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Q1) Explain three life lessons learnt from the movie "Life is Beautiful" with the instances
from the movie.
1. To not take stress: So we saw in the movie that even though there was a very
stressful environment for Guido, he still managed to not take stress because he knew
if he took stress, it would impact his son and that would lead to a much more worst
scenario Similarly, even in life we face a lot of problems and will be facing a lot of
problems. So for that we should not take stress but instead try to calm yourself and do
the particular work with full involvement.
2. To cherish bonds: In life, we somewhere lack to cherish our bonds with people, but it
is really necessary for us to remember and celebrate the bonds. As we see in the
movie, a father and son have a great bond and it keeps protected until the end
3. To not overthink about the future: We see that Guido does not overthink about the
future even though he knew what the future was. He still tried to hide it from his son
because it would be really difficult for him to digest the fact that this is going to
happen in the future and thus similar. Similarly even we should not think about the
future and try to do our best in the present.
Q2) Explain three personality traits of "Guido" that successfully helped him to face all the
hardships at the concentration camp and protect "Joshua" from them with instances from the
1. Celebrating: Guido always tried to save and protect Joshua by the negative energy
present at the camp by celebrating small things like how he made up a story about a
game which was not really the thing but for Joshua because he was small whenever
his dad told that he if we earned points, they would celebrate
2. Protective: The father was definitely very protective over his son. In fact, there was
also a scene in the movie where the father is seen to ask old man to take care of his
son because he was going for his duty and he did not really want his son to be alone,
and because there was a chance that he would be killed he made up a whole game for
his son, which eventually he believed.
3. Sacrificing: The father sacrificed a lot of things for his son. In the end of the movie
we see that when Joshua is left alone, and his father gets caught by the Germans, it
was because the father was trying to save his son so that his son would not face any
difficulty and lead his life peacefully.
Q3) Explain two personality traits each of "Dora" and "Joshua" with instances from the
1. Loving: Both Dora and Joshua were very loving , their husband and father because
they were ready to do anything for each other. Even though Joshua was small, he did


not understand things, but the one thing that he understood was that his father was
trying to protect him and his father loved him and his mom very much.
2. Alert: Both mother and the son were alert because they knew that if they do
something wrong There would be worst scenarios that could happen.
3. Not fake: The love they had the care, they took of each other was not fake and they
did not fake any of the emotions because it was a true emotion that they felt for each
other and was not forced


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