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Kimberly Wray HBScN, RN

50 Charles St.
Brantford Ontario
N3T 1B3
August 25, 2022

To Whom it May Concern Regarding Dallas Savoie:

I trained alongside Dallas for approximately 13 years in karate and in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Both sports
are challenging for mind and body and individuals with poor attitudes generally do not last more
than a few months. They also allow for interaction with people of all ages.

During our training I found Dallas maintained an even temper and I never saw him loose control of
his actions or emotions. Even when faced with opponents hell bent on causing bodily harm. I can
recount multiple occasions when participants got their egos bruised by bigger, stronger, or more
skilled partners and resorted to purposefully harmful tactics. Many individuals lose their tempers
and walk off the mats or throw temper tantrums in their frustration. When presented with these
types of situations, Dallas remained humble and calm; Always ready to learn and improve, never
showing discouragement or negativity.

He can transition from confrontational partners to our younger members and leave the adrenalin
behind. He immediately becomes teacher, calmly explaining and demonstrating techniques with
patience and encouragement.

I have also watched Dallas improve himself on a personal level over the years. I have witnessed him
grow from an impulsive teen to a thoughtful adult working to improve his relationships,
circumstances, and person. He provided direction and advice to me when I was having issues with
my wayward teenage son and has consistently provided information to others who are struggling.
He has developed wisdom beyond his years due to his own personal struggles and takes this
experience and wisdom forward benefiting others with it.

I believe Dallas is one of those individuals that have an innate proclivity to help those that are
struggling and/or would benefit from his knowledge. This unfortunately also makes him vulnerable
to people that will take advantage of “helper” or “fixer” personalities. He goes in trying to improve
others situation but then falls victim to their instabilities.


Kimberly Wray HBScN, RN

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