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Year 1-4 RPA Reflective Writing Assessment Grid

Criterion U/B (Yr 1) Year 1 Year 2 AND Year 3 AND Year 4 AND
Identifying Does not select Selects and Clear narrative with Starting to Explores and critiques
experiences, appropriate, or describes evidence of close consider and own assumptions,
describing entirely appropriate noticing/listening. question beliefs, values and
appropriate experiences. Identifies and describes assumptions, biases and how
and noticing
experiences. Starting to conflict, challenges, beliefs, values and these have changed
Limited or absent identify conflict, dilemmas and makes biases or been challenged.
descriptions of challenges or specific statements Considers those of
conflict, dilemmas. when describing and others.
challenges, Starting to make analysing the
dilemmas. Broad/ some specific experience.
vague statements statements.
Analysis Superficial or little Starting to analyse Explores others’ Explores others’ Identifies the specific
analysis. experience. perspectives, perspectives, questions and
Identifies issues alternative underlying factors uncertainties the
raised by the explanations AND and alternative experiences raise for
event including underlying factors. explanations. self and others, now
positive and less Starting to make links Incorporates links and in future.
positive elements. to prior knowledge and to prior knowledge Considers
Starting to explore to relevant resources or and to relevant underpinning
others’ professional resources, social/cultural or
perspectives OR frameworks, with professional political factors.
alternative appropriate frameworks or Applies learning from
explanations. referencing. ethical principles, relevant resources,
where appropriate. professional
frameworks and/or
ethical principles to
deepen understanding
Presence of Sense writer is not Sense of Sense of writer being Sense of writer As year 3
student present writer being present, and of honesty being fully present,
partially and authenticity. fully engaged, with
present: “I” Consistent use of “I”. genuine sense of
statements. Gives Personal and reflective honesty and
impressions, with writing style with writer authenticity.
limited personal going beyond
reflection. description, to question
and understand the
Attending to Little or no Recognises Recognises, Recognises, AND gains emotional
emotions recognition of, or emotions but little identifies and explores identifies and insight
attention to, or no exploration emotions explores emotions
emotions of these of self and
Zooming None Limited evidence Some evidence Good evidence Excellent evidence (all
out/overview: elements)
Sense of
• Student shows evidence of breakthrough and transformed understandings (seeing themselves or the world
differently or seeing new connections between ideas).
• Clarifies and integrates new learning into ways of thinking (about self, medicine, being a patient, being a
• Student shows evidence that he/she is applying or identifying how to apply this leaning in
educational/clinical settings including healthcare improvement

Personal and Student does not Starting to identify Identifies specific Is starting to Relates needs to future
professional identify any areas broad areas for learning or translate needs professional practice.
development for development learning or development needs into specific action Identifies specific
development from their reflections, points and action points from
emerging from with clear rationale considering how needs and proposes
reflections they might ways they might
address these address these.

Grid adapted from Wald, HS, Borkan, JM, Scott Taylor, J, Anthony, D and Reis, S (2012) Fostering and evaluating reflective capacity in medical education: developing the REFLECT rubric for assessing reflective
writing. Acad Med 87 (1) 41-50
Global grades
Unsatisfactory: does not meet several of the criteria for current year to a good standard (in most sections)

Borderline: does not meet 1 or 2 criteria for current year to a good standard (in most sections)

Satisfactory: Meets all criteria for current year to a good standard (in most sections)

Excellent: Student meets all criteria for current year to a very good standard and is starting to meet criteria for future years (in most sections)

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