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3 Looking at Living Things

3.1 Living things efer to Textbook
Sectional Exercise

A. True or false (6 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. All living things need to feed on others to live. F

2. Animals usually grow faster than plants. F

3. For plants, only the shy plant can react to stimuli. F

4. Non-living things can have some of the vital functions of living things. T
Integrated Exercise

5. Yeast is a kind of living thing. T

6. Not all living things can be seen with the naked eye. T

B. Matching (5 marks)

Match the following vital functions with ‘animals’ or ‘plants’ by writing the corresponding letters
a, b, etc. in the blanks below.
(Hint: Some vital functions are for both animals and plants.)
Spelling Corner

Vital functions
(a) Need food
(b) Need to breathe
(c) Usually detect and react to stimuli slowly
(d) Usually move faster
(e) Can reproduce
(f) Can excrete

Animals: a, b, d, e, f     Plants: a, b, c, e, f
Each answer (0.5m) Each answer (0.5m)
yeast 酵母菌
Looking at Living Things 3

C. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following are non-living things?

(1) Running water  (2) Grass (3) Bread mould (4) Fire

Sectional Exercise
A. (1) and (3) only B. (1) and (4) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (2) and (4) only B

2. A rabbit hides itself when it sees a hunter. This shows that the rabbit

Integrated Exercise
A. can grow.
B. needs to breathe.
C. needs food.
D. can detect and react to stimuli. D

3. The photos below show some sunflowers and salmons.

sunflower salmon Spelling Corner

Both of them are living things because
(1) they need to take in food.
(2) they need to breathe.
(3) they can reproduce.
(4) they can detect and react to stimuli.
A. (1) and (3) only B. (1), (3) and (4) only
C. (2), (3) and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4) C

3 Looking at Living Things

4. The electric robot dog on the right can move. It has sensors
so that it can detect and react to stimuli. However, it is
NOT a living thing because
(1) it does not grow.
(2) it does not need energy.
(3) it cannot reproduce.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) B
Sectional Exercise

5. The photo below shows a dandelion releasing seeds into the air. Which vital function of living
things is shown?
Integrated Exercise

A. Can move
B. Excrete
C. Can reproduce
D. Need food C

D. Questions (14 marks)

1. Which vital functions of living things does each of the following activities show? (7 marks)
Spelling Corner

(a) The bud of a sunflower turns to the Sun. Movement (1m)

(b) The leaves fall off from trees. Excretion (1m)

(c) A woman is having a baby. Reproduction (1m)

(d) Louis pulls his hand away from a hot object. Sensitivity (1m)

(e) Sarah is eating a sandwich. Nutrition (1m)

(f) Dennis gets breathless after running a 400 m race. Respiration (1m)

(g) Cheryl’s feet are getting bigger and she needs

a new pair of shoes. Growth (1m)

sensor 感應器
dandelion 蒲公英
Looking at Living Things 3

2. The picture below shows the living room of Angie’s home.


Sectional Exercise

Integrated Exercise
(a) Apart from Angie and Bobby, write down FOUR living things and FOUR non-living
things found in Angie’s home above. (4 marks)

Living thing Non-living thing

spider/corals/fish/plant/rose fish tank/cupboard/table/chair/door

(Any four; 0.5m each) (Any four; 0.5m each)

Spelling Corner
(Or any other reasonable answers)

(b) State TWO vital functions of living things shown by Bobby. (2 marks)
Bobby can move (1m) and needs to breathe. (1m)

(c) There is a wide variety of living things in Angie’s home. Other than animals and plants,
state another kind of living thing that can also be found in Angie’s home. (1 mark)
Microorganisms (1m)

Total Score :   / 30

3 Looking at Living Things

3.2 Grouping of living things efer to Textbook


A. True or false (6 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Classification is only useful in science. F

2. Some living things in the world have not been identified by scientists. T

3. All invertebrates live on land. (Jellyfish and lobsters are invertebrates that live in the ocean.) F
Sectional Exercise

4. Reptiles use lungs for breathing. T

5. A turtle is an amphibian as it can live in water and on land. F

6. The body temperatures of small birds are usually affected by the surroundings. F

B. Multiple-choice (8 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.
Integrated Exercise

1. Some animals are classified into two groups as shown below.

Group 1 Group 2

dolphin salmon

parrot tadpole

penguin seahorse

The animals are classified according to

A. what they eat.
Spelling Corner

B. how they breathe.

C. where they live.
D. how they reproduce. B

2. Which of the following animals has/have lungs for breathing?

(1) Killer whale (2) Whale shark (3) Sea turtle

A. (1) only B. (3) only

C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only C

Looking at Living Things 3

Directions: Questions 3 and 4 refer to the following description.

Hayley classifies six animals into two different groups as shown below.

Group P

Sectional Exercise
Group Q

Integrated Exercise
3. Which of the following combinations about the animals in Group P and Group Q is correct?
Group P Group Q
A. Amphibians Reptiles
B. Mammals Amphibians
C. Mammals Reptiles
D. Vertebrates Invertebrates C

Spelling Corner
4. All of the above animals have
(1) a backbone.
(2) hair.
(3) lungs.
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only C

5. Which of the following statements about mammals is correct?

A. Mammals live on land.
B. Mammals give birth to live young.
C. Male mammals do not have mammary glands.
D. The body temperatures of all mammals are the same. B

3 Looking at Living Things

6. Which of the following plants does NOT have structure X shown

on the right? structure X

A. Carrot
B. Fern
C. Grass
D. Moss D cross section of
a stem

7. Which of the following is a vascular plant without seeds?

Sectional Exercise

A. B.

C. D.
Integrated Exercise

8. Which of the following statements about seed plants is/are correct?

(1) All seed plants are vascular plants. (All seed plants have vascular tissues.)
(2) All non-flowering plants are seedless plants. (Some non-flowering plants produce seeds,
for example, pines.)
(3) All seed plants are flowering plants. (Some seed plants do not produce flowers, for example, pines.)
Spelling Corner

A. (1) only B. (2) only

C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only A

C. Fill in the blanks (7 marks)

1. Most animals on Earth are (a) invertebrates . They do not have a (b) backbone .
The remaining are vertebrates.

2. Vascular plants have (a) vascular tissues for transporting water,

(b) nutrients and (c) minerals through the roots, stems and leaves.

3. Non-vascular plants are usually found in (a) damp places. They absorb water
through the body surface as they have no (b) roots .

Looking at Living Things 3

D. Questions (25 marks)

1. Are the following two statements correct? Explain your answer.

(a) Sea turtles and frogs belong to two different groups of vertebrates. (6 marks)

Sectional Exercise
This statement is (i) correct (1m) (correct / incorrect). Sea turtles belong to
(ii) reptiles (1m) , and their bodies have (iii) hard and dry scales (1m) . Frogs belong
to (iv) amphibians (1m) and they have (v) moist skin (1m) but no (vi) scales (1m) .

(b) Penguins are not birds as they cannot fly. (4 marks)

This statement is (i) incorrect (1m) (correct / incorrect).

Integrated Exercise
Penguins have a (ii) beak (1m) for feeding and have
(iii) feathers (1m) over the body. Their body temperatures
(iv) are not (1m) (are / are not) easily affected by the surroundings.

2. Complete the table below to compare between fern and pine. (8 marks)

Fern Pine

Vascular plant /
(a) vascular plant (1m) (b) vascular plant (1m)
non-vascular plant?

Spelling Corner
Seed plant /
(c) seedless plant (1m) (d) seed plant (1m)
seedless plant?

Flowering plant /
(e) non-flowering plant (1m) (f) non-flowering plant (1m)
non-flowering plant?

Method for reproduction

produces (g) spores (1m) produces (h) cones (1m)

for reproduction which contain seeds for

3 Looking at Living Things

3. The photos below show the leaves of some plants that can be found in Hong Kong.

Sectional Exercise

(a) Observe their features and use the key to identify them. (4 marks)

Plants W to Z

Leaves are Leaves are not

heart-shaped heart-shaped
Integrated Exercise

Bauhinia Leaves have Leaves have

smooth edge toothed edge

Leaves have Leaves have
parallel veins branched veins

Bamboo Chinese Banyan

Spelling Corner

Plant W: Bauhinia (1m)

Plant X: Chinese Banyan (1m)

Plant Y: Hibiscus (1m)

Plant Z: Bamboo (1m)

(b) Using the information in the key, state the key features of the leaves of Chinese
Banyan. (3 marks)
The leaves are not heart-shaped. (1m)

They have smooth edge (1m) and branched veins. (1m)

Total Score :   / 46

Bauhinia 洋紫荊 Hibiscus 大紅花 branched vein 網狀脈 Chinese Banyan 細葉榕
edge 邊緣 parallel vein 平行脈 Bamboo 竹
Looking at Living Things 3

3.3 Living things and habitats efer to Textbook


A. Multiple-choice (3 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Both polar bears and walruses can survive the polar region.

Sectional Exercise
polar bear walrus

Which of the following is/are the common feature(s) they share to help them adapt to a cold

Integrated Exercise
(1) Both of them are covered with thick dense fur.
(2) Both of them have a thick layer of fat under skin.
(3) Both of them have hair colour for camouflage.
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only B

2. Which of the following combinations about the living thing and its habitat is INCORRECT?

Spelling Corner
Living thing Habitat
A. Scorpion Desert
B. Squid Ocean
C. Water lily Polar region
D. Zebra Grassland C

3. Which of the following is NOT the adaptation of an egret for living

in a wetland?
A. Long legs to walk in water
B. Wings for flying
C. Long pointed beak to catch prey
D. White feathers for camouflage D

3 Looking at Living Things

B. Matching (4 marks)

Match the following animals with the correct groups of vertebrates and habitats. The first one has
been done for you as an example.

Animal Group of vertebrates Habitat

(a) (1) Birds (i) Desert

Sectional Exercise

(b) (2) Fish (ii) Wetland

(c) (3) Reptiles (iii) Tropical rainforest

Integrated Exercise

(d) (4) Mammals (iv) Freshwater pond

(e) (5) Amphibians (v) Ocean

Spelling Corner

(a) 2 v    (b) 1 ii    (c) 4 i    (d) 5 iv    (e) 3 iii

Each answer (0.5m)

C. Fill in the blanks (6 marks)

1. The natural environment where a living thing lives is called a (a) habitat . For
example, chimpanzees and parrots live in a (b) tropical rainforest .

Looking at Living Things 3

2. Polar bears live in the (a) polar region . Their white hair provides
(b) camouflage to help them hide in the ice while looking for prey. They also have a
(c) thick layer of fat under skin to keep them warm in the cold weather. These
special body features help them (d) adapt to their habitat.

D. Questions (5 marks)

Sectional Exercise
1. Study the information below and answer the questions that follow.

Cactus Features
• Needle-like leaves
• Extensive roots
• Thick stem


Integrated Exercise
• Does not sweat
• With a large hump
• Large feet
• Bushy eyelashes

(a) In which habitat do these living things live? (1 mark)

Desert (1m)

Spelling Corner
(b) Which feature above
(i) prevents a camel from sinking into the sand? (1 mark)

Large feet (1m)

(ii) protects the camel’s eyes from sandstorms? (1 mark)

Bushy eyelashes (1m)

(iii) helps a cactus absorb water from the soil surface? (1 mark)

Extensive roots (1m)

(iv) helps a cactus reduce water loss? (1 mark)

Needle-like leaves (1m)

Total Score :   / 18

hump 駝峰
3 Looking at Living Things

3.4 Biodiversity efer to Textbook

& 3.5 Reduction in biodiversity

A. True or false (4 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Biodiversity is the existence of many different kinds of living things. T

2. Tropical rainforests and deserts have the greatest biodiversity on Earth. F

Sectional Exercise

(Tropical rainforests and coral reefs have the greatest biodiversity on Earth.)
3. All microorganisms are harmful to other living things. F

4. All the living things in an ecosystem are interdependent on each other. T

B. Multiple-choice (2 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following roles of animals in an ecosystem is INCORRECT?

A. Honey bees can help plants reproduce by spreading pollen.
Integrated Exercise

B. Cows produce manure which will cause serious pollution.

C. Small fish acts as the food source for some water birds.
D. Earthworms move in the soil to help keep the soil loose and moist. B

2. Humans depend on plants and animals for resources such as

(1) raw materials.
(2) food.
(3) medicines.
(4) oxygen.
Spelling Corner

A. (1) and (2) only B. (1), (2) and (3) only

C. (1), (2) and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4) D

C. Fill in the blanks (3 marks)

1. Biodiversity is important for keeping the ecosystem sustainable and providing

resources for humans.

2. Some living things are no longer exist now due to natural causes. We say they are
(a) extinct . Human activities also affect biodiversity. Some living things are in
danger of extinction and they are known as (b) endangered species .

manure 糞肥
Looking at Living Things 3

D. Questions (10 marks)

1. Which of the following are endangered species? Put a ‘✓’ in the appropriate box(es).
(Note: One mark would be deducted for each wrong answer.) (2 marks)

a b c

Sectional Exercise
Green turtle 3 Tropical coral fish Green pitcher plant 3

(0.5m) (0.5m)

d e f

Integrated Exercise
Black-faced spoonbill 3 Morning glory Romer’s tree frog 3

(0.5m) (0.5m)

2. The graph below shows the change in the number of extinct species and human population
since 1800.
Change in the number of extinct species and human population

60,000 8,000

Spelling Corner
Number of extinct species 6,000
Number of 40,000 Human
extinct Human population population
species 30,000 (millions) 4,000 (millions)
0 0









(a) What conclusion can you draw from the graph? (2 marks)
Since 1950, the number of extinct species (i) increases (1m) rapidly. This is probably
due to the rapid increase in (ii) human population (1m) .

morning glory 牽牛花

3 Looking at Living Things

(b) Apart from overexploitation, state TWO other human activities that may cause species
to become extinct. (2 marks)
Destruction of habitats (1m) and pollution (1m)

(c) The number of Aquilaria sinensis in Hong Kong is dropping quickly in recent years as
people tried to cut it down to make money. It is classified as ‘vulnerable’ on the IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species.
Sectional Exercise

(i) Aquilaria sinensis is said to be overexploited. State the meaning of

overexploitation. (2 marks)
Integrated Exercise

Overexploitation refers to the use of (1) natural resources (1m) faster

than they can (2) replenish (1m) .

(ii) Name TWO uses of Aquilaria sinensis. (2 marks)

Making incense (1m) and medicine (1m)

Total Score :   / 19

Spelling Corner

3.6 Conservation efer to Textbook


A. True or false (4 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Conservation means protecting the environment to save plants and animals from
becoming extinct. T

2. Keeping endangered animals as pets is a good way to help protect wildlife. F

3. We should avoid buying products such as crafts or clothing made from endangered
species. T

4. Reducing the use of air-conditioning is a way to practise the 3Rs principle of

conservation. T

Aquilaria sinensis 土沉香

vulnerable 易危
Looking at Living Things 3

B. Multiple-choice (2 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is NOT the 3Rs principle of conservation?

A. Recycle
B. Reduce
C. Regenerate
D. Reuse C

Sectional Exercise
2. Which of the following is NOT a way of conserving natural resources?
A. Catching only the small fish in the sea
B. Recycling aluminium cans and plastic bottles
C. Using a handkerchief instead of tissue paper
D. Using cotton waste from the factories to grow mushrooms A
(Farmers in Hong Kong used cotton waste for mushroom cultivation in
a large scale during the 1970s to the early 1990s.)

C. Questions (13 marks)

Integrated Exercise
1. Match the following daily life activities with the 3Rs principle of conservation. Some situations
might match more than one ‘R’. (5 marks)
(a) Use rechargeable batteries instead (b) Put aluminium cans into the
of disposable batteries recycling bin

Spelling Corner
Reduce (1m) Recycle (1m)

(c) Choose products sold in refill packs (d) Avoid using straws to drink

Reduce (1m) and reuse (1m) Reduce (1m)

3 Looking at Living Things

2. The following shows a menu commonly seen in a Chinese banquet.

Menu 菜譜
Suckling pig and barbecued meats 喜慶乳豬大拼盤
Fried scallop with celery 彩鳳玉帶子
Shark fin soup 紅燒八珍魚翅
Sectional Exercise

Steamed Napoleon wrasse 清蒸大蘇眉

Fried noodles 幸福燴伊麵
Fried glutinous rice 生炒糯米飯
Sweet soup 清潤甜點
Fresh fruits 合時鮮水果

(a) Many people like eating shark fin soup in Chinese banquets. What consequences may
be caused by this eating habit? (4 marks)
Integrated Exercise

The number of sharks will (i) decrease (1m) rapidly because they are
(ii) excessively hunted (1m) for their fins. As living things in a habitat are
(iii) interdependent (1m) on each other, if sharks become (iv) extinct, other species
will also be affected (1m) .

(b) State TWO measures that the government can do to save sharks. (2 marks)
Making laws to restrict the hunting of sharks (1m) / Controlling the import of shark fins (1m) /

Reducing water pollution (1m)

Spelling Corner

(Or any other reasonable answers)

(c) Some marine species are also endangered due to overhunting by humans. Napoleon
Wrasse is one of the examples. How can we help protect these species? (1 mark)
We can help protect these species by eating seafood coming from sustainable fisheries (1m)

(d) Name ONE other edible fish that is also an endangered species. (1 mark)
Bluefin tuna (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

Total Score :   / 19

banquet 宴會 edible 可食用的

Napoleon wrasse 大蘇眉
Looking at Living Things 3

A. True or false (8 marks)
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Plants do not excrete as they do not take in food. F

2. A key can only be used to distinguish between plants and animals. F

Sectional Exercise
3. Amphibians use lungs to breathe on land and use gills to breathe in water. F
(Young amphibians have gills for breathing in water; while adults breathe through lungs and skin.)
4. All flowering plants live on land. F
(Some flowering plants live in water, for example, water lilies.)
5. Biodiversity is important for keeping the ecosystem sustainable. T

6. Plants will never become endangered species. F

7. Switching off unnecessary lights can help conserve the environment. T

8. Reducing pollution is a way to protect endangered species. T

B. Multiple-choice (9 marks)

Integrated Exercise
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. The following photos show a plant called Venus flytrap. It can trap insects and digest them.



Spelling Corner
According to the photos above, which of the following vital functions of living things does
Venus flytrap show?
(1) Need food
(2) Can Reproduce
(3) Can Move
A. (1) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only C

2. Which of the following is the key feature of most plants?

A. They live in water or damp places.
B. They produce flowers.
C. They have vascular tissues.
D. They make their own food by photosynthesis. D

Venus flytrap 捕蠅草

digest 消化
3 Looking at Living Things

3. Which of the following is a vertebrate?

A. B. C. D.

Sectional Exercise

Directions: Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following groups of animals.

Groups of animals
(1) goose, duck, penguin
(2) whale, kangaroo, rabbit
(3) butterfly, dragonfly, housefly
(4) tortoise, crocodile, snake

4. Which group(s) of animals lay(s) shelled eggs?

Integrated Exercise

A. (1) and (4) only B. (2) and (3) only

C. (1), (2) and (4) only D. (1), (3) and (4) only A

5. Which group(s) of animals’ body temperatures are not easily affected by the surroundings?
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1), (2) and (4) only
C. (2), (3) and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4) A

6. The key below is used to classify three plants.

Vascular plants
Spelling Corner

With seeds Without seeds

With flowers Without flowers


Which of the following is the correct combination of the three plants?

A. Pine Tulip Fern
B. Tulip Fern Moss
C. Tulip Pine Fern
D. Pine Fern Moss C

dragonfly 蜻蜓
Looking at Living Things 3

7. The following diagram shows a key to classify different animals.


With legs Without legs

X Y With gills Without gills

Sectional Exercise
Clownfish Jellyfish
Have Do not Have Do not
hair have hair scales have scales

Panda Penguin Crocodile Frog

Which of the following can be the correct combinations of X and Y?

A. Lay eggs on land Do not lay eggs on land

Integrated Exercise
B. Have lungs for breathing Have gills for breathing
C. Body temperature not easily Body temperature changes
affected by the surroundings with the surroundings
D. Have two legs Have four legs C

8. Mikania is a foreign species to Hong Kong. It is a climber plant that comes from South and
Central America. It grows quickly, climbs up and covers other plants to get more sunlight.

Spelling Corner
Which of the following can be the possible effect(s) brought by Mikania which can affect the
biodiversity in Hong Kong?
(1) Mikania may release toxins that can kill the plants nearby.
(2) Mikania may block the sunlight from reaching other plants.
(3) Mikania may compete for nutrients and water with the plants nearby.
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only D

3 Looking at Living Things

9. An animal called platypus lives in Australia. Which of the

following key features shows that it is a mammal?
A. It produces milk to feed the young.
B. It feeds on other animals.
C. It has webbed feet.
D. It builds a nest and lays eggs. A
Sectional Exercise

C. Questions (33 marks)

1. Shirley carries out an experiment to study how water is transported in a plant. She adds some
water to the beaker followed by a few drops of food colouring. She then puts a rhubarb stem
into the food colouring solution.

rhubarb stem rhubarb

Integrated Exercise

food colouring

(a) Why is it necessary to add food colouring to the water? (2 marks)

As water is (i) colourless (1m) , it is necessary to use food colouring to add
some colours for (ii) easier observation (1m) of the uptake of water by the plant.
Spelling Corner

(b) After two hours, Shirley takes the rhubarb stem out and makes sections from the bottom
using a knife. She finds that some parts of the cross section are stained.

(i) Explain this phenomenon. (2 marks)

The rhubarb stem is stained by the (1) food colouring solution (1m) .
This indicates that the water has transported inside the stem. The stained parts in
the stem are the (2) vascular tissues (1m) of the stem.

(ii) Apart from water, state TWO more substances that can be transported in the
stem. (2 marks)

Nutrients (1m) and minerals (1m)

platypus 鴨嘴獸 rhubarb 大黃

webbed 有蹼的 stained 染色
Looking at Living Things 3

2. Yangtze finless porpoise is a kind of finless porpoise which mainly lives in the western Yangtze
River in China. Study its profile below and answer the questions that follow.

Species profile
Name: Yangtze finless porpoise
Status: Critically endangered
Remaining population: Around 1000

Sectional Exercise
Habitat: Freshwater river and lake
Diet: Fish, shrimp and squid
Average lifespan: 10 - 30 years

(a) Yangtze River is near to large cities, factories and power plants. Pollution is one main
problem. Give THREE examples of pollutants that are harmful to the aquatic animals in
the river. (3 marks)

Integrated Exercise
Exhaust gases, (1m) sewage (1m) and chemical waste (1m)

(Or any other reasonable answers)

(b) Overfishing is another problem in the Yangtze River. Briefly explain why it leads to the
decrease in number of Yangtze finless porpoises. (2 marks)
Overfishing causes the (i) decrease in the food source (1m) of Yangtze
finless porpoises as they mainly feed on (ii) fish, shrimp and squid (1m) .
They cannot find enough food to support their lives and soon will die.

Spelling Corner
(c) Yangtze finless porpoises can only start to reproduce after 4 to 6 years old. Suggest a
reason why this can also lead to their reduction in number. (1 mark)

They may die before they can reproduce. (1m)

(d) To save Yangtze finless porpoises, the Chinese government has moved some of them to
a new place to live. State TWO other conservation methods to protect Yangtze finless
porpoises. (2 marks)

Ban the discharge of sewage into Yangtze River; (1m) and set up a fishing ban period in

Yangtze River. (1m)

(Or any other reasonable answers)

Yangtze finless porpoise 長江江豚

Yangtze River 長江
3 Looking at Living Things

3. Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

Adaptation of a hedgehog to survive the winter

Hedgehogs hibernate in winter. Before

hibernation, they take in a lot of food to
store fat under the skin to keep them
Sectional Exercise

warm. Hedgehogs can regulate their body

temperatures which are not easily affected
by the surroundings.

During hibernation, their body temperature and heart rate will become
lower to save the energy used by their bodies. Hedgehogs will also curl up
into a ball. This can reduce the exposed body surface area to reduce the
heat loss. When spring returns, their body will return to normal gradually
and they will wake up.
Integrated Exercise

(a) Hedgehogs have hair which is modified into spines.

(i) Which group of vertebrates do hedgehogs belong to? (1 mark)

Mammals (1m)

(ii) State TWO reasons to support your answer in (a)(i). (2 marks)

They have hair (1m) and can regulate their body temperatures which are not easily affected

by the surroundings. (1m)

Spelling Corner

(iii) Apart from reducing heat loss, hedgehogs will also curl into a ball when they are
in danger. Briefly explain why. (1 mark)

The sharp spines can protect them from being attacked. (1m)

(b) Hedgehogs are commonly found in grassland. The diagram below shows the interaction
between hedgehogs and other animals living in the same habitat.

eaten by eaten by

oak leaves snail hedgehog

hedgehog 刺猬 spine 刺
hibernate 冬眠
Looking at Living Things 3

If the number of snails decreases, how would this affect the numbers of oak trees and
hedgehogs? (2 marks)
The number of oak trees would increase. (1m)

The number of hedgehogs would decrease. (1m)

4. Sustainable forest management has become more popular in recent years. It can help restore
the forests and the habitats of living things. The diagram below shows the life cycle of a
sustainable forest.

Sectional Exercise
Life cycle of a sustainable forest

1 year old 10 years old 25 years old 30 years old

Integrated Exercise
seedlings young trees mature trees felled trees

(a) Why are sustainable forests important to help protect biodiversity? (3 marks)

Spelling Corner
Cutting down trees will lead to the (i) destruction of habitats (1m) of living things.
Living things cannot survive and this results in (ii) reduction of biodiversity (1m) .
Sustainable forests can help restore forests by replacing felled trees with
(iii) seedlings (1m) and allow them to grow into mature trees, so that the forests will
not be used up.

(b) State TWO ways that we can do to help conserve the forests. (2 marks)
Tree planting (1m) / Reduce paper use (1m) / Reuse paper (1m)

(Or any other reasonable answers)

sustainable forest management 森林可持續經營

felled 被砍伐的
3 Looking at Living Things

5. The following marine animals are very similar. They include manatee, sea lion, seal and
walrus. These marine animals have flippers which are flattened limbs for swimming.
Sectional Exercise

Animal P Animal Q
Integrated Exercise


Animal R Animal S

(a) Study their body features carefully. Use the key below to identify the four animals.
(4 marks)
Marine animals
Spelling Corner

With four Without four

flippers flippers

With tusk Without tusk

With ear flaps Without ear flaps

Sea lion Seal

manatee 海牛 flipper 鰭足 tusk 長牙

walrus 海象 flattened limb 扁平的肢
Looking at Living Things 3

Animal P: Manatee (1m)     

Animal Q: Sea lion (1m)

Animal R: Seal (1m)     

Animal S: Walrus (1m)

(b) Sea lions, seals and walruses can be found in the polar region. Their body temperatures
are not easily affected by the surroundings.

Sectional Exercise
(i) Suggest which group of vertebrates they belong to. (1 mark)

Mammals (1m)

(ii) State another body feature that enables them to survive in the cold weather.
(1 mark)

They have a thick layer of fat under the skin. (1m)

(iii) Name another group of vertebrates that may also be found in the polar region.
(1 mark)

Integrated Exercise
Birds (1m)

(iv) Give ONE example of animals in the polar region that belong to the group
mentioned in (b)(iii). (1 mark)

Penguins (1m)

Total Score :   / 50

Spelling Corner

3 Looking at Living Things

Look at each group of figures below. Use one key term in science to describe the figures. The
letters forming the missing part of the key term can be found on the right.
Sectional Exercise


Key term: I N V E R T E B R A T E S

Integrated Exercise


Key term: R E P T I L E S

Spelling Corner

Key term: E N D A N G E R E D SPECIES


Key term: M A M M A L S


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