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George By Alex Keyes

OFFICE BUILDING - EXT. DAY GEORGE, 30-something businessman, looks down at his watch, close up of the clock face. The second hand ticks once, twice, three times, and snaps to twelve. Only then does he look up and start walking down the steps. GEORGE hefts his briefcase as he makes his way out onto the street. He tips his hat with a habitual manner at the DOORMAN, who returns the gesture with a knowing smile. GEORGE walks stiffly down the stairs, and out onto the street. NEW YORK STREETS - EXT. DAY GEORGE checks his watch again. The second hand clicks perfectly to the minute as he walks up to a food cart, where the CART OWNER is already waiting with a coffee and newspaper at the ready. He knew GEORGE was coming. GEORGE pulls out the exact change from his pocket, pre-counted. The CART OWNER hands over GEORGEs purchases, and taps at his wrist with a joking half-smile. GEORGE simply frowns in return, and lowers the brim of his hat gruffly, leaving quickly. He looks like hes in a hurry to stay on his normal schedule. GEORGE walks briskly down the pavement, not rushed, but purposeful. He ignores a HOMELESS MAN who nods at him with a familiar air. He sees GEORGE every morning. NEW YORK SHOPFRONT - EXT. DAY GEORGE marches down the street past a shopfront advertising exotic adventure travel. He jerks to a halt, as he catches it out of the corner of his eye, and looks over his shoulder at the display. He gets a bit closer, and one of his hands reaches out to the glass, almost touching it. His breath steams up against the window. A SHOPKEEPER walks into the display window and gives GEORGE an odd look as he changes the signs. GEORGE coughs to himself, and takes a deliberate sip of his coffee. He checks his watch again, and hurries off down the street without another glance back at the shop.


NEW YORK PARK - EXT. DAY GEORGE takes a seat at a park bench, taking another moment to check his watch again, and opens his newspaper, enjoying his coffee and assigned break time. MINA, a young woman in her mid-twenties with big, curly hair, and a crazy outfit somewhere between 50s schoolgirl and punk rocker, flops down onto the bench beside GEORGE with a dramatic sigh. GEORGE tries to ignore her. He straightens his newspaper, and crosses his legs away from her. MINA runs her hands through her hair and sprawls herself on the bench. After a moment she looks over at GEORGE. GEORGE takes a covert peek at MINA. smiles mischievously. Their eyes meet. She

GEORGE checks his watch again, and pretends to with his paper. MINA leans in, and reads over shoulder. GEORGE closes his newspaper with an flourish and frowns at MINA, trying to get rid

be occupied his annoyed of her.

MINA leans in closer, and closer, so close their lips are almost touching. GEORGE tries to hold his stern look, but just he cant do it. At the last moment, he flinches and screws his eyes tightly shut. MINA snatches the hat off of GEORGEs head in the instant his eyes are closed, and puts it on her own head. She jumps up quickly, leaping back into the park pathway. GEORGE opens his eyes in surprise. He jumps up, his newspaper spilling onto the floor in a mess. Hes furious. MINA sticks out her tongue, and puts her weight on one hip, challenging him. GEORGE begins to walk after her. MINA jumps back again, spinning several paces away. She clearly wants him to chase her. GEORGE looks down at his watch. The minute hand clicks off from the neat 15-minute mark. He doesnt have time for this. MINA tips her stolen hat and makes an over the top curtsy before proceeding to run down the path and out of the park. GEORGE checks his watch, and looks back and forth between it and MINAs shrinking back, tormented.


Finally deciding, he grabs his briefcase and umbrella, leaving his coffee un-drunk and his newspaper forgotten. NEW YORK STREETS - EXT. DAY GEORGE chases MINA down the street. Shes not trying too hard to get away, just taking her time, and half-dancing her way down the street. She crosses a street at the end of a light. It turns red just as GEORGE hits the curb. He pauses, not sure whether or not to cross. There arent any cars, but hes not a rule-breaking guy. He looks down at his watch, as if for security, but making his resolve, he rushes on after MINA MINA skips into the middle of a STREET PERFORMERs performance. She takes a moment to dance with the STREET PERFORMER, who gives her a spin. She bows theatrically, then noticing GEORGE approaching, melts away into the crowd. GEORGE stumbles awkwardly through the performance, and pushes his way through the crowd with difficulty. GEORGE keeps on her heels, following close behind until she disappears around a corner. GEORGE barrels around the turn after her and runs straight into a SHOP KEEPER carrying boxes, which spill into the street. GEORGEs briefcase flies open, sending papers exploding into the air. The SHOP KEEPER grabs GEORGE from the back of his collar, eyes popping with anger, his free hand gesticulating wildly. But GEORGE isnt paying attention. His gaze is still glued on Minas back as she trots away in the distance. She turns to check on him and waves, grinning. The SHOP KEEPER shakes GEORGE, trying to get his attention. GEORGE is too focused to stay. He wriggles out of his suit jacket, and leaves his briefcase and the mess behind, intent on the chase. The chase continues in earnest. MINA leaps grinning over obstacles, a hand on the hat, to keep it flying away. GEORGE runs after her. He sheds his tie, first loosening it, then throwing it away. He loosens the first few buttons of his shirt to help him breath as he runs.


NEW YORK ALLEYWAY - EXT. DAY GEORGE rushes after MINA into an alleyway. Its a dead end, and shes backed up against the wall. Theres no way out. George walks slowly up to her, his back to us, taking his time. MINA looks a bit nervous. She looks from side to side, taking stock of the situation. GEORGE grabs MINAs hand roughly. peeks up into his face. She knits her brows, and

With his other hand, GEORGE snatches the hat from MINAs head, and wraps his arm around her, pulling her in. He looks down at her, studying her face as he leans in ever closer, his forehead wrinkling in thought. Suddenly, as if from sheer impulse, Mina leans in too, and they kiss. GEORGE jumps slightly with surprise, but quickly melts into it. GEORGE leans back after a while, breaking the embrace, and puts the hat back on his head, but taps it to a rakish angle, and smiles for the first time. His face is transformed. It looks totally natural. GEORGE loops his arm around MINAs, and they walk back into street together, studying one another as they go. OUTSIDE THE ADVENTURE SHOP - EXT. DAY GEORGE and MINA walk past the familiar HOMELESS MAN from outside of GEORGEs office building. MINA walks on, but GEORGE stops her, and turns to face the HOMELESS MAN. GEORGE looks down at his wrist, and his old watch. He doesnt need it anymore, but he cant bear to pass it on to just anyone. He takes it off, and places it carefully into the HOMELESS MANs hands: he looks thrilled. The HOMELESS MAN immediately puts it on, and taps it excitedly, making sure that it works. MINA gives the HOMELESS MAN a thumbs up before she and GEORGE turn to go. MINA and GEORGE walk past the HOMELESS MAN, and enter the same TRAVEL SHOP GEORGE had been bewitched by in the first scene. In the foreground, the HOMELESS MAN admires his new watch, holding it up to the light.




He straightens his collar, and stands up taller than weve ever seen him before. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he looks out on the street with a broad smile, and sets out briskly, with new purpose and direction. FADE TO BLACK

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