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My first and only.

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Sigma
(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Dazai Osamu Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft Sigma (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Shy Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Adorable, Fluff, Love
Confessions, First Kiss, Picnics, Mentioned Fyodor Dostoyevsky
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Mentioned Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs), i
love them, THEY ARE SO POOKIES, The authors first language is not
english, How Do I Tag, the author cried while writing this, Dazai’s
birthday week 2023
Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Dazai's birthday week!
Stats: Published: 2023-06-25 Words: 1,536 Chapters: 1/1
My first and only.
by amanofideals


Our birthday boy was having a normal Sunday, laying on his couch and watching something
on the TV. Nothing special or out of the ordinary. Until…



ANYWAYY, enjoy this little fanfic!~ let me know if you want me to do a fanfic about a
specific ship and i will!

See the end of the work for more notes

A knock on the door. He barely gets visitors and he knows there’s nobody that would need
him on a Sunday.

He stands up and doesn’t hurry, he’s too lazy for that. Once he opens the door, there’s a single
letter on the ground and no one in sight.

“What in gods name is this…” he’s suspicious about the letter. What if it has some kind of
drug that can knock him out? What if it detonates a bomb nearby?! Who even is this letter

“From: Sigma. To: Dazai.” written big on the front of the envelope.

“Why would Sigma look for me…” his mind racing at all the possible outcomes. Is the Decay
of Angels coming after him? Is this something Sigma was forced to do by Fyodor?! Did
Fyodor find out he’s been seeing Sigma and having drinks with him?! Impossible. No, that
can’t be.

Upon opening the letter, it’s to his surprise to notice a small text that said “Meet me
tomorrow at 6 at our spot” that meaning the park where they’d be far away from both
agencies so nobody would see them drink together.

“Why this all of the sudden…” he mutters to himself. He has a weird feeling about it, but he
shakes it off. He’s great with thinking plans in a second so it won’t be difficult to escape if
shit goes down.
The next day rolls around, Dazai being anxious in his seat but he doesn’t show it. The
members of the agency threw him a little party with some cake and balloons for him in the
beginning of the day, the rest of the day being quite calm. Reports that had to be filled in and
so on, nothing out of the ordinary.

5 PM (17:00) comes. The working day is over and now Dazai can finally see Sigma at the
specific spot they have talked about. Or… Sigma insisted on meeting him at. He walks home
and changes into more normal clothes so nobody would recognize him, a thing both of them
have agreed on doing since they started hanging out more often. A pair of sweatpants, a black
hoodie and some sneakers are his usual outfit when going out to see Sigma.

Meanwhile, Sigma is preparing a little more than usual. See, Sigma is simply in love with
this bastard. Even if he hasn’t been around humans for long, he could understand that those
feelings are love after seeing Fyodor and Nikolai being so happily together in a relationship.
He realized he wants to have the same thing with his beloved mummy.

Sigma is already at their exact spot since 4 o'clock (16:00). He has prepares a picnic for the
two of them with food he made himself. Being the manager of the sky casino, you also need
to know how to cook, and god is he an amazing cook. He has prepared fresh crab and a little
cake for the two, a birthday cake he searched inspiration for. He doesn’t really celebrate
birthdays, since he’s not aware of his own, but he always sees Fyodor and Nikolai celebrating
theirs with cake and food so he thought this is the way of doing it. He knows Dazai eats a lot
of canned crab, so he wanted him to have something fresh for the first time.

After setting the blanket down, a familiar silhouette walks from the corner, cautiously and
aware of his surroundings. There’s nothing out of the ordinary. He notices Sigma doing his
usual activity while waiting, feeding the ducks and ducklings waiting for Dazai.

Now, the thing is, Dazai is also in love with this man, but he’s hiding it. He doesn’t know
how or when it happened, but they’ve gotten so close. Dazai has even opened up to him more
and more about his past, something Sigma doesn’t know barely any people know about him.
Most of his old partners don’t even know what Sigma knows.

“God he’s adorable…”

Is the only thing Dazai can think upon seeing Sigma feeding the ducks.

“Sigma?” he speaks up a little for Sigma to know about his presence and not get startled.

“Dazai-kun!” the man springs from the blanket and runs towards Dazai, giving him a warmer
hug than he usually would. It’s clear to Dazai that Sigma is nervous about something, but
what could it be? Is it just because they are together? You see, Dazai also knows Sigma
returns his feeling, since he’s able to read him like an open book. But he’s scared of causing
Sigma problems if they actually got together. He can’t have that. He’d feel so guilty if he
knew that Sigma has problems because of him.

“Come, come! Let’s feed the ducklings together!” the slightly red and nervously excited man
exclaims, as he returns to the blanket and sits down. Dazai is not far behind, sitting next to
him and wrapping his arm around the other mans shoulders, something they always do when
they are together, since Sigma enjoys the physical contact and Dazai feels the need to care for
such a precious and innocent being. They sit together for a few seconds, feeding the
ducklings together, both of them smiling as Sigma lets out a little giggle, feeling the
detectives hand caressing his arm gently. They lock eyes for a second, the split died hair man
almost having hearts in his eyes looking at the brunette and blushing once more.

Sigma breaks the eye contact and the little half cuddle for a few seconds as he reaches over
for the basket and takes out the fresh crab, two plates and utensils.

“Happy birthday, Dazai-kun.” are the words that leave his mouth as he places the food in
front of them.

Dazai looks at Sigma with the gentlest smile there could possibly come out of him.

“Thank you, Sigma. Is this the reason why you called me up to meet you?”

Sigma nods excitedly. “Yes! Now dig in! It’s fresh and still warm!” he starts opening the
container with the warm food and splits the food in 2 for the 2 man. Dazai let’s out a little
chuckle and takes the plate that’s offered to him, taking a test bite from the crab and his face
lighting up from the amazing taste.
“You made this, didn’t you?” mouth covered and half full with the second spoonful of crab.

Sigma nods once again. “You like it?”

“It’s the best crab i’ve ever eaten. Thank you.” he reaches over and gives Sigmas red cheek a
little stroke with his fingers. Sigma simply smiles. God he looks like an angel…

A few minutes pass by and both their plates are empty, Sigma looking satisfied with how
happy Dazai looks after finally eating a warm meal.

“That’s not all there is!” the man exclaims quietly, reaching over to the bag and taking out the
little cake he made. On the cake there’s written ‘Happy Birthday, My dear Dazai’ and the
number ‘24’ with chocolate icing. Dazais eyes widen. This is the last thing he expected to get
from someone he loves oh so dearly on his birthday. He finds it simply adorable as he reaches
over with his hand and cups Sigmas cheek, pulling him closer to give him a soft kiss on the
forehead. This is a thing that happens often, but it always makes Sigma blush. He can feel the
love that there is behind that little forehead kiss.

“Thank you, Sigma.” he pulls his head onto his chest, hugging him tightly. “You’re so
precious.” he whispers more, placing another kiss on Sigmas top head. Sigma looks up at
Dazai from his chest, locking eyes once again.

“And… there’s one more thing i need to tell you…” his voice grows quieter, shy and

“I’m all ears for you.” Dazai listens carefully, even pulls his hood down to hear better
whatever Sigma has to say.

After a deep breath to calm down a little, he speaks, his voice still quiet.
“I-I… really like you… Dazai-kun…” their eyes still locked the whole time. Dazais face
lights up with love and happiness, as he leans in and places a soft but passionate kiss on the
other mans lips, as a way of letting him know he feels the same. Sigma then wraps his arms
around Dazais shoulders, embracing him tightly, as Dazai puts his hands on Sigmas waist,
holding him close. After they break the kiss, Dazai speaks first.

“I really like you too, Sigma…” his voice gentler and happier than ever before, a little blush
on his face that’s clear to Sigma and a large smile. He tries to hold back his tears of
happiness, painfully failing as only one of them rolls down his cheek.

“W-why are you crying?!” Sigmas voice slightly louder, worried.

“Shhh…” he shushes the worried man, embracing him again.

“I’m just really happy, Sigma. People also cry when they are feeling strong emotions of

”Oh… I see…” he hugs his beloved detective back, tightly.

“I’m happy you’re happy, Dazai-kun.”

“Please, call me Osamu from now on, dear…”

There’s a little pause, before Sigma speaks again after a soft chuckle.

“Happy birthday, Osamu.”

End Notes


constructive criticism is welcomed!

tumblr: @avergenikolaikinnie (reposting fanarts and posting headcanons)

twitter: still in the making (i’m too lazy to make one yet)

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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