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I'm Francesca Fabbri, an Italian who has spent her entire life living as a guest in

various countries abroad. It's been the core of my existence, and I'm eternally grateful
for the variety of experiences I've witnessed and lived through. The tapestry of my life is
woven with the threads of diverse cultures, and I've come to appreciate the
interconnectedness of our global community. Helping those in need has always been a
calling for me, a way to give back for the blessings I've received. I find immense joy in
sharing what I have with others, fostering connections that transcend borders.I've often
been described as a social butterfly, and it rings true—I thrive on making new friends
and delving into the richness of their cultures. Every friendship is a window into a
different world, and I cherish the opportunity to learn and grow through these
connections.Cooking and traveling are two passions that color my life. In the kitchen, I
transform ingredients into a symphony of flavors, a reflection of the diverse culinary
influences I've encountered in my travels. Traveling, for me, is not just about visiting
places; it's about absorbing the essence of each location, understanding its people, and
appreciating the nuances of their way of life.My journey is a blend of exploration,
gratitude, and the shared warmth of friendships.

Throughout high school, I've had the chance to view life from various perspectives.
Being an active member of my student council, I contributed to various fundraisers,
ranging from bake sales to games. The funds we raised were directed towards
supporting homeless shelters and animal shelters, making a positive impact on our
community. I also had the opportunity to travel to Thailand, where I participated in
building a school in a village, and visited Nepal, spending days interacting with kids in a
local school. These experiences broadened my understanding of different cultures and
the global issues that communities face. As a member of the Model United Nations
(MUN) club, I found my passion for international relations. Engaging in diplomatic
simulations and discussions further fueled my interest in understanding and addressing
global challenges.
Academically, my keen interest lies in history, particularly modern history. I find great
fascination in analyzing how major destructive events could have been averted with
seemingly simple measures, and I enjoy delving into the roots of conflicts to gain a
thorough understanding. I have a unique approach to learning history—I like to immerse
myself in the past as if I were living through it, allowing me to empathize with the people
and events that shaped our world. One aspect of history that captivates me the most is
the intersection with art, especially the political and democratic dimensions. Exploring
how leaders make critical decisions and understanding the intricate dynamics of
political landscapes are aspects that truly resonate with me. It's not just about
memorizing facts; it's about appreciating the nuances and complexities that define
historical moments.I also thoroughly enjoy literature and art, as I am not extremely
creative and love to immerse myself in other people's creativity, somewhat making it my

While in university, my aspiration is to leverage my skills by teaching English to

less fortunate children. I view the ability to teach English as a valuable gift, one that I am
enthusiastic about sharing, particularly with those who may lack easy access to such
opportunities. My dream extends beyond borders; I envision traveling to underdeveloped
countries, sharing my experiences, and providing education to those in
need.Post-university, my aspirations soar, and I dream of working for the United Nations
Council on Women. In our unfortunate reality, women often face societal scrutiny simply
for being women. My passion is to lend a voice to those who are silenced—women living
under the shadows of segregation and constant conflict. My ultimate goal is to
contribute towards putting an end to the culture of fear that prevents women from
speaking out against abuse. Through my efforts, I aspire to make a meaningful impact
and be a force for positive change in the lives of women facing adversity.

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