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China Intangible Cultural Heritage Third National Inventory

國家級非物質文化遺產名錄- 第三批

I. Folk literature 民間文學

Sequence Inventory no.

no. 序號 編號 Item name 項目名稱 Nominating unit(s) 申報地區或單位
1029 I—85 天壇傳說 Legend of Temple of Heaven 北京市東城區 Beijing city Dongcheng district
曹雪芹傳說 Story of Cao Xueqin (author of A
1030 I—86 Dream of Red Mansions) 北京市海淀區 Beijing city Haidian inner district
1031 I—87 契丹始祖傳說 Khitan origin legend 河北省平泉縣 Hebei province Pingquan county
1032 I—88 趙氏孤兒傳說 Story of Zhao orphan 山西省盂縣 Shanxi province Yu county
白馬拖韁傳說 Legend of white horse dragging the 山西省晉城市城區 Shanxi province Jincheng city city
1033 I—89 reins district

山西省沁水縣,山東省諸城市 Shanxi province

1034 I—90 舜的傳說 Legend of Shun (mythical sage) Qinshui county; Shandong province Zhucheng city
四川省汶川縣、北川羌族自治縣 Sichuan province
Wenchuan county; Beichuan Qiang autonomous
1035 I—91 禹的傳說 Legend of Yu the Great county
1036 I—92 防風傳說 Legend of defending against the wind 浙江省德清縣 Zhejiang province Deqing county
1037 I—93 盤瓠傳說 Legend of Panhu 湖南省瀘溪縣 Hunan province Luxi county

1038 I—94 莊子傳說 Legend of Zhuangzi (Daoist author) 山東省東明縣 Shandong province Dongming county
山東省濰坊市寒亭區 Shandong province Weifang city
1039 I—95 柳毅傳說 Legend of LIuyi Hanting district
禪宗祖師傳說 Legend of ancestral master of Zen
1040 I—96 Buddhism 湖北省黃梅縣 Hubei province Huangmei county
1041 I—97 布袋和尚傳說 Legend of Budai Budhist monk 浙江省奉化市 Zhejiangp rovince Fenghu city
1042 I—98 錢王傳說 Legend of Qianwang 浙江省臨安市 Zhejiang province Linan city
浙江省杭州市,湖北省黃岡市 Zhejiang province
1043 I—99 蘇東坡傳說 Story of Su Dongpo Hangzhou city; Hubei province Huanggang city
1044 I—100 王羲之傳說 Story of Wang Xizhi 浙江省紹興市 Zhejiang province Shaoxing city
1045 I—101 李時珍傳說 Story of Li Shizhen 湖北省蘄春縣 Hubei province Qochun county
1046 I—102 蔡倫造紙傳說 Story of Cailun and papermaking 陝西省漢中市 Shaanxi province Hanzhong city
山東省菏澤市牡丹區 Shandong province Heze city
1047 I—103 牡丹傳說 Legend of Mudan Mudan district
1048 I—104 泰山傳說 Legend of Mount Tai 山東省泰安市 Shandong province Tai'an city
湖北省武漢市武昌區 Hubei province Wuhan city
1049 I—105 黃鶴樓傳說 Legend of Yellow Crane Tower Wuchang district
山西省陵川縣,浙江省衢州市 Shanxi province
1050 I—106 爛柯山的傳說 Legend of Lanke Mountain Lingcuan county; Zhejiang province Quzhou city
西藏自治區米林縣 TIbetan autonomous region,
1051 I—107 珞巴族始祖傳說 Luoba origin legend Mainling county
阿尼瑪卿雪山傳說 Legend of Amne Machin 青海省果洛藏族自治州 Qinghai province Golog
1052 I—108 mountain Tibetan autonomous prefecture
1053 I—109 錫伯族民間故事 Folk story of Xibo ethnic group 遼寧省瀋陽市 Liaoning province Shenyang city
西藏自治區嘉黎縣 Tibetan autonomous region Lhari
1054 I—110 嘉黎民間故事 Folk story of Lhari county
1055 I—111 海洋動物故事 Story of ocean animals 浙江省洞頭縣 Zhejiang province Dontou county
土家族哭嫁歌 Crying bridal song of Tujia ethnic 湖南省永順縣、古丈縣 Hunan province Yongshun
1056 I—112 group county, Guzhang county
1057 I—113 坡芽情歌 Poya love song 雲南省富寧縣 Yunan province Funing county
縣、和布克賽爾蒙古自治縣 Inner Mongolia
autonomous region East Ujimqin banner; Xinjiang
Uighur autonomous region Bohu county, Hoboksar
1058 I—114 祝讚詞 Lyrics of praise Mongol autonomous county
湖北省保康縣、神農架林區 Hubei province Baokang
1059 I—115 黑暗傳 Darkness historical narrative county, Shennongjialin reserve
吉林省前郭爾羅斯蒙古族自治縣 Jilin province Qian
1060 I—116 陶克陶胡 Togtoh Gorlos Mongol autonomous county

廣西壯族自治區都安瑤族自治縣 Guangxi Zhuang

1061 I—117 密洛陀 Miluotuo autonomous region Du'an Yao autonomous county

Translated by Chinese Cultural Studies Center
China Intangible Cultural Heritage Third National Inventory
國家級非物質文化遺產名錄- 第三批

I. Folk literature 民間文學

貴州省紫雲苗族布依族自治縣 Guizhou province Ziyun

1062 I—118 亞魯王 Maluwang Hmong and Buyei autonomous county
雲南省德宏傣族景頗族自治州 Yunann province
1063 I—119 目瑙齋瓦 Munao zhaiwa Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture
雲南省墨江哈尼族自治縣 Yunan province Mojiang
1064 I—120 洛奇洛耶與扎斯扎依 Luoqiluoye and Zhasizhayi Ha'ni autonomous county
阿細先基 Poetic saga of Axi people (subgroup of Yi
1065 I—121 people) 雲南省彌勒市 Yunan province Mile city

1066 I—122 羌戈大戰 Spear big war of Qiang people 四川省汶川縣 Sichuan province Wenchuan county
新疆維吾爾自治區伊寧市 Xinjiang Uighur
1067 I—123 恰克恰克 Qiakeqiake autonomous region Yining city
重慶市酉陽土家族苗族自治縣 Chongqing city
1068 I—124 酉陽古歌 Youyang ancient song Youyang Miao and Tujia autonomous county
諺語(滬諺、陝北民諺) Proverbs (Shanghai 上海市閔行區,陝西省榆林市 Shanghai cityMinhang
1069 I—125 proverbs, Shangbei folk sayings) district; Shaanxi province Yulin city

Translated by Chinese Cultural Studies Center

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