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Proposal for Case Writing and Analysis

Case: "From Struggle to Success: The Transformation of CyberTech Solutions under Rohit
Sharma's Leadership"

Submission by –: Pankaj Dubey (EMBA/03/11) || Trishul Sharma (EMBA/03/19)

Submission to –: Prof. Narendra M Agrawal

Case Abstract:

The case revolves around Rohit Sharma, an ambitious entrepreneur who takes over a struggling IT
company, CyberTech Solutions. Facing significant challenges due to a traditional management style
and low employee morale, Rohit adopts a democratic and inclusive approach to leadership. With the
help of senior software developer Neeraj Patel and recent graduate Payal Verma, Rohit implements
innovative strategies, fosters employee engagement, and embraces new technologies to revitalize
the company. As a result, CyberTech Solutions experiences a surge in productivity, improved
employee morale, and global success.

Description of Characters:

 Rohit Sharma: The protagonist and young entrepreneur who becomes the CEO of CyberTech
Solutions. He is determined to turn the company around and adopts an inclusive and
compassionate management style.

 Neeraj Patel: A senior software developer who has been with CyberTech Solutions for over a
decade. Neeraj is skilled and dedicated but feels demotivated due to the lack of recognition
and growth opportunities.

 Payal Verma: A recent graduate with a degree in computer science, joining CyberTech
Solutions with innovative ideas and enthusiasm. She struggles to get her ideas heard due to
the company's traditional management style.

 Mr. Kapoor: The previous CEO of CyberTech Solutions, known for his strict and autocratic
management approach. Under his leadership, the company faced declining competitiveness
and low employee morale.
Learning Objectives:

 Understand the impact of different management styles: The case highlights the
consequences of an autocratic management style under Mr. Kapoor compared to the
positive outcomes of Rohit's democratic and inclusive approach.

 Analyse the importance of employee engagement and empowerment: Learners can explore
how empowering employees, recognizing their contributions, and fostering a sense of
ownership can lead to increased motivation and performance.

 Explore the significance of innovation and creative thinking: The case demonstrates the
value of encouraging innovation and creative problem-solving in driving organizational
success and competitiveness in the fast-paced IT industry.

 Recognize the role of leadership in organizational transformation: Learners can analyze

Rohit's role as a transformative leader who effectively changes the company's culture and
performance through his compassionate and forward-thinking leadership style.

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