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d Vocabularypractice.-tPage 99, Exercise1.

Ia Label the photos (a-e) with the woÍd. in
the box.


goto tÍade
trips go to conferences

Discuss th€ s e questions With a paÍtnel.

l He oftengoesto the headomce.
They?ealwayslatefor meetings.
a|ways usually ot|eí sonel|nes don't ohen nevel

Do you go to confeÍences?
Do you havea lot of meetingsa
Do you g]Veples€ n tations/
Do you go on businesstíips?
Do you go to tradefairs?

64 Listen to five peoPl€ talking about

thek jobs.Matchthe p€ o ple you hearlo the
photos. wíite 1-5 in the box€ s .

l I t,,,,.,,,,,t;,:,t.




I a Lookat the adveÍbsof fÍequencyin the grammarbox. Then compLetethe sentences

so Inev aí€ Üue ÍoÍvou.
1 g ve presentalons. ] Writ€ ernai|sin EngLsh.
2 go on bu5ine55
lÍips' 5 I workat home.
] Workln the € V ening'

b ó5 Listen to an interviewwith veronicastephens, a t€ l evision pÍoduceÍ.

Howoften do€ s she do these things? Tick (/) the boxes.

1 w o r k st O Ít c l c vs o n . o m p a n i e sn J a p a n f V) L]
2 W o r k sW ] l hp l e s e n t e Í|!Í o Í]ni p J n t l n I L] L
3 n a k e sp r o 3 r a m m e] 5| E n g L ] í ] L] I t
4 w o r k sw r h a r e r m f r o ml a p a n ] L]
t w o r k sw l r hr t e i m f r o n r h e u K t ] L] L] tt
ó 8 o e st o ] a p J no r b U ! | c s 9 ll L]
work with a paÍtneí.Mák€ sentences about

5 h e u s L r a l lw
y o r ( s w i t h t e l c v l s i o nc o m p a n i e s
n Japan.

Ea ó6 Listento stuartcompton
to a coLleague
aboutwork'Are the sent€ n c€ s
67 pRoNUNc|AT|oN Listenand Íepeat.
How do you say o/ in the sentences?
tÍUe(T)or fatse(0? 1 | havca |ol oÍmeetngs'
1 Hedoesn'lhaveir ol of meetings. V 2 | don'tg Vc a IotoÍpresentations'
2 Hetravels
a lot or buslness. L ] Do you go lo a |ol oÍconferences?
3 He doesn,lÍnakea |otoÍphon€ .aLLs
Gíammarpractice-.) Page99' Exercise2.
4 He 5end5a lot oí emn]ls'

commünication 1ó .'' Page8l.

a lot (of)/ lots (of) Workwith a partner
a Lotofllots of + roun
We havea lot of customers in France. USEFULLANGUAGE
We hav€ lots of custor.eísin |talytoo
(a lot ofl lots of = a largenLrmbe, Do you oftentÍavelon bu5iness?
ldon't oftengo abroadon buslnesstrips.
verb + a lol Ioftensendemailsto foÍeign colLeagues.
lgo abroada lot. (: often) phonecaI15'
I nrakea Iotof inteÍnationaI
I sometimes go to Íade fairsand

I nevergive presentations in EngLish.

I go to a lot of me€ t ings in English'
!a 68 Listen to thé.onv€ r sation in

the m€ e ting. Fill in the 8aP5.

having phoning working

now moment this today

lim Emma.l'm t /t,r/irl a rneeting

at the'z with Laura
and chÍis'
Emma Right.
lam You?eon the |oudspeakeÍ'
Emma OK. Hi everyone.
C h s Are you havinga good timein
on|ypÍoblem is' |'mr ]
C h s |]n 5uÍc you aren'twoíkinga||
th€ time]
lim Emína, wete 4 about
your proiect,Canwe ask yoll
one oÍtwo questions?
Emma Sure.Go ahead.
||m 0K' chíis?
Chí|s Yeah.What'5YouÍteaÍndoing
t , Emma?
Enma We||,theyaíen'tWorkingat the
ó . They?ehaving
tuncn. c what ale |im,Laura,chÍisand Emmadoingat th€ moment?
chíis No' meanon the proiect'What WÍitethe CorÍectform of the v€ Í b. ReÍelto the conv€ r sation
aíetheywoÍkingon /
in 1a agaln, if nec€ s sary.

Enma Oh, right.Um ...Well, 1 lim' LauÍaand chÍisnre in the offi.€ thi5morn]ng'
3 wele,,,ro.kingon I/t,L1l,/atn11 a meeting.(hoye)
installationnumbersix.Wete 2 Emmaisn'tin the offce thisweek.
just flnlshingthe testingon that on a projectin lstarbrl. (wak)
thal'sthe lasl iob... I Ernma'sin lslanbul. a good timc' (áaye]
b Vocabularypractice..')Pag€ 99, 4 Emma'sat Workat the moÍnent'
ExeÍcise3' a phonecaLl.andke,
5 Emma'sco||eagues aÍehaVinglun.h' at
the moínent'('rl WorkJ
ó Laura'sn a Íneeting'She lunchal the
7 Jim,chrisand LauÍaare ta|klng' Emma
8 Emmannd hel co|Leagues ar€ on thc |.51job'
thc testing'l''Álr)

l8 l


on the leportnow.
l'm woÍk|ng
she's maklnga phonecall.
They'rchavlnglunchat the moment.

|'iÍíot havlíga coffeeat the moment.
He lsnt maklnga phonecall.
He'snot makinga phonecall.
We .ren\ woídngtoday.
BothÍons of thenegativeare in @mnon use.

whafg she do|Í8?(WháÍs= Whatís)
WhataÉyou doltlg?
15he hav|nga méeting?
AÍ€ theyworklÍton the proiect?

70 Llstento the telephone

conveEations.what are théPeoptedo|ng?
comoletethe s€ n
1 Steve's lnvnn Ltrlr
2 Olivia's
3 Colin's
4 Nadia's
ó9 PRo|{Ut{C|AÍ|ol{L|stenand r€ p eat
the séntences.How do you say ./'9? 5 Paolo's
ó sylvia's
1 I'mhavinga meeting.
2 What'sshe doing? pÍáctic€17. studentÁ -.'
3 she isn'twoÍking
today' Page81. StudentB -.t Page90.
4 Weteall WoÍkingon the project'
5 AÍetheyhavinglunchnow? Talkto a partneLwhat aíeyou workingon
6 Whataíeyou doing? at th€ moment?
Gíammarpractic€ ..' Page 99, Exercise4.

Het in a meeting thismorning.

Theylehavinga coffeeat the moment.
Whatareyou doingnow?
I'mnot in the officetoday.
We'reworkingon the newprojectthigweek.

Ea Readthe text.Canyou btly ForDunnies book.s

in your country?
Answ€ r théqu€ s tions.
1 Whatis.spaÍe tiíne,?
2 Whydo peopLebuy For Dummiesbooks?
3 Whatkindof peoplebuyForDummles books?
4 ls lhe For DunmiesseriessuccessfuL?


A e.b.7,;|",,hí::,
ú u"

What do you do ínyoÚ sparc time?

Nola |ot?AíeYou|ooking
10Ía new
hobby?|Íyo!aíe,then a qoodp|aceto
sla( is the For Dlrmmies books. The
booksteach yoUhoWtodoh!ndÍeds oÍ
things' ÍromAÍnercaníootba||to chines€
cookin!'For DÜrnmies books € x p]a n a I
th€ basicsin simpIe láng age'so they're
peÍJect íorábsoIUtebeqinneís' Theb ack
andy6||oW booksnowhavehundreds oí
tit|€ s in 39|angUages'W th ]00miIion
copiesin print'it,sobvioUslhatíreetime
is bigbusiness.

Match the words to the activitiésin the


aerobics basketball chess cycling

flshing footbatl guitar running skiing
swimmingwalking weightkaining

40 1
Action 6

7l PRo Ut{c|AT|oN ch€ c k your Lookal lhe photos.Can you guess what the
answeís.Listen and repeát.AÍeany of the peopledo in theilspaÍetime?
wolds|he sameor similarin your languag€ ?
|s theiÍpronUn.iation
differ€ n t in English? 73 Now listento the peopleand flll in
the gaps.

!a 72 Listen to two colleaguestalking

aboutleisuÍe.Which activiti€ s fíom 1c do
theytalk about?
72 Listenagain.Completethis extrart
fÍomthe conversation.
A Don'tyou |ik€ 1 |
B lhate,
A 0h' love]] ' |t'5goíJdfo|yolr'
2 play
B N o ti f y o uc . n t a l
A No,that'struel

till in the gaps. Then make fouÍsentences

thatare tíu€ foÍyou.

like dont like love hate

((-r) r | / .1 , s.iirr Ipldyth€


I c w I nn r q .
(..:) 4 ÍUl|i||c|


| 3o + nouns with -ing

I play + sports,ganes, musical
like skÍin8.
ldo + aerobics,

d G a r m d r p r a rl i . c . ) P d g p q o . E x e r .i q p s . '.') Page99, ExeÍci5€ó.


Communicationpractice18.-) Page82.
WoÍkwith a partner.


Whatdo you do in yourspaÍetime?

r go cyclng,
ldo aerobics,
I play footbalL/the
I Love/Like/hate

1 3 1234 56 7 123 456 7 34
8 9 1 0 1 1 't2 t3
456 7 10 8 9 l0 1t 12 13 567 ll 9 10 11
't5 16 t7 18 't9 20 21 't5 16 1 7 1 a
11 12 13 l6 17 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2l 12 13 14
18 19 20 2 22 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 28 1 9 2 0 2 l 22 23 24 25
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 3l 26 27 2u 29 30

75 list€ n end Í€ p € a t the months.

Ea 74 Listento fourshortconveÍsation..
when do th€ peoPl€ arÍan8eto meet?Maík lanuaíytebíuaÍyivlaÍchApÍl lt4ay June
th€ foul dat€ s on the calendar. JU|y Augusl septembeÍoclobeÍ NoVernber
c List€ n again and fill in
7' PRoí{Ut|c|Al|oN
the chart.


We write: We say:
11thívlay the eleventhof May

vocábUlalypÍá(ti(e'.') Page 100.Exetcise1' b píactice..' Page 100' ExeÍcise

GÍammaí 2.

76 Li.ten. Wíitethe days in th€ oíder vocabularypractice.'')Pag€ 100.Exercis€ ].

you heaÍthem.
d Work with a partner.student Á points to one
Monday Tuesday Wednesday of the phrases and Student B asks a
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday quéstion.Take it in turns.

| !t't,ltusJna 5 B AÍeyou fÍeeon Friday?

. Ine morntng
77 Listenand repeat.Practisesaying
the daysof the we€ k .
Workwith a paÍtner.Lookat the calendaÍ. . middleof DecembeÍ
Yousay a dateand your partnersays the . August10th
day'chang€ roles.
A Thetwelfth of January . the evening
B Tuesday.
78 PRoNUNC|AÍ|on Listenand rep€ a t'
How do you say .Íl' at the € n d of the
!a 74 Listento the conversations
again.filt in the gaps
in la
in the sentenceswith numbeÍs?
at, in oÍ on' 1 Whataboutthe twenty-eighth?
1 |'mfÍee.'/ theendof]anuary' 2 |.mfÍeeon the fourthof February'
Yes,I canmakeit thetwenty.eighth. r Fridaythe twelfth?
2 |'mÍree FebruaÍy' 4 Yes,the seventeenth of ÍMay
is fine'
|'mbusy thebeginningof FeblUáry' 5 No, can'tmakeit on FÍiday the thirteenth
3 AÍeyoufÍee themidd|e of ivlaích? 6 so, túondayth€ fifteenth'
No,I can'tmakeit Friday.
themorning? Communicationpractice19. StudentA .-t
nineo'clock? Page82. StudentB -.>Page 90.

Prepositionswith times ond dotes USEFI.]L


on Tuesday Whencanwe meet?

)uly gth (dates) Whenareyou rÍee?
ín Maích (manrhs) whataboutthetenthof lune?
summer(Seosonsl That'sfine.
t h e m i d d l eo f . . . No,l'mbusyon thetenth,
the moÍning/afternoon/ I can/cantmakelt at theendof lune.
evening I'mfreeat thebeginning of lull
at ten o'clock (tines) I'mbusyin themiddleof July.
the beginning/end
of Whataboutthe firstweekin August?
the weekend
aÍían8em€ n ts


Ea 79 Listen to Gary lipton talking to a

Coll€ a gue abouthi5 plans for a busin€ s s trip.
Filtin the gaps in his diaÍy.
Paris London Cf i.uSo fonaon

F|ib^Í|LA ('," )
/\r.ivL A/LL, Yq^ S.7S pl
) Na': Yrr^ C.tS ;,n t

) r..75 cn
|,!LLt;rt " .-,'Í- 7'.k-.) Gtu

- suL,R.L,l,\c\ R€ a d GáÍy'sdiary again and answer the questions.

üLLrjh j.TT G',
l|LLriri - J.-,,Lr t]d/kLt) t.3Tp,t1 1 ls GaryleavingLA on TLrcsday?
Tra,n (Eurt:tat\ ta ) (p,r1\ 2 Where'sh€ .hilnglllgÍlghtson thc Way
HÖt L| a';TG)' //'
] |5he takij)gIh€ lIainlo PaÍlson W€ d Icsdiy?
4 In Pdris,wh ch hoteLs he slayingat?
5 ls he comingbick to Londonon Saturd.yl
6 |5he aÍriVingi chicago n the moming.

In the sentencesGary Lipton describes his tíavel

plans.Fill in the gaps.

) I
* .n"na"

) |:/,?,t|LÖnaóA t iu ht n1 LosAngeleson Monday.

43s p,+,:
' 2 the tíain the EuroslaÍ'
7.oo Pi^ c^,e.Ü"
3 Then in PaÍisfor thÍecnights.
ta.ts p,\ )
) 4 backto Londonon lhc tÍain.
) LA t?.25 6,h 5 in LA in the middleof the
6 T h e . 'o . I h " Í g . | | o n " ' in

Presentcontinuous: Who...?Why...?

|'mf,y|ngto Londonon l/|oÍday' WhoaÍeyou wolkingwith?

Shebmeetlnga collea8uethls afrernoon. I'mworking
Theyl€ 8rí|v|n8
tonorow' Who'sSoingto the meeting?
wei! hrvlnt a meetingat Íouro'clock.
Whyareyou goingto Hamburg?
I'mgoingto a meeting.
Why! he takinsthe train?
79 Listen a8ain and check yoÜíanswers. Becausehe doesn'tlike flying.
é vocabularypractice...' Page 100' ExeíCise4.
..) Pag€ 100,Exercise5.
can you .ompletethes€ questionsfíomGaíy's Work with a partneL look back at Gary's
|n 1a? diary.Ask and answer questlons about
his trip.
How When Wheíe Who Why A When'sGaryleaving/arÍiving in ''.?
B at
He'sleaving/arriving .-..
aíeyou goingto EuÍope' Next
GaÍy? A Whafs he doingon...?
We€ k ? B He'sflylng/meeting/going....
2 aíeyou going?To the Londonoff]ce? A WheÍe's he..'?/ Who'she '''?/ Why.she
) áíeyou meeting?TanyaDolanagain? ...?/ How'she...?
aÍeyou goingto Pari5?on bUsiness?
t to Páris?Are you
aÍeyou lfave||ing communication oractic€20.studentA .-,
drivinB? Page82' stud€ n t B -.) Page90.
on page121 and
79 Lookat the tíanscíipt
Talk to other students.Flnd out what€ c k your
listento Gary'sconversat|on
aííangem€ n ts they have Íoíth|s week.

Eo PRol{Utic|ÁT|ot{ Listonand r€ p eat' How

do you say the und€ Í linedwords?
1 Who\ 5h€ meeting? wheíeareyou goin8?
2 Who aÍeyou traveIling
With? Whyareyougoingto lvlilan?
3 Who'scominglo the meeting? WhenAVhat timeareyouleaving?
4 Whyare you leavingeaí|y? Whoareyoumeeting?
5 why'she golnglo London? Howareyou travelling?
ó why aÍelhey slayingjn that hotel? I'mleavingLondonon Tuesday.
in Paris'
she5 stayingfoÍa week.
He! flying.

a Talkto otherstud€ í ts abouttÍaintravel.

HoWoftendo you travelby tÍain?
Do you like tíainlÍave|?
Do you UsuallyÍeserve a seat?

b Gary L|ptoni5 büying a tick€ t foí th€ EuÍostar.

Read the conveÍsation.titl in the gaps.
Assistaít Hello'
Gaty Hi. ld like to book two seatsto
Assistant At I i,liti tine7
GaÍy At ábout 5'00 pm' I don.lhave
á timetab|e.
'5 a tÍainat 17.15'
Itr in Parisat 20.55.local
Gáíy Righl.oK' 4 \ ílne'
Assistant Wouldyou like to travelflrstclass
Gary Stándaíd'
Assislant And wouldyou 5
a sing|eor a retuÍn
Gaíy A round.tÍip,plea5e.
WhenwouLdyou llke to 6
till in 1-9 W|thwoÍdsÍÍomth€ conversation
Gáry Iwánt to ÍetuÍn
on satuÍday'
but in 1a.
Assislant Do Vouwantlo bool.lhe relurntlp 1 a one way ticket (US): a .v;ril' (UK)
2 a roJndl rp l, kel (J5) ' d (J\l
Gaíy |f Íeservea seal,3 3 a list of times(oftrains)= a
I changethe leseÍVation? 4 the timeat the destinátion =
Witha standardfare,you can 5 to comeback = to
changeor canceLthe booking.yes,
ó to l)ook= to
Gary 0K. How e is the standaÍd
fare,then? 7 a booking= a
0ne moÍnent' 6 a ti(ke|pÍice= a
9 normal(ticket,class):
a1 Llstenand checkvour answers.
82 chéckyouí answeís.Listen and

pÍa(tice..)Pag€ 100,ExeÍcise
vocabulaÍy ó.

z^ 84 L|stento th|scustom€ Íbook|ng.

traint|cket.completeth€ lnfoÍmat|on
7 Destination
2 icket (singletetun,
3 Leavin9on (day)l
4 Leavingat.(time)l
5 Returning on (doy):
6 Retumingat ftner:
7 Class:
8 Fare:
Workw|tha partneÍ. Lookat the thnscípt
for 2a on page 122 and praatlsethe
Howdo you say Ío
E:| PRol{u|{c|AT|ot|
In thesesentences?Llstenand rapeat,
communicationpíactice21.stud€ n t A ..)
1 I'dliketo booka seat. Page82. studéntB ..' Page91.
2 Whenwouldyouliketo comeback?
3 | wantto returnon Saturday.
Doyou wantto bookthe returntrip now? USEFULLANGUAGE
I'dlike a returnto (Birmingham),
w.ntto +inÍinitive/ would [kéto + Wouldyou |ik€ to boo|ílesewe a seat?
inqnitive Whendo you wantto l€ a ve / comeback?
Do you wantto travelfiEt classor
I'dllke to booka seat.
5econd/standaÍd/€ c onomycla55?
l waÍtto book a seat.
Howmuch théstandardfare?
Whenwoutdyou llke to teave? can I changemy booking/res€ r vation?
Whendo you wantto l€ a ve?
lvoÍejWouldljketo 13morefornal/polite
a singleti(ket(UK)/ a one-wayticket(US)
tton wantto.
réturnticket(UK)/ round.tÍip

n GíammarpÍactic€ ..' Page 101, ExeíCise7.


trT L$"

d E6 PRo U c|AT|oNList€ n and repeat'
How do you say wos(n't) aÍd were(n,t)in
these s€ n tences?
1 Wereyou at the trddefairT

2 Wherewas it?

3 lt !!as brg,
Ea 85 Listen to Hanna Day taLkingto
a colLeagu€ about a tláde fair she visited in
India. |lndeÍlin€ th€ corí€ c t woÍds. IWasn,tthere|astyeaÍ.

1 The trade Íai was yesletday/laslweek.

TheÍeWerethousandsof peopIe'
2 The trddefairW.]sqUlíelverygood.
] TheÍeWeÍeabout 100/400companies at the We weren'tin the sane holel.

4 l'nn'úo\ nC' J| '/'',

be: past sÍnple
5 The tradefaiÍin CaLcutta
o Fa a d hP' ' o Lpdg.p\ l4PjP úPJ' '|./ i|| |!r.
The confeÍence was good last Week.
can you Comptete thesequ€ s tions fÍom1a? They were in the same hotel.
Fill in th€ gaps.
l- was many were
HoWmay people wer€ theíe?
waslohn theÍe?
you at the tÍadefair|astwe€ k ?
1 was it? Delhl? The big coÍnpaniesweÍentat the trade faiÍ.
3 was it? 0K? The presentationwasnt very good.
it blg?
5 cornpanleswerethere7

( 85 tisten again and check your answeís. e .'.) Page lo1. txe|(ise l.

woÍkwith a partner.Talk aboutwhere you w€ r e:

. yesleroay
Ea communication pÍa(tice 22.slud€ n t A ..')
Page83' stud€ n t B..') Pag€ 91'
. lastSatuÍday
Lookasainat your information from
commÜnication practic€ 22.Writean € m ail
tetlin8youíboss aboutthe Gonfer€ n ce/
Tine referencesto the past trainingcourseyou wentto. Use the emaiL
in Exeícise2 to help yolj.
Tu€ s day
ivlarch Tor..,

sunmeÍ Subjectl
twodays Deár''..
thíeemonths ago

..t Page101,Exeícise2.
t Vocabulary
h Makes€ n tences. use the wordsin bíackets
and pasttimeexpr€ s sions. verygood.
TheleweÍea Iotof peoplethere.
1 Todayis Thursday'
íÍln.l'l't1 ttlt'' 1ll LL .l,l1.' .t,1',
TheÍeweÍen'ta lot of newproducts.
2 lt.sNovember íoclobe, Wheíewas it?
Whowas theÍe?
) Íhis yea|' (2aa1) Wastheneetinglong?
Howmanypeoplewereat themeeting?
4 |Í'5F|iday.(last Friday)
Timereferencesto thepast
5 TodaYi5 ThuÍsday'(Wednesday) yesterday,
last FÍiday,
ó This month' (^,'ay)

R€ e d this email from Hanna Day to heí mánag€ r , Luke Roscoe.fill in th€ gaps with the corí€ c t foímoÍöe.


Io: Luke Roscoe

F r o m rH a n n aD a y
subjectI trade íairÍ€ p or|

Dear L!ke,
I rn now back in Vancolver afler my típ to De hi' The lrade fáir 1 l1l'\ Very good t
'? a big event thefe r about 400 compan es There 4 onty
two new producls ál lhe show so there ! a | o lo Íb i g s a e s p Í e s e n t a t o n B
s ulthere
6 a very good l4ercuryConsu ling. on new lechno]ogy t,mwnling
a íeportaboul it al the moment' I cán send you a copy |áler lhis week'
business asl week? 3

PS Edwn Palmere
87 Llstenagaln.Underllnethe correct
wordsin thésesenten.esaboutíÚlartin.
t7 ListeÍto MartiÍBerg8iviÍgan updateto I Hepresented / didnl presenttl'e b,rsiness
!a his manager,HannaDay,abouthis bus|nesstÍiplast Plan.
week was it a goodtrip? 2 Be tolkedobout/ didn\ talk aboutlhe
costof materials.
87 Listenagain.Are thesésentencés true (Í)
3 He discussed / didn'tdis.lss suppliers
or talse (Í)? withlMiguel.
1 lMartin travelledto lllexicoon Thursday A 4 He visited/ didn\ visitthe factory.
2 He Workedall dayon FÍiday. n 5 He lookedat / didn't/ookot the new
production line.
3 He stayedin a hotelneaíthe offjce. !
4 Ívlartin! startedat 9.oo. ! 88 Listenand checkyouÍanswers.
sayingthe s€ n
5 Thepresentation flnishedat 9.3o. !
6 This morning,ívliguel ! practice..) Page101,Exercise3.

i Post simple: regulaÍ verbs

90 ppoNUNCta or{ Listenand repea.
Pasitive (inÍinÍtive+ .ed) th€ s e veÍbs in the past simpte. How do we
say th€ 'ed ending? filL in th€ chart'
IpÍesented the businessp|anlastWeek.
she emai|€ d the reportye5terday' phoned taIked pÍesented receiVed
Questians(did + subiect + innniúve) looked visited emailed needed
d.scussed woíked stayed staÍted
oid you recc|vemy email yesteÍday?
finished travelled
Whatdid theydiscussat the meeting

f ^''

Negative (didn\ + inÍjnitive)

I didnl talk to lenny.
she didnl Phon€ .

Canyou completethesequestionsthat
1 whcf / VoLr/ ,rnivel Communication practice2]. studentÁ ..'
tlhtt,li,l.y,ur,utn t ? Pag€ 83. studentB ..) Page 91.
2 !^/hcíe
/ yolr/ stly 1
Talkto a paÍtner.
when did you tast:
] yot]/ ln|( nbo1]llh€ .osI oÍm.lar il|\ ]

4 vou / vrsilrhf 1r(tory ? . usc a ldx ntn.hine?

89 check youÍanswers'Listenand

Make sentencesaboutMaltin'stÍip.Practise
saylngthe sentenceswith a paÍner. USEFI]L
] \ , 4 . l l d n . l w o r k o I l h l t Í ! d n y ' llalkedto KenandGloriaat themeeting
I r \ 1 . r t i n/ v / o r k, /T h L r r s ( l , r y
2 ho / rrrivo/ ovL'fing Wetalkedaboutthebusinessplan.
I h c / l a l k . r b r ) l ]/l p l r n Didyoudiscussthetaígets?
4 P e d r o/ r r l k , r l o r I pÍesented
thenewproductat the
' he / Visil/ Í..1ory meeting.
6 l o o k a t / l ) r ( ) ( l ! . t i o nL i n o
Wedidn'tlookat thenewpricelist.
/ , , 1 i r /y S o . o r o l l o t e
8 M i s r e l i p h o I c h i mt V c \ t . d . r y

Gíámmarpíactice..' Page 1o1,ExeÍcise



Ea Matchth€ groupsof wordsto th€ photosfrom

a holidaybÍo.huÍe.Usea dictionaryto h€ l p you.
9l listen to Hannaoay tatklngto her
colleagué'stevencroft,abouth|s hoüdayon
wÍite1-5 in the boxes. the Greekislandof crete.Tick (/) the coÍíe.t
1 plana lelrt !u! coach answeÍ:a' b, or both.

2 bcach pool sunbathc 1 Hetravelled

to Creteby...
a plane.
p I ferry[
] boÍs] ÍestouÍonts] di'.os 2 on cret€ , h€ stayedín'''
4 apartm€ n t hote| c.mpsit€ a a hotel.! b an apartment.
5 renta car. travelaround go siOhtseeing 3 TheÍeWere|otsof..'
a bars.! b restaurants.
4 Hetravelled aroundby...
a car! t uus.!
Vo(abulaíy Pagel0l' El€ r (ise 5'

92 PRot{UC|ÁÍ|oIL|stenand mat(h

th. woÍdsto the coríectstressmarks.Then
lllten a8alnand repeat.

4 sightseeing
d oOo
5 hotel oooOo

E" 9' L|stén to sentencesfromthe

conv.rsationIn 1b. Matchth€
verbsyou hear(a-l).
to th€ irÍegular
1A 5! e!

,! 6! to!
3! 7n tt!
a! 8! tt!
a ate b bought c cáme d cost e drank
f drove g flew h had i left , saw
k took I went
b can you writ€ the infinitivesof the verbs in a-l?
titt b
g h


Talk about past holidays with a paítnel'

Pastsinple: irregularverbs
Where/ What/ Howdid...?
The pastsimpleformof someverbs
i5 iÍegularYou needto learnthem'
see 1helist of iÍegu|ar
Did you fly oÍdid you takethe ferry?
I renteda car,and tÍave|ledaround'
. GÍammdl pIa(l|'P '') Pdge |(,/' |}PIl \P tl We wentsightseeing.
I had a weekrelaxingand sunbalhlngon
Look al the íeceiptsand Papeís Íom steven's the b€ a ch'
triP.fuk and answeÍquestion. with a partn€ l . We didn'tstayat a hotel.We wereon
a caÍn p5ite'
A Wh€ n / What/ Where/ HoW(ml]ch)
did he '''?
WhatWasthe nightlifelik€ ? W€ r € th€ bars
B He...
and r€ 5 taurantsoK?

c o m m U n i c a I iporna c t i ( 2e 4 .s t ! d € n l A . ' . )
Page8]' studentB '.') Pag€ 91.

a on qi)
rrn cn r.r

Ácl36 (8C)
Vancouver Toíonlo
PeaíSon (0N) |V]áy
5 06r00 1 32 7
^c672 Toíon|o
Pearson(0N) (FRA)
FrankíuÍt It4ay
5 1 71 5 0700
tc9206 (FRA)
FÍankíurt (ATH)
Athens It4ay
6 0905 l2 50

Alhens (FRÁ)
FrankÍur| May2n
4c873 (FRA)
FrankíLlrl P€ a rson(0N)
Toronto May2

D) BillNo. tu/4,1loom N(I 0s

Nanrer\r.vL,rr( r(,1I llllliqUliq.f
.u.rit.rI 96 AA
Arrrval dare:l\ry (, D$!t!ture date:
,\j.ryN 1 cHlcK€ N sANDUlcH se.4B

|tö. ?


Tourdate:lllay |4
t1*vS i 3g
. 9 ' 1 B P ' l . l ' 9DUR 1]R0ÉR: | 5r
and attachments

vo(abularypractice.-)Page 102,Exercisel.
Ea can you matchthe words to the do.üments?
a Readthe emailsand answeÍthe qu€ s tions.
] agenda baÍchart gÍaph minutes
pi€ chart sCheduletable 1 Why is .aíla lcndlIg docuÍncnts to T m?
2 llow mirnyaocuments.rreattachedn
t ln rh,rl 2 ) c a r l a se n a i l ?
456 ] DoesTiÍilhnv€ . copv oÍthe m]nut€ s i
7 4 W h oh a 5 . o ! l c so Íl h e s . h c d u l € f o Ít h c
n€ W W.rehou5e?
94 ch€ c k your answ€ r s. Lísten and repeat.

Stock (by product Code)

Warehouse Sticks -

Warehouse Zone 5
Feb Mar Apr May
sP 1570 tcP 38%


Points to djscqss at the meetr!gl

r) Wareho!se Zone5
2) slock tr]íoímaton


' ...,
27 000


DearTm, He senther fivedocurnents.

She readthem.
P|easeíindattachedthe agenda for the | ) me you) you he ) him she) her
meetingnextTuesday.I a so allach other it ) it we ) us they) them
n Í o r m a | oy n
o u n e e df o rt h € m e e t i n g : ap e
chaÍtofproducts a baÍchart of stocks in lhe
WaÍehouse. a gfaph of stocks for |ast month.
a n da t a b e o Íc u s t o m e í s , Look at the slammaí box. Then Íeadthe phíases 1-7
A]exW|olelhe m nutes íoÍlhe |ast meeting and f]nd them in th€ emails (h|ght|ghted).
who or
lhinkhe sent them to you. what do th€ undellined woíd. lefeíto? choose fÍom
B u l i Íy o ud o n l h a v el h e n r j. u s ta s k h i m th€ s e people oí things.
lo eÍna you a copy'
Besl regards.
Alex Tim Alice theminutes

C a ta 1 ...he sentthemto yoo. (lhen = t/h t,i|rLs )

2 ...ask him to emailyou a copy.(him= )
L.. ask him to emallyoua copy.(you = )
4 ''' he gavern€ th€ mlnutes.(me: )
5 Couldyou send it to me?(lt: )
ó ''' she'sbringingcopie5to the meetingfor aLLof L]5'
DearCarla, (us = and
M a . yt h a n k sí o lt h e i n í o r m a t o n]'í e a da t h e l
altachments lhis morning I saw A ex 7 can contdcther.(her= )
yesterdayand h€ gave me |he r. nu|es But I
donthavea copy of the schedu e Grammarpractice..' Pag€ 102, ExeíCise2.
foÍlh€ new Warehouse A|ex tod me he
lhoughtyou had lhe schedLrleCould you send
Ea Read th€ emails again. Find th€ past simple form of
these irregularverbs,
I gve !!t!t! 6 sencl
2 have 7 speak
Tm ] Íead 8 telL
4 say 9 think
5 see 10 !!Ílte

95 check youl ánsweís. Listen and repeat.

c Grammarpracti(e..>Page 102, Ex€ l cise 3.

| . ma Í r a dI d o n . th a v el h e s c h e d ue B u t I communicationpíactice25 -.) Page 84' Wolk with
spoke|o A ce Drapef,lhe píojecieng ne€ Í a paímeí.
a n ds h e s a i ds h e s b r i n g i n gc o p e s l o t h e
meelnq for a||oí us she wants to give a
presenlation aboul the protect,and shed ke IJSEFI]LLANGUAGE
l0 talkaboutlhe schedu e then But f you
needa copy beíorethe meeting you can attachthe minutesof the meeting.
contacther Her ema laddress is Pleasefindattachedmy reportof the trip.
draper@bc-structure s con can'tÍeadthe attachment.
Couldyou send me the schedule?
Cara [4anythanksfor your message.

Do you or your colleagüessp€ a k Engllshon the telephone?
!a who do yoü speakto?
completethe questionnaiÍe.
Íck (/) the boxes.

Talkaboutyour answérs.
work wlth a paÍtnér. !a 97 L|steÍto thre€ teléphon..atls.
Are theses€ n ten.éstÍue(Í)or Íatsé
d 9ó L|stento . womanphoÍ|ntth.
Call l 1 Louiseis out of the office.
re.€ p t|on at APc ltd. Answelthéquest|oÍs.
takea messa8e?
1 DoestheÍeceptionjst
2 Robsayshe'llcall Louiseback, tr
Call2 3 Robleavesa message. !
2 Doeshe takethéwoman,s
4 Robleaveshis phonenumbeí. !
3 Doeshe takeheÍphonenumber? Call3 5 LouisephonesRob'sextension. !
4 Doeshe ask herto call back? 6 RobthanksLouiseforhercall. !
aga|n'completethe messagé.
96 L|stén b Flt(In the gaps to comptetethe telephonecatls.

afÍaid busy calling coutd hold

MESSAGE moment back speaking who's
f Q4.'''4J!,' E:
É'''r.ha|1 Gll 1
Réc€ p t|on Hello.camden ll''larketin
Rob He||o.í..cnua'.. Ispeakto Louise
Rob RobSears.
Rec€ p tion Herline's3.............
.. at the moment.
Rob 0h, right.Um...OK. I'll call backlater.
Rcceptlon oK.
Rob Bye.
Receptlon Bye.

Call 2
Hello-camdenÍüalketing. Ea complététheses€ n tences fromth€
in 2b.
Rob plea5e'
|tl Rob SeaÍs' Calt 1(; i*a
Onea , please.l'm '-
5 she'sstillon the c " r r z'L/-
(t r " 't o- i r v o u @
phone.Wouldyou like
heíthe íressage
Rob t]m'..could you ask heÍto ca me
as soon as possible.
Réception Y e 5 ,
Rob she hasmy numbeí
99 Listenand repeatthe sent€ n ces
could takeyournarneagain? in ta.
Rob Yeah.Robs€ a 15's-E-A.R.s'
oK. |'||ask heÍto ca||you w|||'pontaneousdecisionsand offeÍs

Rob |t\ quiteuÍgent. |'l[giveheíthe message.

Re.€ p tion oK. |'||giveheÍthe messageas She'llcauyou back.
soon as possible. (l'll= | will)
Rob O(. Thanksverymuch.Bye.
Note: we use the short Íorm(ll) when
R€ c € p tion Bye'

Rob HeLlo.
Loü|se Hel|o.|5thatRob?
Rob Yes,3 Page 102,EteÍciset .
LouiséHi, Rob.|t'5Loui5c'
communicationpra(tice26. stud€ n t A .-'
Rob 0h hi, Louise.Thanksfor 9
Page84. StudentI - ) Page 92.

Lo0is€ YoUt€ weIcome'

Whatcan do [or

97 List€ n to thételéphon€ calls a8a|n' Who'scalling, please?

check your answ€ í s. ]t.sEíicBlanc.
98 Listen and rép€ a t the sentences' ls thatTom?
Íh€ n , in paits' practise the conveÍsations Yes,speaking.
in 2b. couldIspeakto Ann,pl€ a se?
1 Who'scalling,please? Sorry I'mafraidshe'sout.
2 Herline'sbusyat the moment. Canl/ Couidyoutakea message?
I one moment.please. I'llgivehimthemessaSe.
4 Wouldyou llke to hold? Couldyouaskherto callme (baak)?
5 A sthatRob? I'll call backlatel
B Yes,speaklng. CouldI takeyourname?
6 Thanksfor calllngback. Herlinebbusyat themoment.
Wouldyouliketo hold?
vorabulaIypraCti(e'.') Páge 102.ExeÍ(ise



Ea R€ a d the emails (a-c) from three colteagoes

what subi€ c ts do they wíit€ about?
Dear Ce ia and Alex
Read the emails again. |J5€ a dictionaryto helP I hope you had a qood weekend. I wanled to take
you. on€ p€ r son tves in Manila, one lives |n the kds |o lhe paík' bul the wealher was
Milan and one lives in Moscow.Which person ínserabe' It \''Jasco]d (|wodegrees)and íoggya
is fíomwh|ChCity? day on satuÍday.then it rained a||day on sunday
T y p c a | W e a t h eÍío Íl h e s e a s o n 'A n d n o w I m b a c k
r is fÍoírMáni|a' a t w o Í ki l ' s a b e a u l f U | s U n ndya y |
2 is fÍoÍn
Milan. What.sthe weatheÍ|ike\^,ith you? Are you bo|hoK
is koÍnMoscow foíthe coníeíenceca|||atel |oday'
Look at the pictur€ s oÍd|fferenttyp€ s of
weather.Find words in the emails to filt in

the gaps. 9eE

-*? HrSeb
o K í o lt h e c a | | t s c o ( r d y h e r e l h i s n r o r n n g .
a n d i l s r a i n i n ga b i l i t s v e r y h o l
and huínd' lhough |||ooks|ikewe ||gel
a lh(rndérs|ornr ].mact!a||ypeased (o be in
2 lt'sr
a c o o | o Í f c ew i t ha i íc o n d i l o nn g IT h e s y s t e m
in my apaítmentisn't Woíking,

4 ts s !o9

I don l |.avFa ..o1d|t'o.'nq al |.oÍree|tl.eÍce |d'

Bul it s minus 18 degrees here al the moment,so it s
no| a prob|eml|l's quitewindy as we||'so it Íees
5 fSf 6 ltsw even colder Seb, you said it was cold on Saturday
(twodegrees)' Her€ ' when the l€ m peraluíe.s abolt
z e í oa n d l . s s n o w i n gp. e o p | es a y i t s ' w a r m ! g u e s s
tlvo degíees is ce ia!
ook ÍoMard lo lhe conieÍencecá|||áter

7 l t ' sf 8 at
100 checkyouíansweÍs.


|{owfrnd words in the emails with the sám€ 102 List€ n to th€ conveísationagain
meaningas 1-5. and check youí answeÍs.
1 'leÍyn:]ce= b|' !tt;l/
2 h o r Íb | e= m ReviewoÍDresentand Dast tenses
I qlrle lrot- w
5 one beLowzero= m one It'sraining
at themoment.

l0l check your answers.Listenand Íepeat'

Itrainsa lot in winter
practice.-)Page 101.Exercise6.

|t íainedyesteíday'

d Grammarpractic€ .'' Page 103, Exeíc|se7.

Communication practice27.-t Page84.

work with a PaÍtn€ r .

Ea Talkaboutthew€ a therin youÍCountry/

r€ g |on.
theWealh€ Í|iketoday?
WhatWasit likeyest€ r d.y?
Wllal.sthe Wcnlheíus|]d||y
j.lnunry?ADÍL? AUgusl]
E" 102 Ni8elBakeris on a businesstÍipin
Fran.e.He's havinglunchwith his coll€ a guÉ, Talk about your past experiencesof extreme
olivierM€ n aÍd. Listento th€ i r conve'sation,
thenansweíthe qu€ s tions. veryhot wcalher
1 Whafs th€ n]€ ; ltherLikeloday? vcrycolo wcalncr
2 Whatcityare the colledgues in?
I Whnfs the Mislr.lT
4 WhJt'sthe !!.alheÍlike in LondontodJy] 5tÍong
W Ids

compLetethese sentencesfrom the conveÍsation.

Put th€ v€ r bs in the coÍléCt

1 Il lil)lil ncaÍlyeV€ r y dnV|.1stW€ e k' 1r.'n)

I You sornelmcs one oÍlwo wet
It Íainsa lot in the UK in April.
days. fgel)
|t'5oflen foggyin NoVembeí.
Th€ sun todiry'that'sthe m. n
The Wa]leÍ wilh our boll|cof It'sfreezing.
hereonc€ before'abolI two
fhe weathet in the past
Before,whenI Livedin P.rls, aln'ay! |t faínedlastnight'
Itwas windyyesterday.
/ a coldW nd' sorn€ t imes'.ge'
8 App.rently,
it ther€ at the

10 Progress

g0i |)itl!]cl. ilIitl p|ane lhe747?This
biggeíthan question'
is a moreditficu|t
In the 20thÜen|tlly.
Because deve|opmentoí
oÍlhehiohcosls'the newp|anesis
Í|eW íastct.furll]0|, a|]dhIqh()|' Btltt0(lay. a b|]siness'
a danoeíous
new worclis in th(]ílir:cheapol''Wh'11 d0es
bigqeris better,
andis spending of
t h i sn l e a nÍ o Ip | a n eisn t h ( 2
] 1 S t0 t ] l l t t | i|lyn'( l
eurcsonltsnewA3B0 supeí Jumbo. with550seats'But
for tlretw0 biq c0rnl)iLni(-'1j tharInak('llt0tll: Boeingthinksits747stillhasa flture,anddoesn twantl0
oÍdo||aÍsona new'larqer mode|' Laígep|anes
A i r b L rasI i i B o e i n q ' 2
area biqpelcentaoeoíbothÍiÍms. business,A1píesenl,each
0npaper'aneasyWaytomake thecostoÍÍ|ying|owerist0 company hasabout5090 oítheWor|d marketÍ0í passenger
with,say,400seats, is p|ánes'|ftheA3B0is saíe.íe]iab|e
sma||eÍones!'lilh200seats' lhe747'lhenAirbuscanbecome themalket |eadetBll iÍthe
ThisWasWhy. in1969'
Boeinq tsfiíst
bLri|l 747J!mboJet. íiÍstA380hasserious píob|ems
technica| or,Worse'saÍely
Íor Boeinq.s
more modeínJumbo.lhe 747' pÍob|ems.thentheÍulure oflhesuperJumbo - andthe
400, good
stillhas sales Bulisiteconomicalto
today. buida futuíe _
oíAirbuss inquesl]on'

Read the article. use a dictionaíyio h€ l p you. concoÍdeWas Very fast, but cost a lot to
!a Then und€ Í linéthe coÍíectwords so that the fly. lt wasn'tvery
sentencesaíe lÍué. PlanecÍashes are lare flyingis a Very
way to travel.
1 The AjrbusAl80 is a very largelsnoll plane.
]n the air,technicaI problemsaÍe
2 Today,the f|Ís|747s aÍeqúi|emadenlo1d'
3 The A380 proiectis cheaplexpensive Wantto aÍiveon time'they
4 Boejng/'isn,t buildinga neWsupeÍJumbo'
5 Aib:s nas hal|othnd oÍthe woÍ'dna||et' NeWp|anesaÍe . Theycost
billionsof dollarsto develoP.
Fitt in the gaps with the adlectives.
to land whenit's

dangerou5 diíficult economical easy

expensive cheap low Íeliable safe l.eIplo 'ná|.ea lot oÍ'ob. qLi(e
8 (orÍpuLe.c
for pilots.
1 Airlines Lrt' costsandpassengers VocabularypÍactice-.' Page 103, Exeícise1.
want tickets.

E a Fitlin th€ gaPs.choosefromthesewords. Make sent€ n ces using comParativ€ s .

1 theAirbusAl80 / large/ the Boeing/42 .
cheaper easieÍ larg€ í
more/lessdangerous / /1,, tti L ui, t..,\t)i, /,t.,J., /l t,a!t l l !, 8,,, i,,,1 7.t t
moÍe/lesseconomical 2 the 747.4aol nodeÍnl |he ||í5I747'
3 modernpLanes
/ economicaL
/ otderones .
1 |t's|e55expensiv€ '=
2 ts bigger= lt's 4 air travel/5afe/ íoddlrave|'
3 The cost is higher.: lt's
5 flyinga p|áne/ difficu|t
/ dÍivinsa car .
4 lt's safel : lt!
= lts
5 t's less difflcult. ó becauseof complters.modeÍnplanes/ easy/ f|y'
ó |t costslessto use' = t'5

8 work with a Partneí.

compaÍethe5€ products'
103 check your ansv.éís.List€ n
and íePeat.

wrlte the lrregular compalativesfor th€ s e

adiectives.You can f|nd them ln th€ text.
1 (+)rar z 1 + rg o o o
I (+)bad

104 checkyouíansw€ r s. Listenand

r€ p € a Í.
pa 105 she|ley spears woíks for th€ aiÍline|€ t Ítét.
List€ n to her giving a pÍesentatlonto héícotleagües.
what aíe th€ advantag€ s and disadvantagesof
class? wlakenotes in the chart.

Shortadiectives 0lsadvantag€ s

cheap) cheaper
fast ) fast€ í

(+)difficult) more difficult

(-) expensive) less expensive
can yo! add anymor€ advantag€ s /disadvantates to
the Ch6ít?
good) better
2a.'') Page85. WoÍkWith
fa|) fürt]her
TheAirbu5A380js b|g8eíthanthe USEFULLANGUAGE
The new modelis moreeconomical, but lthink
it's less reLiable.
e G l a m m a Ip Í a c | i ( e' ' ' ) P a q e l 0 ' t ' I x e l ( i s P 2 . TicketsaLesare betteÍ/Woíse than |astyear
The disadvantage is the higheÍcost'
The advantage is that it! cheaper.

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