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Pasi traducere:

1. Add Welcome note in local language.

2. Update the Component/Sub Component field if needed. (you can use the KM button to have a look at
related documentation).
3. Create/Activity/Information/Collaboration with Internal: Creating an English translation SR for
translation collaboration.
4. Click Translate, translate everything into English (in Summary and Description), Save.
5. Change email address in child with yours, set contact method to Web.
6. Update the Child SR with Create/Activity/Note/GCH Translation SR Information with Internal
7. In the Child SR, click Create/Activity/Translation Collab with Public Audience. Translate the CUST
Problem description.
8. Transfer all attachments from Parent to Child SR. Make sure to mark them as Public. Check all
attachments to see if there are any customer notes in them that should be translated. We do not
translate print screens, logs, system information. If needed, the customer can set their system to English
with the engineer's guidance.
9. In Parent add a note, then an Outbound email and set the status to AIR:

Gentile cliente,

Abbiamo creato ed assegnato una Service Request tecnica in inglese all'equipe tecnica di riferimento.

Nel caso decidesse di lavorare in Inglese, questa SR di traduzione diventerà inattiva, e tutti gli
aggiornamenti saranno fatti sulla Service Request tecnica in inglese.

Cordiali saluti,
Cristina Andrei
Oracle Global Software Support – GCH

Closing the local Lgg SR when the customer chooses to continue in English:

[Converting an English Translation SR to Regular SR : GCSGCH, GCSSRM (Doc ID 1803591.1)]

1. Create a public Information/Collaboration in the local language SR:

The Customer has elected to work directly in the English SR instead of this local language SR. This SR is
being closed, as the technical work is continuing in the English SR 3-12569691881
2. Create an internal Information/Collaboration in the English language SR:
The Customer requested to discontinue translation collaboration and to work directly with you in this
SR. This English translation SR has been converted to a regular SR, and the associated local language SR
has been closed. Please work with the customer in English in this SR.
3. Convert the English Translation SR to a Regular SR: Change email address with the customer's one, SR
Header Maximize, Uncheck the SR Translation checkbox, Set substatus to Review Update

Fisiere atasate:

Make sure audience is properly set. (default is Internal)

We do not translate KM docs or documentation from the customer, such as legal docs, nor do we
translate error messages or screenshots- instead, customer should set his sys to Eng.
We do not translate info from screenshots.

SRs Created by ASR:

ASR (source): de contactat clientul inainte de a-l transfera ca sa confirme ca poate lucra in engleza.
Descrierea nu e facuta de client in ASR, deci trebuie verificat.


Reputable dictionaries (Oxford, Cambridge)
Wordreference, PROZ
Use another tool like Word or Notepad to prepare the translation.

Webex Collabs:

Translation Collaboration - Verbal Communication (Instruction): GCSGCH, GCSSRM(Doc ID 1803576.1)

Collab non tehnic pt OWC: 1 per Webex, inchidem collabul dupa fiecare webex.

Pt webex, inginerul ar trebui sa organizeze conferinta si sa ii trimita HUBului link.


 Nu traducem welcome noteul inginerului.

 Nota dupa ce am tradus ce a trimis clientul.

 Collabul in engleza in review update de fiecare data cand adaugam ceva (traducere, fisiere).

 Follow up dupa ce transferam pe English ca sa ne asiguram ca ajunge la grupul corect si un inginer.

Mereu schimbam limba, transferam cu 4- incorrect language.

 De convertit mereu orele in timezoneul clientului.

 Daca inginerul tehnic face referire la SRul lui, il inlocuim cu cel in limba locala. SRul de traducere in
engleza e intotdeauna intern.

 Sincronizam mereu parent SRul cu childul in Engleza: produs, componenta, subcomponenta, grup
(pt hw).

 Pt SRuri hardware lucrate in limba locala, uneori se schimba grupul de support si ajunge la o
echipa fara support in limba locala. Pt ele cerem inginerului dinainte un High Level Summary, pe
care il folosim cand deschidem noul SR.
 Daca inginerul e pe un alt fus orar, putem cere proactiv repatrierea de la CTC pt sev1, sev2.

Owning grups:
Pt sw, intotdeauna va fi HUB local lgg
Pt hw, grupul este de hw


Translation Collaboration - Written Communication (Instructions): GCSGCH, GCSSRM (Doc ID

Converting a Regular English SR to Translation Collaboration : GCSGCH, GCSSRM (Doc ID 1803593.1)
Converting an English Translation SR to Regular SR : GCSGCH, GCSSRM (Doc ID 1803591.1)

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