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Winter Vacation Homework

Grade: Five

Create a Photo Journal in MS. Word/Google Docs
The template has been shown as below:
My Winter Vacation
Your Name

Table of Contents

1st Day : Babysitting My Sister

2nd Day : Working at the Diner
3rd Day Vacation at Grandma and Grandpa’s House

1st Day: Babysitting My Sister

I spent my first day of winter vacation babysitting

my sister while our parents were at work. She’s 9.
She’s fun to be around, I guess, but she doesn’t
like the same TV shows as me, so we had to take
turns picking what to watch. I chose this picture
because it’s funny. It’s just like my sister and her
doll, watching TV together, while I’m watching

2nd Day: Working at the Diner

My sister started camp, so I got a job at the diner behind the counter. I thought I would
hate it, but I like having a job. I meet lots of people and I like getting tips! I get to help
my parents by having extra money to buy my own movie tickets and stuff. Plus, I get to
bring home burgers for dinner sometimes. Mmmmm, burgers. The job is only for the
winters, but I’m glad I got it. I chose this picture because sometimes it’s slow at work and
you think that you won’t earn any money, but then a bunch of people all come in at once
and you’re so busy you don’t stop for hours!3rd
Day 3: Vacation at Grandma and Grandpa’s House

At the end of the vacation, we got to go to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, just me and
my sister. It was fun. I thought maybe they’d want us to spend the whole week reading or
something, but they took us to get a lot of ice cream, we went to the lake to swim, and
they even let us watch movies all day if we wanted. But I chose this picture because
Grandma and Grandpa like hugs! Sometimes it’s annoying, but it’s also cute.
कक्षाः ५ जषडो बिदषको गह
ृ कषर्य

विषर्ाः नेपषली

१. आफूलषर्य मन परे को खेलकष िषरे मष २५० शब्दमष िर्यन गननह

य ोस ्। त्र्स खेलको उत्पवि, खेल्ने तररकष,
आिश्र्क सषमग्री, खेल्ने ठषउँ आदद कनरषहरू समेट्ननहोस ् ।
२. विद्र्षलर्मष भएको िषवषयक खेलकनदको ददनलषर्य सम्झँ Fदै उक्त ददनमष आफूले खेलेको
खेललषर्य समेटेर एक ददनको दै ननकी लेख्नह
न ोस ् ।
३. गषउँ मष िस्ने आफ्नो सषथीलषर्य विद्र्षलर्ले ददएको जषडो बिदषमष आफूले घनमेको ठषउँ को
िर्यन गदै एउटष चिठी लेख्नह
न ोस ् । चिठीमष घम
न ेको ठषउँ को प्रकृनत, रहनसहन, खषनपषन,
न न कोसँग गएको आदद कनरष समेट्नह
न ोस ् ।
४. तलको चित्र हे री एउटष कथष रिनष गनह
नय ोस ् ।

Grade 5
1. Write an instruction that explains how to do something step by step. It could be making a
healthy snack, playing a game, or finishing a task. Remember to use words that show the order of
the steps to help the reader follow along easily.
2. Remember a time when you did something you'd never done before. It could be anything -
learning a new game, trying a new food, or even attempting a new sport. Write about this
experience in not fewer than 120 words.
3. Choose a book you've recently read and write a review about it. Describe the book's plot, main
characters, and setting without giving away any spoilers. Include the given points in your review:
Summary: Briefly explain what the book is about, who the main characters are, and the
challenges they face. Don't give away surprises!
Favorite Parts: Write what you liked best about the book. Was there a scene or character that
stood out to you? Explain why it was special or interesting.
Thoughts and Feelings: Describe how the book made you feel. Did it make you happy, sad,
excited, or thoughtful? Explain what caused these emotions.
Recommendation: Would you suggest this book to others? Why or why not? Who do you think
would enjoy reading it? Support your recommendation with reasons from the book and your own

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