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1. What kind of chart? What does it do? What unit does it use to compare? What is it comparing? In what time span?


1. Overall trend

2. Compare/Contrast


1. The initial year

a. Describe the starting position for each data

2. The next interval

a. compare/contrast


1. The final year

a. describe the extremes

b. Compare and contrast

Introduction Questions:

1. What's the title of your favorite song, and who is it by?

2. How did you first come across this song?

Personal Connection:

3. What personal memories or experiences do you associate with this song?

4. Is there a specific line or lyric from the song that resonates with you deeply? If so, why?

5. Has your perspective or appreciation of the song changed over time?

Musical Elements:

6. What particular aspect of the song stands out to you most — is it the lyrics, melody, rhythm, or something else?

7. How would you describe the overall mood or emotion of the song?

Universal Themes:

8. Do you think the song touches on any universal themes or emotions that others can relate to?

9. In what ways do you believe this song is relevant to listeners across different cultures or backgrounds?


10. Would you recommend this song to others in the club? Why or why not?

11. Are there other songs by the same artist or within the same genre that you'd also recommend?

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