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Term 2

Title : King Solomon

Date : 20 October 2023

Area of Development : Bible

Objectives :

 To be able to know King Solomon’s story.

 To be able to learn from King Solomon’s story.

A story that I learnt was a story from King Solomon. The teacher showed me the pictures of it.
The pictures were very interesting. I was really excited in listening and paying attention to every
picture that was given by the teacher. The story taught me that I should be a wise person since in
the story, God asked about King Solomon’s desire and he answered that he would like to get
wisdom to know bad and good things. Then, God gave wisdom and also wealth. After that, my
teacher asked me to do a worksheet to make a crown of King Solomon. I could do it nicely.

Term 2

Title : Elisha’s Story

Date : 27 October 2023

Area of Development : Bible

Ojectives :

 To be able to know Elisha’s story.

 To be able to learn from Elisha’s story.

A new story that I got was a story from Elisha. My teacher showed me an interesting video about
Elisha. I paid really attention to the teacher when she explained how Elisha earned money from
unpredictable oil. The oil was suddenly much even though it seemed impossible. Then, she also
gave me questions related to the story. It was so fun since I could answer the question correctly. I
could follow the lesson nicely.

Term 2

Title : Review the story of King Solomon

Date : 03 November 2023

Area of Development : Bible

Objectives :

 To be able to know King Solomon’s story

 To be able to learn from King Solomon’s story

Previously, my teacher had given the story of King Solomon. She revised the plot of the story
and she asked some questions to the class. When my teacher asked, I could raise my hand to
answer the question. She said “good job”. After that, she asked me to make a craft of King
Solomon’s craft. I made it from paper and decorated it with three pompoms which were given by
my teacher. I could do it nicely.

Term 2

Title : King Josiah

Date : 10 November 2023

Area of Development : Bible

Objectives :

 To be able to know King Josiah’s story.

 To be able to learn from King Josiah’s story.

I learnt a story from King Josiah. The story was so interesting. It was said that the King found
God’s word which is known as Bible now. He was sad since at that time, his people had not been
good followers of God. Then, King Josiah called all the people of his country to read God’s
word. After that, King Josiah and all the people promised they would follow God’s word and do
what was right. After telling the story, my teacher gave me a worksheet to color. It was my
favorite. So, I could color the worksheet nicely.

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