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Riverbend Consulting™
Amazon. Solved.™
A Personal Note

Before co-founding Riverbend Consulting, I spent years being an

Amazon seller. I still maintain an active seller account today.
It’s exhilarating to be an entrepreneur. It’s exhausting too. Yes, it’s
definitely worth the pain, but Amazon sure knows how to pile on
the problems. It’s heartbreaking to see how a person’s life can be
marred by Amazon mistakes. I saw real people working real hard get
bashed, then banished. It was this unilateral nonsense from Ama-
Lesley Hensell zon that kicked off my passion to solve seller problems and co-found
co-founder Riverbend Consulting. I knew sellers were facing endless frustration
Riverbend Consulting and dead-ends.
Why do I share this? Because every problem faced by every seller
becomes our problem. It becomes personal. That’s how we’ve built
our company. We don’t pursue nameless, faceless transactions.
We help We help successful sellers solve tough problems and achieve their
successful dreams. We know their names. We’re invested in their businesses
sellers solve and lives.
problems and
achieve their To me, that’s the difference with our company. So, whether you
dreams. We need help with reimbursements, or an appeal to reactivate your
know their ASINs or account, we’re the go-to go-getters. You get a team vested
names. We’re in your success.
invested in their I’m proud of our track record, our people and our clients.
Thank you always for considering Riverbend Consulting. We’re
and lives.
here to help you.

To your success,

Lesley Hensell

Let’s stay connected! LinkedIn

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Table of
Table of
2 | Personal Note from the Author

4 | Why not get your money back from Amazon?

5 | 10 Amazon FBA profit killers

6 | Profit killer #1 Inventory from inbound FBA shipments is not


7| Profit killer #2 A
 mazon unfairly denies claims for

8| Profit killer #3 A
 mazon loses and damages inventory

9| Profit killer #4 A
 mazon reimburses the seller for inventory
claims – but not enough

10 | Profit killer #5 A
 mazon messes up customer returns

11 | Profit killer #6 A
 mazon mismeasures an item and charges
more fees

12 | Profit killer #7 A
 mazon charges fees for the wrong category

13 | Profit killer #8 A
 mazon destroys a seller’s inventory without

14 | Profit killer #9 A
 mazon grants a reimbursement, but never
gives the seller the cash

14 | Profit killer #10 A

 mazon fails to fulfill a removal order

15 | The real bottom line?

16 | Connect with us
Amazon does
that it makes
FBA errors.


It’s hard to argue the power of FBA. The Amazon does recognize that it makes
Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program en- FBA errors. It even offers “automatic
ables sellers of all sizes to move large vol- reimbursements.” Because of this, many
umes of merchandise via Amazon’s pow- sellers are lulled into a false sense of
erful distribution and delivery network. security and believe that Amazon has
But with any exciting opportunity, there their backs. That attitude, however, is
are potential downfalls. In the case of costly. These reimbursements represent
FBA, mistakes by Amazon’s fulfillment just a sliver of Amazon’s FBA errors.
centers (FCs) can eat up a seller’s bottom Fortunately, with diligence and hard
line. In fact, we estimate that an average work, sellers can minimize these unjust
seller sees negative impacts between 5 costs and ensure Amazon pays back
and 10 percent of their inventory at the every penny it owes. Keep reading to find
hands of FBA. out more.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Inventory from inbound FBA shipments is not received
This is far-and-away the most significant In some cases, unreceived inventory can add up
profit-killer for Amazon FBA sellers. A to just a few dollars. But there are circumstanc-
business sends hundreds or thousands of units es where these errors can cost a large seller
to Amazon fulfillment centers (FCs). Amazon hundreds of thousands of dollars. Over time, it
then reports that some or all of the inventory really adds up.
never arrived. So, what’s a seller to do? Once Amazon closes a
Most sellers rely on Amazon Partner Carriers shipment, saying it has received all items in the
to ship inventory to the Amazon FCs. Sellers shipment, the seller can open a case via Seller
create shipments via Seller Central, and their Central. Amazon then investigates the case and
inbound shipments are then handed off to decides what to do next. This might be:
UPS or a carrier that can handle pallets and • Reimbursement to the seller, but this
truckloads. These carriers provide a tracking requires proof of purchase (invoices) or
number, proving that the seller gave them the proof of shipping (packing slips)
inbound shipment. • Reimbursement – but not enough – to
The shipments arrive at Amazon FCs, where the seller (more on this later)
they are signed for at the dock. Amazon ware- • Requests for even more documentation
house workers receive the items. These individ- from the seller
uals scan either case packs or individual units • A denial of reimbursement
of inventory, depending upon the shipment type.
Ideally, the number of units scanned matches If Amazon denies reimbursement, sellers can
the shipment’s original contents perfectly. re-open the case, provide additional documenta-
tion, and ask for re-consideration.
Alas, a significant portion of shipments comes
up short at the Amazon warehouse. Amazon
PRO TIP: Maintain a database of
declares that the seller didn’t send all of the invoices and shipping documents for
units. And suddenly, that shipment of 300 sell- all shipments to Amazon FCs. Share
able items is only 265 sellable items. Amazon these with your reimbursements
expects the seller to eat the remaining 35 units team – whether internal or external –
– even though they are somewhere in the FC. so they have needed details at their

It’s not beyond

reason to estimate
that Amazon sellers
lose 5 percent to
10 percent of their
inventory at the hands
of FBA—and aren’t
being reimbursed for
such losses.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon unfairly denies claims for AMAZON FBA SELLER
“Investigation complete.”
Those are two of the most frustrating words 1. Do you log, track and document
that pop up in a Seller Central account. every shipment and every product
When Amazon doesn’t properly receive inventory sent to FBA?
– or loses, damages or otherwise mishandles
inventory – sellers can ask for an investigation. 2. Do you have a way to get
The words “investigation complete” can be reimbursed even when Amazon
Amazon’s dismissive way of saying, “we’re right, says, “investigation complete”?
and you’re wrong.” In addition, for reasons un-
known, Amazon will simply deny the claim, with
no explanation. 3. Are you tracking shipments and
potential reimbursements for up
Many times, however, mistakes were clearly made to 18 months?
at the Amazon FC. For example, Amazon will
show that it accepted boxes at the dock. But
then, it will claim the boxes were all empty – de- 4. How do you know Amazon is
spite bills of lading that clearly state each box using the correct dimensions and
weighed 20 to 50 pounds. Sometimes, Amazon properly charging you for storage
eventually corrects the mistake. But what hap- fees?
pens when Amazon FBA simply refuses to reim-
burse the seller for lost items? 5. How much time does it take to
That’s where robust appeals come into play. check that Amazon is estimating
Sellers must fight back to get reimbursed. This and paying you the right amount
usually starts with a case sent via Seller Central, at the right time?
asking the FBA team to investigate. If that fails,
another step is to request a phone call from 6. What fee percentage is Amazon
Amazon’s Captive team, which can chase down charging you, and is it the right
the issue. category?
If Amazon still refuses to acknowledge their
mistake, it’s time for executive escalations. 7. Have you considered the cost
These are succinct, fact-filled emails sent to key of managing reimbursements
teams or executives inside of Amazon. on your own vs. using a service
PRO TIP: Choose a reimbursements
service with robust appeal capabilities.
They can help escalate high-value
reimbursements claims to the right
Amazon teams and increase your
chances of winning.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon loses and damages inventory
Lost and damaged inventory can happen in There is also risk involved. If reports are not un-
countless ways. It’s not a simplification to say derstood and properly interpreted, not all claims
that a dropped bottle can roll under a shelf at will be filed. Worse, a lack of understanding can
the FC – and remain there for months or years. lead to inaccurate claims by a seller – which can
Items are also mis-filed, placed in the wrong bin, result in sanctions by Amazon or even the loss
or put on the wrong truck for transshipment be- of selling privileges.
tween warehouses. (Personal story: I once had It behooves sellers to employ a reliable reim-
an item that I had not sold in two years pop up in bursements service to ensure they uncover ev-
my available inventory. It was “found” in the FBA ery inventory shortage that occurs in their ac-
warehouse.) count over time.
When it comes to “finding” items and filing
claims for lost and damaged inventory, Amazon PRO TIP: Keep an eye on the
definitely has an advantage over sellers. There calendar. These types of reimburse-
are several reports in Seller Central that must be ments are available for 18 months,
parsed, compared and analyzed to determine and not one day more.
which inventory items are truly missing. It’s not a
task for the impatient, nor for the time-pressed.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon reimburses the seller for inventory claims – but not enough
When Amazon accepts a claim for reimburse- private-label products as a test run. Amazon lost
ment, they are supposed to credit the seller the shipment and reimbursed the seller, but at a
fairly. This doesn’t always happen. rate below the cost of the goods. It required mul-
First, let’s talk about what constitutes “fair.” A tiple back-and-forth emails with Seller Support,
reasonable reimbursement is the amount Am- as well as submission of invoices, to get a fair
azon would transfer to the seller, less fees. In reimbursement. A seller is not guaranteed to get
other words, the seller receives exactly what a better price, even when opening a case (called
they would have gotten if an Amazon custom- a re-evaluation request).
er bought the item and Amazon fulfilled it.
Amazon also has the option to reimburse the PRO TIP: Provide clear evidence
seller by providing them with a replacement that Amazon shorted you. That
inventory item. can include your own recent sales
history, invoices, and more. If you
Sometimes, however, the reimbursement can’t provide data, don’t waste time
amount is far less than fair. In these instances, appealing.
the seller must open a case and ask for more.
For example, a seller shipped in a box of a new

however, the reimbursement amount is far less than fair.


It's never
"apples to apples"
in reimbursements
with Amazon FBA

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon messes up customer returns
Amazon set the Gold Standard for generous Sellers can file claims for all of these er-
customer returns policies. Sometimes, however, rors. It’s especially important to file claims in
the e-commerce giant’s generosity to customers February and March, when Amazon sees the
can end up harming sellers. Here are a few ways greatest customer abuse in terms of bad re-
that customer returns can come back to bite turns, out-of-policy exceptions, and more.
sellers right in the inventory:
• The customer returns the item, but PRO TIP: If you remove inventory
Amazon doesn’t add it back to inventory from the Amazon FCs, inspect it
or reimburse the seller carefully to see if Amazon committed
the above mistakes and owes you
• The customer received a refund, but they
money. Note that Amazon typically
never returned the item
only will reimburse for missing
• Amazon granted the customer a refund components or incorrect items
that is more than they were originally received. If items are determined to
charged be damaged or defective, Amazon
• The customer sent back a damaged or blames the seller and will not offer
wrong item, and Amazon accepted it reimbursement.
• Amazon allowed the customer to return
an item outside of the return policy
(sometimes, Amazon customer service
goes crazy and allows returns even two
years after purchase!)

It’s especially important to file

claims in February and March,
when Amazon sees the greatest
customer abuse in terms of bad
returns, out-of-policy exceptions,
and more.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon mismeasures an item and charges more fees
Many of the fees that Amazon sellers pay to FBA expensive size category, sellers should request
are based on the weight and dimensions of their a measurement via a case in Seller Central. If
products. This stands to reason: the numbers come back as inaccurate, the sell-
• Larger items take up more space in er must be prepared to reply with photographic
Amazon warehouses, resulting in higher evidence of the real measurements.
storage fees and transshipping costs
Riverbend helped a client whose product was re-
• Heavier and larger items require more peatedly mis-measured by Amazon FBA. The sell-
expensive packaging and shipping costs er was reimbursed more than $18,000 for wrong
Amazon relies on Cubiscan machines to de- dimensions on a single ASIN over 9 months.
termine the size and weight of products.
Unfortunately, they may be inaccurate. The PRO TIP: If you discover Amazon
machines may be dirty or not correctly cal- has been over-charging based on
ibrated and maintained. Or there may be product dimensions, you can request
user error involved. Size/weight errors can a refund of those fees going back 18
also be miscalculated because of product months. Don’t expect a full refund but
packaging. Items that are in soft, plastic pack- fight for what you can get. Appeals
companies can help with this as
aging can change shapes, which may render
well. Note that requesting weight/
incorrect readings.
dimensions re-measurements of a
Whatever the reason, bad data have cost specific listing can only be made
Amazon sellers millions of dollars. It’s important twice every 60 days.
to conduct an ASIN-by-ASIN audit of what Ama-
zon shows as the weight and dimensions of in-
ventory items. If the numbers are more than 20
percent off, or if they push an item into a more

Riverbend helped a
client whose product
was repeatedly
mis-measured by
Amazon FBA.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon charges fees for the wrong category
Some categories are more expensive than If an ASIN belongs in home and garden, but is
others. The referral fee percentage for most put into clothing and accessories, that 2 per-
categories is 15 percent. There are notable cent difference really adds up over time. For one
exceptions: large seller we know, this very mistake added
• Video game consoles, computers, up to a quarter-million dollars in inaccurate fees
full-size appliances and consumer over two years.
electronics are 8 percent
• Clothing and accessories are 17 percent PRO TIP: Past overcharges for
category can be appealed, just
• Gift cards are 20 percent like overcharges for weight and
• And there are more granular exceptions, dimensions. Be prepared to provide
such as baby products costing $10 and detailed information about your
less are 8 percent, while baby products losses, and don’t expect a full and
costing more than $10 are 15 percent fair refund.


For one large seller we know, this very mistake

added up to a quarter-million dollars in
inaccurate fees over two years.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon destroys a seller’s inventory
without permission
In rare – but very expensive – circumstances,
Amazon destroys a seller’s inventory. This can
happen as a one-off situation. Or it can be a tre-
mendous mistake in concert with enforcement
by Seller Performance.
In the latter circumstance, here is what hap-
pens. Amazon suspends an ASIN from sale on
the platform. The company gives the seller a
deadline for removing that inventory from the
warehouse. While the seller appeals the suspen-
sion, Amazon jumps the gun and “destroys” the
inventory. Be aware, Amazon gives sellers only
30 days to create a removal order from the date
of the ASIN suspension notification.
Appealing this horrible error often requires esca-
lation to an executive team.

PRO TIP: This inventory is not

usually “destroyed.” It shows up in
the Amazon Warehouse Deals seller
account, or it is liquidated out of the
FCs. Of course, Amazon keeps the
proceeds in either case.

Amazon grants a reimbursement, but While the seller
never gives the seller the cash
Welcome to the accounting torture chamber, appeals the
where a seller must compare every promised
reimbursement to their actual financials on suspension,
Seller Central to find the errors.
Amazon jumps
PRO TIP: This is one more reason to
use a reimbursements service. You
the gun and
have better things to do with your time
– but you still need that money back!
‘destroys’ the

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
Amazon fails to fulfill a removal order
This is a rarity, but easily missed by most PRO TIP: Keep a log of removal
sellers. Why? Because the people taking care orders that is regularly handed off to
of Seller Central and the team managing the whomever manages your warehouse.
seller’s warehouse are usually two totally Check off orders as they are received,
different groups and file claims for any that are
incomplete or damaged.
When removal orders are placed, it can take
Amazon FBA months to actually send the in-
ventory to the seller. This also creates a situ-
ation where the pending removal order falls
down a memory hole. Making it worse, Ama-
zon doesn’t have a true deadline internally for
these things.

When removal orders

are placed, it can
take Amazon FBA
months to actually
send the inventory
to the seller.

© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved RIVERBEND CONSULTING™ | AMAZON. SOLVED.™
The real bottom line?

The situation for most Amazon sellers is that there are

not enough hours in the day to manage all aspects of their
business. Time is best spent on growth, sales, customer
service, Amazon compliance and more. Everything else
is pushed to the bottom. FBA reimbursements money is
there. It's just difficult to get.

It starts with the Riverbend Consulting reimbursements

team. Letting us handle reimbursements is easy and re-
quires no out-of-pocket costs.

Riverbend Consulting finds the money you're owed.

That's the real bottom line.

See what our customers are saying.

Connect with us.

“We chose Riverbend CALL
to manage all our
reimbursements. It costs us 877-289-1017
virtually nothing while they
consistently identify money EMAIL
Amazon owes us. Since
starting, they’ve recovered
almost $300,000 in money
owed to us by Amazon. They WEBSITE
make the process easy and
hands-off. I give them a 9.5
out of 10.”


“Riverbend tackles the

toughest cases to get Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Youtube Twitter
what we're owed. We've
yet to find a case they Visit... Click... Follow... Like... Subscribe, and Share us.
can't resolve.”

“Riverbend approaches every

challenge head-on. They manage GET YOUR MONEY
all our reimbursements and help us
with ASIN suspensions and account
issues. We haven’t found an issue
they can’t resolve. They give us solid
advice and peace of mind.”

“Riverbend’s Amazon.
reimbursements team Solved.™
makes it easy. I don’t
have to worry and get in
the middle or deal with
Amazon FBA. They do an
excellent job.” 766 Shrewsbury Ave., Suite 401 Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

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