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This chemical reaction uses glucose and oxygen to release

energy. The glucose reacts with the oxygen and is oxidised.

Aerobic means in the presence of oxygen
Respiration Help sheet

The chemical reaction aerobic Anaerobic respiration is a type of respiration that does not
Energy is not respiration takes place inside use oxygen. It is used when there is not enough oxygen for
produced or mitochondria which is an aerobic respiration. It can be summarised by the following
made in organelle found in animals
respiration. The equation:
energy is
and plant cells. (Remember
RELEASED plants respire also!)

What is the energy

in respiration used
for in organisms?
Growth/Repair This type of respiration may be
Building new used when, for example, an animal
Maintaining body is being chased by a predator or a
temperature person is vigorously exercising.
Anaerobic Respiration takes place
in the cytoplasm of the cell

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