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Laboratory study of the effect of various

temperatures on the physical properties

of low solid mud systems with addition of
biopolymer and bentonite extender
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2245, 070020 (2020);
Published Online: 08 July 2020

Bayu Satiyawira, Andry Prima, Onnie Ridaliani, Abdul Hamid, Ratnayu Sitaresmi, Mustamina Maulani, and
Apriandi Rizkina Rangga Wastu


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2245, 070020 (2020); 2245, 070020

© 2020 Author(s).
Laboratory Study of the Effect of Various Temperatures on
the Physical Properties of Low Solid Mud Systems with
Addition of Biopolymer and Bentonite Extender
Bayu Satiyawirab), Andry Primaa), Onnie Ridalianic), Abdul Hamid d), Ratnayu
Sitaresmie) ,Mustamina Maulani f) and Apriandi Rizkina Rangga Wastu g)

Petroleum Department, Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy,Universitas Trisakti, Indonesia

Corresponding author:

Abstract. Drilling mud is the most important part in drilling activity. Drilling could work fluently, safely, and
economically on fluency by system and condition of drilling mud. It means the mud system and the physical properties of
the slurry conform to the required specifications. There are some kinds of drilling mud that can be used in oil and gas
drilling operation, such as water base mud and oil base mud. In terms of economical objective, water base mud is usually
used in drilling process.
The purpose of this study is to conduct laboratory research of the effect of various temperatures on the
characteristic of mud system of low solid mud by adding biopolymer and bentonite extender. This research uses roller
oven method as a medium for simulation to condition the mud as close as possible to the condition in wellbore to see the
change of physical properties of sludge at various temperatures.
The result found is that the higher the temperature, the lower the drilling mud physical properties such as density,
viscosity, plastic viscosity, yield point, dial reading 600 RPM, dial reading 300 RPM, and gel strength. However, it is
found that not all the physical properties decrease.


Drilling mud is one of the supporting factors for success in drilling a well. Determination of the composition and
selection of the type of drilling mud that will be used in drilling a particular formation must be appropriate, so that it
can support smoothness and determine the success of the drilling operation and avoid the difficulties that can arise.
In addition, by using the type of drilling mud that is in accordance with the conditions of the formation to be
penetrated, an optimal penetration rate will be obtained and will also reduce drilling costs to a minimum.
The composition and physical properties of sludge greatly affect a drilling process, because one of the factors
that determine the success or failure of a drilling is depending on the drill mud to be used. Drilling, efficiency,
safety, and drilling costs are very much dependent on the drilling mud used, therefore various drilling factors that
have drilling mud are absolutely necessary in the process.
In a drilling operation both in oil and gas wells or geothermal wells there are often very high temperatures. High
temperatures will result in changes in the rheological properties of drilling mud, namely Plastic Viscosity, Yield
Points, and Gel Strength.

2nd International Conference on Earth Science, Mineral, and Energy

AIP Conf. Proc. 2245, 070020-1–070020-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-2004-5/$30.00

Based on the above problems, the laboratory study of the effect of various temperatures on the rheological
properties of low solid sludge needs to be done using the Roller Oven method, namely to condition the mud in the
well at a predetermined high temperature. This is important to understand for oil engineering graduates to be able to
know the good mud that will be used during the drilling process.


The method used in this study is the experimental method in the laboratory. In order for drilling mud to function
properly, the physical properties of the mud must be controlled by determining specific gravity, rheology, plastic
viscosity, yield point, gel strength, viscosity, water loss, apparent viscosity, and PH of mud.
Steps that must be done:
1. Making mud.
2. The mud is stirred with varying speed and speed, and note the time of addition of biopolymers and ben-ex.
3. Test of Hydrophobic properties of mud:
a. Density Tool: Mud Balance
b. Plastic Viscosity Tool: Fann VG Meter
c. Gel Strength Tool: Fann VG Meter
d. Apparent Vicosity Tool: Fann VG Meter
e. Yield Point Tool: Fann VG Meter
4. Test the thickness of mud cake with filtration loss.
5. Mud resistance test against temperature by Roller Oven

TABLE 1. Tools used:

No Tools Function
1 Digital Scales To weigh the ingredients to be used

2 Mixer To make mud which physical properties will be measured

3 Mud Balance To measure specific gravity of drilling mud

4 Fann VG Meter To measure the physical properties of drilling mud : q600, q300, Plastic
Viscosity, Yield Point and Gel Strength
5 API Filter Press. To measure the filtration loss and mud cake in the drilling mud
6 Ph Stripe. To measure the acidity or basicity of a liquid (drill mud)
7 Roller Oven. As a medium for simulation as if the mud were in a wellbore with a
predetermined temperature and time

TABLE 2. Materials used:

No. Composition Function
1 Fresh Water The main ingredients is to make drilling mud.
2 Soda Ash Neutralize Ca+ in the water of mud, so that if exposed to formation water
containing Ca+ high, mud remains stable.
3 Bentonite Increase viscosity, control water loss and form a good mud cake.
4 Caustic Soda To control the pH of drilling mud
5 Ben-ex Helps use bentonite to improve the physical properties of mud.
6 Pac – R Increase viscosity and control water loss.
7 Biopolymer Increase or control viscosity, PV, YP and Gel Strength.


In this study a comparative analysis of two types of sludge with different compositions and the addition of
several additives was carried out. Each type of mud is divided into four variables which are the composition of
sludge A, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and D.
In the drilling mud, in addition to consisting of the main components of the mud, there is additional material that
functions to control and improve the properties of the mud to suit the formation encountered during drilling

FIGURE 1. Additive Concentration

The following are some chemicals that are mixed, namely to control specific gravity of mud, control viscosity,
control plastic viscosity, control gel strength, form a good mud cake and reduce the rate of filtering;
1. Effect of Adding Soda Ash
This ash soda has a function as a material that is useful for neutralizing the Ca + content in water, where water
itself is a continuous ingredient of sludge makers.
2. Effects of Caustic Soda Addition
Caustic Soda is an additional sludge-making material used to increase the clot breaking power of clay. In
addition, Caustic Soda can prevent dissolution of OH ions and can control the pH of the sludge or increase the pH of
the sludge and change the flow properties that cause instability in the borehole.
3. Effect of Addition of Biopolymers
The biopolymers used in this experiment are similar to XCD-Polymers. Biopolymers are also called organic
polymers or natural polymers derived from XCD bacteria that can process carbohydrate molecules into a very
complex polysaccharide group with very high molecular weight. Biopolymers are useful for controlling or
increasing viscosity, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Points and Gel Strength. However, biopolymers cannot control water
loss if they have to control water loss, so biopolymers need additive additives.
4. Effect of Adding Bentonite Extender.
Bentonite Extender is also called an organic polymer or natural polymer whose uses are to help bentonite control
or increase viscosity, Plastic Viscosity, Yield Points and Gel Strength. The main function of bentonite extender is a
substitute for bentonite which uses less than bentonite.
5. Effects of Pac-R Addition
Pac-R is an additive derived from the chemical modification of wood fiber or pulp which produces a polymer
controlling the filter rate, viscosity and protecting colloids. Pac-R is an additional additive used in this sludge system
that is useful for controlling Pac-R water loss itself can be used in salt water or in fresh water.

Drilling mud density is one of the very influential properties of sludge because of its role which is directly
related to the function of sludge as a barrier to formation pressure. The density of drilling mud that is too large can
cause mud to disappear into formation (loss circulation), whereas if it is too small it will cause blow out. Therefore,
the density must be adjusted to the formation to be penetrated. In this study, the decrease in density is seen by the
increase in temperature measured by using the mud balance tool. As observed in this study, it can be seen that there
is a decrease in density along with the increase in temperature. The standard specifications for densities at
temperatures of 80 0F(room temperature) are 8.50 - 8.70 ppg, at temperatures of 200 F are 8.50 - 9.0 ppg and at
temperatures of are 8.50 - 9.50 ppg. If observed in this study, the sludge composition B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and D
can hold up to temperatures of 320 0F.
From the results of Plastic Viscosity testing in the laboratory shown in TABLE 5 where the price of Plastic
Viscosity is obtained from a reduction in the reading dial 600 RPM with a dial reading of 300 RPM using the Fann
VG Meter tool. The standard price for Plastic Viscosity at temperatures of 80 F(room temperature) is 12-20 cp, at
temperatures of 200 0F is 10-18 cp and at temperatures of 320 F is 10-15 cp. The sludge composition which can
withstand up to temperatures of 320 0F is mud B2, C2, C3 and D.
Yield Points for each temperature in TABLE 6 were obtained from a reduction in the dial reading price of 300
RPM with Plastic Viscosity, where the price of yield points at temperatures of 80 0F(room temperature) ranged from
20 - 45 lb / 100ft2, at temperatures of 200 0F ranged from 20-40 lb / 100ft2 and at 320 0F temperatures ranging from
15-25 lb / 100ft2. If observed in the results of the research provided by the author, the ideal composition of sludge
B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and D can hold up to the highest temperature.
The results of testing 10 seconds gel strength can be seen in TABLE 7 and it can be seen that the good
composition of sludge is the composition of sludge B1, B2, C1, C2 and C3 which can hold up to the final
temperature. For 10 minutes gel strength can be seen in table 4.8 where it can be seen that the sludge composition
B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and D can hold up to the final temperature. The increase in temperature will cause a
decrease in the price of gel strength which results in reduced durability and fracture power.
The results of observations of Water Loss and Mud Cake can be seen in table 4.9 and table 4.10. It can be seen
that the composition of the sludge included in the standard specifications, namely 4.0 - 9.0 for Water Loss and 0.5 -
2.5 mm for Mud Cake. Only mud D meets the specifications for Water Loss, because of the addition of Pac-R
additives to control Water Loss and all sludge compositions meet the standard specifications for Mud Cake. The
increase in temperature causes the value of Water Loss to increase, which can cause the circulation of mud to stop
and the formation wall to thicken.

FIGURE 2. Drilling Mud pH vs Temperature

The increase in temperature causes a decrease in the pH price of each drilling mud composition seen in table
4.11. PH is very directly related to chemical stability and maintaining corrosion. The good pH value based on

specification standards at temperatures of 80 0F is 8.5 - 11, at temperatures of 200 0F is 8.5 - 11 and at temperatures
of 320 0F is 8.5 - 9.5. Based on these data, all drilling mud compositions enter the specification standard to the final

FIGURE 3. Drilling Mud cake vs Temperature

Low solid mud is usually used at the beginning of the drilling process; this is because this type of mud cannot
resist high temperatures. However, with the addition of several additives to the composition of low solid sludge, this
mud can penetrate to the production zone.

FIGURE 4. Density vs Temperature

Additives used in low solid sludge compositions are additives that are suitable for the needs of the formation
itself. In this case the additive used is an additive that is resistant to high temperatures so that it can penetrate the
production zone. The use of casing in the production zone is different from the conductor zone, 7 "casing size and
81/2 hole".

FIGURE 5. Plastic Viscosity Vs Temperature

In essence, plastic viscosity is understood as the resistance to the flow of a fluid. Often times, in wells it is
caused by the mechanical friction within the drilling mud due to interaction between solids, the liquids and the
deformation of liquid that is under shear stress. It is an important property of drilling mud that must be kept within
the designed limits for efficient drilling.
In normal drilling conditions, the mud weight is directly proportional to the plastic viscosity, which means that if
the weight of the mud is higher, then the fluid would be viscous, thus plastic viscosity will be high.
A check needs to be performed on the increase in the trend graph of plastic viscosity without the change in the
mud weight, which means that ultra-fine drill solid content has increased in the mud system. Moreover, if an oil base
mud is used, then the emulsified water in the oil base drilling fluid acts similar to ultra-fine drill solid content and
therefore dramatically increases the plastic viscosity of fluid flow.
Viscosity is a property arising from collisions between neighboring particles in a fluid that are moving at
different velocities. When the fluid is forced through a tube, the particles which compose the fluid generally move
more quickly near the tube's axis and more slowly near its walls: therefore, some stress, (such as a pressure
difference between the two ends of the tube), is needed to overcome the friction between particle layers to keep the
fluid moving. For the same velocity pattern, the stress required is proportional to the fluid's viscosity.
The word "viscosity" is derived from the Latin "viscum", meaning mistletoe and also a viscous glue made from
mistletoe berries.
Plastic viscosity (PV) can be defined as the resistance offered by a fluid to flow freely. This resistance is a result
of friction between the liquid undergoing deformation under shear stress and the solids and liquids present in the
drilling mud. PV is a parameter of the Bingham plastic model and is the slope of the shear stress/ shear rate line
above the yield point.

PV is an important rheological characteristic that affects properties of drilling fluid. Plastic viscosity or PV
indicates the viscosity of the drilling mud when it is extrapolated to infinite shear rate based on the Bingham model.
When PV is low it indicates that the mud will drill rapidly due to the low viscosity of mud that is exiting the bit.
High PV is a result of a base fluid that is viscous and by the presence of excessive colloidal solids. To reduce PV,
the solid contents can be reduced by diluting the mud. In this study, plastic viscosity is referred to 10 – 15 CP.
Hence, B2, B3, C3, and D are closer to the previously mentioned range.

FIGURE 6. Gel Strength Vs Temperature

The time-dependent forces in the drilling mud cause an increase in viscosity as the fluid remains quiescent for a
certain period of time. The gel strength is a measurement of the electrochemical forces within the fluid under static
conditions. Its field unit is the same as that of the yield strength. The strength is a function of suspended solids, solid
contents, temperature, chemical content and time. Usually it is caused by the high concentration of clay.
The mud tends to build gelled structure when in idle state and so it needs additional force to break it when either
the pipe is moved or fluid is pumped. When pumping fluid gel has to be broken inside the
The time for measurement such as 10 secs, 10 minutes and 30 minutes are used as a basis to measure the rate at
which the mud is gelled.
Gel strength measurement is made on viscometer using the 3-rpm reading, which will be recorded after stirring
the drilling fluid at 600 rpm to break gel. The first reading is noted after the mud is in a static condition for 10
seconds. The second reading and the third reading will be 10 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively.
The reason is that the 30 minute-reading will tell us whether the mud will significantly form the gel during
extensive static periods like tripping out BHA or not. If the mud has high gel strength, it will create a high pump
pressure in order to break circulation after the mud is static for a long time. Furthermore, increasing in a trend of 30-
minute gel strength indicates a buildup of an ultra-fine solid. Therefore, the mud must be treated by adding
chemicals or diluting it with fresh base fluid.
Several scenarios related to drilling operation pertaining to gel strength variable. At times, Circulating Pressure
is affected by excessive gel strength will lead to high pump initiation pressure to break circulation after mud is in a
static condition for a period of time. High pump pressure may result in formation fracture and lost circulation. Also,
Cutting Suspension is experienced when low gel strength indicates inability to suspend cuttings. It can lead to pipe
stuck and hole pack off due to insufficient cutting suspension. Often times, Barite sag is a situation where barite

cannot be suspended by drilling mud because of low gel strength. It can be seen that when large fluctuation of mud
density coming out of hole. Thus, mud compositions for gel strength B, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3 are preferable.

FIGURE 7. Yield Point Vs Temperature

Technically, YP indicates the ability of the drilling mud to carry cuttings to the surface. Moreover, frictional
pressure loss is directly related to the YP. Higher YP will result in larger frictional pressure loss. Hence, B1,
B2,B3,C3 and D are selected to represent the perceived yield strength

FIGURE 8. Water Loss Vs Temperature

It is important to maintain wellbore stability during drilling, especially in water sensitive shale and clay
formations. The rocks within these types of formations absorb the fluid used in drilling. This absorption causes the
rock to swell and may lead to a wellbore collapse. Surface hydration is one type of swelling in which water

molecules are adsorbed on crystal surfaces. Osmotic swelling is a second type of swelling. After the experiment, D
turned out to be the selected one to portray the Water Loss.


From the description and discussion that the author has explained, it can be concluded that the results of the
effects of various temperatures on the physical properties of low solid sludge systems with the addition of
biopolymers and bentonite extenders can be explained into several variables. First, the effect of high temperatures
illustrates the decline in values of the physical properties of mud, because this mud is not resistant to high
temperatures. This can cause the mud to become runny and have an adverse effect on drill mud samples, therefore
additive is needed to control the physical properties of mud. Next, on the results of the density measurement, the
ideal standard value is 8.50 - 9.50 ppg. It is seen that there is a decrease in the value of density along with the
increase in temperature. Only mud A and C1 do not meet standard values. Then, the value of plastic viscosity sludge
according to specifications is 10-15 cp. As the value of Plastic Viscosity increases, the mud that meets the
specifications is mud B2, C2, C3 and D. Thus, standard value for Yield Point is 15-25 lbs / 100ft2. The higher the
temperature causes the value decreases from Yield Point. Mud B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and D meet the standard
criteria. The higher the temperature causes the decrease in the value of 10 seconds gel strength and 10-minute gel
strength, the ideal mud for gel strength is the composition of sludge B1, B2, C1, C2 and C3. High temperatures also
cause high water loss rates. This is due to the lack of a Cl-filter and a high temperature control agent. The ideal
standard value of the filter rate is 4.0 - 9.0 cc and the one that meets the criteria is the composition of the sludge D.
The standard specifications for pulp thickness are 0.5 - 2.5 mm. The increase in temperature causes the value of
thick pulp to increase. All sludge compositions meet ideal standard values. Decreasing pH occurs every increase in
temperature, the majority of the sludge composition is included in the standard value specification with a range of
8.5 - 9.5. Thus, mud compositions for gel strength B, B2, B3, C1, C2, and C3 are preferable. Throughout the study,
the B1, B2,B3,C3 and D are selected to represent the perceived yield strength .This is analyzed to prevent corrosion
of drilling equipment. D turned out to be the selected one to portray the Water Loss. Finally, after the process of
analyzing laboratory tests the effect of high temperatures on the physical properties of low solids sludge is carried
out, it is seen that the composition of the sludge which is most commonly included in the mud standard
specifications is the composition of sludge B2, C2, C3 and D.


With a special mention to the Dean, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Vice Dean of Accounting and Finance,
Vide Dean of Student Affairs, Vice Dean of International Collaboration, the Head of Petroleum Department, the
Secretary of Petroleum Department. the Head of Quality Assurance and all colleagues. It was fantastic to have the
opportunity to work majority of my research in their facilities. What an environmental friendly place to work.
We are also grateful to all the following university staff: the office of student and alumni. Also, the general
affairs department and surely the finance and accounting department.
And finally, last but by no means least, also to everyone in the Faculty of Earth Technology and Energy,
Universitas Trisakti.


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