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Compare and contrast the concepts of art according to Western thought and Filipino
notion of personhood or pagkatao. Explain briefly.

Western Thought
Western thinking depicts the history, people, scenery, and wildlife of North America's western areas in
two or three dimensions in a very realistic impressionist style. This style is directly relevant to
American western culture.

Filipino Notion of Personhood or Pagkatao.

The Filipino concept of "kapwa," or "shared self," explores what it means to be a Filipino. The concept
of a "shared self" opens the heart to the other. It connects the deepest elements of a person to anyone
outside of him or her, including complete strangers. It makes no difference whether you are rich or
poor, or how important you are in society, here.

One way to look at Filipino identity in art positively is to examine how Philippine art fits into western
art and how these two styles are coming together and functioning well together. We can witness the
most vivid images of how people interact and what our culture means to us through the arts. Thinking
about the arts is like thinking about an artist's or cultural group's mental blueprint. The fundamental
distinction between Western art and Filipino art is that Western art is only created by educated people,
it is for the wealthy, and it has a hierarchy. From a Filipino perspective, there are no such distinctions,
and everyone has the same opportunities to participate in the artistic and creative processes. On the
other side, a good way to think about Filipino identity in the arts is to see Philippine art as a hybrid of
Western and indigenous styles, with the two types complementing each other well.

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