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200 Text Messages Your EX Would

Love to Receive
How to Get Your Ex Back by Sending
Text Messages
By A. Robbins
© Copyright 2015 by A. Robbins - All rights reserved.
In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this
document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this
publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not
allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights
I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “200
text Messages Your Ex Would Love to Receive”. This book contains
proven strategies and text messages that you can use to get your ex back.

I hope you enjoy it!

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 The Deadly Sins Text that You Should Not Send to Your Ex
Chapter 2 The Knock on the Door First Step to Coming Home
Chapter 3 Take a Step Second Step to Coming Home
Chapter 4 Be the Couch Third Step to Coming Home
Chapter 5 Turn the Lights On Fourth Step to Coming Home
Chapter 6 Heater or Jealousy Message When You Are at Home
Chapter 7 Home Owner’s Guide When He or She Knocks on Your Door
Chapter 1
The Deadly Sins
Text that You Should Not Send to Your Ex
Consider text messaging as your second chance to win back the spot as a
lover in your ex’s life. If you really want to have him or her back, you
would do everything not to waste this chance. So, be careful in what you
text your ex. Think of text messaging as a vessel to let your relationship sail
again. Your relationship had already sunk, you would probably not want to
see it go deeper under the ocean floor. Therefore, avoid these deadly
mistakes that can guarantee of rejection (Seiter, 2014).

Rule #1: Do not send your ex a pointless text

Pointless messages are those that may seem awkward and difficult to give a
decent response to. Like:




“I miss you…”



Kindle cannot express smiley face but the text is a “smiley

face” image.



Rule #2: Do not send your ex a drunk text or even a pretentious drunk
It may sound sweet to know that you are thinking of him or her despite
being alcohol-induced, but it is not cute. It does not only show how poorly
you text but it also shows your ex how messed up you are and that would
only repel him or her from wanting to have you back. Additionally, do not
even try to fake a drunken text, most especially when your ex-partner
knows your iPhone’s autocorrect sticks to do its job.

“HGeey.,., Wasndaa hiokk uop???”

“I ;lobve yytuo”

“CooomE HewrTee”

“NiCew AsSSs, BAbbeeee”

“Hahahsaj asshjkhoel”

Moreover, it would quite be impossible to drunken text when your

smartphone’s autocorrect continuously checks your message. Pretending to
drunk text would even take a lot of effort with this new advancement in

Rule #3: Do not call and text all the time

You can convince yourself these messages and calls are just casual ways of
communication. But flooding of messages is a red alarm for desperation.
Your messages may only be a product of your raging emotions. Allow
yourself to cool down first for a month or so before you ready yourself to
engage in a conversation again with your ex.



“Are you mad at me???”

“Why won’t you reply?”

“Is anybody there??”


Rule #4: Do not mention your feelings or intent of wanting to get back

Not only will these kinds of messages prevent you from winning your ex-
lover back but these will be etched on his or her mind as well. Your ex may
always remember you as the “desperate ex”. Maybe you just want to gain
his or her love back but to be openly vulnerable is not the key, composure
is. So, avoid messages like:

“I miss you so much...”

“I can’t live without you…”

“I’m still in love with you…”

“I will never get over you…”

“I am so miserable without you…”

“If you do not come back to me, you will never get to see me

“I will kill myself if we don’t get back together!”

“I can’t imagine the rest of my life without you…”

“Don’t you understand? I need you here with me…”

“I’m begging you… please come back to me.”

Rule #5: Do not start to pick a fight

Never start to argue with your ex over text. Instead of drawing him or her
closer, you are only giving an affirmation that your break-up was probably
the best thing to do. He or she may have had his or her lapses but bringing
the issues up over text messaging will not help solve the problems, instead,
it would only worsen the situation. Do not send messages like:

“If only you have tried your best to fight for me, we would
probably still be together right now!”

“Just so you know, you are a very sloppy kisser.”

“I wish you never became part of my life.”

“It’s your fault our relationship ended. If only you weren’t so

insensitive, we would probably still be together right now!”

“Fuck you! You asshole!!!”

“You’re easy. Slut.”

“You are a motherfucking liar. I hope you don’t breed!”

“You’re such a filthy scum!”

Chapter 2
The Knock on the Door
First Step to Coming Home
When you create a text to send to your ex, make sure that the message will
not be the ultimate end of whatever is left of your relationship. Your text
message must not contain blatant expressions of your feelings, no matter
how miserable you have been. Your goal here is to associate your messages
with a positive affect and not something that would make your ex want to
throw his or her phone away. There are different texting strategies that you
could use in order to get your ex back. You know your ex well so you can
make use of the tactics that you think will most likely be effective on them.

Perhaps your ex have decided to close his or her doors on you already, you
can use the Knock on the Door texts to re-open the relationship and re-
establish rapport. The connection must not be rooted on deep and sensual
ways. This is not for begging, booty calling, and blackmailing. You do not
use this tactic to cause your ex distress; instead, use this strategy to create a
positive image of yourself in your ex’s mind. If you do so, there will be
higher possibilities of your ex responding to your text message and the
doors will gently be opened again. This is the very first text that you send
him or her when you have not communicated for a month or so, so it is
quite a big deal to this right. Knock on the Door messages are designed in a
way that would let your ex know that you he or she is in your mind and that
you do not have negative feelings towards him or her. Here are a few
instances in which you can base your messages on:

“I was flipping through the channels on TV and I saw [his or

her favourite sports team]. The game is pretty intense. I’m
quite sure you must be so stoked right now. Hope you are
doing great!”

“I just stumbled upon an old photo of us taken at [name of

place or occasion]. This can always make me smile. Hope
things are going great for you!”
“I just passed by [place we used to have dates at] and I
remembered you. Hope you are okay!”

“I remember it’s your [family member you have met]

birthday. Send my greetings. Hope [he or she] is doing
great! Hope you’re doing great, as well!”

“I just had [breakfast/lunch/dinner] at this [name of

restaurant]. They have really delicious [name of food]. I
remember how much you like [name of food]. If you want
you can visit this place some other time. Hope you are doing

“I just finished [name of movie/TV series]. I realized how

great the plot twist are. Have a great day!”

“Was that you that I saw in [name of place]? You looked


“Hey there! Sorry to bug you right now but I just want to
ask, do you remember the name of the mechanic you
recommended to me once? My car is dying!”

“Hi! I heard [name of your favourite artist/band] is going to

have a gig tonight at [name of venue]. Just thought you
would want to know. I remember how much you liked them.
Hope all is well!”

“I just stumbled upon a copy of [ex’s favourite book] and I

remembered you. Hope things are doing great for you!”

“I just watched the second part of the [name of the film]. I

remember I spilled my drinks and food on your shirt then but
you were still calm and nice about it. Well, hope you are
doing great!”

“I just heard the song we slow danced to one time during

[name of event] and I remembered you. Hope you are doing

“Hey! I just finished the [name of book series] you told me

to read. Thanks for not spoiling the ending for me. I enjoyed
it so much. Have a great day!”

“Hello! I just passed by this old restaurant we used to have

dinner at. It looks like they are having a promo of your
favourite dish. I just remembered you. Hope you are doing

“I just did a general cleaning and I found a copy of the film

we watched together for the first time and I remembered you.
It has been a while. I wish you all the good luck!”
Chapter 3
Take a Step
Second Step to Coming Home
Once you have already reopened the gates of communication with your ex
using the Knock on the Door texts, you may now begin with the take a step
texts. That is, if your ex responded in a positive way. If your ex has shut you
off when you tried the previous tactic, do not proceed to this one.
Reminiscent messages are meant to plant positive emotions in your ex’s
mind by sending positively evocative memories you once shared. This kind
of messaging has to follow the Knock on the Door texts because if they
won’t, your chances of being texted back by your ex will be very low. He or
she may question your point of reminiscing when you have been out of
contact for a month or so. Instead of easing your way in, you might end up
having a huge door being shut in front of your face. So, try these messages
after using the previous tactic:

Take a step text messages’ goal is to bypass your ex’s critical

mind by making use of emotional language. The affects you
want to evoke from these messages are happy, positive, and
fun emotions.

“Hey. Just a quick question. Do you remember the [name of

the restaurant] we went to for your [birthday/graduation
dinner/other events]?”

“I found a picture of that one time we went to [name of

party]. You looked great dressed up as [name of

“Remember that time we watched [favourite sports team]?

They game was so intense then.”

“Hey. Remember that restaurant we had dinner at during

our anniversary? It looks like they are about to close down.
It’s such a shame because they actually had the best [name
of food].”

“Hello! I am going to [name of place] this [date]. I just want

to ask, do you remember the hotel we stayed in when we
went there?”

“I was just caught for over-speeding today. Remember that

time we got pulled over for the same reason and we had to
make up a lie to cover it up? We sounded so believable. I
tried pulling it off today and it still worked!”

“Remember that time we went to [name of place]? They

made us wear those silly hats. I just found a picture of it.
Well, the hats did look good on us.”

“Remember the artist of the gallery exhibit we went to last

[date]? He/she is coming over to our town again. His/her
artwork can really evoke emotion, can’t they?”

“Remember that time we saved an injured little bird? I just

remembered how good it felt to hold your hand after we
saved that little creature. That was so fulfilling. Hoping
you’re doing well!”

“Hi! How are things going? I just wanted to ask if you

remember the name of that movie we watched during [name
of occasion]. I was thinking of recommending it to a friend. I
had a lot of fun watching that movie.”

“Do you remember that one time we danced to [title of the

song]? I kept on stepping on your toes but you were still so
cool about it. I’m sorry about that. I had so much fun that
night though!”

“Do you remember that one time we tried to get away with a
[thrilling experience]. The adrenaline was rushing. By the
time we were able to escape, the looks on our faces were
incredibly priceless!”
Chapter 4
Be the Couch
Third Step to Coming Home
The success of the previous steps can help you ease your way into your ex’s
life again. Once you have knocked on the door, and your ex have led you in
again, and you have taken a step inside what once was home, you may now
make use of these be the couch texts. Be the couch messages are texts that
are slowly and gently opening your feelings for your ex. These are text
messages that can make your ex feel that you still care. The key, then, is to
show him or her your support, someone he or she can lean on for care.
However, this strategy still needs a little bit of timing. You have to know
and be sensitive on whether or not your ex will warmly accept the support
you are willing to give. Here are a few examples on what you can use to
subtly show your ex that you still care:

“I heard you are going to have a gig at [name of venue]. I

know you’ll do great, like you always do!”

“Hey. Don’t forget about your [Grandma’s/Mother’s/Family

member’s] birthday. It’s just a few weeks ahead. I wouldn’t
want to get you in trouble this time!”

“Good luck with your [entrance exam/job interview]! I know

you will ace it.”

“Hey! I heard your landlady just asked you to move out. If

you need a place to stay, you know I can contact [name of
person]. I’d be happy to help.”

“Sorry to hear about your [name of dead loved one]. He/she

was so kind to me too. I’m here if you need someone to talk
to, okay?”

“Heard you are going for the try-outs... I know you can make
it to the team!”
“Hey, I was thinking… maybe you are a little stressed with
work right now. Still, don’t forget to take good care of your
health, okay?”

“I heard you are having a hard time with this [name of

subject]. I know you can get through it. Just believe in
yourself, okay?”

“Heard you are about to present a new project to the

company. Wishing you all the best. I know you can impress
everyone on board!”

“Good luck with your performance at [name of venue] later.

The crowd will love you!”

“Don’t worry about topping the exam. You have done it

before, surely you can do it again. I know you can!”

“I was just thinking… perhaps finals is stressing you out

already. Don’t be too hard on yourself, okay? Take care.”

“Good luck with your report! I know you can do it.”

Chapter 5
Turn the Lights On
Fourth Step to Coming Home
From slowly opening up your feelings through those be the couch texts,
now you can be honest and tell your ex how you really feel about him or
her. It is like turning the lights on and seeing the things more clearly. This
may be the toughest part of the process but this is how you can validate
your ex’s feelings towards you. Just be brutally honest with how you feel.
Your message has to sound confident, sincere, positive, and not needy.
There are different kinds of turn the lights on texts that you can use.
Examples are:

Appreciation or Gratitude Text Messages

Perhaps your ex has always done you something special

back then but you always have taken it for granted. Now,
you can ease the topic in and thank him or her sincerely for
this little favours. Here are a few template samples:

“Thank you for always being nice to my

[brother/sister/mother/father]. I really
appreciate it.”

“I really appreciate the way you were there

for me when [someone close] was admitted to
the hospital.”

“Thank you so much for that one time you

babysat my little [cousin/sister/brother].
He/she still knows how to play the game you
taught him/her!”

“Thanks for always making me lunch back

then. You really cook the best [name of
“I just found the [name of gift] you gave me
for my birthday last [year]. It’s still so useful.
Thanks a lot for this.”

“I am so grateful for this [favour] you did me

then. If it weren’t for you, I probably would
not be here by now. Thanks again!”

“You have always been so patient with me. I

really appreciate what you are doing.”

“Thank you for always picking me up and

sending me home, then. You always made sure
I was safe.”

“I am so grateful that you have always

respected my time by never showing up late
for our dates, then. Thank you, really…”

‘I really appreciate the way you have kept our

secrets up until now. You just proved to me
how I can really trust you even after

“Thank you so much for showing up at my

[event or occasion]. I really appreciate it!”

“I just found the box where I kept your

handwritten notes. I have never thanked you
enough for these little things but just so you
know, I am very grateful.”

Complimentary Text Messages

Do you remember the very first thing that attracted you to

your ex? It could be his or her smile, eyes, laugh, or skin.
With turn on the lights text, you can speak of these things.
Doing so, relives the moment of attraction between both of
you. This just shows that despite the break-up, there are far
better things that you like about him or her. And by
reminding him or her of these things, he or she might also
remember the very reason why he or she even loved you in
the first place.

“I have always liked the sound of your


“Your eyes have always been very


“Your smile has always been your best


“I just ate [name of dish]. I just have to say,

your version of this is still the best.”

“I really liked the smell of your hair. It’s just

so calming to the senses.”

“You’ve always had that smile that can make

me smile as well. It’s just contagious. ”

“I have always admired the way you think.”

“You have always been very creative. That is

one thing I loved about you.”

“I hope you know I am very proud of the

person you are becoming!”

“You are actually one of the best listener’s

that I know.”

“You really have a perfect set of teeth.”

“Your nose have always looked so cute!”

“I have always admired your passion for [art/
music/ film/ others].”

“I have always fancied the way you can

articulate and put words together.”

“You have a great taste in music. I have

always loved that about you.”

“Your hair is really your crowning glory.”

“Was that you I saw in [name of place]? I

liked your outfit. It looked so good on you!”

“Your fingers have always been so slender.

They are so nice to hold on to.”

“You have the best taste in movies! I can

always turn to you whenever I feel like
watching one.”

“You have always been so brave and I have

always admired that of you.”

“How I Really Feel” Text Messages

To express your feelings, you may also lay them bare on the table. They
have to sound honest, heartfelt, and firm but not needy. This is the time to
tell him or her how you really feel. Above all else, the most important thing
to value here, is your sincerity. The following are examples on how you
could express how you really feel:

“It’s funny. I really miss how safe and secure I felt whenever
I’m with you.”

“Whenever I get mad, your voice is the only thing that can
calm me down.”

“Your chest feels like home. I always feel protected.”

“I feel really happy whenever you call me by my nickname.
It feels like my name sounds safe when you utter it.”

“I have always appreciated the way you always care. You

radiate good vibes all the time that you really inspire me to
become a better person. I am just so glad you became part of
my life.”

“I just know that a part of me will probably love you still. I

think about you and I still can’t help but smile. I am just
happy that someone like you still exists in this world.”

“I feel so happy whenever I remember that somewhere, you


“I hear from you and I feel so warm inside. It’s like you can
radiate positive vibes even from faraway.”

Attraction-Seduction Text Messages

One important part of a relationship is intimacy, one of

which is physical. Attraction can be evoked through this
tactic for it lights up again the flame of your relationship.

“I am here at the [place you and your ex had sex]. I

remember how your hands felt on my skin. I wish you were

“I miss the way your lips tasted.”

“I just watched this [title of hot and sensual movie] and I

remembered you. I wish I could hold you in my arms right

“I miss the way you run your fingers through my hair when
we kiss.”
Chapter 6
Heater or Jealousy Message
When You Are at Home
When you have already lain down your cards on the table by telling your ex
how you feel and he or she has responded in a positive way, then it is time
for you to move on with the heater or jealousy texts. These texts are rooted
on attracting your ex once again and making him or her make a move. This
is when you make use of jealousy as the driver of action from your ex.
Jealousy can be a very powerful motivator. However, in this tactic, it has to
be used positively by not rubbing this onto your ex’s face. If you blatantly
rub it into his or her face that you are going out with someone else, this will
only reflect desperation. What you need here is a positive self-image with
giving out little hints that you are going out with someone. This just has to
be subtle. When he or she knows you are going out with someone else, this
will drive his or her protective side and this could have a high possibility of
being translated into action.

You may pair up take a step text with heater or jealousy texts. With the
tandem of these strategies, you do not only make your ex feel, you can also
make him or her drive into action. The key here is to make him or her
curious, not gravely furious. Anger can only bring in trouble in this tactic,
so be very careful. Here are a few examples that you can base on:

“I just watched [name of film] with a friend. I think you

would like it. Perhaps you should watch it too.”

“I went to this [name of restaurant] today with a friend.

Guess what? They have a new dish that I think you will
probably love. Maybe you should try it!”

“I am here at [name of place/venue] to watch [name of his

or her favourite artist or band] with a friend. They still
sound so great! I heard they are coming over to your town
on [date]. Maybe you would want to see them live again.”
“A friend cooked me [name of your ex’s favourite dish]. It
tastes so good! Maybe you would want to try cooking it
sometime. I could give you the recipe!”

“There is this new TV series that a friend recommended to

me. It’s about [Ex’s favourite genre of shows]. I think you
will like it. You should try to check it out too.”

“I went to this bookstore in [name of place or mall] with a

friend and found [name of the book] that you have been
looking for. There are still a few copies there but maybe you
would like to buy immediately before they run out stock

“I was at [name of restaurant or place] with a new friend.

We met a girl who sounded a lot like [name of favourite
character in a TV series]. They even have the same squeaky
Chapter 7
Home Owner’s Guide
When He or She Knocks on Your Door Again
You already know how to make the move when you want to get your ex
back through texting. But what if he or she wants you back and texts you
using these tactics? If you also want your ex back, there are a few things
that could also help you win him or her once more but then again, you also
have to be mindful of what you would reply because these messages would
also direct you to whether or not you would get back together.

So, perhaps you are asking yourself, “How am I supposed to respond to all
those kinds of text strategies if it was my ex who started to contact me
again?” If you want both of you to get back together as well then there is no
need to shut him or her out of your life forever. Do not slam the door shut if
you just want to open it again. However, you also have to take extra caution
this time. You do not want a second heartbreak from the very same person,
do you?

This time, you may reply to his or her attempts of re-opening your
communication lines but it does not have to be in a hurry, nor does it have
to be very distressing. The key to replying to your ex is to sound positive
and civil. You may also reply with emojis or emoticons so the messages
would not seem so grave and dull.

Yes, it is given that the relationship may not come back in a blink of an eye
so both of you need to be patient in working these things out. Here are a
few instances on how you should reply to your ex when he or she uses the
previous texting strategies mentioned.

How to Reply to Knock on the Door Text Messages

Knock on the door texts sometimes do not really demand a response. So, if
you still feel uncomfortable you may not text your ex back yet.

However, if your ex texts you the knock on the door texts and it demands a
response, the key would be to reply positively as well. Though, do not be
downright blatant that you are thrilled of hearing from him or her again.
You have to let him or her ease into the way slowly. If you hurry, you can
never be sure if the feelings are sincere or if your ex just misses being with
someone. Here is an example on how you should respond to knock on the
door message that demands a reply:

Message: “Hey there! Sorry to bug you right now but I just
want to ask, do you remember the name of the mechanic you
recommended to me once? My car is dying!”

Reply: “It’s alright. His name is [name of mechanic]. You

can contact him through this [mobile phone or landline]. He
can fix your car.”

Message: “I just heard the song we slow danced to one time

during [name of event] and I remembered you. Hope you are
doing fine!”

Reply: “That is really a nice song. I’m doing fine. Hope that
you are too!”

Message: “Hey! I just finished the [name of book series] you

told me to read. Thanks for not spoiling the ending for me. I
enjoyed it so much. Have a great day!”

Reply: “Good to hear that you enjoyed it! Have a great day

As much as possible, be civil. Your ex had approached you properly and

politely; it is but right to pay him or her same respect he or she showed
through the text. If his or her knock on the door text is a question you
choose to answer, then just be direct, firm, and positive in replying. There is
no need to be rude. If you do not want to reply then just ignore the message
and do not do so.

How to Reply to Take a Step Text Messages

Whether you should send a reply or not, is under your discretion. However,
if you want to, the only thing you have to keep in mind in replying to take a
step text is positivity. If your ex sends you a reminiscent message, it may
evoke feelings of nostalgia on your part. But do not dive right in. You may
follow the conversation with reminiscing with your ex. The conversation
does not have to be heated and pressured. It just has to be fun and light. For

Message: “I found a picture of that one time we went to

[name of party]. You looked great dressed up as [name of

Reply: “Thank you! Well, you looked good wearing [name of

character]’s costume as well. I’m pretty sure only a few were
able to guess who I was trying to dress up like!”

Message: “Remember that time we went to [name of place]?

They made us wear those silly hats. I just found a picture of
it. Well, the hats did look good on us.”

Reply: “Yeah, I remember that place! I bet we made the hats

look good as well. If you know what I mean…”

Message: “Remember the artist of the gallery exhibit we

went to last [date]? He/she is coming over to our town
again. His/her artwork can really evoke emotion, can’t

Reply: “Remember that! I remember this one remarkable

artwork of him/her. It’s my favourite!”

From there, you can build a longer conversation that will not immediately
lead to dead ends. Take a step text, when replied to properly, can keep the
conversation going.

How to Reply to Be the Couch Text Messages

Be the couch texts are easy to reply to. A sincere “Thank You” never hurt
anybody. You may like it or not, but to think your ex took the time to tell
you that he or she cares. You may think he or she should have cared
enough before the relationship has ended, but you also have to remember
that there things that only one can learn through experience. Perhaps, this
time, your ex has learned that he or she has shown you how much he or she
cares. So, give it another chance. Here is how to reply to be the couch

Message: “Hey! I heard your landlady just asked you to

move out. If you need a place to stay, you know I can contact
[name of person]. I’d be happy to help.”

Reply: “Thank you so much! I really needed that.”

Message: “I heard you are going to have a gig at [name of

venue]. I know you’ll do great, like you always do!”

Reply: “I really appreciate your support! Thank you for

trusting me on this one.”

Message: “I just watched this [title of hot and sensual

movie] and I remembered you. I wish I could hold you in my
arms right now.”

Reply: “I wish I was there with you too. Maybe we could

enjoy that movie together while…”

Message: “I miss the way you run your fingers through my

hair when we kiss.”

Reply: “I miss the running my fingers through your hair

when we kiss. It really turns me on…”

How to Reply to Turn the Lights on Text Messages

Your ex had all out expression of how he or she is feeling. It is up to you to

take this step further or not. Your decision, though, will depend on whether
or not you want your ex back as well. If you do, then you would take his or
her turn the lights on texts to light up a sliver of hope for your relationship.
These texts will affirm and validate your feelings towards your ex. If you
feel the same way, you may also lay down your feelings on the table and
just be honest about them as well. Here are a few examples on how to
respond to your ex’s turn the lights on messages:

Message: “Thanks for always making me lunch back then.

You really cook the best [name of food].”

Reply: You’re welcome. I knew you always liked them so I

always tried my best to make them delicious.

Message: “Your smile has always been your best feature.”

Reply: Well, this smile only brightens up so much when I am

with you.”

Message: “I have always appreciated the way you always

care. You radiate good vibes all the time that you really
inspire me to become a better person. I am just so glad you
became part of my life.”

Reply: “I am happy to hear that from you. I know you could

always become a good person. You have it in you. I am so
grateful to be part of your life as well. Thanks for being part
of mine too.”

How to Respond to Heater or Jealousy Text Messages

What these texts really call out for are actions. These actions should not be
violent, though. When you see the sign of your ex going out with somebody
else, you can take him or her back as early as possible but let this step be
non-forceful. You may now ask your ex to go out with you sometime.
Things do not have to be sensual and deep immediately. The connection just
needs to get off from frequent texting to actual dating. After all, each
other’s presence can strengthen the bond that has been formed by the
previous texting strategies that were followed. Here is an example on how
you could ask your ex out again:

Message: “I went to this [name of restaurant] today with a

friend. Guess what? They have a new dish that I think you
will probably love. Maybe you should try it!”

Reply: “Oh, perhaps I should try that. I also went to this

[name of restaurant] once and they have the best [name of
ex’s favourite food]. If you want I could take you there

Message: “I went to this bookstore in [name of place or

mall] with a friend and found [name of the book] that you
have been looking for. There are still a few copies there but
maybe you would like to buy immediately before they run out
stock again.”

Reply: “Thank you so much for this information. I have

always wanted that book. If it’s not too much to ask, maybe
you could go with me to the bookstore you were talking
Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you to no more about the do’s and dont’s
of sending text messages to your ex.

The next step is to follow the strategy and tips presented in this book on
how to get your ex back.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I’d like to ask you for a favor, would
you be kind enough to leave a review for this book on Amazon? It’d be
greatly appreciated!

Thank you and good luck!

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