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China Intangible Cultural Heritage Second National Inventory

國家級非物質文化遺產名錄- 第二批

I. Folk Literature 民間文學

Sequence no. Inventory no.

序號 編號 Item name 項目名稱 Nominating unit(s) 申報地區或單位
八達嶺長城傳說 The story of the Badaling
519 Ⅰ-32 section of The Great Wall 北京市延慶縣 Beijing Yanqing county

520 Ⅰ-33 永定河傳說 The story of Yongding River 北京市石景山區 Beijing Shijingshan inner district
楊家將傳說(穆桂英傳說、楊家將說唱)Y 北京市房山區 Beijing Fangshan district; Shanxi
ang Saga (Story of Mu Guiying, and Yang province
521 Ⅰ-34 Saga Speaking and Singing) 山西省
522 Ⅰ-35 堯的傳說 Legend of Emperor Yao 山西省絳縣 Shanxi province Jiang county
山西省和順縣 山東省沂源縣 Shanxi province
牛郎織女傳說 The story of the Cowherd Heshun county; Shandong province Yiyuan
523 Ⅰ-36 and Weaving maid county

524 Ⅰ-37 西湖傳說 The Story of Xihu (West Lake) 浙江省杭州市 Zhejiang province Hangzhou city
劉伯溫傳說 The Story of Liu Bowen (Ming 浙江省文成縣、青田縣 Zhejiang province
525 Ⅰ-38 General) Wencheng county, Qingtian county
黃初平(黃大仙)傳說 Story of Huang
526 Ⅰ-39 Chuping (Huang Daxian) 浙江省金華市 Zhejiang province Jinhua city

527 Ⅰ-40 觀音傳說 The Legend of Guanyin 浙江省舟山市 Zhejiang province Zhoushan city
徐福東渡傳說 The story of Xu Fu Crossing 浙江省象山縣、慈溪市 Zhejiang province
528 Ⅰ-41 East Xiangshan county, Cixi city
山東省定陶縣 Shandong province Dingtao
529 Ⅰ-42 陶朱公傳說 The Story of Tao Zhugong county
山東省鉅野縣、嘉祥縣 Shandong porivnce Juye
530 Ⅰ-43 麒麟傳說 The Legend of the Qilin county, Jiaxiang county
山東省曲阜市、滕州市 Shandong province Qufu
531 Ⅰ-44 魯班傳說 The Legend of Lu Ban city, Tengzhou city
八仙傳說 The Legend of the Eight
532 Ⅰ-45 Immortals 山東省蓬萊市 Shandong province Penglai city
山東省即墨市、莒縣、文登市、 諸城市
禿尾巴老李的傳說 The Story of Short- Shandong province Jun county, Wendeng city,
533 Ⅰ-46 Tailed Old Li Zhucheng city
534 Ⅰ-47 屈原傳說 The Story of Qu Yuan 湖北省秭歸縣 Hubei province Zigui county

535 Ⅰ-48 王昭君傳說 The Story of Wang Zhaojun 湖北省興山縣 Hubei province Xingshan county
炎帝神農傳說 Legend of Flame Emperors 湖北省隨州市、神農架林區 Hubei province
536 Ⅰ-49 Shennong Suizhou city, Shennongjialin forestry reserve
湖北省武漢市黃陂區; 河南省虞城縣 Hubei
province Wuhan city, Huangpi district; Henan
537 Ⅰ-50 木蘭傳說 The Story of Mulan province Yucheng county
內蒙古自治區通遼市 Inner Mongolia
538 Ⅰ-51 巴拉根倉的故事 The Tale of Balagencang autonomous region TOngliao city
539 Ⅰ-52 北票民間故事 Beipiao Folktales 遼寧省北票市 Liaoning province Beipiao city
遼寧省文學藝術界聯合會, 民間文藝家協會
Liaoning Federation of Literary and Art Circles,
540 Ⅰ-53 滿族民間故事 Manchu folktales Folk Literature and Art Association

541 Ⅰ-54 徐文長故事 The Story of Xu Wenchang 浙江省紹興市 Zhejiang province Shaoxing city
山東省青島市嶗山區 Shandong Qingdao city
542 Ⅰ-55 嶗山民間故事 Laoshan folktales Laoshan district
湖北省長陽土家族自治縣 Hubei province
543 Ⅰ-56 都鎮灣故事 The Story of Du Zhen Wan Changyang Tujiazu autonomous county
河南省桐柏縣、泌陽縣 Henan province Tongbai
544 Ⅰ-57 盤古神話 The Legend of Pangu county, Biyang county
545 Ⅰ-58 邵原神話群 The Legend of Shao Yuan 河南省濟源市 Henan province Jiyuan city

Translated by Chinese Cultural Studies Center
China Intangible Cultural Heritage Second National Inventory
國家級非物質文化遺產名錄- 第二批

I. Folk Literature 民間文學

內蒙古自治區科爾沁左翼中旗 Inner Mongolia

546 Ⅰ-59 嘎達梅林 The Story of Gada Meiren autonomous region Horqin Left Middle banner
科爾沁潮爾史詩 Epic chaoer saga of 內蒙古自治區 Inner Mongolia auotonomous
547 Ⅰ-60 Horqin region
貴州省黔東南苗族侗族自治州 Guizhou province
Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous
548 Ⅰ-61 仰阿莎 Yangasha prefecture
549 Ⅰ-62 布依族盤歌 Buyei Pan Song 貴州省盤縣 Guizhou province Pan county
雲南省楚雄彝族自治州 Yunnan province
550 Ⅰ-63 梅葛 Mei Ge Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture
雲南省雙柏縣 Yunnan province Shuangbai
551 Ⅰ-64 查姆 Zha Mu county

雲南省德宏傣族景頗族自治州 Yunnan province

552 Ⅰ-65 達古達楞格萊標 Dagu Daleng Gelaibiao Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture
雲南省元陽縣 Yunnan province Yuanyang
553 Ⅰ-66 哈尼哈吧 Hani Haba county
召樹屯與喃木諾娜 Ode of Prince 雲南省西雙版納傣族自治州 Yunnan province
554 Ⅰ-67 Shaoshutun and Princess Nannuona Xishuangbanna Dhai autonomous prefecture
甘肅省東鄉族自治縣 Gansu province Dongxiang
555 Ⅰ-68 米拉尕黑 Mila Gahei autonomous county
556 Ⅰ-69 康巴拉伊 Kangba Layi 青海省治多縣 Qinghai province Zhidoi county

青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州 Qinghai province

557 Ⅰ-70 汗青格勒 Hanqing gele Haixi Mongol and Tibtan autonomous prefecture
新疆維吾爾自治區 Xinjiang Uighur autonomous
558 Ⅰ-71 維吾爾族達斯坦 Uyghur Dasitan region

協會、沙灣縣、福海縣 Xinjiang Federation of
Literary and Arts Circles Folk Literature and Art
559 Ⅰ-72 哈薩克族達斯坦 Kazakh Dasitan Association, Shawan county, Fuhai county
貴州省榕江縣、從江縣 Guizhou province
560 Ⅰ-73 珠郎娘美 Zhuliang and Niangmei Rongjiang county, Congjian county
雲南省滄源佤族自治縣 Yunnan province
561 Ⅰ-74 司崗裡 Sigangli Cangyuan Va autonomous county
562 Ⅰ-75 彝族克智 Yi Ethnic Kezhi 四川省美姑縣 Sichuan province Meigu county
貴州省黔東南苗族侗族自治州 Guizhou province
Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous
563 Ⅰ-76 苗族賈理 Miao Ethnic Guli prefecture
藏族婚宴十八說 Tibetan wedding reception
564 Ⅰ-77 18 sayings 青海省 Qinghai province
Rhymes (Beijing nursery rhumes, Minnan 北京市宣武區; 福建省廈門市 Beijing Xuanwu
565 Ⅰ-78 nursery rhymes) district; Fujian province Xiamen city
566 Ⅰ-79 桐城歌 Tongcheng songs 安徽省桐城市 Anhui province Tongcheng city

567 Ⅰ-80 土家族梯瑪歌 Tujia ethnic Tima Songs 湖南省龍山縣 Hunan province Longshan county

568 Ⅰ-81 雷州歌 Leizhou songs 廣東省雷州市 Guangdong province Leizhou city
廣西壯族自治區平果縣 Guangxi Zhuang
569 Ⅰ-82 Zhuang ethnic liaoge autonomous region Pingguo county
Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region Aketedu
570 Ⅰ-83 柯爾克孜約隆 Kyrghiz Yuelong county, Xinjiang Normal University

571 Ⅰ-84 笑話(萬榮笑話)Jokes (wanrong jokes) 山西省萬榮縣 Shanxi province Wanrong county

Translated by Chinese Cultural Studies Center

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