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Oral presentation guidelines

Groups: 4 or 5 people. Each person takes a turn to talk. No alternance of speakers.

Time: 4 minutes minimum. 5 minutes maximum. It will be timed.
Scheduled: Dec 11, Dec 13, Dec 18 and Dec 20.
Topic: thematic topics from the coursebook or topics from cultural notes or
collaborative project units. Choose appropriate topic. Adapt to your audience.
Final mark: as stated in the Course guide, this presentation weights up to 20% of
the final mark. If not a pass, cannot be retaken or redone. Individual marks for
each speaker.
Character: giving a presentation (not reading or speaking without minimum
preparation). Rehearse several times at home. Avoid videos.
Must-read material on Moodle to help you prepare the presentation and power
Assessed: structure of the presentation and appropriate vocabulary; power-point
presentation (timed, interesting, coherent, signposts…) delivery (fluency,
pronunciation, learnt, appropriateness and difficulty of the topic and vocabulary
used, appropriate gesturing and enthusiasm…)
Day of the presentation: turn up early. Prepare the power-point in advance.
Power point in PDF to ensure viewing. Have a back-up (flash-drive or laptop, as
the cloud does not work without internet connection). If someone in a group is
late, the next group may take over and start their presentation.
Wiki: use it to sign up and choose a slot. Changes might be done by the lecturer
as needed.

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