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Section B complete

Section B complete
Qno1 Catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction by providing
an alternative pathway with lower activation energy, without being consumed in the
reaction itself.

Homogeneous catalyst: A homogeneous catalyst is present in the same phase as the

reactants. It uniformly mixes with the reactants and forms an intermediate complex. For
example, the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and iodide ions (H2O2 + 2I- -> 2H2O +
I2) in the presence of iron(II) ions as a catalyst.

Heterogeneous catalyst: A heterogeneous catalyst exists in a different phase from the

reactants. It usually works by adsorbing the reactant molecules onto its surface,
facilitating the reaction. An example is the use of platinum as a catalyst in the oxidation
of carbon monoxide (2CO + O2 -> 2CO2).

Qno2 Energy of activation (Ea) is the minimum amount of energy required for a chemical
reaction to occur. It represents the energy barrier that must be overcome for the
reactants to form products. Activated complex, also known as the transition state, is an
intermediate structure formed during a chemical reaction when the reactants have gained
enough energy to proceed to the products. The energy diagram, known as a potential
energy diagram, illustrates the energy changes that occur during a reaction, showing the
energy of the reactants, the activated complex, and the products.

(i) Limiting reactant: The limiting reactant is the substance that is completely consumed
in a chemical reaction, thereby limiting the amount of product that can be formed.
(II) Radioactivity: Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation from the
nucleus of an unstable atom, often accompanied by the transformation of the atom into a
different element.
(iii) Wiswesser's rule: Wiswesser's rule is a set of guidelines used in organic chemistry to
predict the reactivity and selectivity of chemical reactions based on the relative stabilities
of intermediates.
(iV) Isomorphism: Isomorphism refers to the phenomenon where two or more
compounds have the same crystal structure but different chemical compositions.

Qno4 the energy of an electron in the L-shell of a hydrogen atom can be calculated using
the formula:

E = - (2.178 x 10^-18 J) * [(Z^2)/(n^2)]

where E is the energy, Z is the atomic number (which is 1 for hydrogen), and n is the
principal quantum number. For the L-shell, n would be 2. Substituting the values:
E = - (2.178 x 10^-18 J) * [(1^2)/(2^2)]
= - (2.178 x 10^-18 J) * (1/4)
= -5.445 x 10^-19 J

Therefore, the energy of an electron in the L-shell of a hydrogen atom is -5.445 x 10^-19
Qno6 The value of the gas constant R is 8.314 J/(mol·K) when pressure (P) is in pascals
(Pa) and volume (V) is in cubic meters (m^3).

Qno7 Oxidation number is a concept used to indicate the distribution of electrons in a

compound or ion. It represents the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if the
bonding were completely ionic.

(i) The oxidation number of Cr in K2CrO4 is +6.

(ii) The oxidation number of Fe in Fe(OH)2 is +2.

(iii) The oxidation number of S in Na2SO3 is +4.

Qno9 Sigma (σ) bonds are formed by the overlap of atomic orbitals along the axis
connecting the nuclei of the bonded atoms. They allow free rotation around the bond axis
and are typically stronger than pi (π) bonds. Pi bonds, on the other hand, are formed by
the overlap of parallel p orbitals above and below the bond axis. They restrict rotation
and are usually weaker than sigma bonds.

Four points to distinguish sigma and pi bonds:

1. Sigma bonds are formed by the end-to-end overlap of atomic orbitals, while pi bonds
are formed by the lateral overlap of atomic orbitals.
2. Sigma bonds allow free rotation around the bond axis, while pi bonds restrict rotation.
3. Sigma bonds are typically stronger than pi bonds.
4. In a double bond, one sigma bond is always present, while the second bond can be
either a sigma or a pi bond.

Qno10In an atom with principal quantum number (n) equal to 3, the possible values of
angular momentum quantum number (l) range from 0 to (n-1). Therefore, for n=3, the
possible values of l are 0, 1, and 2.

For each value of l, the possible values of the magnetic quantum number (m) range from
-l to +l. So, for l=0, m=0; for l=1, m can be -1, 0, or +1; and for l=2, m can be -2, -1, 0, +1, or

The spin quantum number (s) can have two possible values, +1/2 and -1/2, representing
the two possible spin orientations of an electron.
Qno11 To determine the pH of a 0.0025 M aqueous solution of HCl at 25°C, we can use the
equation for the dissociation of HCl in water:

HCl -> H+ + Cl-

HCl is a strong acid, so it completely dissociates in water. This means that the
concentration of H+ ions is equal to the initial concentration of HCl.

[H+] = 0.0025 M

The pH of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen ion

pH = -log [H+]

Substituting the value of [H+]:

pH = -log (0.0025) ≈ 2.6

Therefore, the pH value of the 0.0025 M aqueous solution of HCl is approximately 2.6.

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