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V(E): Good afternoon Yoshi and Anderson.

My name is Alonso, are you ready for the


Y(e): Good afternoon, yes, a little nervous but ready to start.

A(e): Good afternoon, yes ready to start.

V (E): Let's start, tell me Yoshi a little about your studies, has he finished his degree?

Y (e): Well, I studied Civil Engineering, about two years ago I finished my last cycle.

V: Anderson. What are you going to do after your graduation?

A(e): I am going to work independently in a bank to give greater security to its system.

V (E): Yoshi, have you already worked in a construction company?

Y(e): Yes, in 2019 I worked as a construction consulting intern.

V(E): Anderson, what has been one of your biggest dreams?

A(e): One of my biggest dreams, ever since I was a child, has been to be an excellent engineer.
Therefore, with a lot of effort, I got certifications to specialize in programming.

V (E): Yoshi, how has this pandemic affected your lifestyle?

Y(e): Well, I have implemented a training space inside my room and I continue to eat in the
same healthy way as before. For me it is important to eat healthy and not affect my

V: Anderson. Why did you choose the career of systems engineering?

A(e): Because I really like solving enigmas and codes, I'm passionate about programming.

V (E): Interesting, do you have any questions for me?

Y(E): Yes, what will be the area available to be able to act?

V(e): In the area of sanitary installations such as drinking water systems, I was making calls last
year, but I noticed that they do not have enough experience for the job.

A(e): I also have a question; do you have a vacancy in the cybersecurity area?

V: Yes, we just need a programmer who can help us with the security of the company.

A(e): I dominate that area, I would like to be part of the company.

V(E): Excellent, I have managed to see your interest in the different positions, send me your
papers that certify your work experience where you have been working before, by mail.

A(e): It is already being processed, what is the next step to take?

V(E): It will be a pleasure to read it, do not forget that you must go to a medical examination.

Y (e): Are there career advancement possibilities?

V(E): Of course, in the company we have agreements abroad that will be very useful for your
professional development.

Y(e): Well, thanks for listening, bye.

A(e): See you later.

V(E): Take care of yourself, see you soon.

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