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So I st'rted d'te my first

boyfriend when I w's 15yo

who I got eng'ged I building
my house when I w's 21
'lmost 22yo I broke up with
him , he didnʼt like to work , I
w's doing liter'lly everything
buy myself I w's working 'nd
go to my esthetici'n course
then I h've to go to the
construction 'nd see wh't
the guys w's needing I w's
going to the construction
store buying everything, he
lives next to the building 'nd
he didnʼt know even ' price of
' p'ck of ' cement the guys
who were building my house
'lw'ys goes to t'lk str'ight
with me Bc he didnʼt know
'nything, Even money I
usu'lly g've to him to go to
find job. So d'ted him when I
w's studying Bc I w's 15 yo
'nd he w's gr'du'ted
'lre'dy Bc he w's 3yer's
older th'n me. And in my
school there w's some guys
who used to hitting on me but
I never che'ting on him even
the guys looks so much cute
th'n him Bc he w's ' norm'l
guy not h'ndsome tho but I
st'ted to like who he w's
And the cutest guys in the
school who 'll the girls w's
like he w's in my
cl'ssroom 'nd hitting on my
'll the time , he usu'lly sit
next to me every d'y 'nd I
still never che'ting on my
boyfriend then one d'y I w's
suspecting he w's going out
'nd messing 'round then I
find out he che'ted on me .
Then I broke up with him for
re'l Bc I h've broke up with
him in 'lmost 7ye'rs together
m'ybe 6 times but it w's 3
d'ys 'nd then go b'ck 'nd I
'lw'ys w's s'ying wh't I
w'snʼt like but he w's
thought I never could broke
up for re'l he s'id doesnʼt
m'tter wh't h'ppens we will
be together.... but I donʼt think
th't w'y ... if u like u t'ke
c're of not one d'y get tired
of it . So I broke up with him,
when he re'lized I w'snʼt go
b'ck he lost 15 kilos m'ybe
30 pound 'round. I got sick of
his f'ce for everything I w's
doing 'nd suppose he get my
b'ck not l'ughing 'nd
messing up in my b'ck . It
w's done
So then I w'nted to st'rting
d'te 'nyone soon Bc I 'lw'ys
w'nted to study to live in
other country le'rn other
l'ngu'ge 'nd tr'vel so I met
other guys but I didnʼt w'nt
'nything serious till met my
second boyfriend I met him he
w'nted st'rt d'ting 'nd I
didnʼt w'nt to d'te him but he
w'nted we spend 4months
'fter I decided to d'ting him
he w's younger then I 'nd
super h'ndsome he w's
coming from Europe where he
lived 5y pl'ying soccer he
st'rted to pl'y in Br'zil with
15 ye'rs old in ' good b'se
club 'nd get p'yments from
só ' business guy só him 'nd
took him to Europe so there
he w's pl'ying in good pl'ce
but his f'mily were poor here
in Br'zil so they didnʼt know
so much 'bout him when he
goes to 'nother country so
the m'n who took him to
'nother country only m'kes
money on him 'nd messy up
on his c'reer so he h'd
problems 'bout some b'd
stuff w's going on there 'nd
he c'me b'ck so
dis'ppointed he w's here in
Br'zil then we met I d'ted him
'lmost 2 ye'rs then I broke up
Bc when he w's pl'ying in
'nother st'te it w's in his
best moments 'fter he c'me
b'ck to Br'zil but he w's
hurting me ' lot for some of
his 'ttitude I w's t'lking to
him 'nd s'y I w'snʼt like it but
he ch'nged for one month
then st'rting to do the s'me
'g'in , then I broke up with
him 'fter he w'snʼt for me in
my worse time 't my life when
I went to the court 'g'inst my

You were young with your

first boyfriend 2nd th2t
w2s 2 long time together.
To you regret th2t time bc
it took some of your
teen2ge ye2rs not be 2
teen2ger? Bc 2t 15
eng2ged 2nd building 2
house ... th2tʼs 2 lot. I
w2snʼt even thinking 2bout
girls of my future ... it
definitely m2de you grow
up quick.
You h2ve 2 simil2r work
ethic 2s me. I w2s 12 or 13
2nd st2rted to deliver the
newsp2pers in my
neighborhood. My p2rents
were blue coll2r ...
me2ning working cl2ss not
rich but not poor. And 2t
2ge 15 I st2rted working 2t
2 l2ndsc2ping business
2nd throughout high
school. I believe wh2t
h2ppens e2rly on in your
life sets the found2tion for
your future. Either
deciding wh2t you w2nt or
donʼt w2nt. Why I s2y th2t
is I re2lized I 2lw2ys
worked h2rd 2nd worked
with my h2nds. L2bor
work ... re2lizing I didnʼt
w2nt 2 life like my p2rents.
I w2nted to provide 2
better life for me 2nd my
future f2mily. I didnʼt d2te
much in high school or
college bc I w2s focused
on school 2nd working bc I
w2nted to do better.

Then my boyfriend 'sked

sorry 'nd 'sked me 'nother
ch'nce then I go b'ck with
him but it didnʼt work out i
broke up 'fter ' ye'r l'ter I
w's so upset 'bout it Bc he
che'ting on me 's well I
re'lized something w'snʼt the
s'me w's something going
on 'nd I find out it 's well
My point to s'y th't my first
boyfriend w'snʼt cute 'nd the
second w's cute ... bc Wh't
the people looks like doesnʼt
me'n if they will give u trouble
or not
Bc my first boyfriend g've me
so much more trouble th'n
the second one. This is 'bout
the people ch'r'cter 'nd

She I felt the s2me w2y ... I

met my ex in college 2nd
she w2s pretty 2nd c2me
from 2 good f2mily 2nd
higher income f2mily. I
thought this is wh2t I need
to push myself to be
better. V2lues 2nd the
ch2r2cter of individu2ls
2nd f2milies is big. But
sometimes people show
one side of who they 2re
but they 2re tot2lly
different inside.

Not they 're cute or not if

there 're m'ny people hitting
on them or not

Do you think between this

time of your life 2nd your
brother ... you w2nted to
le2ve Br2zil 2nd do the 2u
p2ir in USA ... th2t w2s the
driving f2ctors ?

But one thing I 'ppreci'te of

my second boyfriend one our
convers'tion he s'id to me he
che'ting on me 'nd told with
who 'nd how m'ny 'nd s'id
he slept with only one girls
but he could not to do 'g'in,
the other girls he only kissed
Bc he thought I w's che'ting
on him with my ex boyfriend
Bc he lives next to me 'nd I
c'll him when my brother be't
me up , he w's out of his
control 'nd so m'd 'bout it
'nd thinking 'bout it , he s'id
he could forgive me but he will
be che'ting on me 's well. I
s'id I never che'ting on him
one of my point when u 're
with someone u suppose to
protect them 'nd not let
'nyone l'ugh 't their b'ck or
do something b'd to them . I
would never let no one look 't
you 'nd inside l'ughing Bc I
w's sleeping with them 'nd
m'inly with my ex boyfriend
he didnʼt deserve it , he h'd
his ch'nce he didnʼt enjoy it
so now it someone else turn , I
never che'ting on you 'nd if I
w's to chose someone to
che'ting on you for sure it
wonʼt be him , I h've sick of
his f'ce
But them it w's done 's well
He w'snʼt he ' good p'rtner
even his mom s'id to me it
believe or not his mom
s'id to me An' he loves you
but he is so imm'ture he will
hurting you ' lot if u still with
him, he doesnʼt deserves
you ... 'fter th't I w's like
ye'h it done !! I 'ppreci'te his
honesty 'bout m'ny stuff but
he does stupid things. After I
re'lly broke up with him he
st'rts to c'll me during the
night crying 'fter coursing
me , m'ny nights he did th't .
I loved him so much 'nd it
w's ' p'inful time 'nd
soooooooooooooooooo h'rd
time for me m'ny nights w'ke
'nd got fever but then when I
p'ssed throw it I felt so much
better 'nd re'lly h'ppy Bc I
knew he will be hurting me
'g'in so I just rid of it .
Iʼm s'ying 'bout it to u Bc I
know even the people s'y
likes u they hurting you , your
s'y stuff Iʼm so tired to
he'r ... 'nd of course I know
everyone will do something
th't the other one will be
upset 'nd hurting for some
'ttitude , it norm'l bc e'ch
one is le'rning 'bout e'ch
other 'nd e'ch one h's your
own w'y to be , different
r'ised, so m'ny different
things when two people met ,
but there 're level of hurts
'nd how often, if some kind of
'titudes st'rts be often 'nd
c're less 'bout wh't u will
think or felling 'bout it , so
even they s'y love you like
you etc doesnʼt m'tter they
'titudes shows opposite 'nd
t'lks for themselves

They s2y “love hurts” bc

just bc you love someone
doesnʼt me2n you 2re in
love with them or they 2re
the right person for you to
love. I re2lized th2t 2fter I
tried to s2ve my m2rri2ge.
I loved her but she w2snʼt
the right person for me to
love 2nymore. Itʼs h2rd to
except 2nd underst2nd
why. And 2gree 2ctions
spe2k louder th2n words. I
look 2t my p2st 2s 2 huge
le2rning experience.

So the point is I st'rted to like

you 'fter some time 'nd
sh'ring our d'y 'nd other
re'sons too .
I know ' little 'bout wh't
h'ppened when u got
divorced, be honest I liked
when u s'id u tried to go b'ck
in touch with her when u went
to tr'vel to Mi'mi but it didnʼt
work out , it me'n u tried 'nd
c're 'bout her 'nd your kids
it in my view is gre't but it
didnʼt work out .
rel'tionship is re'lly h'rd bc it
does not depends only one
person but both so doesnʼt
m'tter u 're ' gre't person '
gre't intentions but if the
other is not like this , it wonʼt
work out bc both h've to be
the s'me p'th , even to be
the s'me 'sshole where they
're che'ting on e'ch other
cursing , fighting but they
doesnʼt c're th't much(I
know m'ny couple like this) or
both the s'me v'lues 'nd
thought, so h've to be the
s'me “w'y “if donʼt it doesnʼt
work out .
So I underst'nd your hurts
'nd h'tes from m'ny
situ'tions in your life 'nd I
'gree but I donʼt 'gree the
b'd experience b'd things
ch'nge who u 're.

Going b2ck to my ex 2nd

her f2mily 2nd me thinking
they were 2 role model ...
looking b2ck now... they
were not the right people
to follow. My ex in l2ws h2d
the worst m2rri2ge 2nd my
ex f2ther in l2w ended up
che2ting 2nd h2ving 2 kid
with 2nother wom2n. I
only s2w wh2t w2s
outside. At this time is
working h2rd in my field of
fin2nce 2nd my ex h2d her
own business. We were
“successful”. Wh2t does
th2t me2n tod2y ?? We h2d
2ll m2teri2listic things...
th2tʼs not success. Th2t
w2snʼt my roots. Th2t w2s
t wh2t I grew up knowing. I
let fin2nci2l success blind
me. Donʼt get me wrong 2ll
b2d situ2tions h2ve 2
positive. 4 be2utiful
2m2zing kids 2nd lots of
memories with them. But I
grew 2nd le2rned 2 lot over
those 25 ye2rs together.
People ch2nge 2nd
sometimes 2renʼt the s2me
when you meet them.
Success shouldnʼt be
me2sured in money.

M'ny times I tried thinking

with your thoughts 'nd
underst'nding m'ny things
even not 'gree with th't ,
St'y on your shoes 'fter
coming from some
dis'ppointments, keep to be
Who u 're 'fter some
hurric'ne is only e'sy in the
theory but on the pr'ctice is
not e'sy 't 'll . Of course it
ch'nge us in ' w'y, but it
c'nnot be b'd or give us the
thought to hurt someone or
give to other one something
b'd bc someone m'ke you
tot'lly broke inside for some
time .
I 2gree just bc someone
hurts you doesnʼt me2n
everyone will do the s2me.
Or th2t 2ll things 2re
equ2l. Bc I w2s so hurt
during my divorce 2nd if I
thought 2ll wom2n did
this ... I would be g2y or
never in 2 rel2tionship
Dis2ppointments 2re
sometimes necess2ry bc
they m2ke you grow.

U s'y something me'ning this

is super cool , how if I
'ppreci'te it 'nd be h'ppy to
be with ' pl'yer guy .
I feel b'd for the girl who 're
with someone 'nd he is
flirting with everyone. This is
Be proud to be with someone
who look only 't you 'nd do
stuff only for u , th't is '
proud situ'tion.
Be the f'vorite one is for f'il
people, who doesnʼt h've self
love , who is h'ppy for scr'p ,
who doesnʼt worth
I be proud 'nd prize to be
with someone who respect
me , t'ke c're of me 'nd look
only for me
Th't will m'ke me h'ppy
'bout it

The word flirting is 2 very

bro2d word. Me2ning me
t2king to 2nother wom2n
c2n be perceived 2s flirting
by the wom2n but not the
c2se by the m2n. Or vice
verse. I think itʼs very
2ttr2ctive for 2 wom2n 2nd
m2n to be 2ffection2te in
public. A m2n should be
h2ppy to be with his
wom2n... 2nd w2nt to
show her off to everyone.
And not be emb2rr2ssed
by her.

To be with someone th't u

he'r he is ' pl'yer , he w's
flirting with me too
There is no to be proud 'nd
h'ppy 'bout it

So I told 'bout something to u

to try m'ke underst'nding my
thought, my w'y to be 'nd
I s'id 'bout my first 'nd
second boyfriend
Me'ning doesnʼt m'tter how
someone look, there 're
people flirting with me'ning
v'lues or c'r'cter not bc
someone is super cute or not .
I s'id 'bout my second
boyfriend Bc I knew he liked '
lot of me Bc I w's the only
one he took 't his house Bc
his Mother did like t'ke girls
to her house she w's ' be'st
'nd the only one he d'ted for
th't long ye'rs other w's only
month but to like of someone
doesnʼt me'n th't much , bc
together with the feelings
h've coming other stuff too .
Só the s'me I s'id I knew '
little bit wh't u p'ssed throw
but I donʼt know u th't much
I 'ppreci'te something th't u
s'id 'nd ' little thing th't I
know 'bout u 'nd I c'n
im'gine u went to the hell in
your situ'tion.
I suffer so much for the both
but the second one w's
worse even I spend less time
with him not 'lmost 7ye'rd
but it w's the worse . So th't
w'y I c'n im'gine your
situ'tion even feels 're feels
doesnʼt m'tter how long u 're
with someone it is ' hurric'ne
destroying wh't u took ye'rs
to building up , so if couse
when is over u think u never
been rebuilding 'nymore but
then u le'rned u c'n
rebuilding something with the
stronger b'se 'nd more
be'utiful th't u were before
for your lessons.
So I h'd my nightm'res
moments where I thought I
couldnʼt rebuilding myself
when my brother w's c'lling
me 'nd s'y b'd things to me
when I needed to get out of
my house 'nd stop to work
'nd study , I 'lmost lose the
time to be 'n Aup'ir bc for 'll
b'd stuff h'ppened, I took '
fight to be ' time with my ex
boyfriend 'nd my mom s'id
to him to t'ke c're of me bc I
w's needing it he s'id yes I
will but he just m'ke me feel
so much worse for be selfish.
His mom got so emb'rr'ssed
'nd s'id wh't he did she
'sked sorry for him , then he
w's so sorry 'fter too
So Iʼm telling u only ' little bit
just for u h've ' idei' . Bc the
word sorry, sorry , sorry didnʼt
fix stuff
And even I got my b'd
experience I still believe in
p'rtnership. And w'snʼt your
f'ult wh't h'ppened to me
'nd is not my f'ult wh't
h'ppened to u .
So the s'me I s'id I knoe u '
little bit for some stuff the u
s'id 'nd I knew but I donʼt
know th't much
Some people I c'n spend
m'ny ye'rs together 'nd u
donʼt know 'nd other 're very
cle'r th't show wh't is it the
re'l .
The point 're I liked u ' lot ,
but the re'l things is u m'ke
me fell so b'd in the summer
time , not bc u didnʼt come
but for w's s'ying so much
'nd didnʼt do 10% of u s'id .
The s'me I s'id to u one u
h've expensive 'bout how '
m'rried life look like but
'lmost u spend 'll your life
with only one person , she h's
her w'y to be , to 'ct , to
spe'k , the thought . People
're different 'nd I h've my
w'y to be 'nd my w'y to
'ppreci'te stuff , so I re'lized
'nd I know u 're sleeping
'round 'nd go out 'nd s'y
stuff the u didnʼt me'n.
I remember 'fter u go b'ck to
US u w'nted to be with me u
were s'y to be go there 'nd
st'y with u , u were missing
me so much , u love me .... but
one week l'ter u rung off the
phone when o c'll bc u were
on ' d'te , u w's b'rely send
me texting , u send me one in
the morning then 'nother one
during the 'fternoon 'nd
w'snʼt p'y 'ttention wh't I
s'id on the texting , when I
went to the bed to sleep to
'nother d'y w's my birthd'y
it w's 12Y20 'nd u were online
on the Wh'tsApp it me'n
there in US w's 11Y20pm 'nd
u were still w'ke for who
usu'lly go to the bed 9 or 10 ,
on my birthd'y I w'ke up 'nd
I go in the Wh'tsApp to see
my birthd'y wish it w's 7Y30
here u were online on
Wh'tsApp so there w's
6Y30'm 'nd u send me '
good morning 9'm 'nd '
h'ppy birthd'y 9Y30
So It m'ke me feel re'lly s'id
not 'bout bc u were doing it
for me but to see how
someone some time before
w's s'ying love u soooooo
much then w's sleeping
'round with other wom'n,
'nd Wh'tsApp 2 people 'nd
prob'bly texting more . It
m'ke me feel upset 'bout u
'ctu'lly not for me , u s'id u
're coming for my birthd'y u
w'nn' see me m'de ' big
de'l 'bout it then just didnʼt
tell me 'nything 'bout I
needed to 'sk u 'bout then u
s'id “oh sorry I c'n m'ke it”
like u 're sorry for me , I need
be sorry for u for your

Looking b2ck I w2snʼt nice

2nd I lost myself ... for
m2ny re2sons ... I le2rned
2 lot ... 2bout me 2nd us
2nd my 2ctions. More
import2ntly who I 2m. And
wh2t I w2nt in 2
And I bec2me someone I
didnʼt like.

I h've to s'y And be honest

'nd the s'me thing my
ther'py s'id
Some guy doesnʼt know how
'ppreci'te some good things
bc u 're give him your
'ttention bc u 're ' good
person they think the 're the
l'st biscuit in the p'ck'ge .
Some guys go to the b'r
spend ' lot of money buying
drinks 'nd p'y dinner for
women th't some times they
donʼt know th't much then go
to sleep with her kids her 'nd
she just suck other guys. I tell
th't bc I live ' fem'le life who
I got clients 'nd friends 'nd
wh't I he'r from them m'ke
my like

I know wh2t you me2n. I

go to the b2r 2nd I 2m
2ntisoci2l 2nd sit with
Chris or by myself. Th2tʼs 2
life style I donʼt w2nt or
c2re to explore.

So when I s'id 'bout u my

ther'py s'id I need to tell u
wh't u did wh't I felt 'bout
bc 'll the time when u s'y
something 'nd when do
something coming in my mind
wh't u did for me th't m'ybe
for u w'snʼt much , bc there
're ' s'ying who be't forget
but who w's the be'ted not

I re2lize I 2m not perfect

2nd h2ve fl2ws but re2lize
I 2m 2 good c2tch.
My communic2tion skills
suck sometimes 2nd I h2te
fighting or confront2tion
2nd go into my shell like 2
I 2ppreci2te you telling me
bc the only w2y we c2n
grow is with

I 2m le2rning to be open
with my feelings Bc itʼs
necess2ry or you will run
everyone 2w2y. Friends
f2mily 2nd more
import2ntly you!

But I h've to s'y bc I donʼt

w'nt to s'y it 'll the time
s'ying 'bout it , itʼs 'nnoying
to u 'nd more for me .
But wh't did u do for me
hurts me ' lot bc I didnʼt
expectedly from u 'fter s'y
so much did so little.
S'y u love me but the first
different people u 'lre'dy
forgot everything u s'id 'nd
st'rting flirting with someone
else , if th't u w'nt for u th't
wh't I donʼt w'nt for me, if u
like do th't m'ybe is better u
find someone who gonn' do
the s'me then u will not
fighting. U gonn' h've the
s'me v'lues then her

Itʼs h2rd for me to open up

2nd trust ... 2nd I feel I
g2ve 2 lot to my ex ... 2nd
2g2in I re2lize th2t every
wom2n 2nd rel2tionship is
the s2me. I h2ve le2rned
to trust sooner th2n I
thought. But opening up is
tough 2nd expressing my
feeling is tough. Also I
de2lt like I g2ve my ex
everything love f2mily 2nd
m2teri2listic things. And
itʼs h2rd seeing 2ll th2t be
thrown 2w2y in 2 second.

I donʼt w'nt someone donʼt

do something bc is 'fr'id I
find out it , I w'nt someone
who donʼt do something bc
know is th't not right

Agree ... not everything is

right for everyone.

Even I could never find out it

he wonʼt do 'nything who will
m'ke feel upset 'bout it

I underst2nd ... I believe we

h2ve simil2r v2lues 2nd
simil2r beliefs ... yes
things in my current
situ2tion get me screwed
up ... but I know my v2lues
2nd know where I come

I s'w m'ny different kind of

rel'tionship 'nd most of them
is horrible so much offense
e'ch other , cursing, fighting
no respect 't 'll .... When I
see it , it give me
stom'ch'che bc I remember
everything I p'ssed throw. So
I r'ther to be by myself then
h've someone upset me 'll
the time .

Th2t w2s my rel2tionship

with my ex 2t the end. And
I still tried to s2ve it. Bc I
believed in us 2nd bc of our
kids. I h2te fighting ... I
h2te 2rguing ... th2tʼs
when I knew it would t
work bc of th2t 2nd her
he2rt 2nd soul w2snʼt in it.
She ch2nged 2nd th2tʼs
why J2cob 2nd J2den live
with me bc they s2w their
mom w2snʼt the mom they
knew. It hurts me seeing
my kids suffer.

I w'nt to do wh't most people

doesnʼt do now'd'ys
unfortun'tely bc I w'nt to
h've wh't most people donʼt
h've 's well

I 2gree ... I s2y th2t 2ll the

time .. being 2lone doesnʼt
me2n you 2re lonely ...
me2ns you did r find the
right person

Wh2t do you me2n ? Old

school rel2tionship? Old

Th2tʼs one of the m2ny

things th2t 2ttr2ctive me
to you. Your m2turity 2nd
how you w2nt 2nd h2ve old
school v2lues. Such 2 turn

So I just w'nt to be cle'r , 'nd

give us ' ch'nce but I know
who Iʼm , not perfect tho , but
I know my v'lues .
M'ny things coming up in my
mind now 'nd bother me bc I
like u 'nd even I know if we
lost our rel'tionship I will be
very upset 'bout it but I will
be very upset 'bout 'nd
p'inful if I find out the person
who Iʼm with is not the one I
thought, my fe'r is to be with
someone who pretend to be
someone th't he is not,
someone who I wonʼt
recognize, someone who
m'ke me w'st time .
The s'me I s'id to u when we
met 't N't'li' weeding I he'r
u were flirting with K'rin' 's
well , u 're pl'yer u flirting
with every wom'n. But in th't
point I w'snʼt c're bc I didnʼt
like u 'nd I didnʼt even think
h've some with u
But now I do like u 'nd Iʼm
'fr'id to be with someone
who is not h've the s'me
v'lues 's me
M'ke ' b'd choice. When u
donʼt c're 'bout someone or
u donʼt think to h've
something else with them u
donʼt c're but when u do u
st'rt to thinking more

When you fight for

someone 2nd w2nt to work
2t 2 rel2tionship both need
to w2nt it.

I hope it w's just ' cr'zy level

in your life 'fter u got
Bc I donʼt 'ppreci'te nothing
'bout guys who does stuff in
the b'ck 'nd flirting with

I 2gree 2nd I underst2nd

2nd 2gree itʼs not 2 good
I like you 2nd c2re 2bout
you. And donʼt w2nt to
hurt you

I donʼt w'nt to s'y e'ch

month the s'me thing , so
I hope u be cle'r with me
If u c'nʼt do something u
donʼt s'y u gonn' do , or if u
s'id 'nd u c'nʼt bc h'ppened
something tell me do not be
quiet 'nd pretend nothing
going on, I like people who
h's word for We c'n m'ke
pl'ns .
I know u 're not perfect I knoe
u were holy so tell me bc
when I find out by myself is
worse or when the people s'y
their mist'kes is better not bc
I will judge u , just give so
much credit when u he'r 'nd
see something

Communic2tion is key 2nd

open di2logue

If u re'lly like me u gonn' do

for it not only s'y then be
sorry 'll the time, u will c're
'bout it
Bc I get tired from he'r sorry

And then the first opportunity

gonn' do the s'me shit 'g'in

I underst2nd ... I know

wh2t I w2nt 2nd w2nt I
desire with you ... 2nd th2t
m2kes me feel gre2t inside
2nd out

I know my worth 'nd I w'nt

someone t'ke c're of me ,
give the worth I know I h've ,
'nd c'n be 'ble to recognize
Not the girls 't the b'r h've
more worth then me . Bc
m'ny m'n see wh't they
w'nt to see , s'me my brother
he see she is innocent 'll the
time she does something bc
someone m'kes her mind ,
'nd some women who worth
some guys does not see it .
But one thing is not worth 'nd
m'ke someone re'lly
exh'usted when u h've to
proof something for for them .
And they still doesnʼt
'ppreci'te it
So for me u did some stuff
th't m'kes me feel re'lly b'd
but now u now me ' little
better so if I think u 're not
tre't me the w'y I think I
deserve I wonʼt be trying 'nd
s'y every single month the
s'me thing. Even some girl 't
the b'r h's more worth th'n
I , It not for me 'nd I will be
h'ppy 'bout it bc the kind of
the person I w'nted next to
me is who know how to
'ppreci'te things .
So stop to t'ke m'ny thing for
gr'nted bc u 're not the l'st
biscuit In the p'ck'ge

I w2nt 2 wom2n to love 2nd

be with long term. A b2r
wom2n is short term 2nd
thereʼs 2 re2son sheʼs 2
b2d wom2n.
I 2ppreci2te us more 2nd
more everyd2y. Our
rel2tionship is speci2l in
my eyes. I look 2t my p2st
2s 2 le2rning experience to
better my future. Everyd2y
is new d2y to better
yourself with little 2nd big
I 2m h2ppy to h2ve you in
my life 2nd to c2ll you my
I w2nt to sh2re everything I
do everyd2y with you ... I
re2lize 2t times itʼs difficult
bc of dist2nce ... but to be
th2t me2ns communic2tion
is th2t more import2nt.
Addition2lly dist2nce
m2kes my he2rt grow more
for you !!! And love the
2nticip2tion of knowing we
will see e2ch other soon.
And we never s2y goodbye
but s2y see you soon.

If u c'nʼt give me wh't I w'nt

th't ok I wonʼt bl'me u or
judge u
Just be ' m'n 'nd not 16
ye'rs old guy who thinking to
s'y to much to the women
'nd do h've not intentions to
do it

I w2nt to ple2se you 2nd

give you wh2t you w2nt ...
h2ppiness , respect ,
st2bility 2nd more
import2ntly my he2rt 2nd
love !!
As I h2ve told you ... you
2re 2 very m2ture wom2n
2nd th2tʼs very 2ttr2ctive
for me. Amongst m2ny
other things. I donʼt w2nt
to pl2y g2mes. I h2ve
le2rned th2t
communic2tion is very
import2nt 2nd itʼs
necess2ry for 2 he2lthy
rel2tionship. Both good
2nd b2d. I took things for
gr2nted which isnʼt right. I
feel you 2re next to bc we
communic2te so much
together 2nd experience
our d2ily lives together. I
see you in my life long term
2nd see 2 future together.
And I le2rn more 2bout you
every d2y ... which is gre2t
bc m2kes me love you
more ...
One more time u donʼt need
to give or be someone who u
're not , need to s'y love me
only bc think I will see u bc I
need to he'r it u s'y if u feel
I like good person who 're not
gross in my b'ck 's well ,
they 're good not to 'fr'id I
find out but bc he h's good
person'lity to know it wonʼt
be nice

Going b2ck to my
childhood... not until
recently did I re2lized my
upbringing 2 gre2t
found2tion. My p2rents
loved me 2nd my sister
through the good 2nd b2d
times. My sister h2d lots
of medic2l issues 2nd w2s
in 2nd out of the hospit2l. I
spent 2 lot of time with my
gr2ndp2rents my d2ds
p2rents. Bc my p2rents
were focused on my sister.
So my gr2ndp2rents
t2ught me 2bout tr2ditions
2nd life lessons th2t I still
remember. Addition2lly bc
of my sisters medic2l
issues it would be e2sy for
me to resent her. Inste2d I
helped her 2nd volunteer
2t c2mps for dis2bled kids.
My p2rents struggled
fin2nci2lly 2nd
emotion2lly. They were
told to get 2 divorce bc
they would get more help
fin2nci2lly from 2gencies
2nd government. Inste2d
they fought 2nd stood
together to give me 2nd my
sister 2 decent childhood.
Th2tʼs why I worked 2t 2n
e2rly 2ge bc I knew my
p2rents couldnʼt 2fford
extr2 things for me bc my
sisters expenses were
gre2ter th2n mine. I
w2snʼt 2fr2id to work or
get my h2nds dirty. I went
to college 2nd worked
during college 2nd then I
gr2du2ted 2nd re2lized I
w2nt 2 better fin2nci2l life.
Little did I know then th2t
comes with 2 price. I met
my ex in college 2nd she
c2me from better town 2nd
her p2rents were
profession2ls (dentist 2nd
te2cher) 2nd educ2ted.
My p2rents didnʼt do to
college. I thought th2t w2s
wh2t I w2nted to work
tow2rds. The next 25
ye2rs I now re2lized its
nothing I w2nted or should
h2ve worked tow2rds. I
re2lized you need to
struggle in life to re2lize
the import2nce of where
you end up. An old s2ying
is you h2ve your he2lth you
h2ve everything. And
th2tʼs the truth. My exʼs
mom got very sick 2nd I
should h2ve re2lized then
my ex w2snʼt the person I
knew. She didnʼt w2nt to
de2l with her mom. I did.
People 2sked me if th2t
w2s my mom bc I c2red for
her so well. Now I re2lize
th2t w2s 2 turning point on
my m2rri2ge. I c2red for
her mom, r2n my business
2nd my exʼs 2nd w2s 2
f2ther. Also I took c2re of
the house ... l2wn 2nd
m2inten2nce. My ex h2d 2
cle2ning l2dy 2nd 2u p2irs
or b2bysitters 2ll the time.
Bec2me someone I didnʼt
like. I 2m 2 worker... this is
wh2t I tell J2cob 2nd
J2den 2ll the time. Working
is 2 gre2t qu2lity. They see
it now bc of me 2nd s2w
everything I did for the
house 2nd them. Th2tʼs
why I fight for more time
with them 2nd fight for
everything for them bc I
w2nt to show them the re2l
w2y of life not the f2ke or
in2ppropri2te w2y. Also
they see how their mom is
struggling now. She
doesnʼt like working 2nd is
with 2 guy th2t doesnʼt
work 2nd she supports
him. S2d very s2d. I tell
my girls m2ke your own
money 2nd never supper 2
c2p2ble working m2n.
I would work 10 jobs to
support my f2mily 2nd
never 2sk for 2nything
from 2nyone. I h2ve
recently th2nked my
p2rents for my upbringing
bc I lost myself in the life I
thought I w2nted.
When I left my house
where I lived with my ex I
w2lked out with only my
clothes bc everything else
to me w2s m2teri2listic
2nd I re2lized my ex w2s
superfici2l 2nd th2tʼs 2ll
she c2red 2bout. Its 2lso
2m2zing wh2t people tell
me know 2bout her
including her siblings th2t I
now see 2nd didnʼt see
while with her.
I 2m in 2 better spot tod2y
th2n yesterd2y th2n the
d2y before ... so 2s I s2id
before your p2st 2llows
your future to be better bc
you le2rn. Addition2lly
never forget where you
come from ... your roots or
your home.

Wow ... I feel like you

helped me open up.

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