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(Group Assignment 2)

Course Name: Basic Information and Communication

Course Code: SI013 / BI013
Technology (ICT)
Semester: 1 Academic Session: Sept 2023/2024
Programme Learning Outcome:
PLO3 : Conduct academic activities such as collect, analyse, organise, and process data/information to
make conclusions individually or in groups.
PLO5: Utilise basic digital technology applications to seek and process data related to a specific field of

Course Learning Outcome:

CLO 2 - Apply suitable ICT tools to solve ICT related problems.
CLO 3 – Solve problems using appropriate ICT tools.

Lecturer Name: Ms.Sumathi Darmalingam

Assignment Number: 2

Submission Date: 27th November 2023

1. SOO KHER XUAN (F23090595)

2. TENG JIA QI (F23090617)
3. AARON SII CHUAN YOU (F23090574)
Student Name: 5. CHO JOEY (F23090661)

6. LIM JOE MIN (F23090566)

Marks Obtained (15%):


Weak Fair Good Very Good


Information is Information is Information is Information is

largely represented represented represented
1. Factual incorrect, or with minor appropriately. with accurate,
Information illustrations are errors, interesting, and
20% not accurate. undeveloped, or relevant
irrelevant illustrations.

2. Research Report shows Report shows Report shows Report shows

20% that poor average amount that good extensive
research is done of research is amount of research is done
with some done with basic research is with interesting
incorrect information in done with illustrations.
information. the report. some

3. Presentation slides Slides are poorly Slides are Slides are well Slides are very
10% done. Poor ICT average. Basic done. Good attractive,
skills are ICT skills are ICT skills are informative and
demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated excellent ICT
skills are

Poor There is Good Excellent

4. Presentation skills: professionalism. average level of presentation presentation
10% Poor clarity, professionalism skills. There is skills showing
grammar, time and good time professionalism.
management presentation management, Clarity, time
and presentation skills. clarity, management,
organization. grammar, grammar,
organization of presentation
presentation. organization and
ability to attract
attention is
Total Marks/60
Total Marks/15
Topic: Machine Learning
• Contents


• Contents

Group members & Roles

1) SOO KHER XUAN :The Current Research & Developments in that area
2) TENG JIA QI : The Future Development in Machine Learning
3) AARON SII CHUAN YOU : How Machine Learning Works
4) PANEESA A/P PRAK CHONG :Introduction,Background, History of Machine Learning
5) CHO JOEY:Machine Learning that is currently in used
6) LIM JOE MIN :Application of Machine Learning
7) MANDY WONG HUNG YIENG: Advantages of Machine Learning
8) EUGENIA CHAN GIE ANN :Disadvanatges of Machine Learning
Topic: Machine Learning
• Introduction and Background
Machine Learning (ML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that encompasses the design
and development of algorithms capable of iteratively learning patterns and making predictions or
decisions without explicit programming. The foundational premise of machine learning lies in the
ability of computational systems to improve their performance through exposure to data, thereby
enabling autonomous adaptation and refinement of their behavior. It focuses on the use of data
and algorithms to imitate the way humans learn, gradually improving its accuracy on the results
which the fundamental idea is to enable computers to improve their performance on a specific
task over time without being explicitly programmed. Instead of relying on predefined rules,
machine learning systems learn from examples and experiences, allowing them to generalize and
make predictions or decisions in new, unseen situations.

• History of Machine Learning

Conceptual foundations of machine learning starts in the mid-20th century to its current status as a
transformative force in technology. Key milestones include Alan Turing's theoretical groundwork,
Arthur Samuel's definition of machine learning, the development of neural networks, the rise of
statistical learning methods, and the recent surge in deep learning.

Precursors (1940s - 1950s):

• Alan Turing laid theoretical foundations, proposing the concept of universal computing
• Arthur Samuel defined machine learning as a field that enables computers to learn from

Early Concepts (1950s - 1970s):

• Frank Rosenblatt introduced the perceptron in 1957, a precursor to neural networks.
• Researchers like Leo Breiman and Ross Quinlan explored decision trees and symbolic learning.

Knowledge-Based Systems (1970s - 1980s):

• The focus shifted to knowledge-based systems and expert systems for specific domains.
• Examples include MYCIN for medical diagnosis and DENDRAL for chemical analysis.

Neural Networks Resurgence (1980s - 1990s):

• Neural networks, particularly backpropagation, experienced a resurgence in the 1980s.
• Geoffrey Hinton, David Rumelhart, and Ronald Williams developed the backpropagation

Statistical Learning and Support Vector Machines (1990s - 2000s):

• Statistical learning gained prominence, and support vector machines (SVM) were introduced.
• SVM, developed by Vladimir Vapnik and Corinna Cortes, contributed to supervised learning.

Big Data and Deep Learning (2000s - Present):

• The 21st century saw the advent of big data, fueling advancements in machine learning.
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• Application of Machine Learning

1. Healthcare

Machine learning models can help with disease diagnosis and prediction by analysing medical
data such as images and patient records. They also aid in drug discovery and development by
identifying and optimising potential candidates' chemical structures. Analysing patients’ data and
suggesting effective therapies results in personalised treatment plans. Wearable devices use
machine learning to monitor vital signs, detect anomalies, and alert healthcare providers in the
event of an emergency.

Disease Prediction and Diagnosis:

• Image Recognition: ML algorithms can analyze medical images (X-rays, MRIs, CT scans)
to assist in the early detection and diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and
cardiovascular conditions. Companies and research institutions are developing algorithms that
can identify patterns and anomalies with high accuracy.
• Risk Prediction Models: ML models can analyze patient data to predict the likelihood of
developing certain diseases based on a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle
factors. This aids in proactive preventive care and personalized treatment plans.

Drug Discovery and Development:

• Target Identification: ML algorithms can analyze biological and chemical data to identify
potential drug targets, speeding up the drug discovery process.
• Drug Response Prediction: ML models can predict how individual patients will
respond to specific drugs, helping in the development of personalized medicine. This has
the potential to reduce adverse reactions and improve treatment efficacy.

5 Page 6
2. Finance

Machine learning models are utilised in fraud detection, algorithmic trading, credit risk
assessment, and customer service chatbots. These models analyse financial transactions to
detect fraud, such as credit card fraud or identity theft. Algorithmic trading systems use
machine learning to make high-frequency decisions based on real-time market data,
aiming to maximise returns while minimising risk. Credit risk assessment uses machine
learning to analyse creditworthiness, while customer service chatbots use natural language
processing to assist customers with banking queries and manage routine tasks.

Fraud Detection:
• ML algorithms identify unusual patterns and anomalies in transaction data to detect
potential fraudulent activities. They can learn from historical fraud cases and adapt to
evolving fraud patterns, enhancing the security of financial transactions.

Customer Service and Chatbots:

• ML-powered chatbots assist customers with inquiries, transactions, and problem
resolution. These systems use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and
respond to customer queries, improving customer service efficiency.

# &

Page 8
3. Education

Machine learning is used in educational technology to provide personalised learning experiences,

adjusting content and instruction pace to individual student needs. It can automatically grade
assignments, quizzes, and exams, providing quick and consistent feedback. Learning analytics uses
machine learning to analyse student data and behaviour, helping educators make data-driven
decisions to improve teaching and learning outcomes. Adaptive educational content is created
using machine learning algorithms, identifying areas needing additional support and providing
resources. Predictive analytics uses machine learning models to analyse historical and real-time
student data to predict students at risk of academic difficulties, enabling targeted interventions
and improved retention rates.

Automated Grading and Feedback:

• Grading Automation: ML algorithms can be used to automate the grading of objective
assessments, freeing up educators' time for more personalized interactions with students.
• Feedback Generation: ML-powered tools can provide instant feedback on
assignments, highlighting areas of improvement and offering personalized suggestions for
further study.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems:

• Virtual Tutors: ML-driven intelligent tutoring systems can simulate human tutors,
providing personalized assistance, feedback, and guidance to students in various
• Language Learning: ML can be applied to language learning platforms to adapt
lessons based on a student's proficiency level, learning style, and specific language chal

4. Human Resources

Machine learning models can help to streamline the recruitment process by automatically screening
and ranking resumes based on particular needs and job requirements. They may also forecast
candidate suitability by examining skills, experience, and other factors. They can also use KPIs,
feedback, and training history to evaluate employee performance, identify areas for improvement,
and reward high-performing individuals. They may additionally forecast future workforce needs
based on past experience, business objectives, and market trends, assisting HR with hiring, training,
and talent development strategies. Furthermore, machine learning can monitor employee
attendance and timesheets, detecting irregularities and potential issues and ensuring accurate
payroll processing and labour regulations compliance.
Employee Onboarding and Training:
• Personalized Onboarding: ML can assist in creating personalized onboarding experiences
by analyzing employee preferences, learning styles, and job roles to tailor training
• Training Needs Analysis: ML algorithms can assess employee performance and identify skill
gaps, helping HR departments design targeted training programs to address specific needs.

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• Machine Learning That is Currently in Used
Amazon uses machine learning algorithms to analyze customer behavior, browsing history, and
purchase history to provide personalized product recommendations. This helps customers find
new products they may be interested in and increases sales for Amazon.Besides that, Amazon
uses machine learning to optimize its warehouse operations and logistics. By analyzing data

on customer demand, inventory levels, and shipping routes, Amazon can improve efficiency,
reduce costs and delivery times.Amazon also allows its users to buy products using voice
commands. Amazon’s AI assistant, Alexa, helps users do shopping by using Natural Language
Processing (NLP) algorithms .

Google uses machine learning in a variety of applications, from Google Search to Google Photos
to even Google Translate . Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that
allows systems to learn and improve automatically from experience without being explicitly
programmed. The main goal of using machine learning by organisations is to enable computers
to learn automatically without human intervention or assistance, and to adjust actions

Examples of how Google uses machine learning in its applications:

Google Translate :Google uses statistical machine translation, which analyzes millions of
documents already translated from one language to another, then searches for common
patterns and basic vocabulary of the language. It then chooses the most accurate translation
possible based on educated guesses that usually turn out to be correct.

Google Search: Google uses machine learning to provide more relevant search results by
analyzing the user’s search history and providing personalized recommendations.

Google Chrome: Google Chrome uses machine learning to offer more relevant search results by
analyzing the user’s search history and providing personalized recommendations.

Google Photos: Google Photos allows you to save all your photos in one location even if they
were taken from multiple devices and also offers many other cool effects using machine learning.
For example, it automatically creates albums of photos taken during a specific period without any
intervention on your part .

10 8
Duolingo, a popular language-learning platform, uses machine learning in various features of its app.
Duolingo uses machine learning to provide personalized tips to users. The app tracks the words that
users know and the words they struggle with, and then uses that information to provide tips that are
tailored to each user’s needs .Besides that, Duolingo uses machine learning to personalize the podcasts
that users listen to. The app tracks the words that users know and the words they struggle with, and then
uses that information to recommend podcasts that are at the right level of difficulty .Furthermore, Duolingo
uses machine learning to generate reports that show users how they are progressing. The app tracks
the words that users know and the words they struggle with, and then uses that information to generate
reports that are tailored to each user’s needs . Duolingo also uses machine learning to personalize the
notifications that users receive. The app tracks the words that users know and the words they
struggle with, and then uses that information to provide notifications that are tailored to each user’s
needs .

• How Machine Learning Works
Machine learning uses two types of techniques: supervised learning, which trains a model on
known input and output data so that it can predict future outputs, and unsupervised learning,
which finds hidden patterns or intrinsic structures in input data.

Supervised Learning
Supervised machine learning builds a model that makes predictions based on evidence in the
presence of uncertainty. A supervised learning algorithm takes a known set of input data and
known responses to the data (output) and trains a model to generate reasonable predictions for
the response to new data. Use supervised learning if you have known data for the output you are
trying to predict.
Supervised learning uses classification and regression techniques to develop machine learning

Classification Techniques
Classification techniques predict discrete responses—for example, whether an email is genuine or
spam, or whether a tumour is cancerous or benign. Classification models classify input data into
categories. Typical applications include medical imaging, speech recognition, and credit scoring.

Regression Techniques
Regression techniques predict continuous responses—for example, hard-to-measure physical
quantities such as battery state-of-charge, electricity load on the grid, or prices of financial
assets. Typical applications include virtual sensing, electricity load forecasting, and algorithmic
trading. Useregression techniques if you are working with a data range or if the nature of your
response is a real number, such as temperature or the time until failure for a piece of equipment.
The most common algorithms for performing regression can be found here.

Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning finds hidden patterns or intrinsic structures in data. It is used to draw
inferences from datasets consisting of input data without labelled responses.

Clustering is the most common unsupervised learning technique. It is used for exploratory data
analysis to find hidden patterns or groupings in data. Applications for cluster analysis include
gene sequence analysis, market research, and object recognition.

Here are some guidelines on choosing between supervised and unsupervised machine learning:
Choose supervised learning if you need to train a model to make a prediction, e.g., the
future value of a continuous variable, such as temperature or a stock price, or a
classification, e.g., identify car makers from webcam video footage.
Choose unsupervised learning if you need to explore your data and want to train a
model to find a good internal representation, such as splitting data up into clusters.

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• Advantages of Machine Learning

Automation of Repetitive Tasks:

• ML algorithms can automate routine and repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on more
complex and creative aspects of their work. This leads to increased efficiency and

Data-driven Decision Making:

• ML enables organizations to make data-driven decisions by analyzing large datasets
quickly. This leads to more informed and accurate decision-making processes.

Improved Accuracy and Precision:

• Machine learning models, once trained on sufficient data, can provide highly accurate
predictions and classifications. This is particularly valuable in tasks such as image
recognition, natural language processing, and medical diagnostics.

Continuous Learning and Adaptability:

• ML models can continuously learn from new data, adapting to changing conditions and
evolving patterns. This ability to adapt makes machine learning systems versatile and
suitable for dynamic environments.

Efficient Resource Utilization:

• Automation through machine learning can optimize the allocation of resources, be it in
manufacturing, logistics, or other business processes. This leads to cost savings and
improved resource utilization.

Personalization and Recommendation Systems:

• ML powers recommendation systems that analyze user preferences and behavior,
providing personalized content and product recommendations. This enhances user
experience and engagement in various applications such as e-commerce and content
streaming platforms.

Time Savings:
• Machine learning accelerates processes that would be time-consuming for humans,
leading to significant time savings. This is evident in tasks such as data analysis, pattern
recognition, and complex computations.

Fraud Detection and Security:

• ML algorithms excel at detecting patterns and anomalies, making them valuable for fraud
detection in financial transactions and enhancing cybersecurity by identifying unusual
behavior or potential threats.

Optimization in Healthcare:
• In healthcare, machine learning aids in diagnostic tasks, personalized medicine, and
treatment planning. ML models analyze patient data to provide insights, contributing to
more effective and tailored healthcare solutions.

• Disadvantages of Machine Learning

• Data Acquisition
The whole concept of machine learning is about identifying useful data. The outcome will be
incorrect if a credible data source is not provided. Machine Learning requires massive data sets
to train on, and these should be unbiased, and of good quality. Therefore, the quality of data is
significant. There can also be times where they must wait for new data to be generated if user
needs more quality data. It will cause delays in providing output. So machine learning
depends on the data and the quality of data.

• Time and Resources and Costly

ML needs enough time to let the algorithms adjust to the environment, learn and develop
enough to fulfill their purposes with a considerable amount of accuracy and relevancy. Trial runs
are held to check the accuracy and reliability of the machine. These are costly as they cost in
terms of time and expenses. It also needs massive and expensive resources and high quality
expertise to set up that quality of infrastructure and to function. This software is highly
expensive and not everyone can own it. Mostly, the government agencies and enterprises
own it. Therefore, it needs to be accessible to everybody for wide use.

• Interpretation of Results
Another major challenge is the ability to accurately interpret results generated by the
algorithms. The interpreted data that we get cannot be hundred percent accurate. It will have
some degree of inaccuracy. Algorithms should be developed so that they give reliable results.

• High error-susceptibility / chances

ML is autonomous but highly susceptible to errors. The error committed during initial stages is
huge and if not corrected it will creates havoc. And it takes quite some time to recognize the
source of the issue, and even longer to correct it. Biassness and wrongness have to be dealt
with separately because they are not interconnected. Any incorrectness in any variables (data
and algorithm) would have huge repercussions on the output.

• Changing nature of jobs

Automation, AI and ML have eliminated human interface from some work. So employment
opportunities are eliminated as well because most works are conducted with the help of AI and
ML. Now, all work are done by machine instead of human.

• Ethical Concerns:
ML models can inadvertently perpetuate and even amplify existing biases present in the
training data. If the training data contains biased information, the model may learn and
replicate those biases, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.

• Security Concerns:
ML models can be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Small, carefully crafted modifications to
the input data, often imperceptible to humans, can cause the model to make incorrect

• Lack of Creativity and Common Sense:

While ML excels at pattern recognition, it often lacks creativity and common sense reasoning that
humans possess. ML models may struggle in situations where intuition and contextual
understanding are crucial.

• Dependency on Expertise:
Developing and implementing machine learning models require expertise in both machine
learning algorithms and the specific domain of application.

14 12
• Development of Machine& Learning
The Current Research & Top
development Machine
in the area Learning Companies
Machine learning is a field of AI that helps machines learn to analyze data the way humans do.
The algorithm teaches machines to process huge datasets and trace patterns to derive insights.
The accuracy of a machine learning algorithm depends on the data fed to train the system.

While AI is a technology that makes machines smarter, ML is a concept that applies AI in

practical and real-time scenarios. According to GlobeNewswire, the global machine learning
market was valued at 15.44 billion in 2021. It is expected to reach $209.91 billion by 2029 at a
CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 38.8%. This clearly proves that we are living in
the era of digital world where everything around us is connected to data source and machine
learning and everything in our lives is digitally recorded. Machine learning has grown rapidly
worldwide in recent years as it provides systems with the ability to learn. To intelligently
analyse these data and develop the corresponding smart and automated applications, machine
learning is the key. Machine learning has the greatest potential to facilitate the breakthroughs
in fields such as genomics, materials science and climate modelling. According to PWC,
machine learning in economics can increase productivity by up to 14.3% by 2030. Machine
learning is actually a catalyst for productivity growth of a country. Countries that are leading
in machine learning field is USA followed by Australia, Switzerland, UK and Canada.These are
the top countries for machine learning engineers for its large number of companies that
specialised in advanced technologies.

Enterprises and organizations from various industries are increasing their budget allocations to
adopt machine learning tools and digitally transform their systems. Statistics show that there
is a 25% increase in the budget, especially in the banking, manufacturing, and IT industries.

Half the companies are forming internal data science teams to build ML models, while the
remaining are relying on offshore machine learning companies to revamp their business systems
and operations. The market has various machine learning and AI companies helping SMBs,
MSMEs, and large enterprises adopt machine learning models and gain a competitive edge
over others in the market.The demand for machine learning specialists is expected to be
grown by 40% from 2023 to 2027.

15 13
1. Top Machine Learning Companies
• DataToBiz
Top Machine Learning Companies
DataToBiz has a tagline of ‘Simplifying the Complex’, and true to the word, the company
offers a range of AI and ML solutions to businesses from various industries. DataToBiz works
with small, medium, and large enterprises, organizations, and establishments to adopt data
engineering solutions. From EdTech to FinTech, manufacturing, healthcare, and more, the
company has expertise in several industries.

The company is a certified partner of Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and AWS. It helps
businesses overcome their challenges by adopting data-driven models. DataToBiz offers
end-to-end solutions to help a business achieve success through advanced technologies like
machine learning. The company’s solutions are flexible, scalable, and cost-effective. The team
has years of experience and a satisfaction rate of more than 97%. DataToBiz is one of the
most promising machine learning companies in today’s times.

2. InData Labs
InDataLabs offers AI and big data consulting services to businesses from industries like Fintech,
eCommerce, sports, entertaining, and digital health. The company has its own R&D center and
helps enterprises scale their systems to expand into newer markets. InData Labs build
customized AI solutions from scratch and fine-tunes existing products to suit the business
CV and OCR are the core competencies of the company. It also offers services to use
predictive analytics and natural language processing tools to streamline business
intelligence in an enterprise. InData Labs works with establishments of all sizes to help them
adopt the latest technologies in their business.

3. Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been offering cloud computing services for more than a
decade and a half. As a subsidiary of Amazon, it partners with other machine learning
companies to offer cloud solutions in the global market. Amazon has a machine learning
services center where they develop ML tools in the SageMaker line.
Building datasets, automating training models, and augmenting predictions are some services
offered by AWS. Netflix, Tinder, Yelp, Pinterest, etc., are a few noteworthy clients who use
Amazon’s services to develop and integrate machine learning models into their systems. The
transparent pricing makes it easy for businesses to choose the services they require. However,
not keeping track of the usage might lead to additional expenditure.
In conclusion, the transformative power of machine learning is set to reshape our
world. From automation and efficiency to personalized experiences and scientific
breakthroughs, the potential impact is vast.

16 14
• The Potential
Future of Machine
Development LearningLearning
of Machine
Customer experience.
Machine learning algorithms can create adaptive, personally tailored customer experiences, such as
individualised promotions. Virtual assistants and chatbots can also automate repetitive customer
service tasks, such as responding to customers' emails and chats.

1) Chatbot and Virtual Assistant Support

Intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants, powered by machine learning algorithms, are being
implemented to handle basic customer inquiries and provide self-service support.By utilising

natural language processing (NLP), these chatbots can understand customer queries and
provide accurate and relevant responses.
Supply chain management.
Predictive algorithms can analyse historical data to forecast future demand, optimising
inventory management and minimising waste. Machine learning algorithms can also
automatically track purchases, shipments and the like, and alert companies to possible issues.

2)Machine learning at Walmart
Walmart uses machine learning for numerous reasons, including shopper substitutions.Walmart
created a technology which identifies the ‘next best’ item shoppers want if the product they
initially request is unavailable.Machine learning does this by aggregating data across customer
habits, inventory in stock, brand, price, and other details before making its selection.

Financial services.
In finance, machine learning facilitates tasks such as risk modelling, portfolio management and
market forecasting. And applying machine learning algorithms to customers' transaction data
helps banks automatically detect potential fraudulent activity and suggest personalised
financial products.

3)Stock market forecasting

17 15
ML technology is often used in the finance industry to predict stock prices and influence
trading decisions. It works by using large historical data sets to make predictions about the
future. Here are two types of trading that machine learning technology enable: Algorithmic
trading: Identifying patterns and developing trading strategies with speed and accuracy
High-Frequency Trading (HFT): Identifying trading opportunities and executing trades at high speed.

To combat ever more sophisticated hacking techniques, machine learning is positioned to
become integral to cybersecurity. Machine learning algorithms can detect vulnerabilities in an
organisation's security posture and analyse traffic for anomalies that could indicate a cyber


4)Identification and profiling:

With new devices getting connected to enterprise networks all the time, it’s not easy for an
IT organization to be aware of them all. Machine learning can be used to identify and profile
devices on a network. That profile can determine the different features and behaviors of a
given device.

5)Automated anomaly detection:

Using machine learning to rapidly identify known bad behaviors is a great use case for
security. After first profiling devices and understanding regular activities, machine
learning knows what’s normal and what’s not.

• References

Machine Learning In Healthcare

Machine Learning In Finance Sector

Application Of Machine Learning In Space Exploration

Machine Learning In Space Exploration

Application of Machine Learning In Human Resources Area

Machine Learning

Disadvantages of machine learning

Advantages of machine learning

Development of machine learning
More informations about Machine Learning

Why is machine learning matters

How does machine learning works

Machine learning algorithms T


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