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Management Functions

The management function has a very important role in running an organisation. A

large organisation or company must have an excellent management function. Each
function plays a crucial role in the management process, contributing to the overall
effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. The 4 main functions of
management :

The planning management function is the initial stage in the management process that
involves planning work so that organisational activities can achieve targeted goals
effectively and efficiently. Planning involves several activities, such as determining
company goals and targets, developing strategies to achieve them, and determining
various resources that may be needed. A good plan allows the goals of the
organisation or company to be achieved, and also makes a strategy so that an
uncertainty can become more directed in the future. Planning also facilitates the
supervision process, becomes a basic reference and guide for the course of activities,
avoids mistakes that may occur, and makes the course of tasks and activities more
organised in each sector. Thus, the planning management function plays an important
role in setting the direction and strategy of the organisation to achieve the goals that
have been set.

Organising entails the efficient arrangement and coordination of resources to
implement planned actions. This function includes the establishment of an internal
organisational structure, maintenance of relationships, and allocation of resources
necessary to facilitate the execution of the plan. The organising function also helps in
facilitating coordination between team members, dividing tasks according to the
needs of the organisation, making each part of the organisation aware of its roles and
responsibilities, facilitating supervision, maximising the use of specific expertise
possessed by individuals in the organisation, optimising the use of the organisation's
budget, and helping to create harmonious working relationships among team

The leading function is a series of processes used so that each member in the
company can work together in achieving company goals. A manager must be able to
master the leading function so that the use of human resources in an organisation runs
optimally to get high performance. This function involves several activities such as
making decisions, communicating so that there is an understanding between leaders
and employees, encouraging, inspiring, and encouraging employees,
choose people who become employees, improve the knowledge and attitudes of
employees so that they are skilled in trying to achieve the goals that have been set.

The management control function is an integral part of the management process that
aims to measure, evaluate, and correct the organisation's performance in accordance
with the established plan. Some of the activities of control are:
Measuring and correcting performance, helping to maintain accountability, helping to
identify deviations, helping to improve employee motivation and performance,
appraisal and evaluation, etc.
Thus, the control function plays an important role in ensuring that the organisation
achieves its set objectives efficiently and effectively.
The functions of management are integral to an organisation's success, providing a
systematic approach to problem solving, decision making and goal achievement. By
performing these functions effectively, managers can steer their organisations towards
success and sustainability.

Nama : Muhammad Yuka

NIM : 2310551008
Jurusan/Smt : Manajemen/I
Kelas : M2

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