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As a teacher I always prefer to using different strategies to teach my students to ensure that they have

fun during the lessons and in the same time allow them to make connections among the lessons to help
them In understand and remember the information. According to Rosenshine, (2012) there are
17 principles for effective instructions. after I had read them I realized that there are
many of them are familiar to me because it is similar to my teaching style , I have
already implement some of them in my classroom.

 Begin a lesson with a short review of previous learning.

This is the most favorite point to me because I have been using it for a long time and not only me most
of the teacher who’s careful on their students learning using it too, it is really helpful in the case that
there are several lessons have connection among them, for understanding the new lesson the students
should be memorize and understand the previous one; as we all know not all the are caring about study
the lessons after they take but if they knew that there will be a questionnaire about it related to their
grades maybe will encourage them to study.
By giving the first 5 minutes of the period to discuss the previous lesson with the students, including the
new information which they gain, or make it an assessment by picking some students to ask them some
questions, that will be an excellent entrance to the new lesson and will make the students very
interesting for the study. Without forgetting that in this way they won’t be worry during the quizzes or
exams because they have already studied the lessons.
 Ask the students to explain what they learn.
On the opposite of the first one, not all the teachers have the ability on managing the time and
periods which they have in the school for allowing the students to provide the knowledge which
they had in the lesson to their peers in their own way. I often use it with some difficulties in
managing time and encourage the students on explain for their peers to make them more comiii


Rosenshine, B. (2012). Principles of instruction: Research-based strategies that all teachers

should know. American Educator, 12-39.

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