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Handout on Lesson Planning

Philippine Indigenous Communities

Course Facilitator: Julie Grace K. Mi-ing – Docallas, Ed. D.

I. Lesson Planning Guide: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge

Systems and Practices in English Language Teaching
Objective: To incorporate indigenous knowledge systems and practices into
English language lessons, fostering cultural relevance, diversity, and respect in
the learning environment.
Step 1: Understand the Local Indigenous Context: (Use your initial works)
 Research and familiarize yourself with the Indigenous knowledge systems
and practices of the local community.
 Engage with local elders, community members, or cultural experts to
gain insights into traditional stories, values, language nuances, and
communication styles.
Step 2: Identify Relevant English Language Skills:
 Choose specific language skills and objectives that align with the
curriculum and are relevant to the community's needs and cultural
 Examples include storytelling, oral communication, written expression,
and critical analysis of texts.
Step 3: Develop Culturally Relevant Learning Materials:
 Create or adapt English language materials that incorporate Indigenous
stories, proverbs, or cultural references.
 Ensure that materials are respectful, accurate, and sensitive to the
cultural context.
Step 4: Design Engaging Activities:
 Plan activities that integrate Indigenous practices, such as storytelling
circles, group discussions on cultural themes, or collaborative projects
that connect language learning with cultural understanding.
 Include hands-on activities, incorporating traditional art, music, or
dance forms.
Step 5: Integrate Language Learning with Indigenous Knowledge:
 Embed language learning within the context of Indigenous knowledge,
allowing students to acquire language skills while engaging with their
cultural heritage.
 Emphasize language functions that are culturally relevant, such as
greetings, expressions of gratitude, or traditional storytelling techniques.
Step 6: Foster Collaborative Learning:
 Encourage students to work together on projects that explore and
celebrate their cultural heritage.
 Facilitate peer-to-peer learning by creating opportunities for students to
share their unique perspectives and linguistic abilities.
Step 7: Incorporate Assessment Strategies:
 Develop assessment tools that measure both language proficiency and
cultural understanding.
 Consider a variety of assessment methods, including portfolios,
presentations, or reflective journals, to capture the diverse ways in which
students engage with the material.
By following this guide, you can create English language lessons that not only
enhance language proficiency but also contribute to the preservation and
celebration of Indigenous knowledge systems and practices within the

II. Follow the template below for writing your lesson plan:
Objectives Learning Concept Learning Evaluation Assignment
3 objectives A. Subject A. Motivation A. Activity
here Matter B. Review 1
covering the B. References C. Presentatio B. Activity
each of the C. Materials n 2
following: D. Generalization

To fully follow the template, study the following guidelines and principles:
Writing learning objectives that cover the Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor
domains while adhering to the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) ensures clarity and effectiveness in
teaching and assessment. Here's a guide on writing SMART learning objectives
for each domain:
A. Writing SMART Learning Objectives
I. Cognitive Objectives: Cognitive objectives focus on intellectual abilities,
knowledge acquisition, and critical thinking.
 Example: analyze the cultural themes present in Indigenous
 Example: analyze of cultural themes in Indigenous stories is
relevant to fostering cultural understanding in English language
 Example: complete a written analysis of cultural themes in
Indigenous stories
II. Affective Objectives: Affective objectives focus on attitudes, values, and
emotional aspects of learning.
 Example: express empathy and respect towards different cultural
III. Psychomotor Objectives: Psychomotor objectives focus on physical skills
and coordination.
 Example: participate in oral storytelling circles, incorporating at
least three traditional communication elements
 Example: showcase the integration of traditional communication
By applying the SMART criteria to each type of objective, you ensure that your
learning objectives are clear, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound, providing a solid foundation for effective teaching and assessment.

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