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Name: Kissah A. Neri

Chapter/Topic: Chapter 1/ Business Information Systems: An Overview
Date submitted: May 6, 2019

Concept/s or Theory/ies Learned in the Chapter:

1. Today’s business professionals are expected to know how to develop and use IT
significantly more than just a few years ago. Regardless of their major field of
expertise, those who have the proper IT knowledge and skills stand a better
chance of receiving more lucrative job offers and faster promotions. Digital
systems rapidly and accurately store, process, and communicate information of
any type.

2. Computer-based information systems encompass every aspect of our lives.

Because of this computer-based IS, problem-solving and decision-making makes
indispensable in business and management.

3. A system is a set of components that work together to achieve a common goal.

An information system (IS) consists of several components: hardware, software,
data, people, and procedures. The components’ common goal is to produce the
best information from available data.

4. Part of the information system is the data processing. Data processing has four
basic stages. The input stage, the data processing stage, and the output stage
which displays the information needed by the user.

5. Management information system helps in the management of data. MIS are used
to record transactions and other data to produce information for problem solving
and decision making.

6. ISs are used in many business functions, most commonly accounting, finance,
marketing, and human resources. These systems aid in the daily operations of
organizations by maintaining proper accounting information and producing
reports, assisting in managing cash and investments, helping marketing
professionals find the most likely buyers for their products and services, and
keeping accurate employee records and assisting with their performance

7. Although IT has many advantages, it also has some societal concerns. Some of
which are the privacy issue, phishing, and identity theft, spam, web annoyances
and others.
Factual Experience Related to the Readings:

Based on experience, information technology has significantly helped my life

when I was still a student and most especially when I was already working. With the
presence of various information systems, research activities, data processing and
transaction analyses became faster and more efficient. The rise of information
technology and digital media has brought so much influenced in my life. It’s as if that I
cannot live without the presence of information technology.
Information technology helped increase the social experiences and connections
of various individuals all around the globe. It build bridges through easy access to
communication. At the same time, it contributes to work-related matters also. As for me,
I have tried applying to various companies through online applications. With this, lives of
individuals become lighter and more efficient.

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