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Advantages of being famous :

1- Fame provides you with a wide reputation and special


2- One of the advantages of fame is that you feel your value in

this world because you realize the impact you have on the
lives of others, and you also have more possibilities available
to communicate with others.

3- Society's view of the famous person and its appreciation, the

material and social advantages he gets, and the many
invitations to travel.

4- One of the most important advantages of fame is the

formation of social relationships, the ease of reaching people
as quickly as possible, as well as the individual gaining prestige
among people.

5- Providing excellent financial income, as well as feeling

psychologically satisfied with this matter, and also the famous
person can obtain special privileges such as ease of travel and

6- Famous typically carries the meaning of "widely known," and

is often used positively.

7- Being famous generally means being richer. One of the

obvious advantages of being famous is that fame generally
brings a lot of wealth. Celebrities are generally wealthier than
the average Joe.

8- • Being richer. The greatest advantage of being a celebrity...

• Recognized locally and globally. Famous personalities are
recognized wherever they go. ...
• Various opportunities. ...
• Have supporting fans. ...
• Get special treatment everywhere they go...

9- Most people see fame as a way to feel important, to feel

loved, appreciated, and recognized by everyone around them.

10-Without fame Islam could not be spread, also some

prophets were famous and this is the reason of why we are
Disadvantages of being famous:

1- What is the ruling on seeking fame in Islam? The divorced

person has made it clear that it is hated, especially the
fame behind which there is interest or benefit, and it may
be forbidden.

2- Seeking fame is reprehensible in every case, and the

believer is humble, does not like to be pointed at with
fingers, and among the greatest things that spoil his striving
for his Lord: his love for fame, honor among people, and
leadership over them.

َ ‫ قَا َل َرسُو ُل‬: ‫) وصححه عن َك ْعب بْن َمالك قَا َل‬2376( ‫روى الترمذي‬
3- ‫ّللا‬
‫س َد لَ َها م ْن ح ْرص‬ َ ‫ ( َما ذثْ َبان َجائ َعان أُ ْرس َل في‬: ‫سلَ َم‬
َ ‫غنَم بأ َ ْف‬ َ ‫علَيْه َو‬ ُ َ ‫صلَى‬
َ ‫ّللا‬ َ
"‫ش َرف لدينه ) وصححه األلباني في "صحيح الجامع‬ ْ
َ ‫علَى ال َمال َوال‬ ْ
َ ‫ال َم ْرء‬

4- Ibn Taymiyyah , may God have mercy on him said: that the
Messenger of God peace be upon him, explained that, the
concern for money and honor in the corruption of religion
Not less than the corruption of the two hungry wolves to
the sheepfold ‫ب‬ َ ‫ص َوذَلكَ أَ َن ْالقَ ْل‬ ُ ‫يم َل َيكُونُ فيه َهذَا ْالح ْر‬ َ ‫فَإ َن الدينَ السَل‬
‫ش ْيء أَ َحبَ إلَيْه م ْن ذَلكَ َحتَى‬ َ ‫إذَا ذَاقَ َح َل َوةَ عُبُوديَته َلِل َو َم َحبَته لَهُ لَ ْم َيكُ ْن‬
‫ع ْن أَ ْهل ْاْل ْخ َلص َلِل السُّو ُء َو ْالفَحْ شَا ُء " انتهى من‬ َ ‫ف‬ ُ ‫ص َر‬ْ ُ‫علَيْه َوبذَلكَ ي‬ َ ُ‫يُقَد َمه‬
)10/215( "‫"مجموع الفتاوى‬
5- ‫وس م ْن‬َ ُ‫يرا َما يُخَالطُ النُّف‬ ً ‫ " كَث‬: ‫قال شيخ اْلسلم ابن تيمية رحمه هللا‬
‫علَ ْي َها تَحْ قيقَ َم َحبَت َها َلِل َوعُبُوديَت َها لَهُ َوإ ْخ َلص دين َها‬ َ ‫ش َه َوات ْالخَفيَة َما يُ ْفس ُد‬َ ‫ال‬
‫علَ ْيكُ ْم الرياء‬ ُ ‫ َما أَخ‬، ‫ف‬
َ ‫َاف‬ َ ‫َاريْب أَ ْمس بَابَقَايَا ْال َع َرب أَ ْخ َو‬ ُ ‫شد‬ َ ‫لَهُ َك َما قَا َل‬
‫قال حب الرئاسة‬، ‫ وما الشهوة الخفية؟‬: ‫والشهوة الخفية قيل ألبي داوود‬
6- Prophet Mohammed said “‫"إياكم والتمادح فإنه الذبح‬

7- Ibrahim bin Adham said" ‫" ما صدق هللا عبد أحب الشهرة‬

8- ."Ibrahim al-Nakha’i and al-Hasan al-Basri said: ‫"كفى فتنة أن‬

‫يشار اليه بالصابع في دين أو دنيا إل من عصمه هللا‬

9- Prophet Mohammed said that )‫(إن هللا يحب العبد التقي الغني الخفي‬
10- Prophet Mohammed said ( ‫من لبس ثوب شهرة ألبسه هللا يوم‬
)‫القيامة ثوب مذلة‬

11- Bishr bin Al-Harith said: who loves fame does not fear
Allah. He also said: “If you are known in a place, run away
from it, and if you see a man when they gather to him in a
place, he sticks to this place , and he desires that, then he
loves fame.”

12- ‫وهناك الكثير من الشيوخ الذين‬،‫ حب الظهور يقصم الظهور‬: ‫قديما قيل‬
‫تكلموا عن هذا الموضوع‬

13- some people sell their bodies for money or they will do

anything that hurt others

14- If you did a small mistake in front of the camera you might

get killed because of it.

15- A lot of people don’t care about your privacy so, they start

tracking you all the time like the paparazzi.

16- People want you to be on the trend also, they will make fun

of you if they didn’t like your look or anything

17- body shaming

18- stalkers

19- Mental problems

20- Psychological problems

21- slave to the internet

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