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1. Yes, of course.

Because both reading techniques to find the main idea and important
information or situation of the whole book/text/paragraph.
2. Because gist summary of the main points of an idea, situation, and text from overarching theme.
So that it can be said as a clue/guide to what is being read.
3. The passage tells about Tom Collins’s offers his opinion about the end of TV. He thinks
this is not the end of TV, because TV still very popular way a lot of us get our
entertainment at home. It offers us the chance to see top musical artists, great films and
documentaries and sometimes, thanks to important live events, it has the power to bring
the whole country and all ages together in a way the Internet never could. He said that a
lot of content on the Internet isn't particularly great. At least TV shows have professional
people checking the quality of shows, which a lot of content on the web doesn't.

- A look at the title. Who is the subject. What is the topic. Search for the main
ideas of each paragraph. Find the important argue of the subject.

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