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Unit 1

**1. How is Geopolitics defined?**

a. A governmental policy guided by geopolitics
b. A combination of political and geographical factors related to something (such as a state or
particular resources)
c. A study of the influence of factors like geography, economics, and demography on politics
and foreign policy
d. A process of natural resource management

**2. What are Natural Resources defined as?**

a. Physical features
b. Found in nature
c. Economic value
d. Natural assets occurring in nature that can be used for economic production or consumption

**3. What is a characteristic of Natural Resources?**

a. Only found in specific locations
b. Abundant in all regions
c. All are renewable
d. Value remains constant over time and place

**4. Why might humans be interested in natural resources?**

a. Aesthetical or cultural value
b. Economic or practical value
c. Scientific value
d. All of the above

**5. During which societal stage did conflicts over territory become more likely according to the
a. Primitive societies
b. Pre-Industrial Societies
c. Industrial Societies
d. Post-Industrial Societies

**6. According to (Neo)-Realism, why do states compete for access and control over critical
a. To ensure equal distribution globally
b. To maximize power and ensure national survival
c. To avoid dependence on imports
d. To promote economic interdependence
**7. What does (Neo)-Liberalism emphasize in relation to natural resources?**
a. Economic interdependence can destabilize international relations
b. Absolute gains are less important than relative gains
c. Domestic politics have no influence on international politics
d. Free markets and strong international institutions can avoid geopolitical tensions over
natural resources

**8. According to Constructivism, how can natural resources be "securitized"?**

a. By ensuring global equal distribution
b. By assigning security value to them
c. By restricting access to certain countries
d. By making them publicly available

**9. What is a key aspect of Critical Theory/Marxism in the context of natural resources?**
a. Global North exploits Global South's natural resources
b. Natural resources promote equality in capitalist structures
c. Economic interdependence fosters cooperation
d. Capitalist structures eliminate power dynamics in international relations

**10. What element of geopolitics is highlighted in the case of conflict in the Eastern
a. Economic interdependence
b. National power and natural resources
c. Global equal distribution
d. Avoidance of geopolitical tensions

**11. What is the potential source of cooperation mentioned in the case?**

a. Market prices
b. Access and control over critical resources
c. Pipeline to find a solution
d. Dependence on imports

**12. What does the value of natural resources in the market depend on?**
a. Geopolitical stability
b. National power
c. Economic or practical value
d. All of the above

**13. What does (Neo)-Realism assume about dependence on imports of critical resources?**
a. It is not a significant strategic vulnerability
b. It is generally considered a significant strategic vulnerability
c. It promotes economic interdependence
d. It leads to global equal distribution

**14. What role does the professor play in the "game" mentioned in the information?**
a. Game leader
b. Market analyst
c. Participant
d. Rule enforcer

**15. According to the thoughts shared, what is important in navigating the international
a. Only being strategic with available resources
b. Only focusing on domestic politics
c. Being aware of market dynamics and the resources of other countries
d. Ignoring the value of natural resources in the global context

Unit 2:

**1. What is the term used for concentrations of naturally occurring materials in the Earth's crust
that are economically extractable?**
a. Deposits
b. Resources
c. Commodities
d. Marginal resources

**2. What is the term for resources whose location, grade quality, and quantity are known or can
be estimated from specific geologic evidence?**
a. Unidentified resources
b. Reserved resources
c. Identified resources
d. Economic resources

**3. What does the term "Resource Curse" refer to?**

a. A country's economic underperformance despite having valuable natural resources
b. Successful economic development due to natural resource abundance
c. Equitable distribution of wealth from natural resources
d. The paradoxical situation of having too little capital and labor force
**4. Which natural resources are linked to contributing to armed conflicts?**
a. Oil
b. Coal
c. Iron ore
d. Water

**5. According to the information, what can oil wealth lead to in terms of democracy?**
a. Strengthen democratic regimes
b. Push democratic regimes toward authoritarianism
c. Have no impact on political systems
d. Increase political stability

**6. What effect does the "rentier effect" have on countries with oil wealth?**
a. Reduces taxes and creates a patronage system
b. Strengthens democratic regimes
c. Leads to economic diversification
d. Encourages foreign investments

**7. What happened after the Arab Spring, according to the information?**
a. Successful transition to democracy
b. Government overthrow with no major changes
c. Civil war
d. Protests stopped with no major changes

**8. What are some consequences of the "Dutch Disease"?**

a. Increased competitiveness in non-resource tradable sectors
b. Economic decline in the non-resource tradable sector
c. More demand for non-tradable services
d. Enhanced economic growth in all sectors

**9. What is the purpose of a Sovereign Wealth Fund in the context of natural resources?**
a. Reduce dependency on oil
b. Increase government spending
c. Support the resource curse
d. Encourage resource extraction contracts

**10. How can natural resources impact gender equality, according to the information?**
a. Natural resources have no impact on gender equality
b. Oil causes gender inequality
c. Natural resources lead to increased female employment
d. Male jobs in natural resource sectors are unpaid

**11. What is the term for increasing one's share of existing wealth instead of creating new
a. Resource curse
b. Rent-seeking
c. Sovereign Wealth Fund
d. Dutch Disease

**12. What is the potential consequence of the resource curse when the bubble bursts?**
a. Economic growth
b. Increase in unemployment
c. Enhanced patronage systems
d. Political stability

**13. According to the information, what can make armed conflicts more likely in the presence
of natural resources?**
a. Strong democratic institutions
b. Weak institutions
c. Economic diversification
d. High levels of education

**14. In which situation is a coup d'état related to natural resources more likely to occur?**
a. To gain control over non-resource tradable sectors
b. To redistribute diffuse natural resources
c. To separate a region to control natural resource revenue
d. To support local grievances against the government

**15. What is one potential cause of local/regional grievance related to natural resources?**
a. Equitable distribution of benefits
b. Involvement of communities in decision-making
c. Destruction of livelihoods through natural resource extraction
d. Limited education and health systems

**16. According to the information, what is noticed about the Africa railroad network?**
a. It promotes sustainable exploitation policies
b. It supports local power structures
c. It was designed to exploit natural resources
d. It encourages democratic governance
**17. What is the term for a large raw material sector causing a decline in other sectors of the
a. Resource curse
b. Dutch Disease
c. Sovereign Wealth Fund
d. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

**18. How can countries avoid the resource curse, according to the information?**
a. Increase dependency on oil
b. Strengthen democratic regimes
c. Diversify the economy
d. Reduce transparency in policymaking

**19. What is one potential consequence of weak institutions combined with natural resource
a. Improved governance
b. Economic decline
c. Enhanced social cohesion
d. Strengthened accountability

**20. What is the purpose of joining the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)?**
a. To increase corruption
b. To promote transparency in resource extraction
c. To limit economic competitiveness
d. To discourage foreign investments

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