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English Class

Mrs. Cubillo
Argumentative Essay 10%
Student A: ___Audrey Brizuela___________
Student B: ____________________________


TOPIC: Should people limit themselves in fast food consumption?

Yes? No? Give your reasons and support them.


1. health 1. mental health

2. diseases

3. Weight Gain

2. money 1. Loss of a lot of money daily

2. Cost of Product is always going up

3. Poor financial manage

3. addiction 1. Ignorance on basic care like cooking

2. Dependance on others

3. Never leaving your comfort zone.

 Times New Romans # 12

 Indent each paragraph
 Spacing 2.0
 Justified
 Length: 400 words
Title:_Small Minds limit themselves

Paragraph 1 - Introduction

Paragraph 2 - Main idea 1

Paragraph 3 - Main idea 2

Paragraph 4 - Main idea 3

Paragraph 5 - Conclusion
Small Minds Limit Themselves

In this World one of the most common things to see is Fast Food. You can find fast food almost

everywhere nowadays and it’s easy to just buy it everyday without noticing the issues that we are going to

face in the long run. I don’t think people should limit themselves in fast food consumption. I believe is okay

to have some sort of balance with the food you eat and it’s okay to have a taste of something unhealthy here

and there but never taking it to an extent.

Health is one of the most important things in this world if not the most important one. Obviously, the

food you consume plays the most fundamental part in your health. Cheap Fast Food contains so many

chemicals and fat, there is a big number of calories in the food that these famous restaurants worldwide sell.

Processed preservatives used to give a unique taste to these meals can harm so much your health. When you

eat fast food on a daily basis you can suffer of memory loss, mood swings, energy goes downhill, learning

problems and it damages your overall brain function. You can even get depression just from eating too much

fast food without a limit. The list of diseases you can get from the chemicals added to the ingredients in

these foods is extremely long. There is studies and evaluations done by professionals that show us the charts

of people who suffer from diabetes type 2 are mainly people who eat junk food. It increases the risk of heart

disease, digestive problems (I speak from personal experience on this one), fatty liver etc. Of course, weight

gain is the most noticeable issue with eating fast food, it can happen really quick if you get too comfortable

so be careful. Gaining a lot of weight in a short-time period is very dangerous and it affects so much to your

self-esteem. Mainly the reason why you gain weight when you eat too much fast food is because they have a

lot of sugar and this makes your insuline goes all up, so if you eat too much of it you’ll suffer diseases,

weight gain and your brain will suffer too.

Now that I’ve talked to you a little but of how your body hurts when consuming fast food, I must tell you

that your wallet will also hurt. Like if your health suffering wasn’t enough, right? Well of course fast food is

a huge market that sells incredibly. One of the best markets today, I don’t know who had the idea of selling
it, but they are geniuses. It’s so easy to just go to a restaurant with a llamative colorful sign on top and buy

any meal that seems delicious, this constant cycle repeats often and that’s how you lose your savings on a

daily and next thing you notice you’ve spent so much important savings on a little burger full of terrible

chemicals that tasted okay and saved you time. There is no surprise when I tell you that our economy is

agonizing, and this affects everything we buy and sell. So, the big companies have to invest more money in

every single ingredient they use, that means the cost of the product should also go up, this is so they don’t

loose money and still win profit. Now you got to pay more money for something that is not worth it. Like I

said before I think it’s okay to buy sometimes if you know you can control yourself with your finances. The

demand of fast food is so high that people don’t even care. To be honest I don’t care so much either because

at the end of the day it’s their money anyway. If you can for sure afford it then this is not such a big issue.

The psychological area of people just consuming fast food all the time is very deep. People develop this

addiction to fast food very quickly and it blinds them completely, it’so sad. Is no surprise Fast Food tastes

very good and I think it’s mainly because they give it this specific taste that you can’t find in any other

homemade food so It forms an addiction to it. People wouldn’t be consuming fast food if it wasn’t pleasant

to their palate. This addiction also forms a lack of basic skills like cooking or even just doing small simple

meals that don’t require any effort. I personally think everyone should know how to cook because you

literally need food to live. You never leave that comfort zone that you yourself create when you really like

the same thing, staying in your comfort zone is very common and it’s not so damaging because people

normally get obsessed with other things that they just enjoy, in this case it’s something that really affects

you in so many aspects and that’s why it’s 100% not okay to stay there. The dependance in these companies

is real and it’s scary. I guess that’s why It’s such a success to sell it. It basically means you depend on others

if you just limit yourself in consuming fast food.

Personally, I think that It’s fine to go to restaurants and enjoy the food that they sell but it’s also important

to understand the difference between restaurants and fast-food restaurants. The experience of buying food is

very simple and I like that part of it, also tasting new meals you didn’t even know existed is cool, but putting

a barrier is not good for yourself and everybody should know that. This world wants everything to be easy

and accessible, but truth is sometimes you just have to do it yourself and learn. There’s nothing wrong with
trying what other offers you just have to be aware of what you are consuming and analize the consequences

you are going to have later so that you don’t end up surprised. I don’t think anyone should just eat fast food,

we should know how to eat healthy homemade food more. As long as you’re responsible and prudent with

your actions it's okay. Never limit yourself to the easy path.

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