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One’s interest and preferences play a significant role in shaping their identity. These interests
and preferences are influenced by various factors such as personal values, cultural background,
life experiences, and personality trait and today I am here to perceive to you my loves or the
things I love, which ultimately contributed to who I am today.
I was born and raised in Butuan City when I was young but I temporarily stayed in Cagayan De
Oro back in 2021 when covid was still rampaging in the Philippines and across the world as i
stayed in Cagayan I also celebrated my birthday there I celebrated it on December 6 but as you
may not know I was born on December 6, 2007.
As I stayed in Cagayan I realized the bread was my favorite food because ever since I was a
child, I have always had a deep love for bread because of how versatile it is you can eat it
anytime whether in the morning or in the afternoon as a snack or a meal.
And with that I end with who I am My name is Ezrah Joy G. Bayot I was born and raised in
Butuan City and I am 15 years old studying at Northeastern Mindanao Academy In reflecting
upon the things I have said. I find that they all minorly contribute to who I am today.

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