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Gibbs Reflection

The film Magnifico, as well as its protagonist, are being studied for the purposes of this research. In
this heartwarming story, it's all about a young boy who grows into a selfless do-gooder. Magnifico
is responsible for his boisterous brother, his ailing grandmother, and his cerebral palsy sister.
II. Feelings:
I was disappointed by the film; not every story has a happy ending, and I didn't appreciate the
scene in which Pikoy died in an accident. I'm not sure why he should die. He helped many people,
but he died in the end. However, there is a lot to learn from that film about how Filipinos live in
everyday life. As I saw in the video, it portrays our Filipino culture, habits, and beliefs. They
celebrated Fiesta, chanted "opo, po," and practiced mano po, Tsismis (rumours), herbal medicine,
and were collectivists. This is our culture, traditions, and qualities as Filipinos.
I was able to distinguish the many cultures, traditions, health habits, and beliefs of a Filipino in only
one magnifico film.
The film Magnico is a sentimental film, but it also portrays the culture, habits, health practices,
and beliefs of the Filipino people.
It teaches me that even if you come from a poor household, you should never give up hope since
there are so many ways to go through your day without spending any money. We should also learn
about love, respect, and caring for others. Also, this film will make us understand how important it
is to prioritize our families and those in need.
VI. Action Plan

If I were Magnifico, I would do the same. What matters most to me is the well-being of my family,
therefore I would do what is best.

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