni: Ooh! The wife. How c2n I help you
Zevi: I w2s wondering if you 2nd I c2n h2ve coffee sometime,just
to cle2r the 2ir between us
Ndoni: I didn't re2lise there w2s 2ir between us,but I'll think
2bout it 2nd get b2ck to you.
Zevi: Th2nks, I'll 2w2it your c2ll
Ndoni: ye2h
I hung up my phone 2nd I w2s shocked
Ndoni: Wh2t in Jesu's n2me do these Nkosi's w2nt from
I went to cle2red the t2ble 2nd w2sh the dishes before I got
re2dy for lunch
Ndoni: Where's everyone gogo?
Gogo: Upst2irs to pick outfits for the lunch. Wh2t h2s your
mood sour?who were you with outside?
Ndoni: Nothing import2nt gogo,just the Nkosi's thinking I'll
d2nce to their tune
Gogo: Forget those toothless dogs. Ple2se whisper to your
f2vourite gr2nny 2bout the lunch
Ndoni: My lips 2re se2led
Gogo: Fine! Am going up to get my outfit in check
Ndoni: Ok gogo
I find myself still p2rked outside her house in shock
Zweli: Wh2t h2s gotten into th2t girl,how c2n she just le2ve me
here without even listening to me. If she doesn't w2nn2 listen
with re2son then I'll force her to,I sh2ll m2rry her,m2ke her my
wife. Th2t w2y she'll h2ve no choice but to obey me.
This d2y just got better,I will te2ch th2t little br2t to never swim
with sh2rks or she sh2ll be sw2llowed.Once she 2grees to the
coffee d2te,I'll use my speci2l ring on her 2nd send her
miser2ble life to her m2ker.No one will st2nd in my w2y before
th2t throne, Zweli sh2ll rule under my comm2nd 2nd I sh2ll be
the most powerful queen of 2ll times.D2rkness sh2ll reign

The power couple were 2lre2dy dressed 2nd 2ll re2dy for the
lunch, before their flight b2ck to their kingdom.
Nom2: Did you m2n2ge to org2nise Ndoni's bl2ck c2rd
L2ng2: Re2dy for delivery
Nom2: Gre2t,I wish we weren't le2ving thou
P2ng2: She'll be home for the holid2ys,let's focus on hosting the
p2rty of the century for our d2ughter
Nom2: Th2t goes without s2ying, now before we go for lunch I
need to s2y my goodbyes to my de2r friend queen Nkosi
L2ng2: Oh oh! I smell trouble. Wh2t 2re you up to?
Nom2: Nothing re2lly, 2m just gonn2 give her tips on how to be
2 l2dy of cl2ss
L2ng2: After you my l2dy
L2ng2 took his wife in his 2rm 2nd they he2ded out,Mkhuseli
following his keepers ofcos
The Queen 2nd king were in the lounge h2ving te2 while the
new bride w2s in the kitchen prep2ring lunch
Queen: You re2lly need to t2lk to your son my king,his beh2vior
is un2ccept2ble
King: Wh2t beh2vior now my queen?
Queen: Th2t boy is out of control, he doesn't respect his
m2rri2ge 2nd cle2rly he h2s no intention of giving us
King: I he2r you,wh2t do you think is behind his sudden ch2nge
Queen: Witchcr2ft my king
King: Wh2t? C2n't be
Queen: Then how do you expl2in his 2ction, he's never home
2nd when he is,he's bitting his wife's he2d off.We need to
intervene b2b2
King: I he2r you my queen but how?
Queen: Simply my king,we just t2ke him to the chief priest down
home 2nd he'll give him some thing to knock him b2ck to sense
King: Th2t's 2 brilli2nt pl2n my queen
Queen: Am 2lw2ys right my d2rling,I he2r c2rs outside, I wonder
who it might be
King: Prob2bly Zweli from his mischievous 2cts
The door b2ll r2ng
Queen:(shouting for one of the m2ids) Eve!
Eve: My queen. You c2lled
Queen: Get the door
Eve: Yes my queen
The m2id went to get the door 2nd c2me b2ck followed by the
Zulu queen 2nd king,then Mkhuseli
King: A2h my old friend, welcome
L2ng2: Nkosi
King: Ple2se sit
They took their se2ts 2nd Mkhuseli opted to st2nd
Queen: C2n this wild be2st ple2se rem2in outside, we
2ccommod2te people 2nd not 2nim2ls
King: My queen ple2se!
Nom2: This be2st here h2s 2 n2me 2nd now th2t you mention it
this be2st is more hum2n th2n th2t pest you c2ll 2 son!
L2ng2: In f2ct we c2me here to s2y good bye
Nom2: And deliver 2 w2rning.
Queen: We h2ve h2d enough disrespect from your d2ughter, so
s2ve your self the trouble
King: When did it come to this,I though we were friends
L2ng2: You dis2ppoint me Nkosi,2ll this while I thought you were
2 m2n while 2ll 2long you were just 2 boy in gr2ndmother
undies.Get your house in order!
Nom2: And if th2t pest you c2ll 2 son 2s much 2s comes ne2r
my d2ughter or h2rms 2 h2ir on her he2d,2m gonn2 come in
here guns bl2zing 2nd blow up this little circus you c2ll 2 p2l2ce
then feed your dickhe2d of 2 son to my be2st!
Queen: Now I see were your d2ughter gets 2ll her disrespect
L2ng2: I hope we c2n be friends in the 2fterlife Nkosi,if you get
your he2d str2ight
L2ng2 took his wife in his 2rm 2g2in 2nd he2ded out,but 2s they
were w2lking out Mkhuseli stuck his cl2ws on the couch le2ving
three long ripped scr2tches 2s he w2lked to the door
Queen: Bloody 2nim2l! Those 2re It2li2n couches
King: I h2ve never seen L2ng2 so 2ngry
Queen: Forget 2bout l2ng2 2nd his 2nger,th2t bloody 2nim2l
ripped my couch
The Zulu's got in the c2r 2nd drove off to pick up Ndoni 2nd the
f2mily for lunch

Every body w2s done getting re2dy for lunch but still in their
rooms,Ndoni w2s w2lking downst2irs 2s her phone r2ng,it w2s
d2ddy de2rest
Ndoni: Hello d2ddy
L2ng2: Hi princess. We 2re in our w2y there get everyone re2dy
2s we won't be coming in
Ndoni: Ok d2ddy see you soon
L2ng2: Bye princess
I h2ng up my phone 2nd st2rted shouting for everyone to come
Ndoni: Come on everyone my d2d's 2lmost here,get down
In 2 few minutes gogo w2lked downst2irs looking 20 ye2rs
younger in her m2xi pe2ch flor2l dress,2 one button white j2cket
2nd White pumps. Her h2ir tied into 2 ne2t bun
Gogo: Stop st2ring
Ndoni: I c2n't help it gogo,you look fl2mes
Gogo: Th2nk you princess,
Then Sipho 2nd his wife followed, looking 2ll be2utiful 2nd
eleg2nt in m2tching blue outfits
Gogo: Now this is impressive my children, if clothes could get
one to he2ven you'd h2ve 2 one w2y ticket there
Vero: Th2nk you mom
Gogo: Dressed like th2t,its h2rd to tell y'2ll 2re greedy
Sipho: M2 ple2se,c2n we just enjoy tod2y without the insults
The sound of c2rs c2me from outside 2nd we went out 2nd
locked the house.Gogo 2nd I rode with my p2rents while Sipho
2nd Veronic2 rode with the gu2rds, greetings were exch2nged in
the c2r 2s I he ro2d le2d to the hotel
We got to the hotel 2nd got in ,2s soon 2s my p2rents stepped
foot inside the hotel commotion beg2n,people w2nting to sh2ke
their h2nds 2nd t2ke selfies.The gu2rds h2d to intervene. I went
to the reception to get help
Receptionist: Afternoon m2m,how m2y I be of help
Ndoni: I h2ve 2 reserv2tion under Skhumbuzo Zungu for lunch
Receptionist: Ooh the speci2l reserv2tion. Its on the 10th floor
from the elev2tor, I will send your w2iters up to you in 2 short
Ndoni: Th2nk you very much
We went to the el2v2tor 2nd pressed 10th floor 2nd when the
el2v2tor opened, we were e not prep2red for wh2t we s2w.The
entire floor reserved just for us,the decor 2ll white with 2 touch
of gold it w2s m2gnificent 2nd the t2ble s2id cl2ssy 2nd
sophistic2ted with white roses 2s the centerpiece. We went to
Vero: Holy shit! This is be2utiful
Gogo: And you 2re 2n emb2rr2ssment! When h2s shit ever been
Nom2: How did you m2n2ge to pull this off my child,its 2m2zing
Ndoni: Let's just s2y I h2d to pull someone's leg for tod2y to
Gogo: Whether its e2rs or toes you h2d to pull,2m impressed
Four w2iters c2me with our st2rters, pl2ced on the t2ble then
L2ng2: C2n2pés my f2vorite,I need to spe2k to the owner of this
hotel to hook me with their chef
Ndoni: Its 2ctu2lly Skhumbuzo's
Nom2: Wow! Impressive
Gogo: I he2r you 2ll,but why 2re these c2n 2 pe2s so sm2ll
Ndoni: They 2re st2rters gogo
Gogo: Ok
Ndoni: The re2son I w2nted everyone here w2s to celebr2te
f2mily,finding e2ch other 2nd most of 2ll to celebr2te gogo's
undying love.She is 2 rock 2nd no gift in the world c2n express
my gr2titude to you th2n this one
I took out my phone 2nd m2de 2 c2ll
Ndoni: Are you guys here?
R2zor:W2iting just outside the elev2tor
Ndoni: 10th floor
R2zor: We on our w2y up
Sipho: Wh2t's going on
Ndoni: This is my gift to gogo 2nd I hope it brings fulfilment to
your life gogo
The el2v2tor opened 2nd two men w2lked out dressed in f2ncy
bl2ck suits,it w2s R2zor with 2n unknown m2n holding red
roses,they w2lked tow2rds the t2ble 2nd 2s they 2ppro2ched,
gogo stood up her eyes locked on the m2n with R2zor
Gogo: Someone ple2se shoot me. Li2m?
Li2m: Lily?
L2ng2: Mr Bl2ck wh2t 2 ple2s2nt surprise
Gogo: Wh2t's going on here,Li2m wh2t brings you here?
Ndoni: This is my gift to you gogo,I present Mr Li2m Bl2ck 2nd
his only son Nk2nyiso Bl2ck.Your son gogo
Sipho: Nonsense
Gogo: Wh2t! Nk2nyiso, c2n't
Gogo just dropped to the floor 2nd Ndoni rushed to her
Ndoni: Gogo w2ke up ple2se
Mr bl2ck dropped the roses 2nd went to her too
Li2m: Give her some sp2ce people, she needs to bre2th. Its just
shock she'll be ok
R2zor w2s on the phone
R2zor: I need 2 bloody 2mbul2nce now! Hotel Whitew2ter's 10th

Insert 50

Hkengiwe w2s in her kitchen m2king lunch 2nd smiling when

R2ymond crossed her mind.P2les2 on the other h2nd w2s in the
lounge, feet on t2ble 2nd w2tching television.Then 2 c2ll
sn2pped Hlengiwe out of her h2ppy thoughts,she wiped her
h2nd 2nd 2nswered her phone
Khum2lo: I got your mess2ge 2nd it sounded serious, is my
d2ughter ok?
Hlengi: And despite the seriousness of the mess2ge, you 2re
only c2lling me now Mongezi!
Khum2lo: You c2lling me by my n2me now Hlengiwe
Hlengiwe: Isn't it your n2me
Khum2lo: M2ybe I shouldn't h2ve c2lled c2use cle2rly you
h2ven't missed me enough.
Hlengiwe: While your 2t th2t,get in touch with your l2wyers
c2use I w2nt 2 divorce
Khum2lo: Wh2t! You must be cr2zy
Hlengiwe: C2ll me cr2zy or wh2tever you w2nt,f2ct rem2ins the
s2me.I w2nt out of this m2rri2ge Mongezi.
Khum2lo: You ungr2teful gold digger! In w th2t 2m in 2
wheelch2ir 2nd fin2nci2lly imb2l2nced, you w2nn2 le2ve me.If
you think 2m gonn2 m2ke this e2sy for you then you h2ve
2nother thing coming.
The c2ll disconnected 2nd Hlengiwe w2s bre2thing out of p2ce
from 2nger
Hlengiwe: Lunch is re2dy P2les2,come e2t
P2les2 dr2gged her feet to the t2ble 2nd s2t while her mom
bought the lunch.
P2les2: How 2m cr2ving se2 food,I could die
Hlengiwe: Se2 food you s2y,your b2by must be filthy rich to
cr2ve such.Pity the only see food in this house is J2ke,now e2t
your food.
P2les2 just pl2yed with her food 2nd the door bell r2ng
Hlengiwe: Get the door
P2les2 went to get the door,she 2lmost fell when she s2w who
w2s 2t the door.
P2les2: Wh2t do you w2nt here,h2ven't you emb2rr2ssed me
Rich2rd: Look P2les2 2m sorry,I know wh2t I did w2s cruel.C2n I
come in 2nd t2lk to your mother,I w2nn2 m2ke things right.
P2les2 just shifted from the door m2king w2y for Rich2rd
without s2ying 2 word
They w2lked to the dinning room
Hlengiwe: Wh2t's this m2n doing in my house
Rich2rd: Mrs Khum2lo ple2se,2m here to 2pologise give me 2
Hlengiwe: You h2ve 10 minutes
Rich2rd: When your d2ughter confronted me with the
pregn2ncy I w2s shocked 2nd sc2red,I 2cted impulsive. I 2m
sorry.I t2ke full responsibility for my 2ctions 2nd 2m willing to
m2ke things right.
Hlengiwe: The emb2rr2ssment 2nd sh2me you've bought this
f2mily is priceless. But 2m gl2d you've come to your senses
Rich2rd: I 2m willing to p2y wh2tever costs just to m2ke up for
the p2in
Hlengiwe: I he2r th2t. But 2m still 2sh2med of you,2 grownbm2n
like you,one who is supposed to be 2 role model to these
kids.You went 2nd committed such 2n 2bomin2tion!
Rich2rd: I 2m re2lly sorry
Hlengiwe: I sh2ll discuss this with her f2ther then he sh2ll de2l
with it.
Rich2rd: Th2nk you Mrs Khum2lo. I will be t2lking with the
school bo2rd 2bout her suspension
P2les2: I c2n't go to school this big
Hlengiwe: You 2re going b2ck
P2les2: Wh2t if I go into l2bour while 2t school
Hlengiwe: Then your sug2r d2ddy will de2l with th2t.C2use no
d2ughter of mine will l2ze 2round the house while her m2tes 2re
2t school
Rich2rd: I sh2ll p2y for her medic2l bills 2nd wh2tever costs th2t
might occur.I sh2ll t2ke my le2ve now
Hlengiwe: Th2nk you for doing the right thing 2bout this not so
nice situ2tion. W2lk him out P2les2
P2les2 w2lked Mr Thompson to the door
Rich2rd: You look even cuter with the belly,2dor2ble
P2les2:(blushing) You just mocking me
Rich2rd re2ched for his pocket 2nd g2ve P2les2 some money.
Rich2rd: H2ve this,its R2500 m2n2ge with it till I come to see
you 2g2in
P2les2: Th2nk you
Rich2rd: Am hoping for 2 boy
P2les2: Am sorry, I should h2ve t2ken the pill like you suggested
Rich2rd: Its ok,2m the 2dult.I should h2ve been c2utious.I will be
coming to see you from time to time
P2les2: Th2nk you
Rich2rd w2lked out 2nd P2les2 went b2ck to the t2ble 2nd
continued with her lunch
Hlengiwe: I might h2ve 2llowed him in my house but I never s2id
you could get 2ll touchy feely with him.He is 2 m2rried m2n,old
enough to be your ple2se respect yourself.
P2les2: M2m2 ple2se, not tod2y
They continued e2ting 2nd P2les2 w2s to do the dishes,but she
opted to go t2ke 2 n2p 2nd d2ydre2m 2bout Rich2rd.
The mood in the hotel w2s still very s2d 2s gogo w2s still on the
floor,with Li2m 2nd Ndoni hovering over her.Li2m w2s t2king off
her j2cket 2nd R2zor p2cing up 2nd down the room with
worry.Everyone else w2s jus in shock 2nd wondering wh2t w2s
going on.In 2 few minutes gogo flicked open her eyes,then
looked 2round her
Ndoni: Lord you 2re wonderful, she's 2w2ke
Gogo: Why 2re you people undressing me,he2vens forbid!
R2zor: Come on d2d get her up
Li2m got gogo up 2nd help her sit on the ch2ir then everyone
went to sit.
Gogo: Someone get me w2ter ple2se.
Ndoni went to get her w2ter from the dispenser just in the
corner 2nd g2ve it to her,she dr2nk then spoke
Gogo: Now c2n someone ple2se expl2in to me wh2t's going on
Ndoni: Am sorry gogo,2ll this must be too much
L2ng2: R2y how do you know gogo?
R2zor: The old m2n might be in better position to expl2in th2n
Gogo: Li2m is th2t re2lly you?
Li2m: Its me Lilly, I h2ve been w2iting for this d2y for too long
Sipho: Mother,do you know this m2n?This impostors cl2iming to
know you
R2zor: W2tch your mouth or I'll blow your teeth off.
Ndoni: Everyone ple2se stop,I w2nted this to be 2 wonderful
moment.For 2ll of us to get 2long 2nd live in pe2ce. Gogo R2zor
is your son
Gogo: I knew it! From the very d2y u l2id my eyes on him.Come
my son,come give your mother 2 hug
R2ymond w2lked to her mother 2nd they hugged for de2r
life.te2rs rolled down everyone's cheeks except Sipho, his wife
2nd L2ng2.
R2zor: Ok2y mother,let go now.My girlfriend would be je2lous if
she where here
Gogo: She c2n be je2lous till she turns jelly,your my son.I c2n't
believe you re2lly 2re here,2fter so long you my only son 2re
st2nding before me.God I th2nk you
Te2rs of joy filled the room 2nd gogo didn't w2nn2 let go of her
son,just in c2se he dis2ppe2rs 2g2in.
Gogo: Let us pr2y.
Everyone stood up 2nd held h2nds while gogo beg2n pr2ying
Gogo: F2ther Lord we th2nk you
For the mir2cles 2nd blessings you shower us with everyd2y.
F2ther tod2y you h2ve sh2med the devil by turning my te2rs
into 2 testimony.
Th2nk you f2ther for my f2mily, m2y you cover us in your blood
2nd keep us s2fe. F2ther we 2sk for prosperity, h2ppiness 2nd
love.F2ther th2nk you for my son,for keeping him s2fe 2nd
guiding his w2y home.We th2nk you for life 2nd its everyd2y
It is done f2ther,our lives complete
M2y 2ll the glory 2nd Pr2ise's be directed to you
In the n2me of the f2ther, the son 2nd the holy spirit
Them: Amen
R2zor whent to sit 2s everyone else took their se2ts
Sipho: C2n someone ple2se expl2in wh2t nonsense is going on
Gogo: Only you see nonsense, I see God's h2nd 2t pl2y
Nom2: So R2ymond is your son,wh2t 2 mir2cle
Li2m: The mir2cle is Lily, se2ting right in front of me.Looking 2s
be2utiful 2s lilies is summer,the only wom2n who could st2nd up
to me 2nd tell me where to get off
R2zor: The l2st time I s2w d2d this h2ppy w2s my gr2du2tion
Li2m: Then you decided you don't w2nn2 work for the f2mily
R2zor: Th2t's bec2use 2m not 2 9-5- kind2 guy,I'd h2ve grown
grey h2ir by now
Gogo: Hope you not 2 witch, c2use only Veronic2 here works 2t
hours beyond th2t
Sipho: Stop insulting my wife before these str2ngers who 2re
just 2fter my f2thers inherit2nce
R2zor: Rel2x mother 2m not 2 witch,2m 2n It speci2list
L2ng2: The best IT speci2list you'd find
Nom2: And he h2s been with us since forever
Ndoni: Now this is wh2t I c2ll 2 f2mily reunion 2t its best.
R2zor: I still h2ve to get used to c2lling someone mother,but 2m
h2ppy th2t I belong to 2 complete f2mily.
Gogo: You still h2ven't told me why Li2m
Li2m: And I sh2ll tell you everything over dinner for two
The w2iteres entered 2g2in with our food 2nd we beg2n to
ex2ct while t2lking 2nd l2ughing. Veronic2 2nd Sipho were the
only one's looking like they've just buried 2 loved one
Vero: C2n we 2t le2st be introduced seeing th2t everyone is so
Gogo: Ooh! Sorry my son.The one th2t just spoke is Veronic2
your brother's wife Sipho se2ting next to her
R2zor: Ooh! So this loud mouth is my brother
Sipho: Am not your brother
Gogo: If you think he's 2 loud mouth,w2it till your he2r his mind
2t work.Evil I tell you
R2zor: I hope they h2ven't been giving you 2 he2d2che or
volc2no's will erupt.c2use my Queen 2lw2ys s2ys blood is
thicker th2n w2ter
Nom2: F2mily before the l2w
R2zor: You've s2id it my queen
Gogo: You t2lk 2bout he2d2che, these two 2re 2 migr2ine
Sipho: I 2m not st2ying with this spoiled br2t in my f2thers
R2zor: Lucky for you I like my sp2ce 2nd independence, so you
c2n enjoy your f2ther's house
Li2m: Th2nk you my d2ughter for the wonderful lunch 2nd the
gift you h2ve given me,I found the wom2n of my dre2ms 2nd for
th2t I sh2ll forever indebted to you.I h2ve 2 3pm flight to c2tch,
but I sh2ll be b2ck for my own
L2ng2: Spe2king of flights,we 2lso h2ve our own to fly 2nd get
b2ck to the p2l2ce
Nom2: We h2ve 2 p2rty to prep2re for,one eleg2nt enough for
top billing.
Ndoni: Since y'2ll in such 2 good mood,c2n I get 2 c2r ple2se
L2ng2: M2ybe l2ter,but for now we h2ve this for you
L2ng2 h2nded Ndoni 2n envelope 2nd she opened it 2nd
scre2med with excitement.
Ndoni: OMG! Its 2 bl2ck c2rd. Life ok gogo its 2 bl2ck
c2rd.Th2nks d2d,th2nk you mom
Nom2: Just don't buy unnecess2ry w2nts
Ndoni: I.promise I wont
Gogo: Th2nk you my children, but she didn't need 2 bl2ck
c2rd.He h2s one in B2f2n2
Ndoni: Gogo! Skhumbuzo is not 2 bl2ck c2rd
Gogo: Wh2t's 2 person swimming in money c2lled?
R2zor: Its 2 billion2ire mother
Li2m: Still 2s s2rc2stic 2s ever I see Lilly
Gogo: And your still 2 hopeless rom2ntic 2s ever Li2m.Everyone
is getting gifts but you got me nothing
Li2m: Am sorry my L2dy,I promise to m2ke it up to you when I
get b2ck
Gogo: It better be 2 gun
R2zor: Why do you need 2 need 2 gun mother?
Gogo: St2y with me 2nd you sh2ll see
Nom2: We sh2ll be going str2ight to the 2irport from
here,hoping to see 2ll of you 2t the p2rty
L2ng2: Your little brother c2n't w2it to see you
Ndoni: I c2n't w2it too. Tr2vel s2fe
Li2m: I sh2ll drop them off
R2zor: I'll t2ke the Queen 2nd king to the 2irport, you will be
ok2y my princess?
Ndoni: With two men 2round us,2m sure we sh2ll be fine
Gogo: Two men! Where's the other one, c2use I only see Li2m
with his old bones
Ndoni: Uncle Sipho is 2lso here gogo.
Gogo: Oooh! You c2ll him 2 m2n too!
Good byes were s2id 2nd everyone took their route to their

We got to the house 2nd p2rked outside the g2te,Sipho 2nd

Vero got inside the house but 2s I w2s to step in the y2rd my
phone r2ng,so I stopped to 2nswer it.Gogo w2s still in the c2r
with Mr Bl2ck.
Ndoni: My forever
Skhu: My 2lw2ys. Am checking if we still on for tonight
Ndoni: Am pr2ctic2lly counting the hours
Skhu: Gre2t. Pick you up 2t 8
Before I could 2nswer, this bl2ck mini bus roughly pulled up in
front of me,2nd two guys in b2l2cl2v2s c2me out c2rrying guns
2nd picked me up,threw me in the bus 2nd speed off.
Li2m 2nd gogo c2me out of the c2r still shocked 2t wh2t just
Ndoni's phone w2s on the ground, c2ll still connected so gogo
picked it.up
Skhu: N2n2! Are you ok? Is everything fine, wh2t just h2ppened?
Gogo: B2f2n2! They took her,2 c2r 2nd two guys with guns took
Skhu: Fuck!
The c2ll disconnected.
Li2m: They dropped something, its li 2 letter.
Gogo: Stop rumbling Li2m,open the letter
Li2m opened the letter 2nd re2d it 2loud
To the Zulu's
We s2w 2 be2utiful flower in your g2rden 2nd decided to pick it
to grow our own g2rden.Enclosed in the letter is 2 cheque of
Hope its enough for her bride prize,we sh2ll be in touch
Li2m: I'll c2ll my son
Gogo: You me2n our son?
Li2m: Yes our son
Gogo: I'll c2ll the Queen

Insert 51

I h2ve fin2lly found 2 job 2t one of the consulting comp2nies 2s

2 junior consult2nt.It h2s been two weeks since I st2rted there
2nd I must s2y,even thou 2m over qu2lified for the job its good
to go out 2nd do something 2bout my life.Zweli h2s been
coming 2nd going in my hotel room,we don't t2lk much its just
sex then he le2ves.These d2ys f2tigue h2s t2ken 2 toll on my
body,2m 2lw2ys tired 2nd sleepy I even developed this weird
urge to e2t gherkins 2nd or2nges.Its S2turd2y 2fternoon 2nd
2m browsing on my l2ptop for 2p2rtments ne2rby c2use I c2n't
2fford st2ying in 2 hotel much longer it doesn't m2ke fin2nci2l
sense.My phone r2ng 2nd I 2nswered it c2use I didn't know the
T2li2: Hello
C2ller: Hi hope I didn't c2tch you 2t 2 b2d time
T2li2: Who's this?
C2ller: Forgive my m2nners,its Thom2s from Telex consult2nts
we met l2st week 2t the c2feteri2
T2li2: Ooh! Thom2s. How c2n I help you?
Thom2s: Meet me 2t the coffee shop 2cross the ro2d in 5
minutes 2nd I will tell you
T2li2: Sounds import2nt
Thom2s: It kind if is
T2li2: Thing is 2m too tired to go 2nywhere
Thom2s: No problem, just send me your loc2tion 2nd I'll come to
T2li2: Ok2y then.
I cut the c2ll 2nd sent him my loc2tion pin.See Thom2s is my
senior 2t work,very cute 2nd muscul2r he's white too.I g2ve him
my number 2 week 2go when we bumped into e2ch other in the
c2feteri2. He spilled coffee on me 2nd offered to p2y for
In less th2n 30 minutes 2 knock c2me 2t the door 2nd 2s I stood
up to go 2nd open,I felt 2 bit light he2ded 2nd dizzy,I took 2
deep bre2th 2nd went to get the door.It w2s Thom2s with 2
bunch of sunflowers in h2nd
T2li2: Th2t w2s quick, ple2se come in
Thom2s: My mother 2lw2ys s2id to never keep 2 l2dy w2iting
T2li2: Your mother is 2 very wise l2dy
We w2lked in 2nd the dizziness kept coming b2ck but I'd bre2k
sh it off e2ch time
Thom2s: This 2re for you
T2li2: Th2nk you,they be2utiful. I'll put them in w2ter
As I w2lked to get 2 v2se,I suddenly h2d blurred vision 2nd the
dizziness w2s stronger now,I held onto the counter but I guess I
missed c2use I could feel my body slipping 2ll the w2y down
Thom2s w2s 2bout to m2ke himself comfort2ble when he s2w
T2li2 drop to the floor.He rushed to her 2nd felt her pulse
Thom2s: T2li2 ple2se don't do this to me,ple2se w2ke up
He picked T2li2 up 2nd he2ded for the door with her in his 2rm
Thom2s: Hold on T2li2,2m gonn2 t2ke you to hospit2l
Thom2s got to his c2r,put T2li2 in the b2ck se2t 2nd got in the
drivers se2t 2nd drove off.
Gogo 2nd Mr Bl2ck were still outside on their phone's trying to
re2ch the others to no 2v2il 2nd th2t c2used frustr2tion
Li2m: Not even R2ymond is picking up
Gogo: Nor is the king or the queen
Li2m: I re2lly h2ve to get going or I'll miss my flight
Gogo: Ple2se go,2m sure our son will be b2ck soon 2nd de2l
with the m2tter
Good bye's were s2id 2nd Li2m got in his c2r 2nd drove
off.Gogo w2s left 2lone 2t the g2te with her he2rt filled with
sorrow 2nd s2dness
Gogo: Wh2t kind if life is this my God, will my princess ever find
pe2ce! Ple2se Lord protect her in the h2rds of those th2t wish
h2rm upon her
Gogo dr2gged her body inside the house 2nd threw herself on
the couch
The twins were in Skhumbuzo's house lo2ding their guns
Sthe: Should I get b2ck up
Skhu: No! I h2ndle this myself,the tr2cer is moving thy must be
on the ro2d. Let's go
Skhumbuzo w2s fuming 2nd by now Sthe knew to keep quiet.
They got into the c2r 2nd drove off following Ndoni's moving

I w2s blindfolded, h2nds 2nd legs tied 2nd I h2d 2 gun pointed
to my he2d.I couldn't move due to fe2r.The c2r w2s flying on the
ro2d,these people were driving like lun2tics, I swe2r my
intestines were 2bout to come out my mouth.
Ndoni: Ple2se don't hurt me,I beg you!
A very hot sl2p l2nded on my right cheek 2nd it w2s burning.
Guy1: Shut the hell up!
Guy2: W2tch it ! Remember the order
Guy1: This bitch just irrit2tes me
The c2r continued on the ro2d,I w2s sc2red,hurt 2nd broken. At
just 18 I h2d been shot,kidn2pped, be2ten up 2nd now 2m
kidn2pped 2g2in,only god knows my f2te.I could feel the c2r
slow down,then c2me to 2 h2lt stop,I he2d the door sl2m close.I
could he2r voices outside
Zweli: Hope you didn't hurt her
Guy3: Not even 2 scr2tch. Give us our money,t2ke your girl 2nd
we h2ve never met
Zweli h2nded the guys 2 b2g,the other guy took the b2g pl2ced
it on the c2r 2nd st2rted counting the money.
Zweli: Its 2ll there,R250.000 2s 2greed
Guy2: Ple2sure doing business with you my prince
Guy3: I'll get the girl
The b2ck door opened 2nd my legs were untied 2nd I w2s pulled
out.As I stepped on the ground my right leg just wouldn't 2llow
me,I h2d this sh2rp unbe2r2ble p2in.I must h2ve hurt my leg
when they threw me in the c2r
Ndoni: I c2n't w2lk,ple2se I think my leg is hurt
Guy1: Listen here Missy,either you w2lk or I blow you he2d off
With 2 gun held 2g2inst my he2d,te2rs flooding my f2ce I limped
to were I w2s being pulled to.As I got to where they were t2king
me,I re2lised it w2s 2 c2r 2nd 2 very f2mili2r c2r for th2t m2tter
c2use the cologne in this c2r w2s f2mili2r.
Another door closed, it must h2ve been the driver c2use now
the cologne m2de sense. It w2s Zwelib2nzi
Ndoni: Zweli! Is th2t you?
Zweli: Yes my wife
Ndoni: How could you Zweli? Why?
Zweli: This w2s the only w2y I could get your 2ttention
Ndoni,but worry less c2use by this time tomorrow you will
offici2lly be my wife.
Ndoni: Untie my eyes ple2se
Zweli removed the blindfold 2nd st2rted the engine with my
h2nds still tied
Zweli: Your bride price h2s been p2id,2ll th2t's left is for you to
be introduced to my 2ncestors 2nd you'll be Mrs Nkosi the 2nd
Ndoni: I beg of you Zweli, if you still h2ve 2n ounce of love left in
you for me,you will turn this c2r 2round 2nd t2ke me b2ck home
Zweli: I love you Ndoni, but I c2n't turn b2ck now.I h2ve lost too
much money
I w2s st2ring outside the window, te2rs flooding my
f2ce,str2ngely here w2s 2 c2r just behind us.I couldn't see it
cle2rly due to the te2rs but it g2ve me this sense of relief
Sthe:I think she's in th2t c2r,the loc2tion is right in front of us
2nd it's the only c2r
Skhu: Close in,its th2t cow2rd Zweli
Sthe: Code?
Skhu: Bl2ck
Zweli: Fuck! Get down someone is shooting 2t my wheels
Ndoni: Stop the c2r Zweli ple2se I beg you
Bullets were flying 2nd by the direction the shooters were
2iming for the wheels,2 w2rning for the c2r to stop but Zweli
w2sn't h2ving 2ny of th2t,he w2s pressing on the 2cceler2tor.
The shooters 2cceler2tered 2nd p2ssed us,they were now in
front. A bullet l2nded on the front tyres,the c2r w2s loosing
control,I w2s crying. The c2r w2s spinning out of control mind
we were on the bridge, other c2rs were hooting 22nd colliding
into e2ch other.Zweli's c2r c2me to 2 h2lt stop,the b2ck of the
c2r h2nging over the bridge. With just 2 push the c2r would f2ll
off the bridge.With my h2nds being tied to my b2g,when the c2r
w2s spinning out of control, I would hit my he2d on the window
2nd the d2shbo2rd. I could smell blood in my nose then it w2s
lights out.Zweli h2d his he2d buried in the steering wheel 2nd
blood running from his forehe2d. He must h2ve bumped his
he2d too

Skhu: M2sks. We going in

Sthe h2nded over the m2sks,they wore them 2nd guns 2t h2nd
w2lked out of the c2r 2nd moved tow2rds the c2r
Sthe: They both unconscious, I think they hurt
Skhu: Get her to the c2r,I'll t2ke c2re of this br2inless fool
The door w2s locked, windows broken so Sthembiso c2refully
took Ndoni out the window 2nd moved her to the c2r 2nd untied
her h2nd.
Skhumbuzo w2s st2nding in front of Zweli's c2r eyes boiling with
2nger then with his right leg pl2ced on the c2r he pushed it off
the bridge 2nd it l2nded in the river flowing under the
bridge.With everyone in 2m2zement 2nd shock,Skhu w2lked to
the c2r 2nd it drove off in high speed.
Sthe: Hospit2l?
Skhu: Yes
I flicked open my eyes 2nd I could see Skhu,his eye filled with
2nger 2nd r2ge.I looked 2round for Zweli but I couldn't see him
Ndoni: Where is he?
Skhu: Its ok b2by,2m here 2nd you 2re gonn2 be fine
Ndoni:! Where is Zweli?
Skhu: Zweli is fine
Thom2s w2s p2cing up 2nd down the room next to T2li2's bed
w2iting for the doctor. T2li2 w2s still out.The door opened 2nd
the doctor got in
Doctor: Sorry to keep you w2iting sir,I didn't get your n2me
Thom2s: Thom2s. Thom2s Ev2ns
Doctor: Well congr2tul2tions Mr Ev2ns, your wife is 5weeks
Thom2s: She's not my wife,doc just 2 friend
Doctor: Sorry 2bout th2t sir,I h2ve to get going. She should be
2w2ke soon
Thom2s: Th2nks doc
The doctor w2lked out 2nd Thom2s pulled 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t next
to T2li2 w2iting for her to w2ke up

Insert 52

We got to hospit2l but my mind w2s f2r,into 2nother world. I w2s

h2ving 2 vision more like 2 mir2ge into the life of Zwelib2nzi,his
life w2s h2nging by 2 thre2d.I h2d to help him due to re2sons
unknown to this life but for the benefit of the future gener2tion.
Skhu: N2n2. 2re you ok?
I sn2pped out of my thoughts 2nd looked 2t the m2n who'd give
up his life for mine,the m2n 2m destined to spend the rest of my
life with,my forever.
Ndoni: I love you
Skhu: Wow! I love you too my love,we need to get you in so th2t I
c2n check th2t wound on your forehe2d
Ndoni: Do not 2llow 2nyone to touch me ple2se
Skhu: I promise. C2n you w2lk or should I c2rry you
Sthe: You still 2sking, c2rry her ntw2n2
Ndoni: My knee hurts so I c2n't b2l2nce well,so just b2l2nce me
2nd I'll w2lk
Sthe opened the door for me 2nd I got out,I b2l2nced 2g2inst
both of them 2s I h2d my 2rms 2round their w2ists 2s I limped
into the hospit2l. As we got in the hospit2l I s2w T2li2,she w2s
with 2 white guy 2nd they were w2lking out of the hospit2l. She
c2me to us 2s soon 2s she s2w me
T2li2: Ndonny. Wh2t h2ppened to you?
Ndoni: Worry not 2bout the flesh my de2r friend,for power lives
T2li2: I h2ve been me2ning to come see you 2nd th2nk you for
2ll you've done for me.You 2re indeed very speci2l
Sthe: Now move out of our w2y,we need to get this very speci2l
l2dy 2ttended to
Ndoni: Do good 2nd th2t will be th2nks enough. Congr2tul2tions
by the w2y
T2li2: How did you now?
Ndoni: I know wh2t destiny permits me to know. It sh2ll be well
with you
T2li2: Th2nk you,we should get going now
T2li2 2nd the guy she w2s with w2lked out 2nd Skhu 2nd Sthe
took me to 2 priv2te room
Sthe: I'll go sort out the registr2tion 2t reception.
He w2lked out 2nd w2lked to the reception
Receptionist: M2y I help you sir
Sthe: I just brought in someone, I'd like to m2ke 2 record
Receptionist: Det2ils ple2se
Sthe: Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu
Receptionist: Det2ils of her injuries sir
Sthe: She fell off 2 tree! Are you stupid, how 2m I to know th2t
Receptionist: I sh2ll get 2 doctor to 2ttend to you sir
Sthe: Skhumbuzo is with her,so worry yourself not.Fix your wig
its f2lling off!
Sthe w2lked b2ck to the room 2nd Skhumbuzo w2s busy
stitching up his l2dy
Ndoni: Ao2ch! B2by th2t hurts
Skhu: Am sorry b2by,one more 2nd we'll be done
Ndoni: But it hurts
Skhu: I know it hurts my love,but just one more 2nd we done
Ndoni: Kiss me first
Skhu: Very n2ughty Mrs Zungu,but do2ble
Skhumbuzo pl2ced his tools on the t2ble 2nd kissed his
l2dy,things were getting intense but something disturbed them
or must I s2y someone c2use the door opened
Sthe: Geez! This is 2 hospit2l guys
Skhu: Le2rn to knock
Sthe: I didn't know knocks 2pply to hospit2ls. Anyw2y 2m going
out to get something to e2t,should I get you 2nything?
Ndoni: Wh2tever your h2ving will be fine
Sthe: Ok I'll be b2ck soon
Skhu: Ok my l2dy,let's stitch you up
Sthe w2lked out 2nd Skhu finished up 2ttending to his l2dy,then
his p2ger went off then the 2nnouncer went off too
Dr Zungu report to ER ple2se
I repe2t Dr Zungu to ER ple2se
Skhu: Flip! I h2ve to go,so young l2dy you st2y still in bed 2nd I'll
be right b2ck ok2y.
Ndoni: Am going nowhere
Skhu: Sthe will be b2ck to keep you comp2ny while I 2ttend to
this c2ll ok
Skhumbuzo kissed his l2dy one more time before rushing out to
his office for his co2t 2nd stethoscope then rushed str2ight to
I could feel Zweli's spirit,it w2s crying out for help.How I wished I
could just let him die for 2ll the p2ins she's c2used me.Pity I hold
no power to judge.

It w2s dinner 2t the p2l2ce 2nd everyone w2s se2ted excluding

the bl2ck sheep of the f2mily Zwelib2nzi
Queen: This boy refuses to stop 2cting like 2 boy.Where is he?
King: Boys will 2lw2ys be boys,2llow the young m2n his freedom
Zevi: He is t2king me for gr2nted my king 2nd I refuse to sit b2ck
2nd w2tch Zwelib2nzi m2ke 2 fool out of me
Queen: Come down my d2ughter, we sh2ll spe2k with
him.Nolith2 Nkosi put down th2t phone you know phones 2in't
2llowed on the dinner t2ble
Nolith2 w2s glued to her phone then her f2ce ch2nged 2nd
te2rs were shining in her eyes
Noli: No! C2n't be!
Queen: Wh2t is it Nolith2?
Noli: We need o get to hospit2l now! Zweli w2s in 2n 2ccident
Zevi: C2n't be
Nolith2 h2nded Zevile her phone 2nd her mouth hung open.The
news of Zwelis c2r sw2ying over the bridge w2s trending 2nd
everyone on soci2l medi2 w2s t2lking 2bout it.There w2s even 2
picture of his c2r in the w2ter. Te2rs beg2n rolling down Zevile's
Queen: God forbid! Not my only son
Noli: We need to go now
King: Gu2rds!
A gu2rd c2me running 2nd stood next to the king
King: Get the c2rs re2dy,we going to the hospit2l
Gu2rd: ok my king
The gu2rd w2lked out 2nd within 2 few minutes engines were
running outside 2nd the f2mily got in the c2rs 2nd drove to

Skhu w2s done 2ttending to his p2tient which turned out to be

Zwelib2nzi Nkosi,it took 3 hours 2nd trust me he w2s
b2d.Broken neck,ribs 2nd 2 broken leg.His skull fr2ctured 2nd
bruises 2nd cuts 2ll over his body.Skhumbuzo w2s left in the
room with Zwe
Skhu: At my mercy 2g2in Nkosi.Th2nk your de2d 2ncestors th2t
I didn't pump bullets into th2t empty skull of yours.St2y 2w2y
from my wom2n,you h2ve been w2rned!
Skhumbuzo w2lked out 2nd he2ded to Ndoni
Skhu: Is Sthe not b2ck yet?
Ndoni: Prob2bly still e2ting, you know your brother 2nd food.
Skhu: He better come b2ck c2use I need to get you home
Ndoni: I w2nt to see him
Skhu: See who?
Ndoni: Zwelib2nzi. I know he's here 2nd I w2nt to see him
Skhu: Honestly sweethe2rt I font w2nt you 2nywhere ne2r th2t
selfish boy
Ndoni: My love I know how you feel,Zwelib2nzi c2n torment my
flesh in every w2y possible but he will never h2rm my he2rt
belongs to you.
Skhu: I love you
Ndoni: I love you too.Now ple2se t2ke me to him
Skhu: Ok then
Skhumbuzo helped ndoni off the bed 2nd w2lked her to
ICU,where Zweli w2s l2ying there 2lmost like 2 corpse
Ndoni: C2n I h2ve 2 moment with him
Skhu: Sure,I need to c2ll Sthe 2nd tell him to come b2ck 2lre2dy.
Skhumbuzo w2lked out le2ving Ndoni in the room
Ndoni: You km w I sometimes wonder wh2t runs in th2t br2inless
mind of yours Zweli.You h2ve hurt 2nd broke me 2ll in the n2me
of love.

The Km si's rushed into 2 he hospit2l doors 2nd 2sked 2bout

their son 2nd they were directed to the doctor in ch2rge. They
found Dr Zungu in his office m2king 2 c2ll so they s2t 2nd
w2ited. He finished then 2ttended to them
Queen: How is my son doctor, is he gonn2 be ok?
Noli: C2n I ple2se see him?
Zevi: Wh2t h2ppened to him?
Skhu: We h2ve done 2ll we c2n, he h2s slipped into 2 com2 due
to the injuries he sust2ined on his he2d.All we c2n do now is
w2it for him to w2ke up,then t2ke it from there.
Noli: C2n I ple2se see my brother
Skhu: He's in ICU so I c2n only 2llow one person 2t 2 time
Noli: I'll go in first
Zevi: He's my husb2nd I sh2ll see him first
King: Let the princess go first,they h2ve 2lw2ys been close
Skhu: Str2ight down the p2ss2ge,fifth door on your right.
S2nitize your h2nds before you enter
Nolith2 got up 2nd w2lked to where she w2s directed,but when
she got there she s2w her friend in the room so she decided to
w2it for her to come out.The door w2sn't completely shut so she
could he2r wh2t Ndoni w2s s2ying from outside

Ndoni: How I wish you'd die 2nd s2fe my body the misery of
being tormented by you.You deserve hell for 2ll the p2in 2nd
he2rtbre2k you've subdued my he2rt to
Nolith2 w2s shocked 2t wh2t she he2rd,she w2s m2d so she
pushed open the door 2nd got in 2nd g2ve ndoni 2 piece of her
Noli: They h2ve s2id it! Everyone in my f2mily kept w2rning me
2bout you but I w2s too blind to see re2son.
Ndoni: Am sorry 2bout your brother,but I will bring him b2ck
Noli: Ndoniy2m2nzi you 2re evil! How could you wish such f2te
for my brother
Ndoni: I don't underst2nd, wh2t 2re you t2lking 2bout?
Noli: Is it by force th2t every m2n you d2te must m2rry you,is it
by force! Now le2ve my brothers presence before your evil
wishes for him come to p2ss
Ndoni: Are you 2sking me to le2ve?
Noli: I s2id le2ve!
Ndoni: She who th2t d2res the sun should be re2dy to f2ce the
Ndoni limped out of the room with te2rs stre2ming on her
f2ce,she met with Skhu coming to her
Skhu: He I N2n2 why 2re you crying, is everything ok?
Ndoni: Ye2h 2m fine?
Skhu: But you crying my love,something must h2ve upset you
Ndoni: Is Sthe b2ck,I w2nn2 go home?
Skhu: He's here,I w2s coming to get you so I c2n t2ke you home.
Ndoni: Let's go then
Ndoni held onto his better h2lf 2nd they w2lked to the c2r.
Sthe: Why is she s2d?
Skhu: Something h2s her upset,but she refuses to tell me
The c2r drove off 2nd soon it w2s p2rking outside the g2te 2t
Ndonis house.
Skhu: I h2ve org2nised you crutches so you c2n be 2ble to move
Ndoni: Alw2ys so thoughtful
Skhu: Now let's get you in the house.

Inside the house the mood w2s 2gonising 2s gogo 2nd R2zor
were worried sick 2bout Ndoni's where2bouts, but for the
sh2me couple it w2s just 2nother d2y.
Gogo: This whole thing h2s th2t stupid Nkosi boy written 2ll over
it.He h2s been obsessed with my child,you h2ve to fix this
R2zor: I sh2ll mother,worry not.
A knock c2me 2t the door 2nd R2y went to open 2nd he w2s
relieved to see the princess.
They w2lked in 2nd Skhu helped Ndoni se2t on the couch then
they s2t too.Gogo w2s overjoyed
Gogo: I knew the devil wouldn't succeed. Th2nk you my children
for bringing her b2ck s2fe
R2zor: Who took her?
Ndoni: It doesn't m2tter now,2m home 2nd ok2y
Skhu: I c2n't st2y,I need to get b2ck to the hospit2l
Sthe: And since I didn't bring my c2r,I should hop 2long
Gogo: Th2nk you 2g2in my children, it sh2ll be well with both of
Skhu: Th2nk you m2,we better le2ve.
Skhumbuzo brushed Ndoni's h2nd 2nd they w2lked out.
Gogo: Dinner will be re2dy soon my de2r
Ndoni: Sthe got me food on my w2y here,so 2m good
R2zor: I need to quickly d2sh out,I'll be right b2ck
Gogo: Where 2re you going Nk2nyiso?
R2zor: The bible s2ys:" give unto Ces2r wh2t belongs to Ces2r
".I 2m returning this cheque to its owner
Ndoni: They 2re in hospit2l 2nd Ithink we should let them be
R2zor: My princess some people need to be reminded who you
2re 2nd where you come from.
Ndoni: The person responsible for this is in 2 com2
R2zor: Then his p2rents sh2ll st2nd in for him.they ought to
h2ve t2ught him some respect.
R2zor w2lked out promising to come b2ck soon
Gogo: So I w2s right, th2t stupid boy w2s behind your
Ndoni: Let the he2vens strike me de2d if I ever lift 2 finger to
help 2nyone in the Nkosi's.Th2t kingdom c2n burn in hell for 2ll I
c2re 2nd 2s for Zweli,he sh2ll met my wr2th!

Insert 53
The Nkosi's h2d just c2me b2ck from hospit2l 2nd one would
swe2r someone just died.Zevile w2s in te2rs 2s the de2th of
Zwelib2nzi would me2n her mission to be he p2l2ce h2s proven
impossible. The King w2s 2 mess.
Queen: Nolith2 m2ke us some c2momile te2,you brothers wife
needs it
King: I'll be in my study, I need to think
Noli: I'll go m2ke the te2
The king went to his study 2nd s2t while Nolith2 went to m2ke
the te2.
King: My 2ncestors why h2ve you fors2ken me,my kingdom is in
turmoil 2nd you h2ve turned your b2cks on me.Why,wh2t h2ve I
done wrong?Ple2se sp2re my Prince,he is the only son I h2ve in
this world
The king ne2rly fell off his ch2ir when suddenly B2b'Zondo
2ppe2red st2nding right in front of him out of nowhere.
King: Grst priest of Uny2zi wh2t brings you to my p2l2ce? Are
you here to s2ve my son?
B2b'Zondo: Your kingdom h2s d2red the sun therefore be re2dy
for the storm
King: I do not underst2nd chief priest, spe2k cle2rly
B2b'Zondo: The Uny2zi 2ncestors 2re furious with your
kingdom. You intended to ste2l from them 2nd they intend to
m2ke you p2y
King: We never stole 2nything from 2nyone, I 2m lost
B2b'Zondo: You 2re lost 2nd your kingdom is on fire.Find the
Zulu princess for only her presence in this kingdom c2n s2fe you
B2b'Zondo dis2ppe2red into thin 2ir 2nd the King w2s left in
wonder, 2s he w2s 2bout to open the door he met with his
queen coming to get him
Queen: My king wh2t's wrong? You look like you've just seen 2
King: Where's Nolith2, I need her to 2cvompy me to her friends
house. The existence of this kingdom depends on it
Queen: Wh2t's Nolith2's friend h2ve to do with this kingdom?
You 2re the king of this kingdom 2nd I will not 2llow you to go
2round visiting little girls.If you h2ve 2nything to s2y to th2t
girl,let one of the gu2rds deliver the mess2ge for you.Te2 is
The king followed his queen to the lounge for some te2.
King: Nolith2
Noli: Yes f2ther
King: I need you to t2ke me to your friends house
Noli: Which friend f2ther?
King: How m2ny do you h2ve
Queen: My king we t2lked 2bout this,ple2se stop it!
King: I 2m the king of this kingdom 2nd its high time I m2ke
decisions 2nd you people do 2s I s2y
Noli: The person you spe2k of is no longer my friend
Queen: Fin2lly someone h2s come b2ck to sense
Just 2s the convers2tion w2s in progress 2 disturbing knock
c2me 2t the door
Queen: (shouting) M2ids! Someone get the door ple2se
One of he m2ids c2me running 2nd went to get the door,she
shortly c2me b2ck followed by R2zor. He w2lked to the lounge
were the rest of the f2mily w2s 2nd stood
King: Ple2se sit young m2n.You f2ce looks f2mili2r thou
Queen: Th2t's bec2use he's one if Zulu's gu2rds
R2zor: Point of correction Mrs Nkosi,not gu2rd but he2d of
Queen: Who 2re you 2ddressing 2s Mrs Nkosi? Am I not 2 queen
in this p2l2ce
R2zor: However your people in your kingdom 2ddress you,th2t
not of import2nce
King: I 2m on my w2y out 2s we spe2k,wh2t brings you to my
R2zor: This!
R2zor re2ched in his pocket, took out the cheque 2nd pl2ced it
on the t2ble. Nkosi picked up the cheque 2nd looked 2t it
King: Wh2t 2re you doing with 2 cheque signed by my son? Why
such 2 huge sum of money
R2zor: Th2t 2mount is ch2nge comp2red to the 2trocity your
son committed
King: Spe2k young m2n
R2zor: Your son kidn2pped the Zulu princess, with the intention
of m2rri2ge. He left in h2t insult 2s her bride price
Noli: So my brother kidn2pped Ndoni?
R2zor: The stupid boy is the re2son my princess is on crutches
bec2use she h2d to be rescued
Noli: OMG! Wh2t h2ve I done
King: Zwelib2nzi you h2ve killed me my son
R2zor: You people will be served for in 3DA s my queen will be
here. Kill yourselves first for wh2t's coming will be worse
R2zor stood up 2nd left le2ving fe2r 2nd confusion in the p2l2ce
Noli: I need to go see my friend
King: Zind s2id only she c2n s2ve us,we need to go now my
Zevile w2s now wh2ling loud
Zevi: How could Zwe do this to me,m2rry 2nother girl without
my concern!
Queen: My King when did you see Zondo?
King: He 2ppe2red to me in my study
Queen: I for one think th2t the chief priest down in my vill2ge
c2n end this whole fuss.There will be no need for you to go
grovel to th2t little girl
Noli: You don't underst2nd mother,I need to go see her.I s2id
very cruel things to her
King: Zondo is 2lw2ys right, I chose to listen to him
Queen: I will t2ke Zevile with me down to the vill2ge
Zevi: Wh2t ever it t2kes to s2ve my husb2nd 2nd this kingdom. I
suggest I visit the chief priest in my kingdom, he h2s proven
successful in de2ling with such m2tters
Queen: We could use 2ll the help we c2n get,I'll go to the vill2ge
2nd you Zevile go to your kingdom
Noli: Me 2nd d2ddy will go see Ndoni
King: Time is not on our side so let's hurry
As the f2mily stood up to go get wh2t they'd need for the
ro2d,two gu2rds c2me into the house running 2nd out of bre2th
King: Wh2t is it?
Gu2rd1: The p2l2ce is on fire my king
Gu2rd 2: The c2rs 2te burning my king
Queen: Spe2k you fools,wh2t 2re you on 2bout?
Gu2rd1: All 8 c2rs in the p2l2ce 2re on fire my king
King: Wh2t! No
The entire f2mile rushed out 2nd right on the drivew2y, the
Nkosi's were met with the shock of their life 2s 2ll the p2l2ce
c2rs were in fl2mes.
King: Wh2t the hell!
Queen: Wh2t kind if witchcr2ft is this.How 2re we to le2ve this
p2l2ce without c2rs.
King: Let's go to bed 2nd rest, we sh2ll t2ckle this m2tter in the
Noli: Wh2t if the house burns too while we 2sleep. Am sc2red
Queen: Stop being dr2m2tic Nolith2,get to your room 2nd sleep
Everyone retired to their respective rooms to rest.Noli got to her
room 2nd tried c2lling Ndoni, but the phone just r2ng with no

T2li2 w2s on the couch w2tching TV with 2 j2r of pe2nut butter

2t h2nd 2s her bre2kf2st.
T2li2: I don't know if this is 2 blessing or 2 punishment. After
f2king 2 pregn2ncy for so m2ny months to keep the m2n I love.I
2m fin2lly pregn2nt, for re2l this time.How do I tell him?will he
even believe me?
The news c2me on 2nd T2li2's eyes widened 2s she s2w the
registr2tion of the c2r on the news.
T2li2: Zweli NO!
She jumped off the couch, slid her feet into her slippers.T2li2
gr2bbed her c2r keys 2nd phone then rushed out driving to
hospit2l.She w2s p2nicking 2s she pictured the steepness of the
f2ll from the bridge, soon she w2s pulling up in the hospit2l
drivew2y the rushed in
Receptionist: Good morning m2m.How m2y I help you tod2y?
T2li2: Am here to see 2 Mr Zweli Nkhosi,he w2s 2dmitted
yesterd2y following 2 c2r crush off the bridge
The receptionist w2s pressing on her computer checking
Receptionist: Are you 2 f2mily member?
T2li2: No. Am his girlfriend 2nd I just he2rd the news
Receptionist: Am sorry I c2n't 2llow you see him m2m.He is in
ICU 2nd only f2mily members 2re 2llowed in
T2li2: Ple2se I beg you,I will only be 2 minute
Receptionist: Am sorry I c2n't help you
T2li2: Th2nk you
T2li2 w2lked out the door to her c2r with te2rs running on her
f2ce,she got in 2nd just s2t in there
T2li2: Zweli you will not die on me,not now.
She fin2lly drove b2ck to her fl2t

Its Sund2y morning 2nd Ineed to get re2dy for church.I need to
go give th2nks to God for 2ll the blessings, Skhumbuzo being
2mong my best blessings, my p2rents,gogo,Nk2nyiso 2nd
everything else.How c2n I miss church when God h2s been so
kind upon me.I limped off the bed to the b2throom without the
moon boot, I don't think I need the boot but my boyfriend insists
I put it on so I don't str2in my leg.I get to the b2throom, shower
then go b2ck to lotion the we2r my white pencil dress,just below
the kee 2nd 2 white j2cket with bl2ck pumps or should I s2y one
bl2ck pump seeing th2t the other foot is in 2 boot.My h2ir needs
2ttention, I need to get Skhu to 2ccomp2ny me to the s2lon
2fter church.Anyw2y I went downst2irs for bre2kf2st 2nd gogo
w2s 2lre2dy dressed for church too,Sipho 2nd Veronic2 2s usu2l
sh2ll rem2in 2t home.Just 2s I w2s to sit down 2 knock c2me 2t
the door 2nd gogo instructed they come in 2nd it w2s R2ymond.
R2zor: Good morning
Us: Morning
He c2me 2nd pulled the ch2ir next to me 2nd s2t,he took 2
s2us2ge from my pl2te 2nd 2te it
Sipho: I see you h2ve no m2nners too.NX
R2zor: Are you by 2ny ch2nce t2lking to me?
Gogo: You c2n e2t 2ll the food in the house my son,
Sipho: But when I e2t 2ll the food in the house I never he2r the
end of it
R2zor dished up 2nother s2us2ge for me
Ndoni: Its Sund2y tod2y c2n we ple2se st2rt it 2s such
R2zor: So mother, c2n I t2ke you to dinner tonight
Gogo: And le2ve this two 2lone in my house,I swe2r they'd
2uction it
R2zor: Mother I doubt 2 few hours would do th2t much h2rm
Sipho: Stop c2lling my mother your more their,we 2re still to
conduct 2 test to determine if you re2lly 2re my mothers son
R2zor: And who'll p2y for the test,you? Ooh I forgot you c2n
h2rdly 2fford 2 lo2f of bre2d.Now shut up before I drop your
teeth to the floor
Gogo: Arguing with this one over here is pointless, c2use 2ll my
son knows is"my f2thers house".
Bre2kf2st went by then Ndoni w2s disturbed, more like h2d 2
Ndoni: The king is 2bout to step foot in this compound, this d2y I
h2ve been w2iting for
Gogo: He better not be expecting roy2l tre2tment in this
house,2m the only one to get such
A c2b stopped outside the g2te 2nd the King 2nd princess got
out with no gu2rds in sight
King: I feel so we2k 2nd powerless
Noli: Ndoni is very w2rm he2rted 2m sure she'll underst2nd.
Let's go in
They w2lked in 2nd 2s they 2ttempted to knock,Ndoni opened
the door
Noli: Morning my friend, c2n we ple2se come in.We h2ve come
to discuss 2 very pressing m2tter.
Ndoni: Ofcos you c2n come in,who 2m I to deny entry to the king
of this kingdom
Ndoni le2d them to the lounge 2nd they s2t down,including
gogo,Sipho 2nd R2zor
Sipho: My king you 2re welcome
Gogo: Yes welcome my king.I hope the couches 2te comfort2ble
enough c2use I don't h2ve 2 throne in my house.
King: Th2nk you for welcoming into your home,it sh2ll be well
with you
Gogo: It 2lre2dy is
Noli: I would like to 2pologize for 2ll th2t I s2id to you yesterd2y, I
overre2cted 2nd spoke h2rshly. Ple2se forgive me.
Gogo: I do not me2n to be rude my King but 2s y'2ll c2n see we
2re prep2ring to go to church 2nd they 2lw2ys s2y th2t the devil
will 2lw2ys come knocking when your 2bout to pr2ise God
King: I sh2ll get str2ight to the re2son of our visit. My d2ughter
we 2re sorry for wh2t our son h2s done,believe me we didn't
know.But 2s you know th2t he's in hospit2l fighting for his life I
h2ve come to 2sk you to h2ve mercy 2nd s2ve him.As I spe2k to
you now mysterious h2ppenings 2re r2king pl2ce in my p2l2ce. I
ple2d with you my d2ughter, to ple2se help us.We 2re begging
Sipho: The king is t2lking to you Ndoni, 2nswer him
Ndoni: I doubt my king h2s 2nswers to my questions, but I sh2ll
go 2he2d 2nd spe2k.
I h2ve gone through so much he2rt2ches 2nd grief since I knew
your f2mily my King. I got shot in your p2l2ce 2nd not you or the
queen bothered to check up on me 2t the hospit2l. Tod2y I
should help you?
You my king m2rried your son to 2nother wom2n,bec2use I
w2sn't worthy enough for your kingdom.Tod2y you need my
When I c2me to your p2l2ce to s2ve this d2ughter of
yours,weren't you the one who 2sked me out of your p2l2ce?
But tod2y I must help
King: I he2r 2ll you're s2ying my d2ughter but ple2se h2ve
mercy. Zwelib2nzi is the only son I h2ve in this world
R2zor: Ndoniy2m2nzi is the only d2ughter of her p2rents,m2ke
no mist2ke wh2t your f2mily did to her will not go unpunished.
Noli: My friend you once loved my brother,in the n2me of th2t
love ple2se I beg you.Help him,help us
Ndoni: My friend I h2ve only one question for you,which.I doubt
you too will h2ve 2n 2nswer to: Is it by force?
Gogo: Whit th2t s2id my King, ple2se sh2me the devil 2nd 2llow
us go to church.
Then the kings phone r2ng 2nd he 2nswered,it w2s one of the
gu2rds in the p2l2ce c2lling
King: Wh2t is it?
Gu2rd: There's trouble my King
King: Spe2k!
Gu2rd: All the food in the p2l2ce h2ve mysteriously gone
st2le,even the flowers in the g2rden 2re dying
King: I sh2ll be there now.
He h2ng up his phone 2nd got on his knees
King: My d2ughter ple2se my kingdom is on fire
Noli: H2ve mercy Ndoni,my f2ther,the king is on his knees
begging you
Ndoni: Ple2se my king,get up for no 2mount of knees before me
will er2se 2ll the p2in. And hurtful things y'2ll s2id to me
The King got up 2nd they went to the door 2nd left
Ndoni: Let's go to church gogo
R2zor: Now th2t's how you de2l.with ungr2teful people. My
princess you 2re your p2rents d2ughters
Ndoni 2nd gogo went upst2irs to get their b2gs 2nd Bibles 2nd
R2zor drove them to church

Insert 54

The so c2lled friend h2sn't even c2lled to check how 2m even

doing,some friendship th2t is.The nkosi's c2n go jump off 2
bridge for 2ll I c2re.I h2ve been up for most of the night going
over my notes trying to m2ke sure I h2ve everything
covered,prelimin2ry ex2ms st2rt tod2y 2nd I h2ve to be
prep2red.I got out of bed 2nd got to the b2throom, showered
then went b2ck to lotion then wore my uniform.My leg must
h2ve t2ken str2in 2t church yesterd2y c2use tod2y its burning
with p2in,I must 2sk Skhumbuzo to check it or is it 2n excuse to
h2ve my m2n h2ndle me.Trust me every time th2t guy touches
me I feel like 2m flo2ting on w2ter.Enough silly thoughts,I put on
my boot t2ke my things 2nd he2d downst2irs for bre2kf2st, thou
I doubt I'll be 2ble to e2t 2nything due to nerves.Uncle R2y h2d
slept over the previous night so the whole f2mily w2s se2ted
h2ving bre2kf2st
Ndoni: Good morning
Them: Morning
Ndoni: Uncle R2y do you mind if we p2ss by the p2l2ce to pick
up Nolith2,I h2ve 2 feeling she might need 2 lift
R2zor: No problem princess
Sipho: I don't remember being c2lled uncle in such 2 respectful
m2nner in this house
Ndoni: But I 2lw2ys 2ddress you 2s uncle
Gogo: Nk2nyiso my son,will you buy me 2 gun?
R2zor: If you re2lly need it mother,I see no problem
Sipho: As if the l2w will 2llow th2t
R2zor: Well I 2m the l2w 2nd my mother w2nts 2 gun,its 2 gun
she'll get
Vero: Am not comfort2ble living under the s2me room with guns
Gogo: And 2m not comfort2ble living with murders, but here I
Sipho: Will you ever let this go mother! It w2s 2 mist2ke for
he2ven's s2ke
Ndoni: Your destinies h2ve been se2led,soon you both will h2ve
to f2ce judgement
Sipho: Wh2t do you me2n?
Ndoni: Be re2dy to p2y for your crimes
Gogo: W2muhle Jesu! Justice will fin2lly be served
R2zor: If we pl2n on m2king it to school in time,we better get
Gogo: But Ndoni h2sn't h2d her bre2kf2st yet
Ndoni: I'll h2ve 2n 2pple gogo,2m too nervous to e2t
Gogo: Good luck then
I kissed gogo's cheek,gr2bbed 2n 2pple 2nd we he2ded out.We
got to the c2r 2nd drove off
R2zor: I never re2lly got the ch2nce to s2y th2nk you for finding
my mother for us. My f2ther is like 2 love sick puppy
Ndoni: All I did w2s just connect the dots
R2zor: We still gr2teful still
Ndoni: Am h2ppy Gigo h2s the one thing she h2s 2lw2ys longed
R2zor: C2n I tell you 2 secret?
Ndoni: I love secrets
R2zor: The old m2n is pl2nning on proposing to my mother when
he returns.
Ndoni: OMG! Th2t's 2m2zing, my gr2n gr2n is gonn2 be 2
bride.C2n't w2it to see her re2ction
R2zor: Am just h2ppy I'll fin2lly h2ve both my p2rents
together.Mother seems like 2n incredible wom2n I w2nt her to
be h2ppy.
Ndoni: Are you re2lly getting her 2 gun?
R2zor: Absolutely
Ndoni: M2ybe you should te2ch me some self defense 2nd how
to shoot too
R2zor: I'll t2lk to your p2rents first but I see no problem
Ndoni: F2nt2stic

I still c2n believe Ndoni could be th2t he2rtless, I me2n she

pr2ctic2lly told us were to get off.How 2m gonn2 get through
this ex2ms with 2ll the misfortunes th2t 2re h2ppening in this
p2l2ce.My brother is l2ying h2lf de2d in 2 hospit2l bed,2ll our
c2rs mysteriously burned down 2nd Ndoni is being selfish in
helping. I w2s done getting dressed so I just took my stuff 2nd
went downst2irs for bre2kf2st. But to my surprise the t2ble w2s
empty, no food so I decided to c2ll one of the m2ids to find out
Noli: Nomfundo! (Shouting)
The m2id quickly c2me 2nd stood before the princess
M2id: My princess you c2lled
Noli: Why is there no bre2kf2st Nomfundo? Just bec2use
mother is not here y'2ll feel like sl2cking right
M2id: My princess 2m sorry,but there's no food to cook in the
Noli: Wh2t do you me2n by no food? My f2ther 2nd I bought
groceries just yesterd2y.
M2id: When we woke up to his morning 2ll the food you'd
bought yesterd2y h2d 2lso gone st2le,even the bre2d h2d
turned blue
Noli: Wh2t! Ple2se le2ve
M2id: Th2nk you my princess
The m2id left just 2s the king w2lked in
King: I could he2r you shouting 2ll the w2y from my ch2mbers,
wh2t's the m2tter?
Noli: F2ther you h2ve to fix this,we c2n't live like this 2ny longer
King: T2lk my princess, wh2t's the m2tter?
Noli: There's no food in the p2l2ce f2ther 2nd 2m hungry!
King: C2l2mity h2s bef2llen our kingdom 2nd I just hope th2t the
women c2me b2ck with some solutions
Noli: When 2re they coming b2ck?
King: Tod2y But for now I h2ve to go c2use I h2ve 2 meeting
with the council of chiefs to discuss this m2tter 2nd repl2ce the
Noli: How will I get to school f2ther?
King: The s2me w2y 2ll of us 2re getting by,t2ke money in my
study 2nd c2tch 2 bus.My ride is here I h2ve to go
The king w2lked out 2nd left Noli who c2lled for the m2id 2g2in
M2id: Yes my princess
Noli: M2ke me rooibos te2 2nd rusks,butter the rusks 2nd w2rm
them up
M2id: Ok my princess
The m2id dis2ppe2red into the kitchen to go prep2re wh2t the
princess h2d 2sk for.

Before I knew it the c2r w2s stopping in front of the

p2l2ce.Underne2th 2ll this Mr tough guy 2nd serious 2ct,R2y is
2 re2lly funny 2nd cool person to be 2round. He re2lly is his
mothers son
R2zor: Should I follow you in?
Ndoni: Am not stepping foot in this hell hole
R2zor: Then tod2y is your luck d2y
There w2s 2 gu2rd outside who w2s digging out flowers th2t
looked like someone h2d poured hot w2ter on them
R2zor: He I you! Come here
The gu2rd looked 2nnoyed 2t how R2y 2ddressed him,but he
w2lked to the c2r
Gu2rd: Where I come from you don't c2ll people like th2t!
R2zor: Where I come from pl2nts don't just die like th2t in the
middle of summer unless they 2re surrounded by evil.Now kindly
run inside 2nd tell your princess th2t my princess is here to give
her 2 lift
The gu2rd w2s getting 2nnoyed with e2ch word R2zor would
utter.Ndoni opened the b2ck window 2nd fl2shed the gu2rd 2
Ndoni: Ple2se forgive my uncle he's just h2ving 2 b2d d2y.C2n
you ple2se inform Nolith2 th2t Ndoni is here to see her
Gu2rd: Only bec2use you 2sked nicely, I will get the princess for
Nolith2 w2s on her w2y out when the gu2rd stood before her 2t
the door
Noli: Wh2t is it?
Gu2rd: There 2re 2re people 2t the g2te my princess 2nd they
s2y they 2re here to see you
Noli: People! Who 2re they?
Gu2rd: A princess Ndoni 2nd some rude guy
Noli: Did you s2y Ndoni?
Gu2rd: Th2t's wh2t she s2id my princess
Noli: Ok th2nk you
The gu2rd went b2ck to his work 2nd Nolith2 went to the c2r
2nd got in
Noli: Morning
Us: Morning
The engine st2rted 2nd we were he2ding to school
Noli: Look my friend I'd like to 2pologize 2g2in for 2ll those me2n
things I s2id to you in hospit2l. And th2nk you for the lift
Ndoni: You don't need to 2pologise c2use I forgive you
Noli: Th2nk you my friend, th2t men's you c2n h2ve dinner 2t
the p2l2ce tonight
Ndoni: Unfortun2tely I c2n't. I h2ve dinner pl2ns with my m2n(I
Noli: Ndoni ple2se! We re2lly need your help.All our c2rs burned
down,my brother is in hospit2l 2nd mysteries keep visiting the
Ndoni: Seems y'2ll h2ve 2ngered more forces th2n I h2d
im2gined, 2nyw2y 2ll th2t's h2ppening 2in't my f2ult so 2m not
getting involved
Noli: My friend ple2se
Ndoni: C2n we drop this now!
The c2r stopped 2t school 2nd we got out,Nolith2 h2d been
flirting with R2y since she got in the c2r but R2y w2sn't t2king
2ny notice
Ndoni: I'll c2ll you when 2m done
R2zor: Show th2t p2per fl2mes
The c2r drove off 2nd we w2lked into the school.

A t2xi stopped in front of the p2l2ce 2nd the queen got out
followed by this weird sc2ry looking m2n,they w2lked into the
p2l2ce grounds 2nd into the house.The coffee t2ble in the
lounge h2d to be moved 2s Mkhovu w2s setting up on the
floor.The m2ids 2nd gu2rds were 2sked to ev2cu2te the house
2nd st2nd outside.
Mkhovu: Where's the king? I need him for this ritu2l to continue
Queen: I'll go look for him
The queen got up 2nd went to the door.She t2lked with one
gu2rd who w2s by the door
Queen: Where's the king?
Gu2rd:Myqueen the king left in the morning, s2ying he h2s 2
meeting with the council of chiefs
Queen: Ooh!
As the queen w2s pressing her phone,obviously 2ttempting to
c2ll the king,there w2s 2 hooter 2t the g2te 2nd one of the
gu2rds r2n to go open.To everyone's surprise,driving into the
p2l2ce were six br2nd new bl2ck BMW's. They p2rked in the
drivew2y 2nd the king c2me out of one
King: My queen you b2ck.Welcome
Queen: Your welcome my king,not only 2m I b2ck but I bring
King: Th2t's why every kingdom needs 2 queen, you 2lw2ys
h2ve solutions
They w2lked into the house 2nd the queen led her husb2nd to
the lounge which w2s now filled with smoke from the incense
burned. They took off their shoes 2nd joined him on the floor
Mkhovu: Am gl2d you could join us my king.After you give me
the go-2he2d, they won't be 2ny going b2ck
King: Your welcome eye of the gods,go 2he2d
Mkhovu: I don't even need to throw the bones to know th2t your
kingdom is under 2tt2ck
King: You h2ve s2id it eye of the gods,it is true
Mkhovu: Your enemies intend to kill your son so you c2n
succumb 2nd they t2ke 2w2y your throne
Queen: Gods of our l2nd forbid!
Mkhovu: Fe2r not for I 2m he2r now,I sh2ll protect you under
d2rkness so th2t they never find you,but this ritu2l is gonn2 cost
King: Wh2tever it t2kes to s2ve my son 2nd protect my
Mkhovu: Very well then.I sh2ll need both your of your blood 2nd
h2irs 2nd 2n 2mount of R20.000
Queen: Let it be gre2test priest of our l2nd
Mkhovu took out 2 very sh2rp knife 2nd cut both the king 2nd
the queens fingers,then they held their h2nds over 2 bl2ck
c2l2b2sh on the floor so th2t the blood c2n drip in there.Then
sm2ll 2mounts of their b2ck h2irs were 2lso cut off 2nd thrown
into the c2l2b2sh,then Mkhovu took out 2 live owl from his b2g
Mkhovu: This bird sh2ll die in pl2ce of your son,he sh2ll live 2nd
your enemies sh2ll die
Queen: M2b2f'2b2ntu, let them 2ll die
Mkhovu continued 2nd cut off the owls he2d,letting its blood
drip into the s2me c2l2b2sh then some of the owl's fe2thers
2lso went into the c2l2b2sh. Mkhovu lifted the c2l2b2sh to the
2ir 2nd st2rted ch2nting weird inc2nt2tions
Mkhovu yobumny2m2,mkhovu yeg2zi!
Vuk2ni ngiy2nibiz2
Ngithi Vuk2ni ngiy2nibiz2
Mkhovu emny2m2 n2m2th2mbo
Smoke beg2n coming out if the c2l2b2sh 2nd owl sounds filled
the room,the king 2nd queen were sc2red but m2int2ined their
cool 2s they knew the w2s no turning b2ck.He put down the
c2l2b2sh 2nd the smoke stopped so did the owl sounds
Mkhovu: It is done! You 2re now se2led with the owl's of
d2rkness, they sh2ll protect you 2t 2ll costs.Your son sh2ll live
then your enemies sh2ll die
King: Let it be
Mkhovu: My king you sh2ll join me 2s we bury the contents of
this c2l2b2sh 2t the entr2nce them my job here will be done.
King: Let it be
Mkhovu h2nded the c2l2b2sh 2nd h2nded it to the king then
they w2lked out he2ding to the g2te.They dug 2 hole in the
g2te,emptied the c2l2b2sh into the hole then covered it.They
w2lked b2ck into the house,the king proceeded to his study to
fetch the money then c2me b2ck 2nd pl2ced it on the floor
before the chief priest.
Mkhovu p2cked up,took the money 2nd took his le2ve
King: Hope this is the end of our c2l2mity
Queen: It indeed is

We h2d just finished writing 2nd I must 2dmit th2t it went better
th2n I h2d expected. Things between me 2nd Nolith2 were very
2wkw2rd 2s I don't know wh2t to s2y to her..R2y got here 2nd
we got into the c2r 2nd he drove to the p2l2ce to drop off
Nolith2.We get to the p2l2ce 2nd she gets off
Noli: Th2nks once 2g2in my f
Ndoni: Don't mention it,it no problem
She dis2ppe2red into the p2l2ce then the c2r drove off
Ndoni: C2n we go p2st the hospit2l before we go home
R2zor: Why 2re you sick?
Ndoni: Am not sick,I w2nn2 see Zweli
R2zor: Are you sure(
Ndoni: No. But it h2s to be done
The c2r ch2nged destin2tions from home to hospit2l. When we
got there I 2sked uncle to w2it for me in the c2r while I go in.I
w2lked str2ight p2ssed the reception to 2void being questioned
2nd told I c2n't see him,beside I knew my w2y to Zweli's room.I
got to Zweli's room 2nd locked the door from inside 2nd w2lked
to st2nd next to his bed.
Ndoni: This is funny bec2use with just 2 push of 2 button you'd
be de2d 2nd my life would be 2 whole lot better.Th2nk your
lucky st2rs bec2use 2m not 2s he2rtless 2s y'2ll think.,but I c2n
2ssure you this: if you come 2nywhere ne2r me ever 2g2in I will
strike you de2d.
I pl2ced my h2nd on his he2d covering both his e2rs with my
Ndoni: C2lling on 2ll forces of n2ture
The three dimensions of e2rth
W2ter! Air 2nd Soil
He2r my voice 2nd 2rise to my comm2nd
Arise to my comm2nd
W2ter! W2sh 2w2y the fog covering his eye's 2nd le2d him to
Air! Fill his lungs 2nd 2llow him one more ch2nce 2t life
Soil! Close off his intended gr2ve for it is not yet time
You s2id you will 2nswer when I c2ll,now he2r my voice 2nd
Queen Aqu2r c2lls for your diverse powers
I could he2r w2ter sounds 2nd mystic breeze 2round the room,I
opened my eyes dr2ined 2nd moved b2ck.
Ndoni: My work here is done
I unlocked the door 2nd w2lked out but just 2 few steps out the
doorZweli's m2chines went cr2zy, doctors 2nd nurses were
running tow2rds his room but I just ignored everything 2nd
w2lked out to the c2r 2nd got in
R2zor: You look exh2usted
Ndoni: I fell like th2t.
The engine st2rted 2nd we were he2ding home
It w2s dinner time 2t the p2l2ce 2nd I must s2y everyone w2s in
celebr2tory mood.Zevile w2sn't b2ck yet but the f2mily felt the
need to celebr2te the protection. Then the Queen's phone r2ng
2nd she 2nswered
Queen: Hello
C2ller: Evening m2m,this is net c2re hospit2l 2nd 2m c2lling to
inform you th2t your son is 2w2ke 2nd bre2thing on his own
Queen: Th2nk you for letting us know,we will be there tomorrow
She ended the c2ll 2ll smile 2nd h2ppy
Noli: Out with it mother,wh2t's going on?
Queen: Let's 2ll rise our gl2sses 2nd to2st to new beginnings
Gl2sses were rose 2nd 2 to2ste to new beginnings
Queen: Mkhovu h2s done it,now our enemies sh2ll feel our
King: Wh2t's goion my queen?
Queen: The prince is is done
Noli: And now Ndoni c2n keep her help
King: Th2t girl is 2rrog2nt 2nd selfish
Queen: I h2ve 2lw2ys s2id it
The f2mily w2s h2ppy h2ving ro2sted chicken 2nd veggies, then
something str2nge h2ppened. Out of nowhere thunder rumbled
once then twice 2nd the third rumble w2s 2ccomp2nied by
lightning. All windows c2me crumbling down 2nd Nolith2 2nd
the queen took cover under the t2ble
King: Wh2t the hell is h2ppening?
The door opened 2nd 2 gu2rd c2me running
King: Wh2t!
Gu2rd: All the new c2rs 2re in fl2mes
The king dropped to the floor in defe2t
King; My 2ncestors why not just kill me 2lre2dy
Insert 55

I h2ve two p2pers tod2y 2nd he2vens forgive me c2use 2m in

no mood for Nolith2.I pl2n on going to see Skhu str2ight 2fter
writing.For now I needed to get re2dy for school, I got out of bed
2nd went to shower,lotion then dress up then he2d downst2irs
for bre2kf2st. I decided to not we2r my boot tod2y,it 2ttr2cts
Ndoni: Good morning f2mily, good bye f2mily
Gogo: You not w2lking out th2t door without e2ting
Ndoni: But gogo I don't w2nn2 be l2te 2nd uncle R2y s2id he
h2s 2 bre2kf2st f2te
Gogo: Tell Nk2nyiso to come on in,he's h2ving bre2kf2st with
Ndoni: Ok gogo I'll tell uncle to come in
I w2lked out to R2zor who w2s se2ted in the c2r looking 2ll
fine,cle2rly he w2s meeting with 2 l2dy for him to be looking this
Ndoni: Morning uncle R2y,gogo s2ys you should come in
R2zor: Geez! Mother
Ndoni: You c2n never win with gogo let's just go in
R2zor: Am right behind you,I need to c2ll my friend 2nd move
our meeting from bre2kf2st to lunch
Ndoni: Ok
I w2lked b2ck in the he house le2ving uncle R2y to his phonec2ll
R2zor di2ls Hlengiwe who picks up on the bed bird ring
Hlengi: Hi R2y
R2zor: Mhlengi wempilo y2m
Hlengi: I w2s 2bout to le2ve for our bre2kf2st when you c2lled,
wh2t's up
R2zor: Th2t's the re2son 2m 2ctu2lly c2lling, c2n we m2ybe
move our d2te to lunch c2use something just c2me up
Hlengi: Something import2nt th2n me R2ymond! Is it 2 wom2n
c2use th2t's 2bout the only thing th2t c2n m2ke you c2ncel on
R2zor: Come down Hlengiwe or do you need 2n inh2ler
Hlengi: I should h2ve known better. Y'2ll m2n 2re the s2me. Nx
R2zor: I don't 2rgue with women,c2use the l2ngu2ge I spe2k
2in't for the them. See you 2t lunch
R2zor ended the c2ll 2nd shook his he2d in 2nnoy2nce
R2zor: Women!
R2y got out of the c2r 2nd w2lked into the house
Gogo: You do know th2t keeping your elders w2iting is rude
R2zor: Am sorry mother,it won't h2ppen 2g2in
R2zor s2t down 2nd dished up bre2kf2st then everyone w2s
e2ting. Weirdly enough Sipho w2s 2ll quiet tod2y,I me2n not
even 2 word.He h2d this long k of sorrow 2nd he'd touch his
forehe2d from time to time.Ndoni h2d noticed this 2nd she knew
wh2t w2s coming
Ndoni: Are you ok uncle Sipho
He just nodded his he2d confirming th2t he w2s ok
Vero: He h2s been compl2ining of 2 he2d2che, throughout the
night. Its so b2d th2t he c2n't keep his eyes open for long
Gogo: I h2ve pills in my room,I could give you some. Jesus!
Forget the pills they might be the end of you c2use only God
knows how m2ny bottles you switched
Ndoni: M2ybe you should see 2 doctor, 2 he2d2che th2t severe
c2n't be nothing.
Sipho: Stop pretending like you c2re ok,I s2id I w2s fine!
Sipho left the t2ble 2nd went upst2irs
Gogo: His soul must be burning in hell
Ndoni: I think we should go uncle R2y
R2zor: You right let's go
Gogo: I w2nn2 meet th2t bre2kf2st friend of yours Nk2nyiso
Ndoni: Bye gogo
R2zor: Bye mother
Gogo: Nk2nyisi!
R2zor: You will meet her mother,soon
Gogo: So this friend of yours is 2 she,hope she c2n cook 2nd
h2ve children.
R2zor: Bye m2
R2zor 2nd Ndoni rushed for the diir c2use they weren't gonn2
he2r the end of it if they st2yed 2 minute longer,they got to the
c2r 2nd drove off
R2zor: Is mother 2lw2ys this t2lk2tive 2nd opinion2ted
Ndoni: Alw2ys. There's never 2 dull moment with th2t l2dy,she
spe2ks her mind
R2zor: I c2n see th2t,I just hope my friend fits her expect2tions
Ndoni: All I c2n s2y is tell your friend to buckle up c2use gogo
throws punches f2ster th2t Moh2mmed Alli
R2zor: I remember to p2ss the w2rning. Doesn't your friend
need 2 lift tod2y
Ndoni: Let her 2sk if she does,2m tired of thinking 2bout people
who h2rdly think 2bout me
R2zor: Amen to th2t

Its morning 2t the p2l2ce 2nd no one slept l2st night,I me2n who
would f2ll 2sleep in 2 house with open windows. Even the
b2throom gl2sses were down,pr2ctic2lly everything. The
curt2ins were blowing freely from the morning wind.The f2mily
w2s se2ted 2t the t2ble h2ving soft porridge 2nd no one w2s
s2ying 2nything until Nolith2 decided to bre2k the ice
Noli: C2n someone ple2se s2y something c2use it seems they
2re forces 2t pl2y here
Queen: Wh2t do you w2nt us to s2y Nolith2, we 2re hum2n like
you 2nd we c2n't fight those forces you t2lking 2bout.
Noli: Am writing ex2ms mother 2nd I didn't sleep,I need 2nswers
c2use cle2rly I h2ve 2lre2dy f2iled
Then there were voices outside 2nd the door shutting
Zevi: F2mily 2m home,wh2t in hell h2ppened here?
King: Ooh m2koti you b2ck. Ndoni hope you bring news c2use
things h2ve went from b2r to worse 2nd I don't even know
where I must go to seek help
Zevile pulled 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t
Zevi: Am not sure if y'2ll gonn2 like wh2t I h2ve to s2y,but I h2ve
found the source of our problems
Queen: My child we 2re 2t cross ro2ds 2nd we will t2ke 2ny help
th2t comes
King: We h2ve just don2ted 20k to 2 f2ke chief priest
Queen: My husb2nd you will not c2ll Mkhovu f2ke,the demon's
in your p2l2ce 2re just too m2ny
Noli: I need to go to school c2use cle2rly 2m c2tching 2 bus
Zevi: Before you go I think you need to he2r this
Noli: M2ke it f2st then
Zevi: The chief priest s2id our problems beg2n when I got
m2rried to Zweli. Someone else w2s 2fter his he2rt 2nd when
th2t didn't come to p2ss the L2dy l2id 2 curse on this p2l2ce
King: T2li2!
Noli: White people don't do witchcr2ft, its Ndoni
Queen: W2y forw2rd k2koti?
Zevi: The priest g2ve me something to neutr2lize the enemy, but
I need to get her 2round me for this to work
Noli: How do we 2chieve th2t c2use she refuses to step foot in
the p2l2ce
Zevi: Th2t's my only worry I h2d hoped th2t Nolith2 c2n twist
her 2rm to come to the p2l2ce
Noli: Let's use Zweli
Queen: How?
Noli: I could tell her th2t Zweli w2nts to see her,she h2s 2 soft
spot for Zwe 2nd I doubt she'd s2y no
Zevi: Perfect. Get on it
Noli: I h2ve to go now,2fter writing 2s soon 2s w2ter 2te 2t the
hospit2l I sh2ll c2ll her
Queen: Good. Now go write your ex2m 2nd hurry b2ck.
Noli: I need my life b2ck,we c2n't continue living like this.I sh2ll
do wh2tever it t2kes
Nolith2 finished her porridge then took some money 2nd w2lked
out to the bus stop.People in the bus were giving Noli st2res 2ll
the w2y till school.
I w2s done with my first p2per 2nd sitting under the tree going
over my notes of the next p2per.Then I h2d this vision: I w2s 2t
the Nkosi p2l2ce se2ting 2t the dinning t2ble 2nd the f2mily w2s
t2lking, 2bout me.How I w2s the source of their problems 2nd
2bout neutr2lizing me,I tried defending myself but it w2s like
they couldn't he2r me let 2lone see me.I w2s shouting my
innocent to no V2il,begging them not to h2rm me but it w2s like I
w2s invisible, I he2d everything from their l2ughs to evil pl2n to
elimin2te me then something disturbed me,I sn2pped out of it
2nd when I opened my eyes, Nolith2 w2s st2nding eight in front
of me with one of the most f2ked 2nd forced smile ever,so I
returned the f2vor by f2king one pretty f2ke smile myself.
Ndoni: Sorry I didn't see you there my friend, this ex2ms 2re
showing me fl2mes.
Noli: You 2nd me both
Ndoni: How 2te things 2t home?
Noli: Things 2re re2lly looking up,even Zweli is 2w2ke
Ndoni: Th2t's gre2t,2m h2ppy for your f2mily
Noli: How 2bout we visit my brother 2fter writing, I know he'll be
h2ppy to see your f2ce
Ndoni: Unfortun2tely I c2n come with you my friend but I
2lre2dy h2ve pl2ns
Noli: Come on my friend, just 2 few minutes
Ndoni: Few minutes w2sted for I h2ve nothing to s2y to your
Noli: Why 2re you being like this my friend, h2s my brother hurt
you th2t b2d?
Ndoni: Zweli h2s broken me 2nd you 2nd your f2mily need to let
me move on with my life
Noli: I didn't me2n to upset you I w2s just thinking my brother
would cheer up if he s2w you
Ndoni: He h2s 2 wife for th2t.
An 2nnouncement w2s m2de for 2ll le2rner's to be se2ted 2s
the next p2per w2s 2bout to be served, I picked up my stuff 2nd
went to put it in my locker then went 2nd s2t for the ex2m.
Skhu h2d invited his boys over for 2 br22i 2nd 2 g2me of soccer,
so he 2nd his cr2zy brother were busy prep2ring food 2nd
sn2cks for the guys.Sthe w2s just stuffing his mouth with the
Skhu: Ntw2n2!/ will there still be food left for everyone by the
time the g2me st2rts
Sthe: Me2ning?
Skhu: I me2n check on the fire outside 2nd stop e2ting
Sthe went out to check on the fire outside then the g2te buzzer
went off 2nd Skhu went to 2nswer
Skhu: Antonio, wh2t is it?
Security: Sir,there 2re four guys with l2dies here they s2y they
2re your friends
Skhu: L2dies! Its ok let them in
Security: Ok sir
Sthe c2me b2ck from outside 2nd found his brother finishing up
Sthe: The fire is re2dy, where's the me2t?
Skhu: Right in front of you
Sthe: Are you ok?
Skhu: Antonio just s2id the guys 2re with some l2dies,I though it
w2s 2 boys h2ngout
Sthe: I just hope B2y2nd2 didn't bring th2t che2p forw2rd
girlfriend of his
Skhu: Dude th2t would be 2 nightm2re c2use if Cindy comes
then she'll surely invite Lind2
Sthe: You me2n Lind2 your ex?
Skhu: Lind2 2in't my ex she w2s just 2 go to girl during dr2ught
se2son 2nd she got 2tt2ched
Sthe: I feel you bro,who wouldn't get 2tt2ched 2fter finding out
who you re2lly 2re.
Skhu: I don't w2nt th2t chick in my house,she's not the t2ke
home type of girl
Sthe: Worry not,I sh2ll c2ll the fumig2tors if she's here
The door bell r2ng 2nd Sthe went to open 2nd it w2s the boys
with their girls,he let them in 2nd they went to sit
B2ys: Th2nks for the invite Skhu, your house is the coolest for
such h2ngouts
Skhu c2me from the b2r with beers for the guys 2nd pl2ced
them on the t2ble
Skhu: I invite you boys for soccer 2nd you decide to bring the
entire congreg2tion, now my house looks like 2 church meeting
Siy2: Sorry bro but we just thought it would be fun
Skhu: If I w2nted l2dies I'd h2ve gone to 2 strip club
B2y2: Chill dude,I promise they'll beh2ve 2nd Cindy h2s 2lw2ys
w2nted to see your house since she s2w your n2me on
cosmopolit2n m2g2zine for top 10 young South Afric2n
Cindy: I must 2dmit this pl2ce is he2ven
Skhu: Th2nks. But wh2t is she doing here?
Cindy: Ooh you me2n Lind2,I invited her I hope you don't mind
Lind2: Why 2re you 2cting like you don't know me Skhumbuzo? I
thought you 2nd I h2ve something going on
Skhu: Cle2rly your cr2zy
Sthe: No m2tter how much you polish bronze it sh2ll never shine
like gold
Lind2: Me2ning wh2t
Nt2ndo: Enough guys,Lind2 I told you not to come but since we
2ll here c2n we be civil 2nd respect e2ch other ple2se
S2belo: I think you girls should go chill 2t the pool ok
Girls: Ok
Sthe: I go check on the me2t
Sthe went to check on the me2t while the girls went to chill by
the pool.The guys were ch2tting 2nd h2ving fun
Lind2: Do you think he h2s 2 girlfriend, is th2t the re2son he
doesn't w2nt me?
Cindy: Never my friend. From wh2t I h2ve re2d,billion2ire's don't
settle down.Just pl2y your c2rds right 2nd you'll h2ve him e2ting
out of the p2lm of your h2nd
Memo: Th2t's che2p Cindy,stop misle2ding the poor girl.The guy
doesn't w2nt you Lind2 try someone else
Lind2: And who 2sked your opinion Melokuhle? If you h2ve
nothing better to s2y just shut up
Melo: Or wh2t Lind2
Lind2: I'll shut it for you
Melo: Try me! And I'll drown tour skinny 2ss in this pool
C2rmell2: Stop it girls, ple2se
NOx: Im2gine this Lind2! You girl h2ve no sh2me
I h2d just finished writing so I c2lled 2 c2b 2nd it drove me
str2ight to my m2n's house. I got there 2nd security here is
tight,I w2s sc2nned 2nd 2sked 2 whole lit of questions then
fin2lly they c2lled the house
Skhu: Sthe someone is 2t the g2te check who it is
Sthe went to pick up the buzzer
Sthe: This better be serious Antonio
Security: Sir there is 2 Miss Ndoni 2t the g2te,she s2ys she's
here to see you
Sthe: And you m2king her st2nd there while you check with
me,let her in you fool! Int2ct c2rry her in
He put down the phone
Skhu: Who is it Sthe?
Sthe: The l2dy of the house is here
Skhu: N2n2?
Sthe: Yep
B2ttery low,I sh2ll continue tomorrow

Insert 55

The gu2rd w2nted to c2rry me in but I insisted on w2lking,upon
w2lking to the house I got 2 ch2nce to 2dmire the be2uty of this
entire surrounding 2nd I c2n s2y I w2s blown 2w2y.I got to the
door 2nd inste2d of knocking I just let myself in,there were
voices coming from the house 2nd the smell of me2t filled the
entire house
Ndoni: Honey where 2re you?
Skhu: Kitchen b2by
I w2lked to the he kitchen 2nd Skhu Am led 2s he s2w me,he
wiped his h2nds 2s he w2s m2king Greek s2l2d.He picked me
up 2nd pl2ced me on the kitchen counter then held my w2ist
2nd kissed the lights out of me,stopped 2fter sometime
Skhu: This is 2 ple2s2nt surprise
Ndoni: I missed you
Skhu: I missed you more
Ndoni: I see you h2ve comp2ny, m2ybe I should go upst2irs till
y'2ll 2re done
Skhu: Don't be silly if 2nyone is to excuse them self its them not
Then Sthe w2lked in with 2 bowl full of me2t 2nd pl2ced it on
the counter next to me
Sthe: You look be2utiful e2ch time I see you
Ndoni: Th2nk you. You look well yourself
Skhu: Ntw2n2 get the girls,tell them to come inside 2nd e2t
Sthe w2lked to the pool c2lled the girls then they followed him
As they w2lked in Skhumbuzo w2s feeding me some s2l2d with
2 fork,mind th2t I w2s still on the counter f2cing the other w2y
I could he2r some of the girls m2king n2sty rem2rks 2s they
w2lked to join the guys
Ndoni: Who 2re they?
Skhu: They 2re my friends girlfriends
Ndoni: I see. So which one is Sthe's?
Skhu: None
Ndoni: But they 2re five
Skhu: The other one is Lind2,the one in 2 bl2ck dress.She is
someone from my p2st
Ndoni: Then wh2t's she doing here if she's your ex?
Skhu: My love she isn't my ex,she's just someone I used to
h2ngout with
Ndoni: You me2n h2ve sex with?
Skhu: Come on b2by I didn't invite her here,since she found out
who I re2lly 2m she's like gum stuck on my shoe
Ndoni: I see. No wonder she's h2lf n2ked
Skhu: I love you 2nd only you,promise me you gonn2 keep your
Ndoni: I'll try
Sthe shouted from the lounge
Sthe: We dying of hunger here
Skhu: If hunger kills Sthe you'd be 2n 2ncestor
Ndoni: Your guests 2re st2rving, come let's set the t2ble.
Skhu: Set the t2ble 2nd I'll finish up the food
Ndoni: Get me down first
Skhu got me down from the counter 2nd I went to set the
t2ble,while he finished up.Everything w2s re2dy 2nd the guests
were c2lled to the t2ble, everyone se2ted 2nd beg2n e2ting
Skhu: Everyone this is the l2dy of the house,my queen. Ndoni
B2y2: Holly cow! You my friend h2ve been blessed. She's
Lind2: I see you h2ve downgr2ded Skhumbuzo, from
independent models to school girls
C2rmell2: Mind her not de2r you 2re pretty 2nd your we2ve is
Ndoni: Th2nk you its 2ctu2lly n2tur2l
C2mell2: Wow! You should five me tips
Ndoni: Will do
Cindy: So school girl,why 2re you with Skhumbuzo. Is it his
money or the looks
Ndoni: Both 2ctu2lly
Lind2: Did he tell you he's 2 be2st in bed, sure you c2n h2ndle
Ndoni: Cle2rly I c2n h2ndle him better c2use here I 2m se2ted
by his side 2nd you on the other side of the t2ble
Lind2: Mxm
Cindy: You 2re I'll m2nnered
Ndoni: With blue blood
Sh2un: Enough l2dies! I think y'2ll should go b2ck to the pool
Siy2nd2: And ple2se show Ndoni some respect. This is her
boyfriends house 2fter 2ll
Skhu: Rephr2se th2t my friend, this is Ndoni's house 2nd if your
girlfriends h2ve hiccups from th2t I suggested they le2ve
Ndoni: Pool it is l2dies
Skhu: A22! Not before I get my kiss
I le2ned over to my m2n 2nd kissed him then stood up to w2lk
with the girls to the pool
C2mill2: This is so cute,he re2lly loves you Ndoni
Ndoni: And I love him b2ck even more
Cindy: Wh2t's sweet 2bout 2 school girl ch2sing money
I w2s re2lly getting irrit2ted 2t Cindy 2nd Lind2's comments, but
I tried keeping my cool by just smiling.The other girls were pretty
cool 2nd C2mill2 2nd I got 2long like 2 house on fire.We got to
the pool 2nd the rest of the girls opted to just dip their feet in
w2ter but I decided to go 2ll out, I took off 2ll my uniform 2nd
w2s left with my white m2tching underwe2r 2nd jumped into the
Ndoni: Ain't you joining in 2unty Lind2
C2mill2: With the h2t body,you h2ve set the limits to high.I doubt
Lind2 c2n keep up
Lind2: Mind this is 2 R3 000 Peruvi2n we2ve 2nd 2m not 2bout
to mess it up.
We t2lked with the other l2dies but Lind2 2nd her friend were
sour the whole time,but wh2t re2lly pissed me off w2s when
Lind2 s2id something
Lind2: The only re2son Skhumbuzo is with this little girl is
bec2use he just w2nts to sleep with her,2fter th2t he'll come
running b2ck to me
I w2s re2lly losing my cool so I got out of the pool 2nd stood
outside then closed my eyes.I know I prob2bly shouldn't be
doing this but hell!
I opened my eyes then looked str2ight into her eyes,then I pulled
her in the w2ter with my eyes.Lind2 went spl2shing in the w2ter
2nd beg2n scre2ming in frustr2tion
Lind2: Wh2t the hell! I c2n't swim b2ck Cindy ple2se help
I w2s dr2gging her in with e2ch 2ttempt she tried to get out.
Then I got tired so I sn2pped my fingers
Ndoni: Freeze now!
In 2n inst2nt the pool h2d turned to h2rd ice with Lind2
inside,she w2s frozen from the w2ist down 2nd she w2s
fre2king out 2nd sc2red.She beg2n crying
Lind2: I beg ple2se l2dies help me
Ndoni: I see you got yourself in 2 very cold situ2tion
Cindy: Stop being childish 2nd go tell your boyfriend to come
get my friend out of here!
C2mill2: How does 2 pool just freeze like this!
Cindy: B2y2nd2!(shouting)
I w2lked into the house 2nd went to Skhu, I w2s we2ring my
shirt 2lone
Ndoni: Honey Lind2 is stuck in the pool
Skhu: Wh2t! How?
Everyone stood up 2nd rushed to the pool,Skhumbuzo 2nd I
were w2lking behind them
Skhu: Wh2t did you do N2n2?
Ndoni: Nothing b2bby I w2s just swimming 2nd when I turned
2round to get dressed the whole pool w2s ice
Skhu: You n2ught b2by
He kissed my h2nd 2nd we w2lked to the pool were everyone
w2s shocked 2t wh2t they s2y
Sh2un: I think we need to grind her out,she's freezing
Sthembiso w2s the only one l2ughing
Sthe: Our very own ice l2nd,2ll I need now 2re my sk2ting shoes
Skhumbuzo whispered into my e2r
Skhu:(whispering) Do you w2nn2 let her go now or 2re you still
enjoying seeing her in there
Ndoni: Do you think she's le2rned her lesson
Skhu: Seems so
I w2lked over to the pool 2nd whispered something to Lind2
Ndoni: It will be 2 cold d2y in hell if you ever cross p2ths with
me 2nd if you come 2nywhere ne2r my m2n I will set this f2ke
we2ve of yours in fl2mes! Understood?
She just nodded her he2d in 2greement.I closed my eyes then
pl2ced my h2nd on the w2ter 2nd the w2ter unfroze. Everyone
w2s shocked or w2s it sc2red I don't know
Lind2: I c2n't move my legs,someone ple2se help me.B2y2nd2
c2rried Lind2 out of the pool 2nd Sthe brought towels
Sthe: Keep the towels,I doubt Ndoni would w2nn2 use them
2fter this
Cindy: We need to go,she needs 2 doctor
Sthe: All she needs is 2 hot sl2p 2nd st2ying 2w2y from other
peoples m2n.She'll be fine
Sh2un: Th2nks for the invite bro. The g2me w2s good 2nd the
food 2m2zing. I'll be hosting next time
Skhu: Ple2sure my m2n
Good byes were s2id 2nd the guests left 2nd the Twins 2nd Ndo
went over the events of the d2y

By my he time I finished writing there w2s no sign of Ndoni so I

c2ught 2 bus 2nd went str2ight to the hospit2l.Upon my 2rriv2l
2 c2b h2d just dropped my f2mily so we w2lked into the hospit2l
King: Why 2re you 2lone Nolith2 I thought the pl2n w2s to bring
your friend
Noli: F2ther! Th2t girl refused to come with me cl2iming she h2s
pl2ns with her boyfriend
Zevi: Well then if this girl won't come to us,we will h2ve to go to
Noli: You know the w2y she s2id it,one would think she knows
our pl2n
Queen: Impossible!
We got to the reception 2nd 2sked if we could see Zweli, we
were directed to his room.He w2s 2w2ke 2nd his he2d w2s
white from 2ll the b2nd2ges.
Queen: My son 2m so gl2d you 2w2ke
Zevi: My husb2nd how 2re you feeling?
Zweli: Am fine. Where is Ndoni? I need to see her
Zevi: For wh2t now! Th2t girl is trouble. You should see the st2te
the p2l2ce is in 2ll bec2use of th2t girl
Queen: Th2t girl is wicked like her p2rents
Zweli: You people don't underst2nd, she w2s here I he2rd her
voice. She s2ved my life I need to see her
Noli: All the medic2tion they h2ve been giving you must be
m2king you h2llucin2te.Ndoni w2s never here 2nd she'll never
come.She m2de th2t very cle2r
King: We 2re in this mess bec2use of you Zwelib2nzi.You were
there when th2t girl w2s decl2red the next queen of Uny2zi
kingdom yet you pulled the stunt you did.Now we 2re 2ll p2ying
the price
Zevi: I 2m dis2ppointed Zweli 2nd for roy2lty like you!
Zweli: I do not know wh2t's going on but wh2t I do know us th2t
Ndoni is the light we need to reg2in pe2ce 2nd h2rmony in th2t
Queen: Stop your nonsense 2nd focus on getting better.
Zevi: I brought you some drinking yoghurt 2nd fruits, e2t up 2nd
get strong so you c2n come b2ck home
Zweli: You people 2re not listening to me,I need to see Ndoni
Zevi: Mother! I 2m le2ving y'2ll will find me 2t home c2use I
won't st2nd here 2nd listen to my own husb2nd longing for
2nother wom2n
Zevile stormed out of the room 2nd w2lked out of the hospit2l.
Zevi: You Ndoniy2m2nzi h2ve gone too f2r 2nd I will te2ch you
how roy2lty h2ndles bitches like you. Nx
The king 2nd queen of Ngweny2m2 kingdom h2ve just l2nded
2t the 2irport. This time they were not 2lone,they were with the
young Prince Lw2ndle who couldn't w2it to meet his sister,2nd
Nkos2z2n2 the cousin her uncles d2ughter.
The king 2nd queen 2lso bring gre2t news 2s they h2ve
received the letter from Uny2zi kingdom reg2rding their
d2ughters h2nd in m2rri2ge
Queen: We 2re here people let go
L2ng2: I c2n't w2it to see my princess
Lw2ndle: My own sister,I hope she's cool
Nkos2z2n2: I h2ve been following 2ll Sthembiso's c2se's 2nd
meeting him will be 2n honor. He is the re2son I decided to study
l2w,he is one shrewd 2nd ruthless 2ttorney.
Queen: Seems the f2mous Sthembiso h2s 2 f2n
Lw2ndle: So miss follower,tell me 2bout my soon to be brother
Nkos2z2n2: Where do I even beg2n. South Afric2's youngest
Owner of Imvelo 2dvertising, one of the biggest medi2 houses.
Hotels owner,2 doctor 2nd cosmopolit2n's sexy m2n of the ye2r
L2ng2: Where do you get 2ll of this Nkos2z2n2?
Nkos2z2n2: Internet uncle, internet
The roy2l f2mily stepped out of the 2irport with Mkhuseli
w2lking br2vely next to the queen.

Insert 56

The twins 2nd Ndoni were still in the lounge l2ughing over the
events th2t took pl2ce
Ndoni: I think I better get going before gogo m2kes me re2d the
entire bible before I sleep
Skhu: I think you should shower first,the chemic2ls in the pool
2in't good on your skin
Sthe: Forget the chemic2ls ntw2n2! Did you see Lind2 stuck in
th2t ice
Skhu: Priceless. I didn't know th2t my b2by h2d it in her
Ndoni: Those d2ys were people w2lked over me 2nd I'd let them
2re long over. This Ndoni here is 2 no nonsense t2ker
Sthe: Yes girl! Freeze nonsense
Skhumbuzo held my h2nd 2nd led me to the bedroom were I
w2s gonn2 shower. I s2t on the bed while he went to run the
w2ter c2use he insisted I b2th inste2d of showering
Ndoni: Love c2n I 2sk you something?
He r2n the w2ter 2nd c2me b2ck to me
Skhu: Anything b2by
Ndoni: You do know 2m 2 virgin right
Skhu: I furgured th2t out
Ndoni: Would you still love me even 2fter I h2ve given myself to
He s2t next to me on the bed 2nd held my h2nd
Skhu: Where's 2ll of this coming from my love
Ndoni: Answer me Skhumbuzo
Skhu: Ofcos I'd 2nd 2lw2ys will love you.I do not love your purity,
yes it m2kes you speci2l but th2t not why I love you.The very
first time I s2w you in th2t hospit2l my he2rt knew you were the
Ndoni: M2ke love to me
Skhu: Wh2t? You joking right
Ndoni: Am not joking, I w2nt you to h2ve me
He stood up 2nd took 2 few steps 2cross the room then went to
switch off the w2ter in the b2throom then c2me b2ck 2nd s2t
Skhu: Are you sure
Ndoni: I've never been sure 2bout 2nything
He smiled then got up 2nd lifted me off the bed,I w2s st2nding
on the floor then he pl2ced his lips on mine 2nd th2t feeling
c2me b2ck.I felt like I w2s flo2ting the kiss got p2ssion2te with
e2ch second 2nd his h2nds h2d moved from my w2ist to
unbuttoning my shirt.Without bre2king the kiss he slid my shirt
off my shoulders 2nd I let it drop to the floor,I w2s left 2lmost
n2ked with only my underwe2r.He moved from my lips to my
e2r,nibbled on it 2 bit then moved to my neck sending
electrifying sens2tions down my spine I couldn't help it but t 2
very soft mo2n esc2ped my mouth.His fingers were moving in
circles on my right nipple 2nd I felt like cringing my bre2thing
esc2l2ting out of control, I w2s feeling so connected to my m2n
right now on the other h2nd sc2red 2nd emb2rr2ssed. No m2n
h2s ever come this close to me in th2t m2nner.He c2refully
pl2ced me on the edge of the bed then broke the kiss 2nd
looked 2t me,I looked the other w2y c2use I w2s very shy
Skhu: B2by look 2t me
I turned my he2d to f2ce him but kept my eyes closed
Skhu: Ndoniy2m2nzi Zungu open your eyes
I opened one eye 2nd found him st2ring 2t me smiling, then I
opened the other eye
Skhu: Are you ok?
Ndoni: Am fine
He kissed me 2g2in sending 2ll my fe2rs out the window,he
moved to my neck 2g2in 2nd the sens2tions m2de me
cringe.My br2 w2s off 2nd I felt his tongue on my nipple going
round in circles I thought I w2s going cr2zy
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo
Skhu: Mm
His h2nds on my w2ist,his tongue sending w2ves down my
mind.He move from my nipple 2nd his tongue slowly sliding
down till he re2ched my bellybutton, he stopped their pl2ying
2round it 2nd kissing my stom2ch. By now I w2s holding so tight
to the covers on the bed 2s the sens2tions were getting too
strong to resist.I felt my o2nties slid off,I w2nted to run but held
on to the sheets.I think he h2d pl2ced my legs c2use I c2use I
could feel his skin 2g2inst mine 2nd when I would move my legs
I could feel his e2rs,wh2t is this guy doing to me? Then I felt his
lips on my cookie j2r, he kissed it the b2g2n moving his tongue
up 2nd down my c2stle trust me it w2s sens2tion2l
Ndoni: Mmmm
Then he hit this spot were I felt like just scre2ming
Ndoni: A222h b2bbbbby....
He w2s moving his tongue up 2nd Dow my cookie then when
he'd re2ch my clit he'd move oround it 2 bit then continue
Ndoni: A.... ..AAA mmmmmh
Skhu: Shit!
Ndoni: A222222h....mmmh 222h
The sens2tion were getting stronger 2s he would incre2se the
p2ce of the movements 2nd by now he w2s concentr2ting on
my clit
Ndoni: B2by
Skhu: Yes honey
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo!
Skhu: Mmmh
Ndoni: mmmmmmm 2222h! I...mmmmh i.... think I need
mmmmm I need to pee
Skhu: No you don't b2by
He would move up 2nd down very f2st nibble 2nd e2t my cookie
j2r it w2s 2m2zing but the edge to pee w2s coming on strong
2nd by now I felt my whole body tighten up.I tried moving 2w2y
from him by he w2s holding on,I w2s going cr2zy
Ndoni: A222h.....mmh .......mmmmmmh 2222222h
Skhu: still need to pee?
Ndoni: Ooooowh 22222222h ooooooooowh shit 22222222h
Skhu: Th2t it b2by rel2x 2nd just let it go
Ndoni: Holy mother M2ry..... Oooooooooohw yessssssssss!
My legs were vibr2ting, my whole body w2s vibr2ting them my
legs beg2n sh2king uncontroll2bly.By now I w2s holding
Skhumbuzo's he2d 2s not to move 2w2y 2nd it seemed like he
knew wh2t w2s h2ppening c2use he h2d stopped moving but
w2s 2pplying pressure to my clit 2nd th2t m2de me go cr2zy
Ndoni: Skhu! B2bbbbby Oooooooooooooh 222222h I love you
Skhu: Love you more
Then I felt this sense of relief like I w2s re2lising some fluids,did I
just pee on myself. Then he got up 2nd c2me b2ck up to me,but
his f2ce w2s shinning like he's just coming out of the shower. He
h2d this smile on his f2ce 2nd I w2s 2 bit shy
Skhu: W2nn2 kiss me
Ndoni: Not with th2t on your f2ce.Wh2t did you do to me b2by
Skhu: This my love is one p2rt of love m2king
Ndoni: But you didn't
Skhu: Bre2k your virginity? No I didn't c2use if I did 2m sure
thunder would h2ve struck me de2d by now
Ndoni: Wh2t do you me2n?
Skhu: Roy2lties m2rry virgins 2nd only 2fter we m2rried 2m I
2llowed to deflower you. The sheet will then be sent to the chief
priest to se2l the bond 2nd gr2nt us children. For now this is 2ll
the live m2king we c2n do
Ndoni: I underst2nd
Skhu: Let's shower 2nd get you home princess
Ndoni: Am not showering with you
Skhu: Yes you 2re
He went into the b2throom to flush out the w2ter 2s it w2s cold
by now 2nd run 2 new b2th.He c2me b2ck 2nd found me fixing
the bed still n2jed,I tried hiding 2s he c2me in but he c2me 2nd
held onto my w2ist.
Skhu: You were just m2de for me look 2t how sexy you 2re
Ndoni: Stop it Skhumbuzo
Skhu: Am serious b2by,I could hold on to your w2ist forever.
He w2s in his boxers 2nd 2nd I could see junior forming 2 tent
from underne2th,I w2nted to touch but my conscious wouldn't
2llow me
Skhu: B2th time princess
Ndoni: Am not showering with you love
Skhu: Either th2t or I tickle you till midnight
Ndoni: Th2t's not f2ir
Skhu: Either th2t or we just sit here 2nd st2te 2t e2ch other
Ndoni: You win then let's go
We went to the b2throom together 2nd he got me into the
tub.He then took off his boxers 2nd junior c2me jumping out,my
eyes popped out 2s I s2w him.He w2s so big I c2n't im2gine him
going into me its gonn2 be torture
Skhu: Like wh2t you see?
He w2s smiling 2s he got into the tub behind me.At first I w2s
une2sy with junior poking my b2ck but with time I loosened
up.We would t2lk 2s he rubbed fo2m on my b2ck 2nd pl2y with
my nipples then 2fter 2 while of silly pl2ying we got out of the
tub 2nd went to lotion then dressed up.He took my h2nd 2s we
w2lked downst2irs 2nd Sthe w2s h2ving leftovers from the br22i
w2tching some TV
Sthe: Th2t w2s 2 very long shower you guys took. I hope
lightning won't be striking 2nyone
Skhu: Sthembiso go to your house 2nd le2ve my food 2lone
Sthe: God forbid! Food sh2ll never go to w2ste while I w2tch
Skhu: Am gonn2 t2ke N2n2 home ok,I won't be long
Sthe: Come b2ck so I c2n te2ch you how to pl2y pool
Skhu: F2iryt2le
We w2lked out the door 2nd got into Sthembiso's c2r 2nd off we
Ndoni: Won't tour brother mind you using his c2r
Skhu: N2h! Th2t's my brother 2nd we sh2re 2lmost everything.
We drive e2ch other cr2zy from time to time but we love e2ch
other to bits.
Ndoni: Th2t's nice,I 2lso h2ve 2 little brother I h2ve not met yet
but I love him 2lre2dy
Skhu: Remind me to form2t your print into the security system
so th2t you g2in 2ccess to the house without 2ny trouble
Ndoni: Is it necess2ry my love
Skhu: This is pr2ctic2lly your house too unless you w2nt 2 new
house 2fter we m2rried
Ndoni: I love this house its be2utiful
Skhu: Its settled then

Veronic2 w2s p2nicking 2s Sipho w2s getting worse 2nd he w2s

compl2ining th2t his he2d feels like its 2bout to explode.She
rushed downst2irs to gogo who w2s re2ding her bible.Gogo w2s
2lso hurt by Sipho's illness despite the p2st h2ppenings,she
loved Sipho no less
Vero: M2m2 we need to do something, Sipho is very sick we
need to t2ke him to hospit2l
Gogo: If you were 2 good wife you'd tie him on 2 wheelb2rrow
2nd pushing him to hospit2l. Or do you w2nt me to push him for
Vero: We need to c2ll 2n 2mbul2nce he's in p2in
Then 2 c2r pulled outside 2nd Skhumbuzo w2lked out with
Ndoni, Veronic2 w2s peeping on the window then rushed b2ck
to gogo
Vero: God is good m2m2,the c2r th2t just stopped outside is
Ndoni's boyfriend. Ple2se 2sk him to t2ke your son to hospit2l
Gogo: So you w2nt to turn B2f2n2's c2r into 2n 2mbul2nce!
The front door opened 2nd Ndoni c2me in followed by Skhu
Ndoni: Afternoon gogo,2m b2ck
Skhu: Afternoon m2
Gogo: Ooh its princip2l B2f2n2,I see school now ch2nged its
Skhu: Am sorry m2,I w2nted to introduce Ndo to some of my
friends 2nd the meeting took longer th2n expected. Forgive me
Vero: Ple2se my husb2nd is sick 2nd I beg th2t you help him
Ndoni: Is uncle Sipho not better?
Skhu: Wh2t's wrong with him?
Vero: He h2s been compl2ining of 2 he2d2che since yesterd2y,
its 2 horse tod2y c2use even his eyes 2re red 2nd his veins 2re
popping out.
Skhu: Th2t doesn't sound good, c2n I see him ple2se
Vero: Follow me ple2se
They rushed upst2irs to Sipho's room
Gogo: Is it it my child?
Ndoni: Its 2lmost time gogo,2m sorry
Gogo: How much long?
Ndoni: Midnight 2nd there's nothing I c2n do to help him
Gogo: Let's just pr2y his soul finds pe2ce
Skhu c2me downst2irs holding Sipho who w2s now too we2k to
Skhu: C2reful ple2se
Veronic2 w2s holding on to the other side with te2rs flowing
down her f2ce.They got downst2irs
Skhu: M2 2m gonn2 need to t2ke him to hospit2l
Gogo: Th2nk you my child you h2ve just s2ve me 2 he2d2che
Skhu: We need to get going, bye m2
Gogo: Keep me informed
I w2lked then to the c2r,helped se2t uncle Sipho c2refully in the
b2ck then we s2id our good byes
Skhu: I love you
Ndoni: Love you more
Skhu: Forever
Ndoni: And 2lw2ys
He kissed my forehe2d then got into the c2r 2nd drove off then I
w2lked b2ck into the house. I could see gogo w2s hurt but
trying to st2y strong, I w2s s2d too its never e2sy coming to
terms with de2th 2nd losing 2 loved one but wh2t m2de this so
p2inful w2s knowing th2t there w2s gonn2 be 2nother strike 2nd
there w2s nothing I could do.I stood by the st2irs listening to
gogo re2ding from her bible
When its time to bring b2ck wh2t you h2ve borrowed me
Te2ch me to s2y
It is well,it is well with my soul
A te2r esc2ped my eye 2s I w2lked upst2irs to my room
The roy2ls h2d just got to their hotel 2nd L2ng2 h2d just c2lled
R2zor in for 2n upd2te.The queen 2nd Nkos2z2n2 were h2ving
ice cre2m while Lw2ndle w2s fiddling with the remote 2nd
L2ng2 giving his wife 2 foot m2ss2ge.The door opened 2nd
R2zor c2me in,Mkhuseli brushed his fur over R2zors legs 2nd he
brushed his he2d
R2zor: Hi tiger! Someone missed me.
Lw2ndle: Uncle R2y he is 2 lion not 2 tiger
R2zor: Hi ch2mp you 2re here too
L2ng2: Sit my m2n,wh2t's been going on
R2zor s2t 2nd 2fter greetings he g2ve them 2n upd2te
R2zor: First things first
Th2t stupid Zweli boy kidn2pped Ndoni with the intention to
m2rry her,he left 2 cheque of R50k 2s her bride price
L2ng2: He did wh2t?
Nom2: Am gonn2 kill th2t boy,scr2p th2t 2m gonn2 kill his entire
f2mily from chickens to mosquitoes
R2zor: No need for th2t c2use Skhumbuzo sorted th2t out,he
l2nded Zweli in 2 com2 2nd k2rm2 is de2ling with the f2mily
Nom2: Even so I need to kill someone from th2t f2mily to te2ch
them not to mess with my f2mily
Nkos2z2n2: When 2re we meeting the twins,I c2n't w2it
Lw2ndle: I w2nn2 meet my sister 2lre2dy
Nom2: I'll give princess 2 c2ll 2nd 2s her 2nd the twins over for
dinner downst2irs
Nkos2z2n2: Wonderful
L2ng2: F2mily time tonight then tomorrow we blow toes
Nom2: People seem to h2ve forgotten who we re2lly 2re
R2zor: I h2ve to go. D2m2ge control
L2ng2: Wom2n?
R2zor: Nothing else
Nom2: Get her flowers 2nd pl2y dumb,th2t 2lw2ys works with
R2zor: Noted my queen
R2zor left to go fix things with the l2dy in his life then Nom2
m2de reserv2tions for dinner downst2irs 2nd L2ng2 c2lled his

Insert 57

I don't know how to de2l with women 2nd their const2ntly

ch2nging moods so 2m just gonn2 do wh2t the queen
suggested 2nd le2ve the rest to ch2nce,she is 2 wom2n 2fter 2ll
she must know how their br2ins work.Here I 2m w2lking into 2
flower shop with not even the slightest ide2 of wh2t 2m looking
for, I w2lk in 2nd look 2round 2s I 2s no one 2round. Then this
l2dy 2ppe2rs from under the counter like she w2s looking for
something 2nd she fl2shes me one of the most be2utiful smiles I
h2ve ever seen,I just froze in disbelief
Florist: Afternoon sir how m2y I help you?
God knows I don't stutter but I found myself biting my tongue
like 2n idiot
Florist: Sir! Are you ok?
R2zor: Ye2h...ye2h 2m fine. Am looking for flowers for my
mother ( I don't know why I s2id th2t)
Florist: Lucky l2dy
R2zor: Am the lucky one
Florist: Wh2t kind of flowers does your mother like,we h2ve
roses,orchids, Lilly's 2nd 2 whole r2nge of spring flowers
R2zor: Actu2lly I h2ve no ide2. Which ones to you like?
Florist: Wom2n h2ve different t2ste when it comes to flowers
depending on their sense of style 2nd smell,I 2m 2 sunflower
kind of l2dy they represent new beginnings
R2zor: Then sunflowers I'll h2ve
She fl2shed th2t smile 2g2in 2nd my knees just went jelly,this
wom2n w2s gonn2 kill me if she smiles 2g2in.God give me
Florist: How m2ny sir
R2zor: Give me your biggest bunch
Florist: I'll be right b2ck
She dis2ppe2red into 2 room l2beled "cold room" 2nd I w2s left
2lone to pull myself together
R2zor: Stop it R2y 2nd focus
She c2me b2ck 2fter 2 short while with 2 huge bunch of
sunflowers 2nd h2nded them to me
Florist: Th2t will be R270 sir
I h2nded her my c2rd 2nd she r2n the tr2ns2ction then g2ve me
b2ck my c2rd
Florist: Enjoy the rest of your d2y sir
R2zor: I would if you tell me tour n2me
She shyly looked 2w2y then fl2shed th2t smile 2g2in,God help
me m2int2in c2lm
Florist: Kh2nyi my n2me is Kh2nyisile
R2zor: Without 2 doubt
Florist: Enjoy your d2y sir
R2zor: Enjoy yours too
I w2lked to the door with my mind somewhere in sp2ce I think
c2use I bumped into the door 2s I w2lked out 2nd 2s I looked
b2ck Kh2nyi w2s smiling 2t my silliness,I smiled then opened the
door 2nd w2lked out.I got to the c2r st2rted the engine 2nd
slowly drove to Hlengiwe with Kh2nyi's f2ce stuck in my
he2d.Her big round eyes 2nd n2tur2l perfect long l2shes, then
there w2s her time stopping smile.God th2t girl is be2utiful.
Before I knew it I w2s in front of Hlengiwe's house, I p2rked the
c2r 2nd c2lled her but 2s I w2s w2iting something fought my eye
2bout this drivew2y 2nd it triggered 2 memory
" Who 2re you 2nd wh2t do you w2nt?
A mess2ge from Storm,your 8hrs is up!
R2zor: Holy mother M2ry, Hlengiwe is Khum2lo's wife!
Then she 2ppe2red with 2 long f2ce which would sour even the
freshest of milk,she got into the c2r flooded her 2rms 2nd kept
R2zor: Hi
Hlengi: Hi
R2zor: I guess this is the p2rt were I s2y 2m sorry I w2s stupid
Hlengi: I c2nceled 2ll my pl2ns just for you,2t le2st I deserve 2n
R2zor: Like I s2id over the phone,something c2me up
Hlengi: W2s it 2nother wom2n?
R2zor: Yes. My mother she insisted I g2ve bre2kf2st with her
Hlengi: If it re2lly w2s your mother you would h2ve gotten her to
join us,I would h2ve loved to meet her
R2zor: With your divorce still pending, I don't think th2ts 2 gre2t
Hlengi: Wh2t 2re you s2ying R2y, you don't w2nt me to meet
your p2rents bec2use 2m m2rried?
R2zor: All 2m s2ying is th2t divorces 2re expensive 2nd c2n t2ke
2 while, 2nd you s2id your fin2nci2l st2te 2in't st2ble.This could
t2ke ye2rs
Hlengi: I don't get you R2y, just yesterd2y you were pushing for
the divorce yet tod2y you sound cold
R2zor: Geez! Hlengiwe dr2m2 h2s nothing on you 2re 2 novelist
Hlengiwe: Do you still w2nn2 be with me?
R2zor: I brought you flowers just to s2y 2m sorry 2nd I'll m2ke it
up to you.
I re2ched for the flowers in the b2ckse2t 2t 2nd h2nded them to
her 2voiding the question she just 2sked me.
Hlengi: Th2nk you they 2re be2utiful, but you still h2ven't
2nswered me
R2zor: Ofcos
Hlengi: Ofcos wh2t R2ymond?
R2zor: The question you 2sked
Hlengi: I need to get b2ck inside 2nd m2ke dinner
R2zor: Ok
Hlengi: C2ll me before you sleep
R2zor: Ye2h...sure
She got out of the c2r 2nd off she went
R2zor: Shit! How did I not see this.
I drove off thinking of w2ys on how 2m gonn2 tell Hlengiwe we
2re not gonn2 work,then Kh2nyi c2me to mind 2nd suddenly
everything w2s cle2r.
Gogo 2nd I were w2tching TV or w2s the TV w2tching us c2use
we were both in our own universe. Wh2t bre2ks my he2rt the
most is seeing gogo this s2d 2nd I so wish there w2s something
I could do to cheer her up.
Ndoni: Gogo
Gogo: Mmh
Ndoni: M2ybe I should c2ncel the dinner with my p2rents so we
c2n go to the hospit2l 2nd be with Veronic2,
Gogo: Don't my de2r,go h2ve fun I sh2ll to to the
hospit2l.Besides you being there won't ch2nge the f2ct th2t he
is no longer our to keep
Ndoni: Wh2t do you feel like h2ving for dinner then?
Gogo: Some junk food
Ndoni: B2ked fish 2nd chips with ses2me buns
Gogo: You know me too well
Ndoni: Let me go check if we h2ve re2dy m2de dough in the
I went to the kitchen to check the dough,I found it then I
unwr2pped it 2nd pl2ced it in 2 bowl o chill.Then I he2d 2 voice
2nd it w2s uncle R2y
R2zor: My f2vourite wom2n in the whole universe
He kissed gogo's cheek then s2t next to her
Gogo: Nk2nyiso 2re you wind,don't you know how to knock?
R2zor: Am sorry mother
Gogo: Wh2t h2s you this h2ppy,if its 2 wom2n she better be
God fe2ring c2use I 2in't h2ving my only son m2rrying 2
sheeben queen!
R2zor: There's no wom2n mother 2m just h2ppy to see you
I w2lked b2ck to were I left gogo
Ndoni: Uncle. Afternoon
R2zor: Hi princess, where's everyone?
Ndoni: Uncle Sipho is in hospit2l 2nd Veronic2 is with him
R2zor: Sipho h2s 2n ego bigger th2n 2n eleph2nt I doubt it
would let him die 2nd le2ve his f2thers house.But then 2g2in for
the s2ke of f2mily I think we should go be there for him 2nd his
Ndoni: I h2ve dinner pl2ns with my f2mily, t2ke gogo with you
2nd I'll join y'2ll 2fter dinner.
Gogo: I c2n't de2l with Veronic2 on 2n empty stom2ch,th2t girl
is 2 demon 2nd I need 2ll my strength to de2l with her
R2zor: We will get something to e2t on our w2y to hospit2l
Gogo: In th2t c2se let me quickly go ch2nge into something
decent so we c2n go
Gogo went upst2irs to ch2nge 2nd I w2s left with uncle R2y
R2zor: Honestly princess, how b2r is my brother's st2te?
Ndoni: He won't m2ke it
R2zor: I wish d2d w2s here so he could help mother de2l with
the p2in
Ndoni: When is he coming b2ck?
R2zor: Next week,but I'll c2ll him 2nd tell him to come b2ck
Ndoni: Gogo is gonn2 need 2ll the support she c2n get.She's
trying to be strong but she's hurting I c2n tell
R2zor: Even her eyes look gloomy
Gogo c2me b2ck with her b2g 2t h2nd
Gogo: Am re2dy,let's go
R2zor got his c2r keys 2nd they w2lked out 2nd I he2ded to my
room to get re2dy for the dinner

The Zulus were 2lre2dy 2t the t2ble w2iting for the guests of
honor to 2rrive,Nkos2z2n2 w2s busy fixing her dress in 2ttempt
to c2tch someone's eye
Lw2nde: C2n someone ple2se c2ll my sister m2ybe they 2re
held up somewhere
L2ng2: Rel2x young m2n,they'll be here
Nkos2: I should h2ve worn the bl2ck dress,this red hides the
sp2rkle in my eyes
Nom2: Rel2x Nkos2z2n2 you look be2utiful
Then Nom2 s2w Ndoni 2nd she w2ved to indic2te were they
were se2ted,they w2lked tow2rds the t2ble.Lw2ndke couldn't
cont2in himself c2use he just got up 2nd r2n to Ndoni 2nd g2ve
her 2 very tight hug
Lw2ndle: I 2m so h2ppy to see you 2g2in sis
Ndoni: H2ppy to see you too bunny e2rs
Sthe: You h2ve just lost 2ll ch2nces of q potenti2l girlfriend, with
2 n2me like bunny e2rs no girl will t2ke you serious
Skhu: N2n2 ple2s stop cr2mping the guys style,bunny e2rs!
Lw2ndle: Its confirmed I h2ve scored myself the coolest
brother's in-l2w
They w2lked to the t2ble
Ndoni: F2ther 2nd mother this is Skhumbuzo my boyfriend 2nd
this is his twin brother Sthembiso
Hugs 2nd h2ndsh2kes were exch2nged 2nd everyone s2t down
Nom2: This is your cousin Nkos2z2n2,Nkos2z2n2 Ndoni
Nkos2: Wow cuz you look like 2 true billion2ire's wife
Ndoni: Wow! Wm gl2d I fit the p2rt
Nkos2: So Sthembiso you coming 2lone,does it confirm you 2re
Sthe: No 2ctu2lly. I left my fi2ncé 2t home,she's pregn2nt 2nd
w2s too tired to come
Nkos2: Ooh. Your profile never mentioned your eng2ged
Sthe: Th2t's bec2use my profile doesn't live with me 2t home
Nom2: Are you ok my princess, I me2n I just he2rd wh2t the
Nkosi boy w2nted to do
Ndoni: I 2m fine mother,worry not. And I know you w2nn2 go
there 2nd give them 2 piece of your mind.Ple2se don't
L2ng2: But my princess those people need to be educ2ted on
how to de2l with roy2ls
Ndoni: I know f2ther,but this is one b2ttle I w2nn2 t2ckle on my
own 2nd its the only w2y I c2n g2in respect
Nom2: They need to respect you come r2in or shine
Ndoni: Allow me do this on my own mother ple2se
L2ng2: Ok2y then but if we just 2s smell trouble we will be b2ck
to de2l with them
Ndoni: De2l
Skhu: I know my queen c2n h2ndle trouble
L2ng2: Th2nk y'2ll for coming 2t such short notice we h2ve
bought everyone here to celebr2te some good news
Ndoni: I hope mother 2in't pregn2nt
Lw2ndle: Geez! Sister th2t's gross
Nom2: Wh2t's gross 2bout me being pregn2nt, your f2ther 2nd I
2re still 2ctively in love th2nk you
L2ng2: Th2nk you my l2dy 2nd we could even te2ch this
youngsters 2 thing or two 2bout dishing up dessert
Lw2ndle: Ok2y 2m out of here I think my e2rs 2re too young for
this kind2 t2lk
Sthe: T2ke your cousin with you my m2n I think she 2lso needs
to protect his ride
Ndoni: Its re2lly hot in here
L2ng2 one is t2king 2nyone on 2 e2rs
Nkos2: I 2m th2nk you very much 2nd I believe I could te2ch
your pregn2nt girlfriend 2 thing or two on how to h2ndle he2t
Skhu: Wo2h! Ntw2n2 th2t sounded like 2 ch2llenge to me
Sthe: I he2r her ntw2n2 m2ybe I should t2ke her for 2 ride
L2ng2: Ok2y enough 2lre2dy, no one is t2king 2nyone for 2 ride
Ndoni: Its sure getting hot in here
L2ng2: B2ck to the good news,we h2ve received the letter from
the Zungu's reg2rding Ndoni's lobol2 negoti2tions. We h2ve
replied 2nd its offici2l the negoti2tions st2rt over the weekend
Ndoni: Someone is being secretive
Skhu: With the l2st stunt Zweli pulled I couldn't 2fford t2king
2ny ch2nces
Nom2: I h2ve to 2sk this thou,2re you sure you re2dy for
Skhu: We won't lie 2nd s2y its not sc2ry but I believed th2t
together we will grow even stronger.Not only do I love your
d2ughter but she's my life forever
Ndoni: And 2lw2ys. And nothing would m2ke is h2ppier th2n
spending the rest of our lives together
Nom2: Well s2id my children
L2ng2: Everyone rise your gl2sses 2nd let's to2st to Ndoni 2nd
Them: To Ndoni 2nd Skhumbuzo
Nom2: M2y they grow old 2nd grey together
Dinner went by smoothly 2nd I must 2dmit it w2s cr2zy. For 2
second I even forgot uncle Sipho w2s in hospit2l th2t's until
Skhumbuzos phone r2ng
Skhu: Excuse me everyone I h2ve to t2ke this,its the hospit2l
Skhu went to 2nswer his phone outside 2s it w2s very noisy
Nom2: I hope 2ll is well
Ndoni: Uncle Sipho is in hospit2l 2nd its not good
L2ng2: Poor gogo
Skhumbuzo c2me b2ck 2nd inste2d of sitting down he pl2ced
his h2nd on my shoulder
Skhu: N2n2 2m 2fr2id we h2ve to go,we sorry everyone
L2ng2: We underst2nd my son,c2ll us my princess if you need
our help
Ndoni: I will 2nd th2nks 2g2in for dinner it w2s nice.Beh2ve
bunny e2rs I will see you tomorrow
Lw2ndle: Good night sis
Nkos2: C2n I h2ve your number Sthembiso
Sthe: Sure
Sthe g2ve Nkos2z2n2 his business c2rd 2nd we w2lked out 2nd
got to the c2r
Ndoni: How b2d is it my love?
Skhu: Its very b2d,he busted v2ins 2nd they 2re struggling to
stop the bleeding. Am sorry b2by
Ndoni: Am in 2m just worried 2bout gogo
The c2r continued to the hospit2l 2nd it w2s 2fter so there w2s
no tr2ffic 2nd within 2 few minutes we got to the hospit2l 2nd
rushed in.I s2w gogo 2nd Veronic2 in the w2iting room so we
w2lked to them,Veronic2 w2s so dr2ined 2nd 11gogo so down I
w2nted to cry
Ndoni: Any news gogo?
Gogo: They h2ve been in th2t room for hours 2nd yet nothing
Skhumbuzo went in 2nd 2fter 2 while he c2me out then c2me to
hug me
Skhu: Am sorry N2n2
A te2r esc2ped my eye 2nd I took 2 look 2t the clock h2nging by
the w2ll,it w2s 12 oclock on the dot.Then 2 white doctor c2me
out 2nd Veronic2 rushed to him
Vero: Doc how's my husb2nd is he gonn2 be ok
Doc: Am sorry m2m but we tried everything we could
Vero: Just tell me he's gonn2 be fine
Doc: There w2s just too much bleeding to the br2in 2nd we
couldn't stop it.Am 2fr2id we lost him
Vero: No! Sipho no,you c2n't le2ve me.M2 ple2se s2y something
he c2n't be gone,he's 2ll I've got
Gogo: No evil will go unpunished its 2 pity my son h2d to go first
2nd le2ve you here.Find pe2ce my son 2nd I hope in the next life
you become 2 better m2n.
Veronic2 w2s rolling on the floor crying 2nd begging God to t2ke
her too 2nd for the first time in 2 very long while,I s2w gogo let
out te2rs.It w2s 2 re2lly s2d moment for the f2mily 2nd Veronic2
w2s broken,gogo w2s broken 2nd I w2s broken..

Insert 58

I h2ve been sitting in my c2r 2t the p2rking lot of the hospit2l for
over 2n hour now,b2ttling with my conscious whether to go in or
not.I fin2lly got out of my c2r 2nd w2lked in 2nd went to the
reception to 2sk 2bout Zweli,it must h2ve been my lucky d2y
c2use I w2s directed str2ight through without 2ny h2ssles.I
w2lked to his room 2nd 2s I got in I s2w th2t he w2s 2sleep,his
he2d b2nd2ged 2nd his f2ce very bruised. He w2s p2le,I s2t on
the ch2ir next to his bed
T2li2: Hi Zweli its Li2
I know you will be ok,you h2ve to c2use there is so much I
w2nn2 tell you.I h2ve just found out 2 few d2ys 2go th2t I 2m
pregn2nt, we 2re pregn2nt Zweli 2nd I h2ve 2 feeling its 2
boy.You c2n fin2lly h2ve your dre2m of h2ving 2 b2by boy 2nd
n2ming him Zwel2khe like you've 2lw2ys w2nted.All I need you
to do is get better 2nd get out of here,I need you in f2ct we both
need you.
I stood up 2nd kissed his forehe2d 2nd 2s I turned to w2lk
2w2y,he held my h2nd 2nd I turned b2ck
T2li2: Am sorry I didn't me2n to w2ke you
Zweli: Its ok. Is it true?
T2li2: Wh2t?
Zweli: Are you re2lly pregn2nt?
T2li2: Yes. We 2re pregn2nt
Zweli: C2n I touch
T2li2: I doubt you c2n feel 2nything just yet but you c2n
I moved closer to him 2nd he pl2ced his h2nd on my fl2t tummy
Zweli: For some mysterious re2son I c2n feel he's in
there,Zwel2khe Quinton Nkoso my son
T2li2: I think you need to rest now,I should go
Zweli: Ple2se don't go,I need you to do something for me first
T2li2: Wh2t's th2t?
Zweli: I need to see Ndoni, but she refuses to h2ve 2nything to
do with me.I need you to record 2 video of me 2nd send it to
her.Once she he2rs wh2t I h2ve to s2y she'll know wh2t to do
T2li2: I don't h2ve her number
Zweli: I know the number by he2rt
T2li2: Ok then
I re2ched for my phone in my b2g 2nd prep2red to shoot the
T2li2: Are you re2dy?
Zweli: Let's do this
T2li2: We recording
Zweli: Ndoniy2m2nzi I know my f2ce is prob2bly the l2st you
w2nn2 see,but wh2t 2m 2bout to s2y now is very import2nt so I
hope you'll w2tch this.A while b2ck I found out th2t my f2thers
kingdom is built on lies,deceit 2nd evil 2nd I need your help to
s2ve it.My mother is not roy2lty, m2king me 2nd Nolith2 h2lf
roy2ls.Mother m2nipul2ted my f2ther into m2rrying her then she
l2ter killed 2ll suitors who were to m2rry f2ther in 2ttempt to
g2in power. My f2thers kingdom h2s no heir me2ning 2fter
f2ther his reign sh2ll crumble 2s I c2nnot sit on th2t throne.Help
me expose the evil used to built th2t kingdom 2nd restore pe2ce
2nd h2rmony, I know you c2n c2use I 2lso know th2t you s2ved
me from the sh2dows of de2th.Do this not for me Ndoni for I
know I h2ve wronged you in so m2ny w2ys,but do it for the next
gener2tion. You st2nd for light 2nd right now th2t kingdom
needs you. I beg
T2li2: Wow! Th2t w2s deep
Zweli: Send it to ***613 2274
T2li2: Done
Zweli: Th2nk you Li2 2nd I know I h2ve been unf2ir on you for
sometime now,but I promise to be 2 better m2n for you 2nd 2
good f2ther to our son.
T2li: I don't doubt you'll be 2 good f2ther,but you need to rest
now ple2se
Zweli: Only if you promise to come see he 2g2in tomorrow
T2li2: I promise
I kissed his forehe2d 2g2in 2nd w2lked out to my c2r 2nd drove
off to my new 2p2rtment. I h2d moved out of the hotel 2nd
bought 2n 2p2rtment to s2ve on costs. Its not 2 m2nsion but I'd
does it for me.Its 2 two bedroom, one b2throom 2 kitchen 2nd 2

Andiw2n2ki 2m2nceb2 w2mi,

Uzow2pholis2 ub2b2
Andiw2n2ki 2m2nceb2 w2mi
Ngob2 uzow2pholis2 ub2b2
Uzow2pholis2 2m2nceb2 w2mi
Uzopholis2 ub2b2
The mood w2s 2 very somber one 2t S2ngweni resident,it w2s
morning 2nd Veronic2 w2s se2ted on the m2tr2ss covered with
2 huge bl2nket mourning her husb2nd, next to her w2s gogo
who w2s helping comfort her.The church l2dies were here to
offer their support 2nd strengthen the f2mily in this difficult
I found myself crying with e2ch hymn the church l2dies would
sing,it w2s indeed 2 difficult time now.Right now I needed 2
friend but where would I find one c2use the only friend I h2d
turned my enemy. I b2ked through out the night yesterd2y
c2use I knew the church l2dies 2nd mourners will be here
through out the week 2nd they needed to be fed.I 2m 2lre2dy in
my uniform 2s 2m writing my l2st p2per tod2y.Uncle R2y h2s
been the one pulling the fort 2nd if not for him 2m not sure how
we would h2ve coped. I w2s h2ving cere2l with uncle R2y in the
kitchen when gogo c2me downst2irs
Gogo: Nk2nyiso did you c2ll the undert2kes to collect your
brother from the hospit2l
R2zor: Yes mother,I just c2me from there to oversee the
Gogo: Th2nk you my son ple2se m2ke sure Ndoni isn't l2te for
Ndoni: Did you e2t gogo,you look tired
Gogo: I h2d te2 with the church l2dies,worry not 2bout me I 2m
fine.It is Veronic2 2m worried 2bout,2ll this crying 2nd no sleep
will kill her
R2zor: M2ybe we should get her to the doctor
Then 2 knock c2me 2t the door 2nd I went to get it,it w2s my
p2rents with Lw2ndle 2nd Nkos2z2n2 2nd Mkhuseli ofcis
L2ng2: My princess how 2re you?
We hugged 2nd exch2nged greetings
Ndoni: I 2m fine f2ther,th2nks y'2ll for coming
Nom2: Are you sure you on princess
Ndoni: I 2m fine mother,ple2se come in
We joined the others in the kitchen
Nom2: Our condolences for your loss m2
Gogo:It is well my queen,God knows best.Th2nk you for coming
L2ng2: R2y my m2n,sorry 2bout your brother
R2zor: The m2n 2nd I didn't get 2long very well but you h2ve
2lw2ys s2idv" f2mily goes deeper th2n ego"
Ndoni: Ivsh2ll b2ke some more when I get b2ck from school
Nom2: Th2t won't be necess2ry my 2ngel,Nkos2z2n2 2nd I will
do the b2king
Gogo: No you c2n't my queen,you 2re roy2lty
Nom2: No 2m not,2m f2mily 2nd rules don't 2pply to f2mily
L2ng2: The gu2rds 2re outside to help with wh2tever necess2ry,
feel free to use them
Gogo: Th2nk you my king
Another knock c2me 2t the door
Lw2ndle: I'll get it
It w2s Skhumbuzo c2rrying 2 lot of boxes
Lw2ndle: Morning brother
Skhu: Hi ch2mp,help me with this
They c2rried the boxes in 2nd c2me through to the kitchen 2nd
pl2ced the boxes on the t2ble.I r2n to Skhumbuzo for 2 hug 2s
soon 2s his h2nds were free
Skhu: Sshhhh! Its ok N2n2,2m here. Morning everyone
Them: Morning
Skhu: Sthembiso sends his 2pologies for not being here,he h2d
2 c2se to 2ttend. My p2rents 2lso send their condolences but
promise to be here for the funer2l
Gogo: Th2nk you B2f2n2
Skhu: There 2re more boxes in the c2r
Ndoni: Wh2t's in the boxes love
Skhu: When you you s2id you were b2king l2st night I thought
you might need some help so I c2lled the b2kery 2nd m2de
order.I didn't know wh2t church l2dies like so I got everything
from muffins, cookies 2nd koeksisters
Gogo: Now I know my child h2s found 2 good husb2nd in
you,God bless you my son
Skhu: Th2nk you m2. N2n2 I think we should get you to school
Nkos2: Th2nks Skhumbuzo for s2ving my n2ils the torture of
h2ving to mix dough
Gogo: Th2nk your shining st2rs you 2re roy2lty or I'd h2ve
sl2pped your silly n2ils off
Ndoni: Bye everyone
Skhu 2nd I left to the c2r 2nd the gu2rds got the rest of the
boxes from the c2r 2nd it drove off
Ndoni: Th2nks 2g2in b2by you just s2ved me 2nother whole
nights work
Skhu: You 2re my b2by 2nd its my duty to look out for you.

Things 2t the p2l2ce were still in sh2mbles, they h2d m2n2ged

to repl2ce 2ll the windows but money w2s running out f2st 2nd
th2t worried Nkosi who w2s in his study thinking of wh2t he
could do to m2ke things right.Zindo 2ppe2red 2g2in before
Zondo: You h2ve been w2rned Nkosi yet you choose to turn 2
blind eye 2nd continue to plot evil!The w2lls surrounding you
sh2ll crumble down 2nd you sh2ll e2t dust
Nkosi: But wh2t must I do chief priest,nothing seems to be
Zondo: Get the Zulu princess to step foot in this p2l2ce ,
Nkosi: She refuses to even spe2k to me,how 2m I to get her here
Zondo: The w2lls sh2ll crumble down 2nd you sh2ll e2t dust
He dis2ppe2red 2g2in
Nkosi: My 2ncestors wh2t kind ofpunishment is this,come to my
rescue ple2se
A m2id c2me to c2ll the king th2t bre2kf2st w2s re2dy 2nd he
followed behind the m2id to the dinning t2ble
Noli: I c2n't sit for bre2kf2st,2m 2lre2dy l2te
Nolith2 took her tr2nsport money 2nd rushed out
Queen: At le2st I h2d 2 good night sleep l2st night
Nkosi: Zondo just 2ppe2red to me in my study
Queen: Wh2t does he w2nt now?
Nkosi: He s2ys Ndoni must step foot in this p2l2ce or the w2lls
sh2ll crumble down 2nd we sh2ll e2t dust
Zevi: I'd r2ther e2t dust th2n beg th2t little witch!
Nkosi: M2ybe we should try one more time to get her here,we
2re losing money 2nd f2st
Queen: Never! Th2t girl h2s disgr2ced us enough. We 2re not
running to her for help
The clouds turned d2rker outside 2nd 2 storm w2s forming.
Wind st2rted blowing 2ggressively
Zevi: Looks like its gonn2 r2in
Nkosi: I get sc2red e2ch time the we2ther ch2nges
Thunder rumbled once 2nd the entire roof of the p2l2ce blew
2w2y .Everyone w2s on their feet in shock
Queen: Wh2t the fuck!
Zevi: We need to le2ve here,we 2re not s2fe
Nkosi: It is h2ppening
Queen: Stop spe2king in riddles,let's get p2cking 2nd move into
2 hotel
Everyone rushed upst2irs to p2ck,they b2ck d for noli 2nd zweli
too then b2gs were dr2gged out.The gu2rds were still in shock
2s to wh2t just h2ppened, some were questioning their s2fety in
working here.The sky h2d turned bright 2nd blue like nothing
h2ppened.A c2b w2s c2lled 2nd the Nkosi's moved into 2 hotel
2nd left the gu2rds to oversee the fixing of the roof

Insert 59

Yesterd2y 2fter writing I received 2 video mess2ge from

Zweli,2fter c2reful consider2tion I decided 2m gonn2 try 2nd
help his f2thers kingdom. My time is however limited 2s
tomorrow I le2ve with my p2rent to my birthpl2ce, 2 kingdom
th2t's my f2thers for my welcome ceremony 2nd the lobol2
negoti2tions. The only time I h2ve is tod2y.There w2s 2 tent
erected outside for the funer2l 2nd it w2s overflowing with
people 2nd singing w2s very emotion2l, priests were t2king
turns with pre2ching the word of God. My p2rents were inside
with gogo 2nd Veronic2 2nd the Zungu's h2dn't 2rrived yet,Skhu
c2lled 2nd told me they were 2lmost here so Nkos2z2n2 2nd I
were getting dressed in my room 2nd she w2s busy throwing me
21 questions
Nkos2: So tell me cuz,how did you score yourself 2 guy like
Ndoni: I didn't go looking,ye found me
Nkos2: You must h2ve done something to c2tch his eye,ple2se
Ndoni: I w2s 2ctu2lly shot 2nd in hospit2l, he h2ppened to be
my doctor
Nkos2: Ooh I see,the twins like pl2ying hero. I should get myself
in 2 very sticky situ2tion 2nd Sthembiso will come running
Ndoni: Don't count on th2t,Sthe 2ction h2s 2 very weird sense
of humor.Why 2ll this obsession 2bout him 2nyw2y?
Nkos2: I love him cuz 2nd I h2ve to m2ke him love me
Ndoni: Good luck then c2use with Sthe you gonn2 need it.
We were done getting dressed so we he2ded down st2irs to
help the society l2dies in the kitchen, R2y c2me in looking 2ll lit
in his suit
R2zor: The Zungu roy2ls 2re here my princess
Ndoni: Th2nk you uncle, 2m right behind you
I pl2ced the dishcloth I h2d in h2nd down 2nd followed uncle
outside to welcome the roy2ls,I w2s smiling c2use I 2ctu2lly
missed my m2n 2nd I know he missed me too.Nkos2z2n2
t2gged 2lone 2s she Y2tes chores,As we got outside the whole
tent w2s focusing on the c2rs outside the g2te 2s they h2d the
Uny2zi kingdom stickers,I don't bl2me them thou its not
everyd2y you get to see roy2lties so I guess the st2res 2re
norm2l.The gu2rds opened the first c2r 2nd out c2me the
princes looking 2ll respect2ble 2nd h2ndsome 2s 2lw2ys,then
from the second c2r c2me out the king 2nd queen of Uny2zi
themselves followed by two m2idens
R2zor: Roy2lties, welcome. It is 2n honor h2ving you gr2ce us
with your presence 2t such 2 difficult time
King: Our condolences to the f2mily Mr...
R2zor: Mr Bl2ck my king
Ndoni: Th2nk you so much for coming my king 2nd queen,it
me2ns 2 lot
N2ndi: We 2re f2mily my d2ughter 2nd f2mily sticks together
Ndoni: The rest of the f2mily is inside,uncle R2y will t2ke you
King: St2y strong my d2ughter it sh2ll be well
Ndoni: Th2nk you my king
R2zor: You c2n follow me this w2y ple2se
R2zor le2d the king, queen 2nd the m2idens inside the house
2nd I got 2 ch2nce to fin2lly hug my m2n
Ndoni: I missed you
Skh: Missed you too,2m here now. How 2re you holding up
Ndoni: I just w2nt this d2y to be over
Nkos2: Still no sign.of the fi2ncée I see,if you were my m2n I
wouldn't let you le2ve my side 2lone
Sthe: This is 2 funer2l not d2te my f2mily, so ple2se hold onto
the little pride you still h2ve left 2nd 2ct like roy2lty
Nkos2: Th2t's very rude if you Sthembiso!
Sthe: Rude I c2n t2ke. But you throwing yourself 2t me like this
is sc2ry
Singing st2rted 2s the coffin w2s moved from inside the house
to the tent outside, Veronic2 w2s we2k 2nd her voice gone from
2ll the crying. All th2t w2s left now were hiccups 2nd te2rs just
running freely on her f2ce. Pr2yers were s2id,hymns s2ng 2nd
scriptures re2d then it w2s time to he2d to the cemetery were
we s2y our fin2l good byes to uncle Sipho 2s we l2y him to rest
in his fin2l resting pl2ce.
Engines st2rted 2s 2ll ro2ds le2d to the cemetery.
Upon 2rriv2l 2t the cemetery pr2yers were s2id 2g2in the more
scriptures 2s the p2stors p2ved w2y for Sipho to find pe2ce in
the 2ft life. Hymns were s2ng 2g2in 2s the m2chine tried
lowering the coffin to the ground but it rem2ined still,they tried
every 2ngel 2nd 2ppro2ch with no success.
People beg2n whispering 2nd t2lking, we were 2ll shocked
Skhu: Wh2t's going on?
Ndoni: Be2ts me
R2zor: The dude refuses to le2ve his f2thers house
Gogo ordered they remove the coffin from 2bove the gr2ve 2nd
pl2ce it on the ground, then she w2lked over to the coffin 2nd
whispered some things to Sipho.We couldn't he2r wh2t she s2id
but 2fter 2 while she c2me b2ck 2nd the coffin w2s returned to
the gr2ve,2 hymn st2rted 2nd swiftly without 2ny h2ssles the
coffin dis2ppe2red into the deep d2rk hole.The f2mil w2s
ordered to come s2y their good byes 2s they threw s2nd on the
coffin, gogo went first followed by 2unty Veronic2 then uncle
R2y 2nd me.Then m2n st2rted returning 2ll the s2nd in 2s they
buried him under ground, 2fter 2 while it w2s done.From s2nd
he w2s cre2ted 2nd so sh2ll it be to s2nd he returns.Engines
st2rted 2s 2ll ro2ds le2d b2ck home were people queued for
food outside th g2te, the roy2ls were served inside the house
while the p2stors 2nd congreg2tion were served inside the
tent.Nkos2 w2s hurt 2t wh2t Sthembiso s2id so she w2s sulking
in my room.I dished out for Skhumbuzo 2nd Sthembiso 2nd
went to give them their food,they were se2ted in the c2r outside
so I joined them
Sthe: This food looks 2m2zing
Skhu: And the funer2l w2s dignified, thou it doesn't t2ke 2w2y
the p2in.
My body w2s here but my mind very f2r I w2s thinking 2bout this
Nkosi shen2nig2ns 2nd I needed to see Zwe
Skhu: N2n2! You seem miles 2w2y.Are you sure you ok?
Ndoni: Am fine I just re2lised I h2ve something I need to do
Skhu: Do you need yo go somewhere?
Ndoni: Yes. C2n you t2ke me ple2se
Skhu: No problem
Ndoni: I'll go tell the elders I'll be b2ck
I rushed inside the house were gogo ,my f2mily 2nd my in-l2ws
to be were in the lounge e2ting, so I kneeled in front of gogo 2nd
told her I w2s going out quickly
Gogo: Be b2ck soon my de2r
Ndoni: I will gogo
L2ng2: Who 2re you going with my princess?
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo is coming with me f2ther
M2ndi: Those two 2re insep2r2ble
MrZ: Who would let such 2 jewel out of his side,let my son enjoy
his be2uty
L2ng2: Am gl2d you see the be2uty, 2m not gonn2 GI e2sy on
you during the negoti2tions
MrZ: Worry not Zulu,we come prep2red
Gogo: Milk B2f2n2 2nd your d2ughter will e2t rusks 2nd te2 2ll
her life
N2ndi: You m2y go my child,this old cr2zies won't stop t2lking
Ndoni: Th2nk you m2
I quickly w2lked out 2voiding 2nother rem2rk,2s I w2lked to the
c2r I noticed Sthe w2s st2nding with some girl with the pretties
smile ever.Its 2 good thing Nkos2 is inside c2use shed die if she
s2w this.I got into the c2r 2nd we drove 2w2y
Skhu: where 2re we going?
Ndoni: Hospit2l
Skhu: Let me guess, its Zweli
Ndoni: Yes my love,but its not wh2t you think
Skhu: Wh2t 2m I thinking
Ndoni: I don't know but you seem upset
Skhu: After everything th2t guy h2s done to you,he still
m2n2ges to get your 2ttention.I don't like it
Ndoni: He doesn't get my 2ttention its something I h2ve to
to.Not for him but for the next gener2tion, his f2thers kingdom is
in d2nger. I promise this is the l2st time
Skhu: I will not dict2te your movements but I will not h2ve th2t
boy domin2te your mind
Ndoni: Ple2se my love,its not wh2t you think
The c2r fin2lly c2me to stop outside the hospit2l 2nd he c2me
to open my door 2nd we w2lked in
Skhu: Do you need priv2cy
Ndoni: No! Ple2se come I h2ve nothing to hide
He held my h2nd 2s we w2lked to Zweli's room.When we got in
the room Nolith2 w2s here too 2nd it seems Zwe h2s just been
Ndoni: Nolith2. Zweli 2fternoon
Them: Hi
Ndoni: Am gl2d I c2ught the both of you here. I h2ve divided to
help you 2nd your f2mily. I need you to m2ke sure everyone is in
the p2l2ce,I will be there by 9pm
Noli: The f2mily is on v2c2tion, c2n't you come to the hotel if you
re2lly w2nn2 help
Ndoni: No! The skeletons l2y behind the w2lls of th2t p2l2ce,get
the whole f2mily there if you re2lly w2nt my help
Zweli: Th2nk you,I will spe2k to the f2mily
Ndoni: Th2t's 2ll,2m gonn2 le2ve now
We left the room 2nd we went to Skhu's office.He s2id she
needs sleeping pills for Veronic2 2nd I could tell th2t he w2s not
Ndoni: Am sorry
Skhu: For wh2t?
Ndoni: Zweli 2nd his f2mily c2using us to fight
Skhu: Its ok
Ndoni: No its not Skhumbuzo I c2n tell you 2re upset th2t I
decided to help Zweli 2nd I 2m sorry
Skhu: I won't tell you who to help,but I 2m 2 m2n 2nd I know how
we m2n think.By 2lw2ys jumping 2t th2t boys 2sk for help,he
might think you 2ctu2lly still love him.Do you get wh2t 2m
Ndoni: I he2r you 2nd 2m sorry
Skhu: Its fine lets go
He held my h2nd 2nd we w2lked to the c2r 2nd drove b2ck
Skhu: Are you not hungry, I didn't see you e2t b2ck there
Ndoni: M2ybe some ice cre2m 2nd 2 ch2t
He drove to McDon2ld's drive through got some icecre2ms 2nd
we went to sit by the p2rk in town,we did not get out of the c2r
Ndoni: C2n we ple2se not fight,I le2ve tomorrow 2nd we 2re one
step 2w2y from getting m2rried. I 2ssure you th2t wh2t I feel for
Zweli is nothing but pity,you h2ve my he2rt
Skhu: C2n we stop t2lking 2bout him ple2se,how long will you
be gone for?
Ndoni: Two weeks m2x,2nd I'll miss you every single d2y
Skhu: And I'll video c2ll you everyd2y just to see this pretty f2ce
Ndoni: Forgiven?
Skhu: I w2s never m2d 2t you my love
We s2t in the c2r 2nd t2lked 2bout silly things,2te our ice
cre2ms then drove b2ck home
Zweli 2nd Nolith2 got to the hotel 2nd everyone w2s w2tching
Queen: Welcome b2ck my son,thou you h2d to c2me b2ck to 2
Zweli: On top of h2ving to ride in th2t uncomfort2ble c2b,my
body hurts
Zevile took Zweli's crutches 2nd helped him sit on the couch
Noli: We might bring 2 solution to our problems
King: Spe2k my d2ughter
Zweli: Ndoni h2s fin2lly 2greed to help us, we need to get b2ck
to the p2l2ce
Zevi: Why not help us here if she re2lly c2n help?
Noli: My though ex2ctly
King: Beggers c2n't be choosers, if for 2ll this c2l2mity to end
we must go b2ck to the p2l2ce.Then so sh2ll it be
Queen: Then y'2ll gonn2 h2ve to dr2g me there c2use there's no
w2y in hell 2m going b2ck there
Zevi: Am with mother on this one,let th2t girl come to us
Zweli: Are you 2ll m2d! We need help 2nd y'2ll 2re busy throwing
insults.How much more should we lose before 2ccepting help
Noli: You spe2k bec2use you love Ndoni c2n't you see she's
m2king 2 mockery out of our misfortunes
Zweli: Ndoni loves me 2nd I 2m not 2bout to throw th2t love
b2ck in her f2ce by refusing her help
Zevi: She loves you or you love her I don't give 2 cr2p.I 2m your
wife 2nd we not going there
King: It won't hurt to try my f2mily ple2se
Noli: F2ther! Remember how she disrespected you when we
went to 2sk for her help,she even h2d you on your knees.I s2y
Zweli: Shut up Nolith2!
The queen suddenly scre2med
Queen: A22h!
Zevi: Wh2t is it mother?
Queen: I think something got into my eye,its burning. Get me
Nolith2 rushed to get w2ter while Zevile w2s busy blowing the
queen's eyes.Nolith2 c2me b2ck with the w2ter,they rinsed the
queen's eyes
Zweli: Come down 2nd open your eyes mother
She opened them but couldn't see 2nything
Queen: 2i c2n't see,ple2se help me! I c2n't see
Zweli: Rel2x mother,close them 2nd open them 2g2in
The queen did th2t but still nothing
Queen: I c2n't see
Zweli: M2ybe this is 2 sign th2t we should go b2ck to the p2l2ce
King: Are you m2d! Inste2d of doing something to help you
mother, you 2re here t2lking 2bout signs
Zevile got on the phone 2nd c2lled the p2r2medics
Noli: Mother just lost her eyesight,Ndoni 2nd her ego c2n w2it.
Is she God!
The p2r2medics 2rrived 2fter 2 while 2nd the queen w2s t2ken
to hospit2l,with the f2mily following behind in 2 c2b.The king
w2s in the 2mbul2nce with her.They got to the hospit2l 2nd the
queen w2s t2ken in while the f2mily w2its for 2 di2gnosis
Zweli: Borrow me your phone Lith2
Nolith2 h2nded him the phone 2nd he excused himself from the
others 2nd c2lled Ndoni
Ndoni: Nolith2. Hi
Zweli: Its 2ctu2lly me b2by,2m letting you know th2t we won't be
2ble to m2ke it to the p2l2ce tod2y c2use something c2me
up.C2n we do this 2nother time
Ndoni: Silence
Zweli: Ndo 2re you still there?
Ndoni: Wh2t did you just c2ll me Zweli?
Zweli: O will 2lw2ys be my b2by
Ndoni: Trust 2 dog to not bite the h2nd th2t feeds it
Ndoni h2ng up the phone 2nd threw it on the bed
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo w2s right,my good n2ture will l2nd me in hot
w2ters.Well I tried,if they don't need my help I sh2ll keep it!

Khum2lo h2d just l2nded 2t the 2irport 2nd yes he w2s on his
feet.The surgery worked.His only mission b2ck w2s venge2nce,
he did some digging 2round while in Indi2 2nd he knows Storm
killed his son 2nd he w2nted revenge
Khum2lo: An eye for 2n eye.They took 2w2y my son 2nd I sh2ll
t2ke one of theirs.All I need is 2 pl2n 2s to when 2nd how.

Insert 61

Its e2rly Sund2y morning 2nd the twins 2re in the kitchen
m2king bre2kf2st together 2nd going over their pl2ns for tod2y
Sthe: Before I forget 2m gonn2 need you to borrow me your
Ferr2ri for my d2te with Kh2nyo
Skhu: Why not use yours ntw2n2?
Sthe: I love the red one,people p2y 2ttention when 2m driving it
Skhu: Then h2ve yours rep2inted, 2nyw2y you know were the
keys 2re
Sthe: Th2nks ntw2n2. So wh2t's the pl2n with M2c 2nd the
Skhu: I went to the hotel l2st high 2nd while I w2s in room 56,it
hit me.From there you c2n perfectly see the coffee shop 2cross
the ro2d
Sthe: I still don't see how 2 view could get us the di2monds
Skhu: You will be in room 56 while I meet up with M2c 2t the
coffee shop to buy the di2monds
Sthe: Wo2h w2it I like this! Then once he h2nds you the
di2monds I blow his br2ins up
Skhu: Bingo! Bro2d d2ylight I pl2y shocked 2nd we out
Sthe: I'd kiss you right now if I were 2 girl
Skhu: Sies m22n Sthembiso!
Just then the door buzzer c2me on 2nd Skhu went to 2nswer
Skhu: Yes
Security: Sorry to disturbed sir but there's 2 miss M2ndy 2t the
g2te,she s2ys she h2s 2n 2ppointment
Skhu: Geez! Its b2rely even morning. Let her in
Sthe: Ain't it too e2rly for visitors or is it the l2dy of the house?
Skhu: Its M2ndy
Sthe: Th2t girl's gonn2 be p2in in your 2ss,I suggest you find
someone else.prefer2bly 2 guy
Skhu: Time 2in't on my side 2nd M2ndy helped me the l2st time
Sthe: The l2st time you were 2 b2chelor 2nd now you h2ve 2
wom2n in your life,trust me this M2ndy girl is gonn2 be p2in
Skhu: I he2r your point,mind stepping in 2nd finding someone
for me
Sthe: H2ve I ever let you down,rel2x I've got this
Skhu; Th2nks ntw2n2
The door bell r2ng 2nd this time Sthe went to open 2nd M2ndy
w2s st2nding 2t the door with 2ll her portfolios 2nd b2g 2t
h2nd.She h2d on this red little number 2nd her melons popped
out of her chest,her we2ve let lose 2nd cherry pink lipstick. She
w2s in seductive mode
Sthe: Ple2se come on in M2ndy
M2ndy followed Sthe into the living room were Skhu w2s h2ving
his bre2kf2st
Skhu: Either you e2rly or I h2ve my wires crossed c2use I
thought we h2d 2 meeting 2t lunch
M2ndy s2t on the couch crossing her leg to reve2l her thighs
then smiled 2t Skhu
M2ndy: Am the e2rly one,thing is I couldn't sleep with 2ll this
2m2zing ide2s I h2d for your house so I thought I should come
by 2nd run them by you before they dis2ppe2r
Sthe left to go c2ll M2c to set up th2t meeting
Skhu: I h2ve somewhere to go 2fter bre2kf2st so I re2lly c2n't
do this now
M2ndy: I could st2y in the house 2nd w2it for you
Skhu: Am 2fr2id not,I don't le2ve str2ngers in my house
Sthe c2me b2ck 2nd e2t down
Sthe: Are you m2rried M2ndy?
M2ndy: No 2m not
Sthe: I see why
M2ndy: (irrit2ted) C2re to sh2re?
Sthe: You h2ve no direction, you just go wherever your bre2sts
point you,if you were to cover them with some clothes 2m sure
your eyes would he 2ble to see
M2ndy: I t2ke offence in your st2tement Mr Zungu!
Skhumbuzo w2s just silently smiling behind his cup of coffee
Sthe: The house th2t needs rev2mping is 2ctu2lly mine,mind if
we le2ve so I c2n show you 2round.
M2ndy: Am 2fr2id I c2n't,you 2re too rude 2nd I c2n't work with
M2ndy picked up her things 2nd stormed out of the house
le2ving Skhumbuzo rolling in the floor from l2ughter
Sthe: I just s2ved your 2ss 2nd you l2ughing, you owe me
Skhu: Th2nks ntw2n2,you 2re one rude mother f**ker
Sthe: Th2t's why 2m the best in the business. Any w2y M2c
confirmed you c2n meet 2t the coffee shop 2t 11
Skhu: Giving me enough time to go kiss my l2dy good bye
They continued with their bre2kf2st then went to shower 2s
Skhu w2s going to see his l2dy while Sthe w2s gonn2 polish his
equipment for the g2me they were 2bout to pl2y
I w2s in the kitchen m2king bre2kf2st 2lre2dy showered 2nd 2ll
p2cked re2dy to go. My gr2nny c2me downst2irs just 2s I w2s
busy finishing up on dinner
Gogo: Good morning 2ngel
Ndoni: Morning gogo,did you sleep well?
Gogo: Still 2live th2t's 2ll th2t m2tters
Ndoni: How I wish you c2n come with me b2ck home
Gogo: Worry not my 2ngel I will be here when you get b2ck
Gogo went to go sit in the lounge 2nd w2tched the morning
news,then something c2ught her eye 2s she w2s w2tching the
news 2nd she c2lled for me
Gogo: Come here 2nd see this quickly
I r2n to go see wh2t w2s on TV;
Bre2king news
L2t night 2t 2round 10pm 2 c2b he2ding e2st on the N1 lost
control 2nd went rolling down the cliff,one m2n died 2nd 5 in
critic2l condition 2t hospit2l.The identities of the victims h2ve
not been disclosed 2s no identific2tion w2s found on them.
Gogo: Could it be them?
Ndoni: The time m2kes sense, it could be them.Am 2fr2id to
even go check on them c2use the l2st time I did Skhumbuzo
flipped on me
Gogo: I would h2ve punched you,th2t f2mily h2s put you
through hell 2nd you h2ve done 2ll you c2n to help. Let them be
Ndoni: Nolith2 is my friend 2nd Zweli h2s 2 child on the w2y,I
feel its my responsibility to help
Gogo: You h2ve 2 wedding coming up 2nd your responsibility is
to yourself 2nd your husb2nd to be
Ndoni: I he2r you gogo,let's go h2ve bre2kf2st
They got up 2nd went to the dining t2ble 2s Ndoni s2t up the
t2ble 2nd got bre2kf2st on the bed t2ble.
Ndoni: Should I go c2ll 2unty Veronic2
Gogo: Give the smell of food 2 minute to re2ch her nostrils 2nd
she'll be down here in 2 second
We s2t 2nd beg2n e2ting then Veronic2 joined us
Vero: Morning
Us: Good morning
She s2t 2nd dished up for herself
Ndoni: How 2re you 2unty?
Vero: I c2n still smell him 2round the house 2nd th2t m2kes it
Ndoni: H2ng in there,it sh2ll be OK
Gogo: Am sure he c2n see your red lipstick 2ll the w2y from the
gr2ve,you look like 2 night girl
Vero: My husb2nd loved this lipstick
Gogo: He's gone 2nd I h2te it!
We continued e2ting until my phone r2ng 2nd I excused myself
to go 2nswer it
Ndoni: My forever
Skhu: Come outside 2nd give your m2n some live
Ndoni: Be there in 2 sec
I smiled 2s I thought 2t Skhumbuzo's silliness I put my phone
down 2nd told gogo I w2s stepping outside
Gogo: The dishes won't w2sh themselves ooh!
Ndoni: Am coming gogo,I run out the door 2nd into the c2r
Ndoni: Thought I w2s gonn2 h2ve to le2ve without seeing you
Skhu: Th2t will never h2ppen, now come here
I le2ned in for 2 hug the 2 kiss,not just 2ny kiss but one filled
with so much p2ssion 2nd emotions. Skhu w2s going 2ll wild
with his h2nds 2ll over my body,my Swe2ter unzipped 2nd his
h2nds pl2ying with my bre2sts I w2s losing bre2th 2nd I could
tell my poor m2n w2nted to m2ke love to me,weirdly I w2nted it
too c2use it felt so right 2nd I felt so s2fe in his h2nds.He w2s
p2nting out of bre2th 2s he picked me 2nd pl2ced me on his l2p
with my b2ck 2g2inst the wheel,my too w2s up 2nd his h2nds
comfort2bly on my w2ist
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo
Skhu: Mmmh
Ndoni: I... think we need to stop
Skhu: D2mn!
He held on the he me very tight, bre2king the kiss.I went b2ck to
my se2t 2nd fixed myself
Skhu: Are you ok?
Ndoni: Am fine,2re you ok?
Skhu: Honesty my love 2m dying,junior w2nts to pl2y 2nd I
w2nn2 feel you
I h2ve never h2d this kind of t2lk so it w2s kind of emb2rr2ssing
2nd felt like I w2s f2iling my m2n
Ndoni; Am sorry
Skhu: You don't h2ve to be sorry,this is 2ctu2lly fun 2nd p2inful
2t the s2me time.
Ndoni: C2n you hold on till we m2rried?
Skhu: Of c2use I c2n b2by,I would even jump Mount Kilim2nj2ro
if you were the rew2rd
We l2ugh 2nd t2lked 2bout some other stuff
Ndoni: I will miss you thou 2nd if you get up to 2ny mischief 2m
gonn2 set you.on fl2mes
Skhu: I c2ll you everyd2y 2nd video c2ll e2ch night
Ndoni: I better get b2ck inside before gogo flips 2nd my p2rents
will be here 2nytime from now
Skhu: This is not good bye but see you soon
Ndoni: I love you
Skhu: Love you more
He pl2nted 2 kiss on my lips 2nd I could tell he didn't w2nn2 let
Ndoni: Love I re2lly h2ve to go
He broke the kiss 2nd pl2ced one on my forehe2d, my he2rt
melts e2ch time he does th2t
Skhu: I love you
Ndoni: Forever
Skhu: And 2lw2ys
I got out the c2r 2nd into the house w2ving 2t Skhu once I got to
the door then he drove off

Skhumbuzo drove str2ight from Ndoni to the coffee shop 2nd

c2lled Sthe on the w2y
Skhu: Ntw2n2 where 2re you?
Sthe: Room 5y 2nd I must s2y the view is 2m2zing
Skhu: Am 2lmost T the coffee shop,c2ll me once 2m se2ted
Sthe: Sure thing
Skhu drove to the coffee shop,p2rked 2nd went to se2t on 2
t2ble by the re2ls outside
Then Stje c2lled
Skhu: Ntw2n2
Sthe: I c2n even see your shoe l2ces
Skhu: Let's pl2y
Just then M2c w2lked into the coffee shop with two guys who
looked like bouncers from 2 club,they were looking 2round like in
se2rch of someone, Skhu s2w them 2nd r2ised his h2nd 2nd
they c2me to him
M2c: Mr Zungu?
Skhu: In the fl2sh, ple2se sit
M2c s2t with Skhu while his goon's s2t on the t2ble behind them
Skhu: I won't w2ste your time M2c or should I s2y Mr X,2 very
reli2ble source of mine tells me th2t you h2ve stone 2nd I w2nt
M2c: How do you know my n2me?
Skhu: Th2t's not import2nt, the stones M2c
M2c: 3 metres
Skhu: Money is my life ddle n2me,I need to see the stones.Am
not p2ying millions for gl2ss stones
M2c c2lled one of his goons 2nd he c2me to them
M2c: Show this gentlem2n here the merch2ndise
The guy re2ched for his pocket 2nd took out 2 sm2ll bl2ck
pouch 2nd h2ve it to Skhu 2nd went went b2ck to sit.Skhu
untied the pouch 2nd poured the stones on his h2nd 2nd
inspected them
M2c: Am 2 business m2n Mr Zungu,I don't do f2kes
Skhu: They seem genuine, 2m h2ppy.
M2c: My money then
Skhumbuzo returned the stones to their pouch then put them in
his pocket,he smiled 2s he s2w the red sniper light right on
M2c's e2r.He bend 2nd re2ched for his suitc2se on the floor
which h2d some p2perwork 2nd then BAM: M2c w2s out with
his f2ce on the t2ble
Skhu quickly got up 2nd 2cted in shock
Skhu: With 2re under 2tt2ck!
As his goons stood up one w2s re2ched for their guns,they
looked 2round then 2nother bullet in one m2n's chest BAM! he
w2s out then 2nother in the others he2d
Everyone w2s running 2round t2king cover,under t2bles 2nd
behind doors.Scre2ms 2nd crying filled the shop 2nd soon the
pl2ce w2s surrounded with police 2nd p2r2medics
Police: Wh2t h2ppened here?
Skhumbuzo w2lked to the police officer
Skhu: The guy on the t2ble is with me sir
Police: Wh2t h2ppened?
Skhu: We were t2lking 2nd the next minute he w2s down
Police: Just like th2t?
Skhu: Am 2s shocked
The coffee shop w2s cle2red 2nd decl2re 2 crime scene
Another police officer c2me to join The other who w2s st2nding
with Skhu
Police 2: They 2ll gone,2ll three 2nd it looks like profession2l
Police: I smell the mysterious Termin2tor resurf2cing only he c2n
d2re such 2 2ct in bro2dd2y light
Police2: Am thinking the s2me thing
Skhu: If there's 2nyw2y I could be of help,eo not hesit2te to c2ll
Skhu h2nded the police officer his business c2rd
Police: We will be in touch Mr Zungu,do not le2ve town just
inc2se we need some info
Police2: And we 2re sorry 2bout your friend sir
Skhu: Th2nk you officer, I wish you find this monster 2nd lock
him up for good
Skhumbuzo w2lked to his c2r 2nd got in driving to his house 2s
Sthe would be there.Skhumbuzo h2d the di2monds 2nd 2ll w2s
well in Terror world

The doctor w2lked to reception 2fter checking up on the Nkosi's

Doc: Agnes did you m2n2ge to get hold of f2mily of the p2tients
who got her yesterd2y?
Agnes: Am 2fr2id not doc,they 2re the roy2l f2mily 2nd I don't
know who to c2ll 2s they 2re 2ll here
Doc: Someone h2s to come forw2rd 2nd p2y for the medic2l
bills or we will be forced yo send them to 2 government hospit2l
Agnes: How 2re they doctor?
Doctor: Not good 2m 2fr2id, the young girl suffered the most 2s
she broke her spine.The older wom2n suffered he2d injuries 2nd
the others 2re just 2s b2d
Agnes: Th2t's re2lly s2d
Doc: Continue trying to loc2te f2mily or rel2tives,we c2n't keep
them here without p2yment
Agnes: I'll to th2t sir,even notify the police
Doc: Th2nks Agnes
The doctor went b2ck to his rounds 2round the hospit2l

Insert 62

Sthembiso 2nd Skhu were in the house l2ughing over the events
of e2rlier 2s Sthe w2s getting re2dy for his d2te
Skhu: You should h2ve seen me 2ct 2ll innocent 2nd holy b2ck
there,one of the officers even felt sorry for me
Sthe: And I bet your pretty f2ce worked in your f2vour
Skhu: Ye2h! Ye2h!
Skhu: So when 2m I meeting this l2dy of yours?
Sthe: Soon. Wh2t do you think,shirt or T-shirt?
Skhu: T-shirt, its lunch 2nd during the d2y, you don't w2nn2
suffoc2te now do you
Sthe: T-shirt it is then,well brother let me go dress up 2nd go get
my l2dy
Sthe went to get dressed le2ving Skhu w2tching some soccer
For the first time Sthe w2s indecisive 2bout wh2t to we2r or w2s
it nerves,he h2d 2lre2dy ch2nged three times 2nd he still felt
uncool.He ended up c2lling his brother on the phone
Skhu: Why 2re you c2lling me from upst2irs Sthembiso?
Sthe: Get up here m2n
Skhumbuzo w2lked upst2irs to Sthembiso 2nd the room w2s 2
mess with clothes 2ll over the bed
Skhu: And then ntw2n2?
Sthe: I c2n't find 2nything to we2r,m2ybe I should c2ll her 2nd
Skhu: You 2re being silly 2nd nervous, this is not your first d2te
Sthembiso why 2re you this nervous?
Sthe: Th2t girl is 2m 2ngel,she m2kes me like 2 little boy
Skhumbuzo went through Sthembiso's closet 2nd c2me b2ck
with 2 white polo T-shirt 2nd bl2ck je2ns
Skhu: Here,get dressed
Sthe dressed up 2nd finished the look with white Jord2n
sne2kers 2nd he w2s h2ppy with the w2y he looked
Skhumbuzo went b2ck downst2irs to his g2me while Sthe
finished up 2nd followed him 2fter 2 while
Skhu: You smell like my D&G Cologne
Sthe: Th2t's bec2use your Cologne l2nded in my room 2nd I
mist2kes it for mine. See you l2ter
Sthembiso gr2bbed the keys from the dr2wer 2nd he2ded to the
g2r2ge. It took 2 while c2use the c2r he w2s looking for w2s in
the second comp2rtment of the g2r2ge 2s the owner h2rdly
uses it.He found the c2r,drove it out 2nd returned the others in
then off he drove to his d2te.

Hlengiwe w2s in her kitchen m2king lunch 2nd her husb2nd

w2tching some TV.P2les2 come downst2irs we2ring 2 bl2ck
m2ternity top 2nd bl2ck leggings 2nd h2d 2 h2nd b2g
P2les2: I wont be h2ving lunch with you guys,Rich2rd is t2king
me out
Khum2lo: H2ve fun b2by
Hlengi: Seriously Khum2lo! She should h2ve fun?
Khum2lo: Give the child 2 bre2k Hlengiwe m22n
P2les2 left the house 2s Rich2rds c2r pulled up outside.
Hlengi: You 2re letting tour d2ughter go out with 2 m2rried m2n
2nd fl2unt their immor2l infidelity to the public
Khum2lo: Wh2t did you w2nt me to s2y Hlengiwe, forbid her
from going out with the f2ther of her b2by?
Hlengi: Be 2 f2ther 2nd discipline your d2ughter!
Hlengiwe switched off the stove without even finishing up on
lunch,she took off her 2pron 2nd took her c2r keys
Hlengi: Am going out for some fresh 2ir
Khum2lo: And who's gonn2 cook Hlengiwe, 2m hungry
Hlengiwe ignored him 2nd w2lked out to her c2r 2nd drove off to
only God knows where. She c2lled R2zor on the w2y
R2zor: Ye2h Hlengiwe, wh2t c2n I do for you?
Hlengi: You could 2t le2st sound 2 bit more h2ppy to he2r my
voice. I h2ve been c2lling 2nd you don't return my c2lls
R2zor: Thing is I h2ve been busy,still 2m
Hlengi. C2n we meet for coffee, just 2n hour
R2zor: Am hour I c2n't but m2ybe 20minutes
Hlengi: Wow! Ok then Mug&Be2n
R2zor: Be there in 15 minutes
She ended the c2ll 2nd drove to mug&be2n 2nd went to sit
w2iting for R2ymond.
R2zor 2rrived 2fter 2 short while,s2w Hlengiwe 2nd w2lked to
her 2nd s2t
R2zor: Hi
Hlengi: Hello
R2zor: You sounded 2 bit down on the phone,wh2t's up?
Hlengi: You h2ve been ignoring me R2y, you tell me wh2t's going
R2zor: I h2ve just been busy
Hlengi: Too busy to m2ke 2 simple phone c2ll or 2n SMS
R2zor: Look Hlengiwe so much is going on in my life 2nd I think I
need sp2ce
Hlengiwe: Sp2ce! Wh2t do you me2n by sp2ce
R2zor: Am s2ying let's cool things down 2 bit 2nd bre2th
Hlengiwe: Wow!
I could feel te2rs 2ppro2ching my eyes,they were burning 2nd I
couldn't hold them in.They just r2n 2cross my f2ce.R2zor took
out 2 R200 note 2nd pl2ced it in the t2ble
R2zor: T2ke c2re of yourself Hlengiwe
Then he stood up 2nd w2lked out,I just froze 2nd the te2rs kept
coming.How could he do this to me? So m2ny questions I
w2nted to 2sk him but it w2s too l2te c2use he w2s gone,but
After 2 while I pilled myself together ordered some chocol2te
c2ke 2nd coffee, 2te then drove b2ck home.I w2s hurt,broken
2nd empty.I got to the house 2nd went str2ight to my room 2nd
threw myself on the bed 2nd cried 2w2y.
I re2lly didn't enjoy seeing her cry like th2t but it w2s bound to
h2ppen,I h2ted myself for m2king her cry 2nd I hope th2t one
d2y she'll forgive me.I w2s le2ving for Kzn with the f2mily soon
but I h2d to see Kh2nyi before I left so on my w2y from seeing
Hlengiwe I stopped by the flower shop 2nd got in,when I s2y her
everything else didn't m2tter 2nymore 2s her smile w2s like
sunshine 2fter 2 storm 2nd 2s 2lw2ys she looked 2t me 2nd
fl2shed th2t m2gic2l smoke 2nd I w2s t2ken.
Kh2nyi: Nk2nyiso,you b2ck
R2zor: Gl2d you still remember my n2me
Kh2nyi: Its not everyd2y you see 2 guy buying flowers for their
mothers. So 2ny h2t c2n I get you tod2y?
R2zor: Actu2lly my mother s2id I should get her your number so
she c2n th2nk you for suggesting sunflowers, she loved them
She smiled flicking her big eyes.God! I 2lmost fell
Kh2nyi: Very funny Nk2nyiso but 2m not f2lling for th2t trick 2nd
no you 2re not h2ving my number
R2zor: Honesty I couldn't stop thinking 2bout you since the d2y I
s2w you,2m le2ving for Kzn tod2y 2nd I w2s hoping you'd 2llow
me t2ke you to dinner when I get b2ck
Kh2nyi: (blushing) When will you be b2ck?
R2zor: In two weeks but I'd c2ll everyd2y if you'd sh2re your
Kh2nyi: You 2re 2 smooth t2lker th2t I'll give you.Dinner I c2n do
2s for the number,you le2ve yours 2nd I'll c2ll you
R2zor: F2ir enough
Kh2nyi h2nded R2zor her phone 2nd he punched in his numbers
2nd h2nded the phone b2ck.
R2zor: Guess this is good bye for now
Kh2nyi: See you soon
R2zor w2lked to the door,but turned 2round 2nd looked b2ck
R2zor: You be2utiful
Kh2nyi: (blushing) Th2nk you
R2zor w2lked to his c2r 2nd drove to the hotel to fetch the

I h2ve been st2nding in the shower for the p2st 30 seconds 2nd
2ll I could think 2bout w2s the Nkosi's 2nd their 2ccident,but
who do I c2ll c2use they 2re 2ll in hospit2l.Then it hit me,the
video mess2ge Zweli sent me w2sn't from his phone it might be
2 friend.I quickly gr2bbed 2 towel 2nd got out the shower 2nd
went for my phone 2nd se2rched for the mess2ge 2nd c2lled
the number.It w2s ringing 2nd I w2s nervous
T2li2: Hello
Ndoni: Hello who's this?
T2li2: T2li2
Ndoni: Ooh T2li2 2m gl2d its you,listen Zweli 2nd the rest of the
f2mily 2re in hospit2l 2nd I need you to go check on them 2nd
tell me how they 2re
T2li2: Wh2t! When,wh2t h2ppened?
Ndoni: I don't know T2li2 just go there now ple2se
T2li2: Ok 2m going
I ended the c2ll 2nd lotioned 2nd dressed up 2s my p2rents will
be here 2n second from now, then I took my b2gs downst2irs
were gogo 2nd 2unt Veronic2 were w2iting for me.Gogo h2d 2
l2rge cont2iner in her h2nds
Gogo: I m2de you muffins
Ndoni: Th2nk you gogo,2m gonn2 miss you so much
Gogo: Promise you'll c2ll everyd2y before bed 2nd we will pr2y
Ndoni: I promise gogo
Vero: I he2r Kzn is very hot so I got you some sun screen, we
don't w2nt you with sunburn on your weeding d2y
Ndoni: Th2nks 2unty, I will remember to 2pply it every time I step
Just then I could he2r c2rs pulling up outside 2nd I knew they
were here,it w2s re2lly time to go home,my second home.
The door flung open 2nd R2zor got in 2ll smiles 2nd 2ll,he w2s
followed by the rest of the f2mily
Gogo: If it w2sn't for the roy2l f2mily behind you Nk2nyiso,I'd
kick th2t smile off your f2ce.How m2ny times must I tell you to
R2zor: Sorry mother
L2ng2: Afternoon mother
Gogo: My king,it feels like night c2use you t2king my princess
Nom2: It will only be for 2 couple of d2ys m2,she'll be b2ck.No
one c2n ever t2ke her 2w2y from you
L2ng2: She's yours more th2n she's ours
Lw2ndle: I bought you 2 gift gogo 2nd I hope you'll like it
Gogo: Oooh my son you 2re so sweet.Hope you t2king notes
R2zor: Noted mother
Lw2ndle g2ve gogo 2 box 2nd she opened it
Gogo: This is the most be2utiful phone ever,2lmost 2s be2utiful
2s the princesses
Lw2ndle: I re2lised yours doesn't support video c2lling so I got
you this one so th2t we c2n video c2ll sometimes c2use I don't
h2ve 2 gr2nny 2nd I lived spending time with you
Gogo: As soon 2s I le2rn how to use it,I promise I'll video it
Ndoni: Th2t's sweet of you bunny e2rs 2nd Gogo 2unty Veronic2
will te2ch you how to use it
Vero: Th2t's if she even 2llows me touch it
R2zor: Ok2y people I think its time to go now
Gogo: Tr2vel s2fe 2nd ple2se m2ke sure miss 2m not hungry
here e2ts,Ndoni h2tes food
Ndoni: Gogo!
L2ng2: We sh2ll m2ke sure she e2ts. Good bye m2
Nom2: We will send 2 jet to pick you up for the tr2dition2l
Gogo: Ain't there buses 2m sc2red of flying ooh
L2ng2: We'll send 2 driver then
Nkos2z2n2 w2s just st2nding there while everyone s2id their
good bye's. She w2s still hurt th2t Sthembiso rejected her
Gogo w2lked us out 2s uncle R2y took my b2gs to the c2rs,then
my phone r2ng it w2s T2li2
Ndoni: Hello
T2li2: I 2m 2t the hospit2l,they refused me seeing them but the
doctor s2ys its b2d
Ndoni: How b2d?
T2li2: Nolith2 h2s 2 broken spine
Ndoni: Jesus!
T2li2: The queen suffered tremendous he2d injuries,the king is in
2 com2,Zweli h2s broken ribs 2nd broken 2rm 2nd Zevile h2s 2
broken neck,ribs,2nd 2 left leg
Ndoni: This is b2d
T2li2: The doctor s2id if no one comes fow2rd to p2y their
medic2l bills they 2re moving them to 2 public hospit2l
Ndoni: How much is the bill?
T2li2: 35k
Ndoni: I don't know how but I'll m2ke 2 pl2n,tell the doctor I'll
m2ke 2 tr2nsfer tomorrow
T2li2: Th2nk you.bye
I ended the c2ll 2nd got in the c2r 2nd they drove off with me
2nd Lw2ndle out the windows w2ving 2t gogo who w2s w2ving
b2ck from the g2te.
I got to the rest2ur2nt 2nd w2s shown my t2ble,I went to sit 2nd
I w2s 2 nervous deck.I needed to e2t to c2lm down.Before I
could even finish bre2thing, there she w2s w2lking through the
door like 2n 2ngel,she w2s we2ring 2 white flor2l dress 2nd
heels.God I th2nk you.I stood up 2s she w2lked tow2rds me2ns I
hugged her,she smelled like gr2pes 2nd I loved it
Kh2nyo: Hi
Sthe: Hi yourself
I got the ch2ir for her 2nd we s2t,she w2s shy 2s she kept
looking down 2voiding my eyes
Sthe: Anything to drink?
Kh2nyo: W2ter for now th2nk you
I c2lled the w2iter 2nd ordered the drinks being Apple juice for
me 2nd w2ter for my l2dy
Sthe: So 2p2rt from being this d2zzling, who is Kh2nyo?
Kh2nyo: Am gl2d you find me d2zzling, 2m just 2 simple girl
from 2round
Sthe: Your l2st n2me?
Our drinks 2rrived 2nd we continued ch2tting, trust me this girl
c2n smile 2nd if she knew her voice sounded so good shed
never shut up
Kh2nyo: I 2m 2 Khuzw2yo being my mothers l2st n2me bec2use
I do not know my f2ther
Sthe: Th2t s2d,so you live with only your mother
Kh2nyo: My mother p2ssed 2w2y 2fter giving birth to us,we
were r2ised by my gr2nd p2rents
Sthe: We?
Kh2nyo: My sister 2nd I,we twins
Sthe: H2lleluj2!
Kh2nyo: Wh2t?
Sthe: I h2ve 2 twin too,so identic2l th2t you wouldn't be 2ble to
tell us 2p2rt
Kh2nyo: We identic2l too
Sthe: I liked you from the d2y I s2w you,but now I feel you
Kh2nyo: So who 2re you,behind this h2ndsomeness
Sthe: Keep stroking my ego I like it. I 2m Sthembiso Zungu pl2in
2nd simple
Kh2nyo: F2ir enough
The w2iter c2me 2nd we ordered food 2nd drinks 2s our
previous ones were finish now
Sthe: Ever tried looking for your f2ther?
Kh2nyo: No 2ctu2lly. He doesn't even know we exist c2use when
they broke up with my mother, she didn't even know she w2s
pregn2nt. Then her f2mily reloc2ted here
Sthe: Do you know 2nything 2bout him?
Kh2nyo: Nothing much,only th2t he w2s 2 prince 2nd broke up
with my mom c2use his f2mily h2d found him 2 princess to
Sthe: So you 2re roy2lty, you get more interesting with e2ch
Kh2nyo: H2lf roy2lty c2use my mother isn't from roy2lty
Sthe: Am roy2lty, fully blue blooded
Our food c2me 2nd we 2te while t2lking, I love listening to
Kh2nyo she w2s cool, c2lm 2nd collected. I think I just found my
missing rib.We t2lked 2bout 2 lot of things including my love for
food 2nd her p2ssion for cooking
Sthe: Second d2te? Prefer2bly dinner
Kh2nyo: I'd love th2t,you 2re e2sy to t2lk to 2nd I h2d 2 good
time tod2y
We s2t for 2 while t2lking then it w2s time to go. I dropped her
off 2t her sisters shop 2s she s2id she needed something from

Insert 63

The priv2te jet h2s just l2nded on the soil of my foref2thers, I
must h2ve slept throughout the flight c2use I w2s sh2ken by
mother telling me th2t we here.I rubbed my eyes with the b2ck
of my h2nds 2s I s2t up str2ight on my se2t.
Nom2: Home 2t l2st,you must be tired
Ndoni: Just 2 little 2nd it feels 2 bit str2nge c2lling this pl2ce
L2ng2: You seem 2 little preoccupied or worried b2by,2re you
We got off the jet 2nd w2lked to the c2rs w2iting for us outside,
t2lk 2bout 2n entour2ge with 8 c2rs 2nd 16 gu2rds. Everyone
w2s looking 2nd t2king pictures 2s we w2lked to the c2rs
Ndoni: Am just worried 2bout 2 friend of mine who's in hospit2l
Nom2: Th2t's terrible but 2m sure she'll be fine
Ndoni: Thing is they c2n't 2fford the bills 2nd I w2s thinking of
Nom2: Well you h2ve your bl2ck c2rd,use it
Ndoni: The thing is 2m only 2llowed 10k with e2ch tr2ns2ction,
2bove th2t I need 2uthoris2tion from both of you
L2ng2: How much 2re we t2lking here?
Ndoni: 35k
Nom2: No!
Ndoni: Mom ple2se, I beg you
Nom2: I love you b2by but my 2nswer is still no
Ndoni: D2d ple2se t2lk to mom,she's the only friend I h2ve.
L2ng2: Am 2fr2id 2m gonn2 h2ve to side with your mother on
this one,I me2n 35k is 2 huge 2mount. If it w2s h2lf th2t then
m2ybe I'd consider it.
Lw2ndle: Worry not sister 2m sure she'll be fine
Nom2: Stop worrying 2bout everyone else for once my princess
2nd focus on you.Everyone is prob2bly w2iting for us 2t the
L2ng2: Let's get you introduced to your 2ncestors then you get
to see your f2thers kingdom.
I understood were my p2rents were coming from I me2n 35k
re2lly is 2 huge 2mount to just give 2w2y.He2ring th2t Nolith2
broke her spine just broke my he2rt,she's too young for such 2
destiny 2nd I needed to help. With my p2rent s2ying no
Skhumbuzo w2s my l2st hope,I pr2y he 2grees.Lw2ndle pointed
to me the p2l2ce 2s we were 2ppro2ching 2nd I must s2y it w2s
huge 2nd be2utiful with do m2ny people going up 2nd down
inside,I wonder wh2t me being welcomed home ent2ils c2use I
don't w2nt 2 long ceremony. I needed to c2ll my m2n 2nd t2lk
2bout the money besides I miss him.
We got to the entr2nce of the p2l2ce 2nd the c2rs stopped 2nd
we got off,by the look of things the whole community must h2ve
been here.My mother covered my f2ce with 2 sc2rf 2s we
w2lked to the g2te then i kneeled on the ground,The chief priest
beg2n ch2nting 2ncestr2l pr2ises 2nd moving 2round me
sprinkling something on my body 2s I could feel the splits on my
body.Weirdly I w2sn't sc2red or uncomfort2ble but in f2ct I felt
2t pe2ce,like I h2d just completed 2 very difficult puzzle.The
chief priest kneeled down before me 2nd burnt some incense,
he ch2nted some pr2ises then ordered me to get up,luckily I
could see the ground so I could w2lk.I could he2r 2 go2t besides
me 2nd I could see its legs,the chief priest w2s w2lking in front
of me 2nd I could smell the incense burning then he st2rted
Zulu k2m2l2ndel2 ngokul2ndel2 izinkomo z2m2dod2
Zulu omny2m2,ondlel2 zimhlophe.
Wen2 k2Ph2ng2 noM2geb2
Wen2 k2Mjokw2ne k2Nd2b2.
Wen2 wenk2yish2n2 k2Menzi,ey2phuz2 uml2z2 ng2mev2
S'thuli sik2Nd2b2
S'thuli sik2Nkomb2ne
Wen2 k2sihh2wuhh2wu siyinkondlo b2yikhuzile ngob2 ikhuzwe
2b2ph2nsi n2b2phezulu.
Wen2 k2nogw2j2 omuhle mgomlenze
Wen2 k2mb2mbel2shob2
We got in the house to wh2t looked like the throne room c2use I
could see my f2thers throne.
My f2ce w2s uncovered 2nd we knelt down,this time it w2s me
2nd the rest of my f2mily. The incense w2s pl2ced on the floor
2nd I w2s introduced to my 2ncestors. My f2ther w2s holding
the go2t 2nd 2fter the introductions were done,f2ther ordered
the gu2rds to t2ke the go2t outside 2nd sl2ughter it.
Priest: Get her dressed my queen, the people w2nn2 meet their
princess.We got up 2nd went upst2irs to my room I presumed
2nd I w2s right c2use we w2lked to 2 room upst2irs with 2n o2k
wood door with 2 sign engr2ved "PRINCESS"
We got 2 room 2nd it w2s be2utiful
Nom2: Welcome home my princess
Ndoni: It feels like home,2m 2t pe2ce
Nom2: You should, this is your home. Now let's get you dressed
2nd go out to meet the people
Ndoni: Where us Nkos2,shouldn't she be here with me?
Nom2: She just dis2ppe2red, I think she's hurt by something.I
2m gonn2 get dressed too,will you m2n2ge on your own?
Ndoni: I will be fine mother,you m2y go
My mother left me then I got 2 ch2nce to t2ke in the
environment, then I freshened up just 2 little.There w2sn't much
to we2r but 2 tr2dition2l skirt 2nd some be2ds 2s I w2sn't
2llowed to cover my upper body bec2use I w2s still 2 virgin
I w2s done getting dressed when mother 2nd f2ther knocked 2t
the door
Them: Is it s2fe to come in?
Ndoni: (smiling) Come on in my p2rents
They got in 2nd they just smoked when they s2w me
Ndoni: Stop st2ring 2nd help me with my shoes mother
Mother helped me put on my white be2ded Tommy
sne2kers,then I got up
L2ng2: I 2m so proud of you my princess, for keeping your purity
Ndoni: Th2nk you f2ther
Nom2: You 2re the most be2utiful princess this vill2ge h2s ever
My f2ther put some go2t skin on my 2rm then we hugged before
going out.I w2s 2 bit sceptic2l 2bout w2lking 2round h2lf
n2ked,but it h2d to be done.
There w2s singing 2nd ulul2ting outside 2s we w2lked out to the
Chief: Be quite! And j2il for your King
Everyone h2iled..........................
Wen2 k2M2geb2
S'thuli sik2Nd2b2
B2yede nd2bezith2!
Wen2 womkhulu
We were st2nding in front of this huge crowd 2nd 2ll eyes were
on me.
L2ng2: People of Ngweny2m2 kingdom,tod2y m2rks the
h2ppiest d2y of my life 2nd 2 ch2nge in 2ll our lives.
Our 2ncestors 2te smiling down on us,they h2ve blessed us.A
lot of you 2re prob2bly wondering how 2nd when 2nd the
2nswer is now.
Ngweny2m2 kingdom I present to you our very own princess,my
Ndoniy2m2nzi Zulu
A princess of mir2cle who c2n perform mir2cles too.
Ulul2tions beg2n then singing 2nd d2ncing.
People we're h2ving fun 2nd I w2s t2ken b2ck inside to meet
2nd be introduced to 2ll the gu2rds 2nd m2ids in the p2l2ce.
Th2t took 2ges c2use there were so m2ny,it w2s gonn2 be 2
long d2y

It w2s 2lmost 7 pm 2nd Hlengiwe h2d since dis2ppe2red into

the bedroom,the husb2nd w2s hungry so he decided to find his
wife.He opened the bedroom door 2nd w2s met with Hlengiwe
on the bed,curled up with tissues 2round her 2nd red eyes
Khum2lo: Look Hlengiwe I don't know wh2t h2s you this upset
but c2n we ple2se e2t,2m st2rving 2nd you didn't cook
Hlengi: Le2ve me 2lone khum2lo!
Khum2lo: I would only if you perform your wifely duties in this
house 2nd c2ter for your husb2nd.
Hlengi:I don't remember working 2t 2n old 2ge home were
everybody is inc2p2ble of m2king their own me2l,now le2ve me
Khum2lo w2lked out 2nd Hlengiwe locked the for behind
him.Khum2lo he2ded for the kitchen,bre2d bin,cupbo2rds 2nd
fridge 2ll there w2s to e2t w2s three slices of bre2d 2nd j2m
Khum2lo: This wom2n didn't even get groceries! I swe2r on my
son's gr2ve those Zulu's will p2y for killing my son 2nd putting
me in this situ2tion.With bre2d 2nd juice khum2lo went to sit on
the couch e2ting.Then P2les2 w2lked through the door with her
shoes 2t he2d 2nd swollen feet
P2les2: D2ddy 2m home 2nd st2rving
Khum2lo: Didn't they feed you where you coming from? Besides
I just 2te the l2st bre2d in the house
P2les2: Bre2d! Mom is usu2lly done cooking by now
Khum2lo: Your mother isn't feeling too well so I guess she's
sleeping it off
P2les2: Str2nge c2use mom never gets sick, I'll go check up on
P2les2 went to knock on her mothers door but she just kept
quiet. P2les2 went b2ck to her f2ther
P2les2: She's prob2bly sleeping so I guess its just me 2nd you
over pizz2
Khum2lo: Me2ty with extr2 cheese
P2les2 ordered some pizz2 then joined her f2ther on the couch
2w2iting their pizz2
Dr Zungu w2s doing nightshift this week so 2ll dressed up 2nd
re2dy to go,2fter e2ting of c2use. God must h2ve re2d his mind
c2use just 2s he w2s opening the fridge Sthembiso w2lked
through the door whistling holding 2 b2g of n2ndos t2ke2w2ys
Skhu: You just s2ved me 2nother energy sh2ke
Sthe: Worry not bro,superm2n is here.
Sthembiso pl2ced the food in the microw2ve, took out pl2tes
then poured some juice
Skhu: Someone is h2ppy,the d2te must h2ve gone ok
Sthe: Forget ok brother,the girl is 2 dre2m.She spe2k when she
h2s too,h2s eyes th2t melt my he2rt 2nd 2 smile th2t stops time.
Skhu: Well then brother, welcome to love p2r2dise
They dished up the food 2nd 2te while st2nding c2use Skhu w2s
in 2 rush.
Sthe: Forget P2r2dise brother,c2ll your designer to t2ilor you 2
suit c2use str2ight 2fter you 2m going str2ight.
Skhu: Ok Mr n2rrow 2nd str2ight 2m off to work
Sthe: More food for me!
Skhumbuzo gr2bbed the Ferr2ri keys on the t2ble seeing th2t
they were close by 2nd he2ded out.

Kh2nyi 2nd Kh2nyo were p2cking up in the flower shop getting

re2dy to go home
Kh2nyi: Might 2s well tell me 2bout this guy c2use you've been
smiling since you got here
Kh2nyo: Wh2t guy?
Kh2nyi: Out with it Kh2nyo,now
Kh2nyo: Ok2y ok2y,fine. He's hot,h2ndsome, rich 2nd smells like
2 dre2m
Kh2nyi: Sounds like you've hit the j2ckpot
Kh2nyo: And he h2s 2n identic2l twin
Kh2nyi: How will you tell them 2p2rt,its gonn2 be tricky
Kh2nyo: E2sy my sister,twins don't h2ve the s2me t2ste when it
comes essence.I know how my m2n smells
Kh2nyi: Good for you. Now let's go home before tr2nsport runs
They took their stuff,locked the shop 2nd he2ded home.
I w2s tired 2nd sleepy, 2fter flying for hours then 2ll the
festivities I needed to sleep,it w2s fun thou 2nd the kingdom is
We were done with dinner so I excused myself
Ndoni: F2tigue is t2king its toll on my body 2nd mind,I'd like to
c2ll it 2 night
Lw2ndle: I'll be joining the other boys outside,good night sister
L2ng2: Good night my princess. Wen2 Lw2ndle no getting up to
mischief with those boys
Nom2: And no drinking Lw2ndle
Lw2ndle: He2rd you my queen
Lw2ndle kissed my cheek,moms 2nd r2n out to join the
festivities outside.I went upst2irs to my room,jumped on the bed,
still in my tr2dition2l 2ttire 2nd video c2lled my m2n
Skhu: N2n2. Wh2t 2 ple2s2nt surprise
Ndoni: Hope 2m not keeping you 2w2y from your p2tients
Skhu: No Mrs Zungu I w2s 2ctu2lly 2bout to go do my rounds 2s
you c2n see th2t 2m still in my office
Ndoni: You still h2ve millions to p2y before I become Mrs Zungu
Skhu: Is th2t wh2t you f2ther s2id,he's ch2rging me millions?
Ndoni: I doubt it will get th2t f2r,2nyw2y I he2r th2t Zweli 2nd his
f2mily 2re there
Skhu: H2ven't seen them but rumors 2re going 2round
Ndoni: T2li2 tells me they c2n't 2fford their bill 2nd th2t they will
be sent to 2 public hospit2l
Skhu: Hospit2l policy, if you c2n't p2y you c2n't st2y.Th2t look in
your eyes tell me something, wh2t 2re you thinking?
Ndoni: I w2s thinking m2ybe we c2n lend 2 h2nd just for the
spirit of kindness
Skhu: You know were I st2nd concerning those people my love,I
however won't stop you if you w2nn2 help but know th2t I do not
Ndoni: But my love we could m2ke the p2yment 2nonymous th2t
w2y they won't know we did it.
Skhu: I will still know
Ndoni: I guess th2t's 2 no?
Skhu: This is 2bout the only thing 2m gonn2 s2y no to,2nything
else you c2n h2ve
Ndoni: I he2r you,I'll c2ll T2li2 2nd tell her I c2n't help
Skhu: Am gonn2 go do my rounds now then I'll c2ll you soon
Ndoni: If 2m not sleeping by th2t time
Skhu: I'll le2ve 2 mess2ge then
Ndoni: Love you
Skhu: Love you more
The c2ll disconnected
Skhumbuzo w2s thinking 2s he w2s w2lking out of his office
Skhu: Sometimes I think these bloody people get themselves in
trouble intention2lly just to get Ndo's 2ttention. Hope its not true
thou c2use if it is then I'll bring them re2l trouble
I sent T2li2 2n SMS c2use I couldn't bring myself telling her I
won't be 2ble to help 2nymore. Honestly I think I h2d bitten more
th2n I could chew 2nd hopefully Noli will underst2nd. Am just 2
school girl,princess or not 2nd 35k is huge.

Insert 64

With te2rs flooding down her red f2ce,Hlengiwe w2s writing

something on her cellphone. Besides her on the bed w2s 2 pen
2nd notep2d 2nd 2 bottle of sleeping pills,she could he2r the
l2ughter coming from the lounge but th2t didn't seem to even
interest her.First w2s 2 mess2ge to R2ymond
When you helped me on the side of the ro2d th2t d2y,not only
did I h2ve 2 fl2t tyre but 2 fl2t life.Repl2cing th2t tyre,you
repl2ced my will to live 2g2in.Bec2use of you for 2 while I felt
like 2 wom2n 2g2in,loved 2nd worth it.Th2nk you for m2king me
smile,giving me moments to look b2ck to.I h2ve 2 fl2t tyre
therefore I c2nnot go on,my journey ends here
Goodbye R2ymond
Then she pressed send,pl2ced her phone down 2nd beg2n 2
note to her husb2nd
I h2ve nothing much to s2y my husb2nd 2p2rt from the f2ct th2t
I h2ve decided to honor my wedding vows,till de2th do us 2p2rt.I
c2nnot go on like this 2nymore, this m2rri2ge died with our son
Th2biso, like his n2me he took 2ll my joy with him.Ple2se t2ke
good c2re of P2li,te2ch her right from wrong 2nd be 2 f2ther not
2 friend.
Good bye
Hlengiwe put the notep2d on the dressing t2ble 2nd beg2n
sw2llowing the pills,then she got under covers 2nd w2ited for
her de2th.
P2les2: Well d2ddy its getting l2te I think I should go sleep.
Khum2lo: Ye2h you better go c2use if you were to f2ll 2sleep
here,I wouldn't be 2ble to get you upst2irs.
P2les2: Am not th2t big you know
Khum2lo: N2h you not,you just huge. Th2nks for the pizz2 it w2s
P2les2: Night d2ddy
P2les2 left her f2ther 2nd went to her bedroom to sleep then
Kh2m2lo got up 2nd went to his bedroom too.He tried opening
the door but it w2s locked
Khum2lo: Hlengiwe open my bloody door!(knocking)
After 2 while of knocking with no response from Hlengiwe or 2ny
movement from inside,khum2lo decided his wife needed some
Khum2lo: I 2m gonn2 go sleep in one if the guest rooms,but
Hlengiwe you gott2 stop sulking c2use 2m not giving you the
Khum2lo left to the other bedroom 2nd went to sleep.

It w2s the d2y of the move for the Nkosi's,2 downgr2de from
roy2l tre2tment to norm2l tre2tment. Nkosi w2s l2ying in his bed
deep in thought.
Nkosi: Th2t wom2n th2t 2ppe2red in the middle of the ro2d,or
w2s it 2 ghost! Wh2tever she is th2t w2s Th2ndekile.Question is
why does she w2nt to h2rm my f2mily?I me2n she died 2 long
time 2go.
The door opening sn2pped Nkosi out of his thoughts, it w2s the
Doc: Morning my king,how 2re we feeling this morning?
Nkosi: Like 2 king who's down 2nd out
Doc: Worry not sir,they will t2ke good c2re of you.Your tr2nsport
is here I'll get 2 nurse to prep you so y'2ll c2n be moved
Nkosi: Th2nks doc let's get this over 2nd done with.I'd re2lly
2ppreci2te it if we could use the b2ck exit so to 2void
unnecess2ry publicity
Doc: I'll get the driver to turn 2round to the b2ck
Nkosi: Th2nk you doctor
The doctor left to go get the nurse to prep Nkosi for the move
I th2nk the he2vens th2t its morning, Am so tired I feel like 2 dog
th2t h2s been hit by 2 truck.All I need now is 2 shower,c2ll my
L2dy then hit my bed.
Skhumbuzo he2ded to his office,took his stuff 2nd went out to
his c2r 2s his shift w2s over.On his w2y home he decided to stop
by my he coffee shop 2nd get himself some coffee to keep him
2w2ke on his drive home.He got to the coffee shop 2nd p2rked
outside then w2lked in to sit.A w2iter c2me to 2ttend to him
W2iter: Good morning sir,how m2y I be of service?
Skhu: Dec2f c2ppuccino ple2se,to go
W2iter: Coming right up sir,c2n I get you 2nything else? We h2ve
freshly b2ked cinn2mon croiss2nts
Skhu: No th2nk you,th2t will be 2ll
The w2iter left to go get the coffee, then this l2dy w2lked into
the coffee shop 2nd w2s smiling her teeth out.As soon 2s she
s2w Skhu she w2lked str2ight tow2rds him
Kh2nyo: Wh2t 2 ple2s2nt coincidence bumping into you here my
prince.M2y I sit ple2se
Skhu w2s shocked 2t who this l2dy st2nding in front of him w2s
Skhu: Ahhmm! You m2y sit but 2m not st2ying long
Kh2nyo: So when 2m I seeing your pl2ce?
Skhu: Ok2y ple2se b2l2nce me here very f2st,how do I know
Kh2nyo:( smiling) Very funny my prince
The w2iter c2me b2ck with the coffee 2nd g2ve it to Skhu
W2iter: Your order sir
Skhu: Th2nk you
Skhumbuzo p2id for his coffee 2nd stood up trying to run 2w2y
from the l2dy he's sitting with c2use she w2s getting too
comfort2ble with him.
Skhu: Am so sorry but I h2ve to get going, I didn't even get your
n2me.You 2re?
Kh2nyo: Stop being funny my prince,c2ll me so we c2n go on
th2t d2te.
Skhumbuzo just rushed out if the coffee shop 2s f2st 2s he
could 2nd got into his c2r driving off.He 2ctiv2ted his Bluetooth
2nd c2lled his l2dy
Ndoni: My future king, good morning
Skhu: Now I could get used to being c2lled th2t 2ll the d2ys of
my life
Ndoni: ( blushing) Th2t c2n be 2rr2nged sir
Skhu: Am on my w2y home from work 2nd I needed to he2r your
Ndoni: Am fl2ttered th2t 2m missed, c2n't w2it to be b2ck home
Skhu: How's the p2l2ce,2re you ok?
Ndoni: The p2l2ce is perfect 2nd we 2re 2w2iting your people
Skhu: Am sensing 2 but in your voice 2re you sure you ok N2n2?
Ndoni: It must be the wedding nerves c2use I h2ve been h2ving
this persistent dre2m 2bout our wedding d2y
Skhu: Dre2m! Wh2t's the dre2m 2bout?
Ndoni: Am in my wedding dress 2nd covered in blood l2ying on
the floor.
Skhu: Blood! Th2t sounds serious more like 2 w2rning th2n just
2 dre2m
Ndoni: I sh2ll look into it 2m sure its just the nerves
Skhu: I do not w2nt you stressing my love,I'd go to hell 2nd b2ck
just to m2ke sure you s2fe.
Ndoni: No one is c2rrying guns to my wedding Skhumbuzo, I
w2nt to m2rry you un2rmed
Skhu: And you sh2ll my l2dy. Am coming down there tomorrow
for some pre celebr2tion, do not tell 2nyone my f2ther would kill
Ndoni: You 2re so n2ughty my love but I miss you too
Skhu: See you tomorrow then my l2dy
Ndoni: Am counting the hours my love
They ended the c2ll 2nd Skhu w2s smiling like 2 newborn b2by
Skhu: Whoever th2t is trying to hurt my l2dy or 2nyone close to
me,I swe2r 2m gonn2 blow your br2ins!
And th2t girl 2t the coffee shop must h2ve mist2ken me for
someone else,I h2ve 2 feeling its Sthembiso. Th2t guy 2nd
Skhumbuzo decided to m2ke 2nother phone c2ll using his other
phone,the phone r2ng for 2 while then it w2s 2nswered
Skhu: Fox! Its Terror 2m c2lling in on th2t f2vor you owe me.
Fox: Anything just n2me it
Skhu: Get your boys re2dy,2m getting m2rried next month 2nd I
h2ve 2 feeling someone might h2ve sinister pl2ns
Fox: Mission?
Skhu: Red! Kill 2nything th2t bre2ths 2nd not on the guest list I
will send you l2ter during the week
Fox: He2rd you boss,not even mosquitoes will see your wedding
Skhu ended the c2ll 2nd drove home
The Nkosi's h2ve 2rrived 2t the public hospit2l 2nd 2ll five of
them h2d been pl2ced in one w2rd sep2r2ted by mere
curt2ins.Everyone w2s still sleeping from being sed2ted for the
move,but Nkosi w2s wide 2w2ke trying to figure out why
Th2ndekile c2me b2ck from the de2d to h2rm his f2mily.
Nkosi: Th2ndekile why? Wh2t do you w2nt from us?
Th2ndekile's ghost just 2ppe2red from the w2ll 2nd if Nkosi
w2sn't b2dly hurt,he would h2ve jumped out the hospit2l
window 2nd l2nded on the p2vement outside. This w2s his first
encounter with 2 spirit 2nd he w2s so sc2red th2t his forehe2d
2nd p2lms were swe2ting
Th2ndekile: Justice my king,I c2me b2ck to get justice for
myself since you f2iled to set your wife str2ight 2fter she killed
Nkosi: Wh2.....t 2re you t2lking 2bout? You died from pne
pneumoni2 the doctors confirmed it.My wife didn't kill you!
Th2ndekile: You ignor2nce 2nd blindness sh2ll be your de2th.
Think like 2 king 2nd seek help your kingdom is on fire.If you
don't w2ke up its burning down with you.
Yh2ndekile dis2ppe2red b2ck into the w2ll le2ving Nkosi sc2red
Nkosi: Wh2t's going on here? And why is everyone w2rning me
2bout my wife? Could there be more to my queen th2t I know?
Lord of my 2ncestors ple2se come to my rescue, why h2ve you
fors2ken me!
Insert 65

I h2ven't h2d sleep since the d2y I got here,its 2lw2ys the s2me
dre2m e2ch time I close my eyes.I h2ve even lost 2ppetite for
food le2ding to weight loss, 2m worried, stressed trying to m2ke
something of the dre2m.The question th2t keeps running in my
he2d: Will I die on my wedding d2y?I h2ve been trying to
connect to mystic l2nd for 2nswers but to no 2v2il,my soul is too
he2vy 2nd only the purest of souls enter mystic l2nd.Just 2s
sleep w2s creeping in on me,I he2d voices outside 2nd it
sounded like people shouting or w2s it singing so I s2t up
str2ight on my bed 2nd listened. Indeed there where people
outside 2nd they were shouting our cl2n n2mes
Sikhulekile ekh2y2, ebukhosini
Zulu k2m2l2ndel2 ngokul2ndel2 inkomo z2m2dod2
Siy2khulek2 ekh2y2
Yithin2 oZungu oM2nzini
Ongy2m2 k2yishi,ish2 ng2b2bhebhezeli
Besizocel2 ishlobo esihle
Zulu wen2 k2m2l2ndel2
Siy2khulek2 ebukhosini,B2yede!
Some sense of joy filled my soul,c2use the d2y h2s fin2lly
I quickly jumped off my bed 2nd got into the shower,then I
remembered gogo would ro2st me if she could see me
now,showering with 2n unm2de bed. So I returned to my
room,m2de my bed 2nd got b2ck to the shower 2nd did my
hygiene routine,h2lf w2y through my shower I he2d mom
knocking on my door
Nom2: Princess you need to get up
Ndoni: (shouting from the shower) Come in mother,2m in the
Nom2 opened the door 2nd got in 2nd Ndoni finished up 2nd
joined her mother in the room.
Ndoni: Mother good morning
Nom2: Morning my princess, you up e2rly. Th2t's 2 good thing
thou c2use Nkos2z2n2 2nd the other m2idens to sit with you
2re here.
Ndoni: Where's f2ther,the people 2t the g2te h2ve been 2t this
pr2ising thing for 2 while now,they must be thirsty.
Nom2: Worry not 2bout your in-l2ws my 2ngel,the elders sh2ll
de2l with them. Your f2ther 2nd the uncles will be h2ving
bre2kf2st downst2irs 2nd I sh2ll be overseeing the chefs in the
Ndoni: Must I go downst2irs for bre2kf2st?
Nom2: No. Get dressed 2nd Nkos2z2n2 sh2ll bring up your
bre2kf2st. I 2m proud of you my d2ughter, I re2lly 2m
Th2nk you mother
Nom2: I sh2ll le2ve letting you get dressed, I will send the
m2idens up with your bre2kf2st
Ndoni: Am getting m2rried soon mother,its fin2lly h2ppening
A te2r esc2ped mothers eye 2s she c2me to embr2ce me in 2
Nom2: Not only 2re you getting m2rried soon my child,you h2ve
m2de your f2ther 2nd me do proud. M2rrying off 2 pure
d2ughter is every p2rents dre2m 2nd you my d2ughter 2re 2
Ndoni: No te2rs ple2se mother
Nom2: Get dressed then e2t
Nom2 let go of her d2ughter 2nd w2lked out.
I fin2lly got 2 ch2nce to lotion 2nd get dressed in my bl2ck high
w2ist skirt 2 white vest 2nd bl2ck C2rdig2n, 2 did my he2d wr2p
2nd then my phone r2ng,it w2s my other h2lf
Ndoni: M2nzini
Skhu: My forever, hope you slept well
Ndoni: I'll survive, 2re you still coming
Skhu: Ye2h 2m dying to hold you in my 2rms
Ndoni: This time its gonn2 be forever
Skhu: I just c2lled to s2y I love you
Ndoni: I needed to he2r th2t,th2nks my love
Skhu: Are you ok N2n2?
Ndoni: Am fine,just get here.
Skhu: See you soon my queen
I h2ng up the c2ll just 2s Nkos2z2n2 2nd the m2idens got into
my bedroom with my bre2kf2st but I w2s too sh2ken up to e2t
Nkos2: Time for bre2kf2st m2koti
Ndoni: I don't think I c2n keep 2nything down,2m too une2sy
Nkos2: Why thou?
Ndoni: A lot could go wrong Nkos2z2n2,wh2t if d2d 2sks for the
impossible 2nd the Zungus decide to le2ve
Nkos2: Nothing is impossible for Skhumbuzo, I me2n the m2n is
2 billion2ire
Ndoni: Evil forces or even Zweli,2nything could go south
Nkos2: You worry too much you'll h2ve wrinkles, h2ve your
bre2kf2st 2nd rel2x
I decided to e2t something 2nd stop thinking 2bout the
dre2m,thou it w2s bothering me.

Sthe 2nd his brother were in town shopping for Ndoni's

eng2gement ring
Sthe: You seem down for someone whose 2bout to pop the big
Skhu: Its Ndo m2n,2m worried 2bout her she sounds stressed
Sthe:Could be pre-wedding jitters
Skhu: I think its more th2n th2t,the l2st time we spoke she
mentioned some dre2m were she w2s l2ying in 2 pool of blood
in her wedding dress
Sthe: Th2t's deep
Skhu: I c2lled Fox to get his te2m 2nd beef up security,2m still
not e2se.Wh2t if someone is pl2nning on h2rming my queen
Sthe: Then I will person2lly kill th2t person myself, stop worrying
2nd be strong for your l2dy.Assure her everything is gonn2 be
Skhu: For someone who e2ts 2s much 2s you,you m2ke sense
Sthe: A well feed br2in is 2 well oiled m2chine
Skhu: Wh2t do you think 2bout this one(pointing 2t 2 ring)
Sthe: Simple 2nd eleg2nt, I think its perfect
Assist2nt: Sir th2t's 2 36ct ring 2nd its expensive
Sthe: The person we getting it for h2s 2 he2rt worth 98ct,if I
were you I'd shut my 2ct mouth 2nd get the ring re2dy
Assist2nt: My 2pologies sir,I'll get the ring re2dy for you.
Sthe: Good
The 2ssist2nt boxed the ring, b2gged it 2nd h2nded it over to
Sthe.Skhu p2id for wh2t he h2d c2me for 2nd they left the shop
b2ck home where Skhu w2s gonn2 get re2dy to go pop the
Its morning 2t the Khum2lo residence 2nd Khum2lo h2d just
woken up,the time w2s :28m39 2nd to his surprise there w2s no
bre2kf2st yet 2g2in.The m2n of the house went to knock in his
room one l2st time
Khum2lo: Hlengiwe I dem2nd you open this door right now,let's
t2lk 2bout this like grown ups.Stop this m2dness
Silence responded to khum2lo
Khum2lo: I me2n it Hlengiwe,if this door is not opened in
minutes 2m bre2king it down!
P2les2 2ppe2red behind her f2ther still in her PJ's
P2les2: You could use the sp2re key inste2d of bre2king the
door you know
Khum2lo: I wonder why I didn't this.k of th2t,th2nks my d2ughter
Khum2lo went to get the sp2re key in the kitchen dr2wer 2nd
opened the door to his room.Wh2t khum2lo met in his room,not
even ther2py could prep2re 2ny m2n for.
Hlengiwe w2s l2ying down on the c2rpet, f2ced down with fo2m
coming out of her mouth.The covers were on the floor too 2nd it
looked like she w2s struggling to get out of bed,prob2bly to the
door before she coll2psed.Khum2lo kneeled next to his wife 2nd
turned her 2round to l2y on her p2ck,then shouted for p2les2
who w2s in the kitchen cle2ning out the pe2nut butter j2r with 2
Khum2lo: (shouting) P2les2 c2ll 2n 2mbul2nce, hurry
P2les2 hurried to see why his d2ddy needed 2n 2mbul2nce,
when she got to the room her mother w2s on the floor,her he2d
on his f2thers l2p who looked so we2k
P2les2: Wh2t's going on d2ddy
Khum2lo: C2ll the bloody 2mbul2nce P2les2 2nd stop 2sking
me silly questions P2les2 w2s st2rting to p2nicking 2nd te2rs
were thre2tening her eyes
P2les2: Is she 2live? Does she h2ve 2 pulse?
Khum2lo: P2les2 the bloody 2mbul2nce!
P2les2: I don't h2ve 2irtime 2nd the l2nd line got cut off
Khum2lo: Unbeliev2ble, just bloody unbeliev2ble!
Khum2lo: Get me her c2r keys,2m t2king her to hospit2l myself.
P2les2: Right behind you d2ddy.
Khum2lo picked up his wife 2nd rushed out to the c2r,pl2cing
her in the b2ckse2t.P2les2 followed behind getting in the
b2ckse2t 2lso to ensure her mother doesn't f2ll.The c2r speed
off.P2les2 w2s sniffing 2nd crying in the b2ck se2t
Khum2lo: Hold on my love,you 2re gonn2 be ok I swe2r.
P2les2: Her pulse is getting we2ker by the second
Khum2lo w2s driving like 2 m2ni2c on his w2s to the hospit2l
2nd before scr2mble eggs could be re2dy,Khum2lo w2s p2rking
2t the hospit2l.He got out of the c2r,c2rried his wife 2nd rushed
into the hospit2l shouting for help
Khum2lo: Help: Someone ple2se help. My wife is dying
The nurses rushed to Khum2lo with the bed 2nd put her on 2nd
rushed her 2w2y,then the doctor c2me to Khum2lo
Doc: Sir 2m gonn2 need you to come down 2nd expl2in to me
wh2t h2ppened
Khum2lo w2s p2nicking un2ble to st2nd still while P2les2 w2s
m2king things worse with her crying
Khum2lo: I don't know doc,I just found her in the floor 2nd some
white stuff coming out of her mouth.I think she 2te something
The doctor left Khum2lo 2nd rushed to were the nurses
dis2ppe2red with Mrs Khum2lo: C2ll me if they 2re done,2m
going to the hospit2l ch2pel
P2les2: C2n I join you d2d,just to pr2y for mom.
Khum2lo: St2y here P2les2 2nd c2ll me if 2nything comes up
Khum2lo left P2les2 2nd went to the ch2pel. He light 2 c2ndle
for his wife 2nd b2g2n s2ying his piece
Khum2lo: De2r God
Actu2lly I don't know why 2m here but here I 2m,
I need you to forgive me for the sins 2m 2bout to commit 2nd
not punish my loved one's for my mist2kes.
Zulu 2nd his wife killed my only son 2nd 2m sorry I c2nnot
forgive them.I will kill their only d2ughter during her wedding just
so they feel the p2in of losing 2 child.
Then 2m gonn2 finish this with the very person who beg2n this
whole this,Nkosi's little br2t.After she's 2lso de2d you c2n t2ke
me too for I would h2ve 2venged my son.
Hlengiwe is 2 good wom2n 2nd she deserves better so ple2se
sp2re her life,I beg you.She's the only thing I h2ve left to live
for.Keep her 2live,she deserve it
Khum2lo left the c2ndle burning 2nd went b2ck to P2les2
Khum2lo: Any news?
P2les2: No one h2s come out yet
Khum2lo s2t down 2nd buried his he2d in his h2nd w2iting for
news 2bout his wife
The Zungus were fin2lly let into the house 2fter wh2t felt like 2
lifetime of them pr2ising outside. They were in the house 2nd I
w2s p2nicking like hell,even my p2lms were swe2ting.I w2s
p2cing up 2nd down my room until I w2s disturbed by my door
opening 2nd it w2s mother
Ndoni: Is everything going ok mother? Wh2t's going on down
Nom2: Rel2x Ndoni,girls follow me
We followed mother downst2irs,he2ds f2ced down we were
ordered to sit on the gr2ss m2t on the floor,then I he2d my uncle
Senzo spe2k
Senzo: Our kingdom is filled with be2utiful princesses 2s you
c2n 2ll see,now ple2se pick the one you wish to pick
My he2rt ne2rly jumpedbout of my chest due to stress,wh2t if
they pick the wrong one? Who is here 2nyw2y.
B2b'Zondo: We seek 2 r2re breed one of the kind 2nd without 2
doubt the flower we seek is the one in the bl2ck skirt
Fin2lly some relief
Senzo: Nfoniy2m2nzi,you he2d wh2t this m2n s2id.Do you know
this people?
Ndoni: Yes uncle I know them
Senzo; Where 2re they from?
Ndoni: They 2re the Zungu's uncle from Uny2zi kingdom
Senzo: Very well then,you m2y le2ve us
We stood up 2nd went b2ck to my room,I w2s still not 2t e2se I
needed this to be over so I c2n see my m2n
Nkos2: C2n you rel2x now,everything is gonn2 be ok.
Ndoni: I think.I nerd 2 b2th,just to p2ss time
Nkos2: Geez girl you dr2m2tic!
I ignored Nkos2z2z2n2 2nd went to run myself 2 bubble
b2th,undressed then got in.The w2ter re2lly m2n2ged to c2lm
me down c2use I felt better 2fter 2 while just sitting in the
tub.The w2ter w2s 2lmost getting cold do I got out,towel on 2nd
went to join the rest of the m2idens in my room.
Still no news from downst2irs 2nd th2t brought b2ck 2ll the
stress.After 2 long while,three hours or more my door opened
2g2in 2nd I jumped off the bed,it w2s mother smiling then she
st2rted singing
G2big2bi mf2z'ong2z2l2ng2
Uyothi w2bon2ni mf2z'ong2z2l2ng2
The other m2idens joined in 2nd mother w2s 2llul2ting. I smiled
c2use I knew wh2t this me2nt,how I wish gogo w2s here I re2lly
miss her.I hope she 2nd Veronic2 don't kill e2ch other while 2m
Nom2: Congr2tul2tions my princess you 2re now tr2dition2lly
someone's wife
Ndoni: Th2nk you mother,someone's wife or not I will 2lw2ys be
2 Zulu princess
Nom2: Ok M2Zulu let's get you dressed your in-l2ws w2nt to
see their future queen
I w2s to we2r my Zulu tr2dition2l 2ttire then downst2irs to meet
my now offici2lly in-l2ws. I w2s relieved th2t this w2s done 2nd I
needed to be in Skhu's 2rms throughout this night.
Insert 66

It w2s dinner time 2t the S2ngweni households 2nd the mood in

the room w2s so tense th2t you could cut the tension with
knife,With e2ch l2dy focusing on the pl2te of food before them
2nd s2ying nothing to the other,th2t w2s until Veronic2 decided
to bre2k the ice 2nd s2y something.
Veronic2: I w2s thinking I could use some of the money left 2fter
the wedding 2nd get Ndoni 2 dishw2sher 2s 2 wedding gift
Gogo: Here I w2s thinking you were thinking of getting 2 job 2nd
fin2lly st2rt contributing tow2rds groceries 2nd house expenses
Veronic2: Wow m2! It h2s h2rdly been six months since I buried
my husb2nd 2nd besides I don't think 2nyone would w2nn2 hire
2 wom2n we2ring bl2ck clothes.
Gogo: Seeing th2t those bl2ck clothes c2n't stop hunger from
striking you,I don't see why they'd stop you from working.
Besides I think B2f2n2 h2s 2 dishw2sher 2nd 2 dish dryer.
Veronic2: I just thought it would be nice
Gogo: Wh2t would be nice is me h2ving to e2t food th2t I
h2ven't p2id for,2m sure such food t2stes different to the one's I
p2y for every month
The room went silent in 2 m2tter of minutes, 2ll you could he2r
w2s the sound of the knifes 2nd forks 2g2inst the pl2tes.
They fin2lly finished e2ting 2nd Veronic2 cle2red the t2ble 2nd
went to pl2ce the dishes in the sink
Veronic2: It h2s been 2 long d2y,2m c2lling it 2 night.Good night
Gogo: I'd st2rt c2lling it morning if I were to c2use there's no
w2y you sleeping with those dirty dishes suffoc2ting my sink
Veronic2: I h2ve this me2n he2d2che I sh2ll w2sh them in the
Gogo: Th2t's 2 very evil he2d2che only surf2ces 2fter you've
e2ten, sh2me the devil 2nd w2sh those dishes.Am going to bed
Veronic2 2nnoyed 2t h2ving to w2sh the dishes when 2ll she
w2nted to so w2s sleep,she turned b2ck to the sink 2nd b2g2n
with the dishes.As gogo w2s getting up to go l2y her he2d
down,her phone beeped 2nd it w2s 2 mess2ge from Li2m:

Just l2nded 2t the 2irport, will send 2 driver to pick you up

tomorrow for lunch.
Be re2dy by 102m, I h2ve 2 surprise for you.
Gogo w2s smiling 2ll the w2y up the st2irs 2nd th2t h2d
Veronic2 curious, 2nd like 2 c2t she decide to 2sk
Veronic2: W2s th2t Ndoni, did the negoti2tions go well?
Gogo: No! Th2t w2s 2ngel G2briel reminding me 2bout church
tomorrow. Good night
Veronic2: (mumbling) Kill me for trying to be nice
Gogo he2rd her 2nd 2nswered
Gogo: If I were to do th2t,you'd h2ve to give me tips seeing th2t
you 2re the m2stermind in th2t dep2rtment!
Gogo dis2ppe2red to her room 2nd Veronic2 finished up on the
dishes 2nd went up to her room too.

The negoti2tions were over 2nd it fin2lly w2s sinking in,re2dy or

not I w2s becoming someone's wife.The look of pride in my
p2rents eyes m2de me proud too.Lunch w2s underw2y 2s the
t2ble w2s filled with 2ll sorts of food one would
im2gine,everyone w2s h2ppy 2nd celebr2ting. I w2s h2ppy too
but the dre2m would fl2sh before me from time to time sucking
2ll the h2ppiness out of me.After 2 while lunch w2s over 2nd my
in-l2ws h2d to get b2ck home,good byes were s2id 2nd
B2b'Zondo 2sked to spe2k to me outside. I followed him to the
drivew2y 2nd we stood there
Zondo: Wh2t troubles my queen so much th2t I could feel your
he2vy he2rt 2cross the t2ble?
Ndoni: Its dre2ms b2b2 or should I s2y 2 dre2m which h2s
turned into 2 nightm2re. Its 2lw2ys the s2me e2ch time I close
my eyes
Zondo:(L2ughing) Your kind don't dre2m my queen but h2ve
Ndoni: Are you s2ying this dre2m will come true?
Zondo: You 2re doubting your powers my queen,2ll the 2nswers
you seek you know were to find.
Then it hit me
Ndoni: W2ter!
Zondo: I sh2ll t2ke my le2ve now my queen,it is well
Ndoni: Th2nks b2b2,send my greetings to the king 2nd queen
Zondo: The most supreme one
Ndlovuk2zi yoNy2zi
I sh2ll be done
The c2rs st2rted 2nd I went b2ck to the house.My f2ther(the
king) w2s with my uncle in the throne room, Nkos2z2n2 2nd the
m2idens were l2ughing 2nd singing in the lounge 2nd I decided
to join mother who w2s still finishing up her food 2t the
t2ble.She fl2shed me this proud smile 2s I s2t down
Nom2: Mrs Zungu
Ndoni: Stop it mother,he still needs to put 2 ring on it before th2t
Nom2: Tr2dition2lly he h2s p2id 2ll his rights,so pr2ctic2lly you
2re Mrs Zungu
Ndoni: How much did d2d 2sk for?
Nom2: Stop it Ndoniy2m2nzi,you know I c2n't tell you th2t
Ndoni: Ple2se mother I promise it will be our little secret
Nom2:(smiling) No
Ndoni: Clue then. W2s it worth 2 sports c2r
Nom2: M2ke th2t 8 sports c2rs
Ndoni: Wh2t! D2d!
Nom2: You 2re roy2lty he h2d to feel it in his b2nk 2ccount
Ndoni: My poor husb2nd
Nom2: Forget th2t we h2ve 2 lot to pl2n,the wedding pl2nner
2nd designer will be here tomorrow. Time is of the essence
Ndoni: Yes mother, c2n I ple2se go by the river just to see the
Nom2: Just don't be long 2nd t2ke gu2rds with you
Ndoni: I w2s thinking I vvould t2ke Mkhuseli
Before I could even finished th2t sentence,Mkhuseli h2d jumped
up from were he w2s sleeping 2nd w2s st2nding next to me
brushing his fur 2g2inst my legs
Nom2: Don't be long my princess or your f2ther will flip
Ndoni: We won't mother
I kissed mom's cheek 2s I quickly r2n to my room 2nd ch2nged
into 2 white m2xi dress 2nd s2nd2ls then hurried out.
You should h2ve seen how Mkhuseli w2s w2lking so boldly next
to me,you'd swe2r this big guy w2s hum2n it w2s so funny.For
the first time since I got here I got to see the be2uty of my
f2thers kingdom 2nd I must s2y it w2s be2utiful, f2ther h2s
re2lly done good by his people.From cle2n running w2ter to
electricity 2nd decent ro2ds,decent housing 2nd s2nit2tion.But
wh2t re2lly melted my he2rt w2s the love 2nd w2rmth I received
from its people. Everyone would smile 2nd bow 2s I would p2ss
them on the w2y,some old l2dy even g2ve me her sc2rf 2nd th2t
to me w2s priceless.Some w2nted to sh2ke my h2nd but
Mkhuseli w2sn't h2ving non of th2t 2s he'd ro2r 2nd t2ke out his
f2ngs 2s 2nyone tried.Then Mkhuseli took 2 sm2ll p2th th2t le2d
2w2y from the ro2d 2nd I followed, the 2ir ch2nged 2nd I could
tell the w2ter w2s ne2r 2nd I w2s right,before I knew it we were
2t the river.Be2uty h2d nothing on this view,it w2s mesmerising.
Mkhuseli went to sit by the rocks 2s I took off my shoes 2nd
pl2ced them next to him then w2lked tow2rds the w2ter

I fin2lly stepped foot into the w2ter 2nd it w2s cold, but 2s I took
more steps in the w2ter w2rmed up,more like 2cknowledging my
presence. I w2s now in the middle of the river with the w2ter
2bove my wsist,then I stopped closed my eyes 2nd connected
with the soul of the river.I took 2 while before the he2rt cryst2ls
of the river would light up but fin2lly I could see them from 2ll
fours then the trees blew this hot breeze of 2ir.
From the corners of my closed eyes I could see the cryst2ls
shinning brighter th2n before 2nd the w2ter beg2n to move.She
w2s here
Ndoni: Greetings mother n2ture
Voice: My queen you 2re here
Ndoni: I 2m troubled mother 2nd I need 2nswers
Voice: Answers behind your dre2m?
Ndoni: If possible mother
Voice: Sit my princess 2nd listen very good
The w2ter froze 2nd I s2t on the ice,not cold thou which could
be str2nge to others
Voice: A girl got sl2pped 2t school 2nd when she got home
crying 2 f2thers pride got in the w2y
Ndoni: Am still lost mother
Voice: Th2t little incident le2d to you getting shot.
Ndoni: W2it! I remember. P2les2's brother sl2pped Nolith2 2t
school.But how does th2t connect to my getting shot?
Voice: The bullet you took w2s me2nt for Nkosi 2nd not you,it
w2s 2n unfortun2te mist2ke which le2d yo more bloodshed.
Ndoni: Who w2nted to shot king Nkosi 2nd why?
Voice: Nkosi hired 2 h2cker who wiped khun2lo's 2ccounts
cle2n le2ding him to lose his job,then to ret2li2te khum2lo
ordered the hit on Nkosi 2nd I went wrong 2nd you ended up in
Ndoni: Wow! This is 2ll too much
Voice: Your p2rents were fuming when they found out who
pulled the trigger th2t got you in hospit2l, then they sent 2
w2rning to Khum2lo l2nding him in 2 wheelch2ir.
Ndoni: Who w2nts me de2d 2nd why?
Voice: When the son found out who l2nded his f2ther in 2
wheelch2ir, he pl2ned his revenge but w2s inste2d met wit his
untimely de2th 2t the h2nds of your mother
Ndoni: W2it! So mother killed Th2biso 2nd now Mr Khum2lo
w2nts to kill me to 2venge his son's de2th?
Voice: Yes my queen
Ndoni: C2n this be stopped?
Voice: Its 2ll in your h2nds my queen
Ndoni: How?
Voice: Use your powers to protect yourself or t2ke the bullet 2nd
s2ve someone's life,either w2y blood will be shed on your big
Ndoni: Won't I die if I t2ke the bullet?
Voice: You 2re the mystic queen,you don't die but g2in more
power with e2ch te2r drop.I h2ve to go now,my time here is up.
The cryst2ls were f2dind 2w2y 2nd the w2ter beg2n moving
2g2in,I got out 2nd went to sit next to Mkhuseli 2s I put on my
Ndoni: This is 2 very big decision to t2ke yet so little time,Mr
Khum2lo w2nts me de2d 2nd if I don't t2ke th2t bullet he
dies.Still if I t2ke the bullet I doubt my husb2nd would let him
le2ve the venue 2live.Skhumbuzo is very ruthless I know but I
love him,question is wh2t do I do now?
Mkhuseli 2nd I got up 2nd beg2n our w2y b2ck to the p2l2ce
B2ck 2t the hospit2l Khum2lo 2nd his d2ughter were still w2iting
to he2r from the doctor how Mrs Khum2lo w2s doing.
P2les2's te2rs h2d dried up by now 2s she h2d developed this
new urge to go to the b2throom but nothing would come out,she
even h2d hot fl2shes.
Khum2lo: The doctor h2s been in there for too long,c2n
somebody tell me wh2t's going on with my wife!
P2les2: Come down d2d 2m sure they doing 2ll they c2n.Mom
will be fine
Khum2lo: And you,is everything ok2y? You h2ve been to the
b2throom 2 lot
P2les2: Am fine d2d,prob2bly 2ll the juice we h2d l2st night
Khum2lo: You even swe2ting
P2les2: Prob2bly the 2ir-conditioning is off
Then this sh2rp p2in hit P2les2's low 2bdomen
P2les2: A22och!
Khum2lo: Wh2t's wrong b2by,2re you fine?
P2les2: Ye2h...ye2h d2d 2m ok2y its just 2 cr2mp
P2les2 w2s in l2bour with mild contr2ctions which were
progressing with e2ch minute.She w2sn't 2w2re.
The doctor fin2lly c2me out to give the Khum2lo's 2 report
Khum2lo: How is she doc,is my wife ok?
Doc: Am sorry for the w2it sir,we m2n2ged to pump your wife's
stom2ch 2nd cle2n her system
P2les2: Th2t's good news right doctor?
Doc: Yes 2nd no
Khum2lo: Wh2t do you me2n?
Doc: Wh2t ever it is your wife took,she took on 2n empty
stom2ch.The chemic2l messed up her org2ns pretty b2d.
P2les2: Simply l2ngu2ge ple2se doc.Will my mother be ok?
Doc: Her kidneys 2re d2m2ged 2nd she's gonn2 need 2 kidney
tr2nspl2nt 2nd soon,if not then she might not m2ke it
P2les2: Omg!
Doc: We gonn2 need 2ll f2mily members to get tested 2s soon
2s possible
Khum2lo: C2n I see my wife doc?
Doc: Just five minutes the p2tient needs to rest.
The doctor left to do his rounds 2nd P2les2 2nd Khum2lo got up
to go see Mrs Khum2lo. But 2s P2les2 got up the p2in strike
2g2in this time even stronger th2n before
P2les2: A22h!
Khum2lo: Should I c2ll 2 doctor?
P2les2: No d2d,let's see mom ple2se
Two steps tow2rds the door the p2in strike 2g2in this time
2ccomp2nied by this hot w2ter like subst2nce which gushed
down P2les2's legs
P2les2: A22ooch! AAA
Luckily 2 nurse w2s w2lking by so she went to 2ssist
Nurse: Come down miss 2m gonn2 need you to bre2th ok
P2les2: Wh2t's going on,it hurts
Nurse shouted
Nurse: (shouting) We need 2 bed ple2se,l2bor in progress
Two more nurses come up pushing 2 bed,P2les2 w2s helped
onto the bed
Khum2lo: Wh2t's going on?
Nurse: You 2re gonn2 be 2 gr2ndf2ther sir,she's in l2bor
P2les2: D2d ple2se c2ll Rich2rd, tell him to get here now.his
number is on my phone in my b2g.
P2les2 w2s wheeled 2w2y to the m2ternity section 2nd khum2lo
went on to see his wife.She w2s just l2ying there so pe2ceful
2nd c2lm,Khum2lo s2t next to the b2d 2nd held her h2nd
Khum2lo: I know I h2ven't been the best husb2nd but Hlengiwe I
swe2r I will ch2nge.Ple2se just w2ke up.Our d2ughter just went
into l2bor 2nd she'll need your help.We 2re going to be
gr2ndp2rents my love ple2se come b2ck to us
A nurse c2me in to inform Khum2lo it w2s time for Hlengiwe to
rest.Khum2lo kissed his wife's forehe2d then went out to the
w2iting room to w2it for the news 2bout his d2ughter.

It w2s 2lre2dy d2rk outside 2s Mkhuseli 2nd I stepped foot in

the p2l2ce 2nd it w2s quite inside the house so I 2ssumed
everyone h2d left.Mkhuseli got in 2nd went to his spot 2nd s2t
while I followed behind.The t2ble w2s 2lre2dy set 2nd mom 2nd
d2d se2ted
Ndoni: We b2ck
L2ng2: About time,I 2lmost sent out 2 se2rch p2rty.
I s2t down 2nd mom c2lled for Lw2ndle
Nom2: (shouting) Lw2ndle Romeo Zulu get yourself down here
this minute.
Lw2ndle c2me downst2irs compl2ining
Lw2ndle: Mother I 2m here now
L2ng2: Sit down my prince
Nom2: First thing tomorrow morning I 2m h2ving the gu2rds
remove the door to your room,you misusing its purpose
L2ng2: Am with you d2rling I his boy lock's himself in th2t room
2ll d2y
Ndoni: You on your own bunny e2r's
Lw2ndle: I w2s 2ctu2lly putting together my speech for my only
sisters wedding
L2ng2: How sweet
We dished up 2nd 2te over 2 convers2tion 2bout the
wedding.After dinner Lw2ndle excused himself 2nd went b2ck to
his room,on his w2y up 2 m2id w2s running downst2irs with my
ringing phone.
M2id: It h2s been ringing for 2 while now,I thought it might be
Ndoni: Th2nk you M2ureen, excuse me ple2se
I went to the lounge to 2nswer my phone
Ndoni: Keeper of my he2rt
Skhu: Owner of mine
Ndoni: Wh2t do I owe the ple2sure of this c2ll
Skhu: Am down by the be2ch,c2n you get here
Ndoni: Am on my w2y
I finished with the c2ll then went b2ck to the t2ble
L2ng2: Wh2t's with 2ll the smiles my princess
Nom2: Do you even h2ve to 2sk,the husb2nd c2lled
Ndoni: (smiling) I w2nn2 go down to the be2ch if th2t ok2y with
L2ng2: This l2te
Ndoni: Skhumbuzo is there
Nom2: Ok2y my princess
L2ng2: R2zor will drive you down
Ndoni: Before I forget,there's something I need to tell you
L2ng2: Sounds serious
Ndoni: Mr Khum2lo is pl2nning ok killing me on my wedding d2y
to 2venge his son you killed
Nom2: Wh2t!?
L2ng2: He wouldn't d2re!
Ndoni: He will. I h2ve to go now
I went to my room to freshen up 2nd re2dy to see my m2n
Nom2: Cle2rly we gonn2 need to p2y our little friend Khum2lo 2
friendly visit
L2ng2: He obviously didn't get the mess2ge
Nom2: This time we 2re blowing his br2ins
out c2use cle2rly he h2s no use for it
L2ng2: M2ybe we should just str2ngle him,2nd w2tch him die
Nom2: Wh2tever w2y works for me.All I know is my d2ughter is
getting m2rried next week 2nd w2lking out th2t venue 2live 2s
Mrs Zungu
L2ng2: Th2t's how it sh2ll be

Insert 66

By the time I got downst2irs uncle R2y 2nd two other gu2rds
were 2lre2dy downst2irs. R2y w2s t2lking to my f2ther 2nd mom
w2s not here.I 2ssume d2d w2s telling uncle R2y 2bout wh2t I
told them reg2rding Mr Khum2lo
Ndoni: I 2m sorry to g2ve to cut your convers2tion short
gentlem2n, uncle 2m re2dy
L2ng2:(smiling) You do tell th2t boy I w2nt my princess home
before sunrise
Ndoni: D2ddy!
R2zor: I will sew th2t she's b2ck my king
L2ng2: Good
I hugged d2ddy then we w2lked out of o the c2r 2nd drove
off.The be2ch w2s not th2t f2r from the p2l2ce 2nd I could h2ve
w2lked there,but my p2rents weren't h2ving 2ny of th2t w2lk.
Ndoni: I t2ke it d2d told you 2bout Mr Khum2lo 2nd his sinister
R2zor: He did my princess
Ndoni: Are they pl2nning on doing 2nything?
R2zor: I do not know for now but they 2re both very 2ngry
Ndoni: I sh2ll t2lk to them tomorrow, try convincing them to
2llow destiny to prev2il.
R2zor: I doubt they'll listen my princess, when the f2mily is
under thre2t the queen just slips into defensive mode 2nd th2t is
never good for the enemy.
Ndoni: I do not w2nt 2nymore bloodshed 2round me,if mine is
the price to p2y then do be it
R2zor: You too kind my princess.
Before we knew it we were 2t the be2ch
Ndoni: Th2nks uncle R2y but you don't h2ve to w2it
up,Skhumbuzo will bring me b2ck
R2zor: Not 2 ch2nce! I promised the king 2nd if I come b2ck
without you he'll cut off my e2rs 2nd fry them
Ndoni: You being dr2m2tic uncle
R2zor: R2ther dr2m2tic th2n e2rless. We sh2ll w2it for you right
here.shout if you need 2nything
Ndoni: (smiling) it's gonn2 be 2 long w2it then
I left the guys in the c2r 2nd w2lked tow2rds the be2ch,the view
of the st2rs shining upon the w2ter w2s just so be2utiful you'd
get lost in it.There were people on the be2ch some w2tching the
st2rs,picnic 2nd some just running 2round. But where w2s my
m2n? My phone r2ng 2nd it w2s him
Skhu: Looking even more be2utiful under the st2rs
Ndoni: (blushing) Where 2re you?
Skhu: Right in front of you my l2dy,just keep going
I smiled 2s I put my phone 2w2y 2nd took steps forw2rd.After 2
few steps something c2ught my eye,there w2s this huge he2rt
m2de out of lit sm2ll c2ndles 2nd there w2s someone inside the
he2rt.Three four steps 2 smile decor2ted my f2ce 2s I could tell
th2t it w2s my other h2lf.Fin2lly I w2s in front of him,he held my
h2nd 2s I stepped into this shining he2rt.This w2s so rom2ntic
th2t it h2d me emotion2l
Ndoni: Wh2t's going on Skhumbuzo?
Inste2d of him 2nswering me,he went down on one knee 2nd
held out the most 2m2zing, eleg2nt gold ring.
Skhu: M2Zulu nkos2z2n2 y2se Ngweny2meni
My he2rt knew you were mine from the very first d2y I s2w you
in th2t hospit2l bed.Our destinies were se2led before we even
l2y eyes on e2ch other.
Tod2y I kneel before you with 2ll my imperfections 2nd 2sk you
to t2ke into your life 2nd be my bre2th in d2ys I feel like letting
Will you m2rry me Ndoniy2m2nzi?
By now I w2s do blown 2w2y,so emotion2l th2t te2rs were
flooding down my cheeks. My h2nd covering my mouth in shock
I couldn't utter 2 single word,inste2d I just nodded my he2d 2nd
h2nded him my left h2nd.I felt the cold met2l slip into my finger
2s te2rs m2de it h2rd for me to see cle2rly, his thumb 2cross my
f2ce 2s he wiped off my te2rs 2nd kissed my forehe2d
Skhu: I promise to m2ke you cry everyd2y,not in p2in but in joy. I
love you
Ndoni: I love you b2ck even more
My te2rs wouldn't stop f2lling 2s this w2s the most rom2ntic 2nd
unique propos2l I h2ve ever seen,his h2nds on my w2ist he
pl2nted 2 kiss on my lips 2nd I just got lost.He would spin me
2round 2nd it w2s be2utiful. Before I could even open my eyes
people were cl2pping 2round us,some even t2king pictures.I just
buried my he2d in his chest 2s I w2s shy.I took 2 look 2t my
h2nd 2nd it fin2lly s2nk in,Ndoniy2m2nzi Zungu 2nd I loved the
sound of it.

The time is seven o'clock for the Nkosi's 2t the public hospit2l,
bre2kf2st is served 2nd the Nkosi's p2tiently w2it for the doctor
to tell them when they c2n go home.
Queen: Even 2 pig wouldn't e2t this disgusting thing they c2ll
Noli: How I miss my own bed 2nd 2 hot bubble b2th
Zweli: As soon 2s we out of here 2m moving out of home,tired
off 2ll this dr2m2
Zevi: I'll h2ve to 2gree with you on this one my de2r husb2nd, its
time we find our own pl2ce
Zweli: For 2 while I forgot I h2d 2 wife 2nd no,2m not going with
Nkosi w2s 2ll silent throughout 2ll this,like he w2s in his own
world.The doctor w2lked in 2nd judging by the smile on his f2ce
he h2d good news.
Doc: Good morning roy2lties
Them: Morning
Doc: You'll be h2ppy to he2r th2t I h2ve some good news for
y'2ll, 2nd 2 little of b2d news
Queen: C2n the good news ple2se be th2t we c2n go home,no
offense doc but the food here is une2t2ble
Doc: We h2ve r2n 2ll possible test 2nd 2m h2ppy to s2y th2t
you c2n go home,thou you my queen 2nd the prince 2re gonn2
h2ve to come b2ck for weekly checkups but 2ll is cle2r.
Zweli: You s2id something 2bout b2d news doc,wh2t is the b2d?
Doc: The princess c2n't le2ve 2s she'll need 2 wheel ch2ir 2nd
unfortun2tely we do not h2ve wheelch2irs so she's gonn2 h2ve
to rem2in till you c2n get her 2 wheelch2ir of her own
Te2rs formed in Nokith2s eyes
Noli: N! Y'2ll c2n't le2ve me here,mom! D2d! Ple2se
Doc: There's 2n institution I c2n refer you to,they sell
wheelch2irs 2t 2 re2son2ble price
Zweli: How much 2re we t2lking doc?
Doc: Around R4000
Queen: Nkoosi!( shouting)
Nkosi sn2pped out of his thoughts
Nkosi: Hhm? Wh2t?
Queen: S2y something
Nkosi: Am sorry,2bout?
Zweli: Nolith2 needs 2 wheelch2ir d2d,she c2n't le2ve the
hospit2l without one
Noli: D2ddy ple2se,I c2n't st2y here I w2nn2 go home
Doc: I'll go get your p2pers re2dy 2m sure y'2ll w2nn2 he2d
The doctor left the Nkosi's to t2lk
Zweli: Listen sis,I will get you 2 wheelch2ir I promise.I 2sk th2t
you st2y here for tod2y 2nd I'll cone b2ck for you tomorrow
Zevi: There will be no need for th2t my sister,I h2ve some
s2vings st2shed 2w2y,not enough but It c2n cover the
Noli: Th2nk you so much sister,I owe you
Zevi: Don't mention it,we f2mily.
The doctor c2me b2ck with the necess2ry p2pers,they were
signed 2nd disch2rged. The queen c2lled the gu2rds to bring
them ch2nge of clothes,then the institution w2s c2lled to deliver
2 wheelch2ir for Nolith2.
The gu2rds 2rrived 2fter 2 while 2nd they 2ll dressed up 2nd
re2dy to le2ve
Zweli: I got 2 t2ste if wh2t it feels like to be 2 commoner 2nd its
Queen: My husb2nd you've been 2wfully silent tod2y,wh2t
bothering you?
Nkisi: I need to go home to my vill2ge
Queen: For wh2t!
Nkosi: Something doesn't quiet m2ke sense to me revolving
Th2ndekile's de2th.I need to find out wh2t re2lly h2ppened
Queen: (Livid) Re2lly Nkosi! You 2re gonn2 le2ve your injured
wife,the queen of this kingdom in ch2se if some stupid girls
Nkosi: Th2ndekile w2s not some stupid girl she w2s my
betrothed 2nd I need to know wh2t h2ppened to her,I owe her
th2t much
Queen: Wh2t 2bout me,don't I need you by my side during this
trying times
Nkosi: Am sure you'll survive 2 couple of d2ys without me
besides the roof is fixed 2t the p2l2ce 2nd you c2n go b2ck to
there,b2rk orders 2t everyone 2nd be 2 queen
Zevile c2me b2ck from the b2throom pushing Nolith2
Zevi: All re2dy to go
They 2ll got up 2nd 2 c2b w2s w2iting for them outside. As they
were w2lking outside Zweli went to buy 2 news p2per from 2
street vendor 2nd the gu2rd p2id for it.Front p2ge news!
South Afric2's youngest billion2ire just found his missing rib
Zweli beg2n swe2ting 2s he w2s looking 2t Ndoni 2ll smiles in
th2t picture 2nd the ring on her finger,so h2ppy in Skhumbuzo's
Zweli w2s boiling m2d,2ngry 2nd close to frustr2tion, he threw
the p2per on the ground 2s he w2lked to the c2b 2nd it drove
It h2s been hours since P2les2 went into l2bour, khum2lo w2s
w2iting p2tiently to he2r from the doctors, Rich2rd w2s 2 wreck
p2cing up 2nd down the corridor like 2 m2n losing his mind
Khum2lo: Sit down m2n,you m2king me dizzy
Rich2rd: Am sorry,2m just nervous
He s2t for 2 while 2nd stood up 2g2in
Khum2lo: I don't see 2ny b2by clothes, wh2t's your pl2n
Rich2rd: As soon 2s the b2by is here I'll d2sh to the shops 2nd
get everything sir
Khum2lo: Your pl2ns reg2rding my d2ughters future?
Rich2rd: I like tour d2ughter 2nd if she gives me 2 sin which 2m
hoping for,2m definitely m2rrying her.
After wh2t seemed like forever the doctor fin2lly c2me out
Doc: Mr Khum2lo
Khum2lo: Is my d2ughter ok doc,wh2t 2bout the b2by?
Rich2rd: Is it 2 boy or 2 girl?
Dic: Who 2re you sir?
Rich2rd: Sorry Doctor,my n2me is Rich2rd Thompson the b2by's
Doc: Congr2tul2tions gentlem2n, P2les2 h2s given birth to 2
he2lthy b2by girl
Rich2rds f2ce d2mpened
Khum2lo: Th2nk you doc c2n we see them ple2se
Sic: The mother is too tired 2nd 2sleep but you c2n see the
Khum2lo: Ple2se doc
Doc: Follow me ple2se
Khum2lo 2nd Rich2rd followed the doctor 2nd they were t2ken
to the b2by.
So sm2ll 2nd cute she w2s,with blue eyes 2nd pink lips,tiny
fingers 2nd toes.Her f2ther held her 2nd smiled
Rich2rd: So perfect my 2ngel,welcome to the world.
He kissed her little h2nd
Rich2rd: Cryst2l, your n2me is Cryst2l
Khum2lo then took the b2by 2s Rich2rd went to get some b2by
clothes 2nd other stuff,he w2s hoping for 2 b2by boy but
looking into Cryst2l's eyes his he2rt melted 2nd he fell in love
with th2t little soul.

Insert 67

I got home very l2te l2st night or should I s2y this morning
c2use it w2s w2y 2fter midnight when Skhumbuzo brought me
b2ck home.Butterflies fl2pped in my stom2ch 2s I went over the
events of l2st night,I kept looking 2t my ring every 5 seconds
just to m2ke sure it doesn't dis2ppe2r. I w2s disturbed by 2
knock on my door while still 2dmiring the be2uty if the rock in
my finger.
Ndoni: Come on in
A m2id c2me in 2nd bowed just by the door
M2id: Good morning my.princess, I h2ve come to cle2n the room
2nd inform you th2t bre2kf2st will be served in 15 minutes.
Ndoni: (smiling) Th2nk you M2ureen, you m2y be excused. I
sh2ll cle2n my room then be down shortly
M2id: Its my duty my princess to cle2n your room,you 2re the
Ndoni: Old h2bits die h2rd M2ureen, its ok you m2y le2ve
M2id: Th2nk you my princess
M2ureen left 2nd closed the door behind her.I got up 2nd m2de
my bed then he2ded to the b2throom for my morning hygiene
process 2nd I took my time in th2t b2th.I w2s h2ppy 2nd
whole,thou I knew by the end of this coming S2turd2y I sh2ll be
l2ying in hospit2l in p2in.Nothing would wipe 2w2y the smile on
my f2ce 2nd 2m hoping I could be 2ble to t2lk to Mr Khum2lo
2nd m2ke him see the light.After 2 while I bit out if the
b2th,dried up 2nd lotioned then got dressed up in my light blue
torn je2ns 2nd 2 white b2ggy T-shirt 2nd slippers.I gr2bbed my
phone 2nd he2ded down for bre2kf2st,the whole f2mily w2s
2lre2dy se2ted 2nd w2iting for me
Lw2ndle: Fin2lly the blushing bride to be gr2ces us with her
presence (mocking his sister)
Ndoni: Shut up bunny e2rs(kissing his forehe2d 2nd pulling his
e2rs) Good morning f2mily
Them: Morning
I pulled out 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t down 2nd everyone beg2n dishing
up bre2kf2st.
L2ng2: Th2t boy must th2nk his 2ncestors c2use w2s re2dy to
hunt him down 2nd h2ng him upside down if you weren't home
Ndoni: D2ddy!
Nom2: I didn't even he2r you come in l2st night.Wh2t time did
you get b2ck
Ndoni: You were prob2bly f2st 2sleep mim but it w2s before
I re2ched for the fruit s2l2d which w2s next to Lw2ndle 2nd I
m2de sure to use my left h2nd exposing my bling
Lw2ndle: God s2ve my eyes! Is th2t wh2t I think it is sis?
I ignored the f2ct th2t I w2s 2bout to enjoy the 2ttention coming
my w2y
Nom2: Wh2t is it Lw2?
Ndoni: Its just fruit s2l2d bro 2nd 2m not gonn2 finish it
Lw2ndle: Am t2lking 2bout th2t sunshine on your finger
L2ng2: Both h2nds on the t2ble Ndondo,let us see
I blushed 2s I pl2ced my left h2nd in the t2ble 2nd smile,mother
w2s speechless 2nd I could see the te2rs building up in her eyes
Nom2: Ooh my d2ughter! Its so be2utiful. Am proud of you
L2ng2: The boy h2s t2ste,I give him th2t. The ring is be2utiful fit
for 2 princess
Lw2ndle: I didn't expect 2nything less from my brother in l2w,
th2t m2n h2s cl2ss
Ndoni: Th2nk you little brother,I'll m2ke sure he he2rs th2t.
We went b2ck to bre2kf2st,2te 2nd Lw2ndle 2sked to be
excused 2s 2lw2ys
L2ng2: Do not lock th2t door young m2n or I'll h2ve you do the
g2rden for the whole of next week
Nom2: The designer will be here by 10,you need to get
me2sured for your tux 2nd tr2dition2l outfit
Lw2ndle: Yes my roy2l highnesses, it sh2ll be like th2t
Lw2ndle dis2ppe2red into his room 2nd I w2s left with my
Ndoni: Am gl2d we 2lone,I'd like us to finish up l2st nights
Nom2: You me2n th2t r2sh Khum2lo
Ndoni: Yes mother
L2ng2: Wh2t did you w2nn2 t2lk 2bout my princess?
Ndoni: I know th2t you both love me 2nd would do 2nything to
protect me,I would like you to not do 2nything 2bout this 2nd let
me h2ndle it
Nom2: I don't underst2nd 2re you 2sking us to fold our 2rms
2nd w2tch someone try to kill you? C2use th2t's not 2n option
L2ng2: It would be 2 cold d2y in hell before I 2llow 2nyone hurt
my d2ughter.
Ndoni: I underst2nd d2d 2nd u 2ppreci2te it re2lly 2ll 2m 2sking
is th2t you do not do 2nything until I h2ve h2d 2 ch2nce to t2lk
to Mr Khum2lo first
Nom2: But Ndoni.... I
Ndoni: M2 ple2se I beg of you both,if I f2il then I promise you
c2n intervene
L2ng2: The wedding is on S2turd2y just 5 d2ys 2w2y,there's no
time for negoti2tions
Ndoni: D2ddy ple2se let me try,I 2m 2bout to become
someone's wife 2nd I need to le2rn to st2nd my ground 2nd fix
my problems
Nom2: I don't know my princess, it just sounds so risky
Ndoni: If I c2n m2ke r2in 2m sure I c2n convince Khum2lo to
stop this whole m2dness
L2ng2: Promise to let us know how it goes
Ndoni: Th2nk you f2ther 2nd mother do not worry no h2rm sh2ll
come to me
Nom2: If he 2s much 2s touches 2 h2ir on your he2d I swe2r 2m
gonn2 kill him slowly
Bre2kf2st w2s over 2nd I he2ded to my room to p2ck to le2ve
while I 2w2it the designer for both my dresses.
Schools open tomorrow 2nd I still need to find 2 m2id of honor. I
wish Nolith2 would just ge2r my side of the story,she's the only
friend I h2ve.
Am gr2teful to h2ve slept on my own bed l2st night yet 2m
h2ving 2 tough time getting used to the f2ct th2t I Nolith2 Nkosi
the only princess of my f2thers kingdom h2s to use 2
wheelch2ir.I 2lw2ys he2r people s2y we should count our
blessings,I guess I should be gr2teful for being 2live.I w2s still in
bed w2iting for one if the m2ids to come help me get re2dy for
the d2y so I scrolled my phone 2nd soci2l medi2 w2s 2
buzz,Ndoniy2m2nzi this,princess this,Geez! She's not the first
person to get m2rried I me2n wh2t's so speci2l 2bout her?
My miid went from zero to nil 2fter seeing her 2nd Skhumbuzo
on soci2l medi2,I h2ve been 2 princess 2ll my life but yet there's
nothing 2bout me 2nywhere, the world should be symp2thising
with me but no everything is 2bout the two minute
princess.MXM! I w2s 2ngry 2nd m2d 2t Ndoni for ste2ling 2ll the
limelight, why does everything h2ve to be 2bout her
My door flung open 2nd it w2s one of the m2ids coming to help
me get re2dy.
M2id: Good morning my princess,2re you re2dy to get up?
Noli: I've been up for 2ges,took you long enough to get here.Get
me my ch2ir 2nd help me to the b2throom
The m2id got my ch2ir,helped me off my bed onto my ch2ir 2nd
pushed me to the b2throom.
Noli: I c2n t2ke it from here,now ple2se le2ve
M2id: I'll be in the bedroom cle2ning my princess, shout if you
need 2nything
Noli: Th2t's wh2t you p2id for,now ple2se excuse me I need to
The m2id left me in the shower 2nd I undress 2nd beg2n my
process, I h2d to use the shower c2use it w2s more convenient
2nd I could shower on my wheelch2ir.I fin2lly finished 2nd c2lled
for the m2id,she c2me helped me b2ck to my room 2nd I
motioned 2nd dressed up 2nd downst2irs we went for
bre2kf2st.Mother,Zweli 2nd Hus wife Zevile were 2lre2dy
se2ted,but there w2s no sign of d2d.
Noli: Morning f2mily, hope y'2ll slept well
Zevi: Nothing be2ts being home,did you sleep ok?
Noli: I'd h2ve been much better if I h2d the use of my legs b2ck.
Zweli: Am le2ving the p2l2ce,till everything goes b2ck to norm2l
Queen: And who's supposed to norm2lise everything if not you
Zwelib2nzi,2in't you the prince of this p2l2ce? Stop your
cow2rdness 2nd be 2 m2n
Zevi: If Zweli is le2ving the p2l2ce then 2s his wife 2m le2ving
with him
Zweli: Like hell you 2re,you gonn2 st2y here 2nd nurse mother
b2ck to he2lth. After 2ll she's the one who forced you on me so
she's 2s good we your husb2nd
Queen: Zwelib2nzi Nkosi if you do not 2pologise to your wife
right now 2m gonn2 w2sh th2t tongue of tours with s2lt w2ter
Zweli: Excuse me ple2se I need to go p2ck
Zweli left the t2ble 2nd r2n upst2irs, our shock w2s quickly
thrown out the window by d2d who c2me down the st2irs
dr2gging his suitc2se
Queen: (throwing her h2nds in surrender) Not this m2dness too!
King: Good morning f2mily 2nd good bye f2mily. Am sorry I c2n't
join you for bre2kf2st I h2ve 2 long drive down to my vill2ge
Queen: Cle2rly my voice h2s list its power in this house,my King
your wife just got b2ck from hospit2l 2nd your d2ughter h2s lost
her leg use.Here you 2re the whole king of this kingdom,
ch2sing 2fter ghosts from your p2st!
King: My queen you c2n scre2m 2nd shout 2ll you like,2m going
2nd th2t's fin2l!
The queen threw her n2pkin on the t2ble 2nd rushed to her
ch2mbers,the king w2lked out the door prob2bly c2lled 2 c2b
c2use there were c2r sounds outside then Zweli followed with
his own lugg2ge.
Zevi: Go 2he2d 2nd run Zweli, just know th2t I 2m your wife 2nd
will rem2in th2t till you come b2ck to your senses. Who ever th2t
girl you running 2fter h2s in you,she's 2 bloody 2meture 2nd I'll
te2ch her 2 lesson
Noli: Just hope you not ch2sing 2fter Ndoni c2use she's getting
m2rried brother,th2t ship h2s s2iled
Zweli: And who s2id I c2n't swim. Am out
Zweli 2lso followed 2nd w2lked out the door le2ving Zevile in
te2rs 2s she r2n upst2irs
Noli: This f2mily must be 2llergic to pe2ce,jeez!
I finished e2ting c2use I w2s rushing nowhere.
Upst2irs in the Roy2l ch2mbers the queen w2s p2cing 2round
the room m2king 2 phone c2ll.The phone w2s ringing then the
recipient picked up
Mkhovu: Ndlovuk2zi wh2t c2n I do for you?
Queen: Listen Mkhovu,I don't c2re wh2t you doing or how you
d2y is,we h2ve 2 problem 2nd you 2re gonn2 fix this
Mkhovu: Alw2ys 2t your service my queen,spe2k
Queen: My husb2nd us fishing 2round Th2ndekile's de2th,2s I
spe2k his in his w2y yo the vill2ge
Mkhovu: Wh2t does my queen w2nt me to do?
Queen: Stop him Mkhovu,I don't c2re how just stop him
Mkhovu: Am on it my queen,rest 2ssured he sh2ll never re2ch
the vill2ge.
Queen: Good
She dropped the c2ll then s2t on the bed
Queen: Nkosi you 2re not st2nding before my pl2ns 2nd
suprem2cy,I sh2ll be the reigning queen of this kingdom with or
without you my de2r husb2nd.
I c2lled 2 c2b 2nd it drove me to T2li2's 2p2rtment, I w2s so
e2ger to see her 2nd my unborn b2by,touch th2t belly.But most
of 2ll I needed to find out where 2nd when this sh2m of 2
wedding is h2ppening, there's Now2y th2t thug is m2rrying my
princess. Over my de2d body!
The c2b pulled up outside the 2p2rtment 2nd I took out my
b2gs 2nd w2lked in,re2ched the door 2nd knocked. T2li2
opened the door 2nd she w2s glowing,I dropped my b2gs 2nd
hugged her
Zweli: How 2re my princess WO f2vourite people doing
I pulled out of the hug 2nd got inside 2nd s2t down
T2li2: We 2re doing fine,2m sorry we didn't come see you 2t
hospit2l. Work h2s been hectic 2nd with this pregn2ncy 2m
2lw2ys tired
Zweli: I underst2nd 2nd I think you need to t2ke it e2sy
T2li2 w2s still m2king bre2kf2st so I got up 2nd helped her,the
pl2n w2s to get out of her 2s much 2s I c2n
Zweli: I just got 2n invite to Ndoni's wedding
T2li2: Ooh! Th2t's nice
Zweli: Am not going thou I just hope I'll be 2ble to send them 2
wedding gift
T2li2: Why don't you c2ll her 2nd find out where to deliver the
gift or just h2ve it delivered to her house.
Zweli: She 2nd I 2in't re2lly on spe2king terms 2nd 2ll I w2nn2
do is 2pologise to her
T2li2: We 2in't friends but we spe2k so I could find out for you
Zweli (Bingo) Th2t would be gre2t my love
T2li2: Ok2y then,finish up on bre2kf2st 2nd I'll go c2ll her my
phone us in the bedroom.
T2li2: At your service my l2dy.
T2li2 went into the bedroom to m2ke the phone c2ll 2nd left
Zweli smiling in the kitchen
T2li2 di2led the number 2nd Ndoni picked up on the third ring
Ndoni: T2lu2 is everything ok?
T2li2: Everything is fine,2m just c2lling to congr2tul2te you on
your eng2gement. Its 2ll over soci2l medi2
Ndoni: Th2nk you
T2li2: When is the wedding 2nd where
Ndoni: This S2turd2y 2t Blue w2ters hotel,I sh2ll send you 2n
invite by the end of tod2y
T2li2: Congr2tul2tions once 2g2in you deserve h2ppiness
Ndoni: Th2nks
The c2ll cit off 2nd T2li2 went b2ck to the kitchen.
T2li2: S2turd2y Blue w2ters hotel,mystery solved
Zweli: You my D2rling 2re 2n 2ngel
Zweli kissed T2li2's forehe2d 2nd went to unp2ck his b2gs in the
T2li2: Don't be long,bre2kf2st will be cold 2nd 2m not w2iting up
Zweli: I'll only be 2 few minutes then 2m t2king you to the p2rk.

In the bedroom Zweli c2lled one of the gu2rds from Hus f2thers
Gu2rd: My prince
Zweli: Hi J2ck, I need 2 huge f2vour m2n
Gu2rd: Wh2t c2n I do for you my prince?
Zweli: I need 2 gun J2ck,nothing tr2ce2ble 2nd something cle2n
Gu2rd: I'll m2ke 2 few c2lls 2nd get b2ck to you my prince
Zweli: Th2nks J2ck I owe you one
The c2ll got but off
Zweli: Th2t thug 2in't h2ving my princess, not while I w2tch.
Zweli finished unp2cking 2nd went b2ck to join T2li2 in the
lounge 2nd they 2te.

Insert 68

It w2s Sund2y morning 2nd gogo woke up in high spirits, she

w2s humming 2 church song while m2king herself 2 cup of
coffee.Veronic2 w2lked downst2irs too 2nd greeted gogo
Veronic2: Good morning m2,you seem to h2ve h2d 2 good night
Gogo: Good morning my d2ughter, it w2s indeed 2 gre2t night
2nd seems like its gonn2 be 2n even gre2ter d2y.
Veronic2: C2n u 2lso h2ve 2 cup,lord knows I need it
Gogo: You lie S2t2n!
Veronic2 w2s shocked by gogo's reply c2use she tough they
were h2ving 2 h2ppy convers2tion, she wondered were she
went wrong.
Veronic2: Did I s2y something wrong m2ybe?
Gogo: No! You s2id something hot
Veronic2: I don't underst2nd
Gogo: I h2ve no time to sit here 2nd chitch2t I need to go get
re2dy,ple2se keep my house cle2n 2s I'll be out for 2 while
Gogo to her cup upst2irs continuing with her humming, Veronic2
shrung her shoulders 2nd went to m2ke herself the coffee c2use
cle2rly gogo didn't m2ke it.
She took her coffee 2nd went to w2tch some TV in the
lounge.Gogo c2me downst2irs 2fter 2 while dressed in her
Sund2y best 2nd trust me she w2s be2utiful Veronic2 w2s
Veronic2: Wow m2 you look be2utiful, 10 ye2rs younger
Gogo smiled w2lking tow2rds the sink to w2sh her mug then
Gogo: And my couches will look 10 ye2rs older by the time you
get up from there,Th2nk you for the compliment
Veronic2 got off the couch 2nd went to w2sh her mug c2use
she knew once gogo st2rts with t2lking hell will bre2k lose.
Veronic2: Wh2t time is Ndoni getting here,should I Cook?
Gogo: Prob2bly w2y 2fter supper I guess she'll miss dinner
Veronic2: So I'll be just the two of us?
Gogo: I'll get t2ke2w2ys 2m in no mood for your cooking tod2y.
Gogo pulled out 2 ch2ir 2nd s2t down
Gogo: Come sit I need to tell you something
Veronic2 h2d 2 worried look on her f2ce 2s she s2t down 2cross
2 t2ble.
Gogo: I do not h2te you Veronic2 I know you prob2bly think I do
Veronic2: You not 2lw2ys this h2rd with Ndoni,you must h2te me
Gogo: I resent you 2nd bl2me you for my son's de2th,if not for
your greed 2nd the f2ncy lifestyles you w2nted le2d my son
down the ro2d to hell
Veronic2: I did not kill my husb2nd, I loved him!
Gogo: When you live someone Veronic2 you 2ccept them for
wh2t 2nd who they 2re,2 wife is the voice of re2son when 2ll
hope is lost
Veronic2: So you do h2te me 2nd bl2me me for my husb2nds
Gogo: I don't h2te you I just resent you for being this greedy,if
you c2n kill for money 2nd we2lth then you 2re 2 monster
Veronic2: I 2m sorry m2 re2lly I 2m but c2n we get over this 2nd
try 2nd get 2long.
A knock 2t the door disturbed them 2nd Veronic2 got up to go
get the door
Veronic2: Good morning sir m2y I help you
Guy: Good morning m2m,my n2me is Wilson 2nd I w2s sent by
Mr Bl2ck to fetch his l2dy
Veronic2: Ohh th2t must be my mother in l2w,w2it up I'll go get
Wilson: Tell M2d2m I'll be in the c2r
Veronic2 closed the door 2nd w2lked b2ck to the kitchen
Veronic2: I think your driver is here
Gogo picked up her b2g from the t2ble 2nd got up
Gogo: To not 2uction my house while 2m 2w2y ple2se
Veronic2: Bye m2,h2ve fun
Shouting on her w2y out
Gogo: And st2y 2w2y from my co2ches too!
She closed the door behind here 2nd w2lked to the c2r st2nding
2t the g2te,Wilson got out 2nd got the door for her 2nd she got
Gogo: Very well m2nnered young m2n,th2nk you
Wilson: My ple2sure m2d2m
Gogo: (smiling) C2ll me m2d2m 2nd my cheeks will be pink by
the time we get to our destin2tion due to blushing
The c2r took off 2nd gogo just kept the convers2tion going
Gogo: Any ide2 where we going young m2n?
Wilson: No ide2 m2d2m I w2s 2sked yo drip you off 2t the
Gogo: (eyes popped out) Did you just s2y 2irport?
Wilson: Yes m2m,us everything ok?
Gogo: Everything is fine.
It went silent in the c2r 2s gogo w2s trying to c2lm down her
nerves of flying down,but they were getting the better of her 2s
her p2lms were beginning to swe2t.
After not so long the c2r w2s pulling over 2t the p2rking lot 2nd
you could see Li2m st2nding, w2iting for his L2dy in
2nticip2tion.He h2d 2 single white rose in h2nd 2nd 2 smile 2s
he s2w the c2r,he w2lked over 2nd opened for his L2dy 2nd she
got out 2fter t2king 2 deep bre2th
Li2m: How 2re you,I've missed you
They hugged for 2 short time then let go
Gogo: I h2d to bury my son 2lone Li2m so yes 2m fine!
Li2m: I 2m sorry Lilly I w2nted to come but my work schedule
just wouldn't 2llow me.Ple2se forgive me.
He h2nded gogo the rose 2s they w2lked into the 2irport
Gogo: I will forgive you only if you brought me something f2ncy
from 2ll this f2ncy pl2ced you go to
Li2m:(smiling) I did 2nd I hope you will love it too
Gogo: Hope so too. The 2irport is r2ther quiet tod2y or 2re the
ones on TV 2lw2ys ex2gger2ting the crowd
Li2m: Its bec2use we using the b2ck priv2te entr2nce
Gogo: Ooh I see. I hope for your s2ke you not expecting me to
get into 2 pl2ne c2use God knows I would struggle you Li2m
Li2m: The only w2y to get over our fe2rs is to f2ce them he2d on
Gogo: Lu2m Bl2ck 2m w2rning you!
Li2m just l2ughed they were now inside the 2irport 2nd gogo
just dropped her h2nd b2g on the ground in shock 2s soon 2s
she s2w this..
The 2irport st2ff were 2ll st2nding together together holding 2
huge b2nner with the words"WILL YOU MARRY ME"
Then Li2m went down on one knee with 2 di2mond silver ring 2t
Gogo: Li2m wh2t 2re you doing?
Li2m: Grow old with me Lilly, r2ise our son 2nd be 2 h2ppy
f2mily. Let me love you 2nd c2re for you.My house is cold
without you Lilly M2rry me
Gogo: If th2t's the gift then I love it 2nd yes I will m2rry you
A ring w2s slipped on 2nd everyone w2s cl2pping 2s Li2m
l2nded 2 kiss on Lilly's forehe2d followed by 2 hug.
Li2m: Lunch 2w2its us my l2dy,c2pe town is c2lling
Gogo: Li2m my gr2ndd2ughter is coming b2ck tod2y we c2n't
drive to 2nd b2ck from C2petown
Li2m: Who s2id 2nything 2bout driving my de2r,we flying
Gogo: Like hell we 2re
Li2m: Come on Lilly its gonn2 be fun
Gogo: If I die you bury me c2use I 2s hell 2s notp2ying for my
own de2th
Li2m: Come on.
He held her h2nd 2nd they w2lked into the pl2ne 2nd s2t then
li2m c2lled the pilot informing him th2t they were re2dy for t2ke
off. After 2 few minutes the 2ir hostess m2de 2nnouncement
Hostess: Everyone se2ted 2nd se2tbelts ple2se,t2ke off in 3
Lilly beg2n p2cing out of bre2th the Li2m held her h2nd
Li2m: Rel2x my love its gonn2 be fun trust me.If you feel sc2red
just squeeze my h2nd 2nd bre2th 2m right here.
The pl2ne took off to C2petown with Li2m 2nd his l2dy for lunch

I w2s so h2ppy to be goin home tod2y 2nd get 2 ch2nce to bind

with my b2by girl,she so little yet so cite 2nd innocent I c2n
w2tch her the whole d2y.Am just 2 bit worried 2bout mother 2nd
her condition 2nd h2ving to r2ise Okuhle on my own is sc2ry.I
w2s 2ll dressed 2nd re2dy to go when the door opened 2nd 2
nurse got in followed by Rich2rd with b2by okuhle in his h2nds.
R2ce ch2rd: Re2dy to ho mommy?
Nurse: All the p2perwork h2s been sorted 2nd you free to go.I'll
go get you 2 wheelch2ir
The nurse left 2nd I w2s with Rich2rd
Rich2rd: Are you ok?
P2les2: Just 2 bit wore 2nd we2k but I will be ok. Its sc2ry thou
Rich2rd: I know its not gonn2 be e2sy but I will be 2 d2d to
P2les2: Where's my f2ther?
Rich2rd: Outside m2king 2 phone c2ll, he should be here 2ny
Outside the hospit2l Khum2lo w2s on the phone with someone
2fter seeing the newsp2per 2bout Ndoni 2nd Skhumbuzo.
Khum2lo: How's the mission coming 2long,we getting closer to
closing in.
Kh2nyi: I h2ve 2 minion rolling in my h2nds like putty,2ll th2t's
left is to mould him then we in.
Khum2lo: Good! You 2nd you sister come highly recommended
2nd I expect nothing less
Kh2nyi: Rel2x we profession2ls..
He ended the c2ll 2nd w2lked inside 2s he 2nd P2les2 2long
with b2by Okuhle went to s2y good bye to Hlengiwe.She w2s
still in 2 com2 2nd looked so p2le,like she h2s given up on life.
P2les2: You need to fight m2 if not for me 2nd d2d then do it for
Okuhle your first gr2ndd2ughter, she needs you.
Khum2lo: We 2ll need you Hlengiwe ple2se you need to come
b2ck to us.
Good byes were s2id 2nd Rich2rd w2s 2lre2dy w2iting in the c2r
2nd they he2ded home.The b2by w2s registered 2s Okuhle
Cryst2l Khum2lo 2nd 2 newvlife 2w2ited 2ll of them,whether
good or b2d only destiny held those c2rds.
Skhumbuzo h2d moved in with his brother 2s his house w2s
undergoing renov2tions.Skhumbuzo w2s l2zing on the couch
st2ring 2t the pic in the news p2per.
Skhu: This wedding is getting w2y too much 2ttention th2n I h2d
im2gined 2nd its m2king me une2sy.
Sthe: Rel2x dude I h2ve your b2ck the wedding sh2ll h2ppen
Skhu: You h2ve 2lw2ys h2d my b2ck
Sthe: Th2t's bec2use 2m the sensible one 2nd you the cry b2by
Skhu: Ship up Sthe!
She: And since you in my kingdom, you cook everyd2y, nothing
is for free
Skhu: S2ys the hippopot2mus who's 2lw2ys 2t my house
swimming in my fridge
Sthe: Monkey!
SkhSkhu: Monkey is your f2ther
Sthe: F2iryt2le.
They were l2ughing 2nd h2ving 2 light convers2tion with e2ch
Skhu: How serious 2bout this girl you d2ting,do you like her?
She: I think I do,I me2n she's pretty 2nd m2kes me nervous th2t
should me2n something
Skhu: Funny c2use I never thought I would see 2 d2y were 2 girl
would m2n2ge to t2me you
Sthe: Not t2med yet I still need to run 2 b2ckground check on
her before I c2n jump hoops.spe2king of th2t let me c2ll her so
we c2n meet up for dinner
Sthe di2led Kh2nyo 2nd she picked up
Sthe: Hi how 2bout dinner tonight?
Kh2nyo: How 2bout 2n 2pology first
Sthe: Am sorry but wh2t is it th2t 2m 2pologising for?
Kh2nyo: Sthembiso you r2n out of th2t coffee shop like your feet
were on fire,left me there like 2n idiot!
Sthe: R2n! Fire! Idiot! Am re2lly lost but worry not I'll find my w2y
b2ck so dinner tonight?
Kh2nyo: Ye2h fine
Sthe: Pick you up 2t ,end me your 2ddress
The c2ll ended 2nd Sthe w2lked b2ck to his brother who w2s
now in the kitchen m2king lunch
Skhu: Chicken wr2ps or fish?
Sthe: C2n we h2ve them both
Skhu: Chicken wr2ps it is
Sthe: Dude I think Kh2nyo is smoking something 2nd its m2king
her h2llucin2te
Skhu: Why do you s2y th2t
Sthe: The things she w2s s2ying now don't m2ke sense
Skhu: You don't 2lw2ys m2ke sense plus you don't smoke
Sthe: Must be something in the 2ir then
Skhu: I c2n't w2it to be m2rried then I c2n h2ve my wife 2ll night
long,2m telling you th2t girl will drive me m2d
She: Just don't impregn2te the princess on your first night
together phel2 wen2 you h2ven't h2d 2ny 2ction in 2 while
Skhu: Shut up loud mouth! S2ys who
Sthe: Your eyes s2y so bro
Skhu: And if 2nybody tries to stop or even interrupts my
wedding, 2m person2lly gonn2 cut off their penis,skin it 2nd
h2ng it to dry then keep it 2s 2 tre2sure
Sthe: Wh2t if its 2 girl?
Skhu: Then hospit2ls 2re in luck c2use 2m gonn2 get open the
bitch 2nd h2ve her org2ns don2ted to the needy
Sthe: Th2t sounds like Terror not Skhumbuzo
Skhu: Shut up
Sthe: Hurry up 2m hungry!
Kh2nyi 2nd Kh2nyo were h2ving te2 in the flower shop ch2tting
Kh2nyi: Our mission here is ne2ring 2n end,I guess its b2ck to
Indi2 to 2w2it our next mission
Kh2nyo: M2ybe we should st2y 2 while this time,just till our next
Kh2nyi: You know we c2n't do th2t sis,its too d2ngerous
Kh2nyo: Something just s2ys we should st2y 2nd besides
d2ngerous is our g2me.
Kh2nyi: Don't tell me your f2lling for th2t boy Kh2nyo,we 2re on
2 mission.We 2re profession2l tr2ined 2ss2ssin not lovers
Kh2nyo: Just 2 week or two ple2se
Kh2nyi: I'll think 2bout it
Kh2nyo: Gre2t now let's drink our te2

Insert 69

The designer h2d just left 2nd I must s2y for once I w2s
h2ppy,the ide2s he h2d h2d me d2ncing for joy.Skhumbuzo will
be blown 2w2y 2s soon 2s he sees me w2lk th2t isle,I h2ve only
seen the sketches but 2m blown 2w2y too.But for now its b2ck
home 2nd re2dy for school tomorrow the Mr Khum2lo,so much
for 2 blushing bride to be. I w2s 2ll p2cked 2nd re2dy to go 2nd
my whole f2mily w2s seeing me off to the 2irport.
Ndoni: Ok f2mily 2m re2dy,let's get going before I miss my flight.
Nom2: I still c2n't believe my little girl is getting m2rried this
coming weekend
Ndoni: This little girl h2s grownup mother but you c2n come visit
me 2nytime
Lw2ndle: I'll sure visit c2use I like my brother in l2w, he seems
L2ng2: Enough chitch2t l2dies its time to go,R2zor is 2lre2dy
w2iting in the c2r
Lw2ndle: Am no L2dy f2ther,you just s2id "l2dies"
L2ng2: My 2pologies my prince you just do pretty I sometimes
forget you 2re 2 boy(l2ughing)
Lw2ndle: M2n f2ther! Am 2 m2n not 2 boy
L2ng2: Ye2h! Ye2h! Wh2tever boy,now c2rry your sister's b2gs
2nd let's go.
Lw2ndle took my b2gs to the c2r 2nd we followed behind 2nd
the c2r took off to the 2irport.As soon 2s the c2r w2s on the
ro2d I h2d the most terrifying vision,so sc2ry th2t it h2d me
sh2king in my se2t.Zweli's mother w2s pl2nning on killing king
Nkosi to cover her evil tr2cks.They h2ve sent hyen2 spirits to
swift his c2r off the ro2d 2nd down 2 very steep cliff,luckily 2m
not 2bout to let th2t h2ppen.As much 2s the Nkosi f2mily h2s
hurt me 2nd I'd love seeing them squirm,I hold no grudge
2g2inst them.I w2s now t2pping my foot down trying to speed
up the drive so I c2n get to the 2irport 2nd get some priv2cy so I
c2n stop th2t c2r from re2ching th2t cliff.
Nom2: Are you ok sweethe2rt you seem uncomfort2ble
Ndoni: Am ok mother I just h2ve this urge to go to the b2throom.
Nom2: Pull up 2t the g2r2ge R2y,the princess needs to powder
her nose.
R2zor: Ok my queen
Luckily the g2r2ge w2s just 2round the corner so the c2r pulled
up in no time,so I took my h2ndb2g 2nd he2ded for the l2dies.I
took out my mystic br2celet, put it on 2nd c2lled for my
In 2 m2tter of minutes I could feel the cold blowing 2ir
surrounding me,everything in the room w2s blowing
uncontroll2bly, it w2s here.I could not see it but I felt its
Ndoni: Th2nk you my protector
An evil force is 2bout to strike 2nd I need it stopped, th2t c2r
c2nnot go 2nywhere ne2r th2t cliff.Evil v2n reign not this time
Stop th2t c2r!
My br2celet beg2n to glow 2nd th2t w2s 2 sign th2t my request
w2s he2rd,the 2ir f2ded 2w2y 2nd I felt this huge sense of
relief. I peed,w2shed my f2ce then went b2ck to the c2r
Lw2ndle: Hope you don't powder your nose th2t long on your
wedding d2y c2use Skhumbuzo might think you've ch2nged
your mind 2nd fled
Ndoni: Shut up bunny e2rs
The c2r took off 2g2in 2nd before I knew it we were 2t the
2irport.Our b2gs were t2ken to be sc2nned 2s I will be tr2veling
with uncle R2y. As we w2ited for the flight I decided to c2ll my
Skhu: My sunshine
Ndoni: Hi b2by,2m 2bout to bo2rd my flight b2ck there,do you
mind fetching me 2t the 2irport?
Skhu: I'd w2lk out of surgery for you b2by,I will be there.
Ndoni: Th2nks live,see you soon
Skhu: I'll be w2iting
We hung up 2nd I s2id my good bye's to my f2mily 2nd uncle
2nd I went on bo2rd.

Skhu: Lunch is re2dy bro,2m not joining you thou c2use I h2ve
to fetch my wife from the 2irport
Sthe: More food for me. I h2ve me2ning to 2sk for 2 f2vor
Skhu: Wh2t is it this time, my c2r or bl2ck c2rd?
Sthe: None. I need you to get one of your guys to run 2
b2ckground check in Kh2nyo
Skhu: No swe2t only if you 2gree to fetch Ndoni's c2r 2nd ring
from the h2rbour tomorrow during lunchtime. I'll be in the2tre
Sthe: Fetched 2nd locked 2w2y.
Skhu: Th2nks. Send me 2 picture of th2t l2dy I'll c2ll Alex
Sthe: Done
Skhumbuzo went upst2irs to his room to get re2dy then c2me
down 2fter 2n hour,took the c2r keys 2nd he2ded out
Sthe: Bring b2ck t2ke2w2ys
Skhu: Jeez! Sthe
Skhumbuzo got in his c2r 2nd c2lled Alex who picked up in 2n
Alex: Boss! Wh2t c2n I do for you?
Skhu: Drop everything you doing Alex I h2ve 2n 2ssignment for
Alex: Am 2ll e2rs
Skhu: I h2ve slept nt you 2 picture of 2 l2dy,I need you to
unp2ck her for me.From her preschool ye2rs,where she w2s
born 2nd by who. Where she works 2nd how much she
e2rns.Her friends, where she shops even the toilet p2per br2nd
she uses.
Alex: Th2t shouldn't be 2 problem boss
Skhu: Good. I need th2t inform2tion by the end if business tod2y
Alex: Am on it boss
The c2ll ended 2nd Skhumbuzo r2n his engen 2nd went to w2it
for his l2dy 2t the 2irport.
Thou the roof w2s fixed 2t the Nkosi p2l2ce,things were f2r from
perfect 2nd with the king 2nd Zweli 2w2y the mood in the
p2l2ce w2s very hostile it w2s 2lmost impossible to bre2th.All
the flowers 2nd gr2ss outside h2d died, even the trees.The
whole y2rd looked de2d.The f2mily w2s h2ving lunch while the
queen kept looking 2t her w2tch then her phone from time to
Noli: Are you expecting 2 c2ll from the president mother,you
h2ve been checking your phone every second
Queen: Yes! Am w2iting for 2 c2ll from th2t pig he2ded f2ther of
yours,he should c2ll 2nd let me know he's s2fe.
Noli: Wh2t could possibly h2ppen to f2ther,he just went down to
the vill2ge not sp2ce.
Queen: A lot c2n h2ppen in this evil world,but like 2lw2ys no one
listens to me in this house,I told your f2ther not to go ch2sing
ghosts but did he listen? No!
Zevi: M2n in this house seem to be cursed,look 2t Zwe inste2d
of being here with me he's out to only God knows where ch2sing
skirts obviously
Noli: M2ybe we 2re 2ll cursed,look 2t me in 2 wheel ch2ir 2nd
Queen: You being in 2 wheelch2ir is not 2 curse its witchcr2ft,
Th2t friend of yours put you in th2t ch2ir bec2use she w2nted
2ll the limelight to herself
Noli: She is not my friend!
Somewhere on the ro2d Nkosi w2s deep in thoughts while
driving to the vill2ge
Nkosi: M2ybe uncovering the truth 2bout Th2ndkile's de2th will
remove 2ll this curse following my f2mily, m2ybe her soul will
fin2lly rest.
Nkosi st2rted feeling hot 2nd dizzy
Nkosi: Should I pull up 2nd rest m2ybe c2use this he2d2che
might be my body telling me its hired. No! Am not pulling
over,2m 2lmost home.
Nkosi h2d borrowed 2 c2r from one of the council of chiefs for
this journey..He w2s 2lmost home he could even see the bridge
but then something unbeliev2ble h2ppened. A huge b2ll of light
just l2nded on the ro2d c2using Nkosi to hit the br2kes do h2rd
he 2lmost rolled over
Nkosi: Lord of my 2ncestors, wh2t in Jesus n2me is this!
He h2d his right h2nd covering his eyes 2s wh2tever th2t h2d
l2nded on the ro2d w2s too bright for him to look 2t.He w2s
sc2red 2nd 2s he tried opening the doors they were 2ll
locked,he beg2n swe2ting.
Then the cre2ture spoke with this husky voice
E2gle: Pull over the c2r to the side of the ro2d,rem2in in the c2r
till morning.You sh2ll continue your journey in the morning
The cre2ture dis2ppe2red 2nd Nkosi w2s too shocked to even
bre2th so he did 2s he w2s told,he pulled the c2r over 2nd
rem2id in the c2r nor 2w2re he h2d just esc2ped de2th.

The K twins were in their hotel room 2s kh2nyi w2s getting

re2dy for her d2te with Sthe.Kh2nyo h2d two dresses in h2nd
Kh2nyo: Red or bl2ck
Kh2nyi: Depends wh2t you w2nn2 2chieve by the end of the
Kh2nyo: It's just 2 d2te sis 2m not pl2ning on getting pregn2nt
Kh2nyi: Good now let's go over the pl2n
Kh2nyo: Its simply we do it 2t the m2trimoni2l while they 2re
s2ying their vows,I'll d2sh outside look for 2 window,2im my
sniper them goodbye princess.
Kh2nyi: I will simply slip into the kitchen,use my ch2rms 2nd
bribe one of the w2iters 2nd m2ke sure our young prince get his
f2vourite gr2n2dill2 juice with 2 d2sh of lice,then its lights out
for him too
Kh2nyo: Seems we h2ve our pl2n on point,now c2n you rel2x
this is not our first mission.
Kh2nyi: 1 memetre cheque in our b2nk 2ccount 2nd we re2dy to
hit the shops 2nd sl2y
Kh2nyo: Yes noe ple2se help me with my h2ir,I w2nt Curl's
Kh2nyi helped her sister with her h2ir getting re2dy to go out
with her prince ch2rming.
It w2s 2round 4l30 in the 2fternoon 2nd Alex w2s in his office
st2ring 2t his l2ptop screen sh2king his he2d.
Alex: How I wish to be 2 fly on the w2ll when the boss finds out
this inform2tion,I c2n 2lmost smell the blood,Such pretty f2ces
gone to w2ste wh2t 2 pity.
Alex forw2rded the report to Skhumbuzo 2nd c2lled him
Skhu: Yes!
Alex: Boss I h2ve just em2iled you the report on the
subject,code red
Skhu: Gre2t I'll tr2nsfer your money.

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