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Business process management as continuous improvement in business


Article · May 2010

DOI: 10.3846/bm.2010.010


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Rute Gonçalves
RAR Group


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6th International Scientific Conference ISSN 2029-4441 print / ISSN 2029-428X CD
May 13–14, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania doi:10.3846/bm.2010.010
Selected papers. Vilnius, 2010 © Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2010


Rute Gonçalves
Oporto Economics University, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-464 Porto, Portugal

Abstract. There are three main components in each business–processes, people and technology. In actual
management context, there is a strong tendency to a regulatory pressure. Managers are being confronted
with several challenges that oblige the adoption of a new way to solve financial and other problems in
business world. Firms should not fear the change, they must be able to plan and execute. Business Process
Management (BPM) is one possible solution: obviously this implies that firms have all processes mapped,
know their interactions between different departments and are well informed about all processes costs. So,
the firms must go on adopting modelling process design and managing enactment to know how people act
in the organization.
Keywords: mapping, rules, process, people, enactment.

1. Introduction This is one of the main drivers to the design

process and for a better definition of information
Far from being a simple application for a fast de-
technology systems and management business
velopment, Business Process Management (BPM)
structures. Technology alone does not translate
involves all players in business process: systems,
business needs into sustainable business advan-
people, information and equipments.
This function consists in a platform to share an
Organizations must plan the architecture of
end-to-end business process. As had been suggested
business, processes and management. Their con-
(Smith, Finger 2003) BPM assures business, control
cern must be focused on adopting operational effi-
and accounting agility and stability, reduces redun-
cient goals without sacrificing quality in products
dancies and improves automatic responses.
and/or services offered to their clients. Further-
Nowadays, facing actual economic scenario,
more, by the fact that this period of economic de-
BPM has been emerging in importance.
sacceleration is not a short term event, managers
This article aims to show that BPM is a support
should adopt strategies with long term projection.
tool to management, looking forward to continuous
There are several actions to put in action, such as:
– To reduce activities those do not create
First the actual management context will be de-
value added to the firm;
scribed. Then BPM will be introduced, by explain-
– To hire specialized staff that becomes avail-
ing the dimensions, language, technology, mapping,
able in the market at a price that is accessi-
drivers and the possible connexion with Business
ble to the firm;
Process Outsourcing (BPO). After that, justification
– To optimize transactions and business proc-
will be presented on how BPM assumes continuous
improvement, by underlining some key factors –
In front of this challenge, BPM is one promis-
top management, people, process – and several
ing answer.
alerts to succeed in this area. Finally, some addi-
tional reflexions and considerations are made.
3. BPM Approach
2. Actual Management Context There are multiple definitions of BPM. In general:
Today’s financial world demands strong leader- – It is a set of methods, tools and technolo-
ships, capable to define a strategy of innovation, gies used to design, analyze and control opera-
without fear to confront with the procedures and tional business processes;
internal operational standards. Often, in these cir- – It is an approach to improve performance
cumstances, firms are able to accept and easily that combines information technologies with proc-
learn new and different processes. ess methodologies;

R. Gonçalves

– It covers high–level business aspects, such As described above, a business process can be
as, business goals, strategies and value chains defined by the understanding that is generated by
(Weske 2007). Also it concentrates on process each person and groups as a result of different
modelling techniques and process enactment plat- ways of interpretation.
forms, taking into account the different stake- Independently of the dimension, BPM is a
holders involved. business strategy that supports and demands a
– It is “a structured approach to understand, common language and semantic validation.
analyze, support, and continuously improve fun-
damental process such as manufacturing, market-
ing, communications and other major elements of 3.2. Language
a company’s operations” (Al-Mudimigh 2007). “The communities involved need to share a com-
Autonomously of the several existing mean- mon understanding of the principles underlying
ings, there is a main principle in this subject: BPM business process management” (Weske 2007).
has two sides (the Model and the Human) – none BPM should be supported by the following
can be forgotten. headlines:
– Business rules
3.1. Dimensions They must be defined by type of the facts;
– Verb concepts
BPM contains several dimensions. As had been
They must associate concepts to delineate the
proposed (Melão, Pidd 2000) there are four per-
timing of the facts;
spectives on the definition of business processes,
– Noun concepts
as following:
They must define concepts.
– Deterministic machines
A process consists in a sum of well–defined ac-
Processes and rules are two sides of the
tivities or tasks developed by employers who same coin. By defining business rules, signifi-
convert inputs into outputs to achieve unambi- cance levels must be established. The rule can
guous objectives; be a limit or just a mechanism to assure more
– Complex dynamic systems freedom, because it indicates to where it is
A system adapts to a changing atmosphere in or- possible to go.
der to carry on, emphasizing interaction and dy- There are some indications that must be at-
namic behaviour; tended in rules definition, such as: the rule is a
– Interacting feedback loops way of information; the rule is expressed as busi-
This organic viewpoint highlights the informa- ness language; the rule must clarify permissions
tion feedback concerning the structure of the and obligations (if the rule changes, process will
business processes; also change); the rule must be separated from the
– Social constructs business, which means that the process should not
This perspective results from a personal and sub- contain many details. Indeed, business rules
jective construction, concerning the values and should be defined and described away from map-
beliefs of people. ping and process description.
To understand a business process (Smith Four types of rules can be settled (Wang,
2003) implies distinguish three areas: Wang 2006): to cover process routing, operational
– State constraint, exception handling and business strat-
The description of the gathered information that egy. They form the knowledge base of the cogni-
is generated along the way; tive approach to process management.
– Capability − Process routing. They are used for scheduling
The definition attending which are the activities tasks or activities as well for the further tracking
able to execute and the interaction recognized of their status;
between them; − Operational constraint. They may be applied
– Design to control tasks, to forbid unallowed operations
The explanation of premeditated features of the and they can be specified on the basis of busi-
process, which occurs during the design stage, in ness requirements;
the moment before the process is able to imple- − Exception handling. They can be used to cal-
ment, to develop and to change. Then, the firm culate the real-time status of tasks or resources
should explain the gap between intentional de- and take positive actions when necessary;
sign and effective behaviour. − Business strategy. They can be applied to re-
duce business risk, control workflow, improve


customer service and make efficient use of re- tions. The orientation should be assigned to pro-
sources. cess optimization, introducing improvements that
Lastly, to make flexibility possible in the could assure benefits to the firm to its process in-
process and/or service, rules must be aligned with stead of the representation of what exists in infor-
the business, in a stable technologic structure. mation system to implement. The new process
“The effort for realizing process-oriented informa- may require new guidance, new technology and
tion systems can be significantly reduced when new data accessibility (Siha, Saad 2008). The
using workflow technology (instead of conven- business adjustments, job environments and the
tional programming techniques)” (Weber et al. availability of all infrastructures should be consid-
2009). ered.
As a first step, the firm needs to provide flexi-
3.3. Technology bility by adopting process mapping and design.
This procedure defines, quickly and rigorously,
BPM is usually identified as a mix of business processes in value chains and orchestrates the roles
administration and computer science. and behaviours of all necessary people and sys-
Business managers know the main roles of tems.
business, process and management strategy in the
firm. All have been established, studied and im-
3.4. Mapping
proved over a long period of time. Technology,
however, has been developed more rapidly and The first step to adopt BPM is the
recently, significant increments have changed commitment of the firm to have all processes
these coordinates. Moreover, “while business ad- mapped, to recognize their connections among
ministration professionals tend to consider infor- different areas and to get familiar about all
mation technology as a subordinate aspect for ex- expenditure and investment needed.
perts to handle, by contrast computer scientists In an initial period, by scheduling work
often consider business goals and organizational sessions, the firm should define what it is capable
regulations as terms that do not deserve much to do. Indeed, the various stages during the design
thought but require the appropriate level of ab- and implementation of process choreographies
straction” (Weske 2007). should be discussed.
The development of technology allows intro- Generally, the firm must assure that there is
ducing any information and control system, data the required architecture that replies to its mission.
source or other technology into business processes. First, the flowchart shall include the business
More specifically, business activity monitoring rules which guarantee more elasticity to the
tracks process performance as its happening, man- process and must be easily fulfilled. Second, it is
ages many indicators, displays key process metrics crucial to understand the utility of each process
and trends and predicts future behaviours. near its final users. So, processes shall be
When the firm decides to outsource technol- personalized and simply managed. Only achieving
ogy support (Weber et al. 2009), it has to rely on this, the control charts can “analyze identify and
promises of the service provider. To choose tech- prevent employee time waste in addition to
nology, firms must ask for custom demonstrations, tracking and forecasting design performance for
make sure the vendor shows what it can do and efficient resource allocation” (Hamza 2009).
assure a cost-benefit analysis. What is still absent Therefore, this sort of charts can be used to
and what is required by information systems are audit design process in real time, providing re-
quantitative estimation based on empirical re- commendations to people or systems in order to
search. So, why not, does the firm empower hu- develop the process. The benefit is that the “in-
man resources and instruct an executive manager formation about the business process can be
who has both Information Technology (IT) and propagated from any information source–real–
business knowledge (Neubauer 2009)? time, and more–to line managers or executives”
If the firm decides to internalize software so- (Hamza 2009).
lutions related with BPM, it must be conscious to Waste can be prevented if the firm changes its
the fact that this support can not be standard if the own organization. The firm has different depart-
process is not. Business and technology should be ments; for each one, there should be settle goals,
aligned. activities and measures to control. But on the other
The goal is: nothing valuable needs to be dis- side, and looking forward to establish BPM, the
carded and everything is reusable. The stage of firm must adopt a transversal view trough all the
tests execution is critical to assure attempt correc- organization. The firm should define the provided

R. Gonçalves

products and/or services: description, procedures tween nations and regions are being dismantled.
to follow, people and/or departments involved, Market segments are disappearing.
service level, control indicators and others. In this world in change, firms recognize part-
In this business–oriented view, the following nerships, joint ventures, collaboration and out-
figure consists in a simple example. sourcing, as the new directions to assure competi-
tive vitality.

3.6. BPM Engaged or Divorced with BPO?

Firms must be focus on core business functions to
create competitive differentiation in the market-
place: outsourcing is a possible solution. This
strategy assures cost reduction and improves ser-
vice levels.
There are two main reasons to adopt BPO:
– The firm can not develop the process well
enough to compete;
– The process must be recruited from market
or be eliminated to liberate resources.
BPM adds to BPO the ability given to part-
ners to assure business processes control, even if
the partners are developing partial or totally with
third parties (Smith, Finger 2003). With this exper-
tise, the firm can acquire new virtual processes,
represented as assets, such as: people, skills, ma-
chines, human capital and intellectual property.
This approach provides a difference from the re-
engineering from processes in–house. Instead of
Fig. 1. Example of a Mapped Process drawing the process, the value added is given by
processes combination.
Suppose a service level agreement (SLA) firm Although, firms should avoid understanding
and the definition of one of the provided services: this methodology as a simple intellectual challenge
invoice processing and payment. It defines the in- and fun (Jeston, Nelis 2008), otherwise it will fail
volvement of each department–facility, accounts during the implementation.
payable and treasury; the map shows the flow since
the invoice arrives firm till the payment day. Instead
of attending only to each area, individually, the is- 4. BPM as a Solution to Actual
sue is to define the objectives by process and not by Management Context
department. Faced with the age of information, managers have
Concerning mapping processes it is also essen- a challenge in hands. On one side, they must reply
tial to define the related drivers of adopting BPM. to regulatory and governance requirements, which
implies additional costs, such as, “changes in busi-
ness regulations, audit requirements or improve-
3.5. Drivers
ments in (our) understanding of how to mobilize
One driver is the opinion/reply of each department and catalyze resources” (Smith 2003). On other
that is part of the strategy of the firm. The task side, they have to follow the fast growth of infor-
becomes hard because each department has influ- mation technology.
ence in the strategy of the firm. Business is under a great pressure to reengi-
Another drive is the maturity of the organiza- neer change management. BPM should not be op-
tion (if the processes are already mapped, for in- tional (Smith, Finger 2003). Firms that understand
stance), the approach and other integrations. that they must leave the current state of “as–is” to
In general, BPM drivers are not technological “to–be” are becoming process-managed enter-
but economic (Smith, Finger 2003). Information prises. Each organization needs to find out what is
concerning products and prices are instantaneously going on in the business and how potential modifi-
and globally available. Commercial barriers be- cations can impact in the business.


Another transformation in market is the behav- − Client orientation. To assure better outputs,
iour of the customer. Nowadays, customers have such as consistent quality, more customer sat-
more freedom, more sense of desire and needs. isfaction.
This “new” economic agent stands in the begin- Fig. 2 clarifies this description.
ning and in the end of value chain. So, clients also Overall, with BPM, the firm is what the firm
define processes. runs. Internal organizational BPM capability
By implementing BPM, the firm gets better should be developed and must be part of business
prepared to reply to actual management scenario, and management (Jeston, Nelis 2008). The model
being more sensitive to several goals, such as: of implementation is not just the plan: it is the en-
– Supplier orientation–to improve business gine that runs the process.
processes by the information that is ex-
changed in both directions;
– People management–to assure better man- 5. BPM as Continuous Improvement Support
agement visibility of the business, improv- In short, with this methodology, the firm must be
ing decision making (Cumberlidge 2007); able to:
– Process view–to measure and control all op- – Assure a process design work (Sharp,
erational processes; MCDermott 2008);
– Organizational structure–to become skilled – Develop process identification, modelling,
in new services, manufacturing processes analysis and redesign;
and new business models; – Define when one process ends and another
– Values and beliefs–to reply to Globalization starts;
by finding advantages in cost, quality and – Manage detail in a visual model;
innovation; to reply to Commoditization by – Engender out–of–the–box ideas for the “to–
competing with products and services which be” process.
are nearly indistinguishable to the customer. To implement BPM, the firm should adopt a
That obliges to differentiate in a single fac- multidisciplinary and functional structure that at-
tor, such as price. tends to process, project manager, processes man-
agers and managers in general.
Furthermore, “underlying the mechanistic
view of process is also a number of assumptions,
such as perfect knowledge of the human actors
involved, that humans work in a rational and logi-
cal way and that problems have a solution” (Lind-
say et al. 2003).
The adoption of BPM is divided in stages,
giving special attention to quick-wins that support
new diligences. BPM provides a “what-if” analy-
sis, which means that organizations can simulate
the performance of processes before implementing
them. In other words, the firm must ask “what-if”
about how the processes could work best.
The important thing to learn is that the ap-
proach is global, not only technological but man-
aged by a staff with experience in defining proc-
esses, involving organization and adopting new
Fig. 2. Vlerick BPM Holistic View (Contribute of Vlerick
Leuven Gent Management School (Belgium) in BPM Annual technologies. Usually the cost-benefit analysis is
Conference (Lisbon 2009)) not a problem because firms know that it is a ma-
jor gain in the optimization of the process.
− Process performance. To reduce the overall Four common steps of BPM implementation
cost of governance requirements compliance can be eminent (Bucher, Winter 2009):
by automating processes and reporting; to in- – Process recognition, design and modelling
crease productivity by generating more value, To study and analyse all tasks and activities of
with fewer resources and in less time; the firm;
− Information technology. To support end–to– – Process implementation and execution
end processes and guarantee real time moni- To setup and/or correct all activities, tasks, re-
toring to sustain decision making; sources, supporting information technology

R. Gonçalves

and to provide training and ongoing support The business process staff should facilitate
of processes; and assure all processes diligences and work to-
– Process monitoring and controlling gether with IT department. Occasionally business
To operate in real–time in order to be able to process staff can assume management functions.
take corrective action in case of process ex- Although accumulating functions, these employees
ceptions and failures; the introduction of are more capable to easily understand the overall
process performance indicators can also be and “change hats”.
useful to support managerial decisions; Employees who work in operations assure the
– Process enhancements right understanding of business and all processes.
The continuous improvement of business Managers must invest in training and should de-
process and of the process landscape must fine a process team including all necessary roles
not be forgotten. such as process owner, process controller and
Next, a description will be presented of some process auditor (Neubauer 2009).
key factors – top management, people, process – Also human resources department should be
and several alerts to be succeeded. involved in process orientation policies, such as:
skills, like coaching, ability to create and manage a
team. As had been suggested (Siha, Saad 2008) the
5.1. Top Management effect of the new process on employees should not
First, organization should think the process, in- be mistreated. They need to know how it is going
volving process owners who plan, meet regularly, to influence their future jobs. Moreover, assure the
work collaboratively and also involving the main use of the right people in the right project.
stakeholder. In the case of this last player, organi- Finally, from time to time, external agents
zation must also handle the expectation created (for example, consultants) are also needed to im-
concerning BPM. The firm should start thinking in plement BPM. This decision is related with the
basic processes–low profile–with easy implemen- maturity of the firm (Jeston, Nelis 2008). Indeed,
tation, to assure a large impact, with a low risk. every organization can also benefit from an exter-
In fact, this project should be assumed by nal highly qualified process coach and mentor.
higher levels in the hierarchy of the firm, who The staff may describe all processes with the detail
should take responsibility for mapping, imple- required, but if there are no skill levels to manage
menting, follow-up and innovation. a project, the external help can be crucial.
Effective management is crucial to guarantee
the alignment of business change initiatives, start- 5.3. Process
ing with processes to set up alliance in the begin-
ning of the project and continuing with strong The main goal is to assess to current business
management process, system and structure right processes and see where process improvement and
through the life of the project (Box, Platts 2005). systems development can take place (Sharp,
Similar opinion is also supported (Siha, Saad MCDermott 2008).
2008): top management should be effective, real Second, instead of applying the method to all
and active. Moreover, strategic alignment should processes, the firm can choose only the processes
be tied to the corporate strategy and to the core of sub-processes that need to be defined and to be
competency, both are critical to the success of the an object of control. “Start small with one project”
organization. (Jeston, Nelis 2008). It means that the focus is not
Then, the firm must select the right staff to necessary all value chain, but only a part of it. This
apply to this work and must clarify to all, the mis- also serves as a pilot to a first experience with
sion and the culture assumed. BPM.
This is a way of capturing knowledge–
everything that firms can lose when people leave
5.2. People or forget processes. Instead of believing in indi-
Definitely, if the top management actively stimu- vidual knowledge to assure task execution, organi-
lates business process orientation, employees feel zation must believe on documented processes to
motivated to describe the noises and the improve- execute tasks.
ments to the processes owners. The team work will Indeed, process improvement project is a pro-
be promoted. The respect for company spirit is cedure to fall. More activities should be carefully
crucial to manage the process and it is also impor- chosen and broadly defined (Siha, Saad 2008) so
tant to assure information transfer between de- that the resulting progress is more likely to extend
partments and work groups. all over the entire business.


Another feature is that the firm should meas- – To associate processes and destroy silos
ure the level of the automatization, to look to all (which means, that instead of analysing by de-
organization and find the percentage of automatic partment, the firm should analyse processes trans-
processes and the percentage of non–automatic versally);
processes. So, with BPM, the firm can automate – To define process indicators and metrics
several process tasks that may have been previ- (Siha, Saad 2008) is important to be established
ously manually executed. Firms can join new and and used before and after assessing productivity.
existing means to provide this, building on, not The selection of the performance measures is criti-
replace, existing standards. cal. In general, they should be objective, compre-
Further, sustainability needs to be assured hensive and reflecting important criteria in the
(Siha, Saad 2008). It is important to ensure the process, which should follow-up the business).
continuous improvement of the process and not – Finally, to “practice what you preach!”
fulfil with just the initial result of improvement. It (Jeston, Nelis 2008).
is recommended to define a structure in place to
avoid reversion, “a system of formal problem solv-
6. Conclusions
ing process in place, a consistent focus on im-
provement activities and long-term measurable All modern firms need a process point of view
objectives which are linked to the improvement (Baldam 2007). When process is discussed there is
efforts”. generally an association to instruments, method-
ologies and training. But that is not enough.
Actual economic development obliges process
5.4. To be Succeeded
professional to start up and manage operational
To ensure success on adopting BPM, firms must increments and competitive advantages. Indeed
follow a group of main principles and alerts. pressure in business world is increasing and be-
For such implementation, the critical success yond that the nature of people and work has
factors had been resumed in four categories (Al- changed. The firm should encourage and give
Mudimigh 2007): commitment from top manage- power to staff to deliver more with less empower-
ment, changing of the existing processes, the IT ment.
infrastructure, and deploying change management. Considering the management context already
described and after learning BPM philosophy, the
firm can not miss the train. It is time to process
makes the difference. BPM puts all efforts at
achieving process-based organizational efficiency.
Management Furthermore, BPM makes it possible to ob-
Commitment serve real–time performance of processes and eas-
ily adapt to changing events. This platform creates
value added for different players, customers and
Management stakeholders. Management sets people and sys-
IT Business
tems in pursuit for achieving business goals. In
Infra- Process this point of view, it is crucial, to attend to
Structures Change enactment, knowing how people operate in the
Fig. 3. Critical Success Factors Categories (Al- BPM is the potential mechanism to help firms
Mudimigh 2007) define business processes, unify information tech-
nology and promote collaboration and innovation.
Also, for the success of the project it is advisable: It is also a success factor to help firms manage
– To define goals for macro processes and not change; only the firms that develop can survive.
for departments;
– To align the project to business, which
means, too support “systematical integration of References
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R. Gonçalves

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