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The undersigned certify that they have read and hereby recommend for acceptance

by the University of Dar es Salaam a thesis entitled: Modelling ICT Adoption and

Use for SMEs Competitiveness and Growth, in fulfilment of the requirements for

the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering Management) of the University of

Dar es Salaam.


Prof. E. Mjema

(Supervisor 1)

Date: …………...……………………


Prof. B. A. T. Kundi

(Supervisor 2)

Date: …………...……………………




I, Cuthbert Ed’Benny Msuya Amos, declare that this thesis is my own original

work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other

University for a similar or any other degree award.

Signature ------------------------------------------

This thesis is copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the

Copyright Act 1999 and other international and national enactments, in that behalf,

on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means, in full or in part,

except for short extracts in fair dealings, for research or private study, critical

scholarly review or discourse with an acknowledgement, without the written

permission of the Director of Postgraduate Studies, on behalf of both the author and

the University of Dar es Salaam.



First and foremost, I would like to thank my GOD my creator for giving me the

strength, good health, knowledge and understanding that enabled me to achieve this

important goal in my life.

Second, I am especially indebted to Professor E. Mjema and Prof. B. A. T Kundi of

the University of Dar es Salaam for supervising this research. Their assistance on

academic issues, positive criticism and direction in this work have been invaluable.

Their guidance, comments and the massive editorial work made this work a success

and appear in a coherent manner.

My appreciation also goes to University of Dar es Salaam Management for the

financial support which made this work possible. I am particularly very thankful to

Prof. M. Maboko the then Deputy Vice Chancellor on Academic affairs for enabling

me to secure a UDSM SIDA SAREC sponsorship for this research. Without this

sponsorship, I would not have been able to pursue my studies.

Finally, but definitely not least, I would like to thank Dr. S. Kihwele for giving me

access to an E-Library with vast collection of reference books. I am also indebted to

all staff members of the MIE Department and fellow postgraduate students for all the

assistance they rendered to me during the course of this study. My wife Melania and

our children Amos, Alex and Anneth deserve my sincere gratitude for giving me the

reason to work harder. To all of you I say thank you very much and GOD bless you.


This work is dedicated to my father Amos W. Msuya, my mother Naojwa Herini, my

late brother Marcelino A. W. Msuya, my late cousin Grace Y. Mngara and my whole

family. Thank you very much for being there for me.


AGFI Adjusted Goodness-Of-Fit Index

AM Alternative Model

AMOS Analysis of Moment Structures

CFI Comparative Fit Index

DBERR Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform

DF Degree of Freedom

DOI Diffusion of Innovation

DTPB Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour

EDI Electronic Data Interchange

EM Expectation Maximisation

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GFI Goodness of Fit Index

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IDT Innovations Diffusion Theory

IS Information Systems

ISPs Internet Service Providers

IT Information Technology

LANs Local Area Networks

LDC Least Developed Countries

MAR Missing At Random

MCAR Missing Completely At Random


MG Model generating

ML Maximum likelihood

N Population

n Sample Size

NFI Normed Fit Index

NTP National Telecommunication Policy

OECD Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development

PC Personal Computer

RMSEA Root Mean Square Error of Approximation

ROI Return on Investment

SC Strictly Confirmatory

SCT Social Cognitive Theory

SEM Structural Equation Modelling

SMC Squared Multiple Correlations

SME Small and Medium Scale Enterprise

TAM Technology Acceptance Model

TAM2 Technology Acceptance Model 2

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TCRA Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority

TLI Tucker-Lewis coefficient Index

TPB Theory of Planned Behaviour

TPC Tanzania Posts Corporation

TPTC Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications Corporation

TRA Tanzania Revenue Authority


TRA Theory of Reasoned Action

TTCL Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited

UDSM University of Dar es Salaam

ULS Unweighted Least Squares

UN United Nations

URT United Republic of Tanzania

UTAUT Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

WWW World Wide Web



The Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) sector in Tanzania is characterised

by stagnant micro enterprises that have little incidence of growth. In addition, there

is enough evidence to the effect that SMEs in Tanzania are not utilising ICTs to their

advantage despite that fact that ICT adoption and use has become critical for any

business survival and growth. Thus, this research focused at developing an ICT

adoption model to aid Tanzania SMEs in the adoption process.

Using multiple research design, methodological triangulation and survey data from a

sample of 341 respondents, a parsimonious explanatory Structural Equation Model

that identifies critical adoption factors, test for effectiveness of government policies

as well as test the post adoption SMEs performance was developed and validated.

Research resulted as follows: (i) Perceived benefits, customer pressures and

marketing strategy are the critical determinant factors of ICT adoption in Tanzania

SMEs; (ii) Government policies in the form of taxes and tariffs, support programs

and support infrastructure do not help SMEs in ICT adoption situations; (iii) By

2014, adoption and use of ICTs in SMEs had grown from nonexistence in 2004 to

80.1% computer, 68.9% Internet access, 56.6% website, and 72.2% email; (iv) 47%

of the SMEs were competitive due to ICT adoption and use.

The developed model was able to account for 47.8% of ICT adoption and 16.5% of

SMEs performance using 5 predictor variables only proving to be reliable and easy to

use tool. Therefore, the model is recommended for use in Tanzania and other

countries with similar social and economic conditions to Tanzania.


Msuya, C. A., Mjema, E and Kundi, B (2016), “Assessment of ICT Adoption and

Use in Tanzania SME”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, September, 2016, AICC, Arusha


Msuya, C. A., Mjema, E and Kundi, B (2017), “ICT Adoption and Use in Tanzania

SMEs”, Accepted by Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, May


Msuya, C. A., Mjema, E and Kundi, B (2017), “Towards the Development of the

SMEs Sector in Tanzania: The Impact of Government Interventions for

aiding ICT Adoption and Use by SMEs” Submitted to Tanzania Journal of

Engineering and Technology, May 2017.





Declaration and Copyright...........................................................................................ii



List of Abbreviations....................................................................................................v


List of Papers Published in Association with this Thesis............................................ix

Table of Contents..........................................................................................................x

List of Tables............................................................................................................xxii

List of Figures..........................................................................................................xxvi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION......................................................................1

1.1 General Introduction.........................................................................................1

1.2 Definition of Terms..........................................................................................4

1.2.1 Definition of Technology.................................................................................4

1.2.2 Definition of ICT..............................................................................................4

1.2.3 Definition of Computer.....................................................................................5

1.2.4 Definition of the Internet..................................................................................5


1.2.5 SMEs Definition...............................................................................................6

1.3 Background to the Problem..............................................................................7

1.4 Statement of the Problem................................................................................10

1.5 Research Objectives........................................................................................12

1.5.1 The Main Objective........................................................................................12

1.5.2 Specific Objectives:........................................................................................12

1.6 Significance of the Research..........................................................................12

1.7 Scope of the Research.....................................................................................13

1.7.1 Study Area......................................................................................................14

1.7.2 Sectors Studied...............................................................................................14

1.7.3 Annual Turnover.............................................................................................15

1.7.4 Types of ICTs.................................................................................................16

1.7.5 Respondents....................................................................................................16

1.8 Thesis Organization........................................................................................16

1.9 Chapter Summary...........................................................................................21


SECTORS IN TANZANIA..........................................................................22

2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................22

2.2 The SME Sector in Tanzania..........................................................................22

2.2.1 Historical Background of the SME Sector in Tanzania..................................22


2.2.2 Current Status of the SME Sector in Tanzania...............................................25

2.3 ICT Development in Tanzania........................................................................28

2.3.1 Computer Technology....................................................................................28

2.3.2 The Telecommunications Sector....................................................................29

2.3.3 The Current Status of the ICT Sector in Tanzania.........................................31

2.4 ICT Adoption by Tanzania SMEs..................................................................39

2.5 Chapter Summary...........................................................................................41



3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................42

3.2 The Role of ICTs to Business.........................................................................42

3.2.1 Benefits of ICT Adoption in SMEs................................................................45

3.3 Review of ICT Adoption Theories and Models.............................................47

3.3.1 Theoretical Foundation of Adoption Models.................................................47

3.3.2 The Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory....................................................49

3.3.3 The Theory of Reasoned Action-(TRA).........................................................50

3.3.4 The Theory of Planned Behaviour-(TPB)......................................................52

3.3.5 The Technology Acceptance Model-(TAM)..................................................53

3.4. Models of ICT Adoption in SMEs..................................................................54

3.5 The Main Factors Influencing ICT Adoption in SMEs..................................63


3.6 Emerging Issues from Literature Review-Knowledge Gap Analysis.............65

3.7 Chapter Summary...........................................................................................66


4.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................67

4.2 Exploration of Research Variables.................................................................72

4.2.1 Personal Factors..............................................................................................72 Owner-Manager Education.............................................................................72 Knowledge of ICT..........................................................................................73 Perceived Benefits..........................................................................................74

4.2.2 Organisation Factors.......................................................................................77 The Firm........................................................................................................78 Organisational Readiness...............................................................................82 Business Strategy...........................................................................................85 External Pressures..........................................................................................90

4.2.3 Economic Factors...........................................................................................92 Access to Financial Support..........................................................................93 Costs of ICT Systems....................................................................................95

4.2.4 Government Policies.......................................................................................97 Support Programs........................................................................................102 Taxes and Tariffs.........................................................................................102

xiv Support Infrastructure..................................................................................105

4.2.5 ICT Adoption................................................................................................105 Computers.....................................................................................................106 The Internet..................................................................................................108

4.2.6 SME Performance........................................................................................113 Return on Investment...................................................................................116 Innovations..................................................................................................118

4.3 Summary of Model Factors..........................................................................120

4.3.1 The Conceptual Model.................................................................................122

4.4 Hypotheses....................................................................................................123

4.5 Chapter Summary.........................................................................................125


5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................126

5.2 Research Designs..........................................................................................129

5.2.1 Exploratory Research....................................................................................129

5.2.2 Descriptive Research....................................................................................130

5.2.3 Explanatory (Causal) Research.....................................................................131

5.2.4 Relationships among Research Designs.......................................................132

5.2.5 Research Design Used in the Current Study.................................................133

5.3 Research Philosophy.....................................................................................133


5.3.1 Philosophical Paradigm Adopted in the Current Research...........................137

5.4 Research Approaches....................................................................................137

5.4.1 Deductive Approach.....................................................................................137

5.4.2 Inductive Approach......................................................................................138

5.4.3 Research Approach Employed in the Current Study....................................139

5.5 Research Strategies.......................................................................................139

5.5.1 Case Study....................................................................................................140

5.5.2 Survey...........................................................................................................142

5.5.3 The Research Strategy Used in the Current Study.......................................143

5.6 Research Choices..........................................................................................144

5.6.1 Quantitative Research Method.....................................................................145

5.6.2 Qualitative Research Method.......................................................................146

5.6.3 Mixed Methods and Multi Methods.............................................................148

5.6.4 The Research Methods Used in the Current Study.......................................149

5.7 Research Time Dimension............................................................................150

5.8 Data Collection.............................................................................................151

5.8.1 Development of Research Instrument..........................................................151

5.8.2 Pilot Case Studies.........................................................................................151

5.8.3 Questionnaire Design....................................................................................152

5.8.4 Questionnaire Pre-test...................................................................................157


5.8.5 Pilot Survey..................................................................................................159

5.8.6 Reliability Analysis of the Research Instrument..........................................160

5.8.7 The Validity of Research Instrument............................................................163 Content Validity...........................................................................................164 Criterion-related Validity.............................................................................164 Construct Validity........................................................................................165

5.8.8 The Need for Sampling.................................................................................166 Sampling Procedures...................................................................................168 Study Population..........................................................................................169 Sampling Frame...........................................................................................169 Sample Size.................................................................................................170 Sampling Methods.......................................................................................174

5.9 Data Collection Procedures..........................................................................177

5.9.1 Unique Problems during Data Collection.....................................................178

5.9.2 Response Rate Analysis................................................................................180

5.10 Data Analysis Methods.................................................................................182

5.10.1 Preliminary Data Analysis Methods............................................................183

5.10.2 Structural Equation Modelling.....................................................................183 Structural Equation Modelling Goodness-of-Fit Statistics....................187 Multiple Group Analysis........................................................................192


5.10.3 Sample Size Requirements...........................................................................193

5.11 Considerations for Multivariate Data Analysis............................................193

5.11.1 Missing Data.................................................................................................194

5.11.2 Multivariate Outliers.....................................................................................197

5.11.3 Multivariate Normality.................................................................................200

5.11.4 Multicolinearity and Singularity...................................................................202

5.12 Chapter Summary.........................................................................................204


6.1 Introduction...................................................................................................205

6.2 Missing Data Analysis..................................................................................206

6.3 Testing Data for Multivariate Outliers.........................................................207

6.4 Reliability Analysis......................................................................................209

6.5 Convergent Validity Analysis.......................................................................211

6.6 Testing Data for Multivariate Normality......................................................212

6.7 Descriptive Analyses....................................................................................212

6.7.1 Demographic Statistics.................................................................................212

6.7.2 ICT Adoption................................................................................................216 Computer Adoption.....................................................................................216 Internet Adoption.........................................................................................218 Website Adoption........................................................................................219

xviii Email Adoption............................................................................................220

6.7.3 ICT use by Tanzania SMEs..........................................................................221 Use of Computers........................................................................................223 Use of the Internet.......................................................................................225

6.7.4 Post Adoption Performance Evaluation........................................................227

6.8 Discussion of Descriptive Analyses Findings..............................................229

6.9 Chapter Summary.........................................................................................232


7.1 Introduction...................................................................................................233

7.2 Constructs of the Research Model................................................................234

7.3 Construct Reliability.....................................................................................237

7.5 Discriminant Validity of Constructs.............................................................243

7.5.1 Measurement Model One.............................................................................245

7.5.2 Measurement Model Two.............................................................................250

7.5.3 Measurement Model Three...........................................................................253

7.6 Model Estimation..........................................................................................258

7.6.1 Unstandardised and Standardised Estimates................................................258

7.6.2. Squared Multiple Correlations (SMC)..........................................................259

7.7 The ICT Adoption Model for Tanzania SMEs.............................................260

7.7.1 Variables of the Developed ICT Adoption Model.......................................266


7.8 Hypotheses Testing-Direct Path Hypotheses................................................268

7.9 Hypotheses Testing-Moderating Hypotheses...............................................272

7.9.1 Effect of Support Programs on ICT Adoption..............................................275

7.9.2 Effect of Taxes and Tariffs on ICT Adoption..............................................283

7.9.3 Effect of Infrastructure on ICT Adoption.....................................................290

7.10 Interpretations of the Developed ICT Adoption Model...............................297

7.11 Chapter Summary.........................................................................................300


8.1 Introduction...................................................................................................306

8.2 Conclusions...................................................................................................307

8.2.1 The ICT Adoption Model.............................................................................307

8.2.2 Factors Influencing ICT Adoption by Tanzania SMEs................................309

8.2.3 The Relationship between the Relevant Factors and their Effect on ICT

Adoption by Tanzania SMEs........................................................................310

8.2.4 The Status of ICT Adoption and Use by Tanzania SMEs............................313

8.2.5 The Influence of ICT Adoption on Tanzania SMEs Performance...............314

8.3 Research Contributions.................................................................................315

8.3.1 Contribution to Knowledge..........................................................................315

8.3.2 Methodological Contributions......................................................................316

8.3.3 Practical Contributions.................................................................................317


8.4 Recommendations for Successful ICT Adoption by SMEs.........................318

8.4.1 General Recommendations for Practice/use.................................................319

8.4.2 Recommendations for Owner-Managers......................................................319

8.4.3 Recommendations to the Government..........................................................321

8.5 Research Limitations....................................................................................322

8.6 Direction for Future Research......................................................................324



Apendix I: Survey Research....................................................................................368

A: Cover Letter for Survey................................................................................368

B: Research Instrument.....................................................................................369

Appendix II: Descriptive Statistics..........................................................................376

A: Missing Data Analysis..................................................................................376

B: Multivariate Normality Test.........................................................................379

C: ICT Adoption and Frequency of Use............................................................380

Appendix III: Multicolinearity and Discriminant Validity Tests...........................382

A: Sample Correlation Standardized Residual Covariance’s and Implied

Correlations for Exogenous Latent Constructs.............................................382


B: Sample Correlation Standardized Residual Covariance’s and Implied

Correlations for Endogenous Latent Constructs...........................................388

C: Sample Correlation Standardized Residual Covariance’s and Implied

Correlations for all Latent Constructs...........................................................393

D: Sample Correlation and Standardized Residual Covariance’s for the ICT

Adoption Model............................................................................................395

Appendix IV: Multiple Group Analysis-Nested Model Comparison.....................397

A: Support Programs.........................................................................................397

B: Taxes and Tariffs..........................................................................................398

C: Support Infrastructure...................................................................................399


Table 1.1: Tanzania SMEs Classification................................................................7

Table 2.1: Small Business Distribution by Area....................................................27

Table 2.2: Computer Population in Tanzania up to 1993......................................29

Table 2.3: Licensed Operators between 2003~2009..............................................33

Table 2.4: Licensed Telecom Operators................................................................33

Table 2.5: Weighted Average Prepaid Tariff for Voice Telecom..........................34

Table 2.6: Subscriptions and Teledensity..............................................................35

Table 2.7: Internet Subscribers by Subscription Type...........................................36

Table 2.8: Estimates of Internet Users by Subscription Type...............................36

Table 3.1: Theories of 20 Most Cited Articles and Books on ICT Adoption........48

Table 3.2: Inhibitors for Internet Adoption in SMEs.............................................56

Table 3.3: Drivers for Internet Adoption in SMEs................................................57

Table 3.4: Summary of Relevant Studies of Technology Adoption in SMEs.......60

Table 3.5: Summary of Main Adoption Factors in SMEs.....................................64

Table 4.1: Summary of ICT Adoption Factors in the Current Study.....................69

Table 4.2: Individual Factors for the ICT Adoption Model.................................120

Table 5.1: The Relationship between Paradigms and Strategies.........................136

Table 5.2: Major Differences between Deductive and Inductive Approaches to


Table 5.3. The Differences in Emphasis in Qualitative vs. Quantitative Methods....


Table 5.4: Pilot Survey Reliability and Internal Consistence Analysis Results. .163

Table 5.5a: Sample Distribution in Participating Regions....................................176

Table 5.5b: Sample Distribution in Participating Districts....................................177

Table 5.6a: Summary of Survey Data from Secondary Sampling Units...............181

Table 5.6b: Summary of Survey Data from Primary Sampling Units...................182

Table 5.7: Summary of SEM Fit Measures Used in this Research......................191

Table 5.8: Sample Size Requirements for Different Statistical Analysis............193

Table 6.1: Mahalanobis Distance Test Results....................................................208

Table 6.2: Main Survey’s Reliability and Internal Consistence Analysis Results....


Table 6.3: Demographic Information..................................................................213

Table 6.4: Summary of Computer Adoption.......................................................217

Table 6.5: Networked Computers (LAN)............................................................217

Table 6.6: Summary of Internet Adoption...........................................................219

Table 6.7: Summary of Website Adoption..........................................................219

Table 6.8: Summary of Email Adoption..............................................................221

Table 6.9a: Use of Computers for all Accounting Activities................................224

Table6.9b: Use of Computers for Market Research.............................................224

Table 6.9c: Use of Computers for Business Transactions Using Software Packages.


Table 6.9d: Use of Computers for all Business Transactions................................224

Table 6.10a: Use of Email for external Communication.....................................225

Table 6.10b: Use of Internet for obtaining Information from Suppliers..............225

Table 6.10c: Use of Internet for Sending Purchase Orders to Suppliers.............226


Table 6.10d: Use of Internet for Product and Market Research...........................226

Table 6.10e: Use of Websites to Offer Information to Customers......................226

Table 6.10f: Use of Websites to Receive Orders from Customers......................226

Table 6.10g: Use of Internet for Offering Online Payments................................227

Table 6.11a: Increase of Profit Due to Computer Adoption................................227

Table 6.11b: Increase of Profit Due to Internet Adoption....................................227

Table 6.11c: Increase of Market Size Due to Internet Adoption.........................228

Table 6.11d: Increase of Market Size Due to Computer Adoption......................228

Table 6.11e: Process Innovations Due to Computer Adoption............................228

Table 6.11f: Process Innovations Due to the Internet.........................................229

Table 7.1: Constructs of the Model......................................................................236

Table 7.2: The SMC for the 41 Indicators Measuring Exogenous Constructs........239

Table 7.3: The SMC for the 22 Indicators Measuring Endogenous Constructs......240

Table 7.4: Summary of Highly Correlated Variables for the Three Exogenous Latent


Table 7.5: Summary of Highly Correlated Variables for the Two Endogenous Latent


Table 7.6: Correlation between Latent Constructs for Investigating Discriminant


Table 7.7: Implied (for all remaining variables) Correlations for Three Exogenous

Latent Constructs for Investigating Discriminant Validity....................247

Table 7.8: Standardized Residual Covariance’s for Measurement Model One...248

Table 7.9: Implied (for all variables) Correlations for two Endogenous Latent

Constructs for Investigating Discriminant Validity............................251


Table 7.10: Standardized Residual Covariance’s for Measurement Model Two. .251

Table 7.11: Correlation between Five Latent Constructs for Investigating

Discriminant Validity.........................................................................255

Table 7.12: Correlation between Five Latent Constructs (after recording variables)

for Investigating Discriminant Validity..............................................258

Table 7.13: Parameter Summary for the Developed ICT Adoption Model...........263

Table 7.14: Summary of developed ICT adoption Model Variables.....................266

Table 7.15: Regression Weights for ICT Adoption Model....................................269

Table 7.16: Squared Multiple Correlations for the ICT Adoption Model.............270

Table 7.17: Standardized Regression Weights......................................................271

Table 7.18: Covariances of the ICT Adoption Model...........................................271

Table 7.19: Parameter Summary for the Final ICT Adoption Model....................273

Table 7.20: Frequency Distribution for Government Support Programs..............276

Table 7.21a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Inadequate Support.......283

Table 7.21b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Adequate Support.........283

Table 7.22: Frequency Distribution regarding Taxes and Tariffs..........................284

Table 7.23a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Taxes not an Obstacle...289

Table 7.23b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Taxes an Obstacle.........290

Table 7.24: Frequency Distribution on Support Infrastructure..............................291

Table 7.25a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Adequate Infrastructure 296

Table 7.25b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Inadequate Infrastructure....


Table 7.26: Summary of Direct Hypotheses Results.............................................303

Table 7.27: Summary of Moderating Hypotheses Results....................................304


Table 7.28: Summary of the Implication of the Tested Hypotheses......................304


Figure 1.1: Thesis Outline.......................................................................................20

Figure 2.1: SMEs broad sector allocation by area..................................................27

Figure 2.2: Tanzania National ICT Broadband Backbone Network Map...............38

Figure 3.1: The Innovation Adoption Process........................................................49

Figure 3.2: Theory of Reasoned Action..................................................................51

Figure 3.3: The Theory of Planned Behaviour-TPB...............................................53

Figure 3.4: The Original Technology Acceptance Model.......................................54

Figure 3.5: Factors Affecting ICT Adoption by SMEs...........................................58

Figure 3.6: Model of ICT Adoption in Micro SMEs..............................................59

Figure 4.1: The Conceptual Model for Accessing ICT Adoption in SMEs..........122

Figure 5.1: Research Onion...................................................................................128

Figure 5.2: Relationships among Research Designs.............................................132

Figure 5.3: Sampling Process................................................................................168

Figure 6.1: Company Size-Number of Employees................................................214

Figure 6.2: Company Size-Capital Investment......................................................215

Figure 6.3: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Computers..................................217

Figure 6.4: Adoption and Frequency of Use of the Internet.................................218

Figure 6.5: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Website.......................................220

Figure 6.6: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Email..........................................221


Figure 7.1: Measurement Model One with Standardised Estimates for Three

Exogenous Latent Constructs.............................................................249

Figure 7.2: Measurement Model Two with Standardised Estimates for Two

Endogenous Latent Constructs...........................................................252

Figure 7.3: Measurement Model Three with Standardised Estimates for all Five

Latent Constructs................................................................................254

Figure 7.4: Measurement Model Three with Standardised Estimates for all Latent

Constructs using recorded Variables..................................................257

Figure 7.5: The Initial ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates......261

Figure 7.6: The Initial ICT Adoption Model with Standardised Estimates..........262

Figure 7.7: The ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates.................264

Figure 7.8: The ICT Adoption Model with Standardised Estimates.....................265

Figure 7.9: The Final ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates.......274

Figure 7.10: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Adequate Support Programs..................................277

Figure 7.11: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Inadequate Support Programs................................278

Figure 7.12: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Adequate Support Programs....................281

Figure 7.13: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Inadequate Support Programs.................282

Figure 7.14: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Taxes not an Obstacle............................................285


Figure 7.15: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Taxes an Obstacle..................................................286

Figure 7.16: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Taxes not an Obstacle..............................287

Figure 7.17: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Taxes an Obstacle....................................288

Figure 7.18: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Adequate Infrastructure..........................................292

Figure 7.19: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple

Group Analysis-Inadequate Infrastructure.......................................293

Figure 7.20: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Adequate Infrastructure...........................294

Figure 7.21: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for

Multiple Group Analysis-Inadequate Infrastructure.........................295




1.1 General Introduction

The importance of the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector as the cornerstone

of most economies is widely recognised (Abdullah and Bakar, 2000; Akhtar, 1997;

Costello, 2009; DBIS, 2013a; Hall, 2002; Mbamba, 2004; Olomi, 2005). The

literatures show that, almost 90% of the total numbers of businesses across the world

are SMEs (Mira and Robert, 2007). SMEs play a significant role in creating

employment opportunities (Hall, 2002), and they contribute substantially to the

economy. For example, in the Netherlands, in year 1999, SMEs accounted for

98.8% of all private sector companies and contributed 31.6% to Gross Domestic

Product (GDP). The sector also employed 55% of the total workforce (EIM, 1999).

In United Kingdom, in year 2007, about 99.9% of the nation’s 4.3 million business

enterprises were SMEs and they accounted for well over half of employment (58.9%)

and had a turnover of (51.9%) (DBERR, 2007).

The Observatory of European SMEs (2003) note that, in year 2003, about 92% of all

European enterprises were SMEs. More recent figures show that there are more than

20, 000,000 SMEs in EU representing about 99% of all businesses (European

Commission, 2014). These SMEs are considered to be the true back-bone of the

European economy (European Commission, 2014). They are primarily responsible

for innovation, employment, wealth generation, economic growth and social


integration (European Commission, 2014). At present, it is estimated that SMEs

provide two out of three of the private sector jobs and contribute to more than half of

the total value added created by businesses in the European Union (European

Commission, 2014).

Previous studies by Abdullah and Bakar (2000) and Urata (2000) suggested that,

SMEs were vital to the emergence of healthy private sectors, especially in

developing countries. This has been corroborated by newer studies. According to the

IFC (2010), formal SMEs contribute up to 45% of employment and up to 33% of

GDP in developing economies; these numbers are significantly higher when taking

into account the estimated contributions of SMEs operating in the informal sector

(IFC, 2010). The literature (DBIS, 2013a; IFC, 2010) has also shown that in

developing economies, SMEs could contribute more to economic development than

they currently do. Some of the wider issues that have been mentioned as

bottlenecks to the development of the sector in many countries include: Limited

access to finance; Too expensive labour force; Lack of skilled labour;

Implementation issues related to new technology; Implementation issues related to

new forms of organization; Lack of quality management; Problems with

administrative regulations; Problems with infrastructure and Problems with

purchasing power of customers (Observatory of European SMEs, 2007).

On the same note, in recent years, adoption and effective use of ICTs in business has

been identified as being critical to business survival and growth (Apulu; 2012;

Costello, 2009; Mbamba, 2004; Naul, 2012; Olomi, 2005; Van Akkeren and Cavaye,

1999b). In general, the use of ICTs in SMEs has been considered vital for making

SMEs competitive (Ahmed, et al., 2010; Apulu, 2012; Consoli, 2012; Costello,

2009; European Commission, 2014; Modimongale, 2009; Naul, 2012; Olise et al.,

2014; Skoko and Cerić, 2010; Tarutė and Gatautis, 2014).

According to the United Nations (2007), the use of ICTs in SMEs can result in

several significant benefits including increased productivity, increased efficiency of

internal business operations, improved internal and external communications,

reduction of communication costs and geographical barriers for both internal and

global clients and suppliers, expanding the market size (client base) through the use

of e-marketing.

The European Commission (2008) has also noted that, the use of ICTs in SMEs can

help SMEs to grow and become more innovative. Thus, the commission

recommends that ICTs adoption and use in SMEs should be encouraged (European

Commission, 2008). According to the European Commission (2008), the use of

ICTs in SMEs can help to improve the technical and managerial skills of the owner-

managers and thus enabling SMEs to take advantage of the available e-business

solutions. This in turn helps the SMEs to address the issue of high cost of

ownership of ICT equipment (European Commission, 2008).

In addition, Love et al. (2005) claim that, the use of ICTs affords many benefits to

the SMEs at both operational level, tactical level and strategic level. Moreover,

Ongori (2009) observed that, in the present era of globalisation, the adoption of ICT

would change the way businesses operate. In particular, Ongori (2009) envisaged

changing of business structures and business operations in order to create

competitive advantage for businesses. Consequently, Ongori (2009) concludes that,

“for SMEs to grow and become successful, they must have the ability to compete and

dynamically respond to rapidly changing markets. This means that SMEs need to

adopt ICT and connect to the digital marketplace”.

This study looks at the SMEs sector in the context of Tanzania. In particular, the

research investigates at how Tanzania SMEs can use ICTs in order to become

competitive and achieve sustainable growth.

1.2 Definition of Terms

1.2.1 Definition of Technology

According to the Open Learn (2014), depending on their viewpoint and context,

different people attach different meaning to the word technology. This research uses

the definition by (2014) which define technology as: “The branch of

knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their

interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as

industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science”. Different

technologies involved in this research a defined in subsequent sections.


1.2.2 Definition of ICT

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a broad concept that covers

Information Systems (IS) Information Technology (IT) and digitalisation

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). This research adopts the definition by Beckinsale and

Ram (2006). Beckinsale and Ram (2006) define ICT as “any technology used to

support information gathering, processing, distribution and use” According to

Beckinsale and Ram (2006), this covers all forms of technologies such as computers,

Internet, websites, fixed line telephones, mobile phones and other wireless

communications devices, computer networks, broadband and various specialised

devices (Manueli et al., 2007). The two technologies are defined in the subsequent


1.2.3 Definition of Computer

According to the American Heritage Science Dictionary (2005) computer is defined

as “a programmable machine that performs high speed processing of numbers, as

well as of text, graphics, symbols, and sound. All computers contain a central

processing unit that interprets and executes instructions; input devices, such as a

keyboard and a mouse, through which data and commands enter the computer;

memory that enables the computer to store programs and data; and output devices,

such as printers and display screens, that show the results after the computer has

processed data”. In this research, the use of computers for automation (digitisation)

of the business process as well as a strategic management tool in SME business

settings is explored.

1.2.4 Definition of the Internet

The Internet is an important aspect of ICT (Apulu, 2012; Beckinsale and Ram, 2006;

Manueli et al., 2007; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It is defined as “a publicly

available computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer

networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and

exchange” (Kripanont, 2007; Peterson and Davie, 2007). Kripanont (2007) report

that, in popular idiom, the Internet often refers to the World Wide Web (WWW),

electronic mail (email) and online chat services that operates on the Internet.

Sometimes, the Internet is simply referred to as “the Net”.

According to the literature, the Internet physically uses a portion of the total

resources of the currently existing public telecommunication networks (Kripanont,

2007). However, the Internet is distinguished from other types of communication

networks by its use of the use of TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data

transmission and exchange (Kripanont, 2007; Peterson and Davie, 2007). It should

be noted that, while computers facilitate for data processing, storage and

interpretation, the Internet allows for easy ways of transmission and sharing the

information. In this research, the use of Internet as strategic marketing and

communication tool is explored.

1.2.5 SMEs Definition

The SMEs nomenclature is used to mean micro, small and medium enterprises

(URT, 2002). Due to the wide diversity of businesses, there is no universally

accepted definition of SMEs (Harindranath et al., 2010; Massawe, 2003; Pass et al.,

2000; Wangwe, 1999). Different countries use various measures of size depending

on their level of development. The commonly used yardsticks are the total number of

employees, total investment and sales turnover (URT, 2002). This study adopts the

definition of SMEs as postulated by the SMEs Development Policy of Tanzania. See

URT (2002). In the context of Tanzania, SMEs are defined according to sector,

employment size and capital investments in machinery (URT, 2002). Accordingly,

SMEs are defined as micro, small and medium size enterprises in nonfarm activities,

including manufacturing, mining, commerce and services (URT, 2002). Micro

enterprises are those engaging up to 4 people, or employing capital amounting up to

TShs. 5 million. Small enterprises are those engaging between 5 and 49 employees or

with capital investment from TShs. 5 million to TShs. 200 million. Medium

enterprises employ between 50 and 99 people or use capital investment from TShs.

200 million to TShs. 800 million (URT, 2002). Table 6.1 gives Tanzania SMEs

classification system.

Table 1.1: Tanzania SMEs Classification

Category Number of Employees Capital Investment in Machinery

in TShs. (“000 000”)
Micro Enterprise 1-4 Up to 5
Small Enterprise 5-49 Above 5 to 200
Medium Enterprise 50-99 Above 200 to 800
Large Enterprise 100+ Above 800

Source: (URT, 2002)

According to URT (2002) in the event of an enterprise falling under more than one

category, then the level of investment becomes the deciding factor (URT, 2002).

1.3 Background to the Problem

In Tanzania, the SME sector has also been recognized as a significant sector in

employment creation, income generation, and poverty alleviation (Bagachwa, 1983;

Mbamba, 2004; NBS, 2014; Olomi, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002; URT, 2012).

The sector has also been considered a base for industrial development of the country

(Bagachwa, 1983; Mbamba, 2004; URT, 2002). At present, about 27% of the

Tanzania ‘s GDP originates from the SME sector (URT, 2012). Furthermore, it is

observed that, while employment has become a very significant issue in Tanzania,

over the past two decades, the SME sector has been the main source of new

employments (Mlingi, 2000; Olomi, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002). According

the literature (Olomi, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002) it is estimated that over 90%

of the new entrants into the Tanzania labour force every year end up in the SME

sector (URT, 2002). Olomi (2005; 2006) and URT (2002) conclude that, SMEs

development remains to be the main source of jobs in the future (Olomi, 2005; URT,


However, despite the importance of this sector as shown by the statistics, the SME

sector in Tanzania is still underdeveloped (Mbamba, 2004; Olomi, 2005; Olomi,

2006; URT, 2002; URT, 2012). Available literature shows the existence of a number

of constraints hampering the development of the sector (Calcopietro and Massawe,

1999; Mbamba, 2004, Olomi, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002). For example,

Calcopietro and Massawe (1999) identified and broadly classified the factors

hindering SMEs development in Tanzania into five categories namely; macro-

economic and policy environment, physical and technological infrastructure, the


banking and finance structure, legal and regulatory framework, and market

conditions. A closer analysis of the issues raised by Calcopietro and Massawe

(1999) shows that they are more or less the same issues raised by the Observatory of

European SMEs (2007) for European SMEs. In a different study, Olomi (2006)

specifically identified that, the limited capacity of people who start and operate the

businesses and the poor state of support institutions to the sector as being some of the

most serious problems hampering the development of the SME sector in Tanzania.

This is the same as lack of quality management and poor support infrastructure as

highlighted by the Observatory of European SMEs (2007). Other research work has

shown that the use of ICTs in Tanzania SMEs is still very low (Babiker, 2001;

Baynit, 2002; Issack, 2006; Isaya, 2009; Jonathan, 2004; Kavenuke, 2009; Mbamba,

2004; Mlay, 2009; Muttayabalwa, 2007; Naul, 2012).

In response to the challenges faced by the sector, there have been numerous efforts

by the Government of Tanzania to address some of the basic issues identified by the

literature (Mbamba, 2004; Olomi, 2005; URT, 2002; URT, 2012). The enacting of

the SME policy of Tanzania, the ICT policy of Tanzania and consequently the setting

up and coordination of support institutions for the SMEs and tax incentives are some

of government efforts to develop the sector (URT,2002; URT, 2003a). However,

despite these efforts, most recent studies (URT, 2012) indicate that, most of the

identified constraints have persisted to date. For example, according to the URT

(2012), ICT use among Tanzania SMEs is still very low despite the fact that among

other things, the policies are aimed at encouraging ICT adoption in businesses and

business growth in general (URT,2002; URT, 2003a). Overall, it can be noted that

there is lack of significant growth in many individual SMEs and the sector as a whole

(URT, 2012). Available data points out that, for more than three decades now, the

sector has been dominated by informal micro enterprises. In addition, these

businesses have an extremely low incidence of graduation to formal small and

medium size enterprise (Mlingi, 2000; NBS, 2014; NISS, 1991; Olomi, 2005, URT,

2002; URT, 2012).

Moreover, despite the fact that the number of SMEs has increased from 1.7 million

businesses in 1991 to about 3.2 Million businesses in 2010 and that the number of

people employed in the sector has increased from 3.0 million to 5.2 million jobs in

the same period, the sector contribution to the Tanzania economy has remained at

about 30% of the GDP (NBS, 2014; NISS, 1990; URT, 2002; URT, 2012). This

suggests that most of the individual SMEs remain stagnant for a big part of their life

cycle, a phenomenon also observed by Olomi (2006). Olomi (2006) noted that there

are variations in performance among SMEs; while some are growing, a majority of

small enterprises have permanently remained micro or informal without any marked

growth. As a result, these enterprises have limited access to markets, limited access

to some support services as well as limited capacity to pay taxes and create high-

quality jobs. Olomi (2006) further foresee that, with the ongoing globalization this

situation is likely to worsen as competition intensifies.

1.4 Statement of the Problem.

Tanzania SMEs are faced with a serious problem: after start-up, most SMEs remain

stagnant and do not grow up into mature business as are expected (Mbamba, 2004;

Mlingi, 2000; NISS, 1991; Olomi, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002). Moreover,

despite the fact that there is enough evidence to the effect that adoption and use of

ICTs is critical for business survival and growth (Ahmed, et al., 2010; Apulu, 2012;

Consoli, 2012; Costello, 2009; European Commission, 2014; Harindranath et al.,

2010; Hazbo and Arnela, 2010; Naul, 2012; Olise et al., 2014; Tarutė and Gatautis,

2014), ICT adoption and use in Tanzania SMEs is still very low (Baynit, 2002;

Issack, 2006; Isaya, 2009; Jonathan, 2004; Kavenuke, 2009; Mbamba, 2004; Mlay,

2009; Muttayabalwa, 2007; Naul, 2012; URT, 2012). Previous studies on the

problem in other countries show that, economic growth of a firm or that of a country

depends on the competitiveness of that firm or that nation (Rainer and Kazem 1994;

Syed and Mohammad, 2009; World Economic Forum, 2013). The literature further

shows that, in today’s knowledge economy, adoption and use of Information and

Communication Technologies (ICTs) represents the fundamental source of

competitiveness and the basis for SMEs survival and growth (Ahmed, et al., 2010;

Apulu, 2012; Consoli, 2012; Costello, 2009; European Commission, 2014; Hazbo

and Arnela, 2010; Modimongale, 2009; Naul, 2012; Olise et al., 2014; Tarutė and

Gatautis, 2014).

Based on the observed facts, the literature suggests various models for ICT adoption

by SMEs (Al-Qirim, 2005; Beckinsale and Ram, 2006; Costello, 2009; Grandon and

Pearson, 2004a; Manueli et al., 2007; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Pedersen, 2005; Van

Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b; Windrum and de Berranger, 2002; Zappala and Gray,

2006). However, most of these models have been developed on the level of

economic development and culture of a particular country, and none has been tested

to suit the Tanzania situation. According to Kilele (2011) and Mbamba (2004), the

most effective model has to relate to the local environment, economic and social

priorities of a country. Thus, because of the social context, the available models

cannot be used in Tanzania since they lack constructs and or elements that captures

the uniqueness of Tanzania situation. Review of the literature does not show any

work related to ICT adoption model that has been designed and tested specifically for

guiding SMEs ICT adoption process in the context of Tanzania. This is a knowledge

gap in the literature and a shortcoming in Tanzania SME sector. This work is an

attempt to bridge this gap by developing and testing a model that will aid ICT

adoption process in Tanzania SMEs.

1.5 Research Objectives

1.5.1 The Main Objective.

The overall objective of this research is to develop a model for guiding Tanzania

SMEs in the ICT adoption process. To achieve the main objective, the following

specific objectives will be undertaken.

1.5.2 Specific Objectives:

i. To analyse the factors influencing ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs.

ii. To establish the relationship between the relevant factors and their effect on

ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs.


iii. To establish the status of ICT adoption and use by Tanzania SMEs.

iv. To establish the influence of ICT adoption on Tanzania SMEs performance.

1.6 Significance of the Research

The results of this research have both academic and practical importance.

Academically the research contributes to the general literature that fills in the

knowledge gaps that has been highlighted by the literature review. In practical terms,

the developed model will enable SMEs in Tanzania to adopt ICTs successfully by

aiding the ICT adoption process. Also, the outcome of this research will draw

attention to issues that hold back efficient use of ICTs in SMEs after adoption and

explain how SMEs can use ICTs to gain competitive advantage. This will result in

SMEs growth and economic development of the country. Moreover, the results of

this research will serve as a yardstick on the relevance and effectiveness of existing

ICT policies. This will enable for timely policy reviews, implementation and support

strategies for SMEs by policy makers such as the government, regulators and

professional institutions. The developed model can also be used in other countries

that have similar social and economic conditions like Tanzania, such as the

developing countries south of the Sahara Desert.


1.7 Scope of the Research

This research has concentrated on the development and validation of an ICT

adoption model for aiding SMEs in Tanzania to adopt ICTs successfully. The model

can be replicated in other countries with similar social and economic conditions to

Tanzania. The Internet and Computer Technologies were empirically investigated in

the context of Tanzania SMEs in order to examine what potential determinant factors

are involved and how much they influence the adoption decisions. Post adoption

evaluation was also carried out in order to establish how adoption of ICTs influences

SMEs competitiveness and growth. In order to make the study manageable in the

given time frame and resource limitations, the research adopted the following


1.7.1 Study Area

Data was collected in four regions only in mainland Tanzania namely Dar es Salaam,

Arusha, Mwanza and Mbeya. The selection of these regions was justified by the fact

that, the four regions and in particular the four cities in these regions have the highest

business density than any other region or city in the country (TRA, 2013; URT,

2012). For example, according to the URT (2012) in year 2010, business

concentration in Mbeya city was 46% of all businesses in the Mbeya region while for

the Dar es Salaam city, business concentration was 45% of all businesses in Dar es

Salaam region. The high concentration of businesses in relatively small area made

data collection easier and reduced travel costs to reach the respondents. In addition,

the four regions offered the best opportunity to collect data about SMEs in rural

settings, as well as the data about SMEs in urban contexts, which was a prerequisite

for the study. It should be noted that, the four regions apart from being the home to

the four largest cities in Tanzania, they also have vast rural areas (NBS, 2014).

1.7.2 Sectors Studied

The literature has classified different business sectors as service sector,

manufacturing sector and trading sector (Costello; 2009; Peou; 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), most of the

previous studies on SMEs have treated SMEs as a single homogeneous group of

businesses and included SMEs from all sectors in the studies (Sophonthummapharn,

2008). Other researchers however have argued that, this has limited the

generalisation of results since SMEs in different sectors are radically different in the

nature of their business, and thus each sector could contribute to the research

uniquely (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The author notes that, the choice of what

approach is taken will much depend on the nature of the study.

In this study, SMEs from two sectors, the service and trading sectors were

researched. This choice was motivated by the fact that, the two sectors account for

over 85% of all SMEs in Tanzania. According to the URT (2012), the general

trading sector account for 55.4% of all SMEs while the service sector account for

30.5% of all SMEs. Therefore, the choice of the two sectors was expected to give

results that are relevant to the majority of SMEs in Tanzania. The choice also made

the data collection exercise easier. In addition, studying more than one sector created

the possibility of studying the two sectors separately as recommended by the

literature (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). However, due to sample size requirements,


this thesis report finding made on analyses that treat the SMEs from the two sectors

as a single homogeneous group.

1.7.3 Annual Turnover

This research concentrated on SMEs with an annual turnover of TShs 12,000,000

and above and excluded those below this threshold. This choice was influenced by

the fact that it was much easier to get detailed information about SMEs in this

category than in the other categories. According to data available from Tanzania

Revenue Authority (TRA), and the Districts/Municipal Directors, during the time

frame of this research, Dar es Salaam had about 25,386 businesses in this category,

Arusha had about 11,612 businesses, Mwanza had about 4855 businesses and Mbeya

had about 1146 businesses.

1.7.4 Types of ICTs

It should be noted that, ICT is a broad term covering a number of different

technologies (Beckinsale and Ram, 2006; Costello, 2009; Manueli et al., 2007;

Mpofu et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). However, this study focused on

the Computer and Internet technologies only, and this can also be attributed to

research constraints, that is, the time frame and the research budget. The choice of

these technologies was influenced by the fact that they have been shown to be the

fundamental source of competitiveness and growth for businesses in the present day

digital economy (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; European Commission, 2014; Hazbo

and Arnela, 2010; Olise et al., 2014; Tarutė and Gatautis, 2014).

1.7.5 Respondents

Respondents to this research were the owners-managers of SMEs in the service

sector and general trading sector. The choice of respondents was influenced by the

fact that, in SMEs, owners-managers make all key decisions including the decisions

on what type of technology is appropriate for their business (Apulu, 2012; Costello,

2009; Levy and Powell, 2005; Rashid and Al Qirim, 2001; Van Akkeren and

Cavaye, 1999b). Thus, only the data obtained from owners and or managers was

included in the analysis and data obtained from company employees was rejected.

1.8 Thesis Organization

The organization of this thesis is summarized in Figure 1.1 and is explained as


Chapter One: Introduction

This chapter presents a brief general introduction on the background of the research

along with definitions of the key concepts of this research, that is, ICTs, Computers,

the Internet and SMEs before spelling out the research problem. The chapter also

outlines the research main objective, together with specific objectives. This is

followed by the significance of the study as well as the scope of the research. The

chapter ends with an outline of the thesis.


Chapter Two: Literature Review I: The SME Sector and ICT Development in


This chapter explores the SME sector and ICT development in the context of

Tanzania. The chapter is arranged as follows: First, a historical account of the SME

sector in Tanzania is made. Second, an overview of ICT development in Tanzania is

made. Finally, the use of ICTs in Tanzania SMEs is explained before a summary is


Chapter Three: Literature Review II: ICT Adoption in SMEs

In this chapter, literature reviews regarding many aspects of ICT adoption in SMEs

are explored. A thorough review of past research and current theories and models

related to ICT adoption and use in SMEs is made. Finally, the shortcomings of the

existing models and knowledge gaps that justify the need for this study are identified.

Chapter Four: The Conceptual Model and Hypotheses

This chapter proposes and discusses a conceptual model for this study. The

conceptual model is developed using constructs and elements that have been firmly

established by the available literature that they are critical to adoption issues in

SMEs. The conceptual model has three groups of key determinants that are

expected to influence ICT adoption and usage behaviour by SMEs together with

o n e g r o u p o f moderators that are expected to moderate the influence of these

key determinants. Post adoption evaluation is also captured in the conceptual model

in a group of key performance indicators. From the developed conceptual model,

operational hypotheses for the research are formulated.


Chapter Five: Research Design and Methodology

This chapter presents the research design and methodology used in this study. Using

the metaphor of the “Research Onion”, philosophical paradigms related to IS

research are briefly discussed, and the philosophical standpoint of the author is

acknowledged. After that, the diverse alternatives to research approaches, designs,

strategies, and time dimension are discussed, and justification of specific choices and

uses made in this study are then clarified. Moreover, this chapter elaborates the

details of research methodologies in regard to sampling procedure and questionnaire

development, as well as data collection in both pilot study and the main survey.

Finally, the chapter provide a summary of data analysis methods and tools used in

the study.

Chapter Six: Preliminary Data Analysis and Findings

This chapter give account of some of analyses carried out on the data, and the

findings observed. The testing commences with analyses that are (almost always/

mandatory) carried out first before other types of data analysis can take place. These

include: Internal consistency reliability test, which is used to demonstrate the

reliability of the measurement instrument (Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; SPSS Survival Manual, 2007). This is followed by

missing data analysis which show and mitigate the impact of missing data, constructs

convergent validity tests, which is used to show the validity of the constructs, testing

for the univariate and multivariate normality of data using the Skewness and Kurtosis

statistic measures and testing for multivariate outliers using Mahalanobis distance

statistic. Thereafter, descriptive analyses are performed and inferences are made.

Results of the analyses are given in tables, figures and plots in order to enhance the

understanding of presented statistical results.

Chapter Seven: The ICT Adoption Model Development

This chapter presents development and testing the ICT adoption model. Construct

reliability and discriminant validity, multicolinearity and singularity tests are

performed first before the ICT adoption model is developed and analysed using the

Structural Equation Modelling techniques (SEM). The IBM AMOS version 20

software is used in the implementation of SEM. Research hypotheses are tested and

finally the model implications are discussed and explained.

Chapter Eight: Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter gives the overall conclusions of the study. The key findings of the

study are highlighted and then conclusions, recommendations, contributions of the

study, as well as the implications of the study, are made. The chapter also

acknowledges limitations of the study and ends by giving suggestions for further









Figure 1.1: Thesis Outline

1.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter has introduced the background information on the importance of the

SME sector in the economy of any country. The chapter has also highlighted the state

of the SME sector in Tanzania with great emphasis on the need for development of

the sector as a means of addressing critical social economic challenges faced by the

country such as employment creation, poverty reduction and the overall economic

growth of the country. The chapter further outlined the problem statement and set out

the research objectives. Moreover, a brief explanation of the justification for the

study as well as the scope of the research was made. The chapter ends by giving an

outline of the thesis.




2.1 Introduction

This chapter explores the SME sector and ICT development in the context of

Tanzania. The chapter is arranged as follows: First the SME sector is thoroughly

discussed, and the historical account and the current status of the SME sector in

Tanzania are made. Second, an overview of ICT development and the

telecommunication infrastructures in Tanzania are discussed whereby the National

ICT Policy and the Regulatory Framework are highlighted. Furthermore, important

statistics related to E-readiness are given. In conclusion, the chapter describes the

level of ICTs use in Tanzania SMEs.

2.2 The SME Sector in Tanzania

2.2.1 Historical Background of the SME Sector in Tanzania

The history of the SMEs sector in Tanzania is defined by three different times. The

colonial era which cover the timeframe from year 1891 to year 1960; the time soon

after independence in 1961 to the mid 1980s during which the country embraced

socialism political ideology and centrally planned economy; and the post

independence time from the mid 1980s to date, when the country switched from the

centrally planned economy to market oriented economy. According to the literature,

prior and during the early days of colonial era, the elements and skills of

entrepreneurship among the indigenous African people were represented by the

presence of the black-smiths and other crafts men (Naul, 2012).


During the colonial era, there were deliberate efforts in restricting the participation of

indigenous Africans in business activities (Naul, 2012; Rugumamu and Mutagwaba,

1999). Available literature shows that, during this time, the participation of

indigenous Africans in business was limited to ownership of very small enterprises

such as tiny shops whereas Arabs were allowed to operate as retailers only, and

Asians as medium wholesalers and retailers (Naul, 2012; Rugumamu and

Mutagwaba, 1999).

Soon after independence in year 1961, and in particular following the Arusha

Declaration in year 1967, Tanzania embraced socialism political ideology and

centrally planned economy (Naul, 2012; Rugumamu and Mutagwaba, 1999).

According to Naul (2012), the Arusha declaration focused on promoting public

ownership of the economy. This made the public sector the most important source of

investment and employment in the formal sector throughout this period. During this

time, marked achievement in social development especially in primary education,

health services delivery as well as water supply and sanitation were recorded in the

1970s and early 1980’s as a result of the socialism approach (Hamisi, 2011; Naul,

2012; Olomi, 2001a; Olomi, 2001b; Temu and Due, 2000). However, it was also

during this time, that the private sector was seriously marginalized (Naul, 2012;

Olomi, 2001a; 2001b). Within this socialism political framework, private business

sector was actively discouraged in favour of public enterprises that were government

owned, community based, or cooperative owned ventures (Naul, 2012; Olomi,

2001a; 2001b). Furthermore, all major undertakings in the private sector were

nationalized, and regulations restricting civil servants and leaders of the ruling

political party from engaging in business activities were instituted. This left

whatever was remaining of the business activities in the private sector to people who

had little or no education at all, since at that time, almost all indigenous educated

people were members of the civil service. Moreover, within this socialism policy,

decision making was based on a top down approach with the government being the

only organ that made all key decisions. According to Olomi (2001a; 2001b), the

reliance on Government discretion in decision making, contributed to the stifling of

development of entrepreneurial values such as the need for achievement, personal

initiatives and or creativity, willingness to take risks and related behaviours (Olomi

2001a; 2001b).

In the mid-1980s, Tanzania experienced a massive economic crisis that lasted for

over a decade and left the economy in shambles (Naul, 2012). During this time, the

government of Tanzania was forced to move from centrally planned public sector led

economy towards a more market oriented one, thus permitting the private sector

development. It was in this background that the SME sector in Tanzania was

established (Naul, 2012; Olomi, 2001a; 2001b). Since this time, the government

has taken a number of positive steps to ensure that the private sector and, in

particular, the SME sector is developed. These include for example, the formulation

of regulatory frameworks and policies such as the SME Policy of Tanzania (URT

2002) and the Tanzania ICT Policy (URT, 2003a), as well as the formation of

support institutions for the sector such as Small Industries Development Organisation

(SIDO) and the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH).

Nevertheless, looking at the historical background, it can be argued that, the SME

sector in Tanzania is a product of structural adjustment policies rather than of a

design and thus there are still a lot to be done to develop the sector further.

2.2.2 Current Status of the SME Sector in Tanzania

Olomi (2006) observed that, there is a shortage of comprehensive, accurate and up to

date data on the state of the sector (Olomi, 2006). According to Olomi (2006), for

almost two decades, most reports on the sector have relied on the data from 1991

National Informal Sector Survey (NISS) which became outdated and unreliable as

time went by. Olomi (2006) further noted that, although, in the same period, other

studies such as the 1992 Rural Informal Sector Survey (RISS) and the 1995 Dar es

Salaam Informal Sector Survey (DISS) were carried out and were the basis of some

of the reports on the sector, by far, in this period, the NISS (1991) remained to be the

only nationwide study of the informal sector. The author of this research observed

the same phenomenon. The most recent comprehensive study in the sector is the

URT (2012) which became available in 2013. It is thus natural that most of the

statistics given in this section are based on the URT (2012) and the NISS (1991)


According to the URT (2012), by September of year 2010, about 2,754,697

individuals in Tanzania owned and ran small businesses. The report further shows

that, while 86.2% of the small businesspersons owned and ran only one business, the

rest owned and ran two (12.8%) or more (1%) businesses. In total, all owners owned

and ran about 3,162,886 SMEs. The URT (2012) further reveals that, about 96.4%

of small business owners were sole proprietors, and about 3.5% were in partnerships

in which 77% of all partners were related (URT, 2012).

The URT (2012) report also show that, only 3.9% of all small businesses were

formally registered with the Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA);

of those unregistered, 96.4% were micro businesses, and 84.4% were classified as

small businesses. It is also reported that, only 44.7% of small business owners kept

financial records. Based on the survey findings, it was estimated that small

businesses contributed about 27% to Tanzania's GDP in 2010 and also made a

valuable contribution to poverty reduction (URT, 2012).

The major broad sectors identified by the URT (2012) include, the trade sector which

had about 1,758,896 SMEs and accounted for 55.4% of all SMEs, the service sector

which hand about 964,235 SMEs and accounted for 30.5%, of all SMEs and the

manufacturing sector which had about 430,381 SMEs and accounted for 13.6% of all

SMEs in Tanzania. The remaining 0.5% of SMEs were categorized as other services

(URT, 2012). Most of the SMEs in the other services category were related to

agriculture, forestry, and fishing (0.4%) and the remaining 0.1% were related to

water supply, sewerage, and waste management (URT, 2012). Out of the 3,162,886

SMEs in Tanzania over 90% were located in mainland Tanzania and the rest were

located in Zanzibar (URT, 2012). Table 2.1 show the general distribution of the

SMEs across the country while Figure 2.1 show the sectoral distribution of SMEs in

the country.

Table 2.1: Small Business Distribution by Area

Total Dar es Salaam Other urban Rural areas

3,162,886 466,049 935, 256 1,675,385

Source: URT (2012)

Source: URT (2012)

Figure 2.1: SMEs broad sector allocation by area

On employment creation, the URT (2012) report that, about 2.9% of all small

businesses had five or more employees; 66.1% were one person businesses, and

31.0% had two to four employees. Overall, the SMEs employed about 5,206,168

people; of those, 3,447,469 were owners/spouses; 964,246 were paid workers;

718,663 were relatives and friends; and 79,390 were apprentices. According to the

URT (2012) report, these figures indicate that employment in small business is

mainly a family affair. The low number of apprentices also indicates insufficient

skills development within the MSME segment. About one fifth of employed people

in the MSME segment were underemployed (URT, 2012).

NISS (1991) and Olomi (2005) observed that, the SME sector in Tanzania is

characterised by informal micro enterprises that had an extremely low incidence of

graduation to formal small and medium size. Olomi (2005) further argued that, these

enterprises remain marginal players, creating and sustaining low quality jobs. The

URT (2012) observations seem to confirm what has been observed by previous work.

2.3 ICT Development in Tanzania

2.3.1 Computer Technology

Development of the ICT sector with respect to use of the computer technology can

be traced back to year 1956 when the Public Works Department under the British

Administration introduced the hand punch input device for computer cards (Sawe,

1999). According to Sawe (1999) the device was used to capture data for processing

elsewhere. In year 1965, the government of Tanzania through the Ministry of

Finance introduced the first computer in the country (Mbamba, 2004; Naul, 2012).

This was immediately followed up by acquisitions of computers for other

government departments and parastatal organisations (Mbamba, 2004; Naul, 2012).

However, this investment failed to meet the expectations anticipated earlier and the

government of Tanzania banned the importation of computers for almost two

decades in the time from year 1974 to year 1993. Despite the ban on the importation

of computers, when trade liberalization started in year 1986, some organizations

started to import computers (Naul, 2012). A study conducted by Baker (1993) on

behalf of Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) show that

by 1993 computer use in Tanzania was still very low as shown in Table 2.2. In

recognition of the importance of computer use in the social and development of the

country, the government of Tanzania lifted the ban on the importation of computers

as part of economic liberalization (URT, 2003a). Moreover, the government of

Tanzania abolished all taxes and duties on computers and peripherals since the

financial year 2001/2002 as a stimulus to the development of the ICT sector (URT,


Table 2.2: Computer Population in Tanzania up to 1993

Year Number of Computers

Mainframes Mini Computers Microcomputers
1965 1 - -
1978 5 7 -
1984 13 15 79
1986 16 37 470
1993 - - 570

Source: Baker (1993)

2.3.2 The Telecommunications Sector

According to Behitsa et al. (2010), prior to economic liberalization of 1986 and up to

1993, the telecommunication sector was the monopoly of a state-owned company

Tanzania Telecommunication Company Limited (TTCL) operating under the then

Tanzania Posts and Telecommunications Corporation (TPTC). The TTCL held a

monopoly in the provision of communication, in particular, the telephone


communication service. In addition, TTCL was also responsible for the regulation of

the telecommunication sector (Behitsa et al., 2010).

As a part of a wider economic liberalization policy in the country, in year 1993, the

government of Tanzania paved the way for the liberalization of the

telecommunication sector through the Communication Act of 1993 (Behitsa et al.,

2010). This led to the split of the TPTC into the Tanzania Posts Corporation (TPC),

the Tanzania Telecommunications Company Limited (TTCL) and the Tanzania

Communication Commission (Behitsa et al., 2010). The Communication Act of

1993 was followed up by the National Telecommunication Policy (NTP) in year

1997 (URT, 1997). The National Telecommunication Policy provided the framework

for further reforms and private-sector engagement in the sector (Behitsa et al., 2010;

URT, 1997).

In year 2003, the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) was

established through the Act of the Parliament (Behitsa et al., 2010). TCRA is an

independent agency for the regulating and licensing of postal, broadcast and

communications industries. In particular, the TCRA is mandated to promote

competition and economic efficiency, protect consumer interests, grant licenses and

enforce license conditions, regulate tariffs, and monitor performance (Behitsa et al.,

2010). In the same year 2003, three other policies meant to provide frameworks and

guidance for further development and management of the sector was passed. These

include the National Information and Broadcasting Policy (URT, 2003b), the

National Postal Policy (URT, 2003c), and the Tanzania National ICT Policy (URT,

2003a). According to Behitsa et al. (2010), of the four mentioned policies, the

National Telecommunications Policy of 1997 is the basic document that provides

vision to 2020 (Behitsa et al., 2010). The policy aims at ensuring accelerated

development of telecommunications infrastructure and services in order to accelerate

access to telecommunication services by all sectors of the national economy as part

of the national development strategy (Behitsa et al., 2010). Tanzania’s ICT Policy

was approved by parliament in 2005 to provide Government guidance on ICT issues

(Behitsa et al., 2010). The policy aims at providing a national framework that will

enable ICT to contribute towards achieving national development goals; and to

transform Tanzania into a knowledge-based society through the application of ICT

(Behitsa et al., 2010; URT, 2003a).

The sector became fully liberalized in year 2005 and by year 2009; Tanzania had a

fully competitive telecommunications sector (Behitsa et al., 2010). As a result of

these efforts, in year 2009, Tanzania’s telecommunications sector was the fastest

growing sector of the economy (Behitsa et al., 2010; URT, 2010). In that year, the

sector recorded a 21.9% growth, up from 20.5% in 2008 and contributed 2.5% to the

GDP up from 2.1 % in 2008 (URT, 2010). The full impact of these efforts can be

explained better by looking at the trend of the sector development as explained in

section 2.3.3. Naul (2012) notes that, to date, ICT has grown in importance and

usage, and it is applied in almost all aspects of life from domestic, business and the

academic arena.

2.3.3 The Current Status of the ICT Sector in Tanzania

Available data show that since liberalization of the telecommunication sector began,

there has been remarkable growth. However, in order to fully comprehend the

figures and statistics that show the current status of the ICT sector in Tanzania, it is

important to take note on how the data in the sector has been archived over the years.

Under the TTCL, telecommunications sector licenses were based on the so called

vertical regime, whereby the license granted the operator “the right to operate a

telecom or a broadcasting network and right to provide services on that network”.

According to TCRA (2014a) and Behitsa et al. (2010), the convergence of

technology in the telecommunications sector necessitated the adoption of a

technology and service neutral licensing regime, technically known as the Converged

Licensing Framework (CLF). TCRA introduced the CLF in February 2006 with four

license clusters namely: The Network Facilities License (NFL), the Network

Services License (NSL), the Applications Service License (ASL) and the Contents

Services License (CSL). These licenses cover international, national, regional and

district market segments. At the same time, in a phasing out arrangement, TCRA

continued to issue licenses issued under the old regime in the areas of Public Data

Operators, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Private Dedicated Data

Communications, and Postal and Courier Operators up until 2009.

Table 2.3 shows the trend of Voice Mobile Operators and ISP/Data operators in the

time frame from year 2003 to year 2009. In this time frame, the number of Voice

Mobile Operators increased from 5 in year 2003 to 7 in year 2009 while the number

of Internet Service Providers (ISP) grew from 22 to 62 in the same time frame.

Table 2.4 shows a summary of Telecommunications Operators licensed under the

Converged Licensing Framework.

Table 2.3: Licensed Operators between 2003~2009

Number/Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Voice Mobile Operators 5 5 5 6 6 6 7
ISP/Data Operators 22 23 23 25 34 60 62

Source: Behitsa et al. (2010).

Table 2.4: Licensed Telecom Operators

Type of License Market segment Number of Licenses as at

September 2014
Network Facilities International and National 8
National 12
Regional 2
Network Services International and National 8
National 7
Regional 3
Application Services International and National 15
International 1
National 55
Regional 11
District 1
Content Services National TV Stations 5
Regional TV Stations 1
District TV Stations 20
National Radio Stations 6
Regional Radio Stations 17
District Radio Stations 61

Source: TCRA (2014a)


As at September 2014, under the CLF, the TCRA has issued 22 Network Facility

Licenses, of which 8 are both international and national, 12 are national and 2 are

regional. Within the same time frame, 18 Network Services Licenses were issued, of

which 8 are both international and national, 7 are national, and 3 are regional.

Moreover, a total of 83 Application Services Licenses were issued, of which 15 are

both international and national, 1 is international, 55 are national, 11 are regional and

1 district license. Also, a total of 110 Content Services Licenses have been issued, or

which 5 are national TV stations, 1 regional TV station, 20 district TV stations, 6

national Radio stations, 17 regional radio stations and 61 district radio stations.

Behitsa et al. (2010) noted that, it is not easy to determine the actual number of

operational licensees, due to the nature of the licensing process. They recommended

a study to determine the different levels of operation for the different licensees.

Table 2.5 document the trend of the tariffs for prepaid voice services in the time from

year 2005 to year 2013. It can be observed that there has been a significant

reduction in the cost in this time frame. According to Behitsa et al. (2010), the

prepaid voice (telecommunication) per minute tariffs decreased by about 40% over

the period between year 2003 and year 2009.

Table 2.5: Weighted Average Prepaid Tariff for Voice Telecom

Year On-Net Off-Net East Africa International

Tariffs Tariffs Tariffs Tariffs
2005 219 292 499 1,580
2006 223 284 362 608
2007 199 286 331 465
2008 212 284 332 485
2009 147 292 332 453

2010 93 263 330 468

2011 62 187 331 476
2012 89 182 326 485
2013 165 240 399 752

Source: TCRA (2014b)

Table 2.6 show the trend on the subscription for both fixed and mobile networks and

the overall Teledensity for the time from year 2005 to year 2014. It can be observed

that, during this time, voice subscribers (both fixed and mobile) increased from

3,118,157 to 30,530, 609. On the same note, the Teledensity increased from 10% in

year 2005 to 68% in year 2015. This by all means is a major growth of the sector.

However, Behitsa et al. (2010) cautions on the meaning and use of this data since it

is known that most mobile phone users can have up to four registered lines with

different operators. When this is taken into account, the actual Teledensity may be

much lower than recorded here. Moreover, it is also known that, most of mobile

phone users are located in urban areas, and thus this figure does not tell anything

about the actual digital divide between rural and urban dwellers. Nevertheless, the

observed growth is remarkable.

Table 2.6: Subscriptions and Teledensity

Year Fixed Network Mobile Network Total Teledensity

Subscriptions Subscriptions Subscriptions (Penetrations)
2005 154,420 2,963,737 3,118,157 10%
2006 151,644 5,614,922 5,766,566 15%
2007 163,269 8,322,857 8,486,126 21%
2008 123,809 13,006,793 13,130,602 32%
2009 172,922 17,469,486 17,642,408 43%
2010 174,511 20,983,853 21,158,364 50%
2011 161,063 25,666,455 25,827,518 59%
2012 176,367 27,450,789 27,627,156 61%
2013 164,999 27,442,823 27,607,822 61%

2014 150,149 30,430,460 30,580,609 68%

Note: 2014 Statistics collected up to September 2014

Source: TCRA (2014b)

Table 2.7 and Table 2.8 show the data for Internet subscribers by subscription type

and the estimates of Internet users by subscription type respectively. Compared to

voice subscription, it can be observed that internet penetration in Tanzania is still

very low.

Table 2.7: Internet Subscribers by Subscription Type

Year Internet Cafes Organizations/ Household Total

Institutions /Individuals
2008 350 3,055 248,433 251,838
2009 599 3,235 393,688 397,522
2010 736 3,329 533,090 537,155
2011 602 3,323 567,487 571,412
2012 636 3,245 1,133,417 1,137,298
2013 652 3,952 1,429,588 1,434,192

Source: TCRA (2014b)

Table 2.8: Estimates of Internet Users by Subscription Type

Year Internet Cafes Organizations Household Total

/Institutions /Individuals
2008 126,000 2,444,000 993,732 3,563,732
2009 215,640 2,588,000 1,574,752 4,378,392
2010 264,960 2,663,200 2,132,360 5,060,520
2011 216,720 2,824,550 2,269,948 5,311,218
2012 228,960 2,758,250 4,533,668 7,520,878
2013 234,720 3,359,200 5,718,352 9,312,272

Source: TCRA (2014b)


In a study conducted in year 2005, Souter et al. (2007) concluded that Internet

penetration in Tanzania was negligible. Behitsa et al. (2010) argue that, until 2009

Tanzania's Internet sector had remained underdeveloped as confirmed by data from

Table 2.8. Available literature (URT, 2003a) show that, one of the major constraints

on ICT development in Tanzania has been very high costs of service provision, a

problem attributed to the lack of adequate communications infrastructure.

According to Behitsa et al. (2010) this was true during the time when internal

communications infrastructure depended heavily on the traditional fixed-line

network that have limited reach and the international communications infrastructure

depended much on satellite and microwave links both of which are significantly

more expensive to operate and offer much less capacity than optical fibre cables.

In line with the ICT policy (URT, 2003a) in year 2009, Tanzania embarked on

building a high capacity state-of-art National ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB)

with a view to achieving its ICT vision (Pazi and Chatwin, 2013; Pazi et al., 2013;

Yonazi, 2012). The NICTBB project has four phases. Phase one is intended to

connect all regional administrative headquarters, phase two to connect some district

headquarters, phase three to connect all remaining district headquarters and phase

four to connect all villages in mainland Tanzania. The NICTBB phase one and two

were completed and became operational in year 2010 and 2012 respectively. The

two phases covers 7560 km out of the intended 10,000km for the whole project (Pazi

and Chatwin, 2013) and has connected 21 regional and some district headquarters.

At present NICTBB has Point of Presence (PoPs) in the administrative headquarters

of all districts of Tanzania Mainland.

Moreover, by design, the NICTBB addresses national needs and those of the

landlocked neighbouring countries by offering both cross-border connectivity and

access to International submarine cables (Pazi and Chatwin, 2013). On the same

context, the first international submarine fibre cable arrived in Tanzania in July 2009,

and became operational in year 2010 (Pazi and Chatwin, 2013; Yonazi, 2012). At

present Tanzania is connected to two operational international submarine cables by

SEACOM and EASSY cables in Dar es Salaam. Figure 2.2 show the NICTBB map

with regional and cross-border PoPs as well as the two international submarine

cables highlighted.

Source: URT (2014)

Figure 2.2: Tanzania National ICT Broadband Backbone Network Map

The advent of the NICTBB and the landing of international submarine optical fibre

cables have had a great impact on the development of the ICT sector in Tanzania.

For example, according to Yonazi (2012), by year 2012, the backhaul tariffs in

Tanzania were reduced by 99%, compared to year 2009 tariffs as a result of the

NICTBB. Yonazi (2012) further observes that, the abundance of national and

international bandwidth is fast enabling e-markets in Tanzania to emerge and are


growing, leveraging the growing popularity of e-transactions already backed by

Mobile electronic money transfer services. In conclusion, while a number of

constraints still remain to bring up ICT usage in Tanzania, this section has shown a

number of very positive initiatives that has been taken to push forward the sector.

2.4 ICT Adoption by Tanzania SMEs

As pointed out in section 2.2.2, there is very little literature on the SME sector in

Tanzania. Academic studies carried out about ICT adoption in SMEs in Tanzania

include the work of Isaya (2009), Jonathan (2004), Mbamba (2004), Muttayabalwa

(2007) and Naul (2012). Other studies such as that of Babiker (2001), Baynit

(2002), Issack (2006), Kavenuke (2009) and Mlay (2009) explores ICT adoption and

use in big business or government institutions. These studies together paint a

picture that ICT adoption and use in the country, in general, is still very low despite

government efforts such as enacting of ICT and SMEs policies and the tax incentives

for the acquisition of ICTs in particular computers. This opinion was also echoed by

three of the respondents during the pilot study of this research. The three

respondents on different occasions and locations were of the opinion that the country

as a whole was not ready to engage in serious business models involving massive use

of ICTs. One respondent cited the lack of a national payment system, local credit

cards, and a legislative framework appropriate for e-business. The other two cited as

examples, lack of adequate infrastructure to support their business ideas, high cost of

ICT business solutions, lack of trust in online business transactions and unplanned

frequent power cuts. The low usage of ICTs among Tanzania SMEs is also

highlighted by the URT (2012) which is one of the most recent comprehensive

studies on the topic.

According to the URT (2012), there are very few small businesses that own a laptop

or a computer. Those who own a computer use it mainly for business correspondence

(0.5%), business records (0.5%), accessing the internet (0.3%), providing computer

services to customers (0.1%), selling products and services online (0.0%), or private

use (0.1%). Also, most of the small businesses surveyed did not use the internet for

doing business. Only a few (0.5%) used the internet for getting information about

products and markets, and almost none used it for orders with suppliers and

customers. A very few (0.6%) used it for sending and receiving emails.

Note, however, that, the URT (2012) baseline survey choice of respondents included:

SMEs that conducted business by the road side (16.6%), SMEs that conducted

business at home (39.8%), and mobile businesses (8.4%). Only 18.4% of the

respondents of the URT (2012) were located in formal commercial area. In this

research, only SMEs located in formal commercial area were considered. In

addition, only SMEs with annual turnover of from 12,000,000/= and above were

considered in this research. The choices made were based on the fact that, it was

easier to reach the SMEs in these categories and get their detailed information than

the SMEs in the other categories. Given, the differences on the selection of the unit

of analysis for the two studies, that is the current study and the URT (2012) baseline

survey, this research is expected to give slightly different statistics on the state of

ICT adoption and use among Tanzania SMEs.


2.5 Chapter Summary

This chapter has highlighted the developments in the SME sector and ICT sector

respectively in the context of Tanzania. The chapter has shown that while there are

significant developments in the two sectors since structural adjustment policies were

implemented, a number of challenges still remain. One notable problem is the low

usage of ICTs among Tanzania SMEs. This problem is one of the primary concerns

of this research since the importance of ICT usage in businesses is well

acknowledged in the literature. Preliminary inquiries conducted by the author

suggest that, lack of regulatory framework, inadequate infrastructure, high costs of

ICT solutions, mistrust of online business transactions and frequent power cuts to be

some of the wider issues affecting ICT adoption and use in SMEs.



3.1 Introduction

This study covers a topic that has been the focus of much research in the past decade,

and, for this reason, a lot of literature exists in the area with a variety of

terminologies used. An excellent summary of the research in this respect is found in

the work of Costello (2009), Korpelainen (2011), Mpofu et al. (2009) and

Sophonthummapharn (2008). Terminologies commonly found in the literature

include Information System (IS), Information Technology (IT), and Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008),

these terms are not distinct from each other. They are connected to technology and

sometimes substituted and used interchangeably (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). For

this reason, all studies related to IS, IT, and ICT adoption are applicable to this


The rest of this chapter is organised as follows: First a review of the literature is

made on the impact and importance of ICTs use in SMEs. Second, a review of past

research and current theories and models related to ICT adoption and use in SMEs is

made. Finally, the shortcomings of the existing models and knowledge gaps are


3.2 The Role of ICTs to Business

The literature has shown that, in recent years, ICT implementations in business have

become indispensable (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Galloway and Mochrie, 2005;

Hazbo and Arnela, 2010; Mbamba, 2004; Modimongale, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Naul, 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to Apulu (2012), the use of

ICTs in business has revolutionised business practices, and this has made adoption

and use of ICT critical to all business. Previous studies show that, benefits of ICT

cut across all sectors of the economy and all fields of human activities (Apulu, 2012;

Ion and Andreea, 2008). A number of benefits attributed to ICT implementations in

business have been identified (Apulu, 2012). Generally speaking, ICTs are said to

enhance business operations, as well as organisational efficiency (Apulu, 2012; Ion

and Andreea, 2008; Udo and Edoho, 2000).

Naul (2012) note that, the benefits of ICTs to any business can be categorised into

two groups namely primary activities and supportive or secondary activities.

According to Naul (2012) primary activities involve such activities as inbound and

outbound logistics, operation and manufacturing programs, marketing, sales and

services. Inbound logistics consist of relationships with suppliers that include all

activities required to receive, store and disseminate outputs (Naul, 2012). Outbound

logistics involve activities required to collect, store and distribute the output such as

e-commerce and e-marketing through website (Naul, 2012). Operation and

manufacturing programs include all activities required to transform inputs into

outputs of products and services (Naul, 2012).


Secondary activities involve Procurement, Human Resource Management,

Technological Development and infrastructure that serves the company needs and

ties its various parts together (Naul, 2012). Infrastructure consists of functions or

departments such as accounting, legal, finance, planning, public affairs, government

relations, quality assurance and general management (Naul, 2012). Procurement is

the acquisition of inputs for the firm, while Human Resource Management consists

of all activities involved in recruiting, hiring, training, developing, compensating and

if necessary dismissing or laying off personnel (Naul, 2012). Technological

Development is concerned with the equipment, hardware, software procedures and

technical knowledge that is brought to bear in the firm’s transformation of inputs into

outputs (Naul, 2012).

According to Moreton and Chester (1997), there are some organisational initiatives

that are impossible to realise without the use of ICT. They further argue that “ICT

provides an unparalleled method of processing; analysing and communicating the

information from both inside and outside business that is needed to detect and

understand the patterns and pace of change” (Moreton and Chester, 1997). Apulu

(2012) claim that, ICTs offers many potential benefits to organisations. They make

the organisations more efficient, effective and competitive (Apulu, 2012). Fulantelli

and Allegra (2003) and Jonathan (2004) observe from the literature that, ICTs give

enterprises many possibilities for improving their competitiveness. Fulantelli and

Allegra (2003) claim that, “ICT provides mechanisms for gaining access to new

market opportunities and specialized information services such as distance

consulting, continuous training and new advisory modes”. The implication of this

observation is that, organisations that are capable of exploiting the benefits offered

by ICT can handle innovative processes such as knowledge management, customer

relationship management and supply chain management more effectively

(Fulantelli and Allegra, 2003, Jonathan, 2004).

3.2.1 Benefits of ICT Adoption in SMEs

Harindranath et al. (2010) noted that, regardless of the differences that exist between

big businesses and small businesses, SMEs are actually not different from larger

firms in one key aspect. That is, in order to survive and prosper in competitive

business arenas, both SMEs and larger firms need to successfully maintain a

competitive advantage. According to Dyerson et al. (2009), “the adoption and use

of ICT is widely seen as critical for the competitiveness of SMEs in the emerging

global market and has resulted in more effective use of time”. Skoko et al. (2008)

claim that, the role of ICT in SMEs must be considered very important since ICTs

have become “a major catalyst and enabler of organisational change”.

The literature (Evans and Wurster, 1997; Jannex et al., 2004) observes that, ICTs can

increase the richness and reach of the SMEs. Using ICTs, SMEs get the opportunity

to conduct business anywhere in the world. Moreover, companies can communicate,

collaborate and conduct transactions with their customers, distributors and suppliers

via the internet (Evans and Wurster, 1997; Jannex et al., 2004). In other words,

ICTs give SMEs the ability to participate in the global digital economy (Golding et

al., 2008). According to Ashrafi and Murtaza (2010), ICTs give SMEs the ability to

gain access to new markets, supply new products and services, add value to products,

changes the company business processes, increase performance and productivity of

the business, the ability to employ new business outlets and the ability to maintain

competitiveness edge.

According to Pavic et al. (2007) the advances in ICTs have given SMEs the

opportunity to attain a competitive advantage through process and product

innovations, marketing, and better customer responsiveness. Frempong (2007) and

Apulu (2012) observe that, the contributions of ICT to business development have

been all-encompassing and therefore businesses of all size including SMEs find that

without adequate ICT infrastructures, it is becoming increasingly difficult to

compete effectively in the world markets (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Frempong,

2007). The United Nations (2007) conclude that, the use of ICT enables SMEs to

participate in the knowledge economy and offers vast opportunities to narrow down

the social and economic inequalities that will assist SMEs in achieving broader

development goals (United Nations, 2007).

However, despite the recognition of the importance of ICTs in businesses, there is

evidence to the effect that, SMEs have not been responding quickly enough to

changes in ICT (Harindranath et al., 2010). That is, the take-up of such technologies

by SMEs has not been widespread (Harindranath et al., 2010). This shortcoming has

been a subject of intense research (including this work) in the past two decades. In

the next section, ICT adoption theories and models are thoroughly explored.

3.3 Review of ICT Adoption Theories and Models

3.3.1 Theoretical Foundation of Adoption Models

Gallivan (2001) as cited in Jeyaraj et al. (2006) and Korpelainen (2011) distinguishes

four theories namely the Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI), the Theory of

Reasoned Action (TRA), the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), and the

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the core theoretical frameworks upon

which most of the technology adoption studies are based. According to the literature

(Manueli et al., 2007; Venkatesh and Davis 2000), several hundred studies may be

found applying one or a combination of these theories to explain end-users' adoption

and acceptance of different kinds of ICT-systems and applications (Manueli et al.,

2007; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000). Apart from the four theories, the Social

Cognitive Theory (SCT) has also been used in some adoption studies

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In Korpelainen (2011) study, a ranking of most cited

theories of ICT implementation and adoption is made as depicted in Table 3.1. In

this ranking, TAM was found to be the most cited theory of the literature. Another

previous literature has also distinguished that in the past two decades, the TAM has

been the most influential model (Chuttur, 2009; Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Korpelainen,

2011). A summary for each of the four core theoretical constructs are presented

below while full details are presented in other studies such as Costello (2009),

Kripanont (2007), Manueli et al. (2007), Sophonthummapharn (2008) and Venkatesh

and Davis (2000).


Table 3.1: Theories of 20 Most Cited Articles and Books on ICT Adoption


1. Diffusion of Innovations (DOI)

DOI Rogers, (1965) (different
editions); Moore and Benbasat,
TRA and DOI Combination Karahanna et al. (1999)

2. Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA)

TRA Fishbein and Ajzen (1975;
TRA and TAM (comparison) Davis et al. (1989)

3. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

TAM Davis (1989)
TAM and TPB (comparison) Mathieson (1991)
TAM (replication) Adams et al. (1992)
TAM, TPB, and DTPB (comparison) Taylor and Todd (1995)
TAM2 (Extension of TAM) Venkatesh and Davis (2000)

4. Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)

TBP Ajzen (1991)

5. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use

of Technology (UTAUT)
UTAUT combines eight models: TRA, Venkatesh et al. (2003)
TAM, and TPB

6. Model of the ICT Implementation Cooper and Zmud (1990)


7. Information Systems Success Model Delone and McLean (1992)

Source: Korpelainen (2011)


3.3.2 The Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory

The framework of innovation adoption process was introduced in 1962 and has been

extensively cited in the literature since then (Rogers, 2003). Rogers (1965; 2003),

comprehensively developed the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) also known as the

Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas

and technology spread through any given group of individuals or organizations. DOI

is defined as “the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain

channels over time among the members of a social system” (Rogers, 2003). DOI has

been widely used in several disciplines including sociology, anthropology, education,

marketing, management, and others. Rogers (2003) categorized adopters of new

innovations or ideas as innovators (2.5%), early adopters (13.5%), early majority

(34%), late majority (34%), and laggards (16%) based on a bezel-shaped curve as

shown in Figure 3.1.

Source: Rogers (2003)


Figure 3.1: The Innovation Adoption Process

Rodgers (2003) explained that the innovation stretch through society in an S curve.

He was able to demonstrate through plotting variables how an adoption grew

exponentially (Rodgers, 2003). Rodgers (2003) also demonstrated that, change can

be promoted and will create a domino effect within a specified population. Rodgers

(2003) study examined the belief that an innovation decision was based on a cost-

benefit analysis and that people would adopt if they were convinced that the

innovation could produce some relative advantage to the idea it replaced. Diffusion

theory also states that "opinion leaders and their attitudes directly affect the

subsequent adoption” (Rodgers, 2003). According to Costello (2009) critics of the

DOI theory have remarked that, the theory attempts to explain a very complex reality

in a very simplified a fashion. However, Costello (2009) notes that, “this theory has

remained as a starting point upon which much IS research in this area is based”.

Costello (2009) further notes that, since this early work, research has consistently

revealed that perceived need (relative advantage) is key issue in the adoption

decision (Costello, 2009).

3.3.3 The Theory of Reasoned Action-(TRA)

TRA was formulated in 1967 in an attempt to provide consistency in studies of the

relationship between behaviour and attitudes (Ajzen, 1988; Fishbein and Ajzen,

1975; Werner, 2004). The main assumption of TRA is that individuals are rational in

considering their actions and the implications of their actions (decision-making). The

TRA model is shown in Figure 3.2. The TRA has two main concepts: “principles

of compatibility” and the concept of “behavioural intention” (Ajzen, 1988; Fishbein

and Ajzen, 1975). Principles of compatibility specify that in order to predict a

specific behaviour directed to a specific target in a given context and time, specific

attitudes that correspond to the specific target, time and context should be assessed

(Ajzen, 1988; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975).

Belief’s and Attitude toward

Evaluation Behaviour

Behaviour Actual
Intention Behaviour

Normative Belief’s Subjective

and Norm
Motivation to copy

Source: Fishbein and Ajzen (1975)

Figure 3.2: Theory of Reasoned Action

The concept of behaviour intention states that, “an individual’s motivation to engage

in behaviour is defined by the attitudes that influence the behaviour” (Fishbein and

Ajzen, 1975). Behaviour intention indicates how much effort an individual would

like to commit to perform such behaviour. Higher commitment is more likely to

mean that behaviour would be performed. Behaviours intention is determined by

attitudes and subjective norms (Ajzen, 1991; Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). An attitude

refers to an individual’s perception (either favourable or unfavourable) toward

specific behaviour (Werner, 2004). “Subjective norm” refers to the individual’s


subjective judgment regarding others’ preference and support for a behaviour

(Werner, 2004).

According to Werner (2004), TRA have some limitations in predicting behaviour

(Werner, 2004). The first limitation is that intention determinants are not limited to

attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control (Ajzen, 1991). There

may be other factors that influence behaviour. Empirical studies showed that only

40% of the variance of behaviour could be explained using TRA or TPB (Ajzen,

1991; Werner, 2004). The second limitation is that there may be a substantial gap of

time between assessment of behaviour intention and the actual behaviour being

assessed (Werner, 2004). In that time gap, the intention of an individual might

change. The third limitation is that, TRA is a predictive model that predicts an

individual’s action based on certain criteria. However, individuals do not always

behave as predicted by those criteria (Werner 2004). In terms of ICT adoption, TRA

(as part of TAM) have been used to explain the adoption process from individual

perspectives (See Table 3.4).

3.3.4 The Theory of Planned Behaviour-(TPB)

The Theory of Planned Behaviour is an extension of TRA (Werner 2004) and thus

has the same main assumptions as TRA. TPB try to overcome TRA’s weakness by

adding Perceived Behavioural Control as an additional factor in determining

individual behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). Perceived behavioural control is an individual

perception on how easily a specific behaviour will be performed (Ajzen, 1991).

Ajzen (1991) argued that, perceived behavioural control might indirectly influence

behaviour. TPB have the same limitations as TRA in predicting behaviour, since

they are both based on the same underlying assumptions (Werner, 2004). TPB has

also been used to explain the adoption of IT (See Table 3.4). The TPB model is

shown in Figure 3.3.

Behavioural Attitude
Belief’s Toward the

Normative Subjective Behaviour

Belief’s Norm Intention Behaviour

Control Perceived Actual

Beliefs Behaviour Behaviour
Control Control

Source: Ajzen (1991)

Figure 3.3: The Theory of Planned Behaviour-TPB

3.3.5 The Technology Acceptance Model-(TAM)

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis (1986), is an

extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action developed by Fishbein and Ajzen

(1975). Based on the TRA constructs, Davis (1986; 1989) proposes TAM to explain

and predict the behavioural intentions of individuals toward IT usage (Davis, 1986;

Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989). The TAM model hypothesizes that actual

behaviour is directly determined by behavioural intention to use, which is in turn

influenced by a user’s attitude toward perceived usefulness. Furthermore, an

individual’s attitude and perceived usefulness are influenced by perceived ease of

use. According to Korpelainen (2011), since TAM has been introduced, it has been

the most influential and widely used model in predicting and explaining the usage

behaviour of technology related products and services (Costello, 2009; Gallivan,

2001; Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Korpelainen, 2011). Figure 3.4 shows the TAM.


Attitude Behavioural Actual use

External Towards intention to use

Ease of use

Source: Davis (1989)

Figure 3.4: The Original Technology Acceptance Model

On the other hand, Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b) point out that, TAM has been

criticized for possible limitations since it emphasizes only the effect of technology

(Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). According to Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b),

critics of TAM conclude that, a limitation of the model is the fact that, outside

influence, economic factors, and influences on personal behaviour are excluded (Van

Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). In response to this, a number of extension models of

TAM such as TAM2 (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) have been developed in an

attempt to address the issues raised by critics.


3.4. Models of ICT Adoption in SMEs

Having established the theoretical foundation of adoption models in general, this

section looks at previous studies in the context of ICT adoption in SMEs as an

important part of the literature review. Several models for ICT adoption by SMEs

has been suggested in the literature (Al-Qirim, 2005; Beckinsale and Ram, 2006;

Costello, 2009; Grandon and Pearson, 2004a; Levy and Powell, 2005; Manueli et al.,

2007; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Rashid and Al-Qirim, 2001; Van Akkeren and Cavaye,

1999b; Zappala and Gray, 2006). In these studies, inhibitors, drivers and factors that

influence the adoption of specific technology related products and or services by

SMEs were determined as summarised by Levy et al. (2005).

In a previous study, Levy et al. (2005) developed a set of eBusiness inhibitors and a

set of eBusiness drivers shown in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 respectively. The

inhibitors and drivers were developed from data collected from a survey of 354

SMEs in the UK and the literature (Costello, 2009; Levy et al., 2005). According to

Costello (2009) and Levy et al. (2005), many of the identified drivers can be

explained as perceived benefits while as, many of the inhibitors are understood as

being due to management limitations. Costello (2009) claim that, a review of these

factors shows that, almost all of the factors could be seen as being drivers/inhibitors

of any technology. Furthermore, Costello (2009) argues that, the issues highlighted

by Levy et al. (2005) appear so often in the literature as to be considered very

significant in research.

Table 3.2: Inhibitors for Internet Adoption in SMEs

Inhibitor Source
Cost Implementation Costs Santarelli and D’Altri (2003);
Kendall et al. (2001); Grandon and
Pearson (2004a); Van Akkeren and
Cavaye (2000); Lawson et al.
Limited financial resources Sharma et al. (2004); Chapman et
al. (2000);
Riemenschneider et al. (2003)
Need for immediate return Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b)
on investment
Security Concerns about Santarelli and D’Altri (2003);
confidentiality Kendall et al. (2001); Lawson et al.
Fear of fraud Van Akkeren and Cavaye (2000)
Management Insufficient time spent on Bianchi and Bivona (2002);
planning Grandon and Pearson (2004a)
Insufficient knowledge or Klein and Quelch (1997);
experience of IS Premkumar and Roberts (1999);
Zhu et al. (2003); Sharma et al.
(2004); Kowtha and Choon (2001)
Inexperienced owner Van Akkeren and Cavaye (2000);
Klein and Quelch (1997);
Premkumar and Roberts (1999)
Technology Complexity requiring new Kowtha and Choon (2001); Van
skills Akkeren and Cavaye (2000);
Riemenschneider et al. (2003)
Existing IS limiting future Van Akkeren and Cavaye (2000);
development Zhu et al. (2003)
Lack of trust in external IS Chapman et al. (2000)

Limited in-house IS skills Santarelli and D’Altri (2003);

Kendall et al. (2001); Poon and
Swatman (1999); Sharma et al.
(2004); Chapman et al. (2000);
Lawson et al. (2003);
Riemenschneider et al. (2003)

Source: Levy et al. (2005)

Table 3.3: Drivers for Internet Adoption in SMEs

Driver Source
Reduced operating costs Standing et al. (2003); Quayle and Christiansen
(2004); Quayle (2002); Kendall et al. (2001);
Riemenschneider et al. (2003)
Sales and purchasing Quayle and Christiansen (2004); Jeffcoate et al.
cost reduction (2004); Tse and Soufani (2003); Riemenschneider et
al., (2003)
Improved range and Quayle and Christiansen (2004); Jeffcoate et al.
quality of services to (2004); Tse and Soufani (2003); Mehrtens et al.
customers (2001); Teo and Pian (2003); Sadowski et al. (2002);
Santarelli and D’Altri (2003); Quayle (2002); Daniel
and Grimshaw (2002); Riemenschneider et al., (2003)
Increased speed in Tse and Soufani (2003)
dispatch of goods
Finding suppliers Dandridge and Levenburg (2000); Teo and Pian
Santarelli and D’Altri (2003)
Avoiding loss of market Santarelli and D’Altri (2003); Kendall et al. (2001);
share Riemenschneider et al. (2003)
Increase market share Standing et al. (2003); Quayle and Christiansen
Daniel and Grimshaw (2002); Kendall et al. (2001)
Market intelligence Quayle and Christiansen (2004); Jeffcoate et al.
(2004); Mehrtens et al. (2001)
Improved trading Quayle and Christiansen (2004); Mehrtens et al.
relationships (2001)

Source: Levy et al. (2005)


In the work of Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999a), lack of business benefit, mistrust

of the ICT industry and lack of time were identified as the main inhibitors to internet

adoption in SMEs. In a subsequent study, Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b), cited

by Costello (2009), Manueli et al. (2007), and Mpofu et al. (2009) identified and

classified key ICT adoption attributes in SMEs into two main categories: owner-

manager characteristics and small firm characteristics. Figure 3.5 below depicts the

model with three components: owner-manager characteristics; return on investment

(ROI); and firm/business characteristics for factors that contribute to ICT adoption in

small businesses.


 Perceived Benefit
 Computer Literacy
 Assertiveness
 Perceived Control
 Subjective norm
 Mistrust of IT industry
 Lack of time



 Organization readiness
 External pressure to adopt
 Customer/Supplier dependency
 Structural sophistication of the firm
 Size sector status
 Information Intensity

Source: Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b)

Figure 3.5: Factors Affecting ICT Adoption by SMEs


Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b), suggested that, more factors should be discovered

by research. In particular, Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b), called for inclusion of

return on investments in future research on adoption models.

Building up from the work of Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b), Costello (2009)

proposed a conceptual model of ICT adoption as presented in Figure 3.6. Costello

(2009) extended the work of Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b) by incorporating

return on investment in the model, as suggested by Van Akkeren and Cavaye

(1999b). Costello (2009) called for other factors such as the government

interventions (the moderating factors) and constraints variables to be studied in

future work as they were not tested in her model.

Owner/Manager Issues
 Education Experience Moderator
 Knowledge of IT Government Interventions
 Perceived Value

Measure of
(Post Evaluation)

Firm Issues
 Organizational Readiness Constraints Variables
 External Pressure Size, Sector, Age, Status
 Strategy

Source: Costello (2009)


Figure 3.6: Model of ICT Adoption in Micro SMEs

Many other models in the literature (Levy et al., 2005; Peou, 2009) follow a similar

pattern. That is, they build up from one or more previous models, to explain a

particular situation or a new phenomenon. Table 3.4 give a summary of some of the

relevant studies of ICT adoption in SMEs as they appear in the literature. The

summary provides the main theoretical construct underlying each study, additional

factors, the technology examined in the study as well as the numbers of SMEs


Table 3.4: Summary of Relevant Studies of Technology Adoption in SMEs

Prior studies Theoretical Additional Factors Technology in No of

Basis the study SMEs
Al-Qirim (2005) DOI -Cost e-commerce 129
-Size adoption SMEs
-Vendor support
-External pressure
Innovativeness and
Celuch et al. TPB, SCT n. a Using Internet 303
(2007) for purchase SMEs
Chwelos et al. DOI -External pressure EDI adoption 286
(2001) -Organizational SMEs

Dawkins and TPB n. a Employee 87

Frass (2005) Involvement SMEs
(EI) program
Dholakia and SCT -Firm Size Internet 45
Kshetri (2004) -Prior technology adoption SMEs
-Prior media use

Grandon and TPB n. a e-commerce n. a
Mykytyn (2004) adoption
Grandon and TAM -Organizational e-commerce 100
Pearson (2004a) readiness adoption in SMEs
-External pressure USA
-Perception of
strategic value

Source: Sophonthummapharn (2008)

Table 3.4 (Continued)

Prior studies Theoretical Additional Factors Technology in No of

Basis the study SMEs
Grandon and TAM -Organizational e-commerce 83
Pearson (2004b) readiness adoption in SMEs
-External pressure Chile
-Strategic decision
Harrison et al. TPB n. a IT adoption 162
(1997) SMEs
Iacovou et al. DOI -External pressure EDI adoption 7
(1995) -Organizational SMEs
Igbaria et al. TAM -Intra-organizational Personal 203
(1997) -Extra- computer SMEs

Jeon et al. -Management e-business 204

(2006) characteristics adoption SMEs
Kaynak et al. TAM* -Perceived e-commerce 237

(2005) limitations adoption SMEs

Kuan and Chau DOI -Organizational EDI adoption 575
(2001) factors SMEs
Kohn and Husig TAM, DOI n. a Innovation 33
(2006) software SMEs
Kula and Tatoglu TPB* -Attitude toward Internet 237
(2003) Internet use adoption SMEs
Lee (2004) SCT, DOI -Financial slacks Internet 71
-Innovativeness technologies SMEs

Source: Sophonthummapharn (2008)

Table 3.4 (Continued)

Prior studies Theoretical Additional Factors Technology No of

Basis in the study SMEs
Lertwongsatien DOI -Organizational e-commerce 386
and factors adoption SMEs
Wongpinunwatana -Environmental
(2003) factors
Lin and Wu TAM n. a End-user 195
(2004) computing SMEs
Mehrtens et al., DOI -Organizational Internet 7
(2001) readiness adoption SMEs
-External pressure
Mirchandani and DOI -Management’s e-commerce 62
Motwani (2001) time and adoption SMEs
Mole et al. (2004) DOI -Firm Size Soft process 218
-Firm technologies SMEs
-Firm capabilities
Olson and Boyer TAM -Comfort Internet 416

(2003) -Attitude purchasing SMEs

-Contextual factors
Poon and TAM n. a Internet 23
Swatman (1999) commerce SMEs
Premkumar and DOI -Top management EDI, Online 78
Roberts (1999) support access, e-mail, SMEs
-Firm Size Internet
-External pressure

Source: Sophonthummapharn (2008)

Table 3.4 (Continued)

Prior studies Theoretical Additional Factors Technology in No of

Basis the study SMEs
Riemenschneider TAM, TPB n. a IT adoption 156
et al. (2003) SMEs
Riemenschneider TPB n. a Web-based 232
and McKinney e-commerce SMEs
Seyal et al. (2004) DOI, TAM
-Organizational e-commerce 54
factors SMEs
Thong (1999) DOI -Management Information 166
characteristics System (IS) SMEs
-Organizational adoption
Wymer and Regan TAM, TPB, n. a e-commerce 102
(2005) SCT, DOI adoption SMEs

Note: * = not explicitly stated in the study, n. a = not available

Source: Sophonthummapharn (2008)


3.5 The Main Factors Influencing ICT Adoption in SMEs

It can be observed from a review of various models developed to aid ICT adoption

by SMEs (Table 3.4 above) that a number of factors that can influence ICT adoption

exist. In an attempt to determine the main ICT adoption factors in SMEs, Grandon

and Pearson (2004a) cited in Costello (2009) analysed ten ICT adoption models from

the literature. Grandon and Pearson (2004a) found that many of the same issues

recurred throughout the literature. This can also be deduced from Table 3.4 above.

In another study, Costello (2009) thoroughly analysed the literature and summarized

the main adoption factors as they appear in the literature. The summary of these

factors is given in Table 3.5. According to Costello (2009), the fact that many

factors are similar in so many models may indicate that the technology to be adopted

is irrelevant. The factors indicated in Table 3.4 together with other factors found in

the literature form the basis for this study.

Table 3.5: Summary of Main Adoption Factors in SMEs


The entrepreneur, The Firm, Longitudinal survey on SME Storey (1994)
The Strategy. issues
Owner manager 6 Literature sources – no Van Akkeren
characteristics, survey and
Firm Characteristics. Cavaye (1999b)
Organisational Readiness, 7 SMEs Case Studies Mehrtens et al.,
External Pressures, (Australia) (2001)
Strategy, Perceived Benefits.
Individual factors, 3 Literature sources – no Rashid and Al-
Organisational factors, survey (New Zealand) Qirim (2001)
Environmental factors,
Technological factors.
Organisational Readiness, 9 Literature sources, 100 Grandon and
External Pressure, email surveys Pearson (2004a)

Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Ease of Use
Entrepreneur, Underpinned by Storey and Levy and Powell
Firm, Strategy. surveys with WM SMEs (2005)
Personal factors, Underpinned by Rashid and National B2B
Economic Factors (cost and Al-Qirim and survey of 60 (2005)
resource), WM SMEs.
Environmental factors,
Relevant solution.

Source: Costello (2009)

3.6 Emerging Issues from Literature Review-Knowledge Gap Analysis

A systematic review of the existing adoption theories and models shows that

currently there are a number of ICT adoption models being offered to aid ICT

adoption by SMEs. However, looking at these models as they are summarized in

Table 3.4, it can be clearly seen that while some studies employ a single model,

many combine more than one model to better explain the adoption situation of a

particular technology. Additionally, it is observed that most studies include a variety

of additional factors in their studies. This reflects the insufficiency and inconsistency

of existing adoption models (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The literature concludes

that, to date, the most effective model that support and aid SMEs in their adoption of

new technology has not been determined (Costello, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). This is a research gap in the literature.

The literature also suggests the need for the development of mid-range theories, that

is, theories that provides for better understanding of the factors that drive or inhibit

the adoption and use of ICT within the specific context of SMEs (Al-Qirim, 2004;

Apulu, 2012; Beckinsale and Ram, 2006; Bharati and Chaudhury, 2006; Caldeira and

Ward, 2002; Chibelushi and Costello, 2009; Finchman, 2000; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Zappala and Gray, 2006). Available literature presents many empirical observations

from developed nations that have social economic settings that are quite different

from those of the so-called Least Developed Countries (LCD’s) like Tanzania while

comprehensive and systematic studies on ICT adoption and use in SMEs in LDC’s

countries south of Sahara including Tanzania are visibly missing (Apulu, 2012;

Mbamba, 2004; Mpofu et al., 2009). This is another research gap in the literature.

Costello (2009) and Sarosa and Zowghi (2003) observe that, despite the number of

technology adoption models available, most of research work to date has given most

attention to identification of drivers and barriers to adoption of ICT and there is still a

lack of strategy, models or frameworks that actually guide SMEs in the adoption

process. Costello (2009) further points out that, the most frequently asked question

by any SMEs is how to adopt successfully. In Tanzania, the studies carried out with

regard to ICT adoption by SMEs include the work of Isaya (2009), Jonathan (2004),

Mbamba (2004) Muttayabalwa (2007) and Naul (2012). The contribution of these

studies is mainly based on the identification of the factors that impede ICT adoption

or SMEs growth. None of these works offer a framework to help with strategic

intent of SMEs in their adoption situation as suggested by Costello (2009).

Moreover, these studies do not address post adoption issues such as how ICT can be

used to strengthen the competitiveness of the SMEs in order to ensure their survival

and growth. This is yet another research gap. In this study, an attempt is made to

bridge the second and third knowledge gaps identified from the literature. In

particular, the research concentrates on developing a model for aiding ICT adoption

by SMEs in the context of Tanzania.

3.7 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the importance of adoption and use of ICTs by SMEs has been

explained. In addition, a thorough literature review of the available models of ICT

adoption by SMEs, including the theoretical foundation of the models has been

made. The chapter wind up by highlighting the knowledge gaps of the existing

models and set up the basis of this study.



4.1 Introduction

In the two previous chapters the literature review that forms the basis of this study

has been covered. Many well-known theories and models which are useful for the

theoretical background for this research have been discussed. In view of the

literature review and gap analysis made, a summary of ICT adoption factors in this

research is presented in Table 4.1. These factors are in reality a summary of critical

issues raised by other models found in the literature (Costello, 2009). On a similar

note, a conceptual model for aiding SMEs ICT adoption process within the context

of Tanzania is proposed as shown in Figure 4.1. In the proposed model, the factors

of Table 4.1 are categorised into six major groups namely: Personal Factors,

Organisational Factors: Economic Factors; Government policy; ICT adoption and

SMEs Performance. Within each group, individual factors explored in this research

are shown. In Table 4.2, individual factors explored in this study within each

group are indicated together with the academic reference of each item.

The categorisation of model constructs is influenced by previous research by Van

Akkeren and Cavaye (199b) and Costello (2009). According to Costello (2009),

although the categorisation of factors into firm characteristics and owner-manager

characteristics is found in much research, it is often not as easy to define lines

between these areas Costello (2009). Costello (2009) argues that the small

company sophistication may be due to the owner-manager or the level of technology

within the firm already. In addition, the organisational readiness of a firm could be as

much linked to strategy or lack of strategy in the company as to the owner-manager’s

attitude to adoption (Costello, 2009). In order to ensure that this research is

thorough and that it captures all important elements, like in Costello (2009), evidence

from existing models both in practice and in academic literature and evidence from

SMEs literature surrounding the subject were used (Costello, 2009).

The proposed model builds up on Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b) and Costello

(2009) models and adds other factors found in the literature that capture the

uniqueness of the Tanzania situation. For example, the literature (Nkonoki, 2010;

Mbamba, 2004) have shown that, economic factors and in particular access to

financial support (Nkonoki, 2010), is one of the critical issues affecting the

development of the SME sector in Tanzania. Thus, economic factors are included

and tested in this study as an independent latent construct. Moreover, Costello

(2009) called for inclusion and testing for the moderating effect of Government

policies on the main adoption factors. In this work, the moderating effects of

Government policies on SMEs are tested, in the form of support programmes,

support infrastructure and taxes and tariffs.

It should be noted that, like in previous adoption studies in SMEs (Apulu, 2012;

Costello, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b) the

justification for inclusion of factors and or element in this study is based on the fact


i. The element appears in credible academic literature as of concern to both

small and medium scale companies.

ii. The element appears in adoption and or growth models as of concern to micro

companies or SMEs.

iii. The element is proven by previous research to be of significance in the

adoption situation

iv. The element is proven by previous research to be of significance to SMEs.

The rest of this chapter is arranged as follows: First the operational definition of the

research variables and constructs are reviewed in order to acknowledge their validity

and importance in this study. Secondly the conceptual model is presented in order to

show the existing relationships between the model variables and constructs. Thirdly

the hypotheses are developed and finally a summary is given.

Table 4.1: Summary of ICT Adoption Factors in the Current Study

Factor in Name of the Factor in Source

current study Different Studies
Personal Individual factors Rashid and Al-Qirim (2001)
Factors Entrepreneur Levy and Powell (2005)
Starting resources of the Storey (1994)
Owner/manager Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b)
Owner/Managerial Mpofu et al. (2009)
Owner Manager Issues Costello (2009)
Table 4.1 (Continued)

Factor in Name of the Factor in Source

current study Different Studies
Perceived Technological (innovation) Rashid and Al-Qirim (2001)
Benefit factors
Perceived Benefits Alarm and Noor (2009)
Mehrtens et al. (2001)
Perceived Usefulness + Grandon and Pearson
Perceived Ease of Use (2004a)
Owner manager characteristics Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Perceived Value Costello (2009)
Owner/Managerial Attributes Mpofu et al. (2009)
Perceived Benefits Chung (2006)
External Environmental Factors Rashid and Al-Qirim (2001)
Pressures Costello (2009); Grandon
External Pressures and Pearson (2004a);
Mehrtens et al. (2001)
Firm Characteristics Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Environmental Attributes Mpofu et al. (2009)
Costello (2009); Levy and
Strategy Powell (2005); Levy et al.
(2005); Storey (1994)

Firm Characteristics Van Akkeren and Cavaye

Strategic Value Grandon and Pearson
Chung (2006); Grandon and
Organisational readiness Pearson (2004a); Lee and
Cheung (2004)
Organization Context Sophonthummapharn
Economic Context Skoko et al. (2008)
Costs Alarm and Noor (2009);
Love et al. (2005)
Resources Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b)
Ghobakhloo et al. (2012)

Table 4.1 (Continued)

Factor in Name of the Factor in Source

current study Different Studies
Organisational The Firm Levy and Powell (2005);
Factors Storey (1994)
Firm Characteristics Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Organization Context Sophonthummapharn (2008)
Firm Issues, Costello (2009)
Organisational Attributes Mpofu et al. (2009)
Organisational Factors Rashid and Al-Qirim (2001)
Mehrtens et al. (2001)
Organisational Readiness Grandon and Pearson
(2004a); Costello (2009)
Firm Characteristics Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Organisational Attributes Mpofu et al. (2009)
Government Environmental Factors Sophonthummapharn (2008);
Policies Teo et al. (1999)
Government Role Mpofu et al. (2009)
Government Support Alam and Noor (2009);
Apulu (2012)
Environmental Context Gono et al. (n.d)

Government Ghobakhloo et al. (2012)

ICT Adoption ICT Adoption Alarm and Noor (2009);
Apulu (2012); Costello
(2009); Mpofu et al. (2009)
Internet Adoption Chung (2006); Mehrtens et
al. (2001)
IT Adoption Van Akkeren and Cavaye
(1999b); Ghobakhloo et al.
Electronic Commerce Adoption Grandon and Pearson (2004a)
SME Return on Investment Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Performance (1999b)
Measure of Success Costello (2009)
Performance Wu (2009)

4.2 Exploration of Research Variables

4.2.1 Personal Factors

From the SME and IS literature, there are a number of factors that directly affect ICT

adoption and business performance in general that can be attributed to the owner-

manager of the business (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a;

Kripanont, 2007; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to the literature, the

characteristics of the owner-manager can include: Perceived benefits, perceived

control, computer literacy, subjective norm and assertiveness (Apulu, 2012; Chung,

2006; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a; Grandon and Pearson, 2004b; Levy

and Powell, 2005; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Rashid and Al-Qirim, 2001;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). Costello (2009)

noted that the subject area is very wide, meaning at times it is not possible to include

all variables and factors in a single study. Thus, in this research, the education

experiences of the owner-manager, the perceptions and attitudes o f the owner-


manager toward ICT and the ICT knowledge of the owner-manager, were explored

as Education experience, Perceived benefits, and Knowledge of IT, while perceived

control subjective norm, and assertiveness were not explored. The three variables

are further discussed in the next sections in order to establish the legitimacy of their

inclusion in this research. Owner-Manager Education

According to Costello (2009), of all the factors that impact business growth the

education of the owner-manager tops the list. This may be attributed to the fact that,

education imparts people with knowledge and intellectual capabilities that enable

them to successful manage their daily undertakings. Costello (2009) suggest that,

there is a dichotomy as to whether the greater knowledge facilitates the development

of greater knowledge or simply more confidence in dealing with customers and

suppliers. According to Apulu (2012), to manage any business successfully, the

owner-manager must have both technical as well as general business knowledge.

Costello (2009) claim that, all previous research related to SME growth and

successful adoption of technology, has shown that the education of the owner-

manager is the most important factor as a proxy for business growth (Costello, 2009).

This justifies the inclusion of this factor in this model so that relationship between

this factor and other issues can be established. Knowledge of ICT

In house knowledge of ICT is an important factor for a business to benefit from the

technology (Costello, 2009; Rahab and Hartono 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).


According to the literature, small businesses typically lack in specialized ICT

knowledge and technical skills when compared to large businesses (Alarm and Noor,

2009; Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Rahab and Hartono, 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Previous studies have also

shown that, small businesses failed to utilize ICT to due to lack of ICT knowledge

(Rahab and Hartono 2012). In Rahab and Hartono (2012), it is further shown that,

owners-managers that lack knowledge and awareness of ICT tend to reject the notion

that ICT could be of any use to their business as they had no idea of the benefits that

ICT could potentially offer (Costello, 2009; Rahab and Hartono 2012). This

would seem to imply that if these leaders could be educated on the benefits of ICT,

they may be more willing to adopt such technology and reap the benefits.

Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b) also cited in Costello (2009) established that, if

the CEO is innovative and knowledgeable about IT then adoption was more likely to

be successful. This was later corroborated by Mehrtens et al. (2001). Costello (2009)

claims that, although knowledge of ICT is a critical issue for all companies, “if that

knowledge has been gained through the educational experience of the owner-

manager that has an impact on the company turnover, perceived value as well as

adoption”. Costello (2009) argue that, since the perceived benefits to the company

are most often, perceived by the most influential individual in the company, the

owner-manager, then it is very important that they have enough knowledge of ICT to

either, make the decision themselves or recognise their lack of knowledge and seek

appropriate advice. Thus, this element is included in this study to complement the

owner-manager education.
77 Perceived Benefits

Perceived benefit (or perceived usefulness + perceived ease of use) is one of the core

constructs of behaviour intention for the different versions of the TAM model (Davis

1989; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000), the SCT model and the DOI models

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It is also a direct determinant of usage behaviour

(Kripanont, 2007). This construct has been used in many technology adoption

studies including computer acceptance (Igbaria et al., 1997; Lin and Wu, 2004), use

of Internet purchasing (Olson and Boyer, 2003), Internet commerce (Poon and

Swatman, 1999; Walczuch et al., 2000), Internet adoption (Chung, 2006; Kripanont

2007; Mehrtens et al., 2001), e-commerce adoption (Al-Qirim, 2005; Grandon and

Pearson, 2004a, Grandon and Pearson, 2004b; Kaynak et al., 2005; Mirchandani and

Motwani, 2001), IT adoption (Riemenschneider et al., 2003), EDI adoption (Iacovou

et al., 1995; Premkumar and Roberts, 1999), PDA acceptance (Yi et al., 2006),

eCRM adoption (Sophonthummapharn, 2008) and ICT adoption (Alam and Noor,

2009; Costello, 2009), and has been proven to be a major determinant of the adoption


According to Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b), perceived benefits affect technology

adoption in terms of the perceived ease of use and/or usefulness of the technology.

They argue that if an owner-manager does not perceive the technology in a positive

way, he or she will be reluctant to adopt (Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999a; Van

Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). Costello (2009) state that “SMEs adopt technology

because they perceive the advantage it represents over and above traditional

methods previously employed by the company”. Alam and Noor (2009) claim that,

existing literature has proved that the greater the benefits perceived by the SMEs the

higher the possibility of ICT adoption.

Costello (2009) identified efficiency, marketing, reliability and business

development as some of perceived benefits of ICT adoption in SMEs. According to

Chung (2006) perceived benefits of the Internet by SMEs include both direct and

indirect benefits. Cost reduction on operations and improved internal efficiencies are

some of the direct benefits while improved business processes and customer services

are some of the indirect benefits (Chung, 2006). OECD (2005) report that, “ICT is

able to improve information and knowledge management inside the firm and

increase the speed and reliability of transactions for both business-to-business (B2B)

and business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions”. Alam and Noor (2009) claim that

“ICT is able to offer enterprise a wide range of possibilities for improving their

competitiveness such as provide mechanisms for getting access to new market

opportunities and specialized information services” (Alam and Noor, 2009).

However, the literature shows that the outcome of adoption is not a simple and

straightforward issue (Alam and Noor, 2009; Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Mpofu et

al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) and this may discourage some SMEs from

adoption (Alam and Noor, 2009). Costello (2009) argue that, while there is evidence

that adoption of new technology can lead to improvements, on the other hand there is

not always a direct correlation straight forward as would be identified by those

involved in adoption initiatives (Costello, 2009). According to Alam and Noor


(2009), there are still many organisations that are not taking advantage of ICT

adoption despite the many perceive benefits that have been made available through

adoption with ICT. They thus recommend for perceived benefits to be taken into

consideration as one of the factors that affects ICT adoption in SMEs (Alam and

Noor, 2009). Costello (2009) stated that, “perceived benefits appear in so many

technology adoption models and research studies that it would have a natural place

in any new model”. Thus, in this research, perceived benefits are used to explore the

adoption and use of computer and Internet technologies in SMEs in the Tanzania

context. Reduced operation costs, competitive advantage, improved revenue and

profits, improved communications with customers, suppliers and employees and

advantage over traditional methods will be explored in this research under the

context of perceived benefits.

4.2.2 Organisation Factors

Organizational characteristics were also some of the most frequently studied factors

concerning ICT adoption in SMEs and SMEs growth (See Table 3.5 and Table 4.1)

According to Scupola (2003) organizational context is a source of structures,

processes and attributes that influence the uptake of new technological innovations

(Scupola, 2003). Previous research show that organisational characteristics can

include, organisational readiness, external pressure to adopt, customer and or

supplier dependency, business strategy, structural sophistication of the firm, sector

and status of the firm (Costello, 2009; Grandon and Pearson, 2004a; Levy and

Powell, 2005; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Rashid and Al-Qirim, 2001; Storey, 1994;

Thong and Yap, 1995; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). In the work of Costello

(2009), extensive literature review on how organisation factors play out in small

business technology adoption situation is made. Other research such as Mpofu et al.

(2009) and Apulu (2012) also contribute in this area. In the next sections,

organisational readiness, external pressure to adopt, business strategy, age, sector and

status of the firm are explored in order to justify their inclusion in this research. In

this study, the structural sophistication of the firm was not measured, but was

captured in the strategy of the firm, as justified by Costello (2009). According to

Costello (2009) the evidence from the literature review shows that companies

become more structurally complex as they grow and that the larger the organisation

the more likely they are to consider strategy. This implies that structural

sophistication of the firm can therefore be captured via strategy (Costello, 2009). On

a similar note, external pressures were examined and the pressure of customer and/or

supplier is noted within this element. Thus, all the factors which represent the firm

characteristics are encapsulated into the firm, organisational readiness, strategy and

external pressures. Further discussion on the individual factors under this category is

given in the next sections. The Firm

This element refers to status of the business, and the sector in which the business

operates (Costello, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009). Business status can include the age of

the firm and size of the firm (Costello, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009). Costello (2009)

noted that, factors relating to the firm itself have been shown to impact on adoption.

In fact, the literature has enough evidence about the importance of this factor in

adoption situations (Costello, 2009; Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Thong and Yap, 1995) and thus the factor was measured and evaluated in this study.

The elements of this factor are further evaluated:

Business Age: Costello (2009) argue that, there are many reasons for incorporating

this element in a new study. One major reason is the fact that, it has been shown that

many SMEs experience rapid growth upon start up. In order to keep up with this

growth, SMEs adopt technology at a faster rate than at any other time during their

lifecycle (Costello, 2009; Levy and Powell, 2005; Storey, 1994). In view of this

observation, it would be anticipated that companies that have been in operation for a

number of years would adopt technology in a different pattern compared to those at

start up (Costello, 2009). That is, the technology infrastructure would be less

established and would perhaps have more problems regarding implementation.

According to Costello (2009), many researchers use age of company as a control

variable. Previous research found out that there was a negative relationship between

growth and age of the firm since many firms grow quickly initially and then slow

down (Storey, 1994). Costello (2009) suggests that newer studies should anticipate

the same results as Storey (1994) since as stated earlier, it seems that fast growing

young companies adopt ICTs more quickly than older, slower growing companies

(Costello, 2009).

Firm Size: Thong and Yap (1995) noted that, small businesses suffer from a special

condition commonly referred to as resource poverty. According to Thong and Yap

(1995), resource poverty results from various conditions unique to small businesses,

such as operating in a highly competitive environment, financial constraints, lack of

professional expertise, and susceptibility to external forces. In addition, Thong and

Yap (1995) found out that because of these unique conditions, small businesses are

characterized by severe constraints on financial resources, a lack of in-house IT

expertise, and a short-range management perspective. The observation by Thong

and Yap (1995) were later confirmed in other research. Dholakia and Kshetri (2004)

reported that firm size is an important determinant of a firm’s involvement and

decision process in acquiring ICTs. They argued that, larger organizations tend to

have the resources and tools that are necessary in initiating and deployment of new

information technologies (Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004). In addition, Dholakia and

Kshetri (2004) found out that, size as measured by the number of employees, is

particularly important for e-mail benefits and mobile communications.

In agreement with Thong and Yap (1995), Sophonthummapharn (2008) suggested

that, larger firms tend to have more of the necessary resources for adopting techno

relationship innovation than smaller firms. Sophonthummapharn (2008) identified

the common constraints seen in SMEs as limited financial resources, lack of in-house

information technology expertise, and a short-range management perspective. On a

similar note, Costello (2009) found out that, both size of company and age can be a

major indicator of success. When both elements are present, they can be a

compelling argument (Costello, 2009). Costello (2009) claim that, since small

companies are born and die with increasing frequency, a business that have been

around for a number of years with a number of employees can be an indicator of

future success too (Costello, 2009). However, Costello (2009) caution that, many

companies are sole traders and intend to stay that way choosing to run the business

for ‘life-style’ purposes despite the fact that they also have adoption needs. Costello

(2009) notes that, in the UK, the trend to run the business for ‘life-style’ purposes has

been on the increase.

In contrast with Dholakia and Kshetri (2004) observations, Locke (2004) did not find

any significant differences in ICT investment relating to firm size in terms of

turnover and number of employees. However, Costello (2009) claim that a number of

researchers have called for further work that includes size and age of firm. On a

similar note, Sophonthummapharn (2008) concludes that there enough reference to

support the inclusion of size in new studies such as Al-Qirim (2005), Dholakia and

Kshetri (2004), Lertwongsatien and Wongpinunwatana (2003), Premkumar and

Roberts (1999), and Thong (1999). Prior studies typically employ only one

dimension in measuring a firm’s Size (Sophonthummapharn, 2008) and this might

restrict the interpretation of the findings. In order to gain more insight about this

construct, this research measure business size in three dimensions, the number of

employees in the company, annual turnover, and capital investment.

Business Sector

Sheppard and Hooton (2007) suggest that business operations in some sectors

embrace ICT more readily than others. This view is supported by research such as

Dholakia and Kshetri (2004), Mpofu et al. (2009), Sophonthummapharn (2008) and

Thong and Yap (1995). The literature shows that, business in its particular industry

may experience the so-called competitiveness of environment (Thong and Yap,


1995) or the industry pressure to adopt (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to

Thong and Yap (1995), IT adoption can change a business environment in three

ways; First IT can change the industry structure and, in so doing, alter the rules of

competition. Second, IT adoption can also create competitive advantage by giving

businesses new ways to outperform their rivals. Finally, IT spawn’s new businesses,

often from within existing operations of the business. That being the case, a

business in an environment that is more competitive would feel a greater need to turn

to IT to gain a competitive advantage (Thong and Yap, 1995). On the other hand,

Thong and Yap (1995) note that, a business in a less competitive environment would

not be faced with a push to be innovative. It should be noted that, competitiveness of

environment or the industry pressure, is a kind of external pressure and thus the issue

is explored under the context of external pressure. Organisational Readiness

Organisational Readiness in this context refers to the firm’s ability and or readiness

to deal with technology adoption issues, in this case computer and Internet

technologies. The literature has shown that there is a relationship between

organizational readiness and the level of technology adoption in a firm (Chwelos et

al., 2001; Costello, 2009; Grandon and Pearson, 2004a; Kuan and Chau, 2001;

Mehrtens et al., 2001; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Thong, 1999; Venkatesh et al.,

2003). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), the construct has a positive

impact on the decision to adopt. Chwelos et al. (2001) noted that, a firm’s IT

sophistication is positive and significantly contributes to the intent to adopt EDI.

Kuan and Chau (2001) observed the same trend as Chwelos et al. (2001). Mehrtens

et al. (2001), and Grandon and Pearson (2004a) found that, the availability of

technological resources in a firm is significantly related to e-commerce adoption.

The literature identifies availability of in-house knowledge of ICT, as one of the key

factors that contributes to organisation readiness (Costello, 2009; Jeon et al., 2006;

Mehrtens et al., 2001; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Thong, 1999). In-house

knowledge of ICT can be represented by the availability of IT professionals in the

firm, and or the availability of IT knowledgeable employees who are non-IT

professionals (Costello, 2009; Mehrtens et al., 2001). According to Thong (1999),

SMEs with more IS knowledgeable employees were more likely to adopt IS. This

view was corroborated by Jeon et al. (2006) who confirmed that, the knowledge of

IT and e-business of employees has a positive relationship to the decision to adopt e-

business in SMEs. Mehrtens et al. (2001) identified the level of Internet use among

non-IT professionals rather than IT professionals as one of key determinants of

Organisation readiness. In addition, they argued that the availability of adequate

computer systems to access and use the Internet without major problems as being

equally important (Mehrtens et al., 2001). Sophonthummapharn (2008) observed

that, firms which do not have Technological Expertise may be unaware of new

technology. On the other hand, such firms may not want to take the risk of adopting

new technology and thus decide to postpone adoption of such technology until they

have sufficient internal expertise (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

Costello (2009) claim that, the literature has identified the advice sought by a firm,

internal pressure, specialist skills in the company and implementation issues linked

to skills as indicators of organisation readiness towards ICT adoption. According to

Costello (2009), if companies had to seek advice regarding ICT adoption outside of

their own organisation, then it can be assumed that the necessary knowledge to make

the decision was not available in house. The literature shows that small business

owners-manager more often rely on advice from the social capital they have access

to (Cooke, 2007; Costello, 2009; Mpofu et al., 2009). Costello (2009) note that in

such situations, the majority of advice is given in informal way and it may not be the

right advice.

Furthermore, Costello (2009) argues that, internal pressures may be an influence on

the decision to adopt as well as an influence on the success or failure of an adoption.

According to Costello and Thompson (2004 and Costello (2009), internal pressure to

adopt is directly linked with the availability of ICT knowledgeable employees in a

company. Costello and Thompson (2004) and Costello (2009) note that, a company

with a higher level of ICT knowledgeable employees can experience internal

pressure to adopt (Costello and Thompson, 2004; Costello, 2009). Costello (2009)

argue that if employees are knowledgeable about ICT then they are likely to be

aware of the availability of, and the need for systems that can increase capacity,

capability or aid a marketing strategy (Costello, 2009). That can result in internal

pressure to adopt.

In addition, Costello (2009) note the fact that, there is enough well documented

evidence to prove that lack of right technological skills in a company can severely

impact an adoption. However, Costello (2009) argues that, there are technology

skills and knowledge needed to make the decision to adopt in the first place. Costello

(2009 claim that if the skills to align technology with the business are not available

then the decision to adopt will be flawed (Costello, 2009). The literature (Costello,

2009; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Mpofu et al., 2009) note that, most of post adoption

problems can be avoided if the adoption process is guided by well informed

decisions (Costello, 2009; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Mpofu et al., 2009).

The literature has also established that in adoption situations small companies mostly

concentrate on the implementation and the cost of the technology (Costello et al.,

2006). According to Levy and Powell (2005), this observation is attributed to the

fact that very few SMEs focus on strategy. Thus, as technology trends escalate and

data volumes increase the issue simply get worse (Costello, 2009). Costello (2009)

observe that, most small companies do not invest in training and employees learn

through experimentation. In such a scenario, implementation problems are likely to

be at the centre of adoption issues within small companies (Caldeira and Ward, 2002;

Costello, 2009). Costello (2009) further notes that, the use of outside help may also

aggravate the situation as they do not understand the business. Therefore, it can be

argued that many of the implementation problems are linked to skills as not having

the right skills can impact on the problems surrounding the post-adoption period

(Costello, 2009).

In view of this discussion, there is enough evidence from the literature to the effect

that organisation readiness is a key factor in ICT adoption (Chwelos et al., 2001;

Costello, 2009; Grandon and Pearson, 2004a; Kuan and Chau, 2001; Mehrtens et al.,

2001; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Thong, 1999; Venkatesh et al., 2003) and thus is

included in this study. In this research, the advice sought by the firms in adoption

situation, the internal pressure to adopt, the availability of skilled IT personnel in a

firm, the level of ICT knowledge among non-ICT professionals, availability of

resources in the firm and implementation issues reflecting these concerns were

explored to establish the readiness of small firms in ICT adoption. Business Strategy

The word strategy can be defined in different ways (Jonas, 2000; Mintzberg, 2001).

According to Mintzberg (2001), a strategy can be defined as a plan or some sort of

consciously intended course of action, a guideline (or set of guidelines) t o deal

with a situation (Mintzberg, 2001). In the context of business management, a

business strategy can simply be defined as “a plan that allows a company to

accomplish its mission (Jonas, 2000). Levy and Powel (2005) label strategy as “the

actions taken by the firm once in business”. Levy and Powel (2005) site market

positioning, new product introduction and technological sophistication as the key

drivers. According to Storey (1994) it is the relationship between the owner-

manager, the business strategy and its context that is important for business growth

(Levy and Powel, 2005; Storey, 1994). Costello (2009) argue that, there is a clear

connection between businesses performance and the strategic planning process of a

company. According to Costello (2009), IS theorists believe that ICT adoption and

investment should be made in the context of IS/ICT strategy and should support

business strategy.

However, small businesses are generally known to lack in strategic planning as a

management tool (Costello, 2009; Nkonoki, 2010) and this has a big impact on their

decisions (Costello, 2009). Thus, this construct has been used in many technology

adoption studies in order to explain how SMEs could be assisted in the adoption

process. It is for this same reason that the construct is included in this research.

Nkonoki (2010), cited lack of business strategy as one of the major factors affecting

SMEs development in Tanzania. Some of notable studies in the literature that have

strategy as one of studied factors include: e-commerce adoption (Grandon and

Pearson, 2004b), ICT adoption (Costello, 2009; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b),

Internet adoption (Levy and Powel, 2005) and e-business (Levy and Powel, 2005).

In the work of Costello (2009) strategy is interpreted as “the elements that are most

likely to influence the owner-manager in their decision-making when considering

adoption of new technology” This interpretation reflects on a previous work in the

area of strategic intent by Levy et al. (2001). This research adopts the same

interpretation of strategy. According to Costello (2009) other elements including

technological sophistication may be an important part of strategy. However, Costello

(2009) notes that, this information can be captured via the infrastructure. On a

similar tone, Costello (2009) notes that rolling programs of technology updates and

frequent use of the latest technologies to improve the business can be considered to

be strategic decisions. On the other hand, if a change that take place in a company

are not planned and the company reacts to customer demands in a reactive manner

that can be taken as lack of strategy (Costello, 2009).


Costello (2009) identified the level of decision making undertaken, reason for

purchase and Significance of purchase, as key elements for measuring strategy

(Costello, 2009). These elements are also used in this study to explore issues related

to strategy and they are explored in this section.

The level of decision making undertaken: According to Costello (2009), the

literature has shown that in spite of the simplified structure in micro-companies,

decision making can still be very complex within small companies. Costello (2009)

argues that, simplified structure in micro-companies does not necessarily lead to less

complexity in decision making as personal beliefs and knowledge can have a major

impact. The work of Levy and Powell (2005) established that small companies adopt

different management styles as they grow. Thus, who makes the decision to adopt

can be an indication of their strategic maturity (Costello, 2009). According to

Costello (2009), delegation of decision making may show that a company is starting

to grow and adopt a more formal management style. On the other hand, lack of

delegation of decision making demonstrates the autocratic style of management

which is typical for small companies (Bianchi, 2002; Costello, 2009). The literature

has shown that management capacity is limited in micro-company (Costello, 2009;

Matlay 1999; Mpofu et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Thong and Yap,

1995). Therefore, just like in previous research (Costello, 2009), it is anticipated that

most of SMEs studied will have an owner-manager who makes the decision

themselves (Costello, 2009). After all, ICT adoption decisions are not fundamentally

different to other decisions and thus are prone to the same lack of understanding as

other areas (Costello, 2009; Remenyi et al., 1991).


Reason for Adoption: Costello (2009) claim that, when the reasons for adoption is

included within strategy, it helps to define the objectives that a company may have

within an adoption situation. Available literature shows that the reasons given by

companies to justify their investments in ICTs are many and varied (Costello, 2009;

Costello and Sloane, 2003; Levy et al., 1998; Storey, 1994). Costello (2009) note

that, while some of the given reasons are deliberate strategic investments, others

reflects a decision to adopt brought about by peer pressure. Poon et al. (1996)

discovered that, even the excitement surrounding the technology can drive small

companies to adopt. Therefore, Costello (2009) suggests that, when the reason to

adopt is explored, it helps to shed light on the thinking within the company (Costello,

2009). Costello (2009) argue that, many SMEs are not aware of strategy, and do not

implement strategy using a formal method. Thus, Costello (2009) recommends that

including the reason for the adoption as an element in Adoption models will provide

evidence of strategic intent as described by Levy et al. (1998).

Significance of Adoption: Costello (2009) allege that the significance of the

purchase (adoption) has been defined for exploration from the literature regarding

strategy. This area according to Costello (2009) provides insights into the attitudes

the company or the owner-manager may have towards technology being adopted.

Costello (2009) note that the significance’ for a particular company may vary from

being a financially significant purchase which may indicate that the company is

focused on short term, cost reducing, profit driven strategies, or merely that they

consider ICT as a yet another infrastructure cost. In addition, a company may decide

that an adoption is of technological significance thus suggesting that technological

competence could be an issue (Costello, 2009).

Previous research has shown that, exploring the significance of the purchase as

defined by the owner-manager within a micro-company will give useful insights to

the adoption situation and the strategy that they have adopted (Costello, 2009; Levy

and Powell, 2005; Mehrtens et al., 1999; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999a). Levy et

al. (2005) also cited by Costello (2009) identified drivers and inhibitors of internet

adoption and attributed them to issues as diverse as an inexperienced owner,

complexity requiring new skills to security concerns. Thus, this element will

highlight the emphasis that the owner-manager and/or decision maker places on their

investments (Costello, 2009).

It should be noted that, the reason of the purchase differs from the significance of the

purchase in that the reason of the purchase may be shown to be due to pressure from

external as well as internal sources (Costello, 2009). However, the significance of

the purchase may indicate attitudes, bias and culture towards the adoption (Costello,

2009). External Pressures

External Pressures refer to pressures emanating from outside the firm and they can

affect the firm in a positive or negative way (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), external pressure can be categorised as

customer pressure, competitive pressure and industry pressure. Ghobakhloo et al.


(2011b) and Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) cite the literature to support the notion that, for

many companies, pressures to keep up with the competition, providing a means to

enhance survival and/or growth, managing changes, promoting services to

customers, and staying competitive and/or enhancing innovation abilities have forced

SMEs to adopt IT (Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). In

addition, they note that, as small businesses are susceptible to customer pressure.

That is, these firms adopt IT as a result of demand from customers to develop the

efficiency of their inter-organizational dealings (Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b;

Ghobakhloo et al., 2012).

Customer pressure can be defined as the behaviour and or demand of customers that

force a firm to adopt a technology in order to keep and satisfy customers

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Review of the literature has shown that small

businesses are increasingly under pressure from customers and suppliers to include

technology into the way they run their business (Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al.,

2011b; Grandon and Pearson, 2004a; Grandon and Pearson, 2004b; Mehrtens et al.,

2001; Mpofu et al., 2009; Van Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b). Based on this fact,

Costello (2009) conclude that, it is thus very important to include external pressures

within any new technology adoption model (Costello, 2009).

According to Costello (2009), when many of the SME customers are adopting new

technology at a fast rate, the SME may find it very difficult to keep pace, and that

exerts pressure on the SME to adopt (Costello, 2009). However, Costello (2009)

notes that, most often the SMEs fail to see that external issues may be exerting

pressure on them to adopt (Costello, 2009). She argues that, SMEs should view the

external pressure as strategic method or indeed recognise that this is a driver

(Costello (2009). Thus, Costello (2009) explored external pressures by looking at

the influences on the purchase and by identifying external pressure in the decision-

making process. Sophonthummapharn (2008) note that, customer satisfaction leads

to customer loyalty which eventually leads to a firm’s profitability

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The implication of this is that, SMEs may feel

pressured to adopt a technology in order to please their customers.

Competitive Pressure can be defined as “the intensity level of competition that causes

a firm to feel it is underperforming.” (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to

Sophonthummapharn (2008), in tough and competitive situations, firms are pressured

to seek and retain competitive advantages. When a firm recognise that a particular

technology has made its rivals more profitable than it is, that firm suffers from

Competitive Pressure and will feel forced to adopt the same or similar technology.

Additionally, the sector in which a firm operates may also influence the decision to

adopt a particular technology (Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Thong and Yap, 1995). According to the literature

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008), when a firm see more and more companies in its

sector adopting a particular technology, (it could be either competitors or business

partners), that firm may feel the pressure to adopt the same technology, in order to

retain its competitive advantage. This is the Industry pressure. This review shows

that external pressure can play a key role in adoption situations. This justifies the

inclusion of external pressure in this study. In this research, external pressures are

explored by looking at customer pressure, supplier’s pressure, competitive pressure

and industry pressure. In addition, influences on adoption are also explored in an

attempt to obtain other significant insights into the social and economic circles that

SMEs move in and are influenced by including the social capital that they have

access to (Costello, 2009).

4.2.3 Economic Factors

Economic Factors is another construct that appear widely in technology adoption

studies. This factor refers to the availability of financial resources for adoption and

maintenance of technology for a company (Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Ghobakhloo

et al., 2011a; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Costello, 2009). In general, adoption costs

may include: acquisition costs, implementation costs, operational costs, and

maintenance costs (Love et al., 2005; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In this

research, Economic factors are studied. In particular, this research looks at access to

financial support and costs of ICT systems. The two elements are further explained

in the next sections. Access to Financial Support

According to Nkonoki (2010), capital constraints and lack of access to finances are

obviously the most discussed by many scholars as major factors limiting business

growth. Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) argue that, “financial resources are one of the

most crucial resources which are known as the key SMEs performance requirements

and are the critical success factors”. Review of other previous research has shown

that, firms with adequate financial resources will be better prepared in an adoption

situation (Chwelos et al., 2001; Kuan and Chau, 2001; Lee, 2004;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Chwelos et al. (2001) found that, the intent to adopt

EDI in SMEs is also influenced by the availability of financial resources. While

examining EDI adoption in SMEs, Kuan and Chau (2001) noted that, firms that

adopt perceive lower financial costs than non-adopters do. Sophonthummapharn

(2008) argue that, “firms that have adopted technology, are more likely to have more

financial resources to implement the technology than non-adopting firms”. Costello

(2009) point out that, financial factors have strong influence on ICTs diffusion to

SMEs. In light of these observations, it can be argued that, access to financial

support can play a critical role in technology adoption situation and thus its inclusion

in this study justified.

Generally, SMEs are known to lack in financial resources when compared to large

businesses (Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a).

Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) claim that, most SMEs suffer from the lack of sufficient

financial resources and most owner-managers invest their own personal assets.

Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) further observe that, for obvious reasons, limited financial

resources make small businesses to be very careful about their investment and capital

spending, since an inaccurate IT investment decision can cause severe financial

consequences for SMEs (Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). In extreme situation that may

lead to insolvency and economical failure (Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). Peou (2009)

argued that small firm financing is a major concern in Cambodia. According to Gono

et al. (2014), SMEs have been found to be financially constrained due to lack of

access to external financing, in both developed and developing countries. Nkonoki

(2010) noted that, capital constraints and in particular in-access to finance is one of

the major factors hindering SMEs growth in Tanzania. In-access to finance is a type

of capital constraint, and it refers to inaccessibility of funds for expanding, running

or maintaining a business undertaking (IFC, 2010; Nkonoki, 2010). Other studies

have also shown that one of the major problems affecting the SME sector in

Tanzania is limited access to finance (Kuzilwa, 2005; Olomi, 2006; URT, 2002).

According to DBIS (2013b), overdrafts and bank loans are the most common sources

of additional finance for SMEs. In addition, DBIS (2013b) argue that, the most

significant advantage overdrafts and bank loans have over raising equity is that,

neither involves relinquishing any share of ownership or control of the business. In

this research, the interactions between Entrepreneurs and financial institutions are

explored. Costs of ICT Systems

According to Ghobakhloo et al. (2012), past studies has shown that cost of ICT

systems affects adoption of the technology in SMEs (Alam et al., 2009; Costello,

2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a; Sophonthummapharn,

2008). Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) state that, owner-managers considers the elements

of IT costs (hardware and software) closely during IT adoption process within SMEs.

In a study conducted in Holland, Walczuch et al. (2000) found out that, high costs

were the major reason for Dutch SMEs not having internet access and their own

websites. Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) claim that, most businesses in United States of

America (USA), have significant difficulty affording the costs of ICT tools while

90% of these businesses consider lack of financial resources and skills as the main

barriers to ICT adoption. Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b) further observes that, in

general SMEs cannot afford to adopt ICT or reap its benefits through the effective

use of ICT, in short or medium period of time because of the financial constraints

experienced by the majority of SMEs, as well as the high start-up costs of ICT or

very expensive software or ready-to-use online packages.

On the other hand, Premkumar (2003) argues that adoption cost is not a significant

factor in determining IT adoption within SMEs. According to Ghobakhloo et al.

(2012), this observation is empirically supported through a study conducted in

Malaysia in 2009, and found out that “despite IT costs being one of the major risks

perceived by Malaysian SMEs, there are no significant associations between high

ICT infrastructure costs and ICT adoption in these businesses” (Ghobakhloo et al.,

2012). Alam and Noor (2009) argues that, the literature has shown that there is a

direct and significant relationship between cost and adoption of technology. The

lower the cost of adoption the higher the new innovation such as the ICT will be

adopted by the company and vice versa.

However, Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) maintain that, in spite of decreases in the initial

and direct costs of IT adoption in recent years, cost is still regarded as an essential

issue when it comes to adoption and implementation of ITs in SMEs. Love et al.

(2005) also note that, although the prices of hardware and software have decreased

noticeably and have become more affordable, the estimation of IT adoption cost is

difficult (Love et al., 2005). This difficulty leads to uncertainty about anticipated IT

benefits, and thus cost is still a significant barrier to IT investment in SMEs (Love et

al., 2005). In addition, Love et al. (2005) observe that, direct costs are usually

underestimated and viewed as the cost of hardware, software and installation while in

actual fact, IT’s direct costs result from the implementation of new technology (Love

et al., 2005).

The literature suggests that, beside initial costs of software and hardware and

installation costs, IT adoption expenses also go beyond direct costs and include costs

of staff training and motivation, transformation from old to new systems in terms of

procedures and organizational structure, as well as post IT implementation expenses,

cost of management time and effort, productivity losses and finally expenses

encompassing the costs of maintenance and development (Love et al., 2005;

Ghobakhloo et al., 2012).

In view of this discussion, it is seen that, cost of ICT systems affects the adoption of

the technology, especially when we take into account that, most SMEs are

characterised by restricted financial resources (Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al.,

2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a). Thus, the inclusion of this element in this study is


4.2.4 Government Policies

Government policies have featured in previous technology adoption studies mainly

appearing under the context of environmental factor (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

Due to the peculiar nature of SMEs, Costello (2009) suggested the inclusion of this

construct in any new model of ICT adoption. After all, available literature shows

that, there is a significant positive relationship between IT adoption in businesses and

government support (Alam and Noor, 2009; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

According to Ghobakhloo et al. (2012), SMEs generally depend more on external

resources and support than other companies, because of their size and lack of

resources. Sophonthummapharn (2008) note that, SMEs are typically limited in

financial resources and IT knowledge as compared to larger firms and therefore,

SMEs need more government support than larger firms. Costello (2009) argue that,

due to lack of resources such as expertise in the planning process and in the

technology, SMEs have a strong need for impartial advice independent from vendors.

In addition, many SMEs need practical help in the form of trusted ICT Consultancy

as well as grants or loans (Costello, 2009). This is the type of support that can be

provided by the government. Ghobakhloo et al. (2012) claim that, government

initiatives and policies could directly and or indirectly stimulate the development of

IT infrastructure and information provision to energize faster technology diffusion.

This notion is shared by other authors such as, Alam and Noor (2009), Costello

(2009), Sophonthummapharn (2008) and Mpofu et al. (2009). Costello (2009)

suggests that, ever since it was established that eBusiness is a major source of

competitive advantage, governments around the world are creating funding schemes

and initiatives to facilitate ecommerce adoption in small businesses (Costello, 2009).

In addition, there have also been many endeavours by authors around the globe to

familiarise and group barriers and enablers in this major area of concern (Costello,

2009). In view of this, the literature shows that, government support for facilitating

information transfers to SMEs is incrementally increasing (Alam and Noor, 2009;

Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

However, the literature suggests that, generally, governmental assistance have not

been advantageous to the SMEs (Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Nkonoki,

2010). According to Costello (2009) the literature has suggested that, many

intervention projects have addressed the needs of the policy makers’ career rather

than the intervention itself. As an example, Costello (2009) claim that, in spite of

several years of intervention packages by the UK government, the small business

sector still has problems with technology adoption and in fact SMEs are often left

suspicious of those that work to help them such as Business Link and Chambers of

Commerce (Costello, 2009).

In another study on SMEs in six different European countries, Ghobakhloo et al.

(2012) observed that, although governments have tried to assist SMEs in adopting IT

through increasing public spending on technology projects, nevertheless, there was

indication that, there are adoption barriers built into governmental agency

mechanisms designed to help these businesses (Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). These


adoption barriers are attributable to the gap between what is really required by SMEs

and what is provided by the government (Ghobakhloo et al., 2012).

Nkonoki (2010) suggests that, even though the government of Tanzania recognise

the importance of SMEs sector, and thus has set up policies and support institutions

to support the sector, most small business owners are not made aware of the services

(Nkonoki, 2010). According to Nkonoki (2010), it is a surprise to note that, the

minority ones benefiting from these schemes or services are the large-scale

businessmen. In the same context, Fink (1998) found out that, government grants do

not appear to be a significant factor supporting IT adoption within Australian SMEs.

On the other hand, in spite of the above-mentioned results indicating that government

intervention has not generally been found to be helpful, latest studies, especially in

developing countries, have shown that IT adoption in SMEs has considerably

improved as a result of government policies and initiatives. For example, available

literature explains that, IT adoption and e-readiness within Iranian SMEs has

improved significantly as a result of Iranian government plan for ICT development

(Ghobakhloo et al., 2012).

On a similar note, recent studies from Malaysia have shown that, Malaysian SMEs

generally do not agree with the observation that, cost is a significant determinant of

ICT adoption (Alam and Noor, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2009).

According to these studies, the rationale behind this observation is that, all types of

financial support have been provided by government to these businesses for ICT

adoption (Alam and Noor, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2009).

Through government agencies such as the Malaysian SME bank, Malaysian

Technology Development Corporation, Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) and Small

and Medium Scale Industries Development Corporation (SMIDEC), SMEs in

Malaysia have received adequate financial support and a number of necessary

training programs (Alam and Noor, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2009).

Thus, the literature concludes that, IT adoption process seems to be considerably

simplified for Malaysian SMEs and this is attributed to the supportive policies and

comprehensive IT support provided by the Malaysian government (Alam and Noor,

2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2009).

The lesson learned from this review is that, given the right approach by governments

in their effort to support the SME sector, positive results will be achieved. Costello

(2009) argues that, “Policy makers must address the issue for the benefits of SMEs,

rather than strive to hit government targets. Their major concern should be the SMEs

needs and not personal career development (Costello, 2009). From a similar

perspective, Alam and Noor (2009) suggests that, given the globalisation of the ICT

industry, there is a need to understand government role and responsibility in

contributing to the success of ICT development in businesses. Nkonoki (2010) notes

that, in spite of the lack of enough research on how government policies boost

growth of small firms’ the fact remains that, if the schemes and policies are put into

use for the benefit of the majority, positive results will be achieved.

The literature shows that, governmental interventions are multidimensional (Alam

and Noor, 2009; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a;

Mpofu et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Tan et al., 2009). For example, if

the government encourage SMEs to adopt the Internet and e-commerce, it must also

come up with related laws to support transactions over the Internet. If that is not

done, then it is likely that, the adoption rate will be slow (Sophonthummapharn,

2008). It can thus be argued that, the role of the government includes: Setting up of

Policies, Regulatory Frameworks and Laws, development of key infrastructure such

as telecommunication infrastructure, roads, energy and water, establish support

institution and assign clear roles to key actors, create good environment for business

to operate (Alam and Noor, 2009; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012;

Ghobakhloo et al., 2011a; Mpofu et al., 2009; Nkonoki, 2012; Sophonthummapharn,

2008; Tan et al., 2009; URT, 2002). In this research, Support programs, Taxes and

Tariffs and Support Infrastructure are studied under the government policies

context. Support Programs

In section 4.1.4, the importance of government interventions and support in SMEs is

thoroughly discussed. The literature shows that, one of the key areas that the

government can help SMEs is the creation and coordination of Support institutions

(Alam and Noor, 2009; Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009). Alam and Noor (2009)

conclude that, the success of ICT adoption by Malaysian SMEs is attributed to

supportive government policies. Through government agencies, SMEs in Malaysia

get comprehensive IT support such as access to finances and necessary training

programs (Alam and Noor, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). In this research,

government programs aimed at providing SMEs with support on financial assistance,

skill training programs and access to market information are looked at. Taxes and Tariffs

The literature shows that, taxation is a very important topic for policy makers

(Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012; CEBR, 2009; Freedman, 2003; Mungaya et al., 2012;

Mwangi and Nganga, 2012; OECD, 2009). This is attributed to the fact that, taxation

is the major way of funding of governments. Atawodi and Ojeka (2012) cite the

literature and define tax as “a statutory compulsory contribution imposed by

government exacted from a person’s or entity’s income, property or transaction for

the purpose of funding governance”. A tax can either be of three basic structures;

proportional, regressive or progressive (Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012). Tax is said to be

proportional when the taxpayer is levied an amount that is an indirect proportion of

his income (Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012). A regressive tax is one that charges a higher

rate to persons receiving lower income, and finally a progressive tax levies a higher

rate to higher income earners (Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012). According to Mungaya et

al. (2012), a poorly conceived taxation system can have catastrophic consequences

for the concerned economy. They thus argue that, a tax structure must be adequately

designed to the specific environmental conditions; otherwise it may create a greater

burden to the tax-paying organizations (Mungaya et al., 2012).

In the context of this research, previous studies on ICT adoption by SMEs have

shown that, tax incentives for SMEs can stimulate ICT adoption in the SMEs (Alam

and Noor, 2009). Alam and Noor (2009), cite a study carried out in Israel to identify

three most important factors that had contributed to the creation ICT industry in

Israel. The study, found government’s tax incentives to be one of the success factors

(Alam and Noor, 2009). However, the literature shows differing arguments for and

against the targeting of tax incentives at SMEs (Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012; CEBR,

2009; Freedman, 2003; Mungaya et al., 2012; Mwangi and Nganga, 2012; OECD,


One of the major issues raised in the literature against the targeting of tax incentives

at SMEs is the fact that, the provision of tax reliefs and exemptions for small

businesses is against the key principle of neutrality (Freedman, 2003; OECD, 2009).

Freedman (2003) also note that, since it is extremely difficult to target growth

oriented SMEs only, reliefs aimed at all small businesses are available, inevitably, to

non-growth firms. This is viewed as wastage of resources. Furthermore, businesses

can be created, or reorganised partly in order to obtain the tax advantages and or for

the purpose of tax avoidance (Freedman, 2003). In addition, it is also argued that,

tax incentives and reliefs to small business may result in economic inefficiency

(Freedman, 2003). Resources should be allocated to larger, more efficient firms

rather than to small, less efficient firms. Alternatively, they may not be effective at


On the other hand, the literature shows a great support for tax incentives to SMEs

(Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012; CEBR, 2009; Freedman, 2003; Mungaya et al., 2012;

Mwangi and Nganga, 2012; OECD, 2009). According to CEBR (2009), there is

empirical evidence showing that increasing business taxation provides disincentives


for small businesses to engage in activities that they have particular strengths in:

entrepreneurial activity, investment and innovation, and employment (CEBR, 2009).

Mwangi and Nganga (2012) observe that, there are various types of taxes which the

government use in raising required revenue but those taxes may have a negative

effect on the SME’s sector growth. Mwangi and Nganga (2012) recommend that, the

level of taxation set must be friendly and not stifle the running of business. Atawodi

and Ojeka (2012) found out that, there is a significant negative relationship between

taxes and the business’ ability to sustain itself and to expand. They thus

recommended for a tax policy that will stimulate the growth of the SME sector

(Atawodi and Ojeka, 2012).

URT (2002) state that, “SMEs are generally, confronted with unique problems

including heavy costs of compliance resulting from their size”. On a similar context,

Nkonoki (2010) came to the conclusion that, reducing the corporate taxes charged to

small firms, as well as reducing fees for registering small firms, can result in growth

of the SME sector in Tanzania. This study looks at how tax and tariffs affect

adoption and use of ICTs in small business. Support Infrastructure

Previous research has shown that, infrastructure provided by the government and or

its institutions, is vital to help both economic growth and technological progress of

SMEs (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Ghobakhloo et al.,

2011b; Mpofu et al., 2009). In addition, the literature shows how telecommunication

infrastructure impacts on ICT adoption by small business (Apulu, 2012; Behitsa et

al., 2010; Costello, 2009; Ghobakhloo et al., 2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Mpofu

et al., 2009; Nchunge et al., 2013). The literature has shown that, poor or

underdeveloped communications infrastructure, results in poor, unreliable and

expensive service provision (Behitsa et al., 2010). This is known to have a negative

impact on ICT adoption (Apulu, 2012; Behitsa et al., 2010; Mpofu et al., 2009;

Nchunge et al., 2013).

In view of this, section 2.3 of this research discussed how Telecommunication

infrastructure plays into the overall picture of ICT development in the context of

Tanzania. On a similar tone, Nchunge et al. (2013) argue that, availability of other

support infrastructure such as roads and reliable energy are also important factors in

ICT adoption situations. Thus, support infrastructures are considered important in

this research and they refer to all infrastructures that support technology transfer,

such as Telecommunication infrastructure, roads, water, and reliable electricity.

4.2.5 ICT Adoption

ICT adoption is one of the dependent variables and is a core issue in this research,

since adoption of ICTs is believed and thus hypothesised to be a solution to the

observed problems. In section 3.1 the benefits of ICT adoption by SMEs in general,

are presented. This section complements section 3.1 by specifically targeting on

Computer and the Internet technologies, the two elements studied under the context

of ICT adoption.
109 Computers

There is evidence to the fact that, the benefits of ICTs, cut across all fields of human

activities (Apulu, 2012; Ion and Andreea, 2008; Onasanya, 2002a; Onasanya,

2002b). Osaat and Oyet (2012) claim that, the discovery of computer so far remains

the most important development in the ICT revolution”. It can thus be argued that,

computer technology cut across all aspects of human life. According to Onasanya

(2002a, 2002b), computer today is involved in reshaping the entire world and had

been more deeply involved in the texture of human life than any other dormant

technology ever.

Computer technology is credited with the ability to compute, store, retrieve,

organize, transmit, and algorithmically transform any type of information that can be

digitized (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). Numbers, text, video, music, speech,

programs, and engineering drawings are some of information type that can be

processed by a computer (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000). Typically, a computer can

solve highly complicated problems quickly and accurately. Massive amount of data

can fast be manipulated and results can be viewed, stored or shared in the most

convenient way. Using different applications software’s, a computer can be used in

almost any discipline including such areas of specialisation as communications,

business, arts, education, medicine, governance, space exploration, engineering and

science (Anyaogu, 1991; Onasanya, 2002a; Onasanya, 2002b; Brynjolfsson and Hitt,


In the context of business, Feigenbaum (2015) state that, “In an age of booming

technology, running a business without computers is like trying to breathe without

lungs”. Feigenbaum (2015) further argue that, whether we like it or not, computers

have become an integral part of the way business is done. Sison (2012) claim that,

computers are used for all aspects of running a business. According to Sison (2012)

businesses use computers to keep records, develop budgets and forecasts, prepare

marketing documents, research and stay in contact with other employees and

customers. In general, computers are used in business, for word-processing,

spreadsheets, accounting activities, communication, marketing, education and

research (Anyaogu, 1991; Crowder, 2015; Feigenbaum, 2015; Onasanya, 2002b;

Sison, 2012; Suttle, 2015). In addition, computers are used for maintaining

computerised databases and information systems of a company (Anyaogu, 1991;

Onasanya, 2002b).

Available literature has shown that, adoption and use of computer system can be of

great benefit to a company (Anyaogu, 1991; Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000; Crowder,

2015; Feigenbaum, 2015; Onasanya, 2002b; Sison, 2012). Sison (2012) suggests

that, computer use in business enhances productivity and provides results that might

not otherwise be possible. On a similar note, the literature have enough evidence

that, when used effectively, computers save time, money, and increase business

efficiency and productivity (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Crowder, 2015

Feigenbaum, 2015; Sison, 2012; Suttle, 2015). In view of this observation, Sison

(2012) recommends that businesses should look at their operation and ensure that

they are using their computers to the fullest extent. Brynjolfsson and Hitt (2000)

noted that, as the computers become cheaper and more powerful, the business value

of computers is most limited by the ability of managers to invent new processes,

procedures and organizational structures that leverage this capability and less by the

computational capability of computers. It could thus be argued that, in today’s

business environment, a computer is a strategic management tool that when used to

its full potential can boost business efficiency, productivity and growth.

Previous research on SMEs concludes that, computers can benefit small business the

same way they can benefit big organisations (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009;

Ghobakhloo et al., 2012). In particular, the literature show that effective use of

computers results in increased efficiency, competitiveness and performance of a firm

(Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Galloway and Mochrie, 2005; Harindranath et al.,

2010; Hazbo and Arnela, 2010; Lerman et al., 2004; Modimongale, 2009; Naul,

2012; European Commission, 2014; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In this research,

the adoption and the level of computers use in SMEs and its contribution to the

overall performance of the firm are explored. The Internet

From the definition of the Internet, section 1.1.3, it can be summarised that, the

Internet technology brings together computer technologies, computer networking

technologies and telecommunication technologies to form a global information

system. The biggest strength of the Internet is its ability to offer abundant

information resources using faster communication links at a low cost. Some authors

have argued that, the Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information (Ernst, 2001).

In the past decade, there has been a dramatic growth of the Internet and the World

Wide Web (Chung, 2006). Kripanont (2007) claim that, the Internet today is a

public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of

people worldwide.

Since its advent, the Internet has transformed the world like no other technology

before (Apulu, 2012). Apulu (2012) report that, the Internet is considered to be one

of the “defining symbols” of the 21st century innovation. According to Apulu (2012),

the Internet has transformed the conceptual notions of how people value knowledge

to create a new economy. Sellitto and Martin (2003) cited by Apulu (2012) claim

that, the internet has become an extremely important modern-day technology for

businesses. Manyika and Roxburgh (2011) note that the Internet have changed the

way we work, socialise, create and share information and organise the flow of

people, idea and things around the globe. In view of this, it can be concluded that,

the Internet today affects every aspect of human life. Some of the areas that has

benefited from the Internet technology include: communication, education and

research, business and economy and leisure and entertainment (Kripanont, 2007).

The literature provides the proof to the effect that adoption and use of the Internet

has advantages to the business (Apulu, 2012; Ifinedo, 2011; Ion and Andreea, 2008;

Kula and Tatoglu, 2003; Udo and Edoho, 2000). Ernst (2001) argue that, the Internet

has become the means for conducting growing numbers of transactions between

suppliers and large international corporations. This is attributed to the speed,

flexibility, and efficiency that the Internet offers (Ernst, 2001). Ernst (2001)

concludes that, the Internet has opened new markets to developing Asia and has

accelerated the diffusion of knowledge throughout the region (Ernst, 2001).

In the context of the SMEs, there is enough literature to support the fact that, Internet

adoption is a key success factor to small business (Alam, 2009; Ana et al., 2006;

Chung, 2006; Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004; Gilmore et al., 2007; Hsu et al., 2008;

Ifinedo, 2011; Kaynak et al., 2005; Kula and Tatoglu, 2003; Martin and Matlay,

2003; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Nathan, 2013; Tan et al., 2010). Ifinedo (2011) claim

that, the emergence of the internet has presented businesses (small and large) with an

opportunity to improve performance and enhance revenue generation. Similarly,

Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b) report that, in the global business environments, SMEs are

incrementally using information and communications technologies (ICT)-based

electronic commerce (EC) to gain competitive advantages and to have access to

global markets.

Martin and Matlay (2003) argue that, business could gain competitive advantage

from Internet usage if they can achieve the right mix of managerial capacity and

marketing focus in terms of image, brand and customer needs. Dholakia and Kshetri

(2004) noted that, the Internet can be a critical factor in enhancing a firm’s market

reach and operational efficiency. They further argued that, Internet based

technologies provide small firms the opportunity to overcome the limitations of size

and compete more effectively and/or in larger markets with bigger sized

establishments (Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004). In addition, Dholakia and Kshetri

(2004) report that, there is some evidence to suggest that the Internet has increased

international opportunities for SMEs (Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004). On a similar

context, Gilmore et al. (2007) suggest that, the use of the internet for e-commerce

impacted upon the barriers to export entry and has provided hope to millions of small

and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) attempting to enter foreign markets by

allowing them to communicate globally as efficiently as any large business.

Kaynak et al. (2005) identified the most prominent benefits of conducting business

on the Internet as:

i. The ability of business to offer direct links with customers, suppliers and

distributors and to facilitate transactions

ii. The ability of business to facilitate information transfer

iii. The ability of companies to develop new products and services for existing

and new customers and

iv. The opportunities for companies to market their products around the world

without physically contacting customers or advertising in other parts of the


In addition, Kaynak et al. (2005) report that, among the principle benefits of internet-

based EC that are more directly relevant for small business include: direct savings

such as product promotion, new sales channels, quick product delivery, more

satisfaction of customers, inexpensive advertising medium, enhanced company

image, new business opportunities, efficiency in information gathering and better

support from suppliers.

On the other hand, a systematic literature review has conclusively shown that, in

spite of the obvious benefits, the rate of adoption of Internet and its related

technologies or services by SMEs is low (Alam, 2009; Ana et al., 2006; Apulu,

2012; Chung, 2006; Dholakia and Kshetri, 2004; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Gilmore

et al., 2007; Hsu et al., 2008; Ifinedo, 2011; Kaynak et al., 2005; Kula and Tatoglu,

2003; Martin and Matlay, 2003; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Nathan, 2013; Tan et al.,

2010). Furthermore, the literature claims that, much research that has been

conducted in order to improve the situation has been conducted in developed

countries (Alam, 2009; Ana et al., 2006; Apulu, 2012; Chung, 2006; Dholakia and

Kshetri, 2004; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Gilmore et al., 2007; Hsu et al., 2008;

Ifinedo, 2011; Kaynak et al., 2005; Kula and Tatoglu, 2003; Martin and Matlay,

2003; Mehrtens et al., 2001; Nathan, 2013; Tan et al., 2010).

Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b) and Tan et al. (2007) notice that, SMEs in developing

countries face challenges different from those in developed countries and differs

greatly in adopting and benefiting from e-commerce (Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Tan

et al., 2007). Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b) further observes that, e-commerce adoption

in these businesses, has only recently gained attention in the academic press.

According to Ghobakhloo et al. (2011b) this scenario makes research related to e-


commerce implementation in developing countries context scarce. Thus, the

literature recommends for researches that are robust enough to capture most, if not

all, of the idiosyncrasies observed (Apulu, 2012; Ghobakhloo et al., 2011b; Mpofu et

al., 2009). In view of the discussion above, the inclusion of Internet technology in

this research is justified.

4.2.6 SME Performance

The final construct in the proposed model is concerned with the post adoption

evaluation of surveyed SMEs here termed as SME Performance. The rationale of

including this construct in this research is based on recommendations from previous

work (Costello, 2009; Lefebvre and Lefebvre, 1996; Van Akkeren and Cavaye,

1999b). In their assessment of current models in the literature, Van Akkeren and

Cavaye (1999b) stated that, small companies needed an immediate return on

investments, and thus called for a model which included return on investment (ROI).

Van Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b) noted that “SME owners are only concerned with

a return on investments; hence they are reluctant to make substantial investments

when short-term returns are not guaranteed”. According to Costello (2009), a recent

review of the literature revealed that the inclusion of ROI in a model as still not

being fulfilled. In addition, Costello (2009) noted that, there is concern from the

literature review that “with no pre-evaluation and no post-evaluation measures,

micro-companies will continue to make decisions based on a poor assessment of

their last adoption” (Costello, 2009).

Costello (2009) further discovered that, the vast majority of small businesses rely on

“gut instinct” to make a decision as to whether the adoption is successful or not. She

noted that, 97% of the micro-companies studied did not evaluate purchases or

measure the success of those purchases in any tangible way (Costello, 2009).

Costello (2009) argue that, “this, may indicate a gap in knowledge of micro-

companies regarding some factors that are important in measuring adoption success

as well as lack of understanding of business success”. Costello (2009) identified a

number of factors that could have been measured but were not. According to

Costello (2009) this demonstrates micro-companies’ inability to use historic data to

inform future investment decisions.

St-Pierre and Sylvain (2006) observe that, “the importance of evaluating

performance is obvious for business enterprises in general, and for SMEs in

particular”. However, Haber and Reichel (2005) note that, performance

measurement is not a simple task. They argue that, the difficult lies in defining

effectiveness and performance (Haber and Reichel, 2005). Wu (2009) acknowledge

that, performance is a widely-used concept in many areas. He claims that usually,

performance is a measure of how well a mechanism/process achieves its purpose

(Wu, 2009). According to Wu (2009), in enterprise management, organization’s

performance is defined as “how well the organization is managed” and “the value

the organization delivers for customers and other stakeholders.” In the context of

this research, “performance” is related to achieving the small business owner-

manager interests after ICT adoption. The literature has shown that, in the context of

SMEs, perceptions of success are directly linked to the perceived benefits of

adoption by the owner-manager (Costello, 2009; Lefebvre and Lefebvre, 1996;

Mehrtens et al., 2001; Thong and Yap, 1995; Van Akkeren and Cavaye 1999b).

Haber and Reichel (2005) claim that, studies in different industries have primarily

relied on financial variables to evaluate business performance. According to Haber

and Reichel (2005) this reliance, reflect the shareholder interests of the SMEs

owner–manager. Haber and Reichel (2005) report that frequently used financial

measures include return on investment (ROI), profit and revenues. On the other

hand, Haber and Reichel (2005) note that, assessing performance solely on the basis

of financial measures neglects other relevant performance dimensions of small

ventures that relate to managerial aspects such as market share, number of employees

and revenue per employee (Haber and Reichel, 2005). On a similar note, Wu (2009)

claim that, measuring performance is a multi-dimensional concept. He argues that

“effectiveness “and “efficiency” are the two fundamental dimensions of

performance. According to Wu (2009), to illustrate efficiency, effectiveness, and

the value delivered, multi-measures should be used.

The literature notes that, Innovation can also be used as firm’s performance indicator

(DBIS, 2014; Gunday et al., 2009; OECD, 2005). According to Gunday et al.

(2009), innovativeness is one of the fundamental instruments of growth strategies to

enter new markets, to increase the existing market share and to provide the company

with a competitive edge. Gunday et al., 2009, further notes that innovation is

embedded in the organizational structures, processes, products, and services within a

firm and is an essential component of competitiveness (Gunday et al., 2009). DBIS

(2014) claim that, there is a large body of evidence to support the notion that,

innovation is at the core of business productivity growth, and therefore at the core of

economic growth overall. In view of this review, in this research, return on

investment and innovation are explored as indicators of performance after ICT

adoption in small business. The factors are discussed in the next sections. Return on Investment

Botchkarev and Andru (2011) report that Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the

most popular performance measurement and evaluation metrics used in business

analysis. According to Botchkarev and Andru (2011) initially ROI was identified as a

financial term and defined as a concept based on a rigorous and quantifiable analysis

of financial returns and costs. Investopedia (2011) define ROI as “a performance

measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency

of a number of different investments”. According to Investopedia (2011), to

calculate ROI, the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the

investment; the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio (Investopedia, 2011;

Botchkarev and Andru, 2011). Thus, ROI formula is:

However, Cresswell (2004) note that “ROI analysis in general is a rather diverse

collection of methods, skills, tools, activities, and ideas. They all may be useful for

assessing the relative value over time of some investment” (Cresswell, 2004).

Investopedia (2011) explain that, the calculation for ROI and, therefore the

definition, can be modified to suit the situation. According to Investopedia (2011), it

all depends on what is included as returns and costs. In addition, Investopedia


(2011) and Botchkarev and Andru (2011) note that the definition of ROI in the

broadest sense just attempts to measure the profitability of an investment and, as

such, there is no one "right" calculation (Investopedia, 2011; Botchkarev and Andru,


Botchkarev and Andru (2011) argue that the large number of ROI methods today,

has led to the situation where ROI is often experienced as a non-rigorous, amorphous

bundle of mixed approaches, prone to the risks of inaccuracy and biased judgement.

This can further be explained by the existence of two extreme views regarding the

use of ROI. While one view claim that ROI is “the most popular” metric to use

when comparing the attractiveness of one information technology (IT) investment to

another, the other view is to “forget ROI” altogether (Botchkarev and Andru, 2011).

Nevertheless, Botchkarev and Andru (2011) claim that, when applied correctly, ROI

analysis is a powerful tool for evaluating existing information systems and making

informed decisions on software acquisitions and other projects (Botchkarev and

Andru, 2011). At present, ROI is widely recognized and accepted in business and

financial management in the private and public sectors (Botchkarev and Andru,

2011; Investopedia, 2011) although a meaningful analysis of returns on investment in

information technology is far easier said than done (Cresswell, 2004).

Haber and Reichel (2005) argue that, using objective financial measures would seem

to be the simplest way to assess performance. However, they point out that, these

data are sometimes confidential and difficult to obtain from the respondents (Haber

and Reichel, 2005). They argue that small firms are known for their inability and

unwillingness to provide desired information. In some cases, objective financial data

on small ventures are not publicly available (Haber and Reichel, 2005). According

to Haber and Reichel (2005), in such scenario, previous research has shown that,

subjective measures are more flexible and thus useful. They argue that, given the

need for valid performance measures and the difficulty in collecting valid data, there

is merit in the use of both objective and subjective performance measures

simultaneously (Haber and Reichel, 2005). Costello (2009) discovered that the

majority of SMEs do not evaluate performance after adoption and those who do, tend

to use a single or simple metrics. In view of the observations made by Haber and

Reichel (2005) and Costello (2009), in this research, increase in market size, increase

in capital, increase in sales, increase in profit, and the number of employees are

explored as indicators of return on investment. Innovations

According to DBIS (2014), “Innovation is the application of new knowledge to the

production of goods and services” The literature show that innovativeness is one of

the fundamental instruments of growth strategies (DBIS, 2014; Gunday et al., 2009;

OECD, 2005). It enables a business to enter into new markets, to increase the

existing market share and to provide the company with a competitive edge (Gunday

et al., 2009; OECD, 2005). DBIS (2014) claim that, there is enough evidence from

the literature to the effect that innovation is at the core of business productivity

growth, and therefore at the core of economic growth overall.

According to the literature (Gunday et al., 2009; OECD, 2005) innovation as a term

is not only related to products and processes, but is also related to marketing and

organization (Gunday et al., 2009; OECD, 2005). Gunday et al. (2009) claim that

different types of innovation are described in the literature. OECD (2005) identify

four different types of innovation as: product innovation, process innovation,

marketing innovation and organizational innovation. The OECD (2005) notes that,

product and process innovations are closely related to the concept of technological


Product innovation is defined as “the introduction of a good or service that is new or

significantly improved regarding its characteristics or intended uses; including

significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials,

incorporated software, user friendliness or other functional characteristics

(OECD ,2005). The OECD (2005) further defines process innovation as “the

implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method.

This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software. Process

innovations can be intended to decrease unit costs of production or delivery, to

increase quality, or to produce or deliver new or significantly improved products”

(OECD, 2005).

In addition, marketing innovation is defined as “the implementation of a new

marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging,

product placement, product promotion or pricing” (OECD, 2005). Finally, the

OECD (2005) define organisational innovation as: “a new organizational method in

the firm’s business practices, workplace organization or external relations.

Organizational innovations have a tendency to increase firm performance by


reducing administrative and transaction costs, improving workplace satisfaction

(and thus labour productivity), gaining access to non-tradable assets (such as non-

codified external knowledge) or reducing costs of supplies (OECD, 2005). From the

operational definitions of the four types of innovations, it can be seen that computer

and Internet adoption by a firm can affect both types of innovation. In this research,

under the Innovation construct, the emergence of new processes and methods that

enhance company efficiency and effectiveness, are explored in evaluating firm

performance after Internet and computer adoption,

4.3 Summary of Model Factors

Having established the validity of different constructs and factors, this section give a

summary of factors used in this study. The summary is given a tabular form as

depicted by Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Individual Factors for the ICT Adoption Model

Category Individual Factor Reference

Personal Factors Educational experience Chung (2006); Costello (2009);
Knowledge of IT Grandon and Pearson (2004a);
Perceived benefit Rashid and Al-Qirim (2001);
Van Akkeren and Cavaye
The Firm Age, Size, Sector Costello (2009); Van Akkeren
and Cavaye (1999b)

Table 4.2 (Continued)


Category Individual Factor Reference

Organisational Advice sought Chung (2006); Costello (2009);
Readiness Internal pressures Grandon and Pearson (2004a);
In house ICT skills Mehrtens et al. (2001); Rashid
Adequate resources and Al-Qirim (2001); Van
Akkeren and Cavaye (1999b)
Strategy Decision making Costello (2009);
Reason for adoption Levy et al. (2005)
Significance of adoption
External Pressure Customer pressure Chung (2006); Costello (2009);
Competitive pressure Ghobakhloo et al. (2012);
Suppliers pressure Grandon and Pearson (2004a);
Industry pressure Mehrtens et al. (2001); Rashid
and Al-Qirim (2001);
Sophonthummapharn (2008);
Van Akkeren and Cavaye
Economic Factors Access to financial Alam (2009); Ghobakhloo et al.
support, (2012); Mpofu et al. (2009);
Sophonthummapharn (2008);
Cost of ICT systems Walczuch et al. (2000);
Government Support programmes Ghobakhloo et al. (2012);
Policies Taxes and tariffs Mpofu et al. (2009);
Support infrastructure Sophonthummapharn (2008)
ICT Adoption Computer systems Apulu (2012); Brynjolfsson and
The Internet Hitt (2000); Chung (2006);
Dholakia and Kshetri (2004);
Galloway and Mochrie (2005);
Gilmore et al. (2007); Mehrtens
et al. (2001); Modimongale
(2009); Onasanya (2002b)
SMEs Performance Return on Investment Botchkarev and Andru (2011);
Costello (2009); Cresswell A. M
Innovations (2004); DBIS 2014; Gunday et
al. (2009); Haber and Reichel
(2005); Investopedia (2011);
OECD (2005)

4.3.1 The Conceptual Model

Figure 4.1 depict the conceptual model used in this study.

Explanatory Variables

 Education Experience SME PERFOMANCE-SP
 Knowledge of IT  Return on Investment
 Perceived Benefit  Process Innovation

Figure 4.1: The Conceptual Model for Accessing ICT Adoption in SMEs

In this study, descriptive analysis was used in preliminary data analysis. Thereafter

Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in model development and


4.4 Hypotheses

From the conceptual model developed the hypotheses for this research were

formulated and they were arranged into five groups. Group one had three hypotheses

(H1a, H1b and H1c) that were meant to test the individual effect of explanatory

variables (Personal Factors, Organisation Factors and Economic Factors) on ICT

adoption (the dependent variable). Group two had three hypotheses (H2a, H2b and

H2c). These hypotheses tested the combined effect of two explanatory variables on

ICT adoption. Group three had one hypothesis H3 which tested the combined effects

of all explanatory variables on ICT adoption. Group four had one hypothesis H4

which tested the effect of ICT adoption on the performance of SMEs (SMEP).

Finally, the fifth group had three hypotheses (H5a, H5b and H5c). The hypotheses in

group five tested the moderating effect of government policies (support programs,

taxes and tariffs and support infrastructure) has on the influence of predictors

(explanatory variables) of ICT adoption. The hypotheses are summarised as:

H1a: Personal factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

H1b: Organizational factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

H1c: Economic factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

H2a: Personal factors and Organizational factors have a direct positive significant

relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.


H2b: Personal factors and Economic factors have a direct positive significant

relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.

H2c: Organizational factors and Economic factors have a direct positive significant

relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.

H3: Personal factors, Organizational factors and Economic factors have a direct

positive significant relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.

H4: ICT adoptions have a direct positive significant relationship with SMEs


H5a: The influence of personal factors, organisation factors and economic factors

(predictors) on ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by the taxes and tariffs

charged by the government on the SMEs.

H5b: The influence of personal factors, organisation factors and economic factors

(predictors) on ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by support programs

provided by the government to SMEs.

H5c: The influence of personal factors, organisation factors and economic factors

(predictors) on ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by the support

infrastructure provided by the government to SMEs.


4.5 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the conceptual model in this research have been developed and

presented. The model constructs and variables have been explored in order to

establish their validity in this study. A total of eleven hypotheses have been

formulated from the model for the aim of testing the effect of explanatory variables

on dependent variables. The methodology used in carrying out this research is given

in the next chapter.



5.1 Introduction

One of the formidable problems that a researcher faces after defining the research

problem is the preparation of the design of the research project, popularly known as

the “research design” (Apulu, 2012; Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). However, according to Apulu (2012), proper

understanding of research design is one of the most challenging issues in research

due to the fact that, scholars use various terms to describe research approaches and

strategies (Apulu, 2012) as seen in the given definitions for research design and


Kothari (2004) defined research design as “the arrangement of conditions for

collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the

research purpose with economy in procedure.” This means that, both data and

methods, and the way in which these will be configured in the research project, need

to be the most effective in producing the answers to the research questions, taking

into account practical and other constraints of the study (Apulu, 2012; Kothari, 2004;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Apulu (2012) note that,

research design is also known as a research plan or research strategy. Saunders et al.

(2009) defined research strategy (or research design) as an overall approach that a

researcher adopts in order to answer the research question (Saunders et al., 2009). On

a similar note, Crotty (1998) claimed that, a research strategy or plan of action is the

design that shapes a researcher’s choice and use of particular methods and links them

to the desired outcomes (Crotty, 1998).

Research methodology has been defined as “a strategy, process, plan of action or

design lying behind the choice and use of particular methods and linking the choice

and use of those methods to the desired outcomes” (Apulu, 2012). Remenyi et al.

(2003) described methodology as “the overall approach to a problem which could be

put into practice in a research process, from the theoretical underpinning to the

collection and analysis of data”. Collis and Hussey (2003) identified methodology as

the “overall approach to the entire process of the research study”. According to

Sophonthummapharn (2008), research methodology is focused around the problems

to be investigated in a study and thus its definition can vary according to the

problems to be investigated.

This study adopts the description of the different research terms as advocated by

Saunders et al. (2009). According to Saunders et al. (2009), the selection of

methods and technique or techniques used to obtain data, along with procedures to

analyse these data, represents only the final decision about the overall research

design. Thus, using the metaphor of the “Research Onion”, Saunders et al. (2009)

presented the overall research methodology in which the thoughts with regard to the

research problem lie in the centre. That way, several layers (of the onion) have to be

“peeled away” before reaching this central position. According to Saunders et al.

(2009), these layers are the important aspects to be considered in determining the

research methodology for a particular research study. Figure 5.1 shows the

“research Onion” as suggested by Saunders et al. (2009). The onion identifies

philosophy, approaches, strategies, choices, time horizon, and techniques layers.

These layers illustrate the steps of research design. It should be noted that, while

there are different definitions and classifications of these terms, classification set

forward by Saunders et al. (2009) is preferred here, since in my opinion, it provides a

clear overall framework for the complete research process.


Source: Saunders et al. (2009)

Figure 5.1: Research Onion

This chapter presents the research design and methodology used in this study.

However, prior to that, an overview of different types of research designs are given

in order to identify the type to be used in the current study. This helps to understand

the decisions made on the choice of methods and techniques in the study. After

research type identification, the rest of the chapter is arranged as follows: First the

philosophical paradigms related to IS research are briefly discussed and the

philosophical standpoint of the author is acknowledged. Second, different

alternatives for research approaches, designs, strategies, and time dimension are

discussed, and the specific choices made in this study are clarified. Third, this

chapter elaborates the details of research methodologies in regard to sampling

procedure, questionnaire development and the pilot survey. Finally, the chapter

presents an overview of the methods, techniques and procedures used in data

collection and data analysis.


5.2 Research Designs

From the literature, the author notes that there are different ways of classifying

research. Some authors classify research based on the method used such as

qualitative research or quantitative research. Other authors classify research

according to the observational method used such as survey research or case study

research. However, Yin (2009) and Costello (2009) point out that, the main reasons

for conducting any research are either to explore, to describe or to explain a

phenomenon (Costello, 2009, Yin 2009). Thus, research designs can be classified as

exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory (causal) research (Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The three different types of research are further

explained in the next section.

5.2.1 Exploratory Research

Exploratory research is a type of research undertaken in order to provide the

researcher with a better understanding of a situation or a research problem

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Costello, 2009). This is common when there is little

theory available to guide predictions like when a researcher examines a new interest

or when the subject of study itself is relatively new (Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Costello, 2009). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), exploratory research put

a major emphasis on the discovery of ideas and insights and it is used when seeking

insight into the general nature of a problem, the possible decision alternatives, and

relevant variables that need to be considered (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

Exploratory research can be conducted through a number of techniques including


literature review, interviews, Delphi technique, focus group, case study, project test,

experience survey, and ethnography (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

5.2.2 Descriptive Research

Descriptive research is a type of research that seeks to provide an accurate

description of observations of phenomenon being studied (Sophonthummapharn,

2008). The researcher observes and then describes what was observed

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Usually, descriptive research designs are structured

and t h e y a r e specifically designed to measure the characteristics d e s c r i b e d in

a research question (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Hypotheses, derived from the

theory, usually serve to guide the process and provide a list of what needs to be

measured. As a rule, descriptive research does not answer questions about

how/when/why the characteristics occurred. Rather it addresses the "what" question.

For example, “What are the characteristics of the population or situation being

studied?” (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In general, things are described by

providing measures of an event or activity and descriptive research often

accomplishes this by using descriptive statistics (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). These

include frequency counts (how many), measures of central tendency (mean or mode),

and a measure of variation (standard deviation). Descriptive research can be

conducted through sample surveys, an omnibus panel, a true panel, and longitudinal

study (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).


5.2.3 Explanatory (Causal) Research

The primary purpose of explanatory research design is on studying a situation or a

problem in order to explain the causal relationships among variables (Saunders et al.,

2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). As such they are designed to test whether one

event causes another. Explanatory studies are characterized by research hypotheses

that specify the nature and direction of the relationships between or among variables

being studied (Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It is concerned

with determining cause-and-effect relationships, which are studied via experiments

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Explanatory research aims to develop precise theory

that can be used to definitively explain the phenomena, which leads to the

generalization from the research and thus probability sampling is normally a

requirement. In more detail, it tests whether or not some event causes another. This

type of research is the most complicated (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It often takes

a long time from planning to execution and it can be very expensive

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The data are quantitative and almost always require

the use of a statistical test to establish the validity of the relationships. For example,

explanatory survey research may investigate the factors that contribute to customer

satisfaction and determine the relative weight of each factor, or seek to model the

variables that lead to shopping cart abandonment. Explanatory research is typically

conducted through laboratory and field experiments.

5.2.4 Relationships among Research Designs

From the discussion above it can be seen that, the three types of research differ in

several aspects including research purpose, the way research questions or hypotheses

are formulated, and the way data are collected. However, despite the distinctions

among the three types of research, they nonetheless have complementary roles in

many research projects (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The distinctions are not

absolute because in reality any research project is likely to serve several purposes

and therefore require more than one research design (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), the three research designs are interrelated

as stages in a continuous process as depicted in figure 5.2

Source: Sophonthummapharn (2008).

Figure 5.2: Relationships among Research Designs

In a typical case where a research project employs more than one research design,

exploratory research is more often used as a starting point in order to get a clear

understanding of the problem (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). After a successful

exploratory research, the possible explanations or hypotheses can then be developed


and serve as guides for the subsequent descriptive or causal research projects.

Descriptive research design can also be a starting point. However, the choice of

initial step will depend on whether researchers can be sufficiently specific in

formulating the problem (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

5.2.5 Research Design Used in the Current Study

This study employs multiple research designs as suggested by Costello (2009) and as

depicted in figure 5.2. The study begins with an exploratory phase involving

extensive literature review about the topic of interest, that is, adoption and use of

ICTs in SMEs. Research questions and hypotheses are then developed for

subsequent descriptive study. Finally, an attempt is made to explain the cause of

some of the observed characteristics.

5.3 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy or sometimes called the research paradigms can simply be

defined as “a set of shared assumptions or ways of thinking about some aspect of

this world” (Oates, 2006). This means that different paradigms will result in

different views of the world. Saunders et al. (2009) define philosophy as the belief

and thinking that an individual has about knowledge and how it is created and

developed. According to the literature (Apulu, 2012; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008), the researcher beliefs and experiences somehow

influences the way a particular research project is conducted. Sophonthummapharn

(2008) further argues that, “the way a researcher views environments or the world

surrounding him/her will underlie the choice of which research practices should be

used including research approaches and research strategies”.

Apulu (2012) observed that, there are three factors that influence the need to

understand philosophical paradigms in a research study. Firstly, philosophical

paradigms help to define the research design, the type of evidence that is required,

how it will be gathered and interpreted, and how this will give answers to the

research questions. Secondly, philosophical paradigms assist the researcher to

identify which research design will work for a particular study. Thirdly,

philosophical paradigms can help the researcher to create research designs that may

not be related to the researcher’s experience.

Saunders et al. (2009) identifies ten different philosophies that guide research (see

Figure 5.1 in page 131) including Positivism, Realism, Interpretivism, Objectivism,

Subjectivism, and Pragmatism. According to Saunders et al. (2009) the different

philosophies are a result of how we think about research philosophy and they identify

three major ways of thinking as epistemology, ontology and axiology (Saunders et

al. (2009). The literature (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008), show that research paradigms are often shared within a

particular research field and as such researchers from the same field will normally

tend to have the same philosophy (Costello, 2009). Costello (2009) noted that, in

the field of IS research, the positivist, interpretivism and critical research

philosophical paradigms find extensive use with the positivist paradigm being the

most widely used paradigm (Costello, 2009).


According to Hinkelmann (2010) positivist paradigm is the oldest approach and has

taken centuries to develop. The paradigm has its grounding within the physical

sciences world (Hinkelmann, 2010). Often, the positivist paradigm is referred to as

“the scientific method” since this reflects the underlying assumptions within it.

That is, it believes in the possibility to observe and describe reality from an objective

viewpoint (Hinkelmann, 2010). Using observations that are repeatable, Positivists

observe the world in some neutral and objective way, discover “general”

relationships and “universal” laws, derive theories and test them (Costello, 2009;

Hinkelmann, 2010).

On the other hand, Interpretivism paradigm is not as popular as Positivist paradigm

in IS research (Costello, 2009). H o w e v e r , the paradigm is growing in acceptance

among IS researchers (Costello, 2009). Interpretivists believe that, it is necessary to

understand differences between humans in our roles as social actors (Costello, 2009;

Oates, 2006). This approach allows researchers to be concerned with the social

context of systems and how the system is influenced and can influence the

setting (Costello, 2009; Oates, 2006). Interpretivism research recognizes multiple

subjective realities and can therefore make the quality of research more difficult

to ascertain (Costello, 2009; Oates, 2006).

The third paradigm, that is, critical research is relatively less well accepted in IS

research than interpretivism (Costello, 2009). According to Apulu (2012) critical

research is often portrayed as a third alternative to the first set of paradigms, that is,

positivism and interpretivism. The critical research philosophy accepts social realty

as interpretivism does, but claims that social reality has objective properties that

can dominate the way we perceive the world (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Oates,

2006). Apulu (2012), noted that, the central issue of critical research is that it aims at

changing social reality and promoting emancipation.

Apulu (2012) and Costello (2009) claim that, research paradigms are often

associated with particular research strategies. In addition, it is also possible to

have a strategy that can be interpreted via multiple paradigms (Apulu, 2012;

Costello, 2009; Oates, 2006). Table 5.1 shows research paradigms with associated


Table 5.1: The Relationship between Paradigms and Strategies

Philosophical Paradigm Research Strategy

Positivism Experiments
Positivism Surveys
Interpretive Ethnography
Critical Research
Interpretive Case studies
Critical Research
Interpretive Action Research
Critical Research
Interpretive Design and Creation
Critical Research

Source: Oates (2006)


5.3.1 Philosophical Paradigm Adopted in the Current Research

The author of this work has a strong background in Engineering and thus naturally

most of his views are Positivists in nature. This research test hypotheses based

on ICT adoption theories in order to explain ICT adoption situation in the

context of Tanzania SMEs. Therefore, this research subscribes primarily to the

Positivists paradigm. However, it should also be noted that the research also

has some elements of interpretism as evidenced by the use of multiple research


5.4 Research Approaches

In research, there are two broad methods of logical reasoning namely the deductive

and inductive approaches (Apulu, 2012; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn,

2008). The two approaches are further explained in the next section.

5.4.1 Deductive Approach

Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific, and is often

referred to as a top down approach (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In this school of

thought, theories or hypothesis are developed and then tested through empirical

observation (Apulu, 2012). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), researchers

might begin by examining theories related to their topic of interest. They then narrow

those theories down to more specific research questions or hypotheses that can be

tested. Then, the researchers answer questions or confirm hypotheses through a


number of research methods, mainly in quantitative ways in order to be able to

generalize the findings (Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

5.4.2 Inductive Approach

Inductive reasoning works the other way, moving from more specific observations to

broader generalizations and theories (Apulu, 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

This is often called a bottom up approach. In inductive reasoning, the researchers

begin with specific observations and measures, begin to detect patterns and

regularities, and then formulate some tentative hypotheses that they can explore and

finally end up developing some general conclusions or theories (Apulu, 2012;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to Apulu (2012) the hypothesis and or

theories developed in inductive research try to explain the empirical observations of

the real world. Table 5.2 provides a summary of comparison of the two approaches

to research.

Table 5.2: Major Differences between Deductive and Inductive Approaches

to Research

Deduction emphasises Inductive emphasises

Scientific principles Gaining an understanding of the
meanings humans attach to events
Moving from theory to data A close understanding of the research
The need to explain causal relationships The collection of qualitative data
between variables
The collection of quantitative data A more flexible structure to permit
changes of research emphasis as the
research progresses
The application of controls to ensure A realization that the researcher is part
validity of data of the research process
The operationalisation of concepts to Less concern with need to generalise
ensure clarity of definitions
A highly-structured approach

Researcher independent of what is

being researched
The necessity to select samples of
sufficient size in order to generalise

Source: Saunders et al. (2009)

5.4.3 Research Approach Employed in the Current Study

This study is a deductive research. Technology adoption models and theories in

SMEs, together with similar studies were reviewed and discussed in order to develop

a conceptual model to guide this research. Then, a number of research hypotheses

were formulated and tested in order to understand the adoption of ICTs among SMEs

in Tanzania. This being a deductive research, the findings were expected to be


5.5 Research Strategies

Saunders et al. (2009) defined research strategy as “the general plan of how the

researcher will go about answering the research questions”. On a similar note,

Sophonthummapharn (2008) claim that, research strategy refers to the research

procedure used to answer research question(s) and fulfil the purposes of the research.

Research strategy is also called modes of observation (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

The literatures show that there are a number of research strategies that can be

employed for exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research (Saunders et al.,

2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Moreover, Saunders et al. (2009) point out that,

appropriate research strategy has to be chosen based on research questions and

objectives, the extent of existing knowledge on the subject area to be researched, the

amount of time and resources available, and the philosophical underpinnings of the

researcher. According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), no particular research

strategy is inherently superior or inferior to another. Each strategy has its own

strengths and weaknesses for any particular research situation (Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Wedawatta et al., 2010). In addition, research strategies

can be used either jointly or separately in any research project (Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Wedawatta et al., 2010).

The literature shows several major research procedures that can be labelled as

research strategies. These includes experiment, survey, case study, action research,

grounded theory, ethnography, archival research, cross sectional studies, longitudinal

studies and participative enquiry (Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Wedawatta et al., 2010). This research adopts the case study and survey research

strategies. In the following sections, the case study and survey strategies are briefly

described and the reasons for their choice are explained.

5.5.1 Case Study

The literature (Gerring, 2004; Yin, 2009; Zucker, 2009) has multiple definitions and

understandings of what a case study is. Yin (2009) for example defines a case study

as “An empirical inquiry about a contemporary phenomenon (e.g., a “case”), set

within its real-world context especially when the boundaries between phenomenon

and context are not clearly evident”.


On the other hand, Sophonthummapharn (2008) cites other literatures and further

explain that a case study refers to “A strategy for doing research which involves an

empirical investigation of a particular contemporary phenomenon within its real life

context using multiple sources of evidence”. According to the literature (Costello,

2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009) case studies can

be used in both exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research and they have the

ability to answer the ‘why’ ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions. Yin (2009) noted that, a

case study strategy should be considered when:

i. The focus of the study is to answer “how” and “why” questions

ii. You cannot manipulate the behaviour of those involved in the study

iii. You want to cover contextual conditions because you believe they are

relevant to the phenomenon under study or,

iv. The boundaries are not clear between the phenomenon and context.

According to the literature (Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009), case studies may either focus on a single

case or use a number of cases: A single case may form the basis of research on

typical, critical or deviant cases, while multiple cases may be used to achieve

replication of a single type of incident in different settings, or to compare and

contrast different cases (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Case studies can also be


holistic or embedded (Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). Typically, case

studies can be conducted using several data collection techniques including

interviews, observation, document gathering and analysis, focus groups, and

questionnaires. According to Costello (2009), case studies are the most common

qualitative method used in IS research.

5.5.2 Survey

A quick literature review reveals many different definitions of what constitutes a

survey (Leeuw et al., 2008). Leeuw et al. (2008), cites a number of books on survey

methodology that immediately describe the major components of surveys and of

survey error instead of giving a definition, and other books that give definitions

ranging from concise definitions to elaborate descriptions of criteria. According to

Leeuw et al. (2008), looking at the common things in these definitions, a survey can

be seen as “A research strategy in which quantitative information is systematically

collected from a relatively large sample taken from a population”.

The literature (Babbie, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009, Sophonthummapharn, 2008)

show that, survey research strategy is the most popular and common strategy for

social research, including business disciplines (Babbie, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009,

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). This strategy can be used to answer ‘who,’ ‘what,’

‘where,’ and ‘how’ questions and is mainly used in descriptive and exploratory

research (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The strategy is generally associated with the

deductive research approach. One of the strengths of a survey strategy is the fact that

it allows researchers to collect a large amount of data from a substantial population at


a very low cost (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). As suggested by the definition, the

data are typically quantitative and are elicited from subjects by questioning. More

often than not, the questions are asked using questionnaires. The questions can also

be asked by face-to-face or telephone interviews or by using or a mixture of

questionnaires and interviews (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It should be noted that,

the quality of respondents and the questions asked affect the research findings. Thus,

questionnaire construction and sampling procedures must be considered seriously

before data collection because the better they are, the more reliable and valid the data

is obtained and this leads to more accurate research generalizations. The collected

data can be easily compared and analysed using various statistical techniques. Survey

research strategy is usually the preferred by researchers who are interested in

collecting original data to explain a population that is too large to observe directly.

Careful probability sampling provides a group of respondents whose characteristics

may be taken to reflect those of the larger population, and carefully constructed

standardized questionnaires provide data in the same form from all respondents

(Babbie, 2004). In more detail, a survey strategy provides researchers more control

over the research process, and it is possible to generate findings that are

representative of the whole population at a lower cost than collecting the data for the

whole population (Saunders et al., 2009).

5.5.3 The Research Strategy Used in the Current Study

As mentioned in section 5.2.5 this research employs multiple research design as

depicted in Figure 5.2. This choice results in the use of multiple strategies for the

research since each research strategy has its strengths and weaknesses for a given

research design. The literature (Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008) show that no research strategy is inherently superior or

inferior to another and that research strategies can be used either jointly or separately

in any research project. A typical example is Costello (2009) who combines case

studies and surveys in one research project. According to Sophonthummapharn

(2008), a number of issues should be considered when choosing which research

strategies to use. These include among other things the researcher’s philosophical

belief, research approach, experience, time and budget available. Taking these

factors into account as explained in earlier sections of this thesis, the use of case

studies and survey strategies in this research are justified.

In this work, multiple case studies strategy was used in the exploratory phase of the

research in order to help the researcher get a better understanding of the problem

before research hypotheses to be tested were developed. Thereafter, the survey

strategy was used for the descriptive and explanatory phases of this research. Semi

structured questions and interviews were used as data collection techniques for the

case studies while for the survey, self-administered questionnaires were used.

5.6 Research Choices

Literature review (Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Yin, 2009) show that, there are two major research methods: quantitative and

qualitative. According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), each of the two methods is

significantly different in the way data are collected and analysed (Costello, 2009;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). In other words, the

two methods use data of different formats. While as quantitative research method

focus on numerical data, qualitative research method on the other hand focuses on

non-numerical data such as voice text and pictures (Apulu 2012; Babbie, 2004;

Saunders et al., 2009). Sophonthummapharn (2008) and Saunders et al. (2009) note

that, when applied to a particular phenomenon, both methods have advantages and

disadvantages. Furthermore, the literature (ACAPS, 2012; Costello, 2009; Babbie,

2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) show that, the two methods

have complementary roles in research and that no one method is better or dominates

the other. They are both widely used in social research (ACAPS, 2012; Babbie,

2004; Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Saunders

et al. (2009) refer to “research choice” as the way a researcher chooses to combine

quantitative and qualitative techniques and procedures in a research. The two

methods are further explained in the next two sections.

5.6.1 Quantitative Research Method

Saglam and Milanova (2013) note that, there are many descriptions to quantitative

research. Creswell (2003) define quantitative research as “a type of research in

which the investigator primarily uses post-positivist claims for developing knowledge

(i.e., cause and effect thinking, reduction to specific variables and hypotheses and

questions, use of measurement and observation, and the test of theories), employs

strategies of inquiry such as experiments and surveys, and collects data on

predetermined instruments that yield statistical data”.


Generally, the quantitative research deals with numeric data. The method poses the

who, what, when, where, how much, how many, and how questions (Saglam and

Milanova, 2013). According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), the aim of quantitative

methods is to establish whether the predictive generalizations of a theory hold true.

In other words, quantitative research, tests pre-determined hypotheses and produce

generalisable results (ACAPS, 2012; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). It can thus be

argued that, quantitative research method is best suited for testing theories and

generalising findings (ACAPS, 2012; Costello, 2009; Saglam and Milanova, 2013;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The vital skills needed for

successful conduction of a quantitative study include the ability to develop proper

hypotheses, testing the hypotheses with proper statistical techniques, and the ability

to correctly interpret statistical information into descriptive information

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

5.6.2 Qualitative Research Method

Ritchie and Lewis (2003) noted that, most qualitative research literature begin with

some attempt to define what is meant by this term, either theoretically or practically,

or both. However, giving a precise definition of qualitative research is difficult since

the term is used as an overarching category (Ritchie and Lewis, 2003). That is, it

covers a wide range of approaches and methods found within different research

disciplines (Ritchie and Lewis, 2003).

For practical reasons, this research adopts the definition by Nkwi et al. (2001) who

explain qualitative research as “any research that uses data that do not indicate

ordinal values” In this definition, the focus is on the data generated and or used. In

reality, the data in qualitative research is non-numeric and can be in the form of text,

images, and sounds (Apulu, 2012; Hancock et al., 2007; Nkwi et al., 2001; Ritchie

and Lewis, 2003; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

The literature (Apulu, 2012; Hancock et al., 2007; Ritchie and Lewis, 2003) also

show that, qualitative research mainly subscribes to the Interpretism philosophical

point of view (Apulu, 2012; Hancock et al., 2007; Ritchie and Lewis, 2003).

Qualitative research poses the why? how? and in what way? questions as it seeks to

understand the meanings which people attach to phenomena (Creswell, 2003;

Hancock et al., 2007; Ritchie and Lewis, 2003). According to the literature (Apulu,

2012; Ritchie and Lewis, 2003; Saglam and Milanova 2013; Sophonthummapharn,

2008), qualitative research is basically used in areas where little or no literature exists.

In such cases, qualitative method is usually used to provide an in-depth insight into the

phenomena being investigated (Apulu, 2012; Ritchie and Lewis, 2003). Table 5.3

summarises the major differences between quantitative and qualitative research


Table 5.3. The Differences in Emphasis in Qualitative vs. Quantitative


Qualitative Methods Quantitative Methods

Emphasis on understanding Emphasis on testing and verification
Focus on understanding from Focus on facts and/or social events
respondent’s/informant’s point of view
Interpretation and rational approach Logical and critical approach
Observations and measurements in Controlled measurements
natural settings
Subjective ‘insider view’ and Objective ‘outsider view’ distant from

closeness to data data

Explorative orientation Hypothetical-deductive; focus on
hypothesis testing
Process oriented Results oriented
Holistic perspective Particularistic and analytical
Generalisation by comparison of Generalisation by population
properties and contexts of individual membership

Source: Ghauri and Gronhaug (2002)

According to Sophonthummapharn (2008), skills that are needed by the researcher to

successfully conduct a qualitative study include the ability to think abstractly and

critically and to make judgment without bias.

5.6.3 Mixed Methods and Multi Methods

According to the literature (ACAPS, 2012; Creswell, 2003; Saglam and Milanova,

2013; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008), qualitative and

quantitative research methods can be used either independently or jointly in any

particular study. The literature (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Creswell, 2003;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) acknowledge that each one of

these methods has its strengths and weaknesses. According to Babbie (2004) more

often, to get a complete understanding of a research topic may require the use of both

methods. Therefore, the two methods can be used to complement each other

depending on the nature of the study (Apulu, 2012; Costello, 2009; Saunders et al.,

2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Sophonthummapharn (2008) note that, when the

two methods are used in complimentary way, that allows researchers to conclude

their findings confidently.


In practice, the two methods can be used either as mixed method designs or as

multimethod designs (Esteves and Pastor, 2004). According to Esteves and Pastor

(2004) the mixed methods design is defined as “The incorporation of various

qualitative and quantitative strategies within a single project that may have either a

qualitative or quantitative theoretical drive. The “imported” strategies are

supplemental to the major or core method and serve to enlighten or provide clues

that are followed up within the core method”.

This definition implies that, one method could be used initially and then followed by

the other, depending on the nature of the study. In addition to the mixed method

design, Esteves and Pastor (2004) define multimethod design as “The conduct of two

or more research methods, each conducted rigorously and complete in itself, in one

project. The results are then triangulated to form a complete whole”

From this discussion, it can be concluded that, the selection of a research choice

depends on the nature of the study as suggested by the literature (Apulu, 2012;

Costello, 2009; Creswell, 2003; Esteves and Pastor, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). According to Creswell (2003), the most important

factors that play in this decision are: the research problem, the personal experiences

of the researcher, and the targeted audience.

5.6.4 The Research Methods Used in the Current Study

This research employed the multiple research design (see section 5.2.5) and that

made the use mixed method design necessary. The research problem demanded for

research findings that could be generalised to a large population (about 3million

SMEs in Tanzania). That called for a quantitative study using the survey strategy

(ACAPS, 2012; Costello, 2009; Saglam and Milanova, 2013; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

However, prior to the major survey, a pilot study which was qualitative in nature was

deemed necessary in order to help the researcher get in depth knowledge of the

research topic before formulating the hypotheses and developing the instrument for

the study. Therefore, while as the core method of the research was the quantitative

method, the qualitative method was used to enlighten on the study as implied by the

definition of mixed method research.

5.7 Research Time Dimension

According to the literature (Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008), there are two principal options for conducting a

research: a cross-sectional or longitudinal study. A cross-sectional study is based on

observations of a sample, population, or phenomenon that are made at a single point

in time (Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn,

2008), while longitudinal study is designed to permit observations of the same

phenomenon over an extended period of time (Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In other words, cross-sectional

study provides a snapshot of the phenomenon at a particular time (Kripanont, 2007;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008), while longitudinal study is

mainly intended to provide answers if there are any changes on the observed

phenomenon over a period of time.


Generally, research time dimension depends on the intended purpose of the study and

availability of resources needed for the study (Kripanont, 2007; Saunders et al.,

2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Sophonthummapharn (2008) claim that, in

technology adoption studies, cross-sectional study is more appropriate than

longitudinal study (Sophonthummapharn, 2008) and thus, most studies in the context

of technology adoption were conducted through cross-sectional time dimension

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008). This research fall in the category of cross-sectional

study since data was collected once (over a period of nine months) in order to answer

research objectives. This choice was made based on available resources for the

research especially time, budget and staff available. Moreover, the choice is

amenable to the common practise in this research domain as suggested by the

literature (Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

5.8 Data Collection

5.8.1 Development of Research Instrument

In this research, questionnaire served as the primary data gathering instrument. In

order to meet the objectives of the research, this instrument had to be developed and

tested for reliability and validity before it could be used in the major survey. This

section describes the questionnaire development process and explains how the

instrument was tested.


5.8.2 Pilot Case Studies

In this work, multiple case studies strategy was used in the exploratory phase of the

research in order to help the researcher get a better understanding of the research area

and the research problem. In this phase, semi structured interviews were used to

collect data from six companies. The main objective of the semi-structured

interviews was to provide the researcher with basic information needed in the design

of a formal survey instrument and not to perform detailed analysis of the case

studies. Thus, all significant variables derived from literature review were combined

with the information gathered from the case studies, with the aim of developing an

effective research instrument that was used in the main survey.

5.8.3 Questionnaire Design

Kripanont (2007) define the questionnaire as “A list of carefully structured

questions, chosen after considerable testing with a view to eliciting reliable

responses from a chosen sample” In this research, the questionnaire design process

was guided by the theories and the conceptual model presented in chapter 4 of this

thesis. According to the literature (Kripanont, 2007; MRS, 2011; Peou, 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008) in order to minimize bias, a researcher needs to consider

the purpose of the research, planning of issues such as how different variables will be

categorised, scaled and coded after receipt of responses, the wording and the general

structure (appearance) of the questionnaire.

In this work, the researcher took all of these points into consideration while

designing the survey questionnaire for the study. In order to remain focused on the

purpose of the study, only the questions related to the research objectives were

integrated into the questionnaire. The wording of the questions was kept simple and

avoided the use of jargons and too technical language. This was aimed at enabling

respondents to understand the questions easily and answer them. Also, open ended

questions were kept to the minimum. To maintain a good structure, questions

dealing with similar aspects of the study were grouped together and each group

formed a section. Moreover, each section of the questionnaire was preceded by a

brief sentence or two explaining the purpose of the questions in that section. The

questionnaire had eight sections from section A to section H.

It should be noted that, this research was conducted in mainland Tanzania, a country

whereby Kiswahili and English are widely spoken and they save as the two official

national languages. Bearing that in mind, it was deemed necessary to have the

questionnaire in both English and Kiswahili languages in order to give respondents a

choice. That being the case, the questionnaire was designed first in English, the

official language in Institutions of higher learning and thereafter the questionnaire

was translated from English to Kiswahili. The translation of the questionnaire was

done in consultation with expert translators from the linguistics department of the

University of Dar es Salaam and the author was able to produce a Kiswahili version

of the questionnaire. During the translation, the focus was put on conceptual rather

than literal translation. It should be noted that, the translation process is beyond the

scope of this work. However, it suffices to say that, the translated instrument had the

same conceptual meaning as the original English instrument and thus was able to

capture all the wanted information. Different sections of the questionnaire are

further explained in the subsequent sections.

Section A: Company Profile

This section aimed at obtaining information about the general profile of the company

and the respondents. A total 13 questions with different scales were asked in this

section as summarized in Appendix IB section A. Note that question number 13 is an

open-ended question that was meant to measure the entrepreneur value of the owner-

manager. The questionnaire design in this section was purely based on literature

survey. According to the literature (Costello 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Van

Akkeren and Cavaye, 1999b), many similar studies that contain elements about the

firm, include age, size, sector, legal form, location and ownership. Thus, these

elements were included in this study.

Section B: ICT Infrastructure and Frequency of Use

This section of the questionnaire was designed to elicit the information about what

the company actually has in terms of ICT infrastructure and how often that

technology is used in support of firm activities. A total of six questions were asked

and the respondents were asked to choose all that apply to their firms. This way the

information about computer and the Internet technologies and their frequency of use

in SMEs was gathered. Question six gave the option to the respondent to provide

information about any other ICT the firm has that was not listed. All questions were

established as nominal scale. Appendix IB section B gives a summary of the

questions in this section


Section C: Computer and Internet Use

This section was used to gather information about how the computers and the

Internet are used in a firm. The literature (Chung, 2006; Modimogale, 2009) show

that, adoption of technology does not by itself guarantee firms competitiveness and

growth, but rather how the technology is used. There is a total of 13 questions

established as 5- point Likert–type interval scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5 Strongly

agree). Four questions were used to look into how computers are used and 9

questions are used to look into how the internet is used by the firms. Appendix IB

section C shows the questions in this section.

Section D: ICT Adoption Factors-Personal Factors

The Personal Factors construct is one of the three independent variables of the ICT

adoption model as depicted by figure 4.1. This section focused on obtaining

information about the owner-manager (The Personal Factors) attributes that affect

adoption. In particular, the section seeks to capture the owner-manager perceptions

towards the benefits of using ICTs, since other attributes such as education and

knowledge of ICT has already been measured in section A. Appendix IB section D

shows the questions in this section. A total of twelve questions were asked in section

D and the scale was established as a 5-point Likert–type interval scale (1=Strongly

Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree).

Section E: ICT Adoption Factors-Organisation Factors


This section represents Organisation Factors which is the second independent

variable of the ICT adoption model as depicted by Figure 4.1 Within the context of

Organisation Factors, organisation readiness, strategy, and external pressure were

measured and the information obtained used in the ICT adoption modelling.

Appendix IB section E shows the questions used to measure these concepts.

Organisation Readiness was measured by the availability of adequate financial and

material resources within the company. Strategy was measured by looking at the

reasons given for adoption and decision making. External Pressure was measured by

looking at the competitive intensity, suppliers’ pressure, customer’s pressure and

pressure caused by technological advances. A total of 17 questions were asked in

this section of which question 1 to question 15 were established as a 5-point Likert–

type interval scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree). Questions 16 and 17

were open ended questions meant to gather addition information about other

contributing factors.

Section F: ICT Adoption Factors-Economic Factors

Section F was concerned with the identification of Economic Factors that affects ICT

adoption in SMEs. This is the third independent variable of the ICT adoption model

as depicted by Figure 4.1. Within the context of Economic Factors, Access to

Financial Support and Cost of ICTs were measured. Access to financial support was

measured by the lack of capital sources, lack of cash in hand, lack of additional

capital, difficult to find loan, many requirements from financial institutions, banks

require collateral and high interest, and lack of financial institution for SMEs and the

need for immediate return on investment. Cost of ICT systems was measured by

acquisition, implementation and operational costs of ICT systems. In total, there was

16 questions in this section and the questions were posed as a 5-point Likert–type

interval scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree). Appendix IB section F

show the questions asked to deduce this information. Note that all questions in this

section are negatively stated statements. Thus, after data collection and prior to any

analysis, data for these questions was transformed so that the entire data set had the

same positive direction.

Section G: Government Policies

This section focused on measuring the moderating effects of government policies on

ICT adoption by SMEs. The section has a total of eleven questions as shown in

Appendix IB section G. The questions were established as a 5-point Likert–type

interval scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree) to measure availability of

support programs, taxes and tariff rates, availability of support infrastructure. The

eleventh question is an open-ended question meant to gather additional information

on other desirable government interventions. Note that all questions in this section

(except question G11) are negatively stated statements. After data collection and

prior to any analysis, data for these questions was transformed so that the entire data

set had the same positive direction.

Section H: SME Performance

This section was concerned with establishing the effect of ICT adoption on SMEs

(Post adoption Evaluation) thus the questions tried to elicit the information on

whether the adoption has been a success or not. Appendix IB section H show the

question on this section. Within this context, indicators related to return on

Investment (ROI) and Innovation was measured. ROI was measured by market size,

sale volume, additional capital and profits. Innovation was measured by the

emergence of new processes that enhance efficiency. The scale was established as a

5-point Likert–type interval scale (1=Strongly Disagree to 5=Strongly Agree) and a

total of ten questions were asked.

5.8.4 Questionnaire Pre-test

Prior to the use of the questionnaire in the survey, the instrument was pretested in

order to determine the accuracy and consistency of the responses. The details of this

questionnaire pre-testing are given in this section. According to the literature

(Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008), “questionnaire pre-

testing is a trial run of the instrument with a group of respondents with the aim of

detecting problems in the questionnaire”. Through pre-testing, the researcher will be

able to detect problems in the questionnaire instructions or design, determine

whether the respondents have any difficulty understanding the questionnaire and

whether there are any ambiguous or biased questions.

Kripanont (2007) suggests that, pre-testing should be administered to a sample that is

expected to respond similarly to the samples on which the scale eventually will be

applied. On the other hand, for the purpose of refining a measuring instrument, pre-

testing may rely on colleagues, respondent surrogates, or actual respondents

(Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). The literature


(Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008), suggests that, 20 to 50

subjects may be enough group size for pre-testing of a questionnaire.

In this research, the first pre-test involved two groups. The first group was made up

of two University of Dar es Salaam professors whom are also supervisors of this

work. The second group had five PhD students. The two groups were given the

English questionnaire for pre-testing, and all 7 respondents returned the

questionnaire with their comments. Some questions were also removed from the

questionnaire since they were not adding any value to the study.

In the second pre-test, a group with 30 entrepreneurs were given both the English and

Kiswahili versions of the instrument for evaluation. 21 questionnaires were returned

with comments. This was a 70% return rate. The comments provided by these

individuals, assisted the researcher to improve the questionnaire, particularly on the

layout and the sequencing of the questions. A covering later (See Appendix I-A) that

explains to the respondents the objectives of the research and what the data will be

used for, was prepared to be sent out with each questionnaire. The final pre-test of

the questionnaire was a pilot survey and is covered in the following section.

5.8.5 Pilot Survey

According to Simon (2011), a pilot survey can refer to a small-scale version of the

larger survey. In other words, a pilot survey refers to trial runs done in preparation

for the major study. On the other hand, pilot studies can also refer to trying out or

pre-testing of a particular research instrument or research procedures before a full


scale research is carried out (Kripanont, 2007; Simon, 2011). Simon (2011) and

Kripanont (2007) note that, it is a good practise to carry out a pilot survey prior to the

main survey. Simon (2011) notes that, while pilot surveys does not guarantee the

success of the main study (Simon, 2011), they can give advance warnings with

regard to the weaknesses in the proposed study (Kripanont, 2007; Simon, 2011).

Kripanont (2007) asserts that, a pilot survey must always draw subjects from the

target population. It must also simulate the procedures and protocols that have been

designed for data collection (Kripanont, 2007; Simon, 2011). Simon (2011) suggests

that a sample size of between 10% and 20% of the actual sample for the main study

is adequate in many studies. Kripanont (2007) claim that a sample size of 25 to 100

respondents is enough.

In this research, a pilot study was carried out with the intention of collecting data for

further refinement of the research instrument. In particular, the data obtained

assisted in testing the reliability and validity of the instrument before the major

survey was carried out. Moreover, the pilot survey helped the research team to gain

familiarity with respondents, test field work arrangements, estimate questionnaire

completion time and estimate response rate. The researcher also used the pilot study

for training and testing of research assistants.

A total of 50 questionnaires were delivered in person, by the researcher and his

research assistants to respondents in all three districts of the Dar es Salaam region,

which are Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke. Respondents were given a time frame of

two weeks to complete the questionnaire, after which the researcher or his assistants

collected the questionnaires. Out of 50 questionnaires 43 questionnaires were

collected back and out of which 37 were deemed good for analysis and 6 were

discarded. The obtained data was analysed using IBM SPSS version 20 and the

results obtained helped the researcher to further refine the instrument until the

instrument was ready for survey. The tests conducted on the pilot data are explained

in the next sections.

5.8.6 Reliability Analysis of the Research Instrument

According to Kripanont (2007), the reliability and validity test of a research

instrument are all about testing the goodness of data obtained. Reliability can be

defined as “The extent to which research findings would be the same if the research

were to be repeated at a later date, or with a different sample of subjects”

(Kripanont, 2007). In other words, the reliability of a measure indicates the extent to

which the measure is without bias (error free) and hence offers consistent

measurement across time and across the various items in the instrument (Kripanont,

2007; Sekaran, 2003). It helps to assess the goodness of measure, and indicates

accuracy in measurement (Sekaran, 2003).

To test the reliability of the research instrument used in this study, the Cronbach’s

coefficient alpha, the item-to-total correlation and the inter-item correlation were

used. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha is one of the most popular tests of inter-item

consistency reliability (Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha has a value between 0 and 1 (Kripanont, 2007;

Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) and according to the literature (Kripanont,


2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) reliabilities in the range of 0 to 0.6

are considered to be poor, those in the 0.7 range, acceptable, and those over 0.8 good.

Generally speaking, the closer the reliability coefficient gets to 1, the better.

Kripanont (2007) and Sophonthummapharn (2008) note that, in most research, the

generally agreed upon lower limit for Cronbach’s alpha is 0.70.

The item-to-total correlation and the inter-item correlation are other measures that

can also be used to assess internal consistency of a research instrument (Hair et al.,

2006; Kripanont, 2007) and thus were also used in this study. According to

Kripanont (2007), correlation, (both positive and negative correlation), in the range

of r = 0.10 to 0.29 is considered small correlation, r = 0.30 to 0.49 is considered

medium correlation and r = 0.50 to 1.00 is large correlation (Hair et al., 2006;

Kripanont, 2007). As a rule of thumb, when used to assess internal consistency of

the instrument in research, the item-to-total correlations should be 0.50 and above,

while the inter-item correlations should exceed 0.30 (Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont,

2007). Table 5.4 presents reliability test results performed on the pilot survey data.

From Table 5.4 it can be seen that, the Cronbach’s alphas for all scales and sub

scales is in the range of 0.701 to 0.987 with only two sub scales registering

Cronbach’s alphas of 0.701 and 0.762. The rest of scale registered Cronbach’s

alphas above 0.800. This indicates that the items in each concept were positively

correlated and thus point out the accuracy in measurement (Hair et al., 2006;

Kripanont, 2007; Peou, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).


Moreover, Table 5.4 shows that, one item related to Organisation Factors, had inter-

item correlation value less than 0.3 and four items, two items in the Organisation

Factors and other two items in the Government Policies had item-to-total correlation

values of less than 0.5. According to Hair et al. (2006) and Kripanont (2007), the

inter-item correlations should exceed 0.30 and that the item-to-total correlations

should exceed 0.50.

Table 5.4: Pilot Survey Reliability and Internal Consistence Analysis Results

Measurement Item Number Cronbach’s Reliability Inter-item Item-to-total

(Interval Scale) of Items alpha Results correlation correlation
Adoption and Use
-Computer 4 0.977 Good 0.825~0.968 0.902~0.988
-Internet 9 0.971 Good 0.568~0.940 0.718~0.952
-All 13 0.983 Good
Personal Factors
-Perceived Benefits 12 0.966 Good 0.373~0.949 0.633~0.892
Organisation Factors
-Adequate Resources 3 0.701 Acceptable 0.265~0.751 0.338~0.683

-Decision making 3 0.760 Acceptable 0.355~0.741 0.458~0.729
-Reason for adoption 5 0.922 Good 0.459~0.924 0.551~0.895

External Pressure 4 0.926 Good 0.589~0.923 0.667~0.922

All 15 0.941 Good

Economic Factors
- Financial Support 8 0.933 Good 0.392~0.963 0.711~0.876
-Costs of ICT systems 8 0.969 Good 0.601~0.907 0.787~0.923

All 16 0.957 Good

Government Policies
-Support Programs 4 0.862 Good 0.380~0.848 0.462~0.857
-Taxes and Tariffs 3 0.845 Good 0.606~0.693 0.685~0.756
-Support Infrastructure 3 0.812 Good 0.410~0.762 0.536~0.804

All 10 0.933 Good

SME Performance
-Computer 5 0.980 Good 0.850~0.991 0.912~0.971
-Internet 5 0.930 Good 0.499~0.953 0.697~0.903

All 10 0.976 Good

5.8.7 The Validity of Research Instrument

According to the literature (Golafshani, 2003; Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and

Shields 2000), validity refers to how well a test, measures what it is claim to

measure. In other words, validity can be thought of as “the extent to which the data

collected truly reflect the phenomenon being studied” (Kripanont, 2007). According

to Golafshani (2003), validity test is all about determining whether the research truly

measures that which it was intended to measure or how truthful the research results

are. Several types of validity tests for testing the goodness of measures have been

suggested in the literature (Kripanont, 2007). These include content validity,

criterion-related validity, and construct validity. In this research content validity and

construct validity were carried out. Content Validity

Content validity also referred to as the face validity, is a test that assesses whether a

tool appears to others (expert judges, and pre-tests) to be measuring what it says it

does (Golafshani, 2003; Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and Shields

2000). In this research content validity was done as the instrument was read by two

Professors supervising this work. Moreover, pre-tests involving PhD students were

also carried out. The input provided by both the Professors and pre-tests were used

to refine the research instrument. Criterion-related Validity

Criterion-related validity is a test used to predict future or current performance by

correlating test results with another criterion of interest (Golafshani, 2003; Hair et

al., 2006; Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and Shields 2000). The criterion-related

validity can be either concurrent or predictive (Golafshani, 2003; Hair et al., 2006;

Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and Shields 2000). According to Twycross and Shields

(2000) while as concurrent validity uses an already existing and well-accepted

measure against which the new measure can be compared, predictive validity

measures the extent to which a tool can predict a future event of interest. Criterion

validity is usually measured using a correlation coefficient (Hair et al., 2006;

Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and Shields 2000) whereby, when the correlation is high,

the tool is considered to be valid. Construct Validity

Construct validity tests the link between a measure and the underlying theory

(Golafshani, 2003; Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont, 2007; Twycross and Shields 2000).

Kripanont (2007) claim that, construct validity can be used to testify to how well the

results obtained from the use of the measure fit the theories around which the test

was designed. According to Twycross and Shields (2000), construct validity is

usually measured using a correlation coefficient and the rule of thumb is, when the

correlation is high, the tool can be considered valid. Kripanont (2007) suggests that,

construct validity can be established through; correlation analysis (convergent and

discriminant validity); factor analysis, and; the multi-trait, multi-method, method

matrix of correlations. In addition, Kripanont (2007) note that, the three most widely

accepted forms of validity by other researchers are convergent, discriminant, and

nomological validity (Kripanont, 2007). In this research, convergent validity and

discriminant validity were used to establish construct validity. Convergent validity

of research instrument is explained in this section, while discriminant validity is

discussed in chapter seven where the survey data is tested for validity as part of

model development.

Convergent validity determines the degree to which two measures of the same

concept are correlated (Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont, 2007). High correlation

indicates that the scale is measuring its intended concept (Hair et al., 2006;

Kripanont, 2007). Viewed in this light, reliability is also an indicator of convergent

validity (Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont, 2007). Table 5.4 shows that there was one

item with inter-item correlation value less than 0.3, and four items with item-to-total

correlation values of less than 0.5.

Based on these results, that is, the Cronbach’s alphas, the inter-item correlations and

the item-to-total correlations as presented in Table 5.4, the questionnaire was proved

to be a reliable instrument for data collection. Variables that caused the low values

in item-total-correlation and the inter-item-correlation were identified and removed

from the questionnaire. These includes 4 items measuring policy awareness in the

Government policies, one item from support programs, three items that measured

adequate resources in Organisation factors, and three items measuring decision

making as part of strategy. After that, the questionnaire was revised before the final

survey was performed. Also, before the final survey was conducted, it was

necessary to determine the sample careful so as to allow generalisation of the results.

The next section gives detailed information on how the sample for this research was

obtained. The introduction letter to respondents, research questionnaire and the

coding sheets for this research are provided in appendix IA

5.8.8 The Need for Sampling

The literature (Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Yin, 2009) show that, there are two basic options for a researcher to obtain

information about a population through questioning or testing:

i. Every member of the population can be questioned or tested. This called a


ii. Only selected members of the population are questioned or tested. This is

known as sampling.

From the two approaches above, a census can further be explained as a study using

all available elements (members) of a population. Sampling on the other hand may

be defined as the act, process, or technique of selecting a suitable sample, or a


representative part of a population for the purpose of determining parameters or

characteristics of the whole population. In other words, it is the process of obtaining

information about an entire population by examining only a part of it (Costello,

2009; Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009).

The choice between the census method and sampling depends on a number of factors

the major ones being the reasons for the research, the size of the population being

studied, economic reasons and time constraints (Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). Generally, when the

population of interest is small, there is no use resorting to sampling. However, when

the target population is very large, conducting a census becomes extremely

expensive, difficult, and time consuming. Thus, census is conducted only when it is

absolutely necessary (Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). On the other hand, sampling is mandatory

in research, when the group of interest is too large, containing too many cases,

elements, or members which make it impossible to collect data from all of them

(Costello, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). In

this research sampling procedures were used as it was not possible to collect data

from the entire group of interest given the research time frame and budget. Sampling Procedures

Figure 5.3 gives a general summary of the sampling process. The sampling

procedures include defining the sampling population, development of the sampling


frame, specifying sampling methods, determination of the sample size and selecting

the sample. The sampling procedure is further explained in subsequent sections.

Source: Saunders et al. (2009)

Figure 5.3: Sampling Process Study Population

In sample survey literature, study population or the universe is defined as the

collective of study units for which the values of the variates of interest could possibly

be determined (Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). In this research, SMEs in mainland

Tanzania were the target population and the owners or managers of these SMEs were

the sampling units. According to the Tanzania Ministry of Trade and Industry

(MIT), in year 2010 there were about 2,679,626 people in Tanzania mainland

who owned and ran micro, small, or medium size business (URT, 2012). Thus,

this research had a population of 2,679,626.

173 Sampling Frame

The sampling frame, also known as the source list or population list refers to the list

from which the study sample is drawn from (Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004; Saunders

et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). The list contains the names of

all items of a universe (in case of finite universe). If the source list is not available,

the researcher has to prepare it (Kothari, 2004; Peou, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Peou (2009) note that, the source list should be

comprehensive, correct, reliable and appropriate. In addition, it is extremely

important for the source list to be as representative of the population as possible

(Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004; Peou, 2009; Saunders et al., 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). According to Peou (2009) it is generally

impractical to find a complete list of the sampling frame if the target population is very

large and dynamic. A source list drawn from such a population always has some

degree of incorrectness because the population of interest changes regularly or is too

large (Peou, 2009). Thus, the researcher must take this fact into consideration when

generalizing the research findings to the entire population because if a sample frame

does not fully represent an intended population, this will result in frame error and

affect the degree of reliability of sample result (Costello, 2009; Kothari, 2004;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009).

In this study, it was found that there was no formal comprehensive list of all SMEs in

Tanzania. The study population list was thus created from a combined list using data

obtained from District Directors, the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) database and

the Internet. The use of combination list is a common practise in studies that lack a

single comprehensive database from which the population frame can be drawn (Peou,

2009). Given the budget and time frame of this study as well as the type of the

population, a source list of more than 2,679, 626 businesses is considered too big and

very dynamic since SMEs start-ups and dysfunctions occur regularly. Sample Size

The sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to

constitute a sample (Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn,

2008; Yin, 2009). The size of the sample should reflect the degree of being

representative of the entire population from which it is drawn and how confidently

researchers can make a generalization of the research findings (Kothari, 2004;

Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). While it can be

proven that the larger the sample size, the better researchers can generalize findings

to the population, when other factors such as time and resource constraints are taken

into consideration, it becomes a reality that the size of sample should neither be

excessively large, nor too small but should be optimum (Kothari, 2004; Saunders et

al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). An optimum sample is one which

fulfils the requirements of efficiency, representativeness, reliability and flexibility

(Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009).

Sample size may be determined by using subjective methods or by using Statistical

methods (Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Costello, 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009). Subjective (Ad hock) methods are less

sophisticated than statistical methods and they generally use the following

approaches: The rule of thumb approach e.g. take 5% of the population as the sample

size; conventional approach e.g. use of average of sample sizes used in similar or

other studies; the cost basis approach e.g. use the number that can be studied with

the available funds and use of published tables, which provide the sample size for a

given set of criteria (Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In this regard, the literature

shows that a sample size between 30 and 500 is adequate for most research

(Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

Statistical methods on the other hand are more sophisticated than subjective methods

(Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009).

However, when statistical methods are used to determine the sample size, they

enable the researcher to establish a more precise degree of being representative and

to allow researchers to have more confidence when generalizing the findings

(Kothari, 2004; Saunders et al., 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Yin, 2009).

According to the literature (Israel, 2013; Sophonthummapharn, 2008) in addition to

the purpose of the study and population size, three criteria usually will need to be

specified to determine the appropriate sample size: the level of precision sometimes

called the sampling error, the level of confidence or risk, and the degree of

variability in the attributes being measured. Israel (2013) suggests that, for

populations that are very large, equation 5.1 can be used to find a representative

sample for proportions.


When the sample size is known, and is not very large, the literature (Israel, 2013)

show an alternative simplified formula for the calculation of a representative sample

for proportions as given by Equation 5.2.


When the population is small, the sample size can be reduced slightly (Israel, 2013).

This is because a given sample size provides proportionately more information for a

small population than for a large population (Israel, 2013). The sample size can

thus be adjusted using Equation 5.3.

In this study, the formula of Equation 5.1 was used to calculate the minimum sample

size, since the population of about 2,679, 626 sampling units is considered too large.

and in this research refer to the proportion of computer and Internet adopters

and non-adopters in Tanzania mainland SMEs. Since there were no initial estimates

of and , the worst-case scenario of = 0.5 and = 0.5 was selected. Note

that the value 0.5 (maximum variability) is always assumed if and are not

known a priori (Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Given

the research time and budget constraints, precision level (margin error) of ± 5% and a

confidence level of 95% which has a corresponding Z value of 1.96 were selected. It

should be noted that, these values are widely used and accepted in academic and

research community (Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

Thus, from Equation 5.1 the minimum sample size is found as:

In anticipation of the non-response error in survey research particularly in Least

Developed Countries (Aikaeli, 2013; Peou, 2009) in this study an estimated response

rate of 40% was used and this resulted in an actual sample size of 962.5 which was

adjusted to 1000. Thus, a sample size of 1000 was used in this research. Sampling Methods

Sampling methodologies are classified under two general categories: Probability

sampling and non-probability sampling (Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008). In non-probability sampling, the researcher knows the

exact possibility of selecting each member of the population while as in probability

sampling, the chance of being included in the sample is not known. A probability

sample tends to be more difficult and costly to conduct. However, probability

samples are the only type of samples where the results can be generalized from the

sample to the population (Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).

In addition, probability samples allow the researcher to calculate the precision of the

estimates obtained from the sample and to specify the sampling error (Aikaeli, 2013;

Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). Non-probability samples,

in contrast, do not allow the study's findings to be generalized from the sample to the

population (Aikaeli, 2013; Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn,

2008). When discussing the results of a non-probability sample, the researcher

must limit the findings to the persons or elements sampled. Detailed explanation of

different types of sampling techniques is found in the literature (Aikaeli, 2013; Israel,

2013; Saunders, 2009; Sophonthummapharn, 2008).


Due to the nature of the study design, both methods of sampling were used to collect

data from the Owners-managers of SMEs in Tanzania. Purposive sampling was

made in the initial phase of the study where multiple case studies were used in

exploratory phase of the research. At that point, the aim was to get some helpful

information that could help shape the main study and not to try generalising case

study findings, and thus purposive sampling was ideal for that situation. In the

survey phase of the study, the main objective was to collect data to be used in the

development of an ICT adoption model that could be used by SMEs in Tanzania.

The use of probabilistic sampling was thus mandatory in order to be able to

generalise the results. A two-stage area sampling which is a type of complex

probabilistic sampling (Aikaeli, 2013; Israel, 2013; Saunders, 2009;

Sophonthummapharn, 2008), was applied where four geographical regions namely

Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Mbeya and Mwanza were chosen as large primary sampling

units and within these regions, some districts namely; Kinondoni, Temeke, Ilala,

Nyamagana, Ilemela, Sengerema, Arusha City Council, Meru and Mbeya City Council,

were chosen as secondary sampling units. Within each secondary sampling unit, a

sampling frame was made and then a simple random sampling was used to obtain the

respondents for the survey.

The criterion used in the choice for the regions and districts is the fact that these

regions are home to major urban centres in Tanzania where most SMEs are located

(Mbamba 2003, TRA 2013; TRA, 2015, URT, 2012). This allowed for the SMEs to be

easily reached and this reduced research time and cost (Kripanont, 2007; Mbamba

2003, Sophonthummapharn, 2008).


Table 5.5a; show the distribution of the sample into the primary sampling units, that is,

the regions. This distribution was made proportional to the number of SMEs in each

district based on data obtained from TRA and the district director’s offices. According

to the TRA data, Arusha region had about 11, 610 SMEs, Dar es Salaam had about

25,300 SMEs, Mbeya had about 1,146 SMEs and Mwanza had about 4855 SMEs.

Table 5.5a: Sample Distribution in Participating Regions

Region Sample Distribution Sample Size %

Arusha 250 25%
Dar es Salaam 500 50%
Mbeya 100 10%
Mwanza 150 15%
Total 1000 100%

Looking at these figures it can be seen that, Dar es Salaam region had more SMEs than

the rest of regions combined together thus Dar es Salaam was given 50% of the

samples. Arusha region had almost twice the number of SMEs compared to Mbeya

and Mwanza combined thus Arusha region was allocated with a half of the remaining

samples, that is, 25% of the total samples. In a similar way, Mwanza was allocated

with 15% and Mbeya got 10% of the samples.

Table 5.5b, show sample distribution into secondary sampling units that is the different

districts. Proportional distribution was applied again based on TRA data and data

obtained from District/Municipal Council directors.

Table 5.5b: Sample Distribution in Participating Districts

Region District Sample Distribution Sample Size %

Arusha 200 20%

Arusha Meru 50 5%
Ilala 250 25%
Dar es Salaam Kinondoni 150 15%
Temeke 100 10%
Mbeya Mbeya 100 10%
Nyamagana 80 8%
Mwanza Ilemela 20 2%
Sengerema 50 5%
Total 1000 100%

5.9 Data Collection Procedures

In this research data were collected from nine districts of four regions in mainland

Tanzania as shown by Table 5.5b. The self-administered questionnaires and a

covering letter were hand distributed by the researcher and his assistants to the unit

of analysis, that is, the owners-managers of SMEs. Participation in the survey was

voluntary. Each district had one research assistant and thus a total of nine research

assistants were employed. The research team explained to the respondents that it

was very important that the questionnaire was completed by the person who was in

charge of the firm and not anybody else. Filled questionnaires were again physically

collected from respondents by the research team. During the collection phase of the

questionnaires, whenever possible, the researcher and his assistants checked the just

received questionnaire for any missing data and politely asked for the respondent to

finish filling in any missing data. Although this tactic did not work all the time, it

nevertheless helped a great deal to reduce the volume of missing data and thus had a

positive impact on the quality of the research.


The choice of research instrument administration was motivated by previous research

conducted in Tanzania settings (Mbamba, 2005). Mbamba (2005), used a similar

method due to difficulties associated with data collection. In this research, the same

technique was used with the aim of improving the response rate.

Data collection commenced on 23rd January, 2014 and went on until 23rd September

2014. Initially, data collection was expected to last for six months only. However,

due to problems encountered on the field, in particular the low response rate, data

collection exercise was extended for three months and thus a total of nine months

was spent on the field.

5.9.1 Unique Problems during Data Collection

One notable problem which made it necessary to extend the data collection time was

the dispute between the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) on one hand and the

business community on the other hand, regarding the use of Electronic Fiscal

Devices (EFD) for aiding revenue collection by TRA. In compliance with the

Income Tax Act, through the Income Tax EFD Regulation of 2012, TRA began the

implementation of the so called second phase of EFD in year 2013 (TRA, 2015).

According to TRA (2015), this phase targeted the following business groups:

i. All businesses/persons that were not VAT registered with an annual turnover

ranging from TShs. 14 million and above.


ii. Traders trading in the Region’s prime areas, identified on the basis of rent


iii. Traders dealing with selected business sectors such as Spare Parts, Hardware,

Mini Supermarkets, Petrol stations, Mobile phone shops, Sub wholesale

shops, Bar and Restaurants, Pharmaceutical Stores; Electronic Shops etc.

Soon after the start of implementations, the targeted businesses in many parts of the

country, particularly in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha and Mbeya refused to

comply and called for industrial action. Since then, there have been many attempts

by the government, TRA and the business community to resolve the issue through

negotiations, but up until the time of writing this thesis the dispute has remained

unresolved. From time to time, industrial action by traders in the said areas has taken


The impact of this problem in this research has been enormous since businesses in

this dispute were actually the same businesses that made the population of this

research. In some cases, targeted respondents refused to participate in the survey in

a very hostile way to the researcher and/or his team. These people felt that, the

research (in a way that was not known to them at that time) was related to the TRA

exercise which they detested, since EFDs are ICT devices and the research was about

ICTs. In other instances, the targeted respondents took the questionnaire stayed with

it for long periods and did not attempt to fill in any details; no amount of follow ups

could move these people. In other cases, respondents requested to be paid some

amount of money (ranging from TShs 5,000 to TShs 10,000) before they could fill in

the questionnaire. Failure of that, they refused to participate in the survey. This had

a great impact on the response rate for the research, since the research had a limited

budget and time.

5.9.2 Response Rate Analysis

Out of the 1000 questionnaires distributed, 599 questionnaires were collected back

out of which, 194 questionnaires were rejected outright as they simply did not

contain any meaningful data. The remaining 405 questionnaires could be used for

one or more type of analyses and thus the initial response rate was 40.5%. The 405

questionnaires were coded and digitised in SPSS and the resulting data set was

named data set1. Data cleaning on the digitised data set1 resulted in a further

removal of 62 entries and data set 2 with 343 cases was realised. This dropped the

response rate to 34.3%. Data set 2 was further analysed in order to get a summary of

useful collected data, the results of which are given in this section. Table 5.6a give a

summary collected survey data from the secondary sampling units (districts) point of


From Table 5.6a it can be seen that the lowest response rate recoded is 8% from

Mbeya City Council while the highest response rate was 62% from Sengerema

District Council. Ilemela District Council had the second lowest response rate of

15% followed by Kinondoni with 26.67%. Temeke District Council had 33%, Meru

District Council had 34% response rate, Ilala 39.6%. Arusha City Council recoded a

response rate of 36.5% while Nyamagana District Council recoded the second

highest response rate at 48.75%.

Table 5.6a: Summary of Survey Data from Secondary Sampling Units

District Sample Size Returned Questionnaires Response Rate %

Used Rejected Total
Arusha 200 73 50 123 36.5%
Meru 50 17 27 44 34%
Ilala 250 99 24 123 39.6%
Kinondoni 150 40 45 85 26.67%
Temeke 100 33 33 66 33%
Mbeya 100 8 11 19 8%
Nyamagana 80 39 43 82 48.75%
Ilemela 20 3 8 11 15%
Sengerema 50 31 15 46 62%
Total 1000 343 256 599 34.3%

Table 5.6b give a summary of the primary (Regions) sampling units. From table 5.6b

it can be seen that the highest response rate 48.67% was recorded in Mwanza

Region. The lowest response rate of 8% was recorded in Mbeya. Arusha region had

a response rate of 36 % while Dar es Salaam had a response rate of 34.4%. The

overall survey response rate of 31.3% was recorded. This response rate is lower than

what was expected according to sample size calculations of section

However, according to Kripanont (2007), a response rate of 30% and above of usable

questionnaire data is acceptable in research. Thus, the recoded 34.3% response rate

for this survey was considered adequate for further analyses.


Table 5.6b: Summary of Survey Data from Primary Sampling Units

Region Sample Size Returned Questionnaires Response Rate %

Used Rejected Total
Arusha 250 90 77 167 36%
Dar es Salaam 500 172 102 274 34.4%
Mbeya 100 8 11 19 8%
Mwanza 150 73 66 139 48.67%
Total 1000 343 256 599 34.3%

Moreover, in multivariate research, the recommended sample size should be several

times (preferably 10 times or more) as large as the number of variables in the study

(Kripanont, 2007). This research aimed at developing a parsimonious model that

could assist SMEs to successfully adopt ICTs and thus it was not supposed to have

more than 20 variables. In that case, a sample size of 343 cases was further justified.

However, on the other hand, the response rate error is acknowledged.

5.10 Data Analysis Methods

A number of statistical methods were used for data analysis. Each one of these

methods and techniques was meant to individually or collectively address the main

research objective as well as specific research objectives. The methods were

classified in two main groups. The first group was concerned with methods used in

the so called preliminary analysis (Pallant, 2005). These are the kind of analysis that

precedes almost any kind of major statistical analysis. The second group consisted

of the methods used in the development of the ICT adoption model for SMEs. A

summary of the methods for data analysis in this research is given in the next


5.10.1 Preliminary Data Analysis Methods

Preliminary data analysis involved testing for the reliability validity and internal

consistence of the measurements, as well as data characterisation using descriptive

analysis techniques. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha, the item-to-total correlation

and the inter-item correlation statistics were used to test and inform on the inter-item

consistence reliability and convergent validity of the measurements. Descriptive

analysis of the data included statistics such as frequency, minimum, maximum,

mean, standard deviation, percentage, Skewness, Kurtosis, and correlations.

Pallant (2005) observe that, descriptive statistics have a number of benefits

including: the ability to describe the characteristics of the sample; checking variables

for any violation of the assumptions underlying any of the statistical techniques used

and addressing specific objective. In this research, specific objective number three

was answered by descriptive analysis of the data while specific objective number

four was fulfilled by both descriptive analysis and Structure Equation Modelling

(SEM). The results from tests using methods falling under this category are given in

chapter six.

5.10.2 Structural Equation Modelling

The second group of data analysis methods and techniques involve the methods used

for the development of an ICT adoption model for Tanzania SMEs. This was the

main objective of this research. Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) method was

considered to be suitable and thus was chosen for this task.

SEM is a collection of statistical techniques that allow a set of relationships between

one or more Independent Variables (IVs), either continuous or discrete, and one or

more Dependent Variables (DVs), either continuous or discrete, to be examined

(Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Both IVs and DVs can be either factors or measured

variables (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Structural equation modelling is also

referred to as causal modelling, causal analysis, simultaneous equation modelling,

analysis of covariance structures, path analysis, or confirmatory factor analysis (Hair

et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Schumacher and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell

2013). Kripanont (2007) note that, SEM is becoming a method of choice for

studying dependency relations in multivariate data in behavioural and social


SEM is characterised by two components: The structural equation model (also

known as the path model) and the measurement model (Hair et al., 2010). A

structural equation model or path model depicts the structural relationships among

constructs (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007). In other words, it relates the

independents to dependent variables (Hair et al., 2010). The measurement model on

the other hand enables the researcher to use several variables (indicators) for a single

IV or a single DV.

The choice of SEM as a method for developing the model in this research was

motivated by the advantages SEM has over other techniques. Kripanont (2007)

observe that, when compared to other multivariate techniques, SEM has four

significant benefits over those techniques as follows:

i. SEM takes a confirmatory approach rather than an exploratory approach to

the data analysis, although SEM can also address the latter approach. SEM

lends itself well to the analysis of data for the purposes of inferential

statistics. On the other hand, most other multivariate techniques are

essentially descriptive by nature (e.g. exploratory factor analysis) so that

hypothesis testing is possible but is rather difficult to do.

ii. SEM can provide explicit estimates of error variance parameters, but

traditional multivariate techniques are not capable of either assessing or

correcting for measurement error.

iii. Data analysis using SEM procedures can incorporate both unobserved and

observed variables, but the former data analysis methods are based on

observed measurements only.

iv. SEM methodology has many important features including modelling

multivariate relations, and for estimating point and/or interval indirect effects

whilst there are no widely and easily applied alternative methods for these

kinds of features.

Kripanont (2007) identifies three important general strategic frameworks for testing

structural equation models. Strictly confirmatory (SC), Alternative model (AM) and

Model generating (MG) frameworks. This research adopted the Model Generation

framework. According to Kripanont (2007), MG is the most common of the three

scenarios because the researcher could postulate and reject a theoretically derived

model on the basis of its poor fit to the sample data, and could proceed in an

exploratory (rather than confirmatory) fashion to modify and re-estimate the model.

Kripanont (2007), further observes that the primary focus is to locate the source of

misfit in the model and to determine a model that better describes the sample data.

Detailed account of the SC and AM frameworks is found in the literature (Arbuckle

2009; Kripanont, 2007).

According to the literature (Byrne, 2010; Kripanont, 2007), within the MG

framework, there are two approaches for doing SEM analyses: the two-step approach

and the single step approach. In a two-step approach, the measurement models are

first evaluated to ensure that the items used to measure each of the constructs is

adequate (Kripanont, 2007), before the second step which involves the assessment of

the structural model is made. In the single step SEM analysis, measurement and

structural models are simultaneously assessed (Byrne, 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

The literature (Byrne, 2010; Kripanont, 2007) highly recommend the use of the two-

step approach as it overcome the typical problem of not being able to localise the

source of poor model fit associated with the single-step approach (Byrne, 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). When a two-step approach is used, the second step is carried out

only after the measurement models have proven to be proper measures of the

constructs (Byrne, 2010; Kripanont, 2007). This research used, IBM SPSS version

21 for preliminary analysis (chapter six) while as IBM AMOS version 20 was used

to generate ICT adoption model for Tanzania SMEs in chapter seven. Structural Equation Modelling Goodness-of-Fit Statistics

Analysis of structural model requires a thorough understanding of the measures of fit

or the goodness-of-fit Statistics. However, Arbuckle (2009) claim that, “model

evaluation is one of the most difficult and unsettled issues related to structural

equation modelling”. The author of this work notes that, there are many statistics

that are used in evaluation of structural equation models (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne

2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). These

measures of fit are grouped into different types and each type has its specific

capability in model evaluation (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010Kripanont, 2007).

According to the literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007) the major

groups include, measures of parsimony, minimum sample discrepancy function,

measures based on the population discrepancy, comparison to a baseline model, and

a goodness of fit index (GFI) and related measures (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). Detailed account of these measures is found in the literature such

as Arbuckle (2005- 2009) and Byrne (2010). In Arbuckle (2009) the formulae

related to each fit statistic can be found (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010). This research

adapts the summary of fit measures by Kripanont (2007) since detailed account of all

goodness-of-fit measures related to structural equation modelling is beyond the scope

of this work. Kripanont (2007) claim that, among the many measures of fit, five

popular measures are: Chi-square , the normed chi-square ( /df), Goodness of Fit

Index GFI, TLI, and RMSEA. The meaning of this observation is that, a researcher

is not obliged to use all known fit measures in a study (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). A brief account of fit measures used in this research and their

groups is given in the next sub sections.

Group 1: Measures of Parsimony

According to Arbuckle (2009) structural equation models with relatively few

parameters (and relatively many degrees of freedom) are sometimes said to be high

in parsimony, while as models with many parameters (and few degrees of freedom)

are said to be lacking in parsimony. In this context, a model high in parsimony is

simple model (easy to understand). On the other hand, a model lacking in

parsimony is a complex model. Kripanont (2007) note that, “many fit measures

represent an attempt to balance these two conflicting objectives - simplicity and

goodness of fit”. Degree of Freedom (DF) is one of the fit measures used in

measures of parsimony (Arbuckle, 2009; Kripanont, 2007) and is used in this


Group2: Minimum Sample Discrepancy Function

Minimum Discrepancy abbreviated as CMIN (Byrne 2010), probability value P, the

ratio CMIN/DF and the minimum discrepancy function abbreviated as FMIN are fit

measures based on the minimum value of the discrepancy (Arbuckle, 2009).

According to Kripanont (2007), CMIN (Chi-square statistic ) is the minimum

value of the discrepancy. In the case of maximum likelihood estimation, CMIN


contains the chi-square statistic (Kripanont, 2007; Byrne (2010). The chi-square

statistic is an overall measure of how many of the implied moments and sample

moments differ (Kripanont, 2007; Byrne (2010). The more the implied and sample

moments differ, the bigger the chi-square statistic, and the stronger the evidence

against the null hypothesis (Kripanont, 2007; Byrne; 2010).

The P value is the probability of getting as large a discrepancy as occurred with the

present sample under appropriate distributional assumptions and assuming a

correctly specified model (Arbuckle, 2005-2009; Kripanont, 2007). That is to say, P

is a “p value” for testing the hypothesis that the model fits perfectly in the population

(Arbuckle, 2005-2009; Kripanont, 2007). Therefore, this method can be used to

select the model by testing the hypothesis to eliminate any models that are not

consistent with the available data (Kripanont, 2007). According to Kripanont (2007),

a p value greater than 0.05 indicates an acceptable fit.

The CMIN/DF ( / df) is the minimum discrepancy divided by its degrees of

freedom. For correct models, the ratio should be close to 1 (Arbuckle, 2005-2009;

Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007). According to Arbuckle (2009), several writers have

suggested the use of this ratio as a measure of fit. However, Arbuckle (2005-2009)

claimed that, it is not clear how far from 1 the ratio should get before concluding that

a model is unsatisfactory. Arbuckle (2009) note that, different researchers have

recommended using ( /df) ratios as low as 2 or as high as 5 to indicate a reasonable


fit. Kripanont (2007) recommended the value of 3 which is the one used in this


The literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Pallant, 2005; Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) have acknowledged that, the chi-square ( ) statistic

sensitivity to sample size have led to problems of fit that are now widely known

(Byrne; 2010). It was thus necessary for researchers to look at others that also

support goodness of fit. The fit measures covered in the next sections tries to address

the problems associated with the statistics (Byrne; 2010).

Group 3: Measures Based on the Population Discrepancy

Kripanont (2007) note that, under this category, the Root Mean Square Error of

Approximation (RMSEA) is most commonly used fit measure. According to

Arbuckle (2009), when RMSEA is used as a model fit measure the rule of thumb is

that, a value about 0.05 or less indicates a close fit of the model. A value of 0.0

indicates the exact fit of the model (Arbuckle, 2009), while a value of about 0.08 or

less indicates a reasonable error of approximation (Arbuckle, 2009). In addition,

RMSEA value should not be greater than 0.1 (Arbuckle, 2009)

Group 4: Comparison to a Baseline Model

According to Kripanont (2007) there are three significant indices in this group.

Normed Fit Index (NFI), Tucker-Lewis coefficient (TLI), and the Comparative Fit

Index (CFI). The rule of thumb when using this goodness of fit statistics is that, the

NFI values range between 0 and 1 with 1 indicating a perfect fit (Arbuckle, 2009).

For the CFI, its value is truncated to fall in the range from 0 to 1 and CFI values

close to 1 indicate a very good fit (Arbuckle, 2009). TLI values lies in the range

between 0 and 1. A TLI values close to 1indicate a very good fit (Arbuckle, 2009).

Group5: GFI and Related Measures

In this group, Kripanont (2007) suggests the use of the Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)

and the Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI). The two measures are associated

with Maximum likelihood (ML) and Unweighted Least Squares (ULS) estimation

(Arbuckle, 2009; Kripanont, 2007; Byrne 2010). Byrne (2010) claim that, the GFI

and AGFI can be classified as absolute indices of fit because they basically compare

the hypothesized model with no model at all (Byrne, 2010). Both indices have

values ranging from zero to 1.00, with values close to 1.00 being indicative of good

fit (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007). Table 5.7 show the summary of

these fit measures used in this research.

Table 5.7: Summary of SEM Fit Measures Used in this Research



Fit Measure Fit Measures’ Indications (Interpretation)

A p value greater than 0.05 indicates an acceptable
CMIN (chi-square) fit.
A value close to 1 and not exceeding 3 indicates a
CMIN/DF ( /df) good fit. A value less than 1 indicates an over fit of
(normed chi-square) the model.


Fit Measure Fit Measures’ Indications (Interpretation)

RMSEA = Root Mean A value about 0.05 or less indicates a close fit of the
Square Error of model.
Approximation A value of 0.0 indicates the exact fit of the model.
A value of about 0.08 or less indicates a reasonable
error of approximation.
A value should not greater than 0.1.

Source: Literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

Table 5.7 (Continued)


Fit Measure Fit Measures’ Indications (Interpretation)

GFI=Goodness of Fit A value always less than or equal to 1 and 1
Index indicates a perfect fit.
AGFI= Adjusted A value is bounded above by 1 and is not bounded
Goodness of Fit Index by 0 and 1 indicates a perfect fit.


Fit Measure Fit Measures’ Indications (Interpretation)

TLI= Tucker-Lewis A value between 0 and 1, but is not limited to this
Coefficient range; a value close to 1 indicates a very good fit.
A value greater than 1 indicates an over fit of the
CFI= Comparative Fit A value between 0 and 1, a value close to 1 indicates
Index a very good fit.
NFI = Normed Fit Index A value between 0 and 1. 1 indicates a perfect fit.

Source: Literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

197 Multiple Group Analysis

One of the important things this research wanted to establish was the effect of

moderators on the influence of predictors towards the dependent variables. To

achieve this, it was necessary to perform multiple-group analysis using the Analysis

of Moment Structures (AMOS) software (Arbuckle 2009; Kripanont, 2007).

Arbuckle (2009) and Kripanont (2007) provide detailed explanations of how AMOS

performs different tests during modelling and how to interpret the output from these

tests. However, at this point, it is important to note that several multivariate

assumptions must be met before SEM using AMOS can take place. For example,

most multivariate analysis assumes normal distribution of the sample and thus it is

necessary to test for normality of data before analysing the data. Under non-

normality situations, a researcher may be justified to use the powerful bootstrapping

procedures in order to get valid results (Arbuckle, 1995-2009; Kripanont, 2007). The

next sections address the critical issues to be considered before and during

multivariate data analysis using the methods that has been discussed so far.

5.10.3 Sample Size Requirements

According to the literature (Graham, 2012; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pigott,

2001; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013) different statistical analyses have different

minimum sample size requirements. Table 5.8 give a summary of sample size

requirements for SEM which was the major analyses carried out in this research.

Note that the sample size for this research was 343 cases and thus from the

information of table 5.8 this basic requirement was met.


Table 5.8: Sample Size Requirements for Different Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis Minimum Sample Size

SEM Sample size as small as 50 found to provide valid
results (Hair et al., 2010).
Recommended minimum sample sizes of 100-150 to
ensure stable Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
solution (Hair et al., 2010).
Sample sizes in a range of 150-400 are suggested
(Hair et al., 2010).

Source: Literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

5.11 Considerations for Multivariate Data Analysis

The goal of any analysis is to obtain unbiased estimates of population parameters. It

is therefore very important to examine the data, before data analysis commence. The

first step in this respect include checking the data file for errors as suggested in the

literature (Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005) and applying corrective measures to

remove the errors observed. The second step involves the missing data analysis and

the imputation of the missing data. Thereafter, preliminary analyses can be carried

out with the aim of testing for the assumptions underlying the statistical bases for

multivariate analysis. Detailed explanations about these tests are given in the next


5.11.1 Missing Data

The literatures show that, at some point in their work, all researchers face the

problem of missing quantitative data (Kripanont, 2007; Pigott, 2001; Tabachnick and

Fidell 2013). Pigott (2001) note that, the reasons for missing data are many and

varied. Some of the most common reason for missing data include a case whereby

the research respondent refuses or forget to answer a survey question, lost files, or

data are not recorded properly (Pigott, 2001). According to Hair et al. (2010) and

Kripanont (2007), the general impact of missing data (particularly in survey

research) in multivariate analysis is twofold. First, the missing data may result in the

reduction of the sample size available for analysis from an adequate sample to an

inadequate sample if the remedies for missing data are not applied. Second, any

statistical results based on data with a non-random missing data process could be

biased if the missing data lead to erroneous results (Hair et al., 2006; Kripanont,

2007). In addition, Arbuckle (2005) note that, in some cases, fitting some models

with data that has missing values requires extensive computation.

Four imputation methods for dealing with missing data are identified in the literature

(Graham, 2012; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pigott, 2001; Tabachnick and

Fidell 2013). Hair et al. (2010) define imputation as the process of estimating the

missing value based on valid values of other variables and or cases in the sample.

The four imputation methods are:

i. Imputation method based on complete cases

ii. Imputation method based on pairwise deletion

iii. Imputation by calculating replacement values based on mean substitution and

regression imputation

iv. Model based methods

Hair et al. (2006; 2010) cited by Kripanont (2007) note that, the identification of an

appropriate method for dealing with missing data is guided by a four steps process.

The first step is to determine the type of missing data, the second step is to determine

the extent of missing data, analyse cases and variables, the third step is to diagnose

the randomness of the missing data processes and the fourth step is to select the

appropriate imputation method.

According to the literature (Graham, 2012; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pigott,

2001; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013), the application of these methods on a particular

case depends on two things: the nature of missing data and the amount of missing

values (Graham, 2012; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pigott, 2001; Tabachnick

and Fidell 2013). Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) further observe that, in missing data

situations, the pattern of missing data is more important than the amount missing.

Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) claim that, missing values scattered randomly through

a data matrix pose less serious problems than non-randomly missing values. On the

other hand, they argue that, non-randomly missing values, no matter how few of

them there are, they pose a serious problem because they affect the generalisability

of results (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Missing data are technically characterised

as Missing Completely At Random (MCAR), Missing At Random (MAR), and

(MNAR) which stands for Missing Not At Random (Graham, 2012; Hair et al.,

2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pigott, 2001; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013). Missing data

that is MAR can be ignored while as missing data that is MNAR is considered as

non-ignorable (Tabachnick and Fidell 2013).

The rules for selecting imputation methods (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007) are

such that:

i. When the missing data is under 10%, any of the imputation methods can be

applied except the complete case method which is the least preferred.

ii. If the missing data is 10% to 20%, the case substitution, and regression are

the most preferable methods if the missing data is MCAR. However, if the

missing data is MAR, then, model based methods is preferred most.

iii. When the missing data is over 20%, and it is considered that imputation is

necessary, the preferred methods are the regression method for MCAR

missing data and the model-based methods when the missing data is MAR

In this research, missing data analysis was done using SPSS Version 21. SPSS

Version 21 has four techniques for determining the randomness of the missing data

and all of them were used in this research. The techniques are: List wise; Pairwise;

Expectation Maximisation (EM) and Regression. Detailed explanations about these

techniques are found in the literature (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick

and Fidell 2013).


5.11.2 Multivariate Outliers

Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) and Pallant (2005) claim that, many statistical methods

are sensitive to outliers. Outliers distort statistics, and thus it is important to identify

outliers and make decisions about what to do with them (Hair et al., 2010;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). A multivariate outlier is an extreme score on one or

more variables (Kripanont, 2007). According to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) there

are four reasons why outliers may be present in data:

i. Incorrect data entry

ii. Failure to specify missing values in the computer syntax so missing values

are read as real data.

iii. Outlier is not member of population that you intended to sample.

iv. Outlier is representative of population you intended to sample but population

has more extreme scores than a normal distribution.

Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) note that, errors in data entry and missing values

specification can easily be found and remedied. Moreover, if the outlier is due to a

case that should not have been sampled, it can be deleted once detected (Hair et al.,

2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). However, deciding what to do with outliers

that are representative of population you intended to sample (beneficial outliers) is

difficult (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). To retain a beneficial outlier, the researcher

must alter the values on the variables so that impact of the case is reduced

(Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

The literature (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013)

identify, Mahalanobis distance, leverage, discrepancy, and influence, as statistical

measures used to identify multivariate outliers. In this research, Mahalanobis

distance and the ratio were used to test the data for the presence of multivariate

outliers. Mahalanobis distance is the distance of a case from the centroid of the

remaining cases where the centroid is the point created at the intersection of the

means of all the variables (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

According to the literature (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013; Peou Chea, 2009),

Mahalanobis distance is evaluated as chi-square ( ) with degrees of freedom ( )

equal to the number of variables, at . A variable is considered a potential

outlier if the maximum Mahalanobis distance exceed the critical chi-squared value

with degrees of freedom equal to number of variables and α = 0.001 (Tabachnick

and Fidell, 2013; Peou, 2009). Alternatively, the ratio can be used to detect

the presence of outliers in data (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007). Hair et al.

(2010) show that, at conservative level of significance α = 0.005 or 0.001 (depending

on the nature of statistical test) observations having a value exceeding 2.5 in


small samples (80 or fewer observations) and 3 or 4 in large samples can be

considered as possible outliers (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

Once detected, outliers must be analysed in order to determine their usefulness in the

analysis (Hair et al., 2010). If outliers are found to be useful, they must be retained.

However, if outliers are found not useful, they must be deleted (Hair et al., 2010).

Hair et al. (2010) observe that, although many philosophers offer guidance of how to

deal with outliers, their recommendation is that the outliers be retained if they

represent observation from the intended population (Hair et al., 2010; Peou, 2009;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). It should be noted that, while as deleting outliers

improve the analysis; on the other hand, deleting outliers reduces the sample size and

compromise the generalisability of results (Hair et al., 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell,

2013). Detailed information about the test is presented in chapter six.

5.11.3 Multivariate Normality

In statistics, the normal distribution is regarded as a benchmark for most statistical

methods (Hair et al., 2010). Many statistical techniques assume that the distribution

of scores on the dependent variable is normal. Thus, it is very important to test data

for normality before applying statistical analysis methods. Kripanont (2007) and

Hair et al. (2010) note that, although some robust statistical techniques are less

affected when violating certain assumptions, but in all cases complying with some of

the assumptions critically determines a successful analysis (Hair et al., 2010). On a

similar note, Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) claim that, screening continuous variables

for normality is an important early step in almost every multivariate analysis,

particularly when inference is a goal. They further argue that, although normality of

the variables is not always required for analysis, the solution is usually quite a bit

better if the variables are all normally distributed (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

Hair et al. (2010) claim that, multivariate normality is the most fundamental

assumption in multivariate analysis. Multivariate normality refers to the shape of the

data distribution for an individual metric variable and its correspondence to the

normal distribution (Hair et al., 2010). The literature (Hair et al., 2010; Tabachnick

and Fidell, 2013) identify graphical and statistical as methods of assessing normality.

In addition, Skewness and Kurtosis are identified as the two measures used to

evaluate normality (Hair et al., 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Kurtosis refers

to the peakedness or flatness of the distribution compared to the normal distribution.

Skewness on the other hand explains the symmetry of the distribution (Hair et al.,

2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

When the data under consideration is normally distributed, the values of skewness

and kurtosis are zero (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005; Tabachnick

and Fidell, 2013). If, however a positive skewness value is observed, it indicates a

left skewed distribution whereas a negative skewness value indicates a right skewed

distribution. For the Kurtosis measure, a positive value shows a relatively peaked

distribution while a negative value shows a relatively flat distribution (Hair et al.,

2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

The literature (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013)

show that, skewness values falling outside the range of -1 to +1 indicate a

substantially skewed distribution, while the closer the value is to zero the greater the

variables’ normality. For the Kurtosis measure, values less than 1 are negligible;

values from one to ten indicate moderate non-normality while values greater than 10

indicate severe non-normality (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and

Fidell, 2013)

Byrne (2010) observes that, although sample data may be univariate normal (or

moderately univariate non-normal), the multivariate distribution of the data can still

be multivariate non-normal. In addition, Byrne (2010) note that, of the two measures

for assessing normality of data, that is Skewness and Kurtosis; it is the multivariate

Kurtosis statistic that indicates the extent of departure from multivariate normality.

Thus, the Critical Ratio (C.R) value for the Kurtosis measure is also used to inform

on the multivariate normality of data under test (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010).

According to Arbuckle (2009) and Byrne (2010), C.R values above 5 are an

indication that the data is not multivariate normally distributed.

The literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010), acknowledge the sensitivity of SEM

analyses on non-normal data and in particular the multivariate Kurtosis (Byrne,

2010). According to Byrne (2010), when the data to be analysed is multivariate

kurtotic, interpretations based on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimation may be

problematic. ML is the default AMOS estimation method (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne,

2010; Kripanont, 2007). In such scenarios, the use of bootstrapping methods or the

use of other estimation methods may be justified (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). In this work, tests and results about the multivariate normality of

the research data are presented in chapter six.


5.11.4 Multicolinearity and Singularity

Some multivariate techniques such as Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance

(MANOVA) work effectively when the dependent variables are only moderately

correlated (Kripanont, 2007). When two or more explanatory variables are highly

correlated, they lead to a problem technically known as Multicolinearity (Kripanont,

2007; Sophonthummapharn, 2008). When the correlation equals 1, it indicates the

presence of singularity (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

According to the literature (Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005; Sophonthummapharn,

2008; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013), multicolinearity and singularity cause both

logical and statistical problems. For example, Sophonthummapharn (2008) note that,

multicolinearity leads to difficulty in assessing the effect of the independent variables

on the dependent variable. Thus, it is recommended to test data for multicolinearity

before some statistical analyses such as MANOVA are performed (Kripanont, 2007;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

In a similar note, Kripanont (2007) recommends testing the data for multicolinearity

before performing discriminant validity analysis. When detected, the literature

(Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005; Sophonthummapharn, 2008; Tabachnick and Fidell,

2013) recommends several methods for dealing with multicollinear variables.

According to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013), when variables are multicollinear or

singular, they contain redundant information and they are not all needed in the same

analysis. This means some of the multicollinear variables can be deleted from the

analysis (Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) recommend other ways of dealing with

multicolinearity. They suggest that, if the only goal of analysis is prediction then

multicolinearity can be ignored (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Another option is, to

combine the multicollinear variables and form a composite variable if the variables

are measuring the same construct (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). In addition, the

researcher can compute principal components and use the components as the

predictors instead of the original variables (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). A final

alternative is for the researcher to centre one or more of the variables, if

multicolinearity is caused by forming interactions or powers of continuous variables

(Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013).

The literature (Kripanont, 2007; Pallant, 2005; Sophonthummapharn, 2008;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) shows that, multicolinearity can be assessed by looking

at the sample correlation. If the value of sample correlation between any two or

more indicators exceeds 0.80, then the variables are said to be multicollinear

(Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) note

that, in some cases, correlations from 0.7 and above between variables can be a

matter of concern. In this research data was tested for multicolinearity. Details of

this test are provided in chapter seven, prior to model development.


5.12 Chapter Summary

This chapter has presented the research design and methodology used in this study.

All critical issues that have impact on the outcome of the research have been

discussed and explanations given as to what motivated the decisions made. After

determining the type of research and the philosophical standing of the researcher,

appropriate research approaches, strategies and methods were chosen. Moreover,

details of the research instrument development and testing have been provided. Data

collection procedures and the challenges faced during data collection together with

the impact of the challenges on the research outcome have also been explained.

Finally, data analysis methods and their considerations were made. Results of this

research are provided in chapter six and chapter seven.



6.1 Introduction

This chapter provides results of some of the analyses carried out in this research.

Analyses commence with the so called preliminary data analyses. These are the

analyses that are (almost always/ mandatory) carried out first before other types of

data analyses can take place. For example, in any research, it is always necessary to

perform data cleaning and missing data analysis before other types of analyses can be

done. Preliminary data analyses performed in this research include:


i. Missing data analysis

ii. Testing data for multivariate outliers

iii. Testing the reliability of the research instrument

iv. Testing the convergent validity of the constructs.

v. Testing for the multivariate normality of data

vi. Descriptive analyses

At this point it should be noted that, while a lot of analyses were possible with the

obtained survey data, the main objective was to develop a model of ICT adoption and

use by Tanzania SMEs. That being the case, only the analyses that complimented

model development or the ones that addressed fully or partially specific objectives of

the research were carried out. Two specific objectives are addressed in this chapter.

Specific objectives number three is fully addressed here while specific objective

number four is partially addressed. The two specific objectives were respectively

stated as:

i. To establish the status of ICT adoption and use by Tanzania SMEs

ii. To establish the influence of ICT adoption on Tanzania SMEs performance


Based on the observation made above, in addition to the preliminary analyses,

descriptive statistics presented in this chapter include the demographic information

of the sample, statistics on ICTs adoption in SMEs, statistics on post adoption use of

ICTs by the SMEs, and the statistics on the influence of ICT adoption on SMEs


6.2 Missing Data Analysis

Missing data analysis was performed using SPSS version 21. The results for this

analysis show that the missing data were less than 5% for all variables involved (See

Appendix IB). Moreover, using Little’s MCAR test, the pattern of missing data was

found not to be MCAR. (Chi-square =1774.966, DF=1478, Sig=0.000). The low

percentage of missing data and the fact that the missing data was not MCAR justified

the use of multiple imputation method for dealing with missing data. Multiple

imputations method is a model based method of imputation (See Section 5.11.1).

After imputation, a complete data set with 343 cases was realised. Prior to other

analyses, the values of all negatively stated variables (variables F1-F16 and G1-G9)

were transformed in order to ensure that all variables in the data had the same

positive direction (Peou, 2009). After this transformation, other analyses continued.

6.3 Testing Data for Multivariate Outliers

In this research, Mahalanobis distance was used to test the data for the presence of

multivariate outliers, as explained in section 5.11.2. Using SPSS version 21


software, all variables in the survey (89 variables) data with a sample size of 343

cases were tested for outliers. In SPSS, Mahalanobis distance values are obtained as

residuals statistics in linear regression analysis. The results of this test are presented

in Table 6.1. Note that, in this regression analysis, for convenience, questionnaire

IDs was used as the dummy Dependent Variable (DV) because multivariate outliers

among Independent Variables (IVs) are unaffected by the DV (Tabachnick and

Fidell, 2013). According to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013), the remaining variables

are considered independent variables.

From Table 6.1 it can be seen that the minimum Mahalanobis distance value is

11.759 and the maximum Mahalanobis distance value is 247.350. The critical Chi-

square value (Obtained from Chi square distribution Tables) given the degrees of

freedom equal to 89 (the number of variables in this analysis), at is

found to be = 135.978. Thus, all variables in the data with Mahalanobis distance

greater than 135.978 were considered to be potential outliers. Based on this

criterion, in this analysis it was discovered that 68 cases had variables that were

possible outliers.

Table 6.1: Mahalanobis Distance Test Results

Residuals Statisticsa
Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N
Predicted Value -41.14 414.65 202.06 100.536 343
Std. Predicted Value -2.419 2.115 .000 1.000 343
Standard Error of 14.153 62.446 35.615 11.195 343
Predicted Value

Adjusted Predicted -67.01 421.23 201.21 106.132 343

Residual -309.261 176.781 .000 63.152 343
Std. Residual -4.220 2.412 .000 .862 343
Stud. Residual -4.638 2.716 .004 .984 343
Deleted Residual -373.573 232.608 .852 84.219 343
Stud. Deleted Residual -4.839 2.751 .003 .993 343
Mahal. Distance 11.759 247.350 87.743 53.738 343
Cook's Distance .000 .050 .004 .007 343
Centered Leverage .034 .723 .257 .157 343
a. Dependent Variable: QUESTIONAIRE ID

Further analysis of the potential outliers revealed that, 2 cases did not meet the SME

criteria and thus were considered not part of the intended population. These were

outright deleted and the sample size was reduced to 341 cases. The remaining 66

observed potential outlier cases were part of the intended population and thus were


Based on the ratio criterion, there were no suggestion of the presence of outliers

in the data since = 247.350/89 =2.77 did not exceed the threshold of 3 or 4 for

large samples (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007). Therefore, although, some cases

demonstrated the characteristics of outliers, they were not extreme cases according to

the value of which did not exceed the threshold value. It was thus not necessary

to delete the 66 observed cases from the sample as recommended by Pallant (2005).

In this way, Outliers in the data were detected analysed and retained or deleted as

advocated by the literature (Hair et al., 2010; Peou, 2009; Tabachnick and Fidell,

2013). Finally, a dataset with 341 cases remained for further analyses.

6.4 Reliability Analysis

Results for reliability analysis are given in Table 6.2. It can be observed from Table

6.2 that, all internal consistency reliabilities based on Cronbach’s alphas for

measurement items (all interval scales) were higher than 0.8 except in two cases

within the Government Policies scale where the Cronbach’s alphas were 0.786

(which is acceptable) for the Taxes and Tariffs sub-scale and 0.585 for the support

infrastructure sub-scale.

However, when the two sub-scales were combined the Cronbach’s alphas became

0.844 which was good. According to Kripanont (2007), higher values of Cronbach’s

alphas (0.7 and above) indicate the items in each set (concept) are positively

correlated to one another and that items in each set are independent measures of the

same concept. This in turn indicates accuracy in measurements (Kripanont, 2007).

Therefore, in this case, Table 6.2 results confirm the accuracy of the main survey

measurements for this research.

Table 6.2: Main Survey’s Reliability and Internal Consistence Analysis


Measurement Item Number Cronbach Reliability Inter-item Item-to-

(Interval Scale) of Items ’s alpha Results correlation total
Adoption and Use
-Computer 4 0.872 Good 0.562-0.751 0.638-0.781
-Internet 8 0.957 Good 0.614-0.826 0.744-0.890

All 12 0.963 Good

Personal Factors
-Perceived Benefits 12 0.973 Good 0.585-0.879 0.709-0.905
Organisation Factors
-Reason for adoption 5 0.842 Good 0.266-0.800 0.518-0.785

External Pressure 4 0.879 Good 0.495-0.798 0.623-0.806

All 9 0.917 Good

Economic Factors
- Financial Support 8 0.905 Good 0.331-0.848 0.639-0.753
-Costs of ICT systems 8 0.950 Good 0.533-0.851 0.686-0.871

All 16 0.954 Good

Government Policies
-Support Programs 4 0.906 Good 0.600-0.827 0.704-0.847
-Taxes and Tariffs 3 0.786 Accept. 0.505-0.647 0.561-0.666
-Support Infrastructure 2 0.585 Poor 0.416-0.416 0.416-0.416

All 5 0.844 Good 0.396-0.662 0.532-0.747

SME Performance
-Computer 5 0.932 Good 0.548-0.900 0.677-0.897
-Internet 5 0.944 Good 0.638-0.902 0.764-0.905

All 10 0.966 Good

For the internal consistence measures, this research used the inter-item-correlation

and the item-total-correlation. From Table 6.2, one item in the Organisation Factors

recoded a value of 0.226 for the inter-item-correlation, which is less than the

threshold of 0.3 (Kripanont, 2007). One variable E4 was removed from the scale and

the minimum inter-item-correlation for the strategy sub scale improved to 0.38. For

the item-total-correlation measure a value below the threshold of 0.5 was recorded

for the Government Policies sub-scale. Kripanont (2007) recommends that, the item-

total-correlation exceeds 0.5. However, when the sub-scales were combined into a

single scale, the minimum acceptable item-total-correlation was achieved. Thus, the

overall result for reliability test as presented in Table 6.2 prove that, the

questionnaire used in the main survey was a reliable measurement tool.

6.5 Convergent Validity Analysis

Convergent validity is determined by Correlational analysis (See section 5.8.6).

Table 6.2 shows the convergent analysis results for this study. From Table 6.2, only

one case has inter-item-correlation of less than the threshold value of 0.3. The

remaining cases have inter-item-correlation above 0.3. For the item-total-correlation,

only one case has a value below the threshold value of 0.5. The remaining cases

have high values than the threshold. These results ascertain the convergent validity

of the instrument used in this study. The two cases with low values were omitted in

model development.

6.6 Testing Data for Multivariate Normality

In this research, Skewness and Kurtosis were used to test survey data for normality.

The background details of the two measures were covered in section 5.11.3. In

section 5.11.3, it was explained that multivariate normality is the most fundamental

assumption in multivariate analysis. Thus, bearing this in mind and the sensitivity of

SEM analyses on the multivariate non-normality of data, it was necessary to test the

survey data for multivariate normality.

Appendix IIB Table 1 shows the results from measurement model 3 variables where

it is found that the variables have a Kurtosis value of 124.053 and Critical Ratio

value of 50.719. These values suggested that the survey data is highly multivariate

nonnormal. Appendix IIB Table 2 reports Kurtosis value of 71.106 and Critical

Ratio value of 33.245 for variables of the developed model. The non-normality of

data in this research justified the use of Bollen-Stine bootstrap method during model

development (see chapter seven).

6.7 Descriptive Analyses

6.7.1 Demographic Statistics

A summary of the demographic information of this survey is given in Table 6.3. It is

important to note that, this research focused on owner-managers of SMEs in the

service and general trading sectors and thus at this point, all information that was not

given by the owner-manager were already filtered out. Further analysis such as the

test for outliers helped to prune out all cases that did not fit the rest of research

criteria. From Table 6.3, Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2 it can be observed that, the

surveyed firms fit Tanzania’s definition of SME (see section 1.2.5) by 100% both in

terms of the capital investment criteria and by the number of employees’ criteria.

Table 6.3: Demographic Information

Demographic Information Sample Size=341

Measurement Items Frequenc Percent
Business/Company Age (Number of years)
 1-5 101 29.62%
 6-10 114 33.43%
 11-20 97 28.45%
 21-30 27 7.92%
 31-45 2 0.58%
Business/Company Size (Number of Employees)

 1-4 130 38.12%

 5-49 200 58.65%
 50-99 11 3.23%
 100+ 0 0%
Business size (Capital Investment in Million TShs.)
 Up to 5 88 25.80%
 5 to 200 230 67.45%
 200 to 800 23 6.75%
Business Sector
 Service 206 60.41%
 General Trading 135 39.59%
Legal Form of Company
 Sole Proprietor 203 59.53%
 Partnership 95 27.86%
 Limited Liability 43 12.61%
Business Status
 Starting 32 9.38%
 Surviving 76 22.29%
 Growing 184 53.96%
 Maturing 44 12.90%
 Declining 5 1.47%
Respondents Time with Company (Years)
 1-4 93 27.27%
 5-10 133 39.00%
 11-20 96 28.15%
 21-30 17 4.99%
 Above 31 2 0.59%

Table 6.3: (Continued)

Demographic Information Sample Size=341

Measurement Items Frequenc Percent
Respondent Level of Education
 Postgraduate 25 7.33%
 Degree 132 38.71%
 Diploma 114 33.43%
 A-Level 37 10.85%
 Other 33 9.68%
Respondent Knowledge of IT
 Knowledgeable 159 46.63%
 Not Knowledgeable 182 53.37%
Annual Turnover
 Up to 12, 000,000 126 36.95%
 12,000,000 to 50, 000,000 129 37.83%
 50,000,000 to 100,000,000 53 15.54%
 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 29 8.51%

 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 4 1.17%

Figure 6.1: Company Size-Number of Employees


Figure 6.2: Company Size-Capital Investment

The surveyed SMEs were from the service sector 60.64% and general trading sector

39.36%. Most respondents were reasonably educated as 38.78% had university

degrees and 33.53% had college diplomas. The rest of the respondents were

distributed as: 7.29% had Postgraduate degrees, 10.78% had education up to

advanced level secondary school. The remaining 9.62% of the respondents were

below the A-level. In terms of respondent’s knowledge of IT, 46.65% of the

respondents claimed to be IT knowledgeable while the remaining 53.35%

acknowledged that they did not possess any knowledge of IT.

Looking at the age of the surveyed firms, it was observed that 29.45% had been in

business for a period of between 1 and 5 years (start-ups). 33.53% had been in

business for a period between 6 and 10 years, 28.57% between 11 and 20 years,

7.87% had been doing business for between 21 to 30 years, while 0.58% has been in

business for between 31 to 45 years. The rest of demographic information can be

obtained from Table 6.3

6.7.2 ICT Adoption

In this section and analysis of ICT adoptions in the surveyed firms is made. The

ICTs studied in this research are computers and the Internet, which include

connectivity here simply referred to as the Internet, the website and email

technologies. Appendix II-C gives a summary of adoption and frequency of use of

these technologies in this research. Further analysis is given the next sections. Computer Adoption

From the survey data (Appendix II-C Table 1) it was observed that, 75.4% of the

SMEs have computers that are used on daily basis. 4.1% have computers that are

used on weekly basis and 0.6% of the surveyed firms had computers used at least

once in a month. Non-adopters of the computer technology included 18.2% of

respondents (62 cases) who know about the technology but have not adopted and

1.8% (6 respondents) who do not know about the technology at all. Figure 6.3 give a

pictorial overview of computer adoption and frequency of use in the surveyed SMEs.

Overall there were 273 (80.1%) adopters and 68 (19.9%) non-adopters of the

computer technology as depicted in Table 6.4. In addition, it was also observed that

34.6% of computer adopters had their computers networked as shown in Table 6.5.

Table 6.4: Summary of Computer Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Adopters 273 80.1 80.1 80.1
Valid Non-Adopters 68 19.9 19.9 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.5: Networked Computers (LAN)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Adopters 118 34.6 34.6 34.6
Valid Non-Adopters 223 65.4 65.4 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Figure 6.3: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Computers

223 Internet Adoption

Table 2 of appendix II-C shows adoption and frequency of use of the internet. Out of

341firms, 224 (65.7%) were reported to have adopted and used the Internet on daily

basis, 9 firms (2.6%) had adopted and used the Internet on weekly basis while 2

respondents (0.6%) claimed to use the Internet at least once every month. 104 firms

which is equivalent to 30.5% were non-adopters of the Internet technology. 2

respondents (0.6%) claimed not to know the technology at all. Overall 235

respondents (68.9%) could be categorised as Internet adopters while 106 respondents

(31.1%) could be categorised as non-Internet adopters. Table 6.6 and Figure 6.4 give

a summary of Internet adoption in Tanzania SMEs.

Figure 6.4: Adoption and Frequency of Use of the Internet


Table 6.6: Summary of Internet Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Adopters 235 68.9 68.9 68.9
Valid Non-Adopters 106 31.1 31.1 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0 Website Adoption

Analysis results for website adoption are provided by Appendix IIC Table 4, Figure

6.5. and in Table 6.7. From appendix II-C Table 3, 181 firms which is equivalent to

53.1% have a company website that is used on a daily basis, 11 firms (3.2%) have a

website that is used at least once in a week and 1 firm (0.3%) that has a website that

is used at least once in a month. Non-adopters of website technology include 143

firms (49.5%) with owners-managers who know about the technology but

nonetheless have not adopted and 5 firms (1.5%) that has owners-managers that do

not know about the website technology. Overall, there were 193 firms (56.6%) that

have adopted the website technology and 148 (43.6%) non-adopting firms as

depicted in Table 6.7

Table 6.7: Summary of Website Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative

Percent Percent
Adopters 193 56.6 56.6 56.6
Valid Non-Adopters 148 43.4 43.4 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Figure 6.5: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Website Email Adoption

Email adoption in Tanzania SMEs follow a similar pattern like the Internet and

computer technologies in that it appears there are more ICT adopters in Tanzania

SMEs than previously thought. The summary of Email adoption is given in

Appendix II-C Table 4, Figure 6.6 and Table 6.8. According to Appendix II-C Table

4, 237 (69.5%) firms out of 341 have Email that is used on daily basis, 9 firms

(2.6%) have Email that is used on weekly basis and 2 firms (0.6%) have Email that is

used at least once in a month. 88 firms (25.8%) have owners-managers that are

aware of the Email technology although they have not adopted the technology and

5firms (1.5%) have owners-managers that are not even aware of the technology.

From Table 6.6 it can be seen that overall there are a total of 248 (72.7%) firms that

have adopted the Email technology while 93 firms (27.3%) can be categorised as

Email non-adopting firms. Figure 6.4 give a summary of adoption and frequency of

use of the Email technology in Tanzania SMEs.

Table 6.8: Summary of Email Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Adopters 248 72.7 72.7 72.7
Valid Non-Adopters 93 27.3 27.3 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Figure 6.6: Adoption and Frequency of Use of Email


6.7.3 ICT use by Tanzania SMEs

In this section, the analysis of how the surveyed firms use adopted ICT is made. In

particular, the analysis seeks to investigate and explain if Tanzania SMEs use ICT to

gain competitive advantage over their competitors. The rationale for this type of

analysis is based on the literature (Galloway and Mochrie, 2005; Harindranath et al.,

2008; Modimogale, 2009) which has shown that, adoption of ICTs is not prolific by

itself. According to Modimogale (2009) the advantages of ICTs such as

competitiveness of SMEs actually depends on the way in which ICTs are used to

support the business process (Modimogale, 2009). To clarify the issue further,

Modimogale (2009) categorised ICT adoption and use into three groups: The general

user ICT group; Production Integrating ICT group and the Market Oriented ICT

group. In this work, the three ICT grouping by Modimogale (2009) were used as a

benchmark for determining the competitiveness of Tanzania SMEs. The next

paragraphs summarise group information before the analysis.

The general user ICT group is a one that has implemented basic ICTs such as stand-

alone computers, the email and the Internet (Modimogale, 2009). The adoption rate

in this group is usually very high and is uncoordinated (Modimogale, 2009).

According to Modimogale (2009), this is considered as the entry point into to the

new economy and ICTs are mostly used to meet specific business needs such as

financial planning, keeping of customer records and development of marketing

material (Galloway and Mochrie, 2005; Modimogale, 2009).


The Production Integrating ICT group is a more advanced group than the general

user ICT group (Modimogale, 2009). Modimogale (2009) note that, ICTs in this

group would form part of the strategic plans of a business for achieving business

objectives and enhancing or changing business processes (Modimogale, 2009). This

leads to Product innovations and fast delivery of services (Modimogale, 2009).

The Market Oriented ICT group relates to marketing aspect of the company and is

represented by the firm’s web presence (Modimogale, 2009). Using web

technologies, company information and goods can be displayed (Ashrafi and

Murtaza, 2010; Jannex et al., 2004; Modimogale, 2009; Pavic et al., 2007) and some

websites can even allow e-commerce to take place, meaning, orders can be made and

payments be made online. This allows companies to do business 24 hours a day

almost anywhere in the world (Ashrafi and Murtaza, 2010; Jannex et al., 2004;

Modimogale, 2009; Pavic et al., 2007). Use of Computers

Survey results on the use of computers are presented in this section. Data analysis

reveal that, use of computers which is consistent with good practise as explained in

section of this thesis, is above 44% of surveyed firms. To be more specific,

58.1% of surveyed firms (Table 6.9a) show that, use computers for all accounting

activities. 52.8% firms (Table 6.9b) use computers for market research, while 48.4%

of surveyed firms (Table 6.9d) use computers for business transactions using

software packages. Finally, 44.9% of all surveyed firms claimed to use computers for

all business transactions.


Table 6.9a: Use of Computers for all Accounting Activities

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 89 26.1 26.1 26.1
Yes 198 58.1 58.1 84.2
Neutral 54 15.8 15.8 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table6.9b: Use of Computers for Market Research

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 114 33.4 33.4 33.4
Yes 180 52.8 52.8 86.2
Neutral 47 13.8 13.8 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.9c: Use of Computers for Business Transactions Using Software


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 121 35.5 35.5 35.5
Yes 165 48.4 48.4 83.9
Neutral 55 16.1 16.1 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.9d: Use of Computers for all Business Transactions

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 126 37.0 37.0 37.0
Yes 153 44.9 44.9 81.8

Neutral 62 18.2 18.2 100.0

Total 341 100.0 100.0 Use of the Internet

According to the literature (Chung, 2006; Mehrtens, 2001; Modimogale, 2009), the

Internet can be used as a communication tool as well as a business tool. Survey

results for Internet usage in this research show that, 60% of the respondents (Table

6.10a) use the Internet (email) for external communications, 55.7% of respondents

(Table 6.10b) use the Internet for obtaining information from suppliers, 52.2% of

respondents (Table 6.10c) use the Internet for sending purchase orders to suppliers,

and 53.7% of respondents (Table 6.10d) use the Internet for product and market

research. In addition, 53.4% of the respondents (Table 6.10e) use the website

technology to offer information to customers while 53.1% of respondents (Table

6.10f) use the company website to receive orders from customers. It is also seen

from the results (Table 6.10g) that, 36.1% of the respondents were able to offer

online payments options using the Internet.

Table 6.10a: Use of Email for external Communication

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 95 27.9 27.9 27.9
Yes 206 60.4 60.4 88.3
Neutral 40 11.7 11.7 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.10b: Use of Internet for obtaining Information from Suppliers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 102 29.9 29.9 29.9

Yes 190 55.7 55.7 85.6

Neutral 49 14.4 14.4 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0
Table 6.10c: Use of Internet for Sending Purchase Orders to Suppliers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 120 35.2 35.2 35.2
Yes 178 52.2 52.2 87.4
Neutral 43 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.10d: Use of Internet for Product and Market Research

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 113 33.1 33.1 33.1
Yes 183 53.7 53.7 86.8
Neutral 45 13.2 13.2 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.10e: Use of Websites to Offer Information to Customers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 116 34.0 34.0 34.0
Yes 182 53.4 53.4 87.4
Neutral 43 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.10f: Use of Websites to Receive Orders from Customers

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 122 35.8 35.8 35.8
Yes 181 53.1 53.1 88.9
Neutral 38 11.1 11.1 100.0

Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.10g: Use of Internet for Offering Online Payments

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 152 44.6 44.6 44.6
Yes 123 36.1 36.1 80.6
Neutral 66 19.4 19.4 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

6.7.4 Post Adoption Performance Evaluation

In this section, SMEs performance evaluation after adoption is made. Performance

measures looked here includes profit, market size and the ability of firms to innovate.

Analysis result show that, 49.6% of the surveyed firms attribute their profit to

computer adoption (Table 6.11a) and 44.9% of the surveyed firms attribute their

profit rise to Internet adoption (Table 6.11b).

Table 6.11a: Increase of Profit Due to Computer Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 101 29.6 29.6 29.6
Yes 169 49.6 49.6 79.2
Neutral 71 20.8 20.8 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.11b: Increase of Profit Due to Internet Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 103 30.2 30.2 30.2

Yes 153 44.9 44.9 75.1

Neutral 85 24.9 24.9 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

In terms of increase of market share due to ICT adoption, 47.5% of the firms

attributed their market share increase to computer adoption (Table 6.11d) while as

48.1% of the surveyed firms attributed their market share increase to Internet

adoption (Table 6.11c). In addition to the market share, 53.4% of the firms recoded

the emergence of new processes that enhance efficiency (Process Innovation) due to

computer adoption (Table 6.9e) while 48.7% of the surveyed firms attributed their

process innovation to Internet adoption (Table 6.10h)

Table 6.11c: Increase of Market Size Due to Internet Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 105 30.8 30.8 30.8
Yes 162 47.5 47.5 78.3
Neutral 74 21.7 21.7 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.11d: Increase of Market Size Due to Computer Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 105 30.8 30.8 30.8
Yes 164 48.1 48.1 78.9
Neutral 72 21.1 21.1 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.11e: Process Innovations Due to Computer Adoption

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid No 81 23.8 23.8 23.8

Yes 182 53.4 53.4 77.1

Neutral 78 22.9 22.9 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Table 6.11f: Process Innovations Due to the Internet

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 94 27.6 27.6 27.6
Yes 166 48.7 48.7 76.2
Neutral 81 23.8 23.8 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

6.8 Discussion of Descriptive Analyses Findings

Contrary to the data presented by the literature prior to commencement of this

research (Behitsa et al., 2010; Isaya, 2009; Mbamba, 2004; Muttayabalwa, 2007;

Naul, 2012; URT, 2012; Souter et al., 2007) which showed very low usage of ICTs

in SMEs, the findings of these analyses show that, by year 2014, computer adoption

by SMEs in the service and trading sector had reached 80%, (See Table 6.4); Internet

adoption had reached 68.9%, (Table 6.6); website adoption had reached 56.6%,

(Table 6.7); and email adoption had reached 72.7% as depicted by Table 6.8. These

findings point to remarkable and rapid growth in adoption and usage of ICTs in

Tanzania SMEs sector in the last decade.

The research findings regarding ICT use in Tanzania SMEs show that, about 53% of

the surveyed firm’s respondents were shown to use the ICTs in a manner consistent

with the Market Oriented ICT group as suggested by Modimogale (2009). This is

supported by the fact that 53.7% of these firms were able to use company websites to

conduct product and market research, (Table 6.10d), 53.4% were able to offer

product information to their customers, (Table 6.10e) and 53.1% were able to receive

orders from customers (Table 6.10f). On a similar note, it is observed that (Table

6.10g), about 36.1 % of the surveyed SMEs could offer online payment options.

These observations confirm the emergence of e-commerce within the SME sector in

Tanzania as suggested by Yonazi (2012) and explained in section 2.3.3 of this thesis.

Post adoption performance evaluation of the surveyed firms present evidence to the

effect that by early 2014, about 48% of surveyed SMEs were using ICTs in a manner

consistent with the Production Integrating ICT group as suggested by Modimogale

(2009) since the firms managed to achieve process innovation as depicted by Table

6.11e and Table 6.11f. Further post adoption analyses show that, by early year

2014, about 47% of SMEs in Tanzania were using ICTs in a way that allowed the

firms to gain competitive advantage. These firms acknowledged improved

performance in terms of increase in profit and market size as a result of ICT adoption

and use. (See Table 6.11a, Table 6.11b Table 6.11c and Table 6.11d). This

observation suggests that, for firms that are competitive, there is a positive and direct

relationship between ICT adoption and SMEs performance.

On the other hand, it is also imperative to point out that, more than a half of the

SMEs that had adopted (See Table 6.11a, Table 6.11b Table 6.11c and Table 6.11d)

were not using ICTs in a productive way since they did not report any improvement

in their performance despite having adopted ICTs. These observations augur well

with the literature (Modimogale, 2009). According to Modimogale (2009), adoption


of ICTs by firms does not necessarily give a firm competitive advantage. He claims

that, what ICTs does is to give firms the ability to be competitive (Modimogale,

2009). In other words, competitiveness is a product of how the firms use ICTs. The

literature (DBIS, 2014; Gunday et al., 2009; OECD, 2005) show that, innovation is

key for firms to become competitive. This notion is supported by this research

finding as we are seeing about 48% of firms that are innovative and about 47% of

firms that are competitive. Thus, it can be said that, the majority (53%) of SMEs in

Tanzania are not using ICTs to gain competitive advantage over their competitors

because they are not innovative.

In view of the analyses made and the descriptive statistics presented in section 6.7.3

section 6.7.4, and section 6.8, the requirements of the two specific objectives were

met. The statistics provided give a full and clear picture about the status of ICTs

adoption and use in Tanzania SMEs. This address fully specific objective number

three which sought to establish the status of ICT adoption and use in Tanzania SMEs.

The specific objective number four of this research sought to establish the influence

of ICT adoption has on Tanzania SMEs performance. In partial fulfilment of this

specific objective, it can be seen from the analysis results that, about 47% of

surveyed firms demonstrated a positive relationship between ICTs and firm

performance. The author notes that, the observed relationship is based on how ICTs

are used by the SMEs. That is, SMEs that managed to be innovative using ICTs,

became competitive and recorded good performance. Therefore, it can be said that,

adopted ICTs when used in the right way has a direct positive relationship with

firm’s performance. In other words, the more the firm innovate using ICTs, the

higher the firm performance is expected to be (DBIS, 2014; Gunday et al., 2009;

OECD, 2005). This relationship is further analysed and concluded in chapter seven

during hypotheses testing.

6.9 Chapter Summary

This chapter has presented results from preliminary analysis and descriptive analysis.

Preliminary analysis addressed the missing data issue. In addition, the reliability and

internal consistence of the instrument and constructs were tested and found to meet

the criteria acceptable in research of this nature. Moreover, the data was tested for

normality and outliers were detected and dealt with. All this was done so as to

ensure validity and reliability of the research results.

Descriptive analyses carried out were all aimed at fulfilling the requirements of

specific objectives number three and specific objective number four of this research.

Thus, reported statistics inform on the status of ICT adoption and use by Tanzania

SMEs. IT is noted that in the time frame between year 2004 and year 2014, there has

been a remarkable and rapid growth of ICT adoption and use by Tanzania SMEs. In

addition, the statistics also explain the effect ICT adoption and use has on SMEs

performance. Findings suggest a positive relationship between ICTs and firm

performance, when ICTs are used in the right way. It should be noted that, many

other analyses were possible with the survey data. However, since those analyses

were not the focus of the study, they will be addressed in other publications related to

this research. Development of the model is addressed in chapter seven.




7.1 Introduction

In chapter six, the characteristics of SMEs from the service sector and the general

trading were explored. In particular, the analysis on the current status of ICT

adoption and use in Tanzania SMEs was made. In so doing, specific objective

number three was fulfilled. Specific objective number one and specific objective

number four were also partially achieved in chapter six. In this chapter, the research

main objective which is to develop a model of ICT adoption by SMEs together with

remaining specific objectives is addressed. The theoretically derived conceptual

model for ICT adoption as depicted by Figure 4.1 is implemented in SEM.

Thereafter, using survey data, confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses are

performed. That way, the ICT adoption model for SMEs in Tanzania is generated

and validated. It is anticipated that, the generated model together with its

interpretation will encourage SMEs in Tanzania to adopt and use ICTs in the manner

that allows them to become competitive. In addition, by analysing the moderation

effect of government policies on ICT adoption and the post adoption performance

evaluation of the SMEs, government interventions for development of the SME


sector can be prepared and executed based on informed decisions. Structural

Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in this phase of model generation. The

justifications on the use of SEM were explained in chapter five.

Modelling commence by a thorough description of the model constructs. This is

followed by construct reliability analysis, test for multicolinearity and discriminant

validity analysis. These tests are performed in order to determine the suitability of

different variables in the model. There after the model is developed.

In model development, a two-step approach to SEM analyses (which is highly

recommended by the literature) was used (See section 5.10.2). Three measurement

models were separately evaluated first before the evaluation of the final model.

Measurement model one evaluated the exogenous latent constructs, measurement

model two evaluated the endogenous latent constructs and measurement model three

evaluated all latent variables. Finally, the structural model was evaluated and testing

of the hypotheses ensued. In the next sections, detailed information about the

different steps of the development of the ICT adoption model is given.

7.2 Constructs of the Research Model

As depicted by Figure 4.1, the proposed model has a total of six latent constructs (or

factors). According to the literature (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013) latent constructs

(factors) refer to variables that cannot be measured directly. Instead, latent factors are

represented by measurable variables (or indicators) which are specific item or

questions obtained either from respondents in response to questions in a

questionnaire or from some type of observation (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010;

Kripanont, 2007; Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013). In

other words, measured variables are used as the indicators of latent constructs.

Kripanont (2007) observe that, indicators are associated with each latent construct

and are specified by the researcher (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013).

Out of six latent constructs, four constructs were exogenous constructs and two

constructs were endogenous constructs. According to the literature (Byrne, 2010;

Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007), an exogenous construct is a latent, multi-item

equivalent of an independent variable, and as such it is not affected by any other

construct in the model (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007). The

exogenous latent constructs of this research were: Personal Factors, Organisation

Factors, Economic Factors, and Government Policies that are studied as moderators

in this research. For the endogenous constructs, these are latent, multi-item

equivalents to dependent variables (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Sharma, 1996; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013). They are thus constructs that are

affected by other constructs in the model (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont,

2007; Sharma, 1996; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013). Kripanont (2007) note that, the

consideration of what item belongs to a specific latent construct as well as the

number of observed variables (indicators) is made by the researcher based on the


Generally, the literature (Byrne, 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Sharma,

1996; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013) acknowledge that, the number of observed

variables has an impact on many statistical analyses. That is, the bigger the number

of observed variables, the bigger the sample size will have to be (Stevens, 2002).

Stevens (2002) noted that, in a standard ordinary least squares multiple regression

analysis, 15 cases per predictor is considered adequate. Based on the argument that

SEM is closely related to multiple regressions in some respects, Stevens (2002)

recommends that, 15 cases per measured variable in SEM should be taken as the rule

of thumb.

Table 7.1 give a summary of the model latent constructs and the number of indicators

used for both exogenous constructs and endogenous constructs. At this point it

should be noted that, all factors that did not meet the requirements for reliability and

internal consistence analysis (See section 6.1.1 and Table 6.1) were omitted from the

analyses of this stage. In addition, other factors from the questionnaire that were

meant for descriptive analyses only were also not considered in SEM analysis. Table

7.1 show that there is a total of 64 observed variables, with 41 variables measuring

the exogenous constructs and 23 variables measuring the endogenous constructs.

Table 7.1: Constructs of the Model

Construct Name Construct Type Number Items Code

of Items
Personal Factors Exogenous 14 A7, A11, D1-D12 PF
Organisation Exogenous 8 E5-E12 OF

Economic Factors Exogenous 16 F1-F16 EF

Government Exogenous 3 G1, G5, G8 GP
ICT Adoption Endogenous 13 C1-C13 AD
SME Performance Endogenous 10 H1-H10 SMEP

Taking into consideration for the rule of thumb of 15 cases for each observed

variable as recommended by Stevens (2002) it is evident that a bigger sample (usable

dataset) than what was available (see chapters 5 and 6) was needed for this

modelling. However, prior to model generation by using SEM and AMOS, all

factors were analysed for their suitability in the final model and thus the number of

factors in the final model met the sample size requirements. This analysis fulfilled

the requirements of specific objective number one, which sought to analyse the

factors influencing ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs.

In chapter six it was noted that the research data is not multivariate normal. The non-

normality of data made the use of Bollen-Stine bootstrap method during model

development necessary. When used, this bootstrap method produces the Bollen-

Stine p-value to be used as an alternative p-value in analysis, since the normal p-

value may become unreliable. In the next two sections, detailed account of other

tests that are a pre-requisite to model generation by SEM technique that were not

covered in chapter six is given. In particular, these tests aim to establish the

construct reliability and discriminant validity of the measures involved in this

research. In the process, multicolinearity and or singularity are also tested.


7.3 Construct Reliability

Hair et al. (2010) define reliability as “the extent to which a variable or a set of

variables is consistent in what it intended to measure” They argue that, if multiple

measurements are taken, the reliable measures will all be consistence in their values

(Hair et al., 2010). Thus, reliability is about the consistency of measurements

(Kripanont, 2007). According to Kripanont (2007), construct reliability measures

the internal consistency of a set of measures rather than the reliability of a single

variable (Kripanont, 2007). Construct reliability captures the degree to which a set

of measures indicate the common latent construct (Kripanont, 2007). According to

Kripanont (2007) an advantage of construct reliability is that it is based on estimates

of model parameters. Kripanont (2007) further note that, the construct reliability

measure has wide applicability because it can be computed for the construct (s) in a

model regardless of whether the researcher is estimating a congeneric measurement

model, confirmatory factor analysis or path model with latent variables (Kripanont,

2007). Kripanont (2007) also note that, model based estimates of reliability can be

found by looking at either the Squared Multiple Correlations (SMC) for the observed

variables, or the variance extracted estimate. In this research, the SMC (also referred

to, as an item reliability coefficient) was used to measure construct reliability.

According to Tabachnick and Fidell (2013) SMC is the squared multiple correlation

of a variable where it serves as a dependent variable with the rest as independent

variables in multiple correlation. Kripanont (2007) note that, when SMC is used as a

measure of construct reliability, the cut off point for an acceptable indicator variable

is a one that has SMC of 0.3. Kripanont (2007) further recommends that a good

observed variable should have a SMC of 0.50 and above.


Table 7.2 show the SMC for all the 41 observed variables for the exogenous

constructs. From table 7.2 it can be observed that a total of 11 (as highlighted in

Table 7.2) variables measuring the three exogenous latent constructs had a SMC less

than the recommended 0.5. These variables were (deleted) excluded from further

SEM analysis in order to improve model fit to the data. Observable variables that

remained after the removal of factors that failed the SMC test included variables D1-

D12 measuring the Personal Factors (PF) latent construct, variables E7-E12

measuring the Organisation Factor (OF) latent construct and variables F7-F15

measuring the Economic Factors (OCF) latent construct. The three moderating

variables G1, G5 and G8 also remained.

Table 7.2: The SMC for the 41 Indicators Measuring Exogenous Constructs


E12 .535 F4 .268
E11 .632 F5 .262
F16 .497 F6 .429
F15 .506 F7 .718
F14 .799 F8 .725
F13 .777 A7 .051
F12 .790 A11 .052
F11 .807 D1 .500
F10 .754 D2 .658
F9 .763 D3 .701
D12 .741 D4 .741
D11 .789 D5 .760
E10 .596 D6 .850
D10 .824 D7 .833
D9 .850 D8 .835
E9 .742 E5 .383
E8 .704 G1 .611
E7 .787 G5 .615
E6 .462 G8 .577

F1 .363 F3 .187
F2 .354

The SMC for the indicators measuring the two endogenous latent constructs are

shown in Table 7.3. From Table 7.3 it can be seen that, out of 23 observed variables

for the two endogenous latent constructs only one variable had SMC less than 0.5.

This variable (C1) was also deleted from further SEM analysis for the same reason of

improving model fit to data. The remaining variables for the endogenous constructs

included variables C2-C13 measuring Adoption (AD) construct and variables H1-

H10 used to measure the SME Performance (SMEP) construct.

Table 7.3: The SMC for the 22 Indicators Measuring Endogenous Constructs


C1 .439
C2 .729
C3 .667
C4 .542
C5 .719
C6 .653
C7 .771
C8 .749
C9 .739
C10 .848
C11 .801
C12 .599
C13 .536
H10 .624
H9 .857
H8 .855
H7 .694
H6 .778
H5 .516
H4 .830
H3 .845
H2 .680

H1 .749

At the end of the construct reliability analysis, a total of 52 indicator variables

remained for SEM analysis. Out of the 52 indicator variables, 27 were measuring the

three exogenous latent constructs while 22 were measuring the two endogenous

latent constructs and 3 exogenous variables were used as moderators.

7.4 Tests for Multicolinearity

The background theory on multicolinearity is provided in section 5.11.4 of this

thesis. Using AMOS version 20 sample correlations, standardised residual

covariance, and implied (all variables) correlations of the survey data after deletion

of variables with low SMCs, was determined and recorded as shown in appendix

IIIA for investigation of multicolinearity and discriminant validity of model


Appendix III-A Table 1 show the sample correlation for the 27 variables used to

measure the three exogenous latent constructs. From appendix III-A Table 1 it is

seen that only variables D1, E9-E12 and F15 were not highly correlated with other

variables. The rest of observed variables were highly correlated and this proved the

presence of multicolinearity in the data. Table 7.4 give a summary of multicollinear

variables for the three exogenous latent constructs.


Appendix III-B Table 4 show the sample correlation for the 22 variables used to

measure the two endogenous latent constructs after removal of variables with low

SMC. Like for the exogenous variables, there was evidence of multicolinearity for

endogenous variables as summarised by Table 7.5. However, variables, C3-C6, C9,

C12, C13, H5 and H10 were not highly correlated with any variable.

The presence of multicolinearity in the data made it necessary for further analysis of

the variables in order to determine their usefulness in the SEM analysis. This was

achieved during Discriminant Validity analysis and fitting of the measurement


Table 7.4: Summary of Highly Correlated Variables for the Three Exogenous
Latent Constructs


D1 -
D2 D4
D3 D4
D4 D2, D3, D6
D5 D6, D7, D8, D9
D6 D4, D5, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11, D12
D7 D5, D6, D8, D9, D10
D8 D5, D6, D7, D9, D10, D12
D9 D5, D6, D7, D8, D10, D11
D10 D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D12
D11 D6, D9, D10, D11
D12 D6, D8, D10, D11
E7 E8
E8 E7
E9 -
E10 -
E11 -
E12 -
F7 F8
F8 F7
F9 F10, F11

F10 F9, F11, F12

F11 F9, F10, F12, F13, F14
F12 F10, F11, F13, F14
F13 F11, F12, F14
F14 F10, F11, F12, F13

Table 7.5: Summary of Highly Correlated Variables for the Two Endogenous
Latent Constructs


C2 C10
C3 -
C4 -
C5 -
C6 -
C7 C10
C8 C11
C9 -
C10 C2, C7, C11
C11 C8, C10
C12 -
C13 -
H1 H3, H4, H6
H2 H7
H3 H1, H4, H8, H9
H4 H1, H3, H8, H9
H6 H1, H8, H9
H5 -
H7 H2
H8 H3, H4, H6, H9
H9 H3, H4, H6, H8
H10 -

7.5 Discriminant Validity of Constructs

Hair et al. (2010) define validity as “the degree to which a measure accurately

represents what it is supposed to”. Kripanont (2007) note that, validity is the

accuracy of a measure, and exists when the measure is a perfect representation of the

variable intended to measure. In statistical modelling, it is desired that measures of

constructs that are theoretically different should in reality be different from each

other (Guo et al., 2008; Kripanont, 2007). Discriminant validity reflects the extent to

which the different constructs in a model are different (Kripanont, 2007). In other

words, discriminant validity refers to the distinctiveness of different constructs (Guo

et al., 2008). Therefore, discriminant validity test is performed in order to show that

measures or concepts that are supposed to be unrelated are, in fact, not related (Guo

et al., 2008; Kripanont, 2007).

Kripanont (2007) note that, Structural equation modelling techniques can be used to

estimate discriminant validity. In typical SEM analysis, large correlations (0.8 or

0.9) between latent constructs suggest a lack of discriminant validity (Kripanont,

2007). In addition to the correlation analysis, pattern and structure coefficients can

also be used in determining whether constructs in the measurement models are

empirically distinguishable (Kripanont, 2007). These two methods were used in this

research to determine the discriminant validity of the latent constructs. It should be

noted that, the structure coefficients are generated in AMOS output in the “all

implied moments”. According to Kripanont (2007) when performing validity


analysis in SEM, there should be no more than five constructs under investigation at

a time. In this research, due to the large number of observed variables involved,

discriminant validity analysis was done in two phases. Phase one involved the

analysis for the exogenous latent constructs (here referred to as the measurement

model one) and endogenous latent constructs (here referred to as the measurement

model two) separately. In phase two, all five constructs for the model were analysed

together and this model is here referred to as the “measurement model three”. The

next three sections give detailed explanations on these analyses.

7.5.1 Measurement Model One

In section 5.11.4 the fact that some statistical analyses are sensitive to

multicolinearity was explained. It was also recommended that, when

multicolinearity is detected in data, one of the multicollinear indicators is deleted

from SEM analysis, that is, if the sample correlation between the two indicators

exceeds 0.8. In addition to this observation, the literature (Arbuckle, 2009;

Kripanont, 2007) also recommends the investigation of standardised residual

covariance between two indicators, in order to determine the correct model. The

literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Kripanont, 2007) note that, with correct model, most

standardised residuals should have an absolute value less than 2. Byrne (2010) claim

that, the maximum allowable absolute value for standardised residuals covariances is

2.5 (Byrne, 2010). Taking into account the level of multicolinearity between

exogenous variables (See Table 7.4 and Appendix III-A Table 1) and the number of

variables that had standardised residual covariance above 2 (Appendix III-A Table 2)

the correct measurement model one for the exogenous latent constructs was

determined by deleting one of the offending variables. Moreover, since many

variables were highly correlated with more than one variable (See Table 7.4 and

Table 7.5) it was also necessary to choose a pair of factors that described the

measurement model better than others. After identification of the measurement

model one, discriminant validity analysis was carried out for the exogenous latent


Table 7.6 show the correlation between the three latent constructs. The construct

correlations are provided by AMOS provides the construct correlations whenever

standardised estimates are requested as part of the output (Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et

al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007). From this output, it can be seen that the three latent

variables were different since the correlation between them was less than 0.8. The

highest correlation is 0.6 between OF (organisation factors) and PF (personal


Table 7.6: Correlation between Latent Constructs for Investigating

Discriminant Validity

Latent Constructs’ Correlation Estimates

PF <--> ECF -.179
OF <--> ECF -.509
PF <--> OF .684

Table 7.7 depict the pattern and structure coefficients (implied correlations for all

variables) of the three constructs in measurement model one. The pattern and

structure coefficients are calculated and generated by AMOS when all implied

moments are ordered as part of AMOS output (Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et al., 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). In this case, it can be seen that observed variables load strongly

on the latent construct they are supposed to measure and less on the other constructs.

Thus, the pattern and structure coefficients confirm discriminant validity of the three

exogenous latent constructs in the model.

Analysis of the standardised residual covariances showed that, the absolute value of

standardised residuals between all variables (after deleting offending variables) was

less than 2 as depicted in Table 7.8. This suggested that the measurement model was


Table 7.7: Implied (for all remaining variables) Correlations for Three
Exogenous Latent Constructs for Investigating Discriminant

ECF OF PF F7 F10 F13 E7 E9 E11

ECF 1.000
OF -.509 1.000
PF -.179 .684 1.000
F7 .848 -.432 -.152 1.000
F10 .847 -.431 -.152 .718
F13 .874 -.445 -.157 .742 .741 1.000
E7 -.437 .858 .587 -.370 -.370 -.382 1.000
E9 -.461 .906 .620 -.391 -.391 -.403 .778 1.000
E11 -.394 .774 .529 -.334 -.333 -.344 .664 .701 1.000
D2 -.153 .585 .856 -.130 -.130 -.134 .502 .530 .453
D3 -.155 .592 .866 -.132 -.131 -.136 .508 .537 .458
D9 -.157 .599 .876 -.133 -.133 -.137 .514 .543 .463

Table 7.7: (continued)

F7 F10 F13 E7 E9 E11 D2 D3 D9

F7 1.000
F10 .718 1.000
F13 .742 .741 1.000
E7 -.370 -.370 -.382 1.000
E9 -.391 -.391 -.403 .778
E11 -.334 -.333 -.344 .664 .701 1.000
D2 -.130 -.130 -.134 .502 .530 .453 1.000
D3 -.132 -.131 -.136 .508 .537 .458 .741 1.000
D9 -.133 -.133 -.137 .514 .543 .463 .749 .758 1.000

Table 7.8: Standardized Residual Covariance’s for Measurement Model One

F7 F10 F13 E7 E9 E11 D2 D3 D9

F7 .000
F10 -.112 .000
F13 -.017 .107 .000
E7 -.107 1.088 .830 .000
E9 -.200 .266 .541 .028 .000
-1.784 -1.722 -1.523 -.120 .026 .000
D2 .562 1.066 .206 .274 .097 -1.086 .000
D3 .445 .247 -.038 .772 -.291 -.981 -.003 .000
D9 -.476 -.468 -1.010 .298 .285 -.589 -.015 .016 .000

The measurement model one for the three exogenous latent constructs is depicted in

Figure 7.1. The literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont,

2007; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) have detailed information on how AMOS and

SEM outputs are interpreted. A summary of fit measures for this research are

provided in section

For the model presented by Fig 7.1, fit statistics CMIN (Chi-square) = =44.627,

degree of freedom (DF) = 24, p-value=0.006, (which is significant at the level of

0.05), Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.160 (which is not significant at the level of

0.05) and CMIN/DF ratio =1.859, indicated a very good fit of model to data. In

addition, taking into account the fact that chi-square statistic is very sensitive with

samples size (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et al. 2010, Tabachnick and

Fidell, 2013; Byrne 2010) other fit measures were considered as recommended by

the literature (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et al. 2010, Tabachnick and

Fidell, 2013; Byrne 2010). These statistics RMSEA = 0.050, TLI=0.985, CFI =

0.990, NFI = 0.979, GFI = 0.972, AGFI = 0.947 also indicated a very good fit of

model to data. (See section for meaning of fit measures)


Figure 7.1: Measurement Model One with Standardised Estimates for Three
Exogenous Latent Constructs

Summary of fit measures For Model of Figure 7.1

CMIN (Chi-square) = =44.627, DF = 24, p-value=0.006,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value = .160 CMIN/DF =1.859 RMSEA = 0.050,

TLI=0.985, CFI = 0.990, NFI = 0.979, GFI = 0.972, AGFI = 0.947

7.5.2 Measurement Model Two

Analysis of measurement model two were similar to the analyses carried out for the

measurement model one. Taking into account that some variables were

multicollinear (See Table 7.5 and Appendix III-B Table 4) and that some of the

variables had standardised residual covariance above 2 (See Appendix III-B Table 5)

the correct measurement model for the two endogenous latent variables was


The measurement model for the two endogenous latent variables is shown in Figure

7.2. The model yielded =21.085, degree of freedom=19, p-value 0.332 which is

not significant at the level of 0.05, Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value =0.850 which is

also not significant at the level of 0.005 and CMIN/DF =1.110. All these measures

indicated a very good fit of model to data (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Hair et

al. 2010, Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013; Byrne 2010). Other fit measures included

RMSEA = 0.018, TLI=0.999, CFI = 0.999, NFI = 0.990, GFI = 0.984, AGFI = 0.970.

These measures also indicated a very good fit of model to data. (See section

for meaning of fit measures)

Discriminant validity analysis for measurement model two showed that the latent

constructs were different since the correlation between the two latent constructs was

0.63 a value which is below the threshold of 0.8 (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009;

Hair et al. 2010, Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013; Byrne 2010). Moreover, the pattern

and structure coefficients as shown in Table 7.9 indicated that, the two endogenous

latent constructs in the measurement models were empirically distinguishable.

In addition, the analysis of the standardised residual covariances showed that, the

absolute value of standardised residuals between all variables (after deleting


offending variables) was less than 2 as depicted in Table 7.10. This suggested that

the measurement model was correct.

Table 7.9: Implied (for all variables) Correlations for two Endogenous
Latent Constructs for Investigating Discriminant Validity

AD SMEP C5 C8 C9 C10 H1 H5
AD 1.000
SMEP .623 1.000
C5 .873 .544 1.000
C8 .867 .540 .757
C9 .875 .545 .764 .759 1.000
C10 .898 .559 .784 .779 .786 1.000
H1 .524 .841 .457 .454 .458 .470
H5 .435 .699 .380 .377 .381 .391 .588 1.000
H7 .508 .816 .444 .441 .445 .456 .687 .571
H9 .584 .938 .510 .507 .511 .524 .789 .656

Table 7.10: Standardized Residual Covariance’s for Measurement Model


C5 C8 C9 C10 H1 H5 H7 H9
C5 .000
C8 .000
C9 .067 -.019 .000
C10 -.021 .054 .000
-.62 -
H1 -.079 -.232 .000
6 1.302
H5 .661 .299 -.252 -.097 .099 .000
-.42 -
H7 -.430 -.451 .370 -.092 .000
7 1.122
-.06 -.04
H9 .444 .634 -.024 .391 -.023 .000
3 7

Figure 7.2: Measurement Model Two with Standardised Estimates for Two
Endogenous Latent Constructs

Summary of fit measures For Model of Figure 7.2

CMIN=21.085, DF=19, p-value 0.332,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value =0.850 CMIN/DF =1.110, RMSEA = 0.018,

TLI=0.999, CFI = 0.999, NFI = 0.990, GFI = 0.984, AGFI = 0.970.


7.5.3 Measurement Model Three

A measurement model for all five constructs involved in this study is depicted in

Figure 7.3. This model was arrived at by taking into account the multicolinearity of

variables as well as looking at the standardised residual covariances. One variable

from each pair that were highly correlated (0.8 or above) was deleted. Likewise, any

pair of variables that had standardised residual covariance of more that 2 (in absolute

terms) were deleted.

The model of Figure 7.3 fit the data very well as attested by the fit measures: Chi-

square = 158.471, Degree of Freedom = 80, p-value =0.000, Bollen-Stine bootstrap

p-value=0.114, CMIN/DF=1.981, RMSEA= 0.054, TLI = 0.973, CFI=0.980,

NFI=0.960, GFI = 0.942 and AGFI = 0.912. Note that the Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-

value =0.114 is not significant at 0.05.

Discriminant validity analysis for measurement model three indicated lack of

discriminant validity between the Personal Factor (PF), an exogenous latent construct

and Adoption (AD) an endogenous latent construct as well as for Economic Factors

(ECF) which is an exogenous latent construct and SME Performance which is an

endogenous latent construct. The remaining constructs were different as attested by

Table 7.11 showing the correlations between different constructs of the model.

Figure 7.3: Measurement Model Three with Standardised Estimates for all
Five Latent Constructs

Summary of fit measures For Model of Figure 7.3

CMIN = 158.471, DF = 80, p-value =0.000, CMIN/DF=1.981,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.114, RMSEA= 0.054, TLI = 0.973, CFI=0.980,

NFI=0.960, GFI = 0.942 and AGFI = 0.912.


Table 7.11: Correlation between Five Latent Constructs for Investigating

Discriminant Validity

Latent Constructs Correlation Estimates

PF <--> ECF .692
AD <--> SMEP .609
OF <--> AD -.259
ECF <--> AD .634
ECF <--> SMEP .856
OF <--> ECF -.508
OF <--> SMEP -.447
PF <--> OF -.190
PF <--> AD .877
PF <--> SMEP .632

Analysis of pattern and structure coefficients as shown in Appendix III-C Table 7

indicated that, the constructs in the measurement model three were empirically

distinguishable. Moreover, the analysis of the standardised residual covariances

showed that, the absolute value of standardised residuals between all variables (after

deleting offending variables) was less than 2 as depicted in Appendix III-C Table 8.

This suggested that the measurement model was correct, except for the highly

correlating latent constructs.

A comparison between measurement model three (Figure 7.3) with measurement

model two (Figure 7.2) and measurement model one (Figure 7.1) respectively show

that model fit was achieved using different combinations of variables. For example,

the PF latent construct in measurement model one used the variables D2, D3 and D9

while for the measurement mode three PF used the variables D3, D5 and D10 to

achieve model fit. This was taken into consideration while fitting the overall

research model. That is, different pairs of variables were tried and the ones that

resulted in the best model fit were used in the ICT Adoption model.

To address the issue of high correlation between PF and AD and that between ECF

and SMEP (see Table 7.11) the variables C6, C9, C10, H1, H5 and H8 were recorded

from 5 points to three points (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). The resulting model

using these recoded values is shown in Figure 7.4. The fit measures for this model

are summarised as: Chi-square =139.152, Degree of Freedom =80, p-value=0.000,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value = 0.134, CMIN/DF =1.739, RMSEA=0.047,

TLI=0.975, CFI=0.981, NFI=0.956, GFI =0.950, AGFI=0.925 which indicated a

very good fit of model to data. In addition to model fit, the problem of high

correlation between the constructs PF and AD as well as ECF and SMEP was


Table 7.12 show the correlations between constructs after re-specification of

measurement model three. It can be seen from Table 7.11 that the highest correlation

between constructs is 0.692 recoded between PF and ECF constructs. Thus,

discriminant validity between constructs was achieved.


Figure 7.4: Measurement Model Three with Standardised Estimates for all
Latent Constructs using recorded Variables

Summary of fit measures For Model of Figure 7.4

CMIN=139.152, DF=80, p-value=0.000, CMIN/DF =1.739,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value = 0.134, RMSEA=0.047, TLI=0.975, CFI=0.981,

NFI=0.956, GFI =0.950, AGFI=0.925


Table 7.12: Correlation between Five Latent Constructs (after recording

variables) for Investigating Discriminant Validity

Latent Constructs Correlation Estimates

PF <--> ECF .692
AD <--> SMEP .399
OF <--> AD -.318
ECF <--> AD .578
ECF <--> SMEP .392
OF <--> ECF -.510
OF <--> SMEP -.278
PF <--> OF -.190
PF <--> AD .637
PF <--> SMEP .192

7.6 Model Estimation.

7.6.1 Unstandardised and Standardised Estimates

After model identification, the next logical step in SEM analysis process is to

estimate model parameters. Model parameters for this research were obtained using

AMOS version 20, which uses Maximum Likelihood as its default method of

estimation (Arbuckle, 2009). According to Arbuckle (2009), AMOS produces

estimates with very desirable properties including both Unstandardised and

standardised model solutions (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

Kripanont (2007) observed that, when an Unstandardised model is estimated, the

regression weights, covariance’s, intercepts (only when mean structures are

analysed) and variances will be displayed in the path diagram (Byrne 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). Regression weights represent the influence of one or more

variables on another variable (Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007). On the other hand,

when a standardised model is estimated, standardised regression weights, correlation


and squared multiple correlations will be displayed. Furthermore, Kripanont (2007)

note that, the standardized regression weights and the correlations are independent of

the units in which all variables are measured, and will not be affected by the choice

of identification constraints (Arbuckle 2005). In this research, when performing path

analysis, both unstandardised and standardised model solutions will be presented.

7.6.2. Squared Multiple Correlations (SMC)

The literature (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) show that, the fit

measures discussed in section provide information about how well the

model fits the data. However, according to Kripanont (2007), the strength of the

structural paths in the model is determined by Squared Multiple Correlations. It is

therefore important that the SMC of each dependent variable is considered together

with fit measures in order to best describe the structural model (Arbuckle 2009;

Kripanont, 2007). Kripanont (2007) note that, the interpretation of SMC is

analogous to the R2 statistic in multiple regression analysis (Kripanont, 2007). In

addition, Arbuckle (2009) observe that, SMC is a useful statistic that is also

independent of all units of measurement (Arbuckle, 2009). Thus, apart from the fit

measures, in the analyses, SMC will also be reported.


7.7 The ICT Adoption Model for Tanzania SMEs

The proposed research model shown in Fig 4.1 was implemented in AMOS for SEM

analysis using variables that had passed all initial tests for their usefulness in SEM

analyses. Figure 7.5 show the Initial ICT Adoption model for SMEs in Tanzania

with Unstandardised Estimates while Figure 7.6 shows the initial ICT Adoption

model for SMEs in Tanzania with Standardised Estimates. Variables used in

measurement model one and measurement model two were used in coming up with

the initial ICT Adoption model. This enabled for the initial ICT Adoption model to

consider a total of 17 observed variables. Looking at the fit measures for the Initial

ICT Adoption model in particular the p-value = 0.000 and the Bollen-Stine bootstrap

p-value = 0.005 both of which are significant at the level 0.05 it can be concluded

that the initial model did not fit the data very well. Other fit measures such as the

normed chi-square, CMIN/DF =4.563 and RMSEA = 0.102 also confirmed the

inadequacy of the model fit to data (see fit measures in section It was

therefore necessary to re-specify the model as suggested by the literature (Arbuckle,

2009; Byrne 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Schumacker and Lomax 2010;

Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013) in order to obtain a model that fits the data well.

The first steps in model respecification involved the use of model variables used in

measurement model three rather than using model variables based on measurement

model one and measurement model two respectively. The variables of measurement

model one and measurement model two were the ones used in the initial ICT

Adoption model with poor results. Different combination of variables based on

measurement model three were tested in order identify a model with best statistics.

After these steps, the initial ICT adoption model still did not fit the data well. It was

therefore necessary, to analyse the sample correlations, standardised residual

covariances, and modification indices in order to determine the source of model

misfit. In this phase, it was necessary to delete some variables that contravened the

underlying statistical assumptions for the SEM analysis. Finally, an ICT Adoption

model which fitted the data well was achieved.

Figure 7.5: The Initial ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.5

CMIN = 511.112, DF = 112, P-value = 0.000, CMIN/DF=4.563

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.005, RMSEA = 0.102, NFI=.898, TLI = .901,

CFI=.918, GFI=.859, AGFI=.807


Figure 7.6: The Initial ICT Adoption Model with Standardised Estimates

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.6

CMIN = 511.112, DF = 112, P-value = 0.000, CMIN/DF=4.563

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.005, RMSEA = 0.102, NFI=.898, TLI

= .901, CFI=.918, GFI=.859, AGFI=.807

Table 7.13 gives a summary of parameter for the ICT Adoption model. The model

had a total of 53 parameters estimates. Figure 7.7 show the ICT Adoption model

with unstandardised estimates which includes regression weights, covariances and

variances (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010).


Table 7.13: Parameter Summary for the Developed ICT Adoption Model

Weights Covariances Variances Means Intercepts Total

Fixed 20 0 0 0 0 20
Labelled 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 3 18 0 0 33
Total 32 3 18 0 0 53

Figure 7.8 show the same ICT Adoption model but this time with standardised

estimates. The estimates for the standardised model include standardised regression

weights, correlations, and square multiple correlations (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). It should be noted that, standardised estimates are independent of

the units measured (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Kripanont, 2007) and thus they are

not affected by the choice of identification constraints (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010;

Kripanont, 2007).

The developed ICT Adoption model had the following fit statistics: Chi-

square=108.370, Degree of Freedom=58, CMIN/DF=1.868, p-value=0.000, Bollen-

Stine bootstrap p-value=0.085, which is not significant at the level of 0.05 and thus

indicating that the model fits the data very well. In addition, other fit measure that

are not based on the Chi-square, RMSEA=0.051, TLI=0.970, CFI=0.978,

NFI=0.954, GFI=0.955, AGFI=0.929 also showed that the model fits the data well

(see Table 5.15 for reference of fit measures).


Figure 7.7: The ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.7

CMIN=108.370, DF=58, p-value=0.000, CMIN/DF=1.868,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.085, RMSEA=0.051, TLI=0.970, CFI=0.978,

NFI=0.954, GFI=0.955, AGFI=0.929


Figure 7.8: The ICT Adoption Model with Standardised Estimates

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.8

CMIN=108.370, DF=58, p-value=0.000, CMIN/DF=1.868,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.085, RMSEA=0.051, TLI=0.970, CFI=0.978,

NFI=0.954, GFI=0.955, AGFI=0.929


7.7.1 Variables of the Developed ICT Adoption Model

A summary of developed model variables is given in Table 7.14. From Table 7.14 it

is seen that, out of a total of fourteen observed variables measuring the PF latent

construct, only three variables were found to be most significant. These factors were

the perceptions (Perceived benefits) of the manger-owner that: The Internet reduces

organisation operational costs; the Internet is an efficient way of communicating with

customers; and the Internet is an effective way to gather market and competitor

related information. In the research instrument, these variables were coded D3, D5,

and D10 respectively.

Table 7.14: Summary of developed ICT adoption Model Variables

Construct Name Construct Type Number Items Code

of Items
Personal Factors Exogenous 3 D3, D5, D10 PF
Organisation Factors Exogenous 2 E7 E11 OF
Economic Factors Exogenous 2 F9, F14 EF
ICT Adoption Endogenous 3 C6 C9 C10 AD
SME Performance Endogenous 3 H1, H5, H8 SMEP

For the OF construct, out of eight observed variables measuring this construct, only

two variables that is the marketing strategy and external pressure from customers

were found to be the most important measures of the construct. These variables were

coded in the research instrument as E7 and E11 respectively.

For the ECF construct, out of 16 variables measuring this construct, two variables,

that is acquisition costs of computer systems and operational costs for the internet

were found to be the most important measures of the construct. These variables

were coded in the research instrument as F9 and F14 respectively.

For the AD construct, out of 13 variables measuring this construct, use of the internet

for randomly looking for information, use of the internet for sending purchase orders

to suppliers and use of the internet for product and market research were found to be

the most important variables for measuring ICTs adoption and use by Tanzania

SMEs. These variables were coded in the research instrument as C6, C9 and C10


For the SMEP construct, out of 10 variables measuring this construct, only three

variables, that is, increased market size as a result of computer adoption, emergence

of new processes that enhance company efficiency and effectiveness as a result of

computer technology adoption and increased sales volume in the business as a result

of internet adoption were found to be the most important variables for measuring

SME performance by Tanzania SMEs. These variables were coded in the research

instrument as H1, H5 and H8 respectively.

The next step carried out after the identification of the ICT adoption model was to

test the hypotheses as put forward in section 4.3. Hypotheses’ testing was done in

two phases. The first phase involved testing of the hypothesis without the effect of

moderator variables (The direct path hypotheses). These were the hypotheses that

studied the effect of indicator variables on the endogenous variables. In this

category, the hypotheses tested include the hypotheses H1a, H1b, H1c, H2a, H2b,

H2c, H3 and H4 as explained in section 4.3. Detailed account of hypotheses testing

is given in the next section.

7.8 Hypotheses Testing-Direct Path Hypotheses

Testing of the hypotheses in this phase involved the analysis of the regression

weights, Squared Multiple Correlation, standardised regression weights and the

covariances of the ICT Adoption Model. These estimates were calculated by AMOS


Testing commenced by testing the hypotheses H1a, H1b and H1c. These hypotheses

tested the individual effect of predictor variables (exogenous constructs) to the

dependent variables (endogenous constructs) of the model. Results (See Table 7.26)

show that the three hypotheses H1a, H1b and H1c were accepted. This was

followed by testing the hypotheses H2a, H2b, and H2c. These hypotheses tested the

combined effect of two predicting variables (exogenous constructs) to the dependent

variables (endogenous constructs) of the model. Results (See Table 7.26) show that

the hypotheses H2a and H2b were accepted while hypothesis H2c was rejected.

Finally, the direct hypothesis H3 and H4 were tested. Contrary to the testing of

hypotheses from H1a to H2c, analysis of hypothesis H3 and hypothesis H4 involved

analysis of the entire ICT adoption structural model developed rather than testing

only the constructs involved with a particular hypothesis. In order to avoid repetition

of analysis procedures, only detailed analysis of hypotheses H3 and H4 are reported

in this section. Overall hypothesis testing results are given in Table 7.26.

Table 7.15 report the regression weights of the ICT Adoption model. The results

show that, the paths between OF and AD is statistically significant at probability

level = 0.05, while the paths between PF and AD and the path between AD and

SMEP are statistically significant at the probability level of 0.01. The path between

ECF and AD had a p value of 0.252. According to the literature (Kripanont, 2007;

Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010) based on the probability level of 0.05, parameters that

are not significant, with the exception of error variances, can be considered

unimportant to the model. Furthermore, Byrne (2010) recommend that non-

significant parameters should be deleted from the model in the interest of scientific

parsimony. Thus, with a p-value of 0.252, the effect of Economic Factors (ECF) on

ICT adoption (AD) was unimportant and thus the construct was not considered

during moderating hypotheses testing.

Table 7.15: Regression Weights for ICT Adoption Model

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .117 .045 2.581 .010* par_12
AD <--- PF .141 .036 3.915 *** par_14
AD <--- ECF -.032 .028 .252 par_15
SMEP <--- AD .575 .095 6.042 *** par_13

Note: *** A p value is statistically significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed)

* A p value is statistically significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed)

Arbuckle (2005-2009) and Kripanont (2007) note that, the square multiple

correlations of a variable is the proportion of its variance that is accounted for by its

predictors (Arbuckle, 2009; Kripanont, 2007). The meaning of this is, if for example

a dependent variable Y has SMC of 0.5, then determinants (predictors) of Y account

for 50% of the variance of Y. Table 7.16 record the squared multiple correlations for

the ICT Adoption model. From Table 7.16 is can be deduced that the observed

variables D3, D5 D10, E7 and E11accounted for 47.8% of the variance of (adoption)

AD. In addition, the variables D3, D5 D10, E7 and E11 also accounted for 16.5% of

the variance of (SME Performance) SMEP.

Table 7.16: Squared Multiple Correlations for the ICT Adoption Model

SMC Estimate
AD .478
SMEP .165

According to the literature (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007), standardised

regression weights allows for direct comparison of the relative effect of each

independent variable on the dependent variable (Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont, 2007)

and thus they are used in hypothesis testing. Table 7.17 show the standardized

regression weights for the ICT Adoption model. From Table 7.17 it can be observed

that, the standardized regression weights between OF and AD, PF and AD and AD

and SMEP were statistically significant while the standardized regression weight

between EFC and AD was not significant. Therefore, hypothesis H3 was rejected

while hypothesis H4 was accepted. It was also observed that, when the model is

evaluated as a whole the hypotheses H1a, H1b, H2a and H4 were accepted, while the

hypotheses H1c, H2b, H2c and H3 were rejected. The implication of this

observation is that, Personal Factors and Organisational Factors influenced ICT

Adoption-AD significantly and AD significantly influenced SME Performance. On


the other hand, the rejected hypotheses H2b, H2c and H3 involved testing the

combined effect of ECF with one or two other predictors on AD. As can be seen

from Table 7.15 and Table 7.17, the ECF construct was not significant (p value =

0.252 and standardised regression weight -0.086). This explains why all hypotheses

that involved ECF were rejected.

Table 7.17: Standardized Regression Weights

AD <--- OF .316
AD <--- PF .391
AD <--- ECF -.086
SMEP <--- AD .407

Analysis of covariances showed that, all factors were statistically significant. Also,

the factors were interrelated as expected as shown in Table 7.18. It was also noted

that, the factors PF and OF were positively correlated while the factors ECF and PF

and the factors ECF and OF were negatively correlated. The positive correlation

between PF and OF (0.944) suggests that, the higher the Personal Factors, (in this

case perceived benefits) the higher Organisation Factors (in this case the external

pressure and strategy). In addition, a higher value of ECF has a negative effect on

both PF and OF and the opposite is also true.

Table 7.18: Covariances of the ICT Adoption Model

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

PF <--> ECF -.242 .083 .003 par_5
PF <--> OF .944 .112 8.429 *** par_6
O <--> ECF -.685 .102 - *** par_7

Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

F 6.722

In conclusion of phase one of hypothesis testing, it was observed that

determinants/predictor variables PF and OF as measured by the observed variables

D3, D5, D10, E7 and E11 accounted for 47.8% of the variance of (adoption) AD and

16.5% of the variance of (SME Performance) SMEP. This indicated that the

variables were able to explain ICT adoption well, while at the same time giving

reasonable explanation for SME performance. In addition, standardised regression

weights between PF and AD (0.391) and between OF and AD (0.316) proved that

there is a causal link between PF and AD and also between OF and AD. The causal

link between AD and SMEP was also confirmed by a standardised regression weight

of 0.407.

7.9 Hypotheses Testing-Moderating Hypotheses

The second phase of hypothesis testing, involved tests for the moderating effect of

the government policies on adoption and use of ICTs in SMEs. However, prior to

that, predictor variable ECF had to be removed from the ICT Adoption model as it

was proved not to be significant (See section 7.7). The ICT adoption model after

removal of the variable ECF is shown in Figure 7.9 and is hereby referred to as the

Final ICT Adoption Model. Table 7.19 give a summary of the Final ICT adoption

Model parameters.

It should be noted that after the removal of ECF the model fitted the data much better

than before: CMIN=61.266, CMIN/DF=1.532, p-value=0.017 which is significant at

the level of 0.05, Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289 which is not significant at the

level of 0.05 and thus indicating that the model fits the data very well. Other fit

measures include RMSEA=0.04, TLI=0.984, CFI=0.989, NFI=0.968, GFI=0.969 and

AGFI=0.949. All these measures indicated a very good fit of model to the data. In

addition to the fit measures provided for the final ICT adoption model, analysis of

pattern coefficients, standardised residual covariances and the sample correlation did

not reveal any problem.

Table 7.19: Parameter Summary for the Final ICT Adoption Model

Weights Covariances Variances Means Intercepts Total

Fixed 17 0 0 0 0 17
Labelled 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1 15 0 0 26
Total 27 1 15 0 0 43

In order to test for the moderating effect of government policies on adoption and use

of ICTs in SMEs, multiple group analysis was conducted using AMOS. The

moderators had three variables namely, support programs, taxes and tariffs and

support infrastructure. Hypotheses H5a, H5b and H5c were tested with three

moderating variables and thus the impact of moderators on the influence of

determinants PF and OF toward ICT adoption AD and consequently on the post

adoption SME performance was established. Hypothesis testing was conducted by


investigating whether there were any significant differences across groups. If any

significant differences were found across the groups, then, that suggested the

moderator had an effect on the predictors (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010; Kripanont,

2007). If, however it was found that there were no significant differences between or

among the groups, this suggested the moderator had no effect on the predictor

(Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010; Kripanont, 2007).

Figure 7.9: The Final ICT Adoption Model with Unstandardised Estimates

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.9

CMIN=61.266, DF=40, p-value=0.017, CMIN/DF=1.532,


Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, RMSEA=0.04, TLI=0.984, CFI=0.989,

NFI=0.968, GFI=0.969, AGFI=0.949.

According to the literature (Kripanont, 2007; Byrne, 2010) testing of a moderating

hypothesis in a multi group analysis involve three steps as follows:

i. First the parameter estimates are computed separately for both groups.

ii. Second, the paths in the model are simultaneously estimated for both groups

iii. The third and last step is to estimate the constrained model. This is done by

constraining the parameter estimates in both groups to be equal. The

parameter estimates across both groups are specified as invariant. If the chi-

square difference tests reveal a significant difference across the baseline and

constrained models, then it might be concluded that the moderating

hypothesis is supported (accepted). Kripanont (2007) note that, this initial

test provides evidence that at least one or more of the direct effects differs

significantly across the subgroups. If differences across the groups are

detected, Kripanont (2007) further recommends for estimation of a series of

models in order to identify the specific paths that differ significantly across

the groups.

7.9.1 Effect of Support Programs on ICT Adoption

In this section, an investigation is made in order to establish if support programs

provided by the Government to SMEs has any significant effect on the influence of

PF and OF on AD. The hypotheses to be tested (H5a) was stated as:

“The influence of personal factors and organisation factors (predictors) on

ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by support programs provided by the

government to SMEs”.

Two groups were created from the dataset. One group supported the notion that

there were enough support programs by the government to support ICT adoption by

SMEs in Tanzania. The second group were of the opinion that there were no enough

support programs by the government to support SMEs adopt ICTs. Due to the low

number of respondents (37 cases) who supported the notion that there were enough

support programs, respondents who were neutral were regarded as supporting the

idea. This was done in order to meet the minimum sample size for analysis (Hair 2010; Kripanont, 2007; Tabachnick and Fidell 2013). Table 7.20 shows the

frequency distribution of respondents to the question regarding support programs by

the government.

Table 7.20: Frequency Distribution for Government Support Programs

G1-There are no enough support programs by the government to support ICTs

adoption in SMEs
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid Strongly disagree 18 5.3 5.3 5.3

Disagree 19 5.6 5.6 10.9

Neutral 65 19.1 19.1 29.9
Agree 91 26.7 26.7 56.6
Strongly agree 148 43.4 43.4 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

In addition to the sample size considerations for the two groups, it should be noted

that, the estimation of the baseline model for the two groups made it necessary to re-

specify the Final ICT Adoption model in order to make sure the baseline model fit

the data for both groups (Byrne, 2010).

Figure 7.10 depict the path diagram of the baseline model (unconstrained model)

with unstandardised estimates for a group of respondents that disagree to the

question that “there are no enough support programs by the government to support

ICT adoption by SMEs in Tanzania”. This group had a total of 102 respondents

which is a summation of strongly disagree + disagree + neutral = 18+19+65 (see

Table 7.20) Figure 7.11 show the path diagram of the baseline model Unstandardised

estimates for a group of respondents (group 2). This group had a total of 239 cases,

which is a summation of those who strongly agree + agree (see Table 7.20). The

respondents of this group agreed with the question that “there are no enough support

programs by the government to support ICT adoption by SMEs in Tanzania”.


Figure 7.10: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Adequate Support Programs

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.10

CMIN=123.725, DF=78, CMIN/DF=1.586, p-value=0.001,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.234, RMSEA=0.042, TLI=0.968, CFI=0.977,

NFI=0.941, GFI=0.941, AGFI=0.900.


Figure 7.11: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Inadequate Support Programs

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.11

CMIN=123.725, DF=78, CMIN/DF=1.586, p-value=0.001,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.234, RMSEA=0.042, TLI=0.968,

CFI=0.977, NFI=0.941, GFI=0.941, AGFI=0.900.


The baseline model for this analysis had the following fit measures: CMIN=123.725,

CMIN/DF=1.586, p-value=0.001, which is significant at the level of 0.05. Bollen-

Stine bootstrap p-value=0.234, which is not significant at the level of 0.05 and thus

indicating that the model fits the data very well for both groups. Other fit measures

include RMSEA=0.042, TLI=0.968, CFI=0.977, NFI=0.941, GFI=0.941 and

AGFI=0.900. All these fit statistics indicated that the model fitted the data for both

groups very well.

These results indicated that the two groups use the same path diagram albeit with

possible different parameter estimates, as suggested by Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11.

However, the differences in parameter estimates from the baseline model (as

depicted by Figure 7.10 and Figure 7.11) were not enough by themselves to justify

the acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010;

Kripanont, 2007). Therefore, additional tests were necessary in order to determine

the statistical significance of the differences (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010;

Kripanont, 2007).

Structural weights models and measurement models (constrained models) for both

groups were generated by using multiple group analysis. According to the literature

(Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010), constrained models presents the

parameter estimates in measurement and structural weights that were constrained to

be equal in both groups.


Figure 7.12 and Figure 7.13 show structural weights model for the two groups. It is

seen from these estimates that the two groups had the same structural weights

estimates as depicted by Figure 7.12 and Figure 7.13. Fit statistics for the structural

weights model were recorded as: CMIN=140.669, CMIN/DF=1.599, p-value=0.000,

(which is significant at the level 0.05), Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value =0.154 which

is not significant at the level of 0.05 and thus indicating that the model fits the data

very well for both groups. Other fit measures were RMSEA=0.042, NFI=0.933,

TLI=0.967, CFI=0.973, GFI=0.933 and AGFI=0.899. These additional fit statistics

also indicated that the model fits the data for both groups very well.

The comparison of the baseline model and the measurement model (constrained

model) did not show any significant differences across the models as indicated by the

increase in fit measures. That is, DF increase = 7, CMIN increase = 9.670 and p-

value = 0.208 which is not significant at the level 0.05. In addition, the chi-square

difference test also revealed a non-significant difference across the baseline model

and the constrained (structure weight) model: DF increase = (88-78) = 10, CMIN

increase = (140.669-123.725) = 16.944, p-value = 0.000 (which is significant at the

level of 0.05) (See nested model comparisons in Appendix IV-A). Finally, looking

at the regression weights for the two groups as depicted in Table 7.21a and Table

7.21b it was observed that the regression weights in all direct paths in the model was

the same for both groups.


Figure 7.12: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Adequate Support Programs

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.12

CMIN=140.669, DF=88, CMIN/DF=1.599, p-value=0.000,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value =0.154, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=0.933, TLI=0.967,

CFI=0.973, GFI=0.933, AGFI=0.899


Figure 7.13: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Inadequate Support Programs

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.13

CMIN=140.669, DF=88, CMIN/DF=1.599, p-value=0.000,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value =0.154, RMSEA=0.042, NFI=0.933, TLI=0.967,

CFI=0.973, GFI=0.933 and AGFI=0.899

Consequently, based on this analysis, the hypothesis (H5a) that support programs

provided by the government to SMEs, has a moderating effect on the influence of PF

and OF on ICT adoption AD was rejected.


Table 7.21a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Inadequate Support

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .102 .029 3.558 b2_1
AD <--- PF .178 .028 6.416 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .591 .088 6.688 b1_1
P *

*** A p value is statistically significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed)

Table 7.21b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Adequate Support

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .102 .029 3.558 b2_1
AD <--- PF .178 .028 6.416 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .591 .088 6.688 b1_1
P *

*** A p value is statistically significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed)

7.9.2 Effect of Taxes and Tariffs on ICT Adoption

To test for the moderating effect of taxes and tariffs on the adoption and use of ICTs

in SMEs, the sample was split into two groups. The first group had 115 cases.

These were the respondents that do not believe that the taxes and tariffs charged by

the government on businesses was an obstacle in their adoption of computers and

internet technologies. The second group had 226 cases. These were respondents

who acknowledged that high taxes and tariffs charged by the government on their

businesses was an obstacle in their ICT adoption situations. Note that, in order to

meet the minimum sample for analysis, respondents who were neutral to the question

“High tariffs’ and taxes hinder computer and Internet adoption in Tanzania SMEs”

were assumed to belong to the group of respondents who disagreed with the question

(See Table 7.22). The hypothesis (H5b) to be tested was started as:

“The influence of personal factors and organisation factors (predictors) on

ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by the taxes and tariffs charged by the

government on the SMEs.

Table 7.22: Frequency Distribution regarding Taxes and Tariffs

G5-High tariffs’ and taxes hinder computer and Internet adoption in Tanzania SMEs.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 18 5.3 5.3 5.3
Disagree 29 8.5 8.5 13.8
Neutral 68 19.9 19.9 33.7
Agree 85 24.9 24.9 58.7
Strongly agree 141 41.3 41.3 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15 show the path diagrams of the baseline model with

unstandardised estimates for the two groups respectively. The overall fit statistics for

the baseline (unconstrained) model were: CMIN=117.928, CMIN/DF=1.512, p-

value=0.002, which is significant at the level of 0.05, Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-

value=0 .279 which is not significant at the level of 0.05. This indicated that the

model fitted the data very well for both groups. With RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.941,

TLI=0.970, CFI=0.979, GFI=0.943 and AGFI=0.903, the additional fit measures also

indicated that the model fitted the data very well for both groups. In addition, the fit

measures and the estimates of shown in Figure 7.14 and Figure 7.15 indicated that

the two groups used the same path diagram but possibly with different parameter

estimates. To confirm this further analysis was carried out.

Figure 7.14: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Taxes not an Obstacle

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.14

CMIN=117.928, CMIN/DF=1.512, p-value=0.002,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0 .279, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.941, TLI=0.970,

CFI=0.979, GFI=0.943 and AGFI=0.903


Figure 7.15: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Taxes an Obstacle

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.15

CMIN=117.928, CMIN/DF=1.512, p-value=0.002, , Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-

value=0 .279, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.941, TLI=0.970, CFI=0.979, GFI=0.943,


In confirmation, constrained models were generated and evaluated. Figure 7.16 and

Figure 7.17 show the structural weight models for the two groups respectively. The

fit measures for the structural model was found to be: CMIN=132.624,

CMIN/DF=1.507, p-value=0.001, which is not significant at the level of 0.05,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.214, which is not significant at the level of 0.05,

RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.933, TLI=0.970, CFI=0.976, GFI=0.937, AGFI=0.905.

These fit statistics indicated that the structural model fitted data very well for both


Figure 7.16: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Taxes not an Obstacle

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.16

CMIN=132.624, CMIN/DF=1.507, p-value=0.001,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.214, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.933, TLI=0.970,

CFI=0.976, GFI=0.937, AGFI=0.905.

Figure 7.17: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Taxes an Obstacle

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.17

CMIN=132.624, CMIN/DF=1.507, p-value=0.001,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.214, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.933, TLI=0.970,


CFI=0.976, GFI=0.937, AGFI=0.905.

The comparison between the baseline model (unconstrained model) and the

measurement weights model revealed no significant difference across the models.

Note the increase in degree of freedom =7, CMIN increase=8.546 and the p-

value=0.287 which is not significant at the level of 0.05. On a similar note, the chi-

square difference test also revealed a non-significant difference across the baseline

model and the constrained (structure weight) model, as suggested by the comparison

of the baseline model with the structural weights model: DF increase = (88-78) = 10,

CMIN increase = (132.624 - 117.928) = 14.696 and p-value = 0.144 which was not

significant at the level 0.05. (For more details see nested model comparisons in

Appendix IV-B). In addition to this analysis, it was also observed from Figure 7.16

and Figure 7.17 as well as Table 7.23a and Table 7.23b that, direct paths of the

model had the same regression weights for two groups. Therefore, the hypothesis

(H5b) that “The influence of personal factors and organisation factors (predictors) on

ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by the taxes and tariffs charged by the

government on the SMEs” was rejected since there was no statistical difference

across the two groups.

Table 7.23a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Taxes not an Obstacle

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .104 .029 3.612 b2_1
AD <--- PF .162 .028 5.753 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .582 .097 5.984 b1_1
P *

Table 7.23b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Taxes an Obstacle

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .104 .029 3.612 b2_1
AD <--- PF .162 .028 5.753 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .582 .097 5.984 b1_1
P *

7.9.3 Effect of Infrastructure on ICT Adoption

The hypothesis (H5c) regarding the impact of support infrastructure provided by the

government was stated as:

“The influence of personal factors and organisation factors (predictors) on

ICT adoption in SMEs is moderated by the support infrastructure provided by

the government to SMEs”

To test this hypothesis, the sample was split into two groups. The first group had

126 cases. These were the respondents who were of the opinion that the

infrastructures that support businesses in ICT adoption situations were adequate. The

second group had 215 cases. The respondents in this group were of the opinion that

the infrastructures that support businesses in ICT adoption situations were inadequate

In order to meet minimum sample for analysis, respondents who were neutral were

considered to be part of the first group, like in previous cases in section 7.8.1 and

section 7.8.2. Thereafter the groups were analysed in order to establish if there were

any significant differences across the groups.

Table 7.24: Frequency Distribution on Support Infrastructure

G8-Lack of enough infrastructures to support ICTs adoption by SMEs

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly disagree 25 7.3 7.3 7.3
Disagree 24 7.0 7.0 14.4
Neutral 77 22.6 22.6 37.0
Agree 90 26.4 26.4 63.3
Strongly agree 125 36.7 36.7 100.0
Total 341 100.0 100.0

Figure 7.18 and Figure 7.19 show the path diagrams of the baseline models with

unstandardised estimates for the two groups respectively. Model fit statistics for the

baseline model were recorded as: CMIN=120.871, CMIN/DF=1.550, p-value=0.001,

which is significant at the level of 0.05, Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, which

is not significant at the level 0.05. This indicated a good fit of the model to the data

for both groups. Additional fit measures, RMSEA=0.040, NFI=0.943, TLI=0.970,

CFI=0.979, GFI=0.940, AGFI=0.898, also indicated that the model fitted the data

very well for both groups.


The fit measures and the estimates as shown in Figure 7.18 and Figure 7.19 indicated

that the two groups use the same path diagram but with different parameter

estimates. Since this information was not conclusive for the purpose accepting or

rejecting the hypothesis (Kripanont, 2007; Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne, 2010) analysis of

the constrained models was made.

Figure 7.18: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Adequate Infrastructure

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.18

CMIN=120.871, CMIN/DF=1.550, p-value=0.001,


Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, RMSEA=0.040, NFI=0.943, TLI=0.970,

CFI=0.979, GFI=0.940, AGFI=0.898

Figure 7.19: The Baseline Model with Unstandardised Estimates for Multiple
Group Analysis-Inadequate Infrastructure

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.19

CMIN=120.871, CMIN/DF=1.550, p-value=0.001,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, RMSEA=0.040, NFI=0.943, TLI=0.970,


CFI=0.979, GFI=0.940, AGFI=0.898

Figure 7.20 and Figure 7.21 show the structural weight models for the two groups

respectively. The fit measures for the structural model was found to be:

CMIN=132.495, CMIN/DF=1.506, p-value=0.002, which is significant at the level

0.05, Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, which is not significant at the level 0.05,

indicating a good fit of data to the model for both groups. Other fit measures,

RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.938, TLI=0.972, CFI=0.978, GFI=0.936, and AGFI=0.904

also indicated that the model fitted the data very well for both groups.

Figure 7.20: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Adequate Infrastructure

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.20

CMIN=132.495, CMIN/DF=1.506, p-value=0.002,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.938, TLI=0.972,

CFI=0.978, GFI=0.936, and AGFI=0.904

Figure 7.21: The Structural Weights Model with Unstandardised Estimates for
Multiple Group Analysis-Inadequate Infrastructure

Summary of fit measures for the model of Figure 7.21

CMIN=132.495, CMIN/DF=1.506, p-value=0.002,

Bollen-Stine bootstrap p-value=0.289, RMSEA=0.039, NFI=0.938, TLI=0.972,


CFI=0.978, GFI=0.936, and AGFI=0.904

Like in the other moderating hypotheses tests, the comparison between the baseline

model (unconstrained model) and the measurement weights model revealed no

significant difference across the models. Note the increase in degree of freedom =7,

CMIN increase = 8.119 and the p-value=0.322 which is not significant at the level of

0.05. On a similar note, the chi-square difference test also revealed a non-significant

difference across the baseline model and the constrained (structure weight) model, as

suggested by the comparison of the baseline model with the structural weights

model: DF increase = (88-78) = 10, CMIN increase = (132.486 - 120.871) = 11.615

and p-value = 0.312 which was not significant at the level 0.05. (For more details see

nested model comparisons in Appendix IV-C).

Moreover, it was observed that, the direct paths of the model had the same regression

weights for two groups as depicted by Table 7.25a and Table 7.25b respectively.

Table 7.25a: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Adequate Infrastructure

S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .121 .031 3.946 b2_1
AD <--- PF .164 .028 5.910 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .525 .091 5.774 b1_1
P *

Table 7.25b: Regression Weights (Structural weights)-Inadequate


S.E. C.R. P Label
AD <--- OF .121 .031 3.946 b2_1
AD <--- PF .164 .028 5.910 b3_1
SME **
<--- AD .525 .091 5.774 b1_1
P *

Thus, as a result of this analysis, the hypothesis (H5c) that support infrastructure has

a moderating effect on the influence of PF and OF on ICT adoption was rejected.

7.10 Interpretations of the Developed ICT Adoption Model

After model development and hypothesis testing, it was necessary to interpret the

model findings and show how the model can guide Tanzania SMEs in ICT adoption

process. It should be pointed out that all points raised in section 4.1 are important

and therefore must be taken into consideration in adoption situations by SMEs.

However, the developed model informs on the critical factors of ICT adoption in the

context of Tanzania. Model interpretations can be viewed from two perspectives: the

owner-manager perspective and the government perspective.

From the owner-manager perspective, generally the literature shows that the owner-

manager of small business make all key decisions on how the firm conducts its

business including the decisions for acquiring new technologies for the firm. It is

therefore correct, to point out that, the rate of ICT adoption and effective utilisation

in SMEs depends on the commitment and support of owner-manager. Short of that,

ICT adoption and use in SMEs remains low.

The developed model specifically identifies critical factors as the perceptions of the

owner-manager towards the benefits of ICTs to his/her business, business strategies

external pressures and costs of ICT systems. These factors alone explain ICTs

adoption by 47.8% and SMEs performance by 16.5%. Therefore, based on these

observations, for successful adoption, owners-managers must approach adoption of

ICTs in SMEs as explained in the subsequent paragraphs.

Owners-managers must have the right education needed to manage their firms since

adoption of ICTs is not a substitute for poor management skills. In additional to the

managerial skills, owners-managers must strive to develop their ICT knowledge and

skills. That will enable them to make informed decisions in adoption situations like

what type of ICTs are needed by their firms, the skills needed by their employees for

success and the actual benefits to their firms. It should be noted that, education

impacts on the perceptions which have been shown by research findings to be of

great importance in adoption situations.

Owners-managers must ensure that ICTs adoptions are aligned with the business

strategy of their firms. Research findings show that, adoption of ICTs with the aim

of supporting the firm’s strategy is vital for successful adoption and use of ICTs.

Owners-managers must be smart enough to realise external pressures to adopt when

they happen and thus take initiatives that will ensure successful adoption. More

often, SMEs fail to identify the external pressure to adopt and thus fail to use it to

their advantage. Costello (2009) argues that SMEs should view external pressure as

strategic method or a driver.

Owners-manager must make sure that their firms have enough skilled labour force

that is capable of using ICTs effectively. This can be achieved by employing ICT

knowledgeable personnel and or by promoting the awareness of ICTs potentials by

using staff training programs to develop the ICT skills of employees. Effective

utilisation of ICTs enables the identification of gaps/problems thus triggering

innovations. Research findings show that innovativeness is key to competitiveness

and success of a firm.

From the government point of view, good policies were found from the literature to

be important for successful adoption of ICTs in SMEs. However, empirical findings

suggest that government policies aimed at helping the SMEs to adopt ICTs are not

effective. Given the importance of the SMEs sector in the economic development of

the country, the government of Tanzania needs to address the issues raised by

research findings by developing new policies with enough initiatives and incentives

that promote ICT adoption and use within the SME sector. Based on research

findings, specific areas that need attention are explained in subsequent paragraphs.

The policy regarding government support to SMEs need to be reviewed since

research findings show the current one is not effective. SMEs often need assistance

in improving managerial and technological skills, financial assistance and access to

market information. Therefore, the government must look into how support

institutions that offer necessary training and support programs to SMEs are created

and coordinated in order to achieve their objectives.

The tax policy needs to be redesigned such that a tax system with enough incentives that

stimulates ICT adoption, competitiveness and growth of SMEs is introduced. Research

findings show that SMEs consider the present tax system an inhibitor of ICT adoption

and growth. It is important that the level of taxation set by the new tax system is

friendly and does not stifle the running of SMEs. For example, laws that results in

heavy costs of compliance by SMEs must be revised or abolished. Tax rebates may

also be considered as incentives for performing SMEs.

Research findings show that support infrastructures are not adequate. This may have

made ICT solutions unaffordable to many SMEs. Therefore, based on this, the

government of Tanzania must continue to develop and maintain critical

infrastructures that support use of ICTs in SMEs. That way service provision of ICT

solutions will be affordable to many SMEs and thus stimulate adoption and use of


Research findings suggested that, lack of laws and regulatory frameworks inhibits

the adoption of e-commerce by SMEs in Tanzania. The government of Tanzania


needs to enact laws and regulatory frameworks that to guide the SME sector in the

positive direction. Generally speaking, the author noted that, it is the duty of the

government to create and promote favourable environment that supports business

growth and the wellbeing of its people.

7.11 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the ICT adoption model for Tanzania SMEs was developed, tested

and the results of SEM data analyses were presented and discussed along with the

results of testing hypotheses. Thereafter, the interpretation of the developed model

was carried out and summarised in section 7.9. Model development process

involved several stages. In each stage, analysis of all research variables that had

passed preliminary analysis was done in order to determine the usefulness of each

variable in the model. To begin with, construct reliability was carried out and the

SMC of all variables was determined. All variables with SMC values less than 0.5

were removed from further analysis since they were considered useless for any

meaningful analysis (Kripanont, 2007). Construct reliability was followed by

discriminant validity of latent constructs. In this test, all variables that contravened

critical statistical assumptions for SEM analysis were omitted (deleted) from the final

analysis (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Hair 2010; Kripanont, 2007;

Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). For example, for all

variables that were highly correlated, (correlation from 0.8 and above) one variable

was deleted from the pair. The highly correlated variables indicated the presence of

multicolinearity in data (Arbuckle, 2009; Byrne 2010; Hair et al., 2010; Kripanont,

2007; Schumacker and Lomax 2010; Tabachnick and Fidell, 2013). In a similar

way, all variables were tested and appropriate measures were taken to ensure that

they conformed to SEM requirements. This way, the reliability and validity of the

model constructs and variables was firmly established before the model could be

fitted to data and tested.

Model fitting was done in two stages as recommended by the literature (Kripanont,

2007; Byrne 2010). First the measurement models were fitted and analysed before

the structural model was fitted and analysed. This helped to easily identify the

source of poor fit in the final model. During model fitting, it was necessary to

remove and or to respecify model parameters and variables in order to achieve a

model that fitted the data well. Thereafter the model was used to test the hypotheses.

Two sets of hypotheses were tested in two stages. In the first case, direct path

hypotheses were tested without the effect of moderating variables. Standardised

regression weights of direct paths were used to judge the hypotheses. That is,

hypotheses with significant standardised regression weights were accepted while

those with non-significant standardised regression weights were rejected. In addition

to the standardised regression weights, SMC and covariances were also used in the

description of the structural model. The results of this testing confirmed the final ICT

adoption model.

The second stage of hypothesis testing involved the test of moderating hypotheses.

The effect of moderating variables on the predictor variables was tested using

simultaneous multiple group analysis in AMOS. The chi-square difference test


between the baseline model and structure weights model was used as the major

criteria for rejecting or accepting the hypotheses.

Table 7.26 and Table 7.27 give a summary of the hypothesis testing results. From

Table 7.26 it is seen that five direct path hypotheses were accepted and three

hypotheses were rejected. The rejected hypotheses were all related to the economic

factors. Table 7.27 show the summary of moderating hypotheses. All of the

moderating hypotheses in this research were rejected. Table 7.28 gives a summary

of the implication of the rejected or accepted hypotheses. Detailed account of

research findings is provided in chapter eight.

Table 7.26: Summary of Direct Hypotheses Results

SN Hypothesis Statement Standardised P -Value Result

H1a Personal factors have a direct
positive significant relationship 0.632 0.000 Accepted
with ICT adoption in SMEs.
H1b Organizational factors have a
direct positive significant 0.644 0.000 Accepted
relationship with ICT adoption in
H1c Economic factors have a direct
positive significant relationship 0.326 0.000 Accepted
with ICT adoption in SMEs.
H2a Personal factors and
Organizational factors have a 0.390 0.000 Accepted
direct positive significant 0.345 0.000
relationship with ICT adoption in
H2b Personal factors and Economic

factors have a direct positive 0.591 0.000 Accepted

significant relationship with ICT 0.210 0.000
adoption in SMEs.
H2c Organizational factors and
Economic factors have a direct 0.699 0.000 Rejected
positive significant relationship 0.045 0.539
with ICT adoption in SMEs.
H3 Personal factors, Organizational
factors and Economic factors have 0.391 0.000 Rejected
a direct positive significant 0.316 0.010
relationship with ICT adoption in -0.086 0.252
H4 ICT adoptions and use have a
direct positive significant 0.407 0.000 Accepted
relationship with SMEs

Table 7.27: Summary of Moderating Hypotheses Results

SN Hypothesis Statement Result

difference test
H5a The influence of personal factors and
organisation factors (predictors) on ICT Non-significant Rejected
adoption in SMEs is moderated by the
taxes and tariffs charged by the
government on the SMEs.
H5b The influence of personal factors and Non-significant Rejected
organisation factors (predictors) on ICT
adoption in SMEs is moderated by
support programs provided by the
government to SMEs.
H5c The influence of personal factors and Non-significant Rejected
organisation factors (predictors) on ICT
adoption in SMEs is moderated by the
support infrastructure provided by the
government to SMEs.

Table 7.28: Summary of the Implication of the Tested Hypotheses

Hypothesis Result Explanation and Implications

H1a Accepted Personal Factors Construct: The implication of this
hypothesis is that, the higher the perceived benefits of
ICTs by the owner-Manager of the firm the more likely
the adoption and use of ICTs by that firm.
H1b Accepted Organisation Factors: The implication of this
hypothesis is that, in most cases SMEs adopt and use
ICTs as a result of external pressure from customers as
well as due to strategic decisions.
H1c Accepted Economic Factors Construct: The implication of this is
that, high acquisition and operation costs prevent SMEs
from adopting and using ICTs.
H2a Accepted Personal Factors and Organisation Factors Constructs:
The implication of this hypothesis is that perceived
benefits, customer pressure (external pressure) and
marketing strategy contribute significantly and
positively to the adoption and use of ICTs in SMEs.
H2b Accepted Personal factors and Economic Factors Constructs:
The implication of this hypothesis is that, perceived
benefits, together with low acquisition and operation
costs factors contribute significantly and positively to
the adoption and use of ICTs in SMEs.
Table 7.28 (Continued)

Hypothesis Result Explanation and Implications

H2c Rejected Within the model framework, Economic Factors
Construct was not significant.
H3 Rejected Within the model framework, Economic Factors
Construct was not significant.
H4 Accepted Adoption and use of ICTs (Computers and Internet)
have a direct significant positive influence on SME
H5a Rejected The fact that “Support Programs” failed to moderate the
influence of predictors (PF and OF) on ICT adoption by
SMEs suggests that, support programs provided by the
government to the SME sector are inadequate and or
H5b Rejected The fact that Taxes and Tariffs failed to moderate the
influence of predictors (PF and OF) on ICT adoption by
SMEs suggests lack of effective tax incentives to SMEs
(See section 5.9.1)

H5c Rejected The fact that “Support Infrastructure” failed to

moderate the influence of predictors (PF and OF) on
ICT adoption by SMEs suggest that ICT support
infrastructure is still inadequate. (see section 2.3)



8.1 Introduction

Small and Medium Sized Enterprises are documented as the basis of most economies

worldwide. However, the SMEs sector in Tanzania is characterised by torpid micro

enterprises that have little incidence of growth. In addition, there is proof to the

effect that SMEs in Tanzania are not exploiting ICTs to their advantage despite the fact

that, in today’s knowledge economy, ICT adoption and use has become essential for any

business survival and growth. Based on the observed problems, i t was theorised that,

with an adoption model that informs on key adoption issues in the context of

Tanzania, many SMEs will adopt ICTs, innovate, and become competitive in today’s

digital economy.

Thus, this research sought to develop and test an ICT adoption model for SMEs in

Tanzania. The theories relevant to ICT adoption in SMEs and related fields were

examined in order to determine pertinent issues for the development of the ICT

adoption model. A conceptual model based on the literature was then proposed.

Using multiple research design, methodological triangulation and a survey as the

main data collection strategy, data was collected from the service and general trading

sectors from the mainland Tanzania. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

techniques were then used to develop, test and validate an ICT adoption model in

line with the research objectives.

This chapter concludes this research work and is arranged as follows: First,

conclusions based on key research findings are briefly explained. Secondly, the

contributions of this work to the knowledge body are mentioned. Thirdly, based on

research findings, recommendations for successful adoption of ICTs in SMEs are

given to key stakeholders. Finally, limitations of the research and future research are


8.2 Conclusions

8.2.1 The ICT Adoption Model

The main objective of this research was to develop a model for guiding Tanzania

SMEs in the ICT adoption process. Therefore, a Structural Equation Model that

identified six constructs and their critical factors was developed. The developed

model constructs include: (i) Three exogenous latent constructs, namely Personal

Factors, Organisation Factors and Economic Factors which were identified as the

direct determinants of ICTs adoption in SMEs; (ii) One moderating construct namely

Government Policies that explains the moderating influence of government policies

on ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs and (iii) Two endogenous constructs namely

ICT Adoption and SMEs Performance. ICT adoption construct explains ICT

adoption and use while SMEs Performance construct explains the effect ICT

adoption has on SMEs performance.

The study established the sequence of model operations as follows: First the most

important factors that influence ICT adoption in SMEs were identified and

categorised. This was then followed by theoretical analysis to establish the

relationship between the identified categories (constructs) of factors and the effect

they have on ICT adoption by SMEs. Finally, using Structural Equation Modelling

(SEM) analysis techniques, the strength and influence of constructs and variables

were determined. This process informed on the critical successful adoption issues

for consideration prior and after adoption of ICTs. On the other hand, government

policies and regulations for guiding the SME sector were also tested for their


Initially 64 different variables were identified for model development. However,

model testing and validation using research data resulted in a parsimonious model

with 13 variables as follows: 3 variables for measuring Personal Factors; 2 variables

for measuring Organisation Factors; 2 variables for measuring Economic Factors; 3

variables for testing the effectiveness of Government Policies; 3 variables that

explain ICT Adoption and 3 variables for measuring post adoption SMEs

Performance. The research further established that, the Personal Factors,

Organisation Factors and Economic Factors predictor variables accounted for 47.8%

of the variance of ICT adoption and 16.5% of the variance of SME Performance.

This indicates that the identified variables explain ICT adoption very well, while at

the same time giving reasonable explanation for SME performance. Thus, the model

was proved to be a reliable tool for guiding ICTs adoption process within the context

of Tanzania. Conclusions based on specific findings from the model testing and

descriptive analyses are presented in subsequent sections.

8.2.2 Factors Influencing ICT Adoption by Tanzania SMEs

Theoretical analysis of the factors influencing ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs was

the first specific objective and the initial step in ICT adoption model development.

This study established four main categories (constructs) of factors that influence ICT

adoption by Tanzania SMEs as follows:

i. Personal Factors: These are the factors related to the owner-manager of the

SMEs. The study established that the education level of the owner-manager,

owner-manager knowledge of IT and perceptions of the owner-manager

(perceived benefit) towards the benefit of ICTs to his/her business are the

most important factors in this category.

ii. Organisation Factors: These are factors that are directly related to the

organisation. The study established that, the firm age, the firm size, business

sector, organisational readiness, external pressure to adopt and the SME’s

business strategy are the most important factors in this category.

iii. Economic Factors: These are factors that are related to post start up firm

financing. The study established that access to financial support and cost of

ICT systems, are the most important factors in this category.

iv. Government Policies: These are government interventions and incentives

aimed at helping SMEs. The study established that support programmes,

taxes and Tariffs and support infrastructure are the most important factors in

this category.

Specific ICTs studied in this research were the computer and Internet technologies.

The internet technologies included access (connectivity) to the Internet, adoption and

use of company websites and adoption and use of email. In the developed model,

ICT Adoption is identified as an endogenous construct. In addition, a construct that

measures post adoption SMEs performance was identified. The study established

that return on investment measures and innovations are the most important factors in

this category.

8.2.3 The Relationship between the Relevant Factors and their Effect on ICT

Adoption by Tanzania SMEs

The second specific objective was to establish the relationship between the relevant

factors and their effect on ICT adoption. Theoretical analysis of research variables

suggested that Personal factors, Organisation factors and Economic factors are direct

determinants (predictors) of ICT adoption in SMEs while Government Policies were

theorised to have a moderating effect on ICTs adoption by SMEs. Further analysis

of model variables using survey data and SEM techniques revealed that:

i. Personal Factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

ii. Organisation Factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

iii. Economic factors have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT

adoption in SMEs.

iv. Within the Personal Factors construct, the perceptions of the owner-manager

(Perceived benefits) towards the benefits of ICTs in his/her business were


found to be the most significant determinants/predictors of ICT adoption by

Tanzania SMEs. Specific ICTs benefits identified include the perception that:

ICTs can reduce firm’s operational costs, ICTs are an efficient

communication tool with customers and that ICTs are an efficient way of

doing market research.

v. Within the Organisation Factors construct, business strategy and external

pressures were found to be the most significant determinants/predictors of

ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs. Specific variables identified are marketing

strategy and customer pressures.

vi. Within the Economic Factors construct, access to financial support and cost

of ICT systems were found to be the most significant determinants/predictors

of ICT adoption by Tanzania SMEs. Specific variables identified are

acquisition and operational costs.

vii. Personal Factors and Organisation Factors together have a direct positive

significant relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.

viii. Personal factors and Economic factors together have a direct positive

significant relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs

ix. Organizational factors and Economic factors together do not have a direct

positive significant relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.


x. Personal factors, Organizational factors and Economic factors together do not

have a direct positive significant relationship with ICT adoption in SMEs.

xi. Personal Factors, Organisation Factors and Economic Factors predictor

variables, that is, perceived benefits, business strategy, external pressure

acquisition and operational costs together accounted for 47.8% of the

variance of ICT adoption.

xii. Taxes and Tariffs charged by the government on the SMEs do not have any

positive influence on the predictors (Personal Factors and Organisation

Factors) of ICT adoption in SMEs.

xiii. Support Programs provided by the government to SMEs do not have any

positive influence on the predictors (Personal Factors and Organisation

Factors) of ICT adoption in SMEs.

xiv. Support Infrastructure provided by the government to SMEs does not

have any positive influence on the predictors (Personal Factors and

Organisation Factors) of ICT adoption in SMEs.

8.2.4 The Status of ICT Adoption and Use by Tanzania SMEs

The third specific objective was to establish the status of ICT adoption and use by

Tanzania SMEs. Research findings show that:


i. Adoption and use of ICTs in the Tanzania SMEs sector has rapidly grown

from almost nonexistence in 2004 to very significant levels in year 2014 as

shown by 80.1% of computer adoption, 68.9% of Internet access adoption,

56.6% website adoption and 72.7% of e-mail adoption.

ii. About 55% of SMEs use their ICTs as a strategic communication tool with

their suppliers.

iii. About 58% of SMEs use ICTs as a strategic financial tool.

iv. About 53% of SMEs use their ICTs as a strategic marketing tool.

v. About 36% of SMEs use their ICTs to conduct e-business.

8.2.5 The Influence of ICT Adoption on Tanzania SMEs Performance

The fourth and last specific objective was to establish the influence of ICT adoption

on Tanzania SMEs performance. In this research, it was established that:

i. About 48% of SMEs were innovative as a result of ICT adoption and use.

ii. About 47% of SMEs were competitive as a result of ICT adoption and use.

iii. ICT adoptions have a direct positive significant relationship with SMEs


iv. Personal Factors, Organisation Factors and Economic Factors predictor

variables, that is, perceived benefits, business strategy, external pressure

acquisition and operational costs together accounted for accounted for 16.5%

of the variance of SME Performance.

v. Post adoption use of ICTs to improve firm performance is noted as a big

problem since 53% of SMEs that had adopted were not competitive and 52%

were not innovative.

8.3 Research Contributions

8.3.1 Contribution to Knowledge

One of the areas that were highlighted in knowledge gaps analysis from the literature

was the lack of comprehensive and systematic studies on ICT adoption and use in

SMEs in LDC’s countries south of Sahara including Tanzania. Generally, this

research has added to the existing body of literature in the field of IS research with

particular emphasis on Tanzania. This contributes towards the filling of the observed

knowledge gap.

Specifically, this research identified and addressed the inadequacies of earlier studies

regarding ICT adoption in Tanzania and contributes to the knowledge body of IS

research as follows:

i. Most of previous research had concentrated on identifying drivers and

barriers to adoption of ICT and none of them offered a comprehensive

framework to help with strategic intent of SMEs in their adoption situation as

suggested by the literature. The developed model fills in this knowledge gap

and thus it is a major contribution to knowledge and the IS body of literature.

ii. None of the previous studies in Tanzania settings has attempted empirically

to establish in a broad sense the status of how Tanzania SMEs use ICTs after

adoption. As such, lack of scholarly articles on the level of ICT utilisation

amongst Tanzanian SMEs is highly noted. This research contributes to the

existing body of IS literature by providing insights on the post adoption status

of ICT utilisation or use amongst Tanzanian SMEs.

iii. None of the previous research in Tanzania had attempted empirically to

holistically validate the theory that ICT adoption and use can enable small

firms to become competitive as suggested by the literature. This research

managed to show empirically the causal relationship between the use of ICTs

and the competitiveness of the firms and therefore contributing to the existing

body of IS literature within the context of Tanzania.

iv. Literature review and results of this work show that, most of the issues

relating to SMEs are homogeneous. This means that the developed model

can be used for testing adoption issues in other countries with similar socio-

economic conditions to Tanzania. This also contributes to knowledge in IS


8.3.2 Methodological Contributions

This research employed multiple research design which involved exploratory,

descriptive and explanatory research. As a result of this research design,

triangulation methodology was employed in different phases of the research.

Methodological contributions of this work are clarified as follows:

i. The author noted that, many of the previous researches that have examined

ICT adoption issues in developing countries have focused on the use of a

single method of data collection. However, use of data and method

triangulation are encouraged in research whenever possible since they are

known to increase the validity of research findings. Therefore, the use of

method triangulation in this research is considered a methodological

contribution to research.

ii. The use of multiple case studies strategy in the exploratory phase of the

research is yet another methodological contribution to research. Multiple

case studies can be used to achieve replication of a single type of incident in

different settings or to compare and contrast different cases. In this research,

the multiple case studies assisted the researcher get a better understanding of

the problems and anxieties faced by SMEs in ICT adoption situations and

post adoption issues from different perspectives. That increased the


reliability of the obtained information and helped in the development of an

effective research instrument for the main survey.

iii. Structural Equation Modelling has many advantages over other multivariate

statistical methods. However, the author noted that most of the previous

research used different methods of data analysis other than SEM. The

methodology used in this research incorporates the use of SEM for ICT

adoption model development. This provides alternative guidelines for further

research in this area of study and is thus considered a major contribution.

8.3.3 Practical Contributions

The practical contributions of this research are brought to light by the insights

provided by key research findings to both policy and practise. These are summarised

as follows:

i. Research findings on the impact of the policies aimed at helping the SMEs

revealed the ineffectiveness of government interventions on SMEs in the

name of support programs, taxes and tariffs and support infrastructure.

Therefore, it can be argued that based on the findings of this research, some

areas that need government interventions has been identified.

ii. Research findings inform the owner-manager of SMEs on the key issues to

consider for successful adoption and utilisation of ICTs. Results show that,

the perceptions of the owner-manager towards the benefits of ICTs together

with marketing strategy and customer pressure are the most significant ICT

adoption factors in Tanzania SMEs. Post adoption results inform the owner-

manager that innovation using ICTs is vital for the firm to become


iii. Research findings informs on the current status of ICT adoption and use in

Tanzania SMEs. This information was lacking in the literature and therefore

these results are a practical contribution.

8.4 Recommendations for Successful ICT Adoption by SMEs

The literature review identified the owner-manager of SMEs, the government and

policy makers as the key stakeholder of the SMEs sector. Therefore, results of this

research have implications that may be very useful to the key stakeholders in their

attempts to facilitate successful adoption and use of ICTs in SMEs. Based on

research findings, recommendations for successful implementations of ICTs in SMEs

are given in the subsequent sections.

8.4.1 General Recommendations for Practice/use

The implications for practice from this research are based on the developed ICT

adoption model and its interpretations. The model informs on the key ICT adoption

factors and therefore its use can result in many SMEs adopting ICTs, innovate and

become competitive. In particular, the model can be used to:

i. Inform those in practice on the key issues to consider prior to ICTs adoption

and after adoption in order to make ICT adoption a success.


ii. Test the effectiveness of government efforts aimed at the development of the

SME sector. This will enable the government to make informed decisions

when reviewing its policies.

iii. Study SMEs adoption issues in other countries with similar social economic

conditions. That way the model may provide some very useful information

and further contribute to the IS research knowledge body. Neighbouring

countries to Tanzania like Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique

can be used for this purpose.

8.4.2 Recommendations for Owner-Managers

The owner-managers of small businesses are known to make all key decisions on

how the firm should conduct its business including the decisions for acquiring new

technologies for the firm. Therefore, the support and commitment of the owners-

manager is very important in any adoption situation. Based on this observation and

other research findings the author recommends the following to the owner-manager:

i. Owner-manager must have the right education and skills needed to manage

their firms. Education impacts on the perceptions of owners-managers which

have been shown by research findings to be of great importance in adoption


ii. Owner-managers must make every effort to acquire or improve their ICTs

knowledge and skills as this will enable them make successful and beneficial

informed decisions in adoption situations.

iii. Prior to adoption, the owner-manager must ensure that his/her firm have

adequate skilled personnel that can use ICTs effectively. Effective use of

ICTs gives a firm the ability to become innovative and competitive.

iv. The owner-managers must ensure that ICTs adoptions are aligned with

business strategies of their firms. Research findings show that marketing

strategy is a critical factor for successful ICT adoption in SMEs.

v. Owner-manager must realise external pressures to adopt when they happen

and thus take initiatives that will ensure successful adoption. Research

findings show that customer pressure is a critical factor for successful ICT

adoption in SMEs.

vi. Owners-managers must offer continuous support to initiatives that will

increase the use of ICT in their firms since the success of the firms depends

on their decisions and visions.

8.4.3 Recommendations to the Government

The SME policy of Tanzania has been in operation for more than a decade. Review

of the literature suggested that that the policy has failed to address many of the

constraints it aimed to deal with. The empirical evidence from this research confirms

these observations made by previous work regarding policy failure. Based on

research findings, it is evident that there is a need to develop new policies with

enough initiatives and incentives that promote ICT adoption and use within the SME

sector. In particular, the government (policy makers and support agencies) needs to

do the following:

i. Review the policy regarding government support to SMEs since the present

one has been shown to be ineffective.

ii. Redesign and introduce a new tax system with more incentives for ICT

adoption by SMEs since the present one is considered by SMEs to be an

inhibitor of ICT adoption.

iii. Test the effectiveness of policies from time to time in order to allow for

timely policy reviews.

iv. Continue to develop and maintain critical infrastructures that support use of

ICTs in SMEs and business growth in general.

v. Enact laws and regulatory frameworks that guide the SME sector in the

positive direction. Lack of laws and regulatory frameworks were implied as

inhibitors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in Tanzania.


vi. Through support programs, ensure that SMEs adopt and use ICTs in line with

their business process. This in turn will help to improve the competitiveness

of the SMEs and thus become a part of the present digital economy.

8.5 Research Limitations

Just like in any other research, this research also had a number of limitations and

constraints that need to be addressed.

To begin with, it should be noted that ICT is a broad term covering a number of

different technologies. However, computer and Internet technologies were the only

ICTs considered in this study. It may be interesting to explore for example the impact

of smart phones on small businesses. Smart phones can give small business a quick,

easy and portable access to the Internet, email and other applications using voice,

data and text albeit at a much higher cost. It will be interesting to find out how SME

owners-managers manage to take advantages of this technology.

Another limitation in this research is the fact that only two sectors, the service and

general trading were considered in the study. Inclusion of SMEs in other sectors

might have brought more insights and understanding on ICT adoption issues faced

by SMEs.

Prior to data collection, the minimum sample size was determined and found to be

385 cases. However, only 341 cases of collected data were found to be useful in

analysis. The author noted from the literature that, reduction of minimum sample

size has effect of reducing the expected accuracy and generalisability of research

findings. This reduction in the sample size is therefore considered a limitation in this


Different statistical methods and analysis tools have different sample size

requirements. In this research, due to sample size requirements as dictated by

analysis methods and tools, the SMEs from the two sectors were treated as a single

homogeneous group of businesses. This may have had an impact on the

generalisability of research results and thus is a limitation in this research.

The challenges faced during data collection, affected the response rate of the survey

in a way that the requirements of the calculated sample size were not met. Moreover,

without the researcher’s knowledge, respondents could also have hidden some

important information which could possibly have improved the research outcome

and this is also a limitation.

Budget and time constraints prohibited the use of more data analysis tools such as the

Satorra-Bentler robust method to further validate the results. This is also considered

a limitation.

8.6 Direction for Future Research

Taking into consideration the findings of the research, the scope of this study and the

observed limitations, the areas of potential future research were identified and are

outlined below:

More research with adequate sample size and other estimation tools is needed to

further validate the developed model so that generalisation of results can be done

with much higher accuracy. The sample may also include SMEs from more sectors

such as manufacturing and construction sectors.

The developed model can be used to test the impact of smart phone’s use in SMEs

and thus provide extra insights on how the SME sector interacts with ICTs to gain

competitiveness. The author noted that, smart phones can provide quick access to

the internet, email and other useful applications using mobile phone infrastructures.

Available data show that, by 2014 the teledensity (penetration) had reached 68% of

the population and that most of that growth is attributed to mobile operators and thus

they offer a huge potential for SMEs growth.

There is a need to research and clearly explain the emergence of the e-commerce

amongst SMEs in Tanzania as there seem to be some contradictions. For instance,

research findings show the inadequacy of support infrastructure and lack of

regulatory framework for supporting e-business. Yet it seems that some SMEs have

managed to defy the odds and have taken advantage of what is available effectively.

Finally, further research is needed on how to help effective utilisation of ICT by

SMEs. Research findings show that about 53% of SMEs that had adopted ICTS

(Computer and Internet) were not able to achieve any remarkable success. This

needs to be addressed since the 53% represents a big potential for the development of

the SME sector.

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