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F4A GEO Test2 Q&V

Steep V-shaped V 型河谷 Developing 發展中國家 Leisure use 休閒用途

valleys country

Interlocking spurs 交錯山嘴 Developed 發達國家 Agricultural use 農業用途

Waterfall 瀑布 Water-deficit 水資源短缺 Domestic use 日常用途
Gorge 峽 Water-surplus 水資源充足 Industrial use 工業用途

Delta 三角洲 Water-neutral 中性水資源 Collection 儲存

Levees 堤岸 Irrigation 灌溉 Delivery 輸出
Flood plain 沖積平原 Demand 需求 SNWTP 南水北調工程

Supply 供應
Consumption 消耗量

1. Ox-bow lake 牛軛湖

Oxbow lakes are the remains of the bend in the river. Oxbow lakes are Stillwater lakes(靜湖). This means that water
does not flow into or out of them. There is no stream or spring feeding the lake, and it doesn‘t have a natural outlet.
Oxbow lakes often become swamps(沼澤), and they often dry up as their water evaporates.

2. Water pollution

Agriculture Industry Domestic

Silage 飼料/Slurry 泥漿 Cooling water 冷卻水 House

Fertiliser 肥料 / Pesticides 農藥 Spillages 溢出 from factory Washing and bathing

Deforestation 砍伐森林 Metallic minerals 重金屬 Chlorinated water 氯化水

3. Formation of meanders and ox-bows

(P.14, figure1.15)

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